Lobed Sentence Examples
It is usual for the umbrella to have an even, circular, uninterrupted margin; but in the order Narcomedusae secondary down-growths between the tentacles produce a lobed, indented margin to the umbrella.
Leaves 3 to 5 lobed, often large.
Leaves 3 to 5, seldom lobed.
Leaves 3 to 7 lobed.
Nearly allied is Neophocaena phocaenoides, a small species from the Indian Ocean and Japan, with teeth of the same form as those of the porpoise, but fewer in number (eighteen to twenty on each side), of larger size, and more distinctly notched or lobed on the free edge.
Vines have woody climbing stems, with alternate, entire or palmately lobed leaves, provided at the base with small stipules.
In most rotifers, on the contrary, the trochus is stronger than the cingulum, often lobed, and with some of its cilia aggregated into vibratile styles homologous with the combplates of Ctenophora (q.v.) and the membranelles of ciliate Infusoria (q.v.).
The larva is seen in optical section, and its distinguishing feature is the ciliated lobed band (vl, sl, dl), which corresponds to the pre-oral ciliated band of a trochosphere-larva..
Leaves heart-shaped lobed and toothed; flowers white starry; ordinary garden soil.
The cap is flattened above with a central depression and a thick lobed irregular margin.
AdvertisementThey are annual and perennial erect herbs containing a milky juice, with lobed or cut leaves and generally long-stalked regular showy flowers, which are nodding in the bud stage.
The cyclamen poppy (Eomecon chionantha) is a pretty Chinese perennial, having roundish slightly lobed leaves and pure white flowers about 2 in.
In Iridaea the thallus is an entire lamina; in Callophyllis a lobed lamina; in Delesseria it is provided with midrib and veins, simulating the appearance of a leaf of the higher plants; in Constantinea the axis remains cylindrical, and the lateral branches assume the form of leaves.
Maples are for the most part trees with opposite, longstalked, palmately lobed leaves.
The lobed shape of its leaf and its dense foliage caused it to be confused with the true sycamore - Ficus sycamorus - of scripture.
AdvertisementThe umbrella has a lobed, indented margin, a character only seen amongst Hydromedusae in the order Narcomedusae, and it is without the characteristic velum of the Hydromedusae; hence the Scyphomedusae are sometimes termed Hydrozoa Acraspeda.
The ovule is usually surrounded by one integument, which projects beyond the tip of the nucellus as a wide-open lobed funnel, which at the time of pollination folds inwards, and so assists in bringing the pollen-grains on to the nucellus.
The corallum of Heliopora is of a blue colour, and has the form of broad, upright, lobed, or digitate masses flattened from side to side.
Those that bear the antheridia are the smaller, and are either filamentous, or flattened, and irregularly lobed.
The latter are simple, or irregularly lobed in Ophioglossum, more or less compoundly pinnate in Botrychium and palmately pinnate in Helminthostachys.
AdvertisementThe leaves, at the base of which are two large stipulelike outgrowths, have a thick leaf-stalk, and are simple or simply pinnate in Danaea, pinnate in Archangiopteris, bito tri-pinnate in Marattia and Angiopteris, and digitately lobed in Kaulfussia.
The gametophyte in Hymenophyllum is flat and variously lobed; that of Trichomanes may be similar, but in other species is filamentous.
The type-genus Botryopteris, represented in the Permo-Carboniferous of France and in both the Lower and Upper Carboniferous of Great Britain, had a rhizome, with a very simple monostelic structure, bearing spirally arranged compound leaves, with lobed pinnules, probably of a somewhat fleshy texture.
Restoration of a seed, enclosed in the lobed cupule, which bears numerous glands.
Two seeds, enclosed in lobed cupules Some of the Medulloseae must and borne on branches of the rachis.
AdvertisementSecondly if the seedlings were of genuine cress (L. sativum) they would have lobed cotyledons and taste " hot " .
They are deeply lobed with a long spine at the apex of each lobe.
Basal leaves are pinnately lobed or entire and form a basal rosette.
The leaves are alternate, oval to ovate or elliptic, mostly toothed, rarely entire and occasionally lobed.
They have simple leaves that often have serrated margins and are sometimes lobed.
Very beautiful form with lobed leaves not deeply serrated, which unfurl gold with pink edges contrasting well against the colorful bark.
Of the European kinds one of the most important and best marked forms is the white poplar or abele, P. alba, a tree of large size, with rounded spreading head and curved branches, which, like the trunk, are covered with a greyish white bark, becoming much furrowed on old stems. The leaves are ovate or nearly round in general outline, but with deeply waved, more or less lobed and indented margins and cordate base; the upper side is of a dark green tint, but the lower surface is clothed with a dense white down, which likewise covers the young shoots - giving, with the bark, a hoary aspect to the whole tree.
In the simplest cases the cambium produces xylem more freely along certain tracts of the circumference than along others, so that the stem loses its original cylindrical form and becomes elliptical or lobed in section.
As it flows it takes the forms of sappy leaves or vines, making heaps of pulpy sprays a foot or more in depth, and resembling, as you look down on them, the laciniated, lobed, and imbricated thalluses of some lichens; or you are reminded of coral, of leopard's paws or birds' feet, of brains or lungs or bowels, and excrements of all kinds.
Liverwort - a small flowerless green plant with leaf-like stems or lobed leaves, lacking true roots and reproducing by spores.
It has large yellow bowl-shaped flowers, 2 inches or more across, the deep, green leaves being lobed.
They are ovate, often narrowed about the middle or lobed at the base, seven-or nine-nerved and green on both sides, sometimes toothed on the margin.
Some of them are quite entire, others lobed on one side only, but most of them have the upper half lobed, the lower half entire.
The shape of the leaf is however, most variable even upon the same tree, some being entire and others deeply lobed, while there are varieties with leaves crisped, variegated, and variously cut.
It has scarlet flowers and lobed foliage, and requires the same treatment.
Its leaves are very deeply-cut, frequently into several leaflets, which are a gain deeply lobed.
Part of its charm, the Oakleaf features large, lobed leaves that turn rich burgundy red in the fall.
This design uses an individual strand wrapped upon itself so that it becomes three lobed.
Some fairy wings are simple lobed ovals, while others may resemble insect, butterfly, or angel wings.