Log Sentence Examples
The log stays with the car.
His new log home was nice, but not extravagant.
She glanced back over her shoulder at the log house on the hill.
I sat her on a fallen log by side of the dirt track.
A tiny yellow flower peeped from under the log and she leaned down to examine it.
She hadn't been able to log onto Dusty's computer, because he kept it locked out.
Across from them was the log house — home.
The thick log walls insulated them from some of the noise, but the storm was fierce.
The log house was further on, and up a steep incline – a sentinel overlooking the valley.
She smoothed the folds of her skirt nervously and waited for him to open the subject, but he was silent until they reached the log house.
AdvertisementTo do so, you need to log in.
The object of a table of log (a/x) is to facilitate the working out of proportions in which the third term is a constant quantity a.
Gaussian logarithms are intended to facilitate the finding of the logarithms of the sum and difference of two numbers whose logarithms are known, the numbers themselves being unknown; and on this account they are frequently called addition and subtraction logarithms. The object of the table is in fact to give log (a =b) by only one entry when log a and log b are given.
Corresponding to the argument log x it gives the values of log (I -Fx - 1) and log (1+x).
He then by means of a simple proportion deduced that log (I 00000 00000 00000 I)=o 00000 00000 00000 0 434 2 944 81 90325 1804, so that, a quantity 1.00000 00000 00000 x (where x consists of not more than seventeen figures) having been obtained by repeated extraction of the square root of a given number, the logarithm of I 00000 00000 00000 x could then be found by multiplying x by 00000 00000 00000 04342 To find the logarithm of 2, Briggs raised it to the tenth power, viz.
AdvertisementHer hand shaking, she checked the log to see it had last been accessed by General Greene twenty-five hours ago.
In the same year de Decker also published at Gouda a work entitled Nieuwe Telkonst, inhoudende de Logarithmi voor de Ghetallen beginnende van r tot io,000, which contained logarithms of numbers up to io,000 to io places, taken from Briggs's Arithmetica of 1624, and Gunter's log sines and tangents to 7 places for every minute.'
The next great advance on the Trigonometria artificialis took place more than a century and a half afterwards, when Michael Taylor published in 1792 his seven-decimal table of log sines and tangents to every second of the quadrant; it was calculated by interpolation from the Trigonometria to 10 places and then contracted to 7.
I „ Logarithms of the ratios of arcs to sines from 04 00000 to 0 4.05000, and log sines throughout the quadrant 4 „ Logarithms of the ratios of arcs to tangents from 0 4 00000 to 0 4.05000, and log tangents throughout the quadrant 4 The trigonometrical results are given for every hundred-thousandth of the quadrant (to" centesimal or 3" 24 sexagesimal).
Logistic or Proportional Logarithms. - The old name for what are now called ratios or fractions are logistic numbers, so that a table of log (a/x) where x is the argument and a a constant is called a table of logistic or proportional logarithms; and since log (a/x) =log a-log x it is clear that the tabular results differ from those given in an ordinary table of logarithms only by the subtraction of a constant and a change of sign.
AdvertisementAdding the characteristic 3, and dividing by 10, he found (since 2 is the tenth root of 1024) log 2 = 30102 9995 6 63981 195.
The following calculation of log 5 is given as an example of the application of a method of mean proportionals.
Since loge(I +x) =x-2x 2 -3x 3 - 4x4+&c., we have, by changing the sign of x, log e (I - x) _ - x - zx 2 - 3x 3 - x 4 - &c.; whence g 1 +x to=2(x+ix'+1x5+&c.), e l - x and, therefore, replacing x by p +q, log e q =2 p +q +3 () 3T ?
If a= logg = - log (1-10)' 81 (1) c = 10g 80 = log 1 +sr, 126 (8) e =10g1 o = log 1 +1000 then log 2=7a-2b+3c, log 3=IIa-3b+5c, log 5=16a-4b +7c, and log 7 =2(39a - IOb+17c - d) or=19a-4b+8c +e, and we have the equation of condition, a-2b+c=d+2e.
Briggs calculated in a similar manner log 6, and thence deduced log 3.
AdvertisementBy means of these formulae Adams calculated the values of log e 2, log e 3, log e s, and loge?
If the logarithms are to be Briggian all the series in the preceding formulae must be multiplied by M, the modulus; thus, log i o(I +x) = M(x-2x2+3x3-4x4+&c.), and so on.
The logarithm is then obtained by use of the formula d l d2 l d3 2 log e (x+d) = log e x-f- - x2+3 x3 - &c., in which of course the object is to render dlx as small as possible.
He wore a sharp shirt of hair next his skin, scourged himself every Friday and other fasting days, lay upon the bare ground with a log under his head, and allowed himself but four or five hours' sleep. This access of the ascetic malady lasted but a short time, and More recovered to all outward appearance his balance of mind.
For most experimental purposes the small terms involving the factor (- p') may be neglected, and we have, approximately, PoV'=Rt log (ply).
This gives an average value of the conductivity over the range, but it is better to observe the temperatures at three distances, and to assume k to be a linear function of the temperature, in which case the solution of the equation is still very simple, namely, 0+Ze6 2 =a log r+b, (3) where e is the temperature-coefficient of the conductivity.
The earliest recorded images of Hera preceded the rise of Greek sculpture; a log at Thespiae, a plank at Samos, a pillar at Argos served to represent the goddess.
A balk is a log hewn or sawn to a square section, and varying in size from I 1 to 18 in.
The usual method is to saw a log into planks or boards by n g P y of Timber.
If logic were treated as merely formal, the stress of the problem of knowledge fell upon the determination of the Log and processes of thepsychological mechanism.
Assuming an equation of the form log (p/760) =a log (0/373), their results give a = S/R =4.305, or S=0.474, which agrees very perfectly with Regnault's value.
Observing that this rate of diminution is approximately as the square of the reciprocal of the absolute temperature, we see that the almost equally simple formula log p=A+B/0 represents a much closer approximation to experiment.
If we assume formulae of the simple type A+B/0 for two different substances which have the same vapour-pressure p at the absolute temperatures 0' and 0" respectively, we may write log p=A'+B'/0'= A"+B"/0", .
Substituting L= Lo+ (S-s)(6-Bo), and integrating between limits, we obtain the result log e p=A+B/o+C log e 6,..
Omitting w and neglecting the small variation of the specific heat of the liquid, the result is simply the addition of the term (c-b)/V to formula (23) log p=A+B/B - I - C log B-f-(c-b)IV..
This armed body, consisting of over fifty men, surrounded a log cabin and shot down two of the supposed cattle " rustlers," the latter defending themselves bravely.
It came to be called Stockholm ("the isle of the log," Latin Holmia, German Holm); the true explanation of the name is not known.
Because of his fame as a frontier hero, of the circumstance that a part of his home at North Bend, Ohio, had formerly been a log cabin, and of the story that cider, not wine, was served on his table, Harrison was derisively called by his opponents the " log cabin and hard cider " candidate; the term was eagerly accepted by the Whigs, in whose processions miniature log cabins were carried and at whose meetings hard cider was served, and the campaign itself has become known in history as the "log cabin and hard cider campaign."
Their funeral mourning consists of abstaining from drink and eating raw beef, and they use a wooden log for a coffin.
Integrating the expression for an angle of wrapping 0, we obtain the relation log € Ti/T2= µ9, where T 1 and T2 are the end tensions.
A usual value of for hemp ropes on cast-iron pulleys is 0.3, and the exponential log ratio is therefore 0 3ur cosec 20 when 9 =7r.
For practical purposes logarithms are usually calculated to base i o, so that log l o 10 = I, log i n I oo = 2, &C.
Logarithms.-Multiplication, division, involution and evolution, when the results cannot be exact, are usually most simply performed, at any rate to a first approximation, by means of a table of logarithms. Thus, to find the square root of 2, we have log A /2 = log (21)=1 log 2.
The intensity 0343 (36) G"=SoD(1 - log e 0)+ Re log e p - (c - b)p - A"D+B" (37) J" =s 0 0 - S O D log e O+RD log e p - A"D+B"..
In 1822 John Wood (1798-1880), the first white settler, built a log cabin here, and in 1825, Quincy, then having less than ten inhabitants, was made the county-seat of Adams county, both town and county being named through Wood's influence in honour of John Quincy Adams. Wood was lieutenantgovernor of the state in 1857-1860, and acting-governor in 1860-1861.
As has been stated, Abraham Sharp's table contains 61-decimal 10 b= log 24 = - log (1-160) d =10g 49 = - log (1-160) 17253 8 35 62 21868 Briggian logarithms of primes up to I ioo, so that the logarithms of all composite numbers whose greatest prime factor does not exceed this number may be found by simple addition; and Wolfram's table gives 48-decimal hyperbolic logarithms of primes up to 10,009.
His mind gradually turned from belief in the efficacy of violent measures to the acceptance of constitutional methods; and in his last book, King Stork and King Log, he spoke with approval of the efforts of politicians on the Liberal side to effect, by argument and peaceful agitation, a change in the attitude of the Russian government towards various reforms. Stepniak constantly wrote and lectured, both in Great Britain and the United States, in support of his views, and his energy, added to the interest of his personality, won him many friends.
If L is zero or negligible, X = - P(v - v) and we have dP/dT = - P/T or dP/P = - dT/T, which on integration gives log P =log T+C, or P= kT, i.e.
As soon as possible after felling, logs by sawing into scantling sizes, for if the log is left to dry or season, it is liable on shrinking to split.
After the log is converted into scantlings, or "lumber," as it is termed in America, it is stacked in the timber yard under covered sheds with open sides to enable it to "season."
Rice is threshed by beating the ears on a log; other grains, with flails on mud threshing-floors.
It is interesting to remark that the simple result found in equation (25) (according to which the effect of the deviation of the vapour from the ideal state is represented by the addition of the term (c-b)/V to the expression for log p) is independent of the assumption that c varies inversely as the n th power of 9, and is true generally provided that c-b is a function of the temperature only and is independent of the pressure.
Shouid B/C be greater than 6, the best number of elementary combinations m I will lie between log Blog C nd log Blog C
We take out log 2 from the table, halve it, and then find from the table the number of which this is the logarithm.
With the jury trial continuing into the coming week—far longer than originally expected—the Dawkins clan was going nowhere, thus causing a log jam of customers in the river of incoming lodgers.
Beating his brains out trying to get that log house built and you're suspecting him of courting me.
She held out her hand. Toby smiled grudgingly and took it. Katie led them around the island, trying to find some part of the chasm that was narrow enough to jump or a log they could roll across the gaping ravine.
The log house was further on, and up a steep incline – a sentinel overlooking the valley.
Across from them was the log house — home.
The muscles in her legs complained as she squatted behind the log, peering over the rotting bark.
Read the latest news Log on at Nottingham High School ON Line to read the latest news about other alumnae and the school!
If your logfile is not in one of the recognized formats, you can tell analog about your format using a log format string.
No rolled versions are kept by default; any existing log file is simply appended.
Whenever a log file is opened, it is always opened in append mode, so existing data is never truncated.
Dog races in games backgammon etc fans may log wireless content including.
Session Log A screen you can access showing all the requests you've made during your current visit to smile banking.
The oak beamed lounge with log fires in winter provides room to relax.
Peering through those windows, families can be seen gathering round the log fire, with the room bedecked with evergreens and red ribbon.
In a driving blizzard, with his inexperienced helper (Patrick Holt ), they seek shelter in a log cabin.
The entrance hall now boasts a cozy log fire.
The bothy has now had some visitors and the bothy log book shows that people are beginning to enjoy the new bothy.
Brick fireplace with cast iron log burning stove on a brick fireplace with cast iron log burning stove on a brick hearth.
There is a log burning stove in the main living room.
Born in 1866 in a log cabin in Kentucky on July 29 th.
Large sitting room with exposed beams and fireplace with log burner, downstairs cloaks, 2 staircases.
Corydalis cashmeriana In log 28 I was repotting a fish box trough of corydalis cashmeriana In log 28 I was repotting a fish box trough of Corydalis cashmeriana and made it into two troughs.
And uses almost ALL CPU to actually log in.
Cozy log fires crackle in the winter, filling the air with wonderful scents of wood smoke.
Lose yourself in a snowy forest, toast the occasion by a log fire, go cross-country skiing to work up an appetite.
In addition the raw data is aggregated into the current monthly log file in an anonymised fashion.
You also MUST have a PC connected by wire to log onto the server, cool safety feature eh?
We have added a feature to the log in page which allows you to request your log in details should you forget them.
It can read a range of temperature log file formats.
In Canadian forestry high quality red alder logs are said to be approximately equal in value to that of a Douglas fir log.
Its traditional, cozy and friendly interior and roaring log fires attract both locals and visitors alike.
It essentially tells firestorm + to daemonize and send all diagnostic messages to a log file.
They have some water rides too - their log flume is great fun!
They cleared the thickly forested land, built log dwellings, made merry with Highland games at Johnson Hall gatherings with the friendly Mohawks.
However it was agreed that the press log relating to a police pension forfeiture case would be attached to the report in future.
Drink or dine next to a blazing log fire in winter or 'Al fresco ' on our secluded patio in summer.
There is a large sitting room with log fire and a library converted from a former hayloft.
We have had a hiccup, a log jam which involves ' artistic ' sub-contractors who are slightly behind on deadlines.
The tram lay on it like a log. *** A poor smile, you say - But not inapt.
Log in to cast your vote 10th April There are several new contributions this week, despite the rather inclement weather!
Hackers could record the keystrokes you use to log into your Internet bank account or simply erase everything on your hard disk.
Lawrence river st he points out call or log now means a went to the.
The tests can then be taken at any time within the 3 year life span of the log book.
Due to the loose interlocking log (not sectional) construction, a level concrete or paved base is required to enable installation.
Streams uses Oracle's log Miner infrastructure to read redo logs.
It will also keep a log of all your connections.
It's full of Nelson memorabilia and interesting oldie worldly rooms and in winter has roaring log fires.
This will display the messages sent to the error log.
Every transaction log application is different and needs to be properly analyzed, so that strengths and weaknesses can be identified and reported.
The word ' blog ' is short for ' web log ' is short for ' web log ' .
On a public computer a fraudster can log on, install the key logger, then log off.
A basic ship's log was used as a means of estimating the speed of a vessel, and so roughly calculating the longitude.
By 1838 the Beaufort wind force scale was made mandatory for log entries in all ships of the Royal Navy.
There is an open fire place with a marble mantle and a gas log fire along one wall there are shelves with cupboards below.
Log in & reply mapmaker Thursday 17 April 2003 10.21am Sitting on the foreshore under London Bridge?
The median viral load decreased from 4.12 log to 2.02 log10, after a median of 15 days from initiation of therapy.
Some, such as the Yule log and the Christmas tree, are relics of the old pagan midwinter festival.
Narcissus bulbs that I chitted in Log 26.
Funeral homes and reporters can log in and post obits, I've got search, paged news and RSS.
Priest's robbery terror ordeal - 01/03/05 Log in to remember this page.
Enter your login details in the left pane, then click " Log In " .
If you put small log and rubble piles near a pond that will provide hibernation habitat for amphibians.
Mind you, there are also log cabins, storage sheds, metal sheds, summerhouses and childrens playhouses to knock around in.
Create a log effect, using the prongs of a fork.
Ayr also exports virgin log pulp to Finland, with regular shipment sizes in excess of 3,000 tons.
On Christmas Day morning the log was replaced by a young fir tree to represent rebirth.
Please note, you may have to do a password reset to be able to log into the new forum.
Attempts made to smash saboteur 's van window with log.
Log fires, four poster bedrooms, private gardens, fishing, walking, clay pigeon shooting, archery.
But if the hot tub was no longer an option, tea and home-made shortbread in front of a crackling log fire was.
The sitting room has plump sofas drawn to a log burning stove.
Every log cabin in our range is machined from premium quality Scandinavian softwood.
The phone also offers hands-free speakerphone and Caller ID, as well as the ability to log 20 missed and 10 received phone numbers.
A rotting log can become a world of insect life and a home for beetles, including the increasingly uncommon stag beetle.
Both have spacious first floor open plan living areas with exposed beams, natural stonework and log burning stoves.
A simple tree stump or large log turned on its end will normally suffice.
Just like CPU time, the wait for log file sync is a bit of an oddity.
Log books are diaries kept by the head teacher.
In the evening you can enjoy your favorite tipple in front of a real log fire.
Only the undiluted solution reduced the virus titre by 4 log 10 EID 50.
Logarithms - log tables - classic oldfashioned conjuring trick for doing hard sums like magic.
I was forced the collectors universe fans may log by wpt enterprises.
Sadly, the official Log Book of the school was later used as a scrapbook and it is now unreadable.
If you enable verbose logging on the Document Refinery Options Configuration screen, the Document Refinery log shows the related configuration information.
If you think a wiz is after you for no good reason, then better ask us to log you.
You must have cookies enabled to log in to Classic Encyclopedia 1911.
The word is also used in various figurative senses, and more particularly for the "nautical log," an apparatus for ascertaining the speed of ships.
Its employment in this sense depends on the fact that a piece of wood attached to a line was thrown overboard to lie like a log in a fixed position, motionless, the vessel's speed being calculated by observing what length of line ran out in a given time ("common log"); and the word has been retained for the modern "patent" or "continuous" log, though it works in an entirely different manner.
The origin of the "common log" is obscure, but the beginnings of the "continuous log" may be traced back to the r 6th century.
Men are hauling a log.
A roaring log fire burned brightly in the hearth and filled the room with the pungent scent of pine.
Raven accounts are the means by which supervisors will log into CamSIS, to complete reports in CamGRAD.
Cwmbelan School Log Books School reopened after an extra weeks closure owing to outbreak of war.
Totally refurbished bathroom, lounge/diner with fan assisted log burner, main electric (totally rewired) and water.
Under the specials board there is a roaring log fire to welcome you in the winter.
Suffering from the fans may log the event capped erik seidel layne.
Sora slouched over, walked to the raft, and grabbed some rope and a log.
Imagine the glow of a real log fire in central London or any of the growing number of smokeless zones.
Juan the Andean spectacled bear first paddled across a moat using a log for a raft, then scaled a wall.
We stayed in a chalet style hostel with a toasty log fire.
Stone walls and treated timber log retainers were constructed throughout the garden, to create terraces and subdivide the space.
Log file analysis is not sufficient for this purpose.
Chalet features include log fires, en suite bedrooms Jacuzzi.
Heating is provided by a log fire in the living room, there are also panel heaters with timer switches.
It was also the last season for The Log Flume 2003 ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE 2003 saw the Tweenies arrive at Alton Towers.
Group without disorders log of the said the company underwriter clu or.
Whenever we need to add firewall rules or upgrade kernels or whatever, we log in to these static IP addresses.
Here we were rumbled clean in the washing machine of log debris and pummel by the power of the warmish water.
Click on the "Log In" link on the upper right hand corner of your screen and create an account.
By keeping a log of when your child takes her medicine, what she eats on a daily basis, and how often she has diarrhea, you and your pediatrician may be able to pinpoint what to do for her.
A rustic log rocking chair is the perfect addition to your baby's nursery or to your own living room.
We've got some great rustic log rocking chair selections for you to check out!
Today, that tradition continues in rustic log rocking chairs.
You can enjoy the rustic look of log furniture and still experience comfort.
If you are looking for a chair to fit your living room's décor or your own front porch, a rustic log rocking chair may still fit the bill!
In the meantime, it is always a good idea to keep a log or chart of your baby's milestones.
At any time, you can log back into your registry and update it as well.
This monitor will allow you to log into a website and look at your infant on your computer monitor.
When buying clothes for boys you should make some considerations before you go to the store to make a purchase -- or log in to your favorite website to buy online.
For instance, if you log in to Marlboro.com, you can routinely order free coupons for either $1.00 off a pack or $4.00 off a carton.
Don't worry about the logistics of how to buy a Mac computer - simply head to the nearest Apple store and show your student ID, or log on to your college or university's student store on the Apple website.
If you work out indoors, you can attach a foot pod to your shoe and log your speed and the distance you travel.
Many models offer an optional bike sensor to log your cycling workouts.
If you are interested in these deals, but can't log in everyday, then sign up for their e-mail alerts.
Once you have made the dough ball, take ½ teaspoon full at a time and roll it into a log shape (or what I call the worm).
Take your mixture and roll into a log shape, just like the Slice and Bake style of cookies sold in the supermarket.
You may even want to keep a log until your appointment so you can pinpoint how many times a day, how much she is vomiting and what the vomit is like.
Yes, not an appetizing log to keep, but it may help your vet diagnose what is going on.
You will then log in and put in the Paw Points code to record your purchases.
Kids can log on and share their bookshelf (their favorite books), or they can read popular books.
For example, Barnes & Noble has a summer reading program where students can earn one free book by completing a reading log showing they've read eight age appropriate titles.
Even when using your personal computer, log out completely from any online financial accounts and close the browser before surfing the Internet.
When using a public computer, always log off of any sites that require passwords and close the browser window before you walk away.
Log in directly to the Capital One website instead of following a link from an unsolicited e-mail.
The application may also feature an option to log on to a website to input the information and apply securely online.
Once registered, the parent can log into the website and check the balance at any time, so they know what the card's balance is being spent on and how much is left.
All the individual has to do is log in with his or her card number, expiration date and password.
When you are ready to add funds to the card or if you want information about the card's balance, just log into the financial institution's website and look for the Visa Buxx card area.
Existing Chase customers must log into their online account in order to access this feature.
Once you have your account set up, you will be given the option to log in.
They can also log into their current Capital One account.
To make Capital One online payments, first log into the online banking website.
Once you receive the deposit, which is usually under a dollar, log back in to the Wells Fargo website to verify the deposit amount.
This will be the user ID and password that you use to log in any time you want to sign on to the account center online, so make sure it is something that you can remember easily.
In addition to being able to see the balance due, the due date for payments and a list of your recent transactions, you can also get a great deal of other account management information when you log in to your online account access.
To pay your bill, log on to the Sears Card payment website and enter your user name and password.
To do so, go to GE Money's website and log in to your account.
To set up auto pay, log in to your account, click on payments and click on monthly auto pay.
After the initial registration, you can use your ID and password to log in.
Unless you set up automatic payments, you will need to log in to the site each time to authorize a payment.
You do not have to remember to log in to make your payment each month.
Once you do so, you can log in with your account number, your card's expiration date and a password.
Log in to your account using the Login Service, which is located on the front page, to access online bill pay.
When you see the alert, you can log into your account and learn what changed.
If a company contacts you through email requesting your password or requesting that you log in to your account, close the email and visit the company's website by typing the website address yourself.
To solve the crisis, the email states, the person needs to log in to his or her account using the link provided.
When the person "logs in" the thief gets all of that login information and can then take it and log into the person's real account.
Instead of clicking on links in these emails, log into your account through another avenue other than the link provided.
In order to make the online payment, cardholders must first log on to the USAA website using their Online ID and password.
You can log into the account online to check your balance, reload the card or to track spent funds.
Buy a field journal to help identify birds and keep a family log of all the birds you spot or take or draw pictures and start a family bird-watching scrapbook complete with images.
First the log of wood is cut into quarters, hence the name, and the rounds are cut to the growth rings.
Whether you want a log bed look or need something more conventional, you'll find it without much effort.
Norway pine and white cedar are sometimes used to make "log cabin" style rustic tables, leaving knots and burls untouched to ensure a unique purchase.
Red and white cedar, which are both strong and especially insect-and weather-resistant, can be used to build round or square log tables (and sometimes matching chairs), flip-up benches, or a park-style picnic dining table.
Once you learn how to build log furniture you will be crafting beautiful rustic pieces for your home and yard that are fun to make, durable and inexpensive.
Whether you love the really rugged look of rough rustic or the more refined style generally called rustic elegance, log furnishings convey feelings of country charm, warmth and ambiance.
Many people refer to log furniture that is entirely handmade as rough rustic or skip-peeled.
Rustic elegance log furniture, also referred to as peeled, is made at least partially by machine.
There are several special tools that are needed in the building of log furniture.
Another popular choice for making tenons is using a Rockler Log Tenon Maker.
Once you learn the basics of building this rustic type of furniture, there are many websites that offer log furniture plans.
The Log Home Store offers many instructional books and videos including basic log furniture building, chainsaw carving and creating furniture and household items from twigs.
Most of the books include plans for making log furniture projects.
Build Your Own Log Furniture by Dan Swesey and Les Smith includes instructions for ten log projects and includes more than 200 illustrations and pictures.
The Log Furniture Directory provides free plans and instructions for log furniture including a log and slab china cabinet, tables and picture frames.
Rustic Made offers an online log furniture making forum, training workshop and plans for many pieces of log furniture.
If you enjoy woodworking, learning how to build log furniture provides you with the opportunity to create budget friendly furniture that is unique and interesting.
With a few special tools, basic woodworking skills and log furniture plans, in no time at all you will be creating beautiful pieces of log furniture for inside and outside your home.
Thinking about log furniture often brings to mind a vision of a cozy cabin snuggled amongst beautiful pines or a country inn on the edge of a lake in the mountains.
Although these locations are perfect places for log furniture, so is your living room, bedroom or yard.
In fact, log furniture looks great in almost any room of a house.
Log furniture grows more beautiful with time as the wood develops a striking golden patina from use.
In addition to basic tools, there are several special tools used in the making of log furniture.
Many websites offer plans for log furniture.
There are also many books available at libraries and bookstores that include plans and instructions for building log furniture.
B & H Cedar Log Homes provides free online instructions and plans for a gorgeous log bed including the frame, headboard and footboard.
Extreme How-To explains the basics of making log furniture and gives detailed instructions on building a small log bench.
Bosworth Tools offers the following plans and DVDs for making log furniture.
There are a number of craftspeople that feel an actual set of plans is not necessary for creating log furniture.
They feel that each piece of log furniture is unique based on the particular wood used in the project and that precise plans are meant to create exact replicas of an item that is easily duplicated.
By learning the techniques of building log furniture and using finished pieces and projects as guidelines, you create log furniture that is truly unique and one of a kind.
Using log furniture plans makes it easy to create beautiful furniture pieces that bring the warmth and ambiance of country charm to your home.
Whether you are thinking of making a sturdy log bed or a rustic bench for your front porch, using plans for log furniture will have you creating beautiful pieces in no time at all.
If you love the look of rustic furniture and are a handy do-it-yourself type of person, making log furniture might be just the perfect hobby for you.
Many woodworkers start with a small log furniture project such as a step stool or coat rack to see if they enjoy the process of working with the original shapes of the wood.
Making log furniture requires only a few special tools.
Once you master the basic techniques of log furniture building, you can create unique, one-of-a-kind furniture pieces based on the furniture plans and adding a touch of creative imagination.
Log furniture actually becomes more beautiful with age.
Depending upon your personal preference, changing the look of your log furniture is easy to do.
If you prefer a more rugged rustic style of log furniture, known as skip peeled or rough rustic, you leave on a large amount of layers of inner bark.
To create log furniture with a more polished look, remove all of the bark before working with the wood.
This style of log furniture is known as rustic elegance.
There are three specialized tools used in making log furniture.
Straight and curved draw knives are the basic tools for log furniture making.
Instead of using a draw knife to make tenons, tenon cutters are a popular choice of many craftspeople today when making log furniture.
Tenon cutters attach to the end of an electric drill and shape the ends of the logs so they fit into the holes, or mortises, of another log piece, creating a mortise and tenon joint.
Many log furniture makers use a mortising machine and special mortising tools for creating square or round holes for the tenons to fit into.
Whether you want to build log furniture for inside your home, your patio or your yard, there are plans for beautiful pieces available online, in books and in woodworking magazines.
Lumberjack Tools offers a booklet with easy to follow plans complete with diagrams for five pieces of log furniture for a nominal fee.
They also sell tools for making log furniture.
This would make a great first log furniture project.
Offering heirloom quality handcrafted Amish furniture, Cabinfield Woodworking provides a large selection of styles ranging from rustic log furniture to elegant bedroom sets.
A log home nestled in the Rocky mountains of Colorado might have living room furniture made out of rustic, gnarled, burl wood.
Rustic living room furniture would include a leather or cowhide sofa, cedar log coffee and end tables and perhaps a wrought iron chandelier hanging from a high ceiling.
A rustic log rocking chair would go great in a cabin or lodge.
Cedar Stuff, located in Lewiston, Michigan, makes gorgeous handcrafted log entertainment centers.
The Home Furniture Showroom offers an armoire style cedar log entertainment center called the Fireside Lodge.
Among the entertainment centers offered by The Log Furniture Store are two styles made from red cedar wood.
A cedar log entertainment center crafted in Minnesota, called the Cayuna, is made from northern white cedar.
You can choose from a rustic looking Garden Oasis log bench to the classic looking Deer Park Daisy Bench.
The Cedar Looks collection is high quality log furniture made of white cedar.
Checking your blood pressure at home with a blood pressure cuff and keeping a log of your blood pressure readings is also useful.
Americana rustic incorporates log cabin, Adirondack and Western styles.
Rustic, sturdy furnishings and natural elements that bring the great outdoors into the home are prominent features of traditional log cabin style interior design.
Conversely, not all log cabin interior design follows the rustic standards.
Contemporary and eclectic design schemes can also work beautifully in a log cabin or home.
Traditional style log cabin interiors are filled with elements and images of the rustic countryside, which is often just beyond the cabin walls.
Although modern log homes and cabins often feature more contemporary decorating styles, many homeowners still prefer the rustic décor and furnishings found in traditional log cabin design.
Most traditional log cabins and homes will have some type of hardwood floors such as pine, maple, oak or hickory.
Vaulted ceilings commonly found in log cabin great rooms provide ample space for a majestic elk or deer antler chandelier.
A wrought iron hanging pot rack filled with cast iron and hammered copper pots adds warmth and charm to a rustic log cabin kitchen.
Progressive design trends for log cabins give these rustic homes a modern, contemporary feel while still providing a warm, casual atmosphere.
Log walls may be replaced with painted white pine planks, giving the interior a drastically different, more modern look.
Contemporary design in log cabin homes offers a broader range of flooring options.
Quality, high grade carpeting is another option many log cabin owners opt for.
A modern log cabin home may feature recessed lighting, track lighting or a skylight to allow more natural light to enter the room.
A modern style log cabin may feature a flatscreen TV installed on the natural stone over the fireplace, with a comfortable conversation area made up of a sectional sofa or a couple of cozy looking recliners.
Modern art matted and framed on log walls adds color and a sophisticated touch.
Eclectic log cabin homes can have an ultra-chic, bohemian style look with accessories and furnishings that blend decorating styles and borrow elements from a mixture of cultures.
The key to successful eclectic decorating in a log cabin is to unify the design with common elements such as color, design, shape and texture.
Log cabins and log homes have evolved with different interior design trends just like any other type of home.
With so many options available, any design style can turn a log cabin into a warm, welcoming, comfortable home.
Garden accessories such as rustic log cabin birdhouses, cast iron bird baths and wagon wheel or whiskey barrel planters add rustic charm to a rugged lodge backyard.
This primitive and rustic style decor can be incorporated into many traditional decorating styles and is not just for cabins or log homes.
Western and log cabin design motifs are often rounded out with metal accents featuring cutouts of mountains, cowboys, horses, cacti, bears, roosters, or coyotes.
Aspen Log is based in Colorado which is the center of American-made aspen log furniture.
They make handcrafted log furniture and rustic western décor for bedrooms and home.
Frontier Log Furniture has over thirty years of log furniture crafting experience making lodgepole pine furniture.
Log home decorating presents some distinct challenges that other interiors do not.
However, some homeowners embrace these challenges, relishing the unique aesthetic that log homes offer.
While a log home can be decorated to reflect any style, most homeowners prefer a more rustic appearance.
Rustic barnwood furniture, for example, would complement the interior of most log cabins and can be made to order.
If you are looking for historical photographs, often local historical societies will make reproductions of old images for a small fee.Another way to decorate a log cabin is to hang objects on the walls that will function as art.
Log homes can benefit from these items that will add color and personality to any space.
A bold color can also help distinguish the window, encouraging the occupants of the log cabin to take a look at the view.
Before beginning your log home decorating project, consider subscribing to several of the log home lifestyle magazines.
These periodicals often contain several photo spreads of log cabins, which can be an excellent way to gather new ideas.
In fact, you don't have to live in a real log cabin to enjoy this decorating style.
Whether your cabin is a vacation home or your permanent house, or you simply love the log cabin look, you can create a cozy home with just a few simple touches.
The Aspen wood used to make Aspen log lamps is left natural or lightly stained with clear a varnish applied to the finish.
Mirror styles here range from Adirondack-style to log cabin style.
Among its offerings are a wide array of western-themed artwork such as mountain vistas, cowboys, log cabins, horses, and bear cubs.
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Shape the dough into a log about an inch of a quarter thick, roll onto parchment, or wax paper, and refrigerate for two hours.