Lomond Sentence Examples
The mass widens out once more in the Liverpool Range, where the highest peak, Mount Oxley, reaches 4500 ft., and farther north, in the New England Range, Ben Lomond reaches an elevation of 5000 ft.
An important advance on this was proposed in 1797 by Lomond,' who used only one line of wire and an alphabet of motions.
Ben Lomond (3192 ft.), the ascent of which is made with comparative ease from Rowardennan, dominates the landscape; but there are other majestic hills, particularly on the west and north-west banks.
Craig Royston, a tract lying between Inversnaid and Ben Lomond, was also associated with Rob Roy.
During summer steamers ply between the Trossachs and Stronachlachar and there is a daily service of coaches from the Trossachs to Callander (about io m.) and to Aberfoyle (9 m.), and between Stronachlachar, to Inversnaid on Loch Lomond (about 42 m.).
The Firth of Forth had been selected, before the war, as the eastern terminus of a mid-Scotland canal which was to connect with the existing canal and follow its line for part of the way, and then crossing the low ground in the neighbourhood of Stirling, to enter Loch Lomond, and ultimately to reach the sea by a short canal from Balloch to a point near Dumbarton.
Where, on the other hand, the rock decays with smaller debris, the hills assume smoother contours, as in the slate hills running from the Kyles of Bute to Loch Lomond.
It first strikes eastwards round the head of Loch Laggan and then swings southwards, pursuing a sinuous course till it leaves the Highlands on the east side of Loch Lomond.
Elsewhere in central Scotland such a wide depression is known as a howe, as in the Howe of Fife between the Ochil and Lomond Hills.
Lochs Lomond, Katrine and Lubnaig in the southern Highlands, and Lochs Maree and More in the north, are conspicuous examples.
AdvertisementHe took to the heather, making for the western seas, hewing his way through the MacDougals at Tyndrum and marching over the mountains to Loch Lomond, which he crossed in a canoe.
Immediately to the south of the cave is the dell called Beal(ach)-nam-Bo, or "Cattle Pass," through which were driven to the refuge of the Trossachs the herds lifted by the Highland marauders in their excursions to the lands south of Loch Lomond.
It is situated near the eastern bank of Loch Lomond, about 9 m.
Bag o ' Fish inventor dies Loch Lomond in gigantic fish threat Never mind Nessie, say boffins at Loch Lomond Oceanic Center.
It depicts Ken Taylor throwing a harpoon from his kayak on Loch Lomond in 1960.
AdvertisementMerlin's marine biologist declared the Powan " A fresh water herring that is pretty unique to Loch Lomond.
Renewables â Jackie Baillie (Lab) to welcome Scotlandâs first solar powered boat, based on Loch Lomond.
This was the name given to the single malt produced from the Lomond stills which had been installed at Miltonduff distillery, near Elgin.