Lives Sentence Examples
It's all our lives he's putting at risk.
Some people lived their entire lives without ever being close to anyone.
Great. I have no purpose but to make others' lives easier.
They'd start their lives together and live happily ever after.
We'd sort of made a pact that our lives began when we met each other so the past wasn't discussed much, if at all.
An American originally from New Orleans, Jim Haynes lives in Paris.
You play with people's lives every day.
He does them now with no regard for the lives of innocents.
Their lives are spent in toiling for the rich.
Though I wouldn't have believed it two weeks ago, peace of sorts prevails at Econ Scrutiny and with the lives of its employees.
AdvertisementI'm saying their lives will be complicated enough without us adding problems to it.
If he had, how many thousands of lives would have been saved?
It was the second strongest memory in human-Deidre's mind, the day when both of their lives changed.
She was saving lives, yes, but she wished there was a different way to do it.
Is that where he lives?
AdvertisementThey belong to the rich man who lives in the big white house there among the trees.
Can you guess how many lives these two varieties of rice have already saved?
While our employment hampered our work with Howie, we all recognized our need to continue our day to day lives.
And now, if these people think they are safe from me, are in for the surprise of their now-short lives!
You saved thousands of lives.
AdvertisementI mean, this is supposed to be you starting your lives together, not hauling around your poor spinster of a friend who's about to be abandoned.
Lana went, troubled that someone had discovered her and endangered the lives of those in the town.
The children needed structure and direction in their lives.
Your cousins' lives are at stake.
All three of their lives were at stake.
AdvertisementWe have to work at jobs to create wealth because as we live our lives, we consume wealth.
My cousin Frank lives in Louisville.
Oblivious as we were at the time, this meeting of the five of us was the beginning of a relationship that fused our lives together in a way we never would have imagined.
Only he, unknown to any of us, was as yet absent from our lives.
A roll of the dice changed the lives of all of us and hundreds of others forever.
Would any of you truly miss your everyday lives?
Quinn quipped it would be worth the price of the car if she kept motoring north to Canada and out of our lives.
I promised all of you I wouldn't go into your lives and I won't go into mine either.
It's been a good run and many lives have been saved.
We've saved scores of lives.
Unfortunately, there is no one left alive to salute the LeBlanc and Betsy and I want our adopted daughter Claire to know she is fully a part of our lives.
It is not our business to judge and we've removed ourselves from the chore of managing the lives of others outside our household.
Talon's men turn them into killers who take the lives of the innocent.
Death-dealers operated off a sense of soul radar that pulled them like magnets to the lives that were on Death's list to be ended.
If he was half the man they believed him to be – and if she was half as bad as these two related to her – he'd resent her for the rest of their lives.
Do you ever bother to see if the moms want to have a baby angel in their lives?
She'd escaped death again, but how many lives did she have?
The only two people she cared about in this godforsaken world were both fighting for their lives.
Maybe Gabriel taking her to Death would make the lives of those around her easier.
If she didn.t find a way to push him away, she risked messing up both of their lives.
Or risking the lives of everyone here.
The ruler of Tri'trij has vacated his planet and lives on colonies outside the solar system.
Dean smiled at neighbors as they brushed last night's snow from cars and walkways and went about their lives.
I'm Gladys Turnbull the author, and this is Donnie who can't speak, and Martha who lives in town.
If she lives on in my sister's mind one way, and in mine another, what's the harm in that?
They discovered that they had led similar lives, both belonging to families of high standing and wealth.
Jackson managed to stand tall and keep eye contact, although, he was a breath away from begging for their lives.
They made small talk, questioning each other about the basics of their lives.
They had discussed choosing one surname many years back, but their names were the only connection that remained to their human lives, so decided against it.
Alex is a veterinarian, and Katie lives less than five miles away.
What was worth the lives of the thousand people at the Peak, Lana?
If she left behind a thousand lives, she'd been running for something greater.
She didn't expect it to happen as it did, and the accusation of slaughtering a thousand lives made her feel ill.
So many other lives have been lost that might've been saved.
The loss of him and all the other lives made her feel like the worst person on the planet.
Your family must've saved their whole lives to send you.
The people of the town were employed in maintaining and improving their new lives.
Lives she'd helped destroy.
She'd destroyed these people's lives and lost the only man she'd cared for.
I have thousands of lives depending on my decisions.
Isn't this where she lives?
You paid for two deaths. Gabe came to collect, and those two lives … disappeared. They're in my underworld right now, running from me.
She lives in Indiana but it's so difficult to make any plans until...they find Jeff.
My sister lives up in Parkside and sometimes I hook a ride up with Jeff so's I can visit.
He apparently was given a whiff of the bigs in a losing September when a few fortunate minor leaguers get a peek of how the other side lives.
They alternated discussing what was happening in their lives while the other nodded, injecting a polite one word answer occasionally, just to properly pretend interest.
He lives right up there, over the Laundromat.
I guess you carry that gun 'cause it's such a piss-poor neighborhood where our old buddy Vinnie lives.
The neighbors continued to help, but they had their own lives to live and she was encouraging them to get back to their normal activities.
I come along barging into your lives...
The young man said he understood but sounded confused at Dean's sudden absence from their lives, though he didn't press for an explanation.
It would be comforting if she thought things would change after they got married, but actually, she would have less to do – and more time to think about what was missing in their lives.
They could travel some other time when their lives were more settled.
Anyway, after today we'll have the rest of our lives to eat breakfast together.
Then I thought you'd realize you were intruding in their lives.
I realized that no matter how much two people love each other, they need time to adjust to each other before they complicate their lives with the responsibility of children.
I just want us to be happy together for the rest of our lives.
Darian had survived two lives and was on his third.
Three lives down, he told himself.
She doesn't realize I have nine lives, like my cats.
The lives of the White God's mate, and her best friend's mate, were in her hands.
I've got nine lives.
Only because I know the Spring water you carry is worth a hundred lives.
No, it's not, but you're strong, and the lives of those you care about depend upon you.
If only the rest of their lives could be as blissful as this dance.
Alex was gone from their lives, leaving a void no one could fill.
They were embarking on a new phase in their lives together, leaning on each other without becoming a burden.
Of course, she couldn't simply quit and disappear from their lives.
We'll return to the mortal world and live normal lives.
In a thousand lives, how much more can I do?
He is paying the penalty for the loss of a hundred thousand innocent lives.
He was a little lost, like they had been after their lives were uprooted by their parent's deaths.
No one else talks to him like you do and lives to walk away.
As if they'd had the best night of their lives.
That the lives of her cousins were nothing compared to the lives of the entire planet?
O'Hanlon, Lives of the Irish Saints, vii.
To paint a Joan of Arc who lives and dies inglorious is the theme she sets herself, and through most of the novel it is perfectly executed.
Lives by Mirecourt (1855) and by Haussonville (1878) may also be consulted.
A woman's right to hold, manage and acquire property is not affected by marriage, except that unless she lives apart from her husband, she may not mortgage or convey real estate without his consent.
Green, Lives of the Princesses of England (6 vols., London, 1849-1855); The Hamilton Papers, ed.
On the 30th of November 1895 there was a massacre of Armenians, in which several Gregorian priests and Protestant pastors lost their lives.
Thus at the opening of the 17th century, after many adventurous efforts, and the expenditure of many lives and much treasure, the Spaniards found themselves securely established on the river Plate, and had planted a number of centres of trade and colonization in the interior.
The Irsorier nearly always lives at the chief town of the department, and is assisted by a receveur particulier des finances in each arrondissement (except that in which the trsorier himself resides).
Scirocco and Barbarigo both lost their lives.
The single species, which is a native of western and southern Australia, is about the size of an English squirrel, to which its long bushy tail gives it some resemblance; but it lives entirely on the ground, especially in sterile sandy districts, feeding on ants.
The man who lives for fame, wealth, power, may be satisfied in this life; but he who lives for the ideals of truth, beauty, goodness, lives not for time but for eternity, for his ideals cannot be realized, and so his life fulfilled on this side of the grave.
And just because God attains and wins and finds this uniqueness, all our lives win in our union with Him the individuality which is essential to their true meaning.
The kangaroo (Macro pus) lives in droves in the open grassy plains.
The last of which we have any knowledge occurred in 1301, but the island was visited by earthquakes in 1881 and 1883, 1700 lives being lost in the latter year, when the town of Casamicciola on the nort of the island was almost entirely destroyed.
The famous defence of Haarlem, lasting through the winter of 1572 to July 1573, cost the besiegers 12,000 lives, and gave of the insurgent provinces time to breathe.
A statue to his honour has been erected at Maros-Vasarhely, but he lives still more enduringly in the immortal verses of the patriot poet Sandor Petofi, who fell in the fatal action of the 31st of July at Segesvar.
He published Lives of Foreign Statesmen (1830), The Greek and the Turk (1853), and Reigns of Louis X VIII.
In the disorderly flight both Louis and his younger brother Henry, refusing to abandon the field, lost their lives.
Thus perished at the age of thirty-six one of the most chivalrous and gifted of a gallant band of brothers, four of whom laid down their lives in their country's cause.
The lives of Giarda (1650), Maupas du Tour (1657) and Cotolendi (1687) add little to Charles Auguste.
The lives by Hamon (1856) and Perennes (1860), without adding much to preceding biographies, are serious and edifying.
Sabatier's theory as to the nature of these documents was, in brief, that the Speculum perfectionis was the first of all the Lives of the saint, written in 1227 by Br.
Leo, his favourite and most intimate disciple, and that the Legenda 3 Soc. is what it claims to be - the handiwork of Leo and the two other most intimate companions of Francis, compiled in 1246; these are the most authentic and the only true accounts, Thomas of Celano's Lives being written precisely in opposition to them, in the interests of the majority of the order that favoured mitigations of the Rule especially in regard to poverty.
Leo; on the other hand, Thomas of Celano's two Lives are free from the "tendencies" ascribed to them by Sabatier, and that of 1248 was written with the collaboration of Leo and the other companions; thus the best sources of information are those portions of the Speculum that can with certainty be carried back to Br.
Of lives of St Francis in English may be mentioned those by Mrs Oliphant (2nd ed., 1871) and by Canon Knox Little (1897).
In Venetia the lives of the small proprietors and of the salaried peasants are often extremely miserable.
War was thus declared between the two chiefs of western Christendom, that war of investitures which out-lasted the lives of both Gregory and Henry, and was not terminated till the year 1122.
These youths assumed the style of princes, and it was against their lives that the Pazzi, with the sanction of Sixtus IV., aimed their blow.
The Annals of the North, the Annals of Krung Kao (Ayuthia) and the Book of the Lives of the Four Kings (of the present dynasty) together form the only more or less connected history of the country from remote times down to the beginning of the present reign, and these, at least so far as the earlier parts are concerned, contain much that is inaccurate and a good deal which is altogether untrue.
Originally nomads (hunters and fishers), all the Finnic people except the Lapps and Ostyaks have long yielded to the influence of civilization, and now everywhere lead settled lives as herdsmen, agriculturists, traders, &c. Physically the Finns (here to be distinguished from the Swedish-speaking population, who retain their Scandinavian qualities) are a strong, hardy race, of low stature, with almost round head, low forehead, flat features, prominent cheek bones, eyes mostly grey and oblique (inclining inwards), short and flat nose, protruding mouth, thick lips, neck very full and strong, so that the occiput seems flat and almost in a straight line with the nape; beard weak and sparse, hair no doubt originally black, but, owing to mixture with other races, now brown, red and even fair; complexion also somewhat brown.
And from every experience they have had in their lives, we would be able to infer what was successful and what was not successful.
We never will have the opportunity to learn from the details of their lives and the trillions upon trillions of trial-and-error learning that humankind has repeated again and again.
In a profound way, our lives will be better.
It is said that tall people live shorter lives than short people.
What is it about them and their lives that made them live so long or so well?
We will know how to live our lives to best maximize any and all factors.
And yet, our lives are nothing like that.
We'll look at their lives, and the social aspects of this change, in a coming chapter called "Left Behind."
Worker Chad lives in Chattanooga.
So, let's say on average the pan is worth $2,000 to everyone who uses it—all the way from the people who just think it is "cool" to the people who it saves from food poisoning to the people whose lives and houses it saves.
But many people's lives do follow humdrum, dispiriting patterns because we employ too many people doing work that machines should be doing.
Everyone you know lives in the trailer park and they all have about the same level of income.
And finally, consider how nutrition affects other relative and subjective factors in our lives such as energy level and mood.
And second, people are really bad at connecting cause and effect in their lives when it comes to things like this.
When you read somewhere else that food produced by large corporations saved millions of lives, you won't believe that.
Deciding to end hunger today saves the lives of millions, and we have the technology to do it.
Maybe you think prisoners have it too easy serving time while their victims struggle to piece their lives back together.
King Frost lives in a beautiful palace far to the North, in the land of perpetual snow.
It lives too fast.
If we were always, indeed, getting our living, and regulating our lives according to the last and best mode we had learned, we should never be troubled with ennui.
Man lives consciously for himself, but is an unconscious instrument in the attainment of the historic, universal, aims of humanity.
The nobility don't gwudge theah lives--evewy one of us will go and bwing in more wecwuits, and the sov'weign" (that was the way he referred to the Emperor) "need only say the word and we'll all die fo' him!" added the orator with animation.
If her vision wasn't right, she wasn't sure what she'd do, for the lives of all three brothers would soon be suspended in time.
See the lives, by Sidney Lee in the Diet.
The male matures when about fifteen years of age, marries when about twenty-six, begins to age when about forty, and lives on to sixty or sixty-five if he reaches old age.
Thus Microhydra lives amongst Bryozoa, and appears to utilize the currents produced by these animals.
St Jerome's mind was first seriously directed to religion while studying at Trier about 370, and St Martin of Tours came in 385 to plead with the tryant Maximus for the lives of the heretic Priscillian and his followers.
It contains lyrical and ballad poetry, specimens of early exegesis and commentary, lives of the saints, collections of edifying anecdotes and of the now well-known Jatakas or Birth Stories.
Of these, eleven volumes had by 1910 been edited for the Pali Text Society by various scholars, the Jatakas and two other treatises had appeared elsewhere, and two works (one a selection of lives of distinguished early Buddhists, and the other an ancient commentary), were still in MS.
These layers arc secreted by the protoplasm by the direct apposition of substances on those already in existence; and they may go on increasing in thickness, both by apposition and by the intussusception of particles probably carried in through the protoplasmic fibres, which penetrate the cell-wall as long as the cell lives.
In general, these performed very much the same function as the lives of saints in the early and medieval church.
This was split open by a thunderbolt, the old man sacrificing himself to save the lives of those who were inside, and from it there issued the progenitors of the present races of men, beasts, birds, fishes and plants.
O'Hanlon, Lives of the Irish Saints, viii.
Those who had lived evil lives were thrust down into Tartarus, where they suffered endless torments.
Among the vegetable-feeding chafers we usually find that while the perfect insect devours leaves, the larva lives underground and feeds on roots.
For this purpose Dimitri Donskoi formed in 1380 a coalition of Russian princes, and gained a great victory over Khan Mamai of the Golden Horde on the famous battlefield of Kulikovo, the memory of which still lives in the popular legends.
More recently legislation has beenassed to safeguard the lives and interests of Hours of P g Lab ur.
Biography, with authorities there collected; lives in Wood's Athenae Oxonienses (Bliss), iv.
Already the Jews of the Dispersion had learned to supplement the Temple by the synagogue, and even the Jews of Jerusalem had not been free to spend their lives in the worship of the Temple.
From the 12th and 13th centuries onward there is observable in the different countries of Europe a widespread reaction against the growing formalism and worldliness of the Church and the scandalous lives of many of the clergy.
For example, a minute species (Solenopsis fugax) lives in a compound nest with various species of Formica, forming narrow galleries which open into the larger galleries of its host.
The wish was gratified at the risk of the lives of three brave men, and he recognized the solemnity of the occasion by pouring out the water as an offering unto Yahweh.
With this version Ctesias and Nicolaus have connected another, in which Cyrus is the son of a Persian shepherd who lives at Pasargadae, and fights the decisive battle at this place.
He also published Lives of Maria Theresa and Joseph II.
Invectivarum in Hieronymum Libri II; (4) Apologia pro Fide Sua ad Anastasium Pontificem; (5) Historia Eremitica - consisting of the lives of thirty-three monks of the Nitrian desert; 1 (6) Expositio Symboli, a commentary on the creed of Aquileia comparing it with that of Rome, which is valuable for its evidence as to church teaching in the 4th century.
If so, it might be possible to save the lives of persons bitten by mad dogs.
The one places a single life above all victories, the other sacrifices hundreds of thousands of lives to the ambition of a single individual.
Smith and fifty-nine others lost their lives; and St Paul's Church, where Jefferson Davis was attending services, on the 2nd of April 1865, when he received news from 1 As built in Richmond in 1845 by Luther Libby, it was a brick structure, three storeys high in front and four in the rear.
Frequently it was terribly overcrowded (by as many as 1200 prisoners at a time), the inmates often suffered great privations, and many died or were physically disabled for the remainder of their lives.
As the result of this analysis, combined with an investigation into the surroundings man lives in, a "content" - a moral code - becomes gradually evolved.
The notices given in the historical synaxaria are summaries of those in the great menologies, or collections of lives of saints, for the twelve months of the year.
It may eat roots or refuse, while the imago lives on leaves and flowers.
A marked disproportion between the life-term of larva and imago is common; the former often lives for months or years, while the latter only survives for weeks or days or hours.
Although one of the characteristics of insects is the brevity of their adult lives, a considerable number of exceptions to the general rule have been discovered.
But the quarrel between the republics, both fighting for trade supremacy - that is to say, for their lives - could not come to an end till one or other was thoroughly crushed.
Desis lives invariably between tide-marks upon the rocks and coral reefs, and may be found at low tide either crawling about upon them or swimming in tidal pools and feeding upon small fish or crustaceans.
The fresh-water spider (Argyroneta) lives amongst the weeds of lakes and ponds and, like Desis, is quite at home beneath the water either swimming from spot to spot or crawling amongst the stems of aquatic plants.
The hardships of war and the excesses of peace shortened the lives of the men; the kingdom of Jerusalem had eleven kings within a century.
While the men died, the women, living in comparative indolence, lived longer lives.
This knowledge, joined to what he had gathered by historical reading of equally unusual extent, he carefully digested and gave to the world in his Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften, containing notices of the lives and labours of mathematicians, astronomers, physicists, and chemists, of all peoples and all ages.
Much of the wisdom of Maecenas probably lives in the Satires and Epistles of Horace.
In ordinary circumstances, however, the Malay is not treacherous, and there are many instances recorded in which men of this race have risked their own lives on behalf of Europeans who chanced to be their friends.
The bulk lead really excellent lives in monasteries, which are centres of education and poor-relief; while others go out to visit the poor as Gurus or teachers.
He is a wild man who lives with the animals of the field until lured away from his surroundings by the charms of a woman.
It lives on the shores of lakes and rivers, swimming and diving with facility, feeding on the roots, stems and leaves of water-plants, or on fruits and vegetables which grow near the margin of the streams it inhabits.
The regard of Napoleon for his consort was evidenced shortly before the birth of this prince, when he bade the physicians, if the lives of the mother and of the child could not both be saved, to spare her life.
It would be impossible to give a list even of the other lives, most of which are without value as histories, being written mainly for edification.
On the 8th of August 1899 the island was visited by the most destructive cyclone in its history, causing a loss of about 3500 lives and a property damage amounting to 36,000,000 pesos, the coffee industry suffering most.
Two short treatises exist, purporting to be lives of Gildas, and ascribed respectively to the 11th and 12th centuries; but the writers of both are believed to have confounded two, if not more, persons that had borne the name.
This Bohun lives in history as one of the recalcitrant barons of the year 1297, who extorted from Edward I.
Wordsworth's theories of poetry - the objects best suited for poetic treatment, the characteristics of such treatment and the choice of diction suitable for the purpose - may be said to have grown out of the soil and substance of the lakes and mountains, and out of the homely lives of the people, of Cumberland and Westmoreland.
And several, especially in France and Germany, made the great sacrifice which summarily closed lives and extinguished brains of great value to science.
During the conflict between Paganism and Christianity when many Christians "testified" to the truth of their convictions by sacrificing their lives, the word assumed its modern technical sense.
After Christ has appeared from heaven in the guise of a warrior, and vanquished the antichristian world-power, the wisdom of the world and the devil, those who have remained steadfast in the time of the last catastrophe, and have given up their lives for their faith, shall be raised up, and shall reign with Christ on this earth as a royal priesthood for one thousand years.
On promising to cease from molesting Phineus, their lives were spared.
There are lives of Leo XIII.
This so exasperated him that he completely demolished its fortifications, although he seems to have spared the lives of the inhabitants as far as lay in his power.
Other historical works of Bede are the History of the Abbots (of Wearmouth and Jarrow), and the lives of Cuthbert in verse and prose.
It lives in the most solitary woods, especially in the eastern hills.
Below the feudal nobility and their Moslem soldiers came the Christian serfs, tillers of the soil and taxpayers, whose lives and property were at the mercy of their lords.
Monks or bonzes are very numerous; they live by alms and in return they teach the young to read, and superintend coronations, marriages, funerals and the other ceremonials which play a large part in the lives of the Cambodians.
Expeditions of Sibley in 1863, and General Alfred Sully (1821-1879) in 1864, eventually drove the hostile Indians beyond the Missouri and terminated the war, which in two years had cost upwards of a thousand lives of settlers and volunteers.
The Callao fortifications were bombarded by a Spanish fleet under Admiral Mendez Nunez on the 2nd of May 1866, when there were heavy losses both in lives and material.
Among later lives we may mention the hymn Genair Patraicc, commonly attributed to Fiacc, which is considered by the latest editors to have been originally composed about Boo.
Three anonymous Latin lives were published by Colgan in his Trias Thaumaturga (Louvain, 1645), and there exists an 1 ith-century Irish life in three parts published by Whitley Stokes for the Rolls series (1887).
It lives entirely away from houses, commonly taking up its abode in wheat or hay fields, where it builds a round grass nest about the size of a cricket-ball, in which it brings up its young.
To each person hitherto appanaged an annual income of one million lives was assigned, and two millions for the brothers of the king.
See C. Brown's Lives of Nottinghamshire Worthies (1882), pp. 352-353, and Journ.
It is not unlikely that, owing to the conditions under which it now lives, these traits are even more developed in England than elsewhere.
C. Jerdon states that the Indian ratel is found throughout the whole of India, from the extreme south to the foot of the Himalaya, chiefly in hilly districts, where it has greater facilities for constructing the holes and dens in which it lives; but also in the north of India in alluvial plains, where the banks of large rivers afford equally suitable localities wherein to make its lair.
Brazil has three groups of animals similar to the common rat - the Capromydae, Loncheridae and Psammoryctidae- the best known of which is the " tuco-tuco " (Ctenomys brasiliensis), a small burrowing animal of Rio Grande do Sul which excavates long subterranean galleries and lives on roots and bulbs.
The relations of the state with the disestablished church since 1889 have been somewhat anomalous, the government having decided to continue during their lives the stipends of the church functionaries at the time of disestablishment.
Following in the path struck out by Miss Strickland in her Lives of the Queens of England, and by Lord Brougham's Lives of Eminent Statesmen, he at last produced, in 1849, The Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the earliest times till the reign of King George IV., 7 vols.
These faults are painfully apparent in the lives of Hardwicke, Eldon, Lyndhurst and Brougham, and they have been pointed out by the biographers of Eldon and by Lord St Leonards.'
It was followed by the Lives of the Chief Justices of England, from the Norman Conquest till the death of Lord Mansfield, 8vo, 2 vols., a book of similar construction but inferior merit.
See Misrepresentations in Campbell's "Lives of Lyndhurst and Brougham" corrected by St Leonards (London, 1869).
The kings were fighting for their lives, the great nobles were indistinguishable from brigands and the whole nation seemed to be relapsing into savagery.
So he secured the lives of some free men who had been taken and (by the gift of Titus) certain sacred books.
The two thousand odd rifles which had been distributed among the Uitlanders were then given up. With regard to the inducements to this step urged upon the reform committee by the high commissioner, it is only necessary to say with reference to the first that the grievances never were considered, and with reference to the second it subsequently appeared that one of the conditions of the surrender of Jameson's force at Doornkop was that the lives of the men should be spared.
The police afford no adequate protection to the lives and property of the inhabitants of Johannesburg; they are rather a source of danger to the peace and safety of the Uitlander population.
When we put aside one or two exceptionally fine pieces, like the hymn of the soul in the apocryphal Acts of Thomas, the highest degree of excellence in style is perhaps attained in staightforward historical narrative - such as the account of the PersoRoman War at the beginning of the 6th century by the author who passes under the name of Joshua the Stylite, or by romancers like him who wrote the romance of Julian; by biographers like some of those who have written lives of saints, martyrs and eminent divines; and by some early writers of homilies such as Philoxenus (in prose) and Isaac of Antioch (in verse).
We possess two lives of him - one by John of Asia in his collection of biographies, and another which may have been written by a priest of Jacob's original monastery of Pesilta.
This work is a collection of lives of holy men who founded monasteries in the East, and is a valuable historical source.
A third series of homilies, the Lives of the Saints, dates from 996 to 997.
This revolt, which was accompanied by severe fighting, ended in 1892 in the triumph of the insurgents, Palacios and his followers being forced to leave the country to save their lives.
Together with another seer, Amphilochus, Mopsus founded Mallus in Cilicia after the return from Troy; and in a quarrel for its possession both lost their lives.
We have already compared the body to a social community, each constituent element of which - the cell - lives its own life but subordinates its individuality to the good of the whole organism.
According to the extant Lives he was led to take the monastic vows by a vision at the death of bishop Aidan, and the date of his entry at Melrose would be 651.
London had been ravaged by plague on many former occasions, but the pestilence that began in December 1664 lives in history as "the Plague of London."
In spite of this the 18th century produced some of the most devoted of Londoners - men who considered a day lived out of London as one lost out of their lives.
In 1631 he published his Traite des religions, a book that still lives; and from this year onward he was a foremost man in the church.
As a hanger-on in great houses he had little time for systematic work, and he wrote the "Lives" in the early morning while his hosts were sleeping off the effects of the dissipation of the night before.
Jackson (Devizes, 1862); part of another MS. on "The Natural History of Wiltshire" was printed by John Britton in 1847 for the Wiltshire Topographical Society; the Miscellanies were edited in 1890 for the Library of Old Authors; the "Minutes for Lives" were partially edited in 1813.
A complete transcript, Brief Lives chiefly of Contemporaries set down by John Aubrey between the Years 1669 and 1696, was edited for the Clarendon Press in 1898 by the Rev. Andrew Clark from the MSS.
Several lives of Gentz exist.
These were attacked on the 23rd of September 1823 by the Burmese, and driven from their post with the loss of several lives; and to the repeated demands of the British for redress no answer was returned.
The first four gurus led simple ascetic lives and were regardless of wordly affairs.
These men told him that they had no offering to make to him except their lives; for pay they only required instruction in his religion; and they professed themselves ready to die in his service.
The mildew is in its turn attacked by a fungus of the same tribe, Cicinnobolus Cesatii, which lives parasitically within the hyphae of its host, and at times even succeeds in destroying it.
It suffered severely from an earthquake in 1819, which destroyed a large number of houses, and occasioned the loss of several lives.
Archigetes appendiculatus lives throughout life in the coelom of Tubifex and of Limnodrilus.
A continuation of their work on bitter almond oil by Liebig and Wohler, who remained firm friends for the rest of their lives, resulted in the elucidation of the mode of formation of that substance and in the discovery of the ferment emulsin as well as the recognition of the first glucoside, amygdalin, while another and not less important and far-reaching inquiry in 'which they collaborated was that on uric acid, published in 1837.
It lives in a burrow, generally excavated by itself; but when pursued, seeks safety in flight, rather than by a retreat to its hole.
Suspected of "Moderatism" on account of this incident, especially when he was recalled to Paris, Tallien increased, in appearance, his revolutionary zeal, but Therese abated his revolutionary ardour, and from the lives she saved by her entreaties she received the name of "Our Lady of Thermidor," after the 9th of Thermidor.
Contemporary lives are to be found in Panvinio, continuator of Platina, De vitis pontiff.
Bliss; Foss, Lives of the Judges.
For contemporary lives see Elci, The Present State of the Court of Rome, trans.
But neither in Homer nor in Hesiod is there any trace of the idea that the heroes after death had any power for good or evil over the lives of those who survived them; and consequently, no cult.
Savonarola's party was apparently annihilated by his death, but, when in 1529-1530 Florence was exposed to the horrors predicted by him, the most heroic defenders of his beloved if ungrateful city were Piagnoni who ruled their lives by his precepts and revered his memory as that of a saint.
Though the inhabitants bad been arned by the earlier convulsions of the mountain, so swiftly d destruction come upon them that 18,ooo are said to have St their lives.
It is about a foot in length, lives on snails and worms and is provided with both lungs and gills.
The number of lives lost was 461; four hamlets were completely Bandai-san (Iwashiro) entombed with their iiihabitants and cattle; 6o37(cont.).
A new phase of the art now lives in the pages of the newspaper press.
In the forefront of the new movement are to be found men like Yoneharu Unkai and Shinkai Taketaro; the former chiselled a figure of Jenner for the Medical Association of Japan when they celebrated the centenary of the great physician, and the latter has carved life-size effigies of two Imperial princes who lost their lives in the war with China (1894 95).
Lastly we have the white - Burchell's, or square-mouthedrhinoceros (Rhinoceros (Diceros) simus), the largest of the five, and differing from the other species in having a square truncated upper lip. In conformity with the structure of the mouth, this species lives entirely by browsing on grass, and is therefore more partial to open countries or districts where there are broad grassy valleys between the tracts of bush.
According to an official estimate the earthquake caused the loss of 77,283 lives.'
They possess - not in Hebrew, of which they are altogether ignorant, but in Ethiopic (or Geez)- the canonical and apocryphal books of the Old Testament; a volume of extracts from the Pentateuch, with comments given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai; the Te-e-sa-sa Sanbat, or laws of the Sabbath; the Ardit, a book of secrets revealed to twelve saints, which is used as a charm against disease; lives of Abraham, Moses, &c.; and a translation of Josephus called Sana Aihud.
Irving in Lives of Scottish Writers (1839).
He was thus enabled to go to; Italy to study the Vatican text of Plutarch, on the translation on whose Lives (1 559; 1 565) he had been some time engaged.
Rhinophis sanguineus lives in southern India; it is black above with a bluish gloss, the belly is bright red with black spots, like the convex tail-shield.
It grows to a length of 6 ft., lives in swamps, plantations, forests, on the plains and on the hills, and is very prolific, producing dozens of young, which at birth are 10 in.
Trent lives rather on its historical souvenirs than on its industries, which are not very extensive, viticulture, silk-spinning and the preparation of salami (a strongly spiced kind of Italian sausage) being the chief.
In his Fasti he treats a subject of national interest; it is not, however, through the strength of Roman sentiment but through the power of vividly conceiving and narrating stories of strong human interest that the poem lives.
But it is not in the Silvae, nor in the epics and tragedies of the time, nor in the cultivated criticism of Quintilian that the age of Domitian lives for us.
The Historia Augusta, which includes the lives of the emperors from Hadrian to Numerianus (117-284), is the work of six writers, four of whom wrote under Diocletian and two under Constantine.
In July 1816 the French frigate "Medusa," which carried officers on their way to Senegal to take possession of that country for France, was wrecked off Arguin, 350 lives being lost.
Lives of Chemnitz are numerous, e.g.
He also published anonymously, in 1745, the lives of English, Scotch and Irish saints, under the title of Britannia Sancta, an interesting work which has, however, been superseded by that of Alban Butler.
Of his separate publications, the most important are his lives of Cromwell (1888), William the Silent, (1897), Ruskin (1902), and Chatham (1905); his Meaning of History (1862; enlarged 1894) and Byzantine History in the Early Middle Ages (1900); and his essays on Early Victorian Literature (1896) and The Choice of Books (1886) are remarkable alike for generous admiration and good sense.
These include, besides many letters and memoranda, two Lives of him, composed by his son, the fourth earl, one of which is evidently the original,.
Great numbers of monks, each in solitary cell, spent lonely lives, scorched by the sun, ill-clad and scantily fed, pondering on portions of Scripture or copying MSS.
Farrar, Lives of the Fathers, ii.
Noteworthy coincidences in the lives of Abraham and Isaac, noticed above, point to the fluctuating state of traditions in the oral stage, or suggest that Abraham's life has been built up by borrowing from the common stock of popular lore.
He is a god who lives among men, miraculously reborn each day by the fire-drill, by the friction of the two sticks which are regarded as his parents; he is the supreme director of religious ceremonies and duties,and even has the power of influencing the lot of man in the future world.
The Maltese, of whom 86% cannot understand Italian, are still liable to be tried, even for their lives, in Italian, to them a foreign language.
British troops were landed to assist in the siege; few lives were lost in actual combat, nevertheless famine and sickness killed thousands of the inhabitants, and finally forced the French to surrender to the allies.
There are lives by Larrazabal (New York, 1866); Rojas (Madrid, 1883); and Ducoudray-Holstein (Paris, 1831).
Manning, Lives of the Speakers of the House of Commons.
At Treves, in 385, he entreated that the lives of the Priscillianist heretics should be spared, and he ever afterwards refused to hold ecclesiastical fellowship with those bishops who had sanctioned their execution.
Comparatively only a few species are, for part of their lives, denizens of fresh water; these, as larvae, are parasitic on the eggs or larvae of other aquatic insects, the little hymenopteron, Polynema natans, one of the " fairy-flies " - swims through the water by strokes of her delicate wings in search of a dragon-fly's egg in which to lay her own egg, while the rare Agriotypus dives after the case of a caddis-worm.
In this tribe are included five or six families of aquatic Heteroptera which spend the greater part of their lives submerged, diving and swimming through the water.
Winged Female which lives on leaves and buds of vine, and lays parthogenetically eggs of two kinds, one developing into a wingless female, the other into a male.
See the contemporary lives by Cicarella, continuator of Platina, De vitis pontiff.
There have been several instances of this being done in the fiery pits in the Barnsley district, notably at the great explosion at the Oaks colliery in 1866, when 360 lives were lost.
She agreed with their plan of an armed congress, and on this idea both she and Fersen insisted with all their might, Fersen leaving Brussels and going on a mission to the emperor to try and gain support and checkmate the émigrés, whose desertion the queen bitterly resented, and whose rashness threatened to frustrate her plans and endanger the lives of her family.
The resemblance between incidents in the lives of Isaac and Abraham is noteworthy; in each case Isaac appears to be the more original.
Less noteworthy are Eadmer's lives of St Dunstan, St Bregwin, archbishop of Canterbury, and St Oswald, archbishop of York; these are all printed in Henry Wharton's Anglia Sacra, part ii.
Philochorus also wrote on oracles, divination and sacrifices; the mythology and religious observances of the tetrapolis of Attica; the myths of Sophocles; the lives of Euripides and Pythagoras; the foundation of Salamis.
The three ends proposed by the church in such discipline are there stated to be, (1) that those who lead scandalous lives may not to the dishonour of God be numbered among Christians, seeing that the church is the body of Christ; (2) that the good may not be corrupted by constant association with the wicked; (3) that those who are censured or excommunicated, confounded with shame, may be led to repentance.
Mr Way, in the article alluded to, says of the custom of offering crowns to churches that frequent notices of the usage may be found in the lives of the Roman pontiffs by Anastasius.
P. Ashe and Mackay only redeemed their lives by presents.
The lives of many Europeans were at stake, for anarchy must follow the withdrawal, and it seemed impossible to repudiate the pledges to Toro, or to abandon the Baganda who had fought for the British.
Piering, lost their lives (1895), the important German expedition under C. Lauterbach (1896), and the various explorations carried out by or at the instigation of Sir William MacGregor, including a crossing of the island from the mouth of the Mambare river to that of the Vanapa, and a second crossing in the reverse direction (1897).
As the object exists through the constructive activity of the subject, so the subject lives in the construction of the object.
God lives in the soul as it in Him.
But religious liberty in our modern sense they did not seek for themselves, nor accord to others; they abhorred it, they trampled on it, and their own lives they subjected to all the rigid restrictions to which they subjected others.
It was begun in 1607 - a year when the city was completely flooded - but was not completed until 1789, and then it was found that the city was still subject to partial inundations, although an enormous sum of money and 70,000 lives of Indian labourers had been expended upon it.
The great earthquake shocks of the 30th and 3 1st of July 1909, however, caused considerable damage in the city, and a few lives were lost.
The Arctic peoples regulated their lives by the long day and night in the year; among the tribes in the arid region the place of sunrise was marked on the horizon for each day; the tropical Indians were not so observant, but they worshipped the sun-god above all.
While Protestants, he thinks, have undermined it by a deeper conception of faith,' Roman Catholics have come to attach more value to obedience and " implicit belief " than to knowledge; and even the Eastern Church lives to-day by the cultus more than by the vision of supernatural truth.
The Areois travelled about, devoting their whole time to feasting, dancing (the chief dance of the women being the grossly indecent Timorodeementionedby Captain Cook), and debauchery, varied by elaborate realistic stage presentments of the lives and loves of gods and legendary heroes.
Then, with the assistance of her sister, she projected a more ambitious work, The Lives of the Queens of England, from Matilda of Flanders to Queen Anne.
In 1850 she followed up her Queens of England with the Lives of the Queens of Scotland, completing the series in eight volumes in 1859.
The Lives of the Seven Bishops followed in 1866 - after a longer interval, part of which was employed in producing an abridged version of her Queens of England.
Her last work was the Lives of the Last Four Stuart Princesses, published in 1872.
His intention was to publish in eighteen volumes the lives of the saints compiled from the MSS., at the same time adding sober notes.
He published a number of theological works, and edited the Oratorian Lives of the Saints.
The strongholds of these heretical opinions were the great towns, the centres of civilization, because there the growing sentiment of municipal independence, and the rise of a burgher class through commerce, created a spirit of criticism which was dissatisfied with the worldly lives of the clergy and their undue influence in affairs.
The teachers of these new opinions were men of high character and holy lives, who in spite of persecution wandered from place to place, and made many converts from those who were dissatisfied at the want of clerical discipline which followed upon the struggle for temporal supremacy into which the reforming projects of Gregory VII.
For Waldo had a translation of the New Testament made into Provençal, and his preachers not only stirred up men to more holy lives but explained the Scriptures at their will.
The greater part of the land in this section was comprised in vast estates such as Rensselaerwyck, Livingston, Scarsdale, Phillipse, Pelham and Van Cortlandt manors, and on these the leasehold system with perpetual leases, leases for 99 years or leases for one to three lives had become general.
After this period of formation his fame began to spread abroad, and the monks of a neighbouring monastery induced him to become their abbot; but their lives were irregular and dissolute, and on his trying to put down abuses they attempted to poison him.
In 1807 its population had risen to 15,000, principally through its commercial importance, but on the 26th of March 1812 it was totally destroyed by an earthquake, and with it 1500 lives, including a part of the revolutionary forces occupying the town.
The first made some efforts to heal the wounds of his country; the second wasted the lives of his people in foreign wars against the Turks; and the third was the last Protestant elector of Saxony.
The desire of numerous divorced persons for a change in the law which prevented their remarriage was manifested in repeated demonstrations before Parliament; especially in that of Dec. 1911, in which it was asserted that the lives of half a million divorced wives were affected.
The colliery, which was opened in 1807, has frequently been the scene of dreadful accidents, notably on the 23rd of October 1821, when 52 lives were lost.
Later lives state that the saint was also called Crimthann (fox), and Reeves suggests that he may have had two names, the one baptismal, the other secular.
During the last few years of his life Lord Selborne engaged in the composition, for the benefit of his children, of memorials of his own life and of the lives of many members of his family.
Among the natives of Arezzo the most famous are the Benedictine monk Guido of Arezzo, the inventor of the modern system of musical notation (died c. 1050), the poet Petrarch, Pietro Aretino, the satirist (1492-1556), and Vasari, famous for his lives of Italian painters.
Though her reading was confined to the lives of the saints, she taught in the school kept by the nuns for the girls of the neighbourhood, to whom she endeared herself by her kindly disposition.
This view has been proved to be erroneous, and we know now that this fish lives throughout the year in the vicinity of our shores, but at a greater depth, and at a greater distance from the coast, than at the time when it approaches land for the purpose of spawning.
For the life of Marius the original sources are numerous passages in Cicero's works, Sallust's Jugurtha, the epitomes of the lost books of Livy, Plutarch's Lives of Sulla and Marius, Velleius Paterculus, Florus and Appian's Bellum civile.
On the 30th of June 1900 the wharves of the North German Lloyd Steamship Company and three of its ocean liners were almost completely destroyed by a fire, which caused a loss of more than 200 lives and over $5,000,000.
A result of this belief was to give their lives a peculiarly enthusiastic or inspirational character.
Two tendencies appeared in the thought of the primitive Church, the one to regard Christianity as a law given by God for the government of men's lives, with the promise of a blessed immortality as a reward for its observance; the other to view it as a means by which the corrupt and mortal nature of man is transformed, so that he becomes a spiritual and holy being.
Neither in the East nor in the West was a separation desired; but it was inevitable, since the lives of East and West were moving in different directions.
In towns and districts in which there lives a considerable section (20% or more) of citizens speaking a language other than Czechoslovak, schools are to be provided, the instruction to be imparted in the language of that minority.
Again, galls may afford harbour to insects which are not essentially gall-feeders, as in the case of the Curculio beetle Conotrachelius nenuphar, Hbst., of which one brood eats the fleshy part of the plum and peach, and another lives in the " black knot " of the plum-tree, regarded by Walsh as probably a true cecidomyidous gall.
Here the Lechici, as they called themselves (a name derived from the mythical patriarch, Lech), seemed to have lived for centuries, in loosely connected communities, the simple lives of huntsmen, herdsmen and tillers of the soil, till the pressure of rapacious neighbours compelled them to combine for mutual defence.