Live-in Sentence Examples
I try to live in harmony with nature.
I wish it to be so with all who live in my home.
I live in town.
Because I don't want to live in a county where you're the law enforcement.
It's owned by three guys who live in Denver.
Her words fed at the small piece of him that didn.t want to live in Hell forever, that still thought he could go back to the Immortals and his old life.
Now that the truth was out, maybe it wouldn't be so difficult to live in the same apartment now.
Though he did live in a tent, he liked to think he lived as comfortable as possible.
You don't want a husband, Adrienne, you want a live-in career pal.
He was offering her a job as a live-in maid.
AdvertisementDo they live in the cabin?
Betsy and I live in New York.
It was like he didn't live in the house.
He doesn't even live in Ouray.
For the right man, she might give up the farm and go live in the city, but children?
AdvertisementBrady watched the feds, irritated at the pockets of elite unaffected by the squalid conditions the non-elite were forced to live in.
Lost in the food fantasy, she didn't see Gabriel disappear into the jungle. Katie blinked and looked around, still uneasy with the snakelike branches that moved of their own volition overhead. She didn't know what kind of creatures followed or what other critters would live in the Immortal jungle, but she wanted nothing to do with such a weird place.
Two demons cannot live in one host.
These pink, worm-like creatures live in sandy, moist localities, burrowing little tunnels and never appearing on the surface.
If you have family or friends who feel comfortable staying at your home, it's best to have live-in help for a while.
AdvertisementCome to think of it, would he have been content to live in her house?
How in the world did you two manage to live in the same house without sleeping together?
You are all that stands between him and those who live in this world.
Perhaps I was wrong to make such decisions for you only because you live in my house.
After all, you live in California in spite of the earthquakes.
AdvertisementIn her son's lifetime she had, for his sake, condoned the mesalliance, but it was impossible for the stately chatelaine and her low-born daughterin-law to live in peace under the same roof.
The sea produces three different seals, which often ascend rivers from the coast, and can live in lagoons of fresh water; many cetaceans, besides the " right whale " and sperm whale; and the dugong, found on the northern shores, which yields a valuable medicinal oil.
In 1905 the population was 268,916, of whom 30% live in communities of more than 2000.
Ten years later Manson discovered a second species, Filaria perstans, whose larvae live in the blood.
The loss of their political independence has been followed by that of the greater part of their territory, which has been divided up into the Chilean provinces of Arauco, Bio-bio, Malleco and Cautin, and the Indians, much reduced in number, now live in the wooded recesses of the three provinces last named.
The naked cells which have been alluded to live in water, and call therefore for no differentiation in connection with this necessity; but those which are surrounded by a cell-wall always develop within themselves a vacuole or cavity which occupies the greater part of their interior, and the hydrostatic pressure of whose contents keeps tha protoplasm in contact with the membrane, setting up a condition of turgidity.
Xerophytes.These are plants which live in very dry places, where the substratum has less than 10% of water.
Mesophytes.-These are plants which live in localities which are neither specially dry nor specially wet nor specially salty.
Schimper used the term xerophytes to include plants which live in soils which are physiologically dry, and the term hygrophytes those which live in soils which are physiologically wet or damp. Schimper recognized that the two classes are connected by transitional forms, and that it is useless to attempt to give the matter a statistical basis.
Hygrophytes.Plants which are sub-evergreen or evergreen but it scierophyllous, and which live in moist soils; e.g., Lastraea lix-mas, Poa pratensis, Carex ovalis, Plantago lanceolala, and ihillaea Millefolium.
Halo phytes, or plants which live in saline soils, have xerophytic adaptations.
Bog Xerophytes live in the peaty soil of fens and moors which are physically wet, but which are said to be physiologically dry.
With regard to the occurrence of plants, such as Juncus effusus, which possess xerophytic characters and yet live in situations which are not ordinarily of marked physiological dryness, it should be remembered that such habitats are liable to occasional physical drought; and a plant must eventually succumb if it is not adapted to the extreme conditions of its habitat.
An interesting special case of hygrophytes is seen with regard to plants which live in the shade of forests.
The study of existing Algae, that is of plants that have continued to live in water, shows that under these conditions no high degree of organization has been reached, though some of them have attained gigantic dimensions.
He was elected a fellow of the Royal Society on the 26th of February 1807; he married and went to live in London in the same year, and in 1811 succeeded Maskelyne as astronomer-royal.
The larvae of the beautiful, elongate, metallic Donaciae live in the roots and stems of aquatic plants, obtaining thence both food and air.
There are nearly 1000 known species, most of which live in tropical countries.
Mostly sons of poor parents, they live in extreme poverty, supporting themselves chiefly by translating and by tutorial work.
She proclaimed, therefore, as heir-apparent the son of her deceased elder sister Anna, Charles Peter Ulrich, duke of HolsteinGottorp, a German in character, habits and religion, and tried to Russianize him by making him adopt the Eastern Orthodox faith and live in St Petersburg during the whole of her reign; but her well-meant efforts were singularly unsuccessful.
His name and exploits still live in the popular legends, and the insurrection is often referred to in revolutionary pamphlets as a laudable popular protest against tyrannical autocracy.
The large majority of the inhabitants live in the East Island, and the predominating element is Scottish - Scottish shepherds having superseded the South American Gauchos.
They can live in brackish and even in sea water.
The labour needed in this industry is supplied by Indian peons, who live in a state of semi-servitude and are paid barely enough to sustain life.
The Indians are descendants of the Choctaw tribe; they are all subject to taxation, and most of them live in the east central part of the state.
The population in the lower and warmer valleys live in houses, and follow agriculture; in the higher regions they are nomadic shepherds, thinly scattered over a large area.
The climate is generally such as to secure the population the necessaries of life without severe labour; the extremes of heat and drought are such as to render the land unsuitable for pasture, and the people everywhere subsist by cultivation of the soil or commerce, and live in settled villages or towns.
The walking or climbing fishes, which are peculiar to south-eastern Asia and Africa, are organized so as to be able to breathe when out of the water, and they are thus fitted to exist under conditions which would be fatal to other fishes, being suited to live in the regions of periodical drought and rain in which they are found.
It is remarkable that though the Jews live in relative peace with Asiatics, the great majority of them prefer Europe as a residence.
The principal product is cigars; most of the tobacco used is imported from Cuba, and the manufacturing is done chiefly by Cubans who live in a district known as Ybor City.
A, Winged female; B, winged D, viviparous wingless female from in patches from old apple trees, where the insects live in the rough bark and form cankered growths both above and below ground.
But he found means to live in England throughout Mary's reign without further molestation.
Eulima, foot well developed, with an operculum, animal usually free, but some live in the digestive cavity of Holothurians.
Some Pulmonata (Limnaea, &c.) live in fresh waters although breathing air.
When concealment is no longer possible terrestrial species, like the Lycosidae, dart swiftly to the nearest shelter afforded by crevices in the soil, stones, fallen leaves or logs of wood, while those that live in bushes, like the Argyopidae, drop straight to the ground and lie hidden in the earth or in the fallen vegetation beneath.
With the assistance of Florentius Radewyn, who resigned for the purpose a canonry at Utrecht, he was able to carry out a long-cherished idea of establishing a house wherein devout men might live in community without the monastic vows.
Mountain hares, partridges and quails afford good sport; baboons and great hawks live in the mountains.
The majority live in the district between the Maluti mountains and the Caledon river.
Nemertines live in the sea, some being common amongst the corals and algae, others hiding in the muddy or sandy bottom, and secreting gelatinous tubes which ensheath the body along its whole length.
Such could hardly be obtained in any other way by those worms that have no special respiratory apparatus, and that live in mud and under stones where the natural supply of freshly oxygenated sea-water is practicaily limited.
The Seminole Indians, whose number is not definitely known, live in and near the Everglades.
But a strong sentiment against removal suddenly developed, and the efforts of the United States to enforce the treaty brought on the Seminole War (1836-42), which resulted in the removal of all but a few hundred Seminoles whose descendants still live in southern Florida.
They live in the mud, which they eat, in comparatively shallow waters up to 50 fathoms.
In the mature stage Pentastomida live in the respiratory passages of mammalia, principally in the nasal cavities.
The adults live in the nose of dogs, where they have been known to survive over fifteen months.
Again, the appeal to " God's judgment " in the trial by battle in Lohengrin is a subject of which no earlier librettist could have made more than a plausible mess - which is the best that can be said for the music as music. But as dramatist Wagner compels our respect for the power that without gloss or apology brings before us the king, a model of royal fair-mindedness and good-nature, acquiescing in Telramund's monstrous claim to accuse Elsa without evidence, simply because it is a hard and self-evident fact that the persons of the drama live in an age in which such claims seemed reasonable.
The size of the animals varies greatly, from forms a few millimetres in length to Gigantorhynchus gigas, which measures from 10 to 65 cms. The adults live in great numbers in the alimentary canal of some vertebrate, usually fish, the larvae are as a rule encysted in the body cavity of some invertebrate, most often an insect or crustacean, more rarely a small fish.
Douroucoulis live in parties, and are purely nocturnal, sleeping during the day in hollow trees, and coming out at night to feed on insects and fruits, when they utter piercing cat-like screams.
Wild sheep and goats live in the Rocky Mountains.
Spiders, caterpillars and grasshoppers are, he said, stung in their chief nerve-centres, in consequence of which the victims are not killed outright, but rendered motionless and continue to live in this paralysed condition for several weeks, being thus available as food for the larvae when these are hatched.
Deer are not native, and are very rare; a few live in the swamps.
He was not allowed to live in Berlin because of his connexion with the disturbances of '48.
In addition there are generally from twenty to several hundred Eskimo, who live in huts built ' of stone and turf, each entered by a short tunnel.
A considerable number of these Indians have been gathered together in aldeas under the charge of government tutors, but the larger part still live in their own villages or as nomads.
Of the total population 985,167 live in rural areas, the average density for the whole country being 31.34 per sq.
The Kaffirs, who numbered in 1904 34 8 3, live in a separate location.
They live in caves, especially in Caripe, and are caught in large numbers for the oil extracted from them, which is commonly known as " Caripe butter."
Previously consumptive individuals were carefully excluded from contact with fresh air, and were advised to live in rooms almost hermetically sealed and kept at a high temperature.
After graduating at Strassburg University he spent a year in the counting-house of his father, a banker and merchant, and then in 1851 went to live in Paris with his maternal grandfather, Georges Louis Duvernoy (1777-1855), professor of natural history and, from 1850, of comparative anatomy, at the College de France.
In a subsequent proclamation Queen Elizabeth commanded that only one family should live in one house, that empty houses erected within seven years were not to be let and that unfinished buildings on new foundations were to be pulled down.
After a six months' siege Pisa surrendered on terms (9th October 1406), and, although it was not sacked, many of the citizens were exiled and others forced to live in Florence, a depopulation from which it never recovered.
Chinchillas live in burrows, and these subterranean dwellings undermine the ground in some parts of the Chilean Andes to such an extent as to cause danger to travellers on horseback.
Few of the commonly cultivated crops can live in a soil consisting mainly of humus.
For the carrying on of their functions they all need to be supplied with carbohydrates or other carbon compounds which they obtain ordinarily from humus and plant residues in the soil, or possibly in some instances from carbohydrates manufactured by minute green algae with which they live in close union.
They wear a distinctive garb and are not allowed to carry arms or live in the same quarter as Moslems. Another foreign element of considerable strength in the coast towns of Muscat, Aden and Jidda, is the British Indian trading class; many families of Indian origin also have settled at Mecca, having originally come as pilgrims.
To this end he expelled the Christians from Nejran and gave them lands in Syria and Irak, where they were allowed to live in peace on payment of tribute.
The 400,000 Syrian Christians ("Christians of St Thomas," see Thomas, St) who live in Malabar no doubt owe their origin to Nestorian missionaries, the stories of the evangelization of India by the Apostles Thomas and Bartholomew having no real historical foundation, and the Indian activity of Pantaenus of Alexandria having proved fruitless, in whatever part of India it may have been exercised.
Some live in settled communities and roughly cultivate the soil.
They have since preferred to live in the towns, although many continue on the plantations.
These organisms live in cockles, oysters and other lamellibranchs and they so affect the gonads of these molluscs as to castrate and sterilize their host.
The larvae usually live in Molluscs, the mature worm in vertebrates, and the immature but metamorphosed Trematode in either host and also in pelagic and littoral marine and fresh-water invertebrates.
The new incumbent was willing that the Tennysons should continue to live in the rectory, which they did not leave until six years later.
Japanese rivers and lakes are the habitation of severalseven or eightspecies of freshwater crab (kani), which live in holes on the shore and emerge in the day-time, often moving to considerable distances from their homes.
Sometimes he is said to live in a shell, by throwing off which from time to time he increases the world; or in an egg, which at last he breaks in pieces; the pieces are the islands.
This makes the occurrence of a species of Corallus in Madagascar less remarkable, while all the others live in Central and South America.
They live in woods and rocky places, and spend most of their time in trees, although descending to the ground in quest of prey.
During the first year of their existence, before the breeding season begins, they live in small companies in still pools or gently flowing brooks.
Across Oneida Creek, to the south-east, in Oneida county, is the village of Oneida Castle (pop. in 1905, 357), situated in the township of Vernon (pop. in 1905, 3072), and the former gathering place of the Oneida Indians, some of whom still live in the township of Vernon and in the city of Oneida.
The mountain tribes are usually despised by their coast neighbours, but in the south of west New Guinea the coast people live in perpetual terror of their inland neighbours.
They are microscopical in size and live in damp moss or water.
The majority of the inhabitants live in the eastern part of the country; the arid regions west of the main railway line containing a scanty pastoral population and no towns of any size.
At the outbreak of the war he favoured allowing the Southern states to secede, provided a majority of their people at a fair election should so decide, declaring "that he hoped never to live in a Republic whereof one section was pinned to the other by bayonets."
Hippocrates, writing in the 5th century B.C., says of the people of the Phasis that their country is hot and marshy and subject to frequent inundations, and that they live in houses of timber and reeds constructed in the midst of the waters, and use boats of a single tree trunk.
The Jews live in a mellah, separated from the rest of the town by gates which are closed at night.
Never again during her reign did the queen live in London, and Buckingham Palace was only used for occasional visits of a few days.
They live in a home attached to the institution, under a matron, and in the most modern establishments each nurse has a separate bedroom, with common dining and recreation rooms. Private nursing staffs are attached to several of the hospitals; they are recruited from the staff nurses and probationers on completion of their course, and supply nurses to private patients.
She continued to live in Paris, having great influence as a friend and patron of men of art and letters, till her death on the 2nd of January 1904.
It is true that he is sometimes swayed by prejudice, but this is the common lot of great historians; they cannot altogether avoid sharing in the feelings of the past, for they live in it, and Freeman did so to an extraordinary degree.
Only he is saved who on the one hand is forgiven at baptism and so released from the power of Satan, and then goes on to live in obedience to the divine law; and on the other hand receives in baptism the germ of a new spiritual nature and is progressively transformed by feeding upon the body and blood of the divine Christ in the eucharist.
The Kabyles, a division of the Berbers, occupy chiefly the more mountainous parts of the Tell, but some live in the plains and valleys.
They are an exclusively Old World family; they are most numerous in Australia (except New Zealand) and the Indian and Malay countries; comparatively few live in Africa (none in Madagascar) and in the countries from Asia Minor to India.
Allied is Sceloporus, with about 34 species, the most characteristic genus of Mexican lizards; only 4 species live in the United States, and only 3 or 4 are found south of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and are restricted to Central America.
Descendants of the Groot family, now Groat, still live in the neighbourhood.
Boulanger himself, having been tried and condemned in absentia for treason, in October 1889 went to live in Jersey, but nobody now paid much attention to his doings.
The novice is classified according as his destination is the priesthood or lay brotherhood, while a third class of "indifferents" receives such as are reserved for further inquiry before a decision of this kind a strict retreat, practically in solitary confinement, during which he receives from a director, yet relying on Thine infinite kindness and mercy and impelled by the desire of serving Thee, before the Most Holy Virgin Mary and all Thy heavenly host, I, N., vow to Thy divine Majesty Poverty, Chastity and Perpetual Obedience to the Society of Jesus, and promise that I will enter the same Society to live in it perpetually, understanding all things according to the Constitutions of the Society.
The Sumo-Misquito Indians occupied the Atlantic coast and the interior of Nicaragua and Honduras, where they still live in small tribes; a dialect of the hitherto unknown Sumo languages.
Christ continues to suffer in us even now when we do not live in accordance with the behests and spirit of his teaching.
The Embiidae live in warm countries, and are very retiring in their habits, hiding under stones where they spin webs formed of silk produced by glands in the basal segments of the fore-feet.
Richard on his accession confirmed John's existing possessions; married him to Isabella of Gloucester; and gave him, besides other grants, the entire revenues of six English shires; but excluded him from any share in the regency which was appointed to govern England during the third crusade; and only allowed him to live in the kingdom because urged to this concession by their mother.
The latter is confined to certain Gastropods which live in Echinoderms and are extremely degenerate in structure.
Several of these rodents live in the Andes, where the ground is covered for months with snow.
While in his treatise Quod omnis, &c., Philo speaks of their avoiding towns and preferring to live in villages, in his "Apology for the Jews" we find them living in many cities, villages, and in great and prosperous towns.
Owing to their peculiar dual nature, lichens are able to live in situations where neither the alga nor fungus could exist alone.
It is a native of the Island of Ceram, where it is said to live in pairs, feeding on fruits and herbs, and occasionally on small animals.
The inhabitants live in large villages, and are occupied in agriculture, particularly in the cultivation of wheat, for which the Beauce is celebrated.
Almost a quarter of the inhabitants live in towns, of which Munich and Nuremberg have populations exceeding 100,000, Augsburg, Wurzburg, Furth and Ludwigshafen between 50,000 and 100.,000, while twenty-six other towns number from 10,000 to 50,000 inhabitants.
Hymenomycetes are a very large group containing over 11,000 species, most of which live in soil rich in humus or on fallen wood or stems, a few only being parasites.
They live in rocky and stony districts.
They live in villages on the hillsides or summits.
North of San Nicholas is Tondo, the most densely populated district; in the suburbs, outside the fire limits, the greater part of the inhabitants live in native houses of bamboo frames roofed and sided with nipa palm, and the thoroughfares consist of narrow streets and navigable streams. Paco, south-west of Intramuros, has some large cigar factories, and a large cemetery where the dead are buried in niches in two concentric circular walls.
Most of the white inhabitants live in Ermita and Malate, or in San Miguel, where there are several handsome villas along the river front, among them that of the governor-general of the Philippines.
In time, however, the tendency to withdraw from society and give oneself up wholly to the practice of religious and ascetical exercises set in; and at any rate in Egypt, at the middle of the 3rd century, it was the custom for such ascetics to live in solitary retirement in the neighbourhood of the towns and villages.
They turned from him and decided that the pope should be asked to judge Henry; that if, within a year, the sentence of excommunication were not removed, the king should lose his crown; and that in the meantime he should live in retirement.
To meet this a further law was passed in the Prussian parliament, forbidding the exercise of ecclesiastical offices by unauthorized persons, and it contained a provision that any one who had been convicted, under the law could be deprived of his rights of citizenship, ordered to live in a particular district, or even expelled from the kingdom.
Polygordius and Protodrilus live in sand, but while the former moves by means of the contraction of its body-wall muscles, Protodrilus can progress by the action of the bands of cilia surrounding its segments, and of the longitudinal ciliated ventral groove.
They mostly live in small streams and ponds, and many are mountain forms. They are almost entirely confined to Europe and Asia, but one species (Nemachilus abyssinicus) has recently been discovered in Abyssinia.
It is the most numerous genus, and consists for the most part of shallow-water (less than 50 fathoms) tropical and subtropical forms. They often live in tubular burrowings in coral-rock.
They are chiefly Greeksof whom the majority live in AlexandriaItalians, British and French.
A few algae approach the ordinary terrestrial plants in their capacity to live in a sub-aerial habitat subject only to such occasional supplies of water as is afforded by the rainfall.
The qualifications for electors and members of the council are the same as for the members elected by the province to the House of Assembly (save that a provincial councillor must live in the province in which his constituency is situated).
They are still independent of political control, live in permanent settlements, till the soil (producing Indian corn, beans, yucca and plantains), and have developed some rude manufactures.
The Piojes live in permanent communities and cultivate the soil.
In his disgust at the crude conceptions of the enthusiasts, who had hoped that the war of liberation might end in a realm of internal liberty, Hegel had forgotten his own youthful vows recorded in verse to HBlderlin, " never, never to live in peace with the ordinance which regulates feeling and opinion."
Only in a few districts is the climate suitable for Europeans, most of whom live in the Shire Highlands.
In 1893 loss of health and failing eyesight obliged him to give up the active duties of his chair, and a deputy professor being appointed, he went to live in London, where he died on the 15th of March 1897.
Some tribes of Kurds live in tents and huts near Lake Huleh.
Bombay possesses three peculiar classes of Mussulmans, each of which is specially devoted to maritime trade - the Memons, chiefly in Sind; the Borahs, mainly in Gujarat; and the Khojahs, of whom half live in the island of Bombay.
They have settled down as husbandmen, till their fields with the plough, and live in villages or towns.
Most of the inhabitants live in groups of villages.
The township is the home of a German religious communistic society, the Amana Society, formerly the True Inspiration Society (so called from its belief in the present inspiration of the truly godly and perfectly pious), whose members live in various villages near the Iowa river.
Of the population about 47% live in towns or communes exceeding 2000 inhabitants, and about 53% are rural.
In the old town, with its partly demolished fortifications, houses, shops and warehouses are more closely packed and the streets are narrower than in most East Indian towns, and, although a considerable number of Europeans live in this quarter, the outlying quarters, such as Simpang (where is the government house) and Tuntungan, are preferable for residence.
The distribution of life-zones is primarily a matter of altitude and corresponds to that of the isotherms. The mountain goat and mountain sheep live in the Sierran upper-land, though long ago well-nigh exterminated.
They are completely pagan, live in scattered hamlets, and have come very little in contact with any civilization.
With this clearly understood, man is to live in implicit trust in the divine love, power, knowledge and forgiveness.
He became a Christian and elected to live in England.
Unlike the Spartiates they might, and did, possess gold and silver and the iron and steel wares from the mines on Mt Taygetus, the shoes and woollen stuffs of Amyclae, and the import and export trade of Laconia and Messenia probably enabled some at least of them to live in an ease and comfort unknown to their Spartan lords.
There are a large American Mission with schools, orphanage and a resident doctor, a French (Dominican) Mission with schools, and also a branch of the archbishop of Canterbury's Mission to the Nestorian Christians who live in the mountains to the south.
Some of the species can live in the ocean at a depth of two or three miles.
Springtails and bristle-tails live in damp concealed places - under stones or tree-bark, in moss, and in the decaying vegetable or animal matter which serves as food for most of them.
Considerable bands of antelope live in the parks and even descend to the eastern plains, and the mule-deer, the most common of large game, is abundant all through the mountains of the west.
The Pueblo Indians live in adobe houses, are quiet and usually self-sustaining, and have been converted to the forms of Christianity.
Not only will most tropical plants refuse to live in a temperate climate, but many species are seriously injured by removal a few degrees of latitude beyond their natural limits.
The Newfoundland dog will not live in India, and the Spanish breed of fowls in this country suffer more from frost than most others.
In various churches the dead are anointed with holy oil, to guard them against the vampires or ghouls which ever threaten to take possession of dead bodies and live in them.
A small part of these Indians live in settled communities and include some very successful stock-raisers, but the greater part live apart from civilization.
Though sometimes assembling in troops of from thirty to fifty, and then generally associating with zebras or with some of the larger antelopes, ostriches commonly, and especially in the breeding season, live in companies of not more than four or five, one of which is a cock and the rest are hens.
The Zoroastrians, commonly called gabrs, numbering about 9000, reside principally in the cities and villages of Yezd and Kerman, and only three or four hundred live in Teheran, Kashan, Isfahan and Shiraz, some engaged in trade and commerce, but most of them employed in agricultural work and gardening.
Moreover, they required of their rulers that they should live in the fashion of their country, practise arms and the chase, and appear as Oriental sultans, not as Grecian kings.
Such patients are apt to suffer much from cough and laryngeal irritation in the cold, dry air of the Alps, whereas they live in comparative comfort on the Riviera, in the Canary Islands, Madeira or at Capri.
But warm, moist climates rather favour sedentary habits and tend to lessen appetite, so that the nutrition of the patient is apt to suffer; and although phthisical patients may live in comparative comfort in such climates, their tendency to recovery in them is small.
Finally, lights are placed round the bodies of the dead and carried beside them to the grave, partly as symbols that they still live in the light lights.
Those of British and Dutch origin are probably about equal in numbers, but a very large proportion of the British inhabitants live in the towns, the country population being in most districts predominantly Dutch.
It is a great mistake to suppose that because he took no great part in politics he had no interest in the practical questions of his time, or that he was so immersed in metaphysics as to live in the clouds.
They live in round grass huts with conical roofs.
But his main contention is that Christianity is not a doctrine but a life, not the reception of a system of truths or facts, but a pious effort to live in accordance with God's will here, in the hope of joining him hereafter.
These beings were supposed to possess the power, whilst they continued to live in heaven, of appearing on earth in a Nirmanakaya, or apparitional body.
The virgin forests of the Kuznetsk Ala-tau - the Chern, or Black Forest of the Russians - are peopled by Tatars, who live in very small settlements, sometimes of the Russian type, but mostly in wooden yurts or huts of the Mongolian fashion.
This was done, even by the poor or illfurnished, all of whom looked forward to the speedy end of the present dispensation, and were content, for the short remainder of this world, to live in common, and, while not repudiating earthly ties, to treat them as purely spiritual.
She continued to live in France after the restoration in 1874.
Mention should also be made of the partial or complete atrophy of the eyes in many Crustacea which live in darkness, either in the deep sea or in subterranean habitats.
They live in kampongs, which combine to form mukims, districts or hundreds (to use the nearest English term), which again combine to form sagis, of which there are three.
More and more, as his fame spread, those who "would live in the spirit" came to listen to the voice, and to sit at the feet, of the Sage of Concord.
In southern Katanga a tribe called Bassanga are cave-dwellers, as are also the Balomoto, who live in the Kundelungu hills west of Lake Mweru.
The most savage and truculent of the tribes are those who live in the forest regions; the most advanced in culture, the dwellers in the plains.
Some species of the Uropygi (Thelyphonidae) dig burrows; and in the east there is a family of Amblypygi, the Charontidae, of which many of the species live in the recesses of deep caves.
Their skill in and necessary devotion to the chase influence their whole mode of life; " their moral code is based upon a standard of physical culture and health."3 They live in small groups, every member of which is connected by family ties; between these groups, as in the case of the Yagans and Alakalufs, the vendetta is common.
The bulk of the inhabitants live in the floating houses characteristic of lower Siam, using as thoroughfares the creeks to the edges of which the houses are moored.
Russians of the Lipovan sect live in exile in Bucharest and other cities, earning a livelihood as cab-drivers, and wearing the long coats and round caps of their countrymen.
So difficult is the country through which the Cauca has cut its tortuous course that the fertile upper valley is completely isolated from the Caribbean, and has no other practicable outlet than the overland route from Cali to Buenaventura, on the Pacific. The upper sources of the Cauca flow through a highly volcanic region, and are so impregnated with sulphuric and other acids that fish cannot live in them.
Of the original inhabitants there remain only a few scattered tribes in the forests, who refuse to submit to civilized requirements, and a much larger number who live in organized communities and have adopted the language, customs and habits of the dominant race.
On our action now depends the question whether our children shall curse or bless us; whether we shall live in their memory as promoters of civil strife, with all its miserable consequences, or as joint architects of a happy, prosperous and united state.
He must still (at least according to later rules) live in strict abstinence, forgoing, e.g., the use of marriage.
They are mostly traders, and live in the towns; and the wealth of many of their community gives them a social importance greater than would result from their mere numbers.
I live in an inverted order.
The great majority of these Wa live in unadministered British territory.
They live in herds usually of from six to thirty, although these occasionally contain several hundreds, while solitary individuals are sometimes met.
The true boas comprise some forty species; most of them are American, but the genus Eryx inhabits North Africa, Greece and south-western Asia; the genus Enygrus ranges from New Guinea to the Fiji; Casarea dussumieri is restricted to Round Island, near Mauritius; and two species of Boa and one of Corallus represent this subfamily in Madagascar, while all the other boas live in America, chiefly in tropical parts.
Weierstrass, by strictly banishing all infinitesimals, has at last shown that we live in an unchanging world, and that the arrow at every moment of its flight is truly at rest."
Even here the existence of earth for the dog to live in is assumed.
Practically nothing is known of them except that they are said to be very dark in colour and live in holes in the ground, and under rock shelters.
The main portion therefore of the inhabitants of the forest zone are agriculturists, save only the nomad Pygmies, who live in the inmost recesses of the forest and support themselves by hunting the game with which it abounds.
He maintained alike the claim of demonstrative science with its generalities for the few who could live in that ethereal world, and the claim of religion for all - the common life of each soul as an individual and personal consciousness.
It is probable, however, that they continued to live in their villages as before.
Her brother Bermudo, the last of his line, could not live in peace with the new king, and lost his life in the battle of Tamaron, in a war which he had himself provoked.
The growing disposition of the bourgeois and artisan classes, not in the large towns only, to imitate the intellectuals in desiring to live in closer touch with the rest of Europe as regards social, economic, scientific and political progress, embittered the struggle between the forces of Liberalism and those of Catholicism, powerfully entrenched in the affections of the women and the illiterate masses of the peasantry.
Most earthworms live in the soil, which they devour as they burrow through it.
The members live in community, and each pays his own expenses, having the usufruct of his private means - a startling innovation on the monastic vow of poverty.
They are good cultivators of the soil, but are poor, superstitious, ignorant and unambitious, and they live in semi-subterranean houses as their ancestors did Boo years B.C. The townsmen, especially in the large towns, have more regular features - often of the Persian type.
The absence of vegetation on its shores, due to the scanty rainfall and general want of fresh water - except in the neighbourhood of springs like `Ain Feshkhah and `Ain Jidi, where a luxuriant subtropical vegetation is found - accounts for the story that no plant could live in the poisonous air which broods over the sea.
All had to live in absolute poverty, chastity and idleness.
For instance, of the living species found at Meximieux, near Lyons, one is American, eight at least belong to the Canaries (six being characteristic of those islands), two are Asiatic, and ten still live in Europe.
Among the herbaceous plants we find, mingled with a number that still live in Norfolk, Hypecoum procumbens, the water-chestnut (Trapa natans), and Najas minor, none of which is now British.
The otter is found in localities suitable to its habits throughout Great Britain and Ireland, though less abundantly than formerly, for, being destructive to fish, it is rarely allowed to live in peace when its haunts are discovered.
Maybe he missed his home, or maybe he was convinced that what the Council often said-- that the Yirkin and remaining Anshans could live in peace together-- was true.
The three of us live in a five-room ranch with a fat mortgage and less than a thousand dollars in the bank.
He wrote to his family saying that he would contemplate moving in order to live in Spain.
Hunting with hounds is a highly contentious subject of great interest to people who live in rural areas.
We live in a society where the term "risk" has become ubiquitous.
He then hired England's foremost architect, James Wyatt, to build a medieval abbey for him to live in.
Unfortunately, in the Thatcherite times we live in greed such as this is not only now accepted by is actively encouraged.
The placement is a live-in school devoted to caring for mentally disabled Japanese adults.
Most anemones have symbiotic algae that live in their tissues.
It would mean we live in a totally amoral universe.
Deer who live in forests have larger antlers than those who live on moor land.
Friendly owners live in a self-contained apartment in the basement accessed by the chalet front door.
These words were written by the apostle who had learned how to live in hope.
But beneath that calm exterior nine thousand people live in constant apprehension of impending calamity.
If you live in a building with a communal Ariel i would advise you to get yer own one put up!
But we live in a world where even artistic directors talk about the plays they are putting on as ' product ' .
A king, who is proud and mighty, persecutes the religious ascetics that live in his realm and drives them out.
The toads live in underground burrows and make electronic bleeps audible from a distance of 30 meters.
Soundtracks are not permissible unless played live in front of the cinema audience or at the time of filming.
To live in harmony with others whether at the office or at home is a great austerity.
He regards all these as points of departure, none as a destination we live in a post avant-garde world.
Many different kinds of weird and wonderful beetles and other invertebrates may live in the cracks in gnarled and fissured old bark.
Apple blossom Heather Self raising flower Clover 4. What do beekeepers call the special box their bees live in?
Life's unpredictable cycle has brought Kay to live in Painswick, just a mile or two from her mothers ' birthplace.
She has a live-in boyfriend, a plumber by the name of Richard Brierly.
Most pet budgies live in indoor cages In the house, you can keep a pair of the same or opposite sexes.
A " live-in caregiver " is someone who provides unsupervised care of children, the elderly or the disabled in a private household.
I live in Leamington Spa in Warwickshire with my husband, Terry, and my small ginger cat, Poppy.
We do live in a seemingly chaotic world, a world in which the six trumpets are sounding.
If you live in the UK and take anti-epileptic drugs, you do not have to pay prescription charges.
Although I guess you kinda have to if you live in a world of insane killer clowns.
Lenny Henry hosts the best of British stand-up comedy, filmed live in Montreal in 2005.
We live in the last days, between the first and second comings of Christ.
Fewer than 2000 tigers remain in the sub continent, more than 40 live in Chitwan.
Deep-water corals such as Lophelia pertusa live in the cold, dark waters of the Atlantic, the Darwin Mounds are 1,000 meters down.
Do you remember the old Chinese curse, ' May you live in interesting times '?
Learn how to use Live in conjunction with other daws and soft synth workstations.
So if you're not decanting to live in a field for the weekend, this looks the gig in town to go to.
Oh wait, I live in Britain, not Texas please do not defame Texas.
The age we live in is democratic not deferential.
It was to live in direct defiance of the command of the Word of God.
Carnivorous plankton and those that eat detritus can live in deep, dark layers, so one finds quite distinct communities at different depths.
As my family again totally disapproved, we left Ireland, and came to live in the UK.
In the evening we went to Rijswijk, where Bram and Olga live in a cramped and rather disorderly house.
A genuine live in the world businesses to sample burger attracts droves.
When people think of a car club they often think of somewhat eccentric old folk who live in the past world of motoring.
Guinea pigs live in the wild in South America, living in rocky areas, grasslands and forest edges.
Asian elephants live in groups of about 20 adult females with their young.
This has so far eluded us, but we live in hope!
Similarly it is very likely that no Catholics live in Tiger's Bay, a Protestant enclave in West Belfast.
We already live in the absolute, because we have created eternal, omnipresent speed.
I have just bought a 24ft eventide And live in New Zealand.
Which is why no large wild falcons live in farmland in the UK, only in coastal or open areas.
I am sure there are quite a few who still live in Shirehampton or not faraway.
The caring resident owners live in the adjacent Georgian farmhouse.
You live in happy times, and enjoy a singular felicity.
We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious president.
However, other major terrorist financiers continue to live in Saudi Arabia not visibly affected by enforcement activity.
Would you live in an hexagon world Christopher or just be free floating in space?
Half of all invertebrate species live in tropical rain forests, less than 7% of the world's surface.
I live in Bilbao and have started writing freelance for Spanish TV.
We have sumptuous garnitures for our Life, but have forgotten to live in the middle of them.
The people in the center of the ethnic ghetto normally live in the worse housing, and areas.
And there is his delightful live-in girlfriend, Katja.
I live in Chester and on the outskirts there is a little gold mine just waiting to be opened on an A road.
She has five lovely grandchildren, all of whom live in other parts of the country, many miles away from her home.
I notice u guys live in USA - I am uk.
Large heath butterfly Large heath butterfly Large heath butterflies live in boggy areas.
Unless you live in the southern hemisphere in which case I wish you a hot and summery Christmas.
Volunteers live in pairs in quaint small towns inn highlands, rainforest or coast.
I get embarrassed when I see the British who live in Spain and can barely say holla!
Those remanded in custody awaiting trial or required to live in a bail hostel are entitled to housing benefit for up to 52 weeks.
I currently live in Bexley, but would like to rent a houseboat as a prelude to buying one.
They are also more likely than single people to live in low-income households.
Children are more likely than adults to live in poverty and more than 2.5 million live in workless households.
In Scotland, 58% of pensioner households live in fuel poverty.
He tells her he's got a new live-in housekeeper to help look after the kids.
I live in Essex so will exchange cyber hugs with you (( hugs & kisses) ).
As of early 2003, 135,000 internally displaced persons live in tented camps, makeshift huts, uncompleted buildings and railroad wagons.
Some would say that I already live in that society, while others would say that I'm being hopelessly idealistic.
It is principally a manual for those that enjoy this rural idyll and have the luck to live in the country.
They are small wingless insects which live in the hair and suck blood from the scalp.
Fuel poverty can only be cured if households live in adequately insulated dwellings that can both retain heat and be heated at modest cost.
Both live in dynamic interrelation, as I believe they should.
The Ancient Britons live in splendid isolation from the rest of Europe.
I live in relative isolation with only my assistant Mr Beaker for company.
Red ruffed lemurs live in small groups of between 5 - 16 individuals.
Eye care for leprosy Patients Most of these after care leprosy sufferers live in colonies with their families.
The emphasis should be on making the area livable not just creating boxes to live in.
The restrictions are not intended to prevent you from employing live-in personal assistants.
The Census also records that they had three live-in domestic servants.
I live in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales and require a live-in personal care assistant to help with my day to day living.
We place applicants into great well-paid live-in or live-out jobs in Pubs, Restaurants and Hotels.
A full time live-in mother's help costs £ 180 per week, that's £ 233 with tax and NIC.
Our volunteers live in rural Native American communities and run local YMCA Youth Centers.
Soccer superstar Rio Ferdinand has been man- marking a beautiful Brazilian model behind his live-in lover 's back, ' reports The People.
I live in a split level maisonette with a basement flat below.
Where Alaskan malamutes live in a warm climate with little seasonal changes they are likely to shed their coat throughout the year.
Finally, the contemporary economic disorder has propelled mankind to live in an age of crisis - political, social, and financial crises.
You may live in Alice's Wonderland, where words mean what you want them to mean what you want them to mean.
Finding the right med seems to be yet another of so many hurdles, but we live in hope.
We live in a debt-ridden society and must adopt a new mentality toward debt.
Not only does he live in New Jersey and not New York, but he drives a minivan instead of a Ferrari.
Colombian black-faced spider monkeys live in the mature rain forest of Colombia.
Fresh mussels are normally bought live in their shell although frozen green-lipped mussels are also available.
Moisture causes mold, and if you live in a colder climate, you may find your bedroom smelling a little musty.
English speaking live-in nanny / au pair required for 4 year old boy.
Boil the kettle, which if you live in the UK takes approximately.5 nanoseconds.
We live in a beautiful upscale neighborhood in Connecticut and are only about 1 hour train ride to NYC.
Some of these forms of bacterium live freely in the soil others live in root nodules.
We live in a materialistic age where there seems to be a growing obsession with money.
You can get this from your local register office where you live in the UK.
I'm studying some orcs who live in the mountains - the HA.
Bacteria Bacteria are tiny, single-celled organisms that live in the body.
In 1861 the victualler was Robert East, who on census night had two guests and a live-in ostler.
They live in a 3-bedroomed house, and I live in a little outhouse with a friend of theirs, Marianne Robbins.
Hens live in a grassy paddock with more than adequate housing space.
Contact calls Many parrot species live in large flocks and most parrot species form strong pair bonds between two individuals.
The family live in a luxury penthouse in the city center.
Catherine was forced to live in near penury with a frugal allowance from her father-in-law.
They are also perceptive observers of social groups, of different cultures and the community and society they live in.