Location Sentence Examples
Why are the time and location different?
Was it the location or the fact that it needed charged?
The assassin bumped fists with his, and Gabe conveyed the location of Deidre's apartment.
Now it held about two dozen people, some climbers preparing their equipment and photographers availing themselves of the excellent location where they could look straight down on the climbers below them.
She waved her hand at the bed, as if to indicate the location of his foul deed.
I'll check their location and contact you.
I'm sending the location of the nearest supply center.
He walked a familiar path to a graveyard so old, not even legends remained about its location or the importance of those buried there.
The sound of waves rushing the shore and the firm sand beneath his feet indicated its location a few yards from them.
Upon entering, Frederick wrote two notes, one for the Exemplars, detailing Victor's location, and one for his wife.
AdvertisementLana checked the general's location, not surprised to find him at the west wall.
I am coming to your location.
Get to the lowest story, in a central location away from hallways and windows.
Back on the pavement, Dean pedaled past Tom, a well-known wild turkey who'd in past months adopted a location on the highway from which he never seemed to stray more than a few hundred yards.
What's the location on my keypad?
AdvertisementOnce again, the phone rang unanswered at the Indiana location.
Darian opened his eyes and looked around, surprised to find the location familiar.
Would you contribute your anonymous location to a traffic speed optimization engine?
Visit their website to download the menu and select your location.
I was just about to pat myself on the back for weaseling out the location of Corbin's tent.
AdvertisementSteaks are cut by hand at each location, and all side dishes, condiments and desserts are made fresh daily, also by hand.
Still, Carmen wanted to go, and family made Christmas special, not location.
Dean had bicycled the area and recognized the location.
Winston stressed the secrecy of the location.
He reiterated his concern for the utmost confidentiality concerning the location.
AdvertisementShe wouldn't normally have rented on that basis but he sent her three months payment, in cash, and she left a key in an agreed location.
One didn't keep maps of the location of witnesses they were hiding.
She pushed the location of the station into his mind then disappeared, Traveling without him.
He focused on his senses to pick up the location of the Other that had been in the wine cellar.
Her gaze assessed their location for a safe path towards the ocean.
He held out his hand to Charles, pushing the location into his mind.
Taran saw Sirian's shrewd manipulations in the convenient location of the army.
Assuming she'd done all she was supposed to in order to achieve her goal, she would know his location within minutes.
Instead of going home right away, he went to the last location where the Black God had been.
Two intersecting central streets also divide the city into four sections, in each of which the streets are methodically named and numbered, as North 3rd, 5th, 7th, &c., or West 2nd, 4th, 6th, &c., according to direction and location.
Agriculture is the main industry in this rural location.
The idea of an identity of protoplasm does not involve a denial of special powers developed in it in different situations, and the possession of such a power by the vegetable cell is not more striking than the location of the powers of co-ordination and thought in the protoplasm of cells of the human brain.
In 1810 four citizens of Franklinton formed an association to secure the location of the capital on the higher ground of the east bank; in 1812 they were successful and the place was laid out while still a forest.
These railways, which in part are operated jointly, were given a circular location, but the shortcomings of this plan soon became apparent.
The flora of Nevada, although scanty, varies greatly according to its location.
Middletown was laid out in 1802 and was named from its location between Cincinnati and Dayton; it was incorporated in 1833.
Here also are a tablet marking the location of the old fort (1621), which was also used as a place of worship, a tablet showing the site of the watch-tower built in 1643, and a marble obelisk erected in 1825 in memory of Governor William Bradford.
After receiving from Queen Elizabeth a patent for colonization in the New World, Sir Walter Raleigh, in April 1584, sent Philip Amadas, or Amidas (1S501618), and Arthur Barlowe (c. 1550 - c. 1620) to discover in the region bordering on Florida a suitable location for a colony.
The southern section, influenced by its location, by the early settlers from Barbados, and by its trade connexions, was brought into rather more intimate relations with the island colonies and with the mother country.
Mafeking was originally the headquarters of the Barolong tribe of Bechuana and is still their largest station, the native location (pop. 2860) being about a mile distant from the town.
The location seemed one suitable for commerce and defence, and the Winthrop party chose it for their settlement.
The university of Pittsburgh, established in 1908 by assembling the scattered departments of what was the Western University of Pennsylvania, and taking over 43 ac. near the Carnegie Institute for a campus, grew rapidly in its new location, and in 1920 numbered 4,979 students.
Alluvial soil and bluff, the location of which has been indicated, are of primary agricultural importance.
The principal event of his reign was the rebellion of the thakurs in 1883, owing to an attempt to increase the dues payable in lieu of military service; this led to the permanent location at Bikanir of a British political agent.
Negotiations were initiated in 1905 for the definite location of the boundary with Dutch Guiana.
The Kaffirs, who numbered in 1904 34 8 3, live in a separate location.
When the location of the deposit has been determined approximately, further search is made by trenches or pits or borings through the surface soil.
In this case, to add to the other obvious elements of uncertainty, it must be borne in mind that the location of Carchemish at Jerablus is not proved, though it is very probable.
Its importance as a manufacturing centre is due to its location in the natural gas region.
The city has a fine location, its natural attractiveness and mineral springs in the vicinity combining to make it a summer and health resort.
In 1843 the site was opened to settlement by the whites; in 1851 Des Moines was incorporated as a town; in 1857 it was first chartered as a city, and, for the purpose of a more central location, the seat of government was removed hither from Iowa City.
Beliefs and practices with reference to the heavenly world were inspired by zoic activities; its location, scenery and environment were the homes of beast gods.
State banks must carry from 15% to 25% reserve and trust companies from 10% to 15% reserve, depending upon location.
A second hospital was opened at Pittsburg in 1853 (act of 1848), but the location was ruined by Pennsylvania railway improvements, and in 1862 it was removed to a new site about 7 m.
The position assigned to their district appears to be about the head waters of the Dniester and Bug (Bugh) and the central course of the Dnieper just the region which, on general grounds, place-names, recorded migra tions and modern distribution, appears to be the original location of the Sla y s (q.v.).
Though some of the masonry in the ruins is certainly pre-Roman, Suidas's identification of it with Cyinda, famous as a treasure city in the wars of Eumenes of Cardia, cannot be accepted in the face of Strabo's express location of Cyinda in western 'Cilicia.
The position of the British camp, its communications with the citadel and the location of the stores were the worst possible; and the general (Elphinstone) was shattered in constitution.
These entered into disputes over the location of the capital and the custom-house, in the Franciscan question also (because the friars came some from a northern and some from a southern college), and in the question of the distribution of commands in the army and offices in the civil government.
His position as a Mexican official, and the location of his fortified post on the border, commanding the interior country and lying on the route of the overland immigrants, made him of great importance in the years preceding and immediately following American occupation; although he was a man of slight abilities and wasted his great opportunities.
The geographical location of the city is unfavourable to any great development in commerce and manufactures beyond local needs.
As is well known to zoologists, and as has been very lucidly set forth by Mdbius, the location of oyster banks is sharply defined by absolute physical conditions.
As early as 1883-1885 there was a considerable mining excitement due to these discoveries, and a much greater one in 1887 after the discovery of coarse gold on Forty Mile Creek in American territory; but these were as nothing to the picturesque and feverish rush that followed the location of the first Klondike claim in Canadian territory in August 1896.
The boundary dispute involved the interpretation of the words, quoted above, in the treaties of 1825 and 1867 defining the boundary of the Russian (later American) possessions, and also the determining of the location of Portland Canal, and the question whether the coastal girdle should cross or pass around the heads of the fjords of the coast.
The location of Washington on the old "National Road" gave it importance before the advent of railways.
As Great Salt Lake City grew all landholders benefited, either by the location of their property or because of its size, the smaller lots being closer to the business centre and the larger tracts being in the outlying districts.
This division is modified, however, by the location of mountain ranges and by elevation.
There is no system outlined in the location of these detached lines, though in 1905-1908 President Reyes planned to connect them in such a way as to form an extensive system radiating from the national capital.
In the decade following 1880, struggles in the western counties for the location of county seats (the bitterest local political fights known in western states) repeatedly led to bloodshed and the interference of state militia.
But if the location is an attempt to harmonize with xviii.
The main consideration in establishing an apiary is to secure a favourable location, which means a place where honey of good marketable quality may be gathered from the bee-forage growing around without any planting on the part of the bee-keeper himself.
This point settled, uniformity is q P y a location.
Detroit's location gives to the city's shipping and shipbuilding interests a high importance.
I remained silent as they proposed new ways to determine time and location; methods to further prove Howie was immersed in scenes that had truly taken place.
Why is the time and location different?
Quinn knows how to control the time and the location of the visualizations.
It happened to fit what you're able to do... the timing and the specific location.
While I used another disposable cell phone, I didn't want to telephone from a public location.
Our successes consisted of the location of a lost girl, two more runaways, and the identification of a pedophile who attempted to abduct a young boy.
The likely location for our demonstration will be in a high profile mall, local community center or school.
On arrival, many guests are left speechless at the natural beauty of the location.
Each of us detailed our general desires about a potential location.
Agreement was final reached on a tentative location for our Shangri La; Keene, New Hampshire.
Howie related to us in his monotone voice the houses were not well numbered and it took some time before he was sure he'd found the correct location.
Unfortunately, it was a rural location, difficult to pin point other than a general location.
The settings for the work we'd been doing required more effort in keying in the location than the time as most of our ventures would take place in a forty-eight hour window.
Dean wanted to say the obvious—that the location was her suggestion—but held back.
Here, thanks to three-hundred and twenty-five inches of average annual snowfall, a remote location that minimized lift lines and a thirty-five hundred foot maximum vertical drop, skiing was as it should be.
Once they are apprised of the situation and his location, this Victor will be dealt with quickly.
It was located in an atmosphere of tranquility with a superb central location.
The languages reflect the linguistic diversity of the visitors to each location.
The action was emulatedin terms of incident location, time stamps, incident duration and incident severity.
Perusal of the map below will show the location.
It is part of the serendipity factor of seeing files in their "home" location.
A popular tavern was pulled down at the location of the northern abutment.
There was no electricity at the recording location either, thus only acoustic or battery-operated instruments or sound sources were used throughout.
It's modular design allows easy adaption to suit the location and site conditions.
The factors which produced comparative advantage in one period can evaporate or move to another location in the next.
You can define an alias for your SPIDER location.
On the contrary they both have cast iron alibis proving they could not have been at either location.
This plots the Greek letter alpha at the location 1880 1900.
This location is superb for its geology but also for its cretaceous ammonites and other fossils.
The diagram shows an analemma for a location about three degrees west of the time meridian.
Diagram to illustrate parathyroid anatomy (posterior view) - click to enlarge There is variation in the number and location of glands.
These early signs are poorly articulated in terms of handshape, location and movement.
This would have drowned the Anglers Inn that enjoyed a hauntingly atmospheric location right on the lake shore.
Each satellite carries an incredibly accurate atomic clock and broadcasts a regular time signal as well as precise information on its location.
This is an ideal location for exploring the many attractions the North West has to enjoy... .
It was a real boon, too, that the film was made on location in Uganda, which gives it an added authenticity.
Control of Autonomous Ground Vehicles Improving factory automation for Siemens A&D by using a radio based location system to control Autonomous Ground Vehicles.
Our offsite backups are stored securely at a remote location.
The location is switched from a provincial backwater of Imperial Russia to a far-flung outpost of the British Empire, Trinidad.
Whether the force is fighting in a linear or a nonlinear battlefield, the factors of METTT will determine location of the FARP.
His location was eventually betrayed to the authorities who raided Scotney Castle on two occasions in an attempt to capture him.
Clinical biochemistry Location The Clinical biochemistry department is situated on the first floor of the Bernard Meade wing.
Suffice to say Pilot comment on arrival was often blasphemous toward those responsible for building in such a location.
Everyone needs to then move a single character from one location to another, as the characters scramble about looking for a safe bolt-hole.
To make a named location, just use the insert menu to insert a bookmark; it's easy once you've found it.
Use the tractor-mounted post-hole borer to cultivate each location to a depth greater than the length of the roots on the bare-rooted transplants.
Date November 28, 2003 Name jon boy Email info@3vt.co.uk Location 10 feet under... snow!
Leckhampton Hill If your prepared for the steel hill climb, this location has some superb brachiopods and bivalves in a hill-top quarry.
Victorian elegance and its central location might tempt you to dine in the hotel's brasserie before popping out for drinks later.
Plan of the main trench, showing the excavated burials and the location of a number of the unexcavated graves.
It sits on location at the end of an unfinished line of precast concrete caissons, 500 m out into the English Channel.
The minimum information that shall be made available is text content, text input caret location, and text attributes.
The Lace Market Hotel is the ticket in Nottingham for location, originality and the odd celeb.
However marriages solemnized by a religious celebrant may take place at any location.
Dual metal setting circle dials allow quick location of target using celestial coordinates.
Ceramic Paws at Holme Grange Craft Village provides a peaceful countryside location - ideal for painting ceramic Paws at Holme Grange Craft Village provides a peaceful countryside location - ideal for painting ceramics.
A luxury ski chalet with hot tub in the most stunning location offering the perfect place for a wonderful winter or summer holiday.
Position a Water Feature in this location to tame the bad chi.
Binding occurred in a similar location to the natural chromophore, but with a distinct orientation.
Our Chicago location allows us to serve clientele in Chicago virtually without travel expenses.
Out of Kennedy Virgin Atlantic has recently opened a new clubhouse in a prime location in the new Terminal 4 building.
Location of the global minimum structure (lowest energy folding conformation ), however, is a difficult optimization problem.
A heavily congested location where the 30 limit is often no more than a vague aspiration during the daytime.
It also corrals the files that tend to be large and/or expendable into one location, and simplifies disk space management for builds.
A beautiful valley location enhances the complex remains of this 14th century castle courtyard with its 15th century tower added for domestic use.
Or you can both approach the same location from different directions, laying down a deadly crossfire to quickly take out the enemy.
The introductory note to each Estimate contains cross-reference to the location of material in the reports.
The location of Motorway Service Areas (MSA) is therefore potentially crucial in combating driver sleepiness on motorways.
This is where picking the right location becomes even more crucial!
It can also be rather cumbersome to suddenly have to move a piano from its outside location.
Move the insertion cursor to the location where you want to insert the text.
In some instances, a small dab in a specific location is all that is needed.
Also important for growing daffodils is a location with good drainage.
This converted dairy is perfect for two, retaining some original stonework and providing comfortable accommodation in a peaceful location.
The exact location of the Bill well - a corruption of Boiling Well - seems debatable.
It stood in a naturally defensive location on the shoulder of a steep slope overlooking a crossing point of the River Lune.
The Restaurant provides the ideal location for a romantic dinner, lunch with friends, private parties, or business gatherings.
The new oil tank has a pushbutton dipstick in a new location.
Cllr Eades appears somewhat disingenuous in his argument that Creekmoor is a perfect location - Mannings Heath would be just as well placed.
Remote Office Telework A location physically distant from the main office, where one or more workers work.
Loop line A secondary railroad route which diverges from a main route, and then joins the main route again at another location.
Snap-in vertical bin dividers enable you to store supplies at the desired location for easy access.
In time we intend to have back-up machines at another location to minimize service downtime in the event of server failure.
We certainly had a drinking fountain in our day, but I cannot remember if it was in the same location or elsewhere.
Eastings and Northings - This searches the Image Library by spatial location, using eastings and Northings - This searches the Image Library by spatial location, using easting and northing co-ordinates to define an area for searching.
Location The cave is located on the southern edge of the Vega de Aliseda, slightly to the west of the terminal moraine.
An unimaginative tale, only enlivened slightly by some location work in Amsterdam.
Midsummer House on Midsummer Common is still going strong thanks to its highly enviable riverside location.
The Department has a number of cameras and audio equipment for both studio and location work.
One of the classic problems of robustness theory involves the simultaneous estimation of location and scatter from a set of multivariate data.
Visualization tools facilitate visual exploration of Census data with reference to geographical location.
Demonstrator must know the location of the nearest eyewash.
Our next location was the reef facies of Cave Dale.
Ty Coch is a large detached self catering farmhouse in a peaceful location close to the foot of Snowdon.
The users ' browser will in this case automatically fetch the page from the new location.
Secondly, no homeowner could claim private right to a location value enhanced by public administrative fiat.
Where possible each module or pairing of modules represents a different industry or location, mostly fictitious.
Using the laser range finder to determine the range enhances your accuracy in determining the unknown position's location.
One concentration of fire-cracked flint suggests the possible location of a flint cairn.
String getToolTipText (float x, float y, Shape allocation) Returns the tooltip text at the specified location.
I got the basic information about the new house correct, but really flubbed it on the location.
The ideal location for walking and hiking, trout and salmon fly-fishing, riding, golf or just relaxing.
Get the local weather forecast for any location in the world.
The location of kilns for the production of pottery in the vicinity of auxiliary forts should be accorded a high priority.
Whether this coincidence of location is purely fortuitous remains unclear.
The best location for collecting fossils from the London Clay, highly rich in fossils.
This updated version now included funiculars and directions to each location using public transport.
In an MPI registration, the FDC selects a ground location as the orienting point and uses impact fuzes in the registration.
Pliers Used by Russian gangster, Mikhail, to torture Sergei Konchalovsky into revealing the location of a stash of stolen diamonds.
Useful addresses & location of sources The three Devon Record Offices contain the most important genealogy related archives in Devon.
This is the location of the farewell party where the city said its tearful goodbyes to Take That.
A rather scruffy looking Wesley Kerr then sniffed his was a location " far too grand to be on any Monopoly board.
The location of mass graves appears to be rare.
This is a heavily guarded and secret location in Yorkshire.
This was a very exposed location, apart from the 8 gun turrets, the remaining gun turrets, the remaining guns had very little protective armor.
Three miles of superb golden sands, a sheltered bay and a fine Georgian seafront make Weymouth the perfect location for beach handball.
In any event, the staff handbook is silent on the numbers employed at each location.
For the most part, the location and grouping of different carvings seems entirely haphazard.
The morphology and location of helminth eggs are a valuable aid to the diagnosis of specific helminth eggs are a valuable aid to the diagnosis of specific helminth diseases.
The morphology and location of helminth eggs are a valuable aid to the diagnosis of specific helminth diseases.
You start off with your own volcanic island of undisclosed location and an evil henchman and you have to take over the world.
A local artist wanted to find a suitable location for a symbol of the 20th century on a chalk hillside.
Having found the best location, start digging a hole about 4 feet in diameter.
From this stunning location, guests will be able to appreciate the delightful countryside walks that abound from the doorstep of this lovely home-from-home.
Most scent hounds were used in packs - making a loud, deep baying noise alerting hunters to their location.
Go on location with fossil hunters or uncover the awesome power of the T-Rex.
Back to top 2 Is the current method of determining the location of new hydrants the most appropriate?
This impressive home is situated in a truly idyllic rural location yet civilization is on the doorstep.
As a growing number of users choose to use online services only the location of the library service becomes immaterial to them.
What relevance this has on location imprinting I don't know.
These places could not have become incorporated into the Vedic legends so quickly if the Vedic culture came from another location.
The Position implementations (marks) store the array index and can easily calculate the sequential position from the current gap location.
Having been isolated by its island location from contact with humanity, the dodo greeted the new visitors with a child-like innocence.
All of this has happened at a very inopportune time and, with no disrespect, an inopportune location.
As access to the technology widens, that new commonalties will be discovered between shared interest groups separated by location and history.
At any location, access the company intranet or the public internet to get what you need.
So today has been a day of travel arrangements in anticipation of ' Big n juicy on location ' next week.
Can I specify the precise location for my new lair?
The range, variety and location of periglacial landforms (to include patterned ground) and their impact on human activity.
One such contingency was the particular location of the human larynx.
Returns the location of the main Starlink java directory which contains the lib, bin, etc, source directories and others.
Location name Funchal Sun & Sand The coastline is rocky and Funchal compensates for its lack of beaches with a seafront lido.
On location we can provide full lighting services using lightweight, portable kits.
ReaCTor can be linked to other SEOS environments world-wide through remote linkups, enabling colleagues to work alongside each other regardless of geographical location.
T here were two distinct decoy sites occupying the same location.
For many couples, choosing the right location is the first step in planning their wedding.
This specialist question invites client to identify the precise location of the symbol.
The new data, if any, is followed by a symbol that determines the next location to be displayed.
Helsinki's geographical location sits on a narrow peninsula, limiting development northwards.
Music House's Garden Studio is an ideal location for children to enjoy an intimate party event for up to 20 children.
Tomorrow we hope to push on to the site of Camp 3, exact location to be decided.
The main campus is an ideal venue taking full advantage of the University's prime location in Cardiff's civic center.
Are the courses you would like to attend not available in a convenient location near you?
It is usually made up of a string of words and numbers indicating the exact shelf location.
Lagos is a stunning seafront location and a very cosmopolitan town that combines the past and the present day in perfect proportions.
The default is to step forward to the next memory location.
The location is a golf course, fishing loch and holiday lodges complex, plus an associated housing development.
Sorry, gents, we only have a ladies locker room (shower, sauna, etc.) in our London location.
The Pocket Book entry for this location lists a Howard 4-wheel gasoline loco built about 1923; would not 1927 be more correct?
A very comfortable and well appointed home in a super location on exclusive longboat Key.
West longitude This is the geographic West longitude of the location for which to perform the calculations.
Location is predominantly lowland; the cropmarks clustered along river valleys.
A third possible example in a fairly low-lying location between the two sites was destroyed in the 19th century.
Click here to view a location map of the reserve on the National Cycle Network website provided by Sustrans - the sustainable transport charity.
A heated, dry location (such as a heated marquee or dressing room) is needed, within walking distance from performance area.
Location can plug spread of home owner insurance Miami florida risk on the amount.
The trap is jumped between three positions 6 m m apart, and a single microsphere is trapped at each location.
The Russell Society is Britain's leading society focusing on topographical mineralogy (the study of minerals by geographic location ).
Shot almost entirely on location, this story benefits from having real woods, instead of a studio mock-up.
There can be few ancient monuments in East Anglia with a more striking location.
Nationwide coverage From city centers to upland moors, Siteplan provides map extracts for any location in Great Britain.
Location Hogganfield Park Cumbernauld Road Robroyston Glasgow G33 The park lies 5km northeast of Glasgow city center.
Eastings and northings - This searches the Image Library by spatial location, using easting and northing co-ordinates to define an area for searching.
Mullan and producer Frances Higson were anxious to use a former nunnery in Dumfries as a location.
The nearby remains of the 13th century nunnery are the idyllic location to experience the tranquility of this sacred isle.
They recognized its unique location on the river Itchen and established an offshoot from Winchester.
The location is gorgeous - a typical tropical island Paradise.
The hotel Das Tyrol is beautifully positioned in time and location, between Vienna's glorious past and its energetic present.
I might go out tomorrow, possibly to a rural location to pursue some pastime.
Prolog ' First Strike ' opens the story with a high ranking military personnel being escorted to a secured US location.
It also offers aerial photographs of any location in Britain.
The location of mantle plumes during the initial stages of Gondwana break up.
We got a very plush village location for nothing!
A 2005 shot of the location where the Tottle Brook once fed into the paddling pool.
It takes its name from its location in the elegant walk that was created for a royal princess 300 years ago.
The beach is flanked by a seafront promenade, & due to its urban location ha many access points.
Savoy Palace A popular hotel set in a tranquil location, yet close to the lakeside promenade into the center of Riva.
Not because of the number - tho at 10 million strong they pack a hefty punch - but the location.
Band exposure quotient The sum of the frequency exposure quotients of a band at a location.
Set in a rural location near the Georgian market town of Thirsk with it's popular racecourse.
Substantial agreement was obtained on the international monitoring system, including the location of seismic, radionuclide and hydroacoustic stations.
Creating a new location from an arc raster file A new location can be built up from an Arc raster file.
AutoRoute 2006 quickly recalculates directions from a new location.
The Planning Service did not make any recommendations about the location of a new hospital.
Each location is painstakingly re-created in high detail using actual photos.
The former rector is either gone to a new job or moved to a retirement location.
The location of the click point will be marked by a small Red Cross.
St Ives is now the location of the nationally renowned Tate Gallery.
A data structure in which information is indexed by two-dimensional location is what we will call a diagrammatic representation.
This is a great location for a beach resort.
However, instead of pointing directly to the location of an Internet resource, a PURL points to an intermediate resolution service.
In environmental terms this is a sensitive location located on and around a prominent ridgeline.
Update the project.XML file to modify the location of the xml schema for the file.
I am contemplating building a very seaworthy boat, with my current location, shallow draft would also be a very good thing.
The delightfully secluded location on the Isle of Wight makes any holiday here feel almost like you're abroad.
The Pomieri enjoys a wonderfully secluded location in the heart of the mountains.
Set in a large garden with lawns, it's almost completely secluded yet from its elevated location there are delightful sea views.
The project took place at an environmentally sensitive location, with all run-off water quickly entering local rivers.
The archive is stored on mobile storage shelving for easy location of samples.
The origin of coastal shingle varies according to location.
When you delete a shortcut, it only deletes the icon which stores the location to the file or program.
Other brides choose to have their bridal showers in a creative ' themed ' location?
My portraits sittings take place at your home or at the location of your choice.
Can anyone identify the location, with its distinctive skyline?
Each location has been carefully designed for maximum satisfaction when beating the snot out of your opponent too.
Location It has ground and first floor terraces and panoramic views from the second floor solarium.
With the wing skin laid flat with the location of the spar and ribs marked, the main spar is glued into position.
A minor omission is the vertical stanchion at the location of the joint between the two hull pieces, aft.
Larger quantities must be stored in a purpose built storeroom in an outside location.
Nordic (corner) (Details + Pricing) Elegant corner garden summerhouses that tuck away into the smallest location to maximize space.
From this superb location the property benefits from glorious country and coastal views that can be enjoyed from the large sunroom.
Guidance on the use and location of air valves in pipelines for both normal use and surge suppression is included.
Poultry within two miles of the location of the dead swans are also to be tested.
The decision to build a new national synchrotron has raised issues over its design and location.
Disney, searching for an East Coast location for his second theme park, decided Orlando was just the place he was looking for.
In other situations, it is frequently desirable to have thermistor composite temperature sensors at more than one location.
Make sure you choose the time zone that applies to your exact location.
Also, as Jackie implies, they definitely benefit from their location directly adjacent to Boro Market, which gets ever more touristy.
All the way through to this location we had been following the tracks of the old tramway.
This is a wonderfully tranquil location in an undiscovered corner of Cumbria.
In its own private garden with spectacular views all round, it offers tranquil, private holiday location for two.
Reflective This system uses optical transceivers located near to devices that transmit the data to a common location for redirection to a receiving device.
They could have the networks block calls made from within the prison by using triangulation similar to the location based services in use.
Triangulation A method of determining the location of an unknown point, as in GPS navigation, by using the laws of plane trigonometry.
When they have moved to a new location in the body they are called metastatic tumors.
The results produced a series of low readings around the location of the know tumulus.
Even the location has a twinge of noir, Basin City is where the action takes place, it is Sin City.
The near Notting Hill address makes the location almost unbeatable, too.
The date and west coast location are consistent with natural vagrancy from North America.
Because your needs vary so much the offices also vary in size, location and outlook.
The first part of the program sets up the seven interrupt vectors at location $ 64.
The most unlikely location to house a snooker room, also vies for the most tempting location - The British Virgin Islands.
The weather was balmy, the location idyllic; a narrow ribbon of road with sheer drops on either side, revealing sweeping vistas.
On the highest surface all intrusions are governed by the location of the polar vortex.
Anyway, we had a lovely meal, served by a lovely waiter in a superb location.
The geographic location of the dentists and the source of the incoming mains water supply proved to be critical.
We have also enjoyed the peaceful location of your very well-appointed flat.
Philae included more white crowned black wheatears, gull billed terns, whiskered terns and a fantastic location.
It is also a fact that with each recurring decade these general expenses (also called indirect, undistributed or fixed charges) have an increased importance as compared with the particular (direct, distributed or operating) expense attaching naturally to the particular portions of the traffic. For with increased density of population it becomes profitable to make improvements on the original location, even though this may involve increased charges for interest and for some parts of its maintenance, for the sake of securing that economy of operation, through larger train-loads, which such an improved location makes possible.
Both Portland Canal and Lynn Canal are of historical importance, as the question of the true location of the first and the commercial importance to Canada or to the United States of the possession of / the second, were the crucial contentions in the disputes over the Alaska-Canadian boundary.
Beginning with not too many stocks he can test the capabilities of his location before investing much capital in the undertaking, so that by utilizing the information already given and adopting the wise adage " make haste slowly " he will realize in good time whether it will pay best to work for honey in comb or extracted honey in bulk; not only so, but the knowledge gained will enable him to select such appliances as are suited to his needs.
With arthroscopic washings of the bone, one can often identify the exact location of the punctate bleeding.
These are well worth checking out, for this is just the type of location where Pygmy Seahorses may be found !
Its quiet location, being set 100 yards back from the road, has stunning views set under big Norfolk skies.
James 's is a luxury townhouse hotel ideally located in a quiet street in London 's premier location.
Set in a rural location near the Georgian market town of Thirsk with it 's popular racecourse.
Creating a new location from an Arc raster file A new location can be built up from an Arc raster file.
Conclusion The ambition of the project must be to demonstrate, beyond reasonable doubt, the location of the battle.
The location of the click point will be marked by a small red cross.
The pr... full details contact details 2. £ 325 week 2 W2 A newly refurbished first floor flat in a prime location.
The Strategic Management Team has been keen to relocate the offices to a more central location.
Remote Access Systems, enables you to control access to a building or yard, from a remote location.
May be keyed in Netscape 's OPEN or Netscape 's LOCATION / GO TO box to retrieve a document.
A reputable breeder will have healthy golden retriever puppies living in a healthy location.
On flat land to the west of Loch Affric, ringed by high mountains, the bothy 's location makes for a memorable week.
The fail Process Location PRE-RUNNING POST-RUNNING HOLDING RESTARTING Execution Processing The rollback processing is executed.