Liver Sentence Examples
Doctors came to see her singly and in consultation, talked much in French, German, and Latin, blamed one another, and prescribed a great variety of medicines for all the diseases known to them, but the simple idea never occurred to any of them that they could not know the disease Natasha was suffering from, as no disease suffered by a live man can be known, for every living person has his own peculiarities and always has his own peculiar, personal, novel, complicated disease, unknown to medicine--not a disease of the lungs, liver, skin, heart, nerves, and so on mentioned in medical books, but a disease consisting of one of the innumerable combinations of the maladies of those organs.
The liver opens by two ducts into the digestive FIG.
Liver not ramified in the integuments.
Liver wholly or partially contained in the visceral mass.
It also bends round the liver as shown FIG.
The addition of the heart to the liver as an organ of the revelation of the divine will, reflects the stage which assigned to the heart the position once occupied by the liver.
The 1960s brought us hip replacement, the artificial heart, a liver transplant, and a lung transplant.
One of the oldest and most widespread methods of divining the future, both among primitive people and among several of the civilizations of antiquity, was the reading of omens in the signs noted on the liver of the animal offered as a sacrifice to some deity.
In the 6th century Alexander of Tralles used colchicum for gout, iron for anaemia, and rhubarb in liver weakness and dysentery.
Hydatic Cysts are often met with in the liver.
AdvertisementThe liver consists of a right and left half, each opening by a broad duct into the stomach.
Liver ramifies in integuments and extends into dorsal papillae, but there are no cnidosacs.
This bilobed sac becomes entirely the liver in the adult; the intestine and stomach are formed from the pedicle of invagination, whilst the pharynx, oesophagus and crop form from the stomodaeal invagination ph.
Thus the Mintra of the Malay Peninsula have a demon corresponding to every kind of disease known to them; the Tasmanian ascribed a gnawing pain to the presence within him of the soul of a dead man, whom he had unwittingly summoned by mentioning his name and who was `devouring his liver; the Samoan held that the violation of a food tabu would result in the animal being formed within the body of the offender and cause his death.
Passing near Mount Caucasus, they heard the groans of Prometheus and the flapping of the wings of the eagle which gnawed his liver.
AdvertisementHaematoidin in normal metabolism is largely excreted by the liver in the form of bilirubin.
In hepatogenous pigmentation (icterus or jaundice) we have the iron-free pigment modified and transformed by the action of the liver cells into bile pigment (bilirubin).
The liver cells are seen to contain a large globule of fat which pushes the cell nucleus to one side - giving the signet-ring appearance.
The swollen waxy capillaries are pressing on the columns of liver cells and are causing marked atrophy.
Oddi in 1894 isolated from the amyloid liver a substance which Schmiedeberg had previously obtained from cartilage and named " chondroitinic-sulphuric acid " (Chondroitinschwefelsaure).
AdvertisementIt also occurs in bones and elastic tissue, but is not present in the normal human liver.
Melanine particles formed in the spleen in malaria, which pass along with the blood through the liver, are appropriated by the endothelial cells of the hepatic capillaries, and are found embedded within their substance.
Oliver and Audibert published some cases of cirrhosis of the liver with ascites in which they got results comparable to those of Widal.
Its bulk alone (equal to that of an orange) causes serious disturbances, and its choice of the liver, kidneys, lungs, cranial cavity and other deep-seated recesses, gives rise to profound alterations.
It is also found in horse's liver, being one of the putrefaction products of tyrosine.
AdvertisementThe stimulation of the liver is said to depend upon the solution of the resin by the intestinal secretion.
The drug is largely employed in cases of Bright's disease and dropsy from any cause, being especially useful when the liver shares in the general venous congestion.
The latter are almost invariably swallowed by their host in an immature state with its food, and from the stomach or intestine they work their way into the lungs, liver, body-cavity or blood vessels.
If, however, it encounters the host the larva bores its way in, and attacks the liver, mouth or gonad in which it comes to rest.
Among objects used are a pool of ink in the hand (Egypt), the liver of an animal (tribes of the North-West Indian frontier), a hole filled with water (Polynesia), quartz crystals (the Apaches and the Euahlayi tribe of New South Wales), a smooth slab of polished black stone (the Huille-che of South America), water in a vessel (Zulus and Siberians), a crystal (the Incas), a mirror (classical Greece and the middle ages), the finger-nail, a swordblade, a ring-stone, a glass of sherry, in fact almost anything.
The signs were usually obtained from the inspection of the liver (according to Johns, that of the lamb that was sacrificed); or it took place through birds; hence the name in this case given to the baru of dagil insure " bird inspector."
Sodium is excreted by all the mucous surfaces and by the liver and kidneys.
In addition to his labours on neurological and even physiological problems he made many contributions to other branches of medicine, his published works dealing, among other topics, with liver and kidney diseases, gout and pulmonary phthisis.
Liver of sulphur or hepar sulphuris, a medicine known to the alchemists, is a mixture of various polysulphides with the sulphate and thiosulphate, in variable proportions, obtained by gently heating the carbonate with sulphur in covered vessels.
Whether the will of the gods is determined through the inspection of the liver of the sacrificial animal, through observing the action of oil bubbles in a basin of water or through the observation of the movements of the heavenly bodies, it is Shamash and Adad who, in the ritual connected with divination, are invariably invoked.
In the one case they are entirely restricted to the neighbourhood of the boil or ulcer, whereas in the other there is a general infection of the body, the organisms spreading to all parts and being met with in the spleen, liver, bone-marrow, &c., and (rarely) in the peripheral circulation.
Although the liver is a fairly solid organ, it is plastic, and moulds itself to even hollow neighbouring viscera rather than they to it.
Near the mid line of the body, and at right angles to the last, another reflection, the falciform ligament, runs forward, and the line of attachment of this indicates the junction of the right and left lobes of the liver.
This is bounded on the left by the inferior vena cava, which is sunk into a deep groove in the liver, and into the upper part of this the hepatic veins open.
To the left of this is the left lobe of the liver, separated from the quadrate lobe by the umbilical fissure in which lies the round ligament of the liver, the remains of the umbilical vein of the foetus.
Sometimes this fissure is partly turned into a tunnel by a bridge of liver substance known as the pons hepatis.
This fissure represents the hilum of the liver, and contains the right and left hepatic ducts and the right and left branches of the hepatic artery and portal vein, together with nerves and lymphatics, the whole being enclosed in some condensed subperitoneal tissue known as Glisson's capsule.
The right surface of the liver is covered with peritoneum and is in contact with the diaphragm, outside which are the pleura and lower ribs.
In this liver, which was hardened in situ, the impressions of the sacculations of the colon are distinctly visible at the colic impression.
The liver cells, therefore, are entodermal, but the supporting connective tissue mesodermal from the septum transversum.
At first the liver is embedded in the septum transversum, but later the diaphragm and it are constricted off one from the other, and soon the liver becomes very large and fills the greater part of the abdomen.
Z% liver is probably represented ?? ?
In mammals Sir William Flower pointed out that a generalized type of liver exists, from which that of any mammal may be derived by suppression or fusion of lobes.
The Spigelian (s) and caudate lobes (c) belong to the right half of the liver, the latter being usually a leaf shaped lobe attached by its stalk to the Spigelian, and having its blade flattened between the right lateral lobe and the right kidney.
In tracing the lobulation of man's liver back to this generalized type, it is evident at once that his quadrate lobe does not correspond to any one generalized lobe, but is merely that part of the right central which lies between the gall bladder and the umbilical fissure.
The right thing to do is to open the belly in the middle line, search for a wound in the liver and treat it by deep sutures, or by plugging it with gauze.
As the result of chronic irritation of the liver increased supplies of blood pass to it, and if the irritation is unduly prolonged inflammation is the result.
The new fibrous tissue which is developed throughout the liver, as the result of the chronic inflammation, causes general enlargement of the liver with, perhaps, nausea, vomiting and jaundice.
Later the new fibrous tissue undergoes contraction and the liver becomes smaller than natural.
Inflammation of the Liver (hepatitis) may also be caused by an attack of micro-organisms which have reached it through the veins coming from the large intestine, or through the main arteries.
Sometimes the abscess declares itself by a bulging at the surface, but if not an incision should be made through the belly-wall over the most tender spot, and a direct examination of the surface of the liver made.
A bulging having been found, that part of the liver which apparently overlies the abscess should be stitched up to the sides of the opening made in belly-wall, and should then be explored by a hollow needle.
The embryo of the taenia echinococcus finds its way from the stomach or intestine into a vein passing to the liver, and, settling itself in the liver, causes so much disturbance there that a capsule of inflammatory material forms around it.
Tumours of the Liver may be innocent or malignant.
The peritoneal surfaces in the region of the liver should then be wiped clean, and the abdominal wound closed, except for the passage through it of a gauze drain.
A pair of large glandular outgrowths, the so-called " liver " or great digestive gland, exists as in other Molluscs.
Space occupied by liver.
A pair of ducts (ai) lead from the first enlargement of the alimentary tract called stomach into a pair of large digestive glands, the socalled liver, the branches of which are closely packed in this region (af).
The oil has been chemically analysed and found to be a fish-oil, and to possess nearly all the qualities of that obtained from the liver of the cod, with a lighter specific gravity.
The spa, alleged to be the St Ronan's well of Scott's novel of that name, has a pump-room, baths, &c. The saline waters are useful in minor cases of dyspepsia and liver complaints.
The heart was left in place, but the liver, lungs, stomach and intestines were pickled and wrapped separately and then restored to the body cavity.
The liver is divided in the typical manner in all, but the lobes are variously subdivided in different species.
All these rodents are remarkable for the manner in which the liver is divided into minute lobules.
Thus Karl Christoph Vogt repeated the saying of the French physician Cabanis, " The brain is determined to thought as the stomach is to digestion, or the liver to the secretion of bile," in the form, " Thought stands in the same relation to the brain as the bile to the liver or the urine to the kidneys."
Its brine springs, with a hydropathic establishment attached, are specific in cases of gout, obesity and liver disorders.
The liver is much subdivided, and there is no gall-bladder.
Having by these means condensed as much as I could of the phlogisticated air, I let up some solution of liver of sulphur to absorb the dephlogisticated air; after which only a small bubble of air remained unabsorbed, which certainly was not more than of the bulk of the dephlogisticated air let up into the tube; so that, if there be any part of the dephlogisticated air of our atmosphere which differs from the rest, and cannot be reduced to nitrous acid, we may safely conclude that it is not more than 7a part of the whole."
The stomach is surrounded by the liver or digestive A B FIG.
There is much uncertainty as to the influence of atropine on the secretions of the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas and kidneys, and it is not possible to make any definite statement, save that in all probability the activities of the nerves innervating the glandcells in these organs are reduced, though they are certainly not arrested, as in the other cases.
Its waters - hot alkaline springs about twenty in number - are used both for drinking and bathing, and are efficacious in chronic nervous disorders, feminine complaints and affections of the liver and respiratory organs.
There are also indications that the extensive texts dealing with divination through the liver of sacrificial animals, which represents a more popular origin than divination through the observations of the heavens, based as it is on the primitive view which regarded the liver as the seat of life and of the soul, were brought into connexion with astral divination.
Post mortem it is found in great abundance in the spleen and liver.
The spleen and liver are always enlarged, the former to sometimes twice or thrice its natural size.
No food passes into the hepatic caecum, which has been definitely shown on embryological and physiological grounds to be the simplest persistent form of the vertebrate liver.
To escape the necessity of working to the end of his days at the orders of the State in order to pay this sum, Courbet went to Switzerland in 1873, and died at La Tour du Peilz, on the 31st of December 1877, of a disease of the liver aggravated by intemperance.
It is, indeed, the care with which the diet of patients is regulated and the difficulty that patients find in obtaining forbidden foods at hotels and restaurants, that make Carlsbad better for the liver than any other watering-place.
Amongst other places having a similar action are Marienbad, Franzensbad and Tarasp. The waters just mentioned contain free alkali as well as sulphates, and are employed more especially in cases of hepatic disorder, such as congestion of the liver, jaundice, gall-stone and diabetes.
Thus of samples of meat bought in Prague and kept in a cool room for about two days, luminosity was present in 52% of the samples in the case of beef, 50% for veal, and 39% for liver.
These all-pervading soul atoms exercise different functions in different organs; the head is the seat of reason, the heart of anger, the liver of desire.
The fable was that this constellation was one of the arrows with which Hercules killed the vulture which gnawed the liver of Prometheus.
A, Group of Peltogaster socialis on the abdomen of a small hermitcrab; in one of them the fasciculately ramified roots, r, in the liver of the crab are shown (Fritz Muller).
Most commonly there is a pair of lateral caeca, which may be more or less ramified and may form a massive " hepato-pancreas " or " liver."
The stomach is small; into it open a small pyloric caecum and the ducts of the liver, paired in Dentaliidae, one on the left only in Siphonodentalium.
The liver is placed entirely behind the intestine in the middle of the body, and behind it the rest of the body is occupied by the unpaired gonad.
The renal organs are a pair of short wide sacs with folded walls lying on either side of the anterior end of the liver.
Of the liver little need be said, except that in all living mammals it has been divided into a number of distinct lobes, which have received separate names.
It has, indeed, been suggested that in the earlier mammals the liver was a simple undivided organ.
Ferratin is a reddish brown substance which claims to be identical with the iron substance found in pig's liver.
The amount of iron existing in the human blood is only 38 gr.; therefore, when an excess of iron is absorbed, part is excreted immediately by the bowel and kidneys, and part is stored in the liver and spleen.
At last Tobias, by burning the heart and liver of a fish, drove off the demon, who fled to Egypt.
One of the severest complications of the disease is abscess of the liver, usually said to be solitary, and known as tropical abscess of the liver, but probably is more frequently multiple than is usually thought.
It is eliminated chiefly by the urine, and to a less extent by the alimentary canal, sweat, saliva, bile, milk, tears, hair, &c., but it is also stored up in the body mainly in the liver and kidneys.
Arsenic is found in almost every part of the body, but is retained in largest amount by the liver, secondly by the kidneys.
Just as this latter method of divination rested on a well-defined theory, to wit, that the liver was the seat of the soul of the animal and that the deity in accepting the sacrifice identified himself with the animal, whose "soul" was thus placed in complete accord with that of the god and therefore reflected the mind and will of the god, so astrology is based on a theory of divine government of the world, which in contrast to "liver" divination assumes at the start a more scientific or pseudo-scientific aspect.
Hence in "liver" divination, as in astrology, the interpretations of the signs noted all have reference to public affairs and events and not to the individual's needs or desires.
While in a general way the reign of law and order in the movements of the heavenly bodies was recognized, and indeed must have exercised an influence at an early period in leading to the rise of a methodical divination that was certainly of a much higher order than the examination of an animal's liver, yet the importance that was laid upon the endless variations in the form of the phenomena and the equally numerous apparent deviations from what were regarded as normal conditions, prevented for a long time the rise of any serious study of astronomy beyond what was needed for the purely practical purposes that the priests as "inspectors" of the heavens (as they were also the "inspectors" of the sacrificial livers) had in mind.
The liver is tolerably symmetrical in general arrangement, being divided nearly equally into segments by a well-marked umbilical fissure.
Too much linseed, often used in preparing horses for market, gives a similar appearance, but is liable to induce fatty degeneration of the liver; given in moderation it regulates the bowels and stimulates the more perfect digestion of other foods.
Hutton describes his specimens as sucking the juices of flies, which they had stuck down with their slime, and they have been observed in captivity to devour the entrails which have been removed from their fellows, and to eat raw sheep's liver.
The small sinuous segmented body is enclosed, except for one small opening, in an enormous sac-like carapace, between the lamellae of which are protruded from the body the ovary and " liver," both large, bifurcate and ramified.
There are several sulphurous springs - one saline, another strongly impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen - in great repute for gout, rheumatism, skin diseases and affections of the liver and kidneys.
The manufacture of cod-liver oil for pharmaceutical purposes is naturally somewhat limited, as Norway, Newfoundland, and latterly also Japan, are more favourably situated as regards the supply of fresh cod, but the technical liver oils (cod oil, shark-liver oil) are produced in very large quantities in Grimsby, Hull, Aberdeen, and latterly also on the west coasts of the United Kingdom.
When taken by the mouth, however, no such actions are seen, owing to the fact that very minute quantities are absorbed and that these become stored in the liver, where they are converted into organic compounds and ultimately go to form haemoglobin.
Arsenic and antimony do not form combinations with albumen, but they both greatly depress the central nervous system and circulation; and, if their action be long continued in large doses, they cause fatty degeneration of the viscera and disappearance of glycogen from the liver.
The liver, spleen, kidneys and bladder were not palpable.
In addition, primary skin tumors such as melanoma have a predilection to spread to the liver.
Meat inspectors working in Scottish abattoirs have also reported a marked increase in carcasses showing evidence of liver fluke infestation.
Serological test methods for the detection of anti-amoebic antibodies remain extremely useful for the diagnosis of amoebic liver abscess.
Yes, there are situations that may affect your kidneys or liver function and thus put you at risk for developing lactic acidosis.
My project is a free ear acupuncture drop-in clinic in London for people living with Hepatitis C, a chronic liver disease.
In the middle ages the plant was used for lung and liver ailments.
The accumulation of poisonous alkaloids can result in liver sclerosis, which may not be obvious for up to eighteen months.
Persons with a history of hepatitis or other liver disorders should not take lysergic acid amides.
The liver converts this ammonia to urea which is then excreted by the kidneys.
He advised that opioid analgesics should be avoided in a patient with impaired liver function.
A major liver protecting nutrient is vitamin E. E is generally recognized as the major lipid fat-soluble antioxidant in human tissue.
Green tea antioxidants have been shown to protect the liver against toxins like alcohol and chemicals in cigarette smoke.
There are a number of ways cancer in the liver can cause ascites.
Fatty liver, present in 90% of persistently heavy drinkers, is usually asymptomatic.
If Keseberg said that human liver was better than lean beef, most likely a starved body more than a perverted mind was speaking.
My liver is not producing enough bile to digest these foods properly.
Baseline elevations of several liver function tests (especially elevated bilirubin) should preclude the use of riluzole (see section 4.8 ).
All the liver tests should be normal apart from the serum bilirubin, which is increased.
In advanced liver disease (alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis) nutritional supplements have been shown to significantly improve the liver blood tests.
The contents of a lumbar hernia may include small or large bowel, omentum, stomach, liver or rarely the kidney.
Images include bile canaliculus, glycogen alpha particles, Kupffer cell, liver, rER & mitochondria, sER, and sinusoids.
Meals have included creme caramel, sponge puddings, goats liver and curry.
The loin tasted slightly caramelized and luscious, while the liver was gentle and rich.
Vicky is a 13.2hh, 31 year old, Section B, liver chestnut mare.
Who wants pie and chips and beer when you can have liver, fava beans and a nice Chianti?
Another way curcumin helps to keep your cholesterol levels under control is by helping your liver eliminate any excess cholesterol.
More likely he would have received something containing choline, a nutrient found in liver and eggs.
House Pate Smooth chicken liver and garlic pate, served with tangy red onion chutney on a bed of green leaves with wholemeal toast.
Others may develop cirrhosis or liver cancer, which can be fatal.
I have problems with my liver which has caused cirrhosis.
This cancer usually occurs in people who have chronic scarring of the liver, called cirrhosis.
Individuals who drink alcohol socially may develop alcoholic liver damage, including cirrhosis.
He had cirrhosis of the liver from years of alcohol abuse.
For some reason the body mounts an attack on the liver in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.
If the liver function fails this is known as decompensated cirrhosis and without transplantation the outcome is likely to be fatal.
Liver surgery in people with advanced cirrhosis can cause the liver to stop working altogether.
He says Britain used to be renowned for its low rates of liver cirrhosis.
Cholesterol in the liver is made by the conversion of the starting material, acetyl coenzyme A (Acetyl-CoA ).
Professor Taylor's main clinical and research interests lie in surgical oncology but particularly colorectal cancer and colorectal liver metastases.
Irbesartan is metabolized by the liver via glucuronide conjugation and oxidation.
Typical case requires convalescence over 7 days; chronic infection with liver damage may occur.
The merozoites are released from the liver to the blood where they are taken up by the red blood corpuscles.
There are two types of tapeworms which cause cysts which could lead to liver damage.
Many oral drugs are metabolized by cytochromes from the P450 family in the liver.
The amount of alcohol that can cause liver damage seems to vary widely between individuals.
Liver function In patients who develop evidence of hepatic decompensation during treatment, Pegasys should be discontinued.
Surgery in patients with liver dysfunction The Child-Pugh classification is a useful method of staging the progress of liver decompensation.
Adult liver disease The symptoms of liver disease due to alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in adults are similar to those in older children.
Last year her kidneys failed and she has been receiving dialysis for 9 months, however last month her liver failed.
And eat a sensible low-fat diet so the liver doesn't have to try to process lots of fat.
In the majority of cases, liver transaminase levels have returned to their baseline value without the need for treatment discontinuation.
Obesity seems to increase the risk of advanced liver disease in heavy drinkers.
Do you suffer from liver, kidney or lung disease?
The Etruscans did not appear to practice astrology but they were known for their liver divination.
The only rich source of dietary squalene comes from the liver oils of the deep-sea dogfish.
Liver disease is no longer associated with elderly and hardened drinkers.
The Liver and Biliary Tract The biliary tract contains the right and left hepatic ducts, which meet to form the common hepatic duct.
Patients with mild, moderate or severe liver dysfunction should be given the minimum recommended dose of 400 mg daily.
But the grilled calves ' liver was very tender, artfully arranged with braised endive and a well smashed potato mash.
First, how do liver precursors adopt their specific fate within the foregut endoderm?
Firm adhesion of lymphocytes to hepatic endothelium Do specific chemokines regulate recruitment to the liver?
What William senior drank is unknown, but he died of liver enlargement and Ascites - " dropsy " .
With conventional oral and intravenous administration of CPA, the drug is activated in the liver by the P450 enzyme.
For example, we do not want our brain cells to make liver enzymes or skin cells to manufacture blood.
Special warnings about this medication If you have ever had liver disease, consult your doctor before taking erythromycin.
Some cysts are commonly seen in the liver on ultrasound examination.
They still don't know what caused her cirrhosis and the eventual liver failure.
The disease causes scarring or liver fibrosis leading to cirrhosis.
Fish oil supplements made from fish oil supplements made from fish liver should also be avoided.
The simultaneous migration of large numbers of immature fluke through the liver can cause severe tissue damage.
The young fluke then penetrates the liver tissues, through which it migrates, feeding on mainly on blood, for about six weeks.
Vitamin A reserves in the liver of newborn foals are very limited.
For example in our biology students we tried to find out about enzyme activity in sheep's liver and will be dissecting a frog.
It is important that your liver function is carefully measured before you have surgery.
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is one of the proteins produced by the liver.
This in turn stimulates the liver to produce glucose and the pancreas to produce glucagon and insulin.
Alpha cells produce a hormone called glucagon that raises blood glucose by triggering its release from glycogen stores in the liver.
As well as storing glycogen, the liver helps control the level of glucose in the blood.
Staining of collagen in liver granuloma, illustrating fibrotic reaction in the liver, a major aspect of the pathology associated with this disease.
Rarely worms invade the abdominal cavity, causing granulomas of the liver, ovary, kidney, spleen, and lung.
The coat should be black and tan, blue and tan, red, wheaten, red grizzle, liver, blue or black.
It should be avoided by people with chronic heartburn, severe liver damage, inflammation of the gallbladder, or obstruction of bile ducts.
Some studies show that HIV makes hep C destroy the liver faster than it does in people who have hep C alone.
Steroids may cause enlargement of the liver (hepatomegaly) with increased serum hepatic enzymes.
Hepatitis A, sometimes called hep A or HAV, is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis A, sometimes called hep A or HAV, is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus.
For more information about viral hepatitis, contact the British Liver trust on 01473 276 328.
For this reason it can always do with a boost from a liver tonic herb.
Similarly liver disease is rare among C282Y/H63D compound heterozygotes (1 %; upper 95% CI = 3.5% ).
Diagnosis is based on haemagglutination tests or negative staining electron microscopy on liver homogenates.
Medical advice should be sought before using ibuprofen if your child has asthma, heart, kidney or liver problems.
In all patients receiving replacement immunoglobulin therapy, blood samples should be obtained at regular intervals to assess liver function.
There was no increased incidence of liver tumors in rats.
Initially examine under low power (x10) to identify areas of normal liver parenchyma, and the areas of granulomatous inflammation.
A virus causing chronic, and occasionally acute, liver inflammation.
Studies in patients with liver insufficiency were not performed.
The liver may become enlarged and yellow jaundice may develop.
Investigations into his suitability for a liver transplant revealed a heart condition, caused by chewing khat.
Waste products which are not excreted by the kidneys are removed from the blood by the liver.
Fluids to support the liver lemon water add a freshly squeezed lemon to a glass of hot water.
A small chronic very localized inflammatory lesion was present in the liver.
It inhibits glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, increases lipogenesis in the liver and adipose tissue and inhibits lipolysis.
Over time, this has an effect on the emotions since detoxifying the liver can lift depressive, angry or sad moods.
The drug is metabolized by the liver but the efficiency of this process has little bearing on the anesthetic duration of action.
The barbiturates are metabolized by the liver and the metabolites excreted in the urine and less commonly in the feces.
The first signs are often jaundice, pale stools, excessive bleeding or an enlarged liver - all non-specific signs of liver disease.
George King, surgeon, said she had a diseased liver of long standing.
Barbiturates readily cross the placental barrier and are distributed throughout fetal tissues with highest concentrations in placenta, fetal liver and brain.
Serious Condition The pediatrician examined Sam and discovered his hugely enlarged spleen and swollen liver.
Liver transplants are not possible for people who have secondary liver transplants are not possible for people who have secondary liver cancer.
Complications Of all patients with chronic hepatitis C infection, around 50% will develop liver cirrhosis or liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.
Well I have to say I think Goldshield's cod liver oil capsules have helped to keep my joints a bit more flexible.
Members expressed concerns that the in-vivo rat liver UDS assay had not been conducted to modern standards.
Our starters of goose liver risotto with wild mushrooms and wild boar pancakes in cream sauce, were both well-executed and full of flavor.
A sheep liver fluke has six distinct stages in its life cycle, each specialized for a different way of life.
This shows a section through a pig liver, which has clear liver lobules.
At post-mortem get enlarged lymph nodes (mesenteric and abdominal) and focal necrosis of the liver and spleen.
As he is a liver out Andrew is most often found using the macintoshes, in preference to workstations.
Striking liver chestnut, 4 white stockings, flaxen mane & tail, good to shoe, box, traffic & handle.
The hepatic stellate cell has been recognized to be responsible for most of the excess extracellular matrix observed in chronic liver fibrosis.
If the liver does not metabolize estrogen properly, PMS will result.
If you start drinking enough methanol to get inebriated, you overwhelm your liver's metabolic machinery, and serious problems result.
We investigate the signals that control leucocyte recruitment to the liver using in vitro human cell-based models and in vivo intravital microscopy.
K i values in human liver microsomes were 27, 7.5 and 7.9 mu mol/l, respectively.
It is a component of lecithin, which helps facilitate the movement of fat from the liver into cells.
This stuff allegedly contains artificial musks which apparently are absorbed through skin, may cause liver damage and interfere with brain messages.
Acute renal failure with acute tubular necrosis may develop even in the absence of severe liver damage.
You can only have a liver transplant if you have no more than 3 tumor nodules and none are more than 5 centimeters across.
The liver is involved in a range of bodily functions and is often overworked.
Vitamin A synthesized mostly by the liver, is stored in the liver as an ester of palmitic acid (retinyl palmitate ).
Several structural and gene expression changes have been shown in many tissues, including pancreas, liver, kidney, muscle and adipose tissue.
This involves placement of an expandable metallic stent between the branches of the portal vein and systemic circulation within the liver parenchyma.
The food was very good indeed starting with a duck liver parfait, then mousse made by local Franken fish wrapped in spinach.
My foie gras and chicken liver parfait to start however was a fluffy as a cloud.
Just eating a sweet, juicy pear every day can go a long way to soothing Pitta dosha and cleansing the liver.
It was concluded that liver resection without hepatic pedicle clamping is safe, even in patients with a diseased liver.
The aim of this study was to compare perioperative outcome of liver resections with and without intermittent hepatic pedicle clamping.
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is common in end-stage liver disease.
Classical PKU is caused by a deficiency of the liver enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, which converts the amino acid phenylalanine to tyrosine.
Routine blood tests revealed abnormal liver function tests in the form of raised alkaline phosphatase, AST, ALT and normal bilirubin.
However, my blood platelets were not rising, nor were my liver enzymes decreasing.
The vet checked Sioux's liver and shocked me stating she had ingested poison!
Case studies - alcohol research For centuries, alcohol has been regarded as poisonous for the liver.
You can also help yourself to halt the progression of liver damage by stopping or reducing your intake of alcohol.
Grossly there is an enlarged proventriculus and possible liver changes.
Foods that support the liver include white daikon radish, loki, and Rose Petal Preserve with milk.
His liver damage was most probably caused by eating the poisonous plant ragwort, and our vets gave him very little chance of survival.
Researchers used the technique to destroy a section of liver tissue in anesthetized rats.
Two of the compounds also led to a fourfold boost in production of a detoxifying enzyme called quinone reductase in mouse liver cells.
A special roadshow, organized by Royal Liver Assurance, is soon to hit the city.
Remove the meat from the tail section, the soft greenish liver and any red roe from the head and tail.
The seed taken in wine with a little saffron removes obstruction of the liver and is good for the yellow jaundice.
These inhibit insulin secretion from the pancreas and stimulate the liver to increase glucose output, bringing a recovery.
Draw a diagram to indicate the arrangement of cells in a liver sinusoid.
In July 1988 Spillers stopped using bovine spleen in its products and replaced it with liver.
Fluids to support the liver Lemon water add a freshly squeezed lemon to a glass of hot water.
It is a member of a group of lipids called sterols and can be manufactured by the body, in the liver.
This same formula also contains milk thistle which is a liver support herb.
Consider using a liver tonic to help detoxify the body.
The liver function tests such as aspartate transferase, alanine transferase and LDH are minimally raised.
There is now a whole section on liver transplant in the surgery for primary liver cancer section.
Most other trematodes are hermaphroditic, and are found in the intestinal tract, or organs such as the liver.
Blood chemistry including electrolytes, liver function and renal function were normal except for high uric acid and metabolic acidosis.
Blood full of just digested nutrients from the intestine and the stomach enter the liver via the hepatic portal vein.
These lead directly to the inferior vena cava, draining blood from the liver.
The patient may experience periodic elevations of liver enzymes and persistent viremia for several years.
Identifying and testing at risk patients Testing Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus that can cause significant damage to the liver.
However, the fat-soluble vitamins are stored in liver cells to a greater extent.
The fact, however, appears to be that the prominence given to the heart in popular beliefs dates from the time when in the course of the development of anatomical knowledge the important function of the heart in animal life came to be recognized, whereas the supposition that the liver is the seat of vitality rests upon other factors than anatomical knowledge, and, being independent of such knowledge, also antedates it.
Among the reasons which led people to identify the liver with the very source of life, and hence as the seat of all affections and emotions, including what to us are intellectual functions, we may name the bloody appearance of that organ.
In this stage of belief, therefore, the liver is the'seat of all emotions and affections, as well as of intellectual functions, and it is only when with advancing anatomical knowledge the functions of the heart and then of the brain come to be recognized that a differentiation of functions takes place which had its outcome in the assignment of intellectual activity to the brain or head, of the higher emotions and affections (as love and courage) to the heart, while the liver was degraded to the rank of being regarded as the seat of the lower emotions and affections, such as jealousy, moroseness and the like.
Hepatoscopy, or divination through the liver, belongs therefore to the primitive period when that organ summed up all vitality and was regarded as the seat of all the emotions and affections - the higher as well as the lower - and also as the seat of intellectual functions.
Hence, when one approached a deity with an inquiry as to the outcome of some undertaking, the reading of the signs on the liver afforded a direct means of determining the course of future events, which was, according to current beliefs, in the control of the gods.
The gall-bladder, appropriately designated as "the bitter," was regarded as a part of the liver, and the cystic duct (compared, apparently, to a "penis") to which it is joined, as well as the hepatic duct (pictured as an "outlet") and the ductus choleductus (described as a "yoke"), all had their special designations.
If, for example, on a certain occasion when the liver of a sacrificial animal was examined, certain events of a favourable character followed, the conclusion was drawn that the signs observed were favourable, and hence the recurrence of these signs on another occasion suggested a favourable answer to the question put to the priests.
The waters are used in cases of liver affections, gout, diabetes and obesity; and the patients must conform during the cure to a strictly regulated diet.
Harvey proceeds to contrast this view with that of the " Medici," or followers of Hippocrates and Galen, who, " badly philosophizing," imagined that the brain, the heart, and the liver were simultaneously first generated in the form of vesicles; and, at the same time, while expressing his agreement with Aristotle in the principle of epigenesis, he maintains that it is the blood which is the primal generative part, and not, as Aristotle thought, the heart.
A crop-like dilatation of the gut and a recurved intestine, embedded in the compact yellowish-brown liver, the ducts of which open into it, form the rest of the digestive tract and occupy a large bulk of the visceral hump. The buccal region presents a pair of shelly jaws placed laterally upon the lips, and a wide range of variation in the form of the denticles of the lingual ribbon or radula.
The larva is also armed anteriorly with a median piercing probe and a pair of sharp hooks by means of which it perforates the walls of the alimentary tract and makes its way into the body cavity, lungs or liver.
The air-bladder of this fish furnishes isinglass, little, if at all, inferior to that obtained from the sturgeon, while from the liver is obtained cod-liver oil, largely used in medicine as a remedy in scrofulous complaints and pulmonary consumption (see CODLIVER OIL).
In diseases where haemolysis is extreme, particularly in pernicious anaemia, there are relatively large quantities occasionally as much as ten times the normal amount of haemosiderin deposited in the liver.
Even in normal circumstances their play and counterplay, attractive and repellent, must be manifold almost beyond conception; for the body may be regarded as a collective organization consisting of a huge colony of micro-organisms become capable of a common life by common and mutual arrangement and differentiation of function, and by toleration and utilization of each other's peculiar products; some organs, such as the liver, for example, being credited with a special power of neutralizing poisons, whether generated under normal conditions or under abnormal, .which gain entrance from the intestinal tract.
Other familiar conceptions identify the soul with the liver (see Omen) or the heart, with the reflected figure seen in the pupil of the eye, and with the blood.
The liver first appears as an ento dermal hollow longitudinal outgrowth from the duo denum into the ventral mesentery.
The upper part of this forms the future liver, and grows up into the septum transversum from which the central part of the diaphragm is formed (see Diaphragm).
The commonest form of malignant tumour is the result of the growth of cancerous elements which have been brought to the liver by the veins coming up from a primary focus of the large intestine.
As regard cannibalism, it appears that the heart and liver of the human victims offered in the temples were eaten as a religious rite, and that the same parts of any prominent warrior slain in battle were devoured by the victor chiefs, who believed that they would thereby inherit the valour of the dead man.
In one system the seat of Mercury, representing divine intelligence as the source of all knowledge - a view that reverts to Babylonia where Nebo (corresponding to Mercury) was regarded as the divine power to whom all wisdom is due - was placed in the liver as the primeval seat of the soul (see Omen), whereas in other systems this distinction was assigned to Jupiter or to Venus.
She had to eat, sleep, think, speak, weep, work, give vent to her anger, and so on, merely because she had a stomach, a brain, muscles, nerves, and a liver.
In the 32 months to June 1995, 43 patients with alcoholic liver disease were referred for assessment for liver transplantation.
The liver is an unusual organ, in that it can to some extent, rejuvenate any damaged cells.
Liver toxicity Azathioprine, methotrexate, sulphasalazine and leflunomide can all regularly cause liver problems, which are reversible if the drug is discontinued.
Women beaten during pregnancy can suffer life-threatening ruptures of the uterus, liver and spleen.
It is unlikely that resection of isolated liver secondaries in patients with primary lung tumors would be of benefit.
Bile is the bright green fluid secreted by the liver to help digestion.
If their spine tingles or their liver shivers, they go home satisfied.
Liver and spleen volume decreased and bone structure improved.
Its bitterness is a tonic to liver and spleen function.
Cod liver oil, evening primrose oil or starflower oil are also anti-inflammatory.
For patients with parenchymal liver disease, increasing levels of the International Normalized Ratio (INR) and urea indicated decreasing survival probabilities.
Liver function is affected, the abdomen becomes swollen with fluid increasing the risk of heart failure.
It is then carried to the liver for the synthesis of prothrombin, a key blood-clotting factor.
The liver uses vitamin K to synthesize blood-clotting proteins.
Thus in patients with severe liver disease, theophylline clearance may be decreased.
Is toxic in large doses, causing among other problems, liver failure.
In addition symptoms associated with severe tricuspid valve stenosis include enlargement of the liver, water retention in lower limbs and abdomen.
Very unwise such liberal use, causes skin, liver & circulatory ailments.
Portal hypertension and its consequence of bleeding varices are usually seen in people with moderately advanced liver disease.
Their liver grows bigger at full moon, like the tides rise then fall with the waning of the moon.
Most Westerners eat far too much protein, which disrupts liver enzyme activity.
Obtained from the liver oil of sharks and from whale ambergris.
Here is the liver of a hen, with yellow yolks of eggs being formed at the bottom of the window.
As with humans, obesity in cats can lead to other health problems, including kidney and liver disease, heart disease and disorders of the intestinal tract.
Make the Liver and Catnip treats according to the recipe below, and then store them in the freezer to keep them fresh.
Next, place the raw liver in a one quart stock pot, and add enough chicken broth and fresh water to cover the raw livers with two inches of water.
Now add the liver mixture and use your hands to blend well, until you have a dough ball.
The formula works by assisting your pet's body to correct any imbalances or dysfunctions of the liver.
Liver has a lot of this vitamin and your cat can end up with toxic levels if you are not careful.
If the liver you are serving your feline friend is not organic then you should keep in mind that the liver filters out the toxins in the things that go into the body.
This is another reason to serve liver only on an occasional basis.
Internal organs will reach a stage of compromise, particularly the liver and kidneys.
Over time, such ingredients can stress a cat's detoxification organs such as the liver and kidneys.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, VOC's can cause a wide array of health concerns, ranging from eye irritation to liver and kidney damage.
Kidney and liver damage is also a common side affect of some toxins found in cleaning products.
Others are inappropriate for children or certain conditions like pregnancy or liver problems.
It features the antioxidant known as milk thistle, which supports the production and regeneration of liver cells.
Milk thistle benefits include a variety of curative properties centered on its unique ability to protect the liver and gallbladder.
Glutathione is a crucial compound for liver detoxification and in one study, glutathione levels in the body were raised by more than 30 percent after participants consumed the herb.
Milk thistle is most widely used and most effective in treating diseases of the liver.
In addition, milk thistle is the only known antidote for a certain type of poisoning that destroys the liver caused by the ingestion of amanita mushrooms.
Heavy use of these types of pain relievers can degrade liver function and the protective properties of milk thistle ease this side effect.