Lloyd Sentence Examples
In 1728 fitful communication was restored by the then representative of the Ogasawara family, only to be again interrupted until 1861, when an unsuccessful attempt was made to establish a Japanese colony at Port Lloyd.
Frankie Lloyd Cummings was a fifty year old drifter who killed teenage runaways.
From September 1829 until March 1830 Lundy was assisted in the editorship of the paper by William Lloyd Garrison.
The ship's rudder, which was recovered in 1859, has been fashioned into a chair and a table, now in the possession of Lloyd's.
Among later residents commemorated is Edward Lloyd, who was the first person to show the value of esparto grass for the manufacture of paper, and thus started an industry which is one of the most important in Algeria.
He was one of the earliest political opponents of slavery, as distinguished from the radical Abolitionists, or the followers of William Lloyd Garrison, who eschewed politics and devoted themselves to a moral agitation.
Next a small party consisting of two British subjects, two American citizens, and a Dane, sailed from the Sandwich Islands for Port Lloyd in 1830, taking with them some Hawaiian natives.
He followed up this action by strongly urging the Labour party to rally in Dec. 1916 to Mr. Lloyd George, and by accepting himself the position of an original member of the War Cabinet of four without portfolio.
But the Agadir crisis of July 1911 seems to have opened his eyes as it did those of Mr. Lloyd.
It was therefore with surprise and some disapproval that people found Mr. Lloyd George, who appreciated his powers, admitting him into his Government in July 1917 as Minister of Munitions, a post in which he did good work for a year and a half, but did not come specially before the public. After the war, however, when Mr. Lloyd George reconstructed his Government, he became Secretary of State both for War and for Air, a conjunction of offices which was much criticized.
AdvertisementNear, too, is a rock named "Hugh Lloyd's pulpit" (Lloyd lived in the time of Charles I., Cromwell and Charles II.).
Early in that year was begun The Wrong Box, a farcical romance in which Mr Lloyd Osbourne participated; Stevenson also began a romance about the Indian Mutiny, which he abandoned.
The Wrecker, an adventurous tale of American life, which mainly belonged to an earlier time, was written in collaboration with Mr Lloyd Osbourne and finally published in 1892; and towards the close of that very eventful and busy year he began The Justice Clerk, afterwards Weir of Hermiston.
On the formation of Mr. Lloyd George's Ministry in 1916 he retired from the Government.
Additional authorities are quoted by Lloyd, loc. cit.
AdvertisementThe coastwise service centres at Rio de Janeiro, from which port the Lloyd Brazileiro sends steamers regularly south to Montevideo, and north to Para and Manaos, calling at the more important intermediate ports.
On the 23rd of February 1906 the government completed a new contract with the Lloyd Brazileiro Company for its coastwise and river service, and included clauses providing for a line to the United States.
Durban (Port Natal) is in regular communication with Europe via Cape Town and via Suez by several lines of steamers, the chief being the boats of the Union-Castle line, which sail from Southampton and follow the west coast route, those of the German East Africa line, which sail from Hamburg and go via the east coast route and those of the Austrian Lloyd from Trieste, also by the east coast route.
Home had been admitted on the 9th of November 1756, as student at the Inner Temple, making the friendship of John Dunning and Lloyd Kenyon, but his father wished him to take orders in the English Church, and he was ordained deacon on the 23rd of September 1759 and priest on the 23rd of November 1760.
Further causes for alarms were the secret meeting between General Smuts and Count Mensdorv, to discuss a separate peace between Austria and the Entente (Dec. 1917) and the public pronouncements of President Wilson and Mr. Lloyd George in favour of " autonomy " for the subject races, instead of the independence held out to them by the Allied pronouncement of Jan.
AdvertisementClemenceau and Lloyd George found themselves between two irreconcilable standpoints - between Sonnino, who claimed the liberal fulfilment of their treaty pledges, with the addition of the port of Fiume, and President Wilson, 'who refused all cognizance of the secret treaties and regarded them as expressly abrogated by the Allies when they accepted his successive notes as the basis of the Armistice.
Besides the Royal Exchange, in the building of which are numerous offices, including " Lloyd's," the centre of the shipping business and marine insurance, there are many exchanges for special articles.
When, in April 1908, Mr Asquith became premier, and Mr Lloyd George chancellor of the exchequer, the sugar convention The world's trade in cane and beet sugar in tons avoirdupois at decennial periods from 1840 to 1870, inclusive, and yearly from 1871 to 1901 inclusive, with the percentage of beet sugar and the average price per cwt.
It was adopted by many important British and continental shipping companies, among others by the Peninsular & Oriental, the Inman, the North German Lloyd and the Hamburg American companies.
At the head of the industrial establishments of Trieste stand the two ship-building yards of the Austrian Lloyd and of the Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino, which are the largest of their kind in Austria.
AdvertisementThese periodicals were followed by a number of penny weeklies of a lower tone, such as the Family Herald (1843), the London Jpurnal (1845) and Lloyd's Miscellany.
In 1850 the sale of the first of them was placed at 175,000 copies, the second at 170,000, and Lloyd's at 95,000.
Thence he was promoted, in the summer of 1916, to the headship of the office of Munitions and a seat on the War Committee of the Cabinet, on Mr. Lloyd George's succession to the Secretaryship of State for War.
Cherbourg is a port of call for the American, North German Lloyd and other important lines of transatlantic steamers.
New York is served by the American line, the North German Lloyd line, &c. Regular steamers serve the Channel Islands, Cherbourg and Havre, the principal English ports, Dublin, Belfast and Glasgow; and local steamers serve Cowes (Isle of Wight) and other neighbouring ports.
In replying to the guns of Fort Elsinore no execution was done, as the long range made it impossible to lay the guns (Lloyd and Hadcock, P. 33).
In these fresh undertakings he became associated with the two greatest German shipping concerns, the Hamburg-American line and the North German Lloyd.
In Hoboken are the piers of the North German Lloyd, the Hamburg American, the Netherlands American, the Scandinavian and the Phoenix steamship lines.
On the 30th of June 1900 the wharves of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company and three of its ocean liners were almost completely destroyed by a fire, which caused a loss of more than 200 lives and over $5,000,000.
His father, William George, a Welshman of yeoman stock, had left Pembrokeshire for London at an early age and became a school teacher there, and afterwards in Liverpool and Haverfordwest, and then headmaster of an elementary school at Pwllheli, Carnarvonshire, where he married the daughter of David Lloyd, a neighbouring Baptist minister.
The president of the Board of Trade was the chief success of the ministry, and when Mr Asquith became premier in 1908 and promoted Mr Lloyd George to the chancellorship of the exchequer, the appointment was well received even in the City of London.
For that year the budget was already settled, and it was introduced by Mr Asquith himself, the ex-chancellor; but Mr Lloyd George earned golden opinions, both at the Treasury and in parliament, by his industry and his handling of the Finance Bill, especially important for its inclusion of Old Age Pensions, in the later stages.
The government had been losing ground in the country, and Mr Lloyd George and Mr Winston Churchill were conspicuously in alliance in advocating the use of the budget for introducing drastic reforms in regard to licensing and land, which the resistance of the House of Lords prevented the Radical party from effecting by ordinary legislation.
When Mr Lloyd George, on the 29th of April, introduced his budget, its revolutionary character, however, created widespread dismay in the City and among the propertied classes.
The discussions on the budget entirely monopolized public attention for the year, and while the measure was defended by Mr Lloyd George in parliament with much suavity, and by Mr Asquith, Sir Edward Grey and Mr Haldane outside the House of Commons with tact and moderation, the feelings of its opponents were exasperated by a series of inflammatory public speeches at Limehouse and elsewhere from the chancellor of the exchequer, who took these opportunities to rouse the passions of the working-classes against the landed classes and the peers.
Events had now made Mr Lloyd George and his financial policy the centre of the Liberal party programme; but party tactics for the moment prevented the ministry, who remained in office, from simply sending the budget up again to the Lords and allowing them to pass it.
A truce was called, and a conference arranged between four leaders from each side - Mr Lloyd George being one - to consider whether compromise on the constitutional question was not feasible.
As Whip the Master of Elibank earned high praise for his energy and tact; but he was somewhat unfortunately mixed up with the " Marconi Scandal " in connexion with Mr. Lloyd George and Sir Rufus Isaacs, as having invested part of the Liberal Party funds in American Marconi shares in which he, with them, was speculating - a transaction hotly debated in Parliament in 1913.
To obtain the strength of the field the method usually adopted is that known as Lloyd's method.
The harbour is small, and closed to large vessels by a bar of sand; but it is a port of call for the Austrian Lloyd steamers, and annually accommodates about 1500 small vessels, the majority of which are engaged in the coasting trade.
Moreover, Professor Lloyd Morgan found that young birds that had tasted and rejected workers of the hive bee as unpalatable subsequently refused to taste not only drones, which have no sting, but also drone-flies.
Here are the workshops and dry docks of the North German Lloyd steamship company.
The larger passenger steamers of the Rotterdamsche Lloyd to Netherlands India and of the Holland-American Steamship Company (the two principal passenger and cargo steamship companies at Rotterdam) have their berths on the south side of the river.
Bremen is the centre for some of the more important of the German shipping companies, especially of the North German Lloyd (founded in 1856), which, on the 1st of January 1905, possessed a fleet of 382 steamers of 693,892 tons, besides lighters and similar craft.
From them great steamship lines, notably the North German Lloyd, the Hamburg-American, the Hambuig South American and the German East African steamship companies, maintain express mail and other services with North and South America, Australia, the Cape of Good Hope and the Far East.
Few of the proposals were carried in their entirety, many were completely lost; the tobacco monopoly and the brandy monopoly were contemptuously rejected by enormous majorities; even an increase of the tax on tobacco was refused; the first proposals for a subsidy to the Norddeutsche Lloyd were rejected.
An agreement was made with the Norddeutsche Lloyd, one clause of which was that all the new steamers were to be built in Germany; in 1890 a further vote was passed for a line to Delagoa Bay and Zanzibar.
At the same time special privileges were granted to articles imported by sea, so as to foster the trade of Trieste and Fiume; as in Germany a subvention was granted to the great shipping companies, the Austrian Lloyd and Adria; the area of the Customs Union was enlarged so as to include Trieste, Istria and Dalmatia, as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The mother, whose maiden name was Lloyd, is said to have been a woman of high character, charming in person and eminent for piety.
Sir Benson Maxwell British and Mr Clifford Lloyd, who had been sent out to nd native reform the departments of justice and the interior, officials.
Lloyd, the Suakin commandant, advanced to the Taroi Wells, 19 m.
Latterly, however, as the result of the cytological investigations of Mottier and Lloyd Williams, great advance has been made in our knowledge of the conditions existing in Dictyota.
Mottier's observation has been confirmed by Lloyd Williams, who has shown, moreover, that the single number occurs in germlings from the tetraspore, and also in the adult stages of all sexual plants, while the double number occurs in germlings from the oospore, and in adult stages of all asexual plants.
In the disputes in March 1919, between the railwaymen and the Government, he was the chief leader of the men, and at a moment of crisis he flew across to Paris to discuss the question with Mr. Lloyd George, then in attendance at the Peace Conference.
Mr. Lloyd George, who followed him in debate, spoke of the speech as very brilliant; and the Conservative party hailed him at once as a coming leader.
When Mr. Lloyd George reconstructed his Ministry after the general election of Dec. 1918, the Attorney-General was appointed Lord Chancellor and created a peer.
On the formation of Mr. Lloyd George's Government in 1916, Mr. Fisher accepted the invitation to become Minister of Education, and was elected to Parliament for the Hallam division of Sheffield.
Sir Philip Lloyd proved Oates to have perjured himself in open court, and Wakeman was acquitted.
In 1884 he married Constance Lloyd.
He studied at the Lycee Charlemagne, in 1850 became a teacher in New Orleans, Louisiana, and there became acquainted with John Lloyd Stephens's books of travel in Yucatan.
He soon came under the influence of the anti-slavery movement, witnessing in 1835 the mobbing, in Boston, of William Lloyd Garrison.
It is a port of call for the Austrian Lloyd steamers, and communicates by rail with Sebenico, Knin and Sinj.
The Life by Lloyd Sanders (1888) is an excellent shorter work.
The Austrian Lloyd steamers call at times, and the "Puglia" S.S.
He denounced Mr. Lloyd George's famous budget of 1909 as vindictive and socialistic. In the new Parliament returned in Jan.
He was a member of the War Committee of the Cabinet, but, like Mr. Lloyd George, he was far from satisfied with its organization and powers.
It was natural, therefore, that he should be one of the four persons (the others being Mr. Lloyd George himself, Sir Edward Carson, and a Labour member) to whom Mr. Lloyd George, forcing the issue on Dec. I, asked Mr. Asquith to confide the absolute conduct of the war.
The crisis started by this demand produced, in the course of a few days, first Mr. Lloyd George's and then Mr. Asquith's resignation; and the King, adopting the ordinary constitutional course, sent on Dec. 5 for Mr. Bonar Law, who had become, through by-elections before the war, the leader of the largest single party in the House of Commons, and invited him to form an administration.
He could count on the assistance of Mr. Lloyd George, but Mr. Asquith and his principal Liberal colleagues refused their cooperation.
Moreover, he felt that Mr. Lloyd George was the Minister whom the country demanded.
So he resigned his commission, and on Mr. Lloyd George's acceptance of the premiership he promised full cooperation from his party.
At first the House of Commons was disposed to resent the apparent neglect with which it was treated by being asked to accept a deputy as its leader in place of a Prime Minister who washimself an M.P.; and cries for "Lloyd George " were raised when Mr. Law rose to play the leader's part in the debate on the Address in 1917.
As the general election approached he responded heartily to Mr. Lloyd George's proposal that the Coalition should be continued, and that the country should be definitely invited to return candidates who should undertake to support the Coalition Government; and he joined with him in issuing the letters or certificates, nicknamed " coupons," accepting Coalition candidates.
He also signed with Mr. Lloyd George a joint manifesto, in which a good measure of his own economic doctrines held a conspicuous place.
Mr. Law's handling of the business of the House was, as ever, efficient and conciliatory; but for the greater occasions Mr. Lloyd George returned; and Mr. Law's most outstanding appearance in this session was when he announced that the Government were prepared to adopt the Sankey report in the spirit as well as in the letter, and to take all necessary steps to carry out its recommendations without delay.
The shock to the public, to the House of Commons, to his party, and to Mr. Lloyd George was great; and genuine expressions of regret were heard on every side.
Mr. Lloyd George seemed almost unmanned in telling the news to the House; and it was clear that he felt that a great prop of his Government had fallen.
There was little art or inspiration in his boyish verse, but in his nineteenth year an older sister thought a specimen of it good enough for submission to the Free Press, a weekly paper which William Lloyd Garrison, the future emancipationist, had started in the town of Newburyport.
The Unionist party in the country had, meanwhile, been recovering from the Tariff Reform divisions of 1903, and was once more solid under Mr Balfour in favor of its new and imperial policy; but the campaign against the House of Lords started by Mr Lloyd George and the Liberal leaders, who put in the forefront the necessity of obtaining statutory guarantees for the passing into law of measures deliberately adopted by the elected Chamber, resulted in the return of Mr Asquiths government to office at the election of January 1910.
At the end of 1916 Mr. Lloyd George became Prime Minister of Great Britain and at once summoned the Imperial War Cabinet.
In conjunction with Sir George Newman he was mainly instrumental in securing the medical treatment of school children and State provision for medical research; and he was one of the few doctors of distinction who supported Mr. Lloyd George in his struggle with the profession over the Insurance Act (1912).
The valuable support he then gave to Mr. Lloyd George in reconciling the doctors to his proposals created a firm bond between him and the future Prime Minister.
But his principal work during the war was effected at the Ministry of Munitions, where Mr. Lloyd George obtained his assistance as Parliamentary Secretary when the office was created under the first Coalition Ministry in 1915.
So long as Mr. Lloyd George was Minister, Dr. Addison was his right-hand man in the strenuous labours of the office, resulting in the enormous multiplication of engines of war, and in the redeeming of many vital industries, fertilizers, tungsten and potash from German control; and when Mr. Lloyd George formed a Government himself in December 1916, he placed him at the head of the department.
To promote national health had always been his main object in politics, and when Mr. Lloyd George reconstructed his Ministry in the beginning of 1919, he entrusted the Local Government Board to Dr. Addison, that he might complete Lord Rhondda's work and transform it into a Ministry of Health.
The modernized parish church of St Peter, or Pedr, contains some old monuments of the Lloyd family.
A large share in the carrying trade belongs to the Cunard, Adria, UngaroCroat and Austrian Lloyd Steamship Companies, subsidized by the state.
In the latter year he was sent to Westminster school, where he had Warren Hastings, Impey, Lloyd, Churchill and Colman for schoolfellows.
During three years he was a member of the Nonsense Club with his two schoolfellows from Westminster, Churchill and Lloyd, and he wrote sundry verses in magazines and translated two books of Voltaire's Henriade.
Lloyd was an indefatigable opponent of the Roman Catholic tendencies of James II., and was one of the seven bishops who for refusing to have the Declaration of Indulgence read in his diocese was charged with publishing a seditious libel against the king and acquitted (1688).
Lloyd was a stanch supporter of the revolution.
Lloyd's Committee now issue certificates for refrigerating installations, if constructed according to their rules, and most modern cargo-carrying vessels have their refrigerating machinery classed at Lloyd's.
On the formation of Mr. Lloyd George's Government in 1916 Sir Albert Stanley was elected to Parliament for Ashton-under-Lyne, being includedin the Cabinet as President of the Board of Trade.
She married an Englishman (Dad), by the name of Lloyd Barnett.
Did Lloyd George not hold an undisguised admiration for Hitler, even remarking in private that Hitler was a ' great man '?
Early in 1933, Gareth Jones, a reporter and former aide to Lloyd George, traveled to Ukraine.
Popular furniture The full-size version of this furniture was made in a type of woven basketwork known as the Lloyd Loom style.
This included sculptured busts of Lucy Stone, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frances Willard, Harriet Martineau, Mary Livermore and William Lloyd Garrison.
Lloyd George " you don't cross a giant chasm in small steps " .
Lloyd thinks the daguerreotype was taken earlier, around 1852.
Grayson used every opportunity to publicly expose Lloyd George.
Those that know say that the Wachowskis ' adaptation of Alan Moore and David Lloyd's original graphic novel is remarkably faithful.
Henry Lloyd Thompson rubs salt between his fingers, feeling the texture of the crystals and squeezes handfuls together to judge the moisture content.
Amy Lloyd scored a bloodless victory in the 80m hurdles winning in 13.2 secs.
Since those almost idyllic days, Lloyd's has played a notable part in the life of the nation.
David Lloyd leisure Center, one of the best-equipped sports leisure centers in the UK, is next door to our hotel.
With Lloyd at the helm, the hilarious misadventures of this class of misfits begin.
Missing the injured Lloyd Owusu and Marcus Gayle, Brentford lacked potency up front.
Annakin (Jake Lloyd) is a young boy who has an aptitude for pod racing and possesses lightening quick reflexes.
Viewers of the work were invited into the same tense and intimate relationship as Lloyd's characters have with the unblinking camera.
There are several scenes strongly reminiscent of scenes from, say, Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical version of the classic novel.
Lloyd created the searing solos while Verlaine provided the layered textures.
For dense muscularity, deep cuts with deep striations, look no further than Lloyd.
Lloyd Murphy also shared the position of top wicket taker with Rob Wildman, they took 7 each.
Our work is undertaken to Lloyd's Standard by highly skilled tradespeople at our facilities within the Port Solent Marina.
Article continues Lloyd George, the welsh wizard, served at the Exchequer from 1908 to 1915.
Occasional recoveries were made of small quantities which led to repeated disputes and discussions, until eventually the king of the Netherlands ceded to Great Britain, for Lloyd's, half the remainder of the wreck.
Moreover, all Mr. Henderson's Labour colleagues in the Government opposed his views; and on Mr. Lloyd George expressing the surprise of the rest of the War Cabinet at his action and their dissent from his policy he resigned and was succeeded by Mr. George Barnes.
In originating this impromptu scheme, Lloyd George was influenced by secret indications that the Serbian reactionaries, if promised Skutari in return for Fiume, might throw over Trumbic and abandon the Wilson Line and American principles generally.
Mrs George's brother, Richard Lloyd, a shoemaker at Llanystumdwy, and pastor of the Campbellite Baptists there, now became her chief support; it was from him that young David obtained his earliest views of practical and political life, and also the means of starting, at the age of fourteen, on the career of a solicitor.
Garrison's son, WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON (1838-1909), was a prominent advocate of the single tax, free trade, woman's suffrage, and of the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act, and an opponent of imperialism; another son, WENDELL PHILLIPS
He remained outside party politics, emerging only in 1909, first to attack Mr Lloyd George's budget in the country as a "revolution," and then - to the general surprise - to condemn the House of Lords in debate for rejecting it; and in 1910 (see Parliament) he appeared once more to be coming to the front, by the resolutions he carried in regard to the remodelling of the Upper Chamber, when the death of King Edward VII.
In several directions, and notably in administration, they carried their policy into effect; but the House of Lords (see PARLIAMENT) was an obvious stumbling-block to some of their more important Bills, and the Unionist control of that House speedily made itself felt, first in wrecking the Education Bill of 1906, then in throwing out the Licensing Bill of 1908, and finally (see LLOYD GEORGE, D.) in forcing a dissolution by the rejection of the budget of 1909, with its novel proposals for the increased taxation of land and licensed houses.
Richard Lloyd, Guitar Player May 2001 I am not a punk rocker.
Viewers of the work were invited into the same tense and intimate relationship as Lloyd 's characters have with the unblinking camera.
There are several scenes strongly reminiscent of scenes from, say, Andrew Lloyd Webber 's musical version of the classic novel.
In 1873 Colonel Lloyd Lindsay introduced a prize for mounted riflemen.
Our work is undertaken to Lloyd 's Standard by highly skilled tradespeople at our facilities within the Port Solent Marina.
King only got round this by getting insurance underwritten by Lloyd 's of London.
Acting for Lloyd 's Underwriters in connection with reinsurance claims by various P&I Clubs.
Professor Sir Geoffrey Lloyd will deliver a valedictory lecture, entitled Is there a future for ancient science?
Article continues Lloyd George, the Welsh wizard, served at the Exchequer from 1908 to 1915.
Fallingwater is one of the best surviving examples of architect Frank Lloyd Wright's concept of "organic" architecture, incorporating nature into building and design.
Still, despite all, the home remains a gem, one of Frank Lloyd Wright's finest.
Visitors will also enjoy the spacious museum gift shop, loaded with Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired gifts, cards, furnishings, and artwork.
In 1917, Marshal Lloyd designed a wicker weaving loom that revolutionized the production of wicker.
Designed by famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin West served as his home and studio during his illustrious career.
The home was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1982, and The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, which was started by Wright in 1940 as a nonprofit institution, currently owns Taliesin West.
It serves as the main campus of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, which offers accredited undergraduate and graduate degrees in architecture and provides K-12 outreach education programs.
Also housed at Taliesin West are the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives as well as rotating exhibitions.
Renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) had a long and prolific career, designing over 1,000 works during his life.
Like many of Frank Lloyd Wright's structures, Taliesin West is oriented horizontally to take advantage of panoramic desert views.
In 2006, Swanson appeared on the reality show Skating with Celebrities, where she was paired with professional skater Lloyd Eisler.
Balfour began almost a century ago in 1913, when the enterprising Lloyd Balfour saw a niche market developing as more and more young people chose to enter college and join fraternities and sororities.
The exclusive animated sequences in the ride's queue also include an animated cameo by Back to the Future scientist Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) in a subtle tribute to the now defunct attraction.
You start out as Lloyd and the Chosen, Collete, but as the story progresses (and boy does it) you hook up with a slew of playable characters to add to your team.
Henri Lloyd boot gaiters are among the most expensive brands of protective footwear you will find, but this price comes with a quality many hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts think is unbeatable.
Henri Lloyd, a London-based company started in the 1960s, focuses only on high-end gear that designed to meet the needs of affluent hobbyists.
The Henri Lloyd version of the gaiter is designed primarily for water use, although they can be an asset in many situations related to camping and hiking.
The gaiters available from the Henri Lloyd company include several deck boot varieties.
Henri Lloyd also sells a type of gaiter called the Racer boot.
Visit the Henri Lloyd website to find the complete list of authorized dealers who sell Henri Lloyd products.
Be sure to check the official Henri Lloyd website for information about authorized dealers before making your purchase.
Since he only used the first name "Frank", Frank Capra was halfway to the podium to make his speech before he realized the actual winner was Frank Lloyd.
This one answers all the final questions about how that cute little Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd in Episode I and Hayden Christiansen in Episode II and Episode III) winds up inside the bad black suit with the unmistakable breathing problem.
Attractions in the city include the Albright-Knox (modern)Art Gallery, several Frank Lloyd Wright-designed homes, and Delaware Park, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and said to be his model for New York City's Central Park.
The Frank Lloyd Wright watch collection only has one watch for men -- the Exhibition.
She has gone on to appear in a Broadway production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Bombay Dreams.
Get It Shawty by Lloyd featuring Ja Rule and Big Boi.
Lloyd. Not a very remarkable name, is it?
Musical maestro Andrew Lloyd Weber is the brains behind the wildly successful musical version of Phantom of the Opera.
The stage play is the highest earning entertainment event ever, and it is the longest running musical on Broadway of all times (narrowly edging out another Andrew Lloyd Weber creation, Cats).
The musical Jesus Christ Superstar is one of the many successful collaborations between Andrew Lloyd Weber and Tim Rice.
Andrew Lloyd Webber has been working on the Phantom of the Opera musical sequel on and off since the 1990s, but the production didn't come to fruition until 2010.
Lloyd Webber doesn't actually consider the show, called Love Never Dies, to strictly be a Phantom of the Opera sequel, but audiences and the press have tagged it as such since it brings back the original Phantom characters.
The first seeds of Love Never Dies were planted in the 1990s, when Lloyd Webber and the original Phantom costume designer began to discuss the idea.
Throughout the 90s, Lloyd Webber toyed off and on with show ideas with the help of novelist Frederick Forsyth.
However, after Lloyd Webber saw a BBC documentary about the early days of Coney Island, he decided that would be the ideal setting.
Forsyth eventually penned a novel called The Phantom of Manhattan that told the story he had developed with Lloyd Webber.
Although Lloyd Webber continued to work on the idea, it didn't finally come together until 2007, when he began to collaborate with comedian and author Ben Elton.
Elton devised a synopsis for the musical that strayed substantially from the ideas Lloyd Webber and Forsyth had worked on.
If you're familiar with Phantom of the Opera, you've heard the genius work of Andrew Lloyd Weber.
Jake Lloyd plays the precocious and gifted nine-year-old Anakin in The Phantom Menace (Episode I, 1999).
Many people don't realize that Christopher Lloyd's mad scientist in the feature film Back to the Future was based on Jack Sarfatti.
Lloyd Simcoe, who is the man Olivia is with in her flashforward, is panicked when his son disappears from the hospital.
Zoey figures out the meaning behind her vision, and Lloyd's organization decides to make their involvement in the Blackout public.
Lloyd Simcoe is one of the only television characters who made the leap from the novel.