Live Sentence Examples
I live with my mother and daughter.
You're trying to live like your parents, Carmen.
Whatever occurs, we'll live with it.
Where everyone can live up to his or her maximum potential.
Sure, there were other places to live, but nothing would be like the valley where she had spent her childhood.
I live close enough, so I simply walked.
You must live through this.
They have got to live a man's life, pushing all these things before them, and get on as well as they can.
After all, he wasn't going to live long enough for his feelings to matter.
She began to think she would never live to see such happiness.
AdvertisementThe great thing is to live in harmony....
I couldn't live with myself if I wasted this gift I've been given.
And your brother may not thank you when he realizes he must live with the reality that he killed an innocent for the rest of his life.
These few were given the tools to achieve their maximum potential, to live that dream.
Where are you going to live?
AdvertisementOur kind tend to live much longer than the average human.
How long could she live like this, drinking someone else's blood?
Some of you, we all know, are poor, find it hard to live, are sometimes, as it were, gasping for breath.
You live here; you just might bump into someone you know.
Such a house my father built after the Civil War, and when he married my mother they went to live in it.
AdvertisementI try to live in harmony with nature.
I chose to live, no matter what the consequences.
He'd let her live, knowing she was obligated to report everything to Damian and powerful enough to be dismissive of any threat she might cause.
They don't expect him to live.
She has the power of ancient healers to return to life that which otherwise wouldn't live.
AdvertisementNo matter what happened from here on out, neither Darkyn nor Gabriel would ever let them live after this.
It's owned by three guys who live in Denver.
They'd start their lives together and live happily ever after.
You'll never live that down.
I want to live.
We have looked at factors that increase animosity between the rich and poor and situations in which they can live harmoniously.
I guess my life isn't very interesting to other people, but Alex and I like the way we live.
I want the closeness of having them live with us.
She was ready to hang up but I added the sad news Howie's mother, her aunt Rose, wasn't expected to live.
I'll live with it.
He didn't have to love her or live with her or even talk to her.
Because he wanted her to live.
Something she wasn't able to live with.
I live about five miles from you.
Do you live around here?
I'd as soon die here as live much longer among these cruel and heartless people.
She'll give up her husband who she practically calls stupid and this other Abbott person just so she can live.
How could we live with their deaths if we hadn't done every single thing possible?
She'd been on the verge of dying, discussing how her impending death forced her to decide whether she wanted to live or mourn.
A real live mystery, even if it's probably only a fender-bender auto case.
It read, I want my kid Martha Boyd to live of the deans at Bird Song in Colorado.
He had to remain a compassionate Death, one who understood what it was to live.
She could live a lifetime and never find someone so perfectly fit to her wants and desires.
I would give my son much land if he would come to live near me.
She had indicated many times that she could live anywhere... any way.
He doesn't get that I'm not going to waste my time mourning when I can live.
How do you think it feels to live with the regret that stems from having done something beyond reparation to someone as beautiful as she is in this life?
He'd roamed the palace that was his home many times before returning to live out of the tiny cabin he preferred in the Everdark forest.
That's how I found out you really did love Gabe, even though you um …" "Crushed his will to live," Toby finished.
She didn't want to live with someone like Logan, who resented her for something she couldn't control.
She wasn't sure why she expected either from him, except that she still held half a hope that she might live beyond three months.
I spent too long fighting to live on my terms to give in, even to you.
You issue me an ultimatum I can't live with and then make out with some lady at the lake.
If I'm stuck in the land of the living, I'm going to live a normal life.
Like Deidre, he was going to live on his terms.
The sight of the lights thrilled her, reminded her she needed to stop moping around and live her life like a glowing chili pepper.
I want to hear the woman who lives by the motto of no apologies, no regrets, who told me once that her own soul searching taught her to live, doesn't want my help turning that three months into eternity.
Gabriel, if you can't find an option to save me, will you swear to let me live out what I have left in peace?
Did it matter, if she was able to live a full life?
With your deal with Darkyn complete, you'll live a very long life.
You all won.t live long if I go, Kris.
I.ll become a nun or whatever those women are who live there.
That's a hell of a distance to fall and live to chit-chat about it.
If I hurt you, I couldn't live with myself.
You will never let me live it down.
How in the world did you two manage to live in the same house without sleeping together?
I hope I can live up to your expectations, Mrs. Barnett.
She said nothing, unconvinced she'd live to the end of the day.
It's good to have hopes and dreams, but we need to live today to its fullest because it's only going to happen once.
Your involvement doesn't end here, not if you want anyone to live through this.
We'll return to the mortal world and live normal lives.
He let me live, only so I could watch him win.
She left husband and home to go and live with him.
A few species, however, like the common British forms Chelifer cancroides and Chiridium museorum, frequent human dwellings and are found in books, old chests, furniture, &c.; others like Ganypus littoralis and allied species may be found under stones or pieces of coral between tide-marks; while others, which are for the most part blind, live permanently in dark caves.
All things must live in such a light.
Had he expected to live he could not have said those words in that offensively cold tone.
If they married in Ashley, where would they live?
I found Boston is an expensive place to live.
But where did you live?
We'd go back to god knows what; a life normal people live.
At least you live here in Ouray and have a business, even if Bird Song is only a year old.
We talked about writing a will, but it was one of those things you never get around to doing—we're all going to live forever.
Alex wouldn't want to live that way.
Whether you choose to live or to die, you will need my help.
Death didn't live in the shadows as Gabriel had for the majority of his life.
She'd told Gabriel she wanted to live.
You will live a very long life.
I can't live like this, Rhyn.
I couldn.t live if I lost you.
It was cold and large, not the kind of place she.d ever choose to live.
Wouldn.t you like to have Kris out of the way, so you and your human treat can live in peace somewhere?
We're thinking about returning to his place to live.
But given the pair of parents the boy was forced to live with, it's a wonder he's as well adjusted as he is.
Did he want to live two hundred years?
I could live with that, and I wouldn't have to lose her.
Let me live vicariously through you.
I don't want her to have to live with that decision.
With her lips touching his ear, Elisabeth whispered, "I don't know how to live without you."
She probably won't live, anyway.
I didn't expect her to live.
If I live to be a thousand years old I'll never understand them.
For the right man, she might give up the farm and go live in the city, but children?
There was plenty of room in the old house and Katie would continue helping with the chores until they found a place to live.
He was in need of a veterinarian if he was going to live, and the closest one was nearly twenty miles away.
Otherwise, I can live with it.
Brady watched the feds, irritated at the pockets of elite unaffected by the squalid conditions the non-elite were forced to live in.
Though he did live in a tent, he liked to think he lived as comfortable as possible.
There was no guarantee she'd make it to safety or that he'd live long enough to find her.
I'll let you live if you give it to me, the man in gray responded.
I live by a certain creed, one that runs in our family.
I'm coming to live with you.
Kris and his mate, Hannah – Rhyn's other buffer – weren't about to live the rest of Immortality on the beach with him.
They can't live scattered around the world.
And she let you live?
Andre's memory may live on, but I'm the one who inherited his responsibilities.
You don't think about where we'd live or how we'd fit in with the other Immortals?
Toby's right. She found a loophole. As long as Death doesn't find her and we can get her back to a Sanctuary, she'll live.
I can't send you back, and I can't guarantee any of us will live through this.
The neighbors continued to help, but they had their own lives to live and she was encouraging them to get back to their normal activities.
I'd give you about ten minutes to live if you walked out this door, and maybe a day or two if you stay in the motel.
If Dean balked, Fred wouldn't be fit to live with.
Parkside would remain untainted and a favored place to live and raise healthy, God fearing children who would become model citizens like those to whom he spoke.
After meeting Alex, she discovered there could be much more to a relationship – something she didn't want to live without.
Come to think of it, would he have been content to live in her house?
Would he be content to live with the farmer's daughter or would he expect her to change?
Once she thought she couldn't live like that.
I told her she didn't need to work, but she thinks we can't live without her income.
She had no intention of staying where she wasn't wanted, nor did she want to live with a man who had no respect for her.
I can live with that.
I can live with the idea that the baby belongs to Josh.
I can even live with the idea that he made love to my wife.
What I can't live with is your deceit.
As long as I live, I want them to bloom.
You are all that stands between him and those who live in this world.
No part of her believed he'd let her live if he didn't have a reason to keep her around.
The White God hadn't said a word, until requesting a hostage of his own in exchange for sending his brother to live with the Black God.
Could you live through losing Damian?
She wasn't about to live with the guilt of hurting yet a third person she cared about.
We all make our choices and live with the results.
I'll live with their deaths on my shoulders for the rest of my life.
Hope you don't want them both to live through this.
We have a second chance now to live as we should have before.
She forced herself to remember why they died, what their deaths bought - -a chance for her to live.
Her heart slowed, the realization she may not live through the night settling into her with cold clarity.
Her eyes watered, and she knew she'd never accept her death without fighting to live, even at his hands!
To live a worse fate under Memon's rule?
Torn, she agonized over how much longer she would live before she, too, fell into madness.
If I live to see tomorrow.
They needed their hosts to live, wouldn't survive without their mortal bodies.
Above all, the demon wanted to live.
I can live with that!
Two demons cannot live in one host.
Except she must live.
That might explain why Carmen was content with so little, but some people brought up in those circumstances would be even more determined not to live that way.
It must be difficult to live up to so many people's expectations.
You can't live inside a bubble, you know.
I don't want to live like this.
From now on she wouldn't live.
You said you needed to get away from me – that you couldn't live like this.
Perhaps I was wrong to make such decisions for you only because you live in my house.
Of course, to be fair, Sam was an employee and Alex would have to live with the results of whatever she did … like killing his horse.
Obviously Mom had joined the ranks of those who thought marrying Denton was the only way she could live up to the O'Hara name.
She could use that to lease the place and live while she looked for a job.
I'd hate to live in this area.
After all, you live in California in spite of the earthquakes.
Do you want to see where I live?
Here's where I live.
How long does a Praying Mantis live, anyway?
Where will you live?
I took his mind and made him live through it.
He fulfilled his purpose, only he was not going to be able to live a normal life in the mortal world like she was.
Does he live or does he die?
You live at 537 S. 29th, Apartment 22.
They didn't live on the nice side of town, but she suspected Jonny didn't have to worry about security, when he could just use his weird magic to get him places.
You're lucky he let you live.
Just not in a way that lets everyone involved live.
I live here, too, with my mate, the Grey God.
You made it clear you know where I live.
The necklace became a curse, one that siphoned off much of my power but also allowed me to live.
With a nervous glance at the locked door, she began to realize this was probably not a day she'd live to see the end of.
Thinking of what happened tomorrow did her no good, when she wasn't certain she'd live through the night.
As in, I get to live forever?
He remained in Munich till 1650, when he went to live at Landshut and afterwards at Amberg.
In order to prevent youthful unchastity, marriages are contracted between children of eight years old, the girl being brought home to live with the lad at his parents' home till a child is born, when a separate dwelling is provided for the youthful couple.
He on his part was more and more repelled by a superior woman determined to live her own intellectual life, and she on hers discovered that she was mated, if not to a clown, at least to a hobereau whose whole heart was in his cattle and his turnips.
Only in the descriptions of scenery, which here resemble too much purple patches, does George Sand reveal her true inspiration, the artistic qualities by which she will live.
It is here that she shows her true originality and by these she will chiefly live.
Hinds states that the hibernating individuals live for more than six months.
This difficult task was accomplished by Count Peter Tolstoi, the most subtle and unscrupulous of Peter's servants; but terrorized though he was, Alexius would only consent to return on his father solemnly swearing, "before God and His judgment seat," that if he came back he should not be punished in the least, but cherished as a son and allowed to live quietly on his estates and marry Afrosina.
But there was no getting over the fact that his father had sworn "before the Almighty and His judgment seat" to pardon him and let him live in peace if he returned to Russia.
It is the largest peanut market in the world, is in a great truck-gardening region, and makes large shipments of cotton (822,930 bales in 1905), oysters, coal, fertilizers, lumber, grain, fruits, wine, vegetables, fish and live stock.
Among the exports may be noticed minerals, wines and spirits, tobacco, hides, live animals; and among the imports, groceries, cotton and cereals.
Court formed the design of writing a history of Protestantism, and made large collections for the purpose, which have been preserved in the Public Library of Geneva; but this he did not live to carry out.
Fleeming Jenkin was educated at first in Scotland, but in 1846 the family went to live abroad, owing to financial straits, and he studied at Genoa University, where he took a first-class degree in physical science.
Most of the species are esteemed good eating by the natives of the countries in which they live.
Having circulated a prophecy that the son of Apollo was to be born again, he contrived that there should be found in the foundations of the temple to Aesculapius, then in course of construction at Abonouteichos, an egg in which a small live snake had been placed.
In 1906 the export of live stock was prohibited for that reason.
The export, moreover, of live sheep and of frozen mutton to Europe has become an important factor in the trade of Argentina.
In 1892 the number of live sheep shipped for foreign ports was 40,000; in 1898 the export reached a total of 577,813, which in 1901 fell off to 25,746.
The following table shows the number of live stock in the country at intervals of ten years since 1885.
Lastly positivism teaches a corporate instead of an individual immortality; man should desire to live on as a beneficent influence in the race.
A man may live on in the world by his teaching and example as a power for good, a factor of human progress, and he may also be continuing and completing his course under conditions still more favourable to all most worthy in him.
The sea produces three different seals, which often ascend rivers from the coast, and can live in lagoons of fresh water; many cetaceans, besides the " right whale " and sperm whale; and the dugong, found on the northern shores, which yields a valuable medicinal oil.
In 1905 the population was 268,916, of whom 30% live in communities of more than 2000.
Philip did not live to see Gelderland and Liege pass definitively under his rule; it was reserved for his son, Charles the Bold, to crush the independence of Liege (1468) and to incorporate Gelderland in his dominions (1473).
They are skilful hunters, however, catch fish by in geniously constructed traps, and live almost entirely on jungle-roots of these people is found in Upper Perak, and the members of this clan have acquired some knowledge of the art of planting, &c. They they have been raided by the latter, and many Negritos are to be found in captivity in some of the Malayan villages on the eastern side of the peninsula.
Cattle and poultry are the principal classes of live stock.
The live oak is one of the most valuable timber trees of the genus, the wood being extremely durable, both exposed to air and under water; heavy and closegrained, it is perhaps the best of the American oaks for shipbuilding, and is invaluable for water-wheels and mill-work.
The worm inhabits the lung of the frog and toad, and is hermaphrodite (Schneider) or parthenogenetic (Leuckart); the embryos hatched from the eggs find their way through the lungs into the alimentary canal and thence to the exterior; in a few days they develop into a sexual larva, called a Rhabditiform larva, in which the sexes are distinct; the eggs remain within the uterus, and the young when hatched break through its walls and live free in the perivisceral cavity of the mother, devouring the organs of the body until only the outer cuticle is left; this eventually breaks and sets free the young, which are without teeth, and have therefore lost the typical Rhabditis form.
They live for some time in water or mud, occasionally entering the bodies of water snails, but undergo no change until they reach the lung of a frog, when the cycle begins anew.
The female is viviparous, and the young, which, unlike the parent, are provided with a long tail, live free in water; it was formerly believed from the frequency with which the legs and feet were attacked by this parasite that the embryo entered the skin directly from the water, but it has been shown by Fedschenko, and confirmed by Manson, Leiper and others, that the larva bores its way into the body of a Cyclops and there undergoes further development.
Ten years later Manson discovered a second species, Filaria perstans, whose larvae live in the blood.
In revolving cranes ease of slewing can be greatly increased by the use of a live ring of conical rollers.
The lessee, or farmer, tills the soil at his own risk; usually he provides live stock, implements and capital, and has no right to compensation for ordinary improvements, nor for extraordinary improvements effected without the landlords consent.
It tells men to " obey reason " and crush passion, or to live " according to nature."
They are liberated in a mature condition, and probably live but a short time, merely sufficient to spread the species.
The loss of their political independence has been followed by that of the greater part of their territory, which has been divided up into the Chilean provinces of Arauco, Bio-bio, Malleco and Cautin, and the Indians, much reduced in number, now live in the wooded recesses of the three provinces last named.
He says Lamarck's original animal is something metaphysical, not physical, namely, the will to live.
Over the members of these orders their superiors have jurisdiction and not the bishop. Otherwise if they live out of their monastery, or even within that enclosure so notoriously offend as to cause scandal.
It is no "fugitive and cloistered virtue" that Aurelius seeks to encourage; on the contrary, man must lead the "life of the social animal," must "live as on a mountain"; and "he is an abscess on the universe who withdraws and separates himself from the reason of our common nature through being displeased with the things which happen."
They live exclusively on rice.
The radial structure is characteristic of all root-steles, which have in essential points a remarkably uniform structure throughout the vascular plants, a fact no doubt largely dependent on the very uniform conditions under which they live.
The naked cells which have been alluded to live in water, and call therefore for no differentiation in connection with this necessity; but those which are surrounded by a cell-wall always develop within themselves a vacuole or cavity which occupies the greater part of their interior, and the hydrostatic pressure of whose contents keeps tha protoplasm in contact with the membrane, setting up a condition of turgidity.
Those Fungi which are saprophytic can only live when supplied with organic compounds of some complexity, which they derive from decomposing animal or vegetable matter.
The independence of the two is suggested by the fact that fungi can live, thrive and grow in nutritive media which contain carbohydrates together with certain salts of ammonia, but which are free from proteids.
Plants as agents of damage and disease may be divided into those larger forms which as weeds, epiphytes and so forth, do injury by dominating and shading more delicate species, or by gradually exhausting the soil, &c., and true parasites which actually live on and in the tissues of the plants.
Thus, many Hymenomycetes (Agarics, Pulyporei, &c.) live on the wood of trees.
Xerophytes.These are plants which live in very dry places, where the substratum has less than 10% of water.
Mesophytes.-These are plants which live in localities which are neither specially dry nor specially wet nor specially salty.
Schimper used the term xerophytes to include plants which live in soils which are physiologically dry, and the term hygrophytes those which live in soils which are physiologically wet or damp. Schimper recognized that the two classes are connected by transitional forms, and that it is useless to attempt to give the matter a statistical basis.
Hygrophytes.Plants which are sub-evergreen or evergreen but it scierophyllous, and which live in moist soils; e.g., Lastraea lix-mas, Poa pratensis, Carex ovalis, Plantago lanceolala, and ihillaea Millefolium.
Halo phytes, or plants which live in saline soils, have xerophytic adaptations.
Bog Xerophytes live in the peaty soil of fens and moors which are physically wet, but which are said to be physiologically dry.
With regard to the occurrence of plants, such as Juncus effusus, which possess xerophytic characters and yet live in situations which are not ordinarily of marked physiological dryness, it should be remembered that such habitats are liable to occasional physical drought; and a plant must eventually succumb if it is not adapted to the extreme conditions of its habitat.
An interesting special case of hygrophytes is seen with regard to plants which live in the shade of forests.
The study of existing Algae, that is of plants that have continued to live in water, shows that under these conditions no high degree of organization has been reached, though some of them have attained gigantic dimensions.
They are of small size and live entirely on the ground, making nests of dried leaves, grass and sticks in holiow places and forming burrows in which they pass a great part of the day.
It is no dwelling of the dead nor part of the lower world, but distinguished heroes are translated thither without dying, to live a life of perfect happiness.
The business of shipping live sheep and frozen mutton has not been attempted on a large scale, owing principally to the lack of facilities for loading at the port of Montevideo or elsewhere.
Indianapolis is the principal live stock centre of the Ohio Valley, and has extensive stock-yards covering more than loo acres.
The open campos afford good pasturage, and live stock is largely exported.
On leaving college he returned to the house of his foster-mother, where he continued to live for thirty years.
In general it may be stated that beetles live and feed in almost all the diverse ways possible for insects.
Blind Carabidae form a large proportion of cave dwelling beetles, and several species of great interest live between tide-marks along the seashore.
They are admirably adapted for moving through the soil, where some of them live on decaying organic matter, while others are predaceous.
The Nitidulidae are a large family with 1600 species, among which members of the genus Meligethes are often found in numbers feeding on blossoms, while others live under the bark of trees and prey on the grubs of boring beetles.
The larvae of Lucanidae live within the wood of trees, and may take three or four years to attain their full growth.
The larvae of the beautiful, elongate, metallic Donaciae live in the roots and stems of aquatic plants, obtaining thence both food and air.
They live and feed in the wood of trees.
There are nearly 1000 known species, most of which live in tropical countries.
For Heraclitus the soul approaches most nearly to perfection when it is most akin to the fiery vapour out of which it was originally created, and as this is most so in death, "while we live our souls are dead in us, but when we die our souls are restored to life."
The rural population live for the most part in villages, not as a rule scattered about the country.
Mostly sons of poor parents, they live in extreme poverty, supporting themselves chiefly by translating and by tutorial work.
But a closer observation of what is going on in the recently colonized confines of the empire - where whole villages live without mixing with the natives, but slowly bringing them over to the Russian manner of life, and then slowly taking in a few female elements from them - gives the key to this feature of Russian life.
They live for the most part in tents, and support themselves by breeding live stock, and partly by agriculture.
The forests have been sold, and only those landlords are prospering who exact rack-rents for the land without which the peasants could not live upon their allotments.
The peasantry are impoverished, and in many parts live on the verge of starvation for the greater part of the year.
She proclaimed, therefore, as heir-apparent the son of her deceased elder sister Anna, Charles Peter Ulrich, duke of HolsteinGottorp, a German in character, habits and religion, and tried to Russianize him by making him adopt the Eastern Orthodox faith and live in St Petersburg during the whole of her reign; but her well-meant efforts were singularly unsuccessful.
His name and exploits still live in the popular legends, and the insurrection is often referred to in revolutionary pamphlets as a laudable popular protest against tyrannical autocracy.
Nicholas did not live to experience this humiliation.
It was, however, at Rochester, where Kate and her sister Margaret (1836-1893)(1836-1893) went to live with a married sister (Mrs Fish) that modern spiritualism assumed its present form, and that communication was, as it was believed, established with lost relatives and deceased eminent men.
The large majority of the inhabitants live in the East Island, and the predominating element is Scottish - Scottish shepherds having superseded the South American Gauchos.
Urged by such considerations, he once more turned his eyes to the scene of his early exile, where he might live on his decent patrimony in a style which was impossible in England, and pursue unembarrassed his literary studies.
It thus appears that the live stock industry is one of the most important in the state; the value of its product in 1899 exceeded its output of gold and silver, which had then reached its lowest point, by over one million dollars.
It is principally, however, through his work as a historian that Fiske's reputation will live.
They can live in brackish and even in sea water.
After the defeat of Scopas, Antiochus gained Batanaea and Samaria and Abila and Gadara, and a little later those of the Jews who live round the Temple called Jerusalem adhered to him."
To Samuel of Nehardea belongs the honour of formulating the principle which made it possible for Jews to live under alien laws.
Esna, one of the healthiest towns in Egypt, is noted for its manufactures of pottery and its large grain and live stock markets.
The labour needed in this industry is supplied by Indian peons, who live in a state of semi-servitude and are paid barely enough to sustain life.
They live on small animals or soft vegetable substances, which they root up from the bottom.
The beautiful live oaks and magnolias grow only in the south of the state; the holly in the lowlands; and the finest species of pecan, in the Delta.
The Indians are descendants of the Choctaw tribe; they are all subject to taxation, and most of them live in the east central part of the state.
In the swamps are the bald cypress, the white cedar and the live oak, usually draped in southern long moss; south of Cape Fear river are palmettos, magnolias, prickly ash, the American olive and mock orange; along streams in the Coastal Plain Region are the sour gum, the sweet bay and several species of oak; but the tree that is most predominant throughout the upland portion of this region is the long-leaf or southern pine.
The population in the lower and warmer valleys live in houses, and follow agriculture; in the higher regions they are nomadic shepherds, thinly scattered over a large area.
The climate is generally such as to secure the population the necessaries of life without severe labour; the extremes of heat and drought are such as to render the land unsuitable for pasture, and the people everywhere subsist by cultivation of the soil or commerce, and live in settled villages or towns.
The walking or climbing fishes, which are peculiar to south-eastern Asia and Africa, are organized so as to be able to breathe when out of the water, and they are thus fitted to exist under conditions which would be fatal to other fishes, being suited to live in the regions of periodical drought and rain in which they are found.
It is remarkable that though the Jews live in relative peace with Asiatics, the great majority of them prefer Europe as a residence.
It contains a monument to William Cowper, who came to live here in 1796, and the Congregational chapel stands on the site of the house where the poet spent his last days.
He then intervened in the suit pending between his father and mother before the parlement of Paris, and attacked the ruling powers so violently that he had to leave France and again go to Holland, and try to live by literary work.
Barth's descriptions of the wealth and importance of the city attracted great attention in Europe, and Kano was subsequently visited by several travellers, missionaries, and students of Hausa, but none was permitted to live permanently in the city.
The principal product is cigars; most of the tobacco used is imported from Cuba, and the manufacturing is done chiefly by Cubans who live in a district known as Ybor City.
Industries.-The principal occupation of the settled inhabitants is agriculture and of the nomadic the breeding of live stock, including camels.
In the absence of artificial grasses and roots, hay was very valuable; it constituted almost the only winter food for live stock, which were consequently in poor condition in spring.
Fitzherbert next proceeds to live stock.
It Progress of agricul- is probable that very little improvement had taken ture from place, either in the cultivation of the soil or in the 1688 to management of live stock, from the Restoration down 1760.
It was during this period that the genius of Robert Bakewell produced an extraordinary change in the character of our more important breeds of live stock, more especially by the perfecting of a new race of sheep - the well-known Leicesters.
Nor did this increased tillage interfere with the increase of live stock, as the green crops of the alternate husbandry more than compensated for the diminished pasturage.
This society early began td hold a great show of live stock, implements, &c. In 1842 certain Midlothian tenant-farmers had the merit of originating an Agricultural Chemistry Association (the first of its kind), by which funds were raised for the purpose of conducting such investigations as the title of the society implies.
The two most prominent causes assigned for the depression were bad seasons and foreign competition, aggravated by the increased cost of production and the heavy losses of live stock.
Nevertheless, the decade closed more hopefully than it opened, and found farmers taking a keener interest in grass land, in live stock and in dairying.
Similar stringent conditions applied as regards the sale of feeding-stuffs for live stock.
The Diseases of Animals Act 1896 provided for the compulsory slaughter of imported live stock at the place of landing.
Whilst the returns relating to the acreage of crops and the number of live stock in Great Britain have been officially collected in each year since 1866, the annual official estimates of the produce of the crops in the several sections of the kingdom do not extend back beyond 1885.
The numbers of live stock in the United Kingdom are shown at five-yearly intervals in Table XII.
The trend of the import trade in meat, live and dead (exclusive of rabbits), may be gathered from Table XVII., in which are given the annual average imports from the eight quinquennial periods embraced between 1866 and 1905.
An increase in live cattle accompanied a decrease in live sheep and pigs, but the imports of dead meat expanded fifteen-fold over the period.
During the first year of their existence, before the breeding season begins, they live in small companies in still pools or gently flowing brooks.
In 18J7 the pope, proprio motu, appointed him provost (or head of the chapter) of Westminster, and the same year he took up his residence in Bayswater as superior of a community known as the "Oblates of St Charles," an association of secular priests on the same lines as the institute of the Oratory, but with this difference, that they are by their constitution at the beck and call of the bishop in whose diocese they live.
He did not, however, live to see the actual conclusion of the treaty (March 3 1, 1713), as he died the month before, February 4, 1712/3.
They came accompanied by a band of Roman maidens vowed to live a celibate life in a nunnery in Palestine.
As a rule the tillers of the soil live away from their lands, in some neighbouring village.
Other flies of this group have the inquiline habit, laying their eggs in the galls of other species, while others again pierce the cuticle of maggots or aphids, in whose bodies their larvae live as parasites.
In two of the families - the Mutillidae and Thynnidae - the females are wingless and the larvae live as parasites in the larvae of other insects; the female Mutilla enters humble-bees' nests and lays her eggs in the bee-grubs.
His creed, and the whole gist of his argument, is expressed in a single sentence, "I am fully assured that God does not, and therefore that men ought not to, require any more of any man than this, to believe the Scripture to be God's word, and to endeavour to find the true sense of it, and to live according to it."
I am not saying we live in a utopia.
These guidebooks are lists of people who live in that area who would be willing to meet you for coffee.
Others contend, and feel they have science to support, that humans can live beyond five hundred.
Many years ago, before people came to live on the earth, great trees and tall grasses and huge ferns and all the beautiful flowers cover the earth.
How retired the otter manages to live here!
To love everything and everybody and always to sacrifice oneself for love meant not to love anyone, not to live this earthly life.
In connexion with the internal live stock trade of Great Britain attention must be directed to the Markets and Fairs (Weighing of Cattle) Act 1891.
In the feeding experiments which have been carried on at Rothamsted it has been shown that the amount consumed both for a given live weight of animal within a given time, and for the production of a given amount of increase, is, as current food-stuffs go, measurable more by the amounts they contain of digestible and available non-nitrogenous constituents than by the amounts of the digestible and available nitrogenous constituents they supply.
The non-nitrogenous substance (the fat) in the increase in live weight of an animal is, at any rate in great part, if not entirely, derived from the non-nitrogenous constituents of the food.
Hence it is that the amount of food consumed to produce a given amount of increase in live weight, as well as that required for the sustentation of a given live weight for a given time, should - provided the food be not abnormally deficient in nitrogenous substance - be characteristically dependent on its supplies of digestible and available non-nitrogenous constituents.
The average daily gain in live weight is thus arrived at, and as the animal increases in age this average gradually diminishes, until the daily gain reaches a stage at which it does not afford any profitable return upon the food consumed.
Amongst prize steers of two and a half to three years old, on the same occasion, the three highest daily average gains in live weight were 2.07 lb for an Aberdeen-Angus, 1.99 lb for a Shorthorn-Aberdeen cross-bred and 1.97 lb for a Sussex.
The cattle and sheep entered for this competition are shown alive on the first day, at the close of which they are slaughtered and the carcases hung up for exhibition, with details of live and dead weights.
The live animals are judged and subsequently the carcases, and, though the results sometimes agree, more often they do not.
Tables are constructed showing the fasted live weight, the carcase weight, and the weight of the various parts that are separated from and not included with the carcase.
A familiar practical method of estimating carcase weight from live weight is to reckon one Smithfield stone (8 lb) of carcase for each imperial stone (14 lb) of live weight.
A noteworthy feature of the closing decades of the 19th century was the formation of voluntary associations of stockbreeders, with the object of promoting the interests of the respective breeds of live stock.
The addresses of the secretaries of the various live-stock societies in the United Kingdom are published annually in the Live Stock Journal Almanac. The Maintenance of the Health of Live Stock.
Moreover, live animals are admitted freely from certain countries, provided such animals are slaughtered at the place of landing.
In 1900 the discovery early in the year of the existence of foot-and-mouth disease amongst cattle and sheep shipped from Argentina to the United Kingdom led to the issue of an order by which all British ports were closed against live animals from the country named.
This order came into force on the 30th of April, and the result was a marked decline in the shipments of live cattle and sheep from the River Plate, but a decided increase in the quantity of frozen meat sent thence to the United Kingdom.
Compared with the export trade in live stock from Ireland to Great Britain the reciprocal trade from Great Britain to Ireland is small, and is largely restricted to animals for breeding purposes.
The export trade in cattle, sheep and pigs is practically restricted to pedigree animals required for breeding purposes, and though its aggregate value [[Table Xxvi]].-Quantities and Value of Home-bred Live Stock exported from the United Kingdom, 1900-1905.
About 250 peace was concluded between Antiochus and Ptolemy II., Antiochus repudiating his wife Laodice and marrying Ptolemy's daughter Berenice, but by 246 Antiochus had left Berenice and her infant son in Antioch to live again with Laodice in Asia Minor.
Larval " weevils " mostly feed on the roots of plants, but some, such as the nut weevil (Balaninus nucum), live as larvae inside fruit.
All fruit and forest trees suffer from these curious insects, which in the female sex always remain apterous and apodal and live attached to the bark, leaf and fruit, hidden beneath variously formed scale-like coverings.
Their food consists mainly of the sap obtained from the leaves and blossom of plants, but some also live on the roots of plants (Phylloxera vastatrix and Schizoneura lanigera).
Some aphides live only on one species of plant, others on two or more plants.
A, Winged female; B, winged D, viviparous wingless female from in patches from old apple trees, where the insects live in the rough bark and form cankered growths both above and below ground.
But he found means to live in England throughout Mary's reign without further molestation.
Eulima, foot well developed, with an operculum, animal usually free, but some live in the digestive cavity of Holothurians.
Some Pulmonata (Limnaea, &c.) live in fresh waters although breathing air.
The remarkable discovery has been made that in deep lakes such Limnaei do not breathe air, but admit water to the lung-sac and live at the bottom.
Men should live according to the laws and dictates of nature, not forgetting the claims of reason and sentiment.
Napoleon told him that he was now beginning to live, that he had always longed for a home and now at last had one.
After his father's death he went to live with an uncle in Warren county.
The females of some social insects have been known to live for many years.
Many enter, or live exclusively in, such fresh waters as are at no great distance from the sea.
In northern and temperate latitudes where insects disappear in the winter, species of Argyopidae like Aranea diademata, live only for a single season.
Species of other families (Lycosidae, Clubionidae) may live for a few seasons, hibernating in the soil or amongst dead leaves; and examples of the larger spiders (Aviculariidae) have been kept alive in captivity for several years.
When concealment is no longer possible terrestrial species, like the Lycosidae, dart swiftly to the nearest shelter afforded by crevices in the soil, stones, fallen leaves or logs of wood, while those that live in bushes, like the Argyopidae, drop straight to the ground and lie hidden in the earth or in the fallen vegetation beneath.
In several families of spiders, but principally in those like the Clubionidae and Salticidae, which are terrestrial in habits, there are species which not only live amongst ants, but so closely resemble them in their shape, size, colour and actions that it requires a practised eye to distinguish the Arachnid from the insect.
Three years after the death of Mrs Priestley in 1739, Joseph's father's sister, Mrs Keighley, took him to live with her, and sent him at the age of twelve to a neighbouring grammar school.
The Franks of northern Europe attempted to live a life that suited a northern climate under a southern sun.
Kurds live upon the Commagenian plains here and there, as also in the northern trans-Euphratean plains.
To the north of Aleppo and Antioch live remnants of pre-Aramaean stocks, mixed with many half-settled and settled Turkomans (Yuruks, Avshars, &c.) who came in before the Mahommedan era, and here and there colonies of recently imported Circassians.
Mountain hares, partridges and quails afford good sport; baboons and great hawks live in the mountains.
The majority live in the district between the Maluti mountains and the Caledon river.
Henceforth Rodrigo Diaz began to live that life of a soldier of fortune which has made him famous, sometimes fighting under the Christian banner, sometimes under Moorish, but always for his own hand.
Nemertines live in the sea, some being common amongst the corals and algae, others hiding in the muddy or sandy bottom, and secreting gelatinous tubes which ensheath the body along its whole length.
Such could hardly be obtained in any other way by those worms that have no special respiratory apparatus, and that live in mud and under stones where the natural supply of freshly oxygenated sea-water is practicaily limited.
In 1907-8, according to the state Department of Agriculture, the total value of all field crops (cotton, cereals, sugar-cane, hay and forage, sweet potatoes, &c.) was $11,856,340, and the total value of all farm products (including live stock, $20,817,804, poultry and products, $1,688,433, and dairy products, $1,728,642) was $46,371,320.
The Seminole Indians, whose number is not definitely known, live in and near the Everglades.
The eight in 1905 were Jacksonville (35,301), Tampa (22,823), Pensacola (21,505), Key West (20,498), Live Oak (7200), Lake City (6409), Gainesville (J413), and St Augustine (5121).
But a strong sentiment against removal suddenly developed, and the efforts of the United States to enforce the treaty brought on the Seminole War (1836-42), which resulted in the removal of all but a few hundred Seminoles whose descendants still live in southern Florida.
Clowes, like Crawfoot, was set apart as a preacher to "live by the gospel," and in February 1812 the name "Primitive Methodist" was formally adopted, although for nearly a generation the name "Clowesites" survived in local use.
Inland the Malays live by M o e, o preference on the banks of rivers, building houses on piles some feet from the ground, and planting groves of coco-nut, betel-nut, sugar-palm and fruit-trees around their dwellings.
They live in the mud, which they eat, in comparatively shallow waters up to 50 fathoms.
In the mature stage Pentastomida live in the respiratory passages of mammalia, principally in the nasal cavities.
The adults live in the nose of dogs, where they have been known to survive over fifteen months.
Bartole, the official biographer of Ignatius, says that he would not permit any innovation in the studies; and that, were he to live five hundred years, he would always repeat "no novelties" in theology, in philosophy or in logic - not even in grammar.
Monroe lies in a level valley, and has broad streets shaded by live oaks.
Again, the appeal to " God's judgment " in the trial by battle in Lohengrin is a subject of which no earlier librettist could have made more than a plausible mess - which is the best that can be said for the music as music. But as dramatist Wagner compels our respect for the power that without gloss or apology brings before us the king, a model of royal fair-mindedness and good-nature, acquiescing in Telramund's monstrous claim to accuse Elsa without evidence, simply because it is a hard and self-evident fact that the persons of the drama live in an age in which such claims seemed reasonable.
In his letters to his friend Mathilde Wesendonck, it appears that while he was composing Tristan he already had the inspiration of working out the identification of Kundry, the messenger of the Grail, with the temptress who, under the spell of Klingsor, seduces the knights of the Grail; and he had, moreover, thought out the impressively obscure suggestion that she was Herodias, condemned like the wandering Jew to live till the Saviour's second coming.
The quiet expression of these startling ideas is more remarkable than their adoption; for smaller artists live on still more startling ideas; but most remarkable of all is the presentation of Parsifal, both in his foolishness and in the widsom which comes to him through pity.
The size of the animals varies greatly, from forms a few millimetres in length to Gigantorhynchus gigas, which measures from 10 to 65 cms. The adults live in great numbers in the alimentary canal of some vertebrate, usually fish, the larvae are as a rule encysted in the body cavity of some invertebrate, most often an insect or crustacean, more rarely a small fish.
Food is imbibed through the skin from the digestive juices of the host in which the Acanthocephala live.
Douroucoulis live in parties, and are purely nocturnal, sleeping during the day in hollow trees, and coming out at night to feed on insects and fruits, when they utter piercing cat-like screams.
Wild sheep and goats live in the Rocky Mountains.
Before this time Columbus had proposed an exchange of his Carib prisoners as slaves against live stock to be furnished to Haiti by Spanish merchants.
He himself hopes, with his followers, to live to see the decisive turn of things, the dawn of the new and better aeon.
Here the sun will for ever shine, and all the pious and faithful will live a happy life, which no evil power can disturb, in the eternal fellowship of Ormazd and his angels.
Manacor has a small trade in grain, fruit, wine, oil and live stock.
In spite of somewhat adverse climatic conditions, live stock is reared with a fair amount of success.
But the Peckhams' careful observations and experiments show that, with the American wasps, the victims stored in the nests are quite as often dead as alive; that those which are only paralysed live for a varying number of days, some more, some less; that wasp larvae thrive just as well on dead victims, sometimes dried up, sometimes undergoing decomposition, as on living and paralysed prey; that the nerve-centres are not stung with the supposed uniformity; and that in some cases paralysis, in others death, follows when the victims are stung in parts far removed from any nerve-centre.
The inhabitants of this mountain region, who are tolerably numerous, especially on the Bohemian side, live for the most part, not in villages, but in scattered huts called "Bauden."
The value of live stock in the latter year was $28,869,506.
There their descendants live to-day, still somewhat primitively, and still in somewhat of the glamour thrown over land and people by the Evangeline of Longfellow.
Grain and hemp are also cultivated, and live stock extensively reared in the neighbourhood.
Deer are not native, and are very rare; a few live in the swamps.
They live chiefly by pasturage - rearing camels, of which their chief agricultural stock consists, and horses of a fine breed, which fetch good prices.
He was not allowed to live in Berlin because of his connexion with the disturbances of '48.
Property of an individual who has abandoned Ottoman nationality without legal authority so to do does not pass to heirs, whether Ottoman or foreign, but devolves to the state if legal authority has been granted the government under which the foreign heirs live must have accepted the protocol above cited.
In 1869 he resigned his see, but continued to live at the official residence at Farnham until his death on the 1 5th of August 1874.
He has to resist the temptations of the body, keeping it under strict control, and with the eye of the soul undimmed by corporeal wants and impulses, contemplate God the supreme good, and live a life according to reason.
In addition there are generally from twenty to several hundred Eskimo, who live in huts built ' of stone and turf, each entered by a short tunnel.
Many of them live on the borders of the Mekong and the great lake, in huts built upon piles or floating rafts.
Monks or bonzes are very numerous; they live by alms and in return they teach the young to read, and superintend coronations, marriages, funerals and the other ceremonials which play a large part in the lives of the Cambodians.
The natives live solely by agriculture.
He directs this spirit of revolt also against the sources of his own inspiration; he turns bitterly against Wagner, whose intimate friend and enthusiastic admirer he had been, and denounces him as the musician of decadent emotionalism; he rejects his "educator" Schopenhauer's pessimism, and transforms his will to live into a "Will to Power."
Most of these Turkish tribes live by pastoral pursuits and some by agriculture, and are a most laborious and honest population.
The live stock includes some 180,000 camels.
Human nature seldom resists the charms of a fixed standard - least of all when it is applied by a live judge in a visible court.
The small town with its repetition of nice homes made it a good place to live.
Along with the land are expropriated all claims and rights appended to the land and all instruments of husbandry, live stock included, with the exception of such industrial establishments as are not working to satisfy the local rural demand only.
The local market price will form the basis of the indemnity for the live stock and implements to be expropriated.
In November 1865 he returned again to Göttingen, but, although he was able to live through the winter, and even to work a few hours every day, it became clear to his friends, and clearest of all to himself, that he was dying.
It is stated to live usually in pairs, and to eat rats, birds, frogs, white ants and various insects, and in the north of India it is accused of digging out dead bodies, and several of the native names mean "grave-digger."
Of this smallest of birds there are fifty-nine well-known species, divided into two groups, the Phaethorninae, which prefer the forest shade and live on insects, and the Trochilinae, which frequent open sunny places where flowers are to be found.
A considerable number of these Indians have been gathered together in aldeas under the charge of government tutors, but the larger part still live in their own villages or as nomads.
When the people shouted " Long live King Amador," he cried out " Long live John IV.," and took refuge in a convent.
But he soon exhausted his resources, and, having nothing to live upon, was glad to hurry back to Norway, where he accepted the position of tutor in the house of a rural dean at Voss.
Of the total population 985,167 live in rural areas, the average density for the whole country being 31.34 per sq.
Some 12,500 are of Dutch extraction; these live chiefly in the districts of Utrecht and Vryheid.
After the Zulus retired, less than a dozen Englishmen returned to live at the port; the missionaries, hunters and other traders returned to the Cape.
The only exception is formed by the Banat, where Magyars, Rumanians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Croats and Germans live mixed together.
But the improved quality of the live stock is more worthy of notice than the growth in numbers.
The virtual suppression of Wladislaus was completed at the diet of 1492, when " King All Right " consented to live on the receipts of the treasury, which were barely sufficient to maintain his court, and engaged never to impose any new taxes on his Magyar subjects.
By this treaty Marie was given liberty to live wherever she wished, and the government of Anjou and of Normandy with several castles was entrusted to her.
The conclusion to which they are represented as coming is that they will live together in charity and toleration, and cease from further disputation as to religion.
This decision (passed with only one dissentient voice, but that unhappily Stephen Radic, the peasant leader) took formal effect on Dec. 1, when Prince Alexander, at the formal request of 24 delegates from Zagreb, proclaimed the union and repeated their cry " Long live free and united Yugoslavia."
The town contains large iron foundries and chemical works, and has an active trade in fruit, cider, timber and live stock.
Josephus providentially drew the last lot and prevailed upon his destined victim to live.
His debts were enormous, and in 1675 he resolved to make over to his creditors all his income except twenty thousand livres, and, as he said, to "live for" them.
He had projected a table of the same kind to fifteen places, but did not live to complete it.
The new form takes on the characters of that from which it arose; exhibits the same power of propagating itself by means of an offshoot; and, sooner or later, like its predecessor, ceases to live, and is resolved into more highly oxidated compounds of its elements.
She did not live very happily with her new husband, who was warlike and self-willed, and when he was taken prisoner by the Turks (1071) she was compelled to vacate the throne in favour of her son Michael and retire to a convent, where she died.
In the midst of the Annamese live Cambodians and immigrant Chinese, the latter associated together according to the districts from which they come and carrying on nearly all the commerce of the country.
The Kaffirs, who numbered in 1904 34 8 3, live in a separate location.
They live in caves, especially in Caripe, and are caught in large numbers for the oil extracted from them, which is commonly known as " Caripe butter."
Under this normal amount of pressure they can live and grow.
Previously consumptive individuals were carefully excluded from contact with fresh air, and were advised to live in rooms almost hermetically sealed and kept at a high temperature.
Individuals suffering from pulmonary phthisis are encouraged to live night and day in the open, and with the best results.
Hieronymus, the grandson of Hiero, thought fit to ally himself with Carthage; he did not live, however, to see the mischief he had done, for he fell in a conspiracy which he had wantonly provoked by his arrogance and cruelty.
After graduating at Strassburg University he spent a year in the counting-house of his father, a banker and merchant, and then in 1851 went to live in Paris with his maternal grandfather, Georges Louis Duvernoy (1777-1855), professor of natural history and, from 1850, of comparative anatomy, at the College de France.
He was fifty-five, but he had nearly thirty years more to live, and he had learnt much during what may be called his Cirey cohabitation.
At the beginning of the 19th century it had become common for the tradesmen of the city to live away from their businesses, but it was only about the middle of the 19th century that it became at all usual for those in the West End to do the same.
In a subsequent proclamation Queen Elizabeth commanded that only one family should live in one house, that empty houses erected within seven years were not to be let and that unfinished buildings on new foundations were to be pulled down.
He was put on half pay by the new authorities and ordered to live under police observation at Pamplona.
Since 1899 the trade of the place has revived, coffee and live stock being the most important items.
Moreover, many persons, even of foreign race, declared themselves willing to live under the Salic Law.
He that would live to the next world must shun this.
After a six months' siege Pisa surrendered on terms (9th October 1406), and, although it was not sacked, many of the citizens were exiled and others forced to live in Florence, a depopulation from which it never recovered.
The chief local industry is farming, and an annual fair is held in September for the sale of live stock.
Chinchillas live in burrows, and these subterranean dwellings undermine the ground in some parts of the Chilean Andes to such an extent as to cause danger to travellers on horseback.
The fatal outcome of the campaign that followed he did not live to hear.
This fact gave rise in ancient times to the false idea that the tapeworm originated from the union of these segments; and in modern times it has led to the view that the tapeworm is not a segmented organism (the monozoic view), but is a colony composed of the scolex which arises from the embryo and of the proglottides, which are asexually produced buds that, upon or before attaining their full size and maturity, become separated, grow, and, in some cases, live freely for a time, just as the segments of a strobilating jelly-fish grow, separate and become sexual individuals (the polyzoic view).
The natives, whom the French call Kanakas (Canaques, a word meaning "man," applied indiscriminately to many Pacific peoples), live on reservations.
Few of the commonly cultivated crops can live in a soil consisting mainly of humus.
For the carrying on of their functions they all need to be supplied with carbohydrates or other carbon compounds which they obtain ordinarily from humus and plant residues in the soil, or possibly in some instances from carbohydrates manufactured by minute green algae with which they live in close union.
The bacteria, which are present in almost all soils, enter the root-hairs of their host plants and ultimately stimulate the production of an excrescent nodule, in which they live.
Most bats are insect-eaters, but the tropical "flying foxes" or fox-bats of the Old World live on fruit; some are blood-suckers, and two feed on small fish.
It is possible for a regenerate man to live without sin.
In habits they are partly diurnal; and live either in burrows among the crevices of rocks, beneath the leaves of aquatic plants in marshy districts, or underneath the floors of outbuildings.
Hornaday stated that but one live gorilla, and that a tiny infant, had ever landed in the United States; and it lived only five days after arrival.
In the desert, too, there is a widely scattered tribe, the Salubi, which from its name (Salib, cross) is conjectured to be of early Christian origin; they are great hunters, killing ostriches and gazelles; the Arabs despise them as an inferior race, but do not harm them; they pay a small tax to the tribe under whose protection they live, and render service as labourers, for which they receive in the spring milk and cheese; at the date harvest they get wages in kind; with this, and the produce of the chase, they manage to exist in the desert without agriculture or flocks.
They wear a distinctive garb and are not allowed to carry arms or live in the same quarter as Moslems. Another foreign element of considerable strength in the coast towns of Muscat, Aden and Jidda, is the British Indian trading class; many families of Indian origin also have settled at Mecca, having originally come as pilgrims.
To this end he expelled the Christians from Nejran and gave them lands in Syria and Irak, where they were allowed to live in peace on payment of tribute.
A large part of Asir and northern Yemen has never been visited by Turkish troops, and such revenues as are collected, mainly from vexatious customs and transit duties, are quite insufficient to meet the salaries of the officials, while the troops, ill-fed and their pay indefinitely in arrears, live on the country as best they can.
Where could this be better learned than at Medina, where he had lived so long and where the majority of his companions continued to live ?
The 400,000 Syrian Christians ("Christians of St Thomas," see Thomas, St) who live in Malabar no doubt owe their origin to Nestorian missionaries, the stories of the evangelization of India by the Apostles Thomas and Bartholomew having no real historical foundation, and the Indian activity of Pantaenus of Alexandria having proved fruitless, in whatever part of India it may have been exercised.
Typical spiny squirrels differ from true squirrels in being completely terrestrial in their habits, and live either in clefts or holes of rocks, or in burrows which they dig themselves.
In addition to these noxious and obtrusive forms, England has a few indigenous species belonging to the genus Ectobia, which live under stones or fallen trees in fields and woods.
Some live in settled communities and roughly cultivate the soil.
They have since preferred to live in the towns, although many continue on the plantations.
In cases where the condenser is likely to become plugged there is a pipe by means of which live steam can be injected into the condenser.
Among the principal goods dealt with are tea, silk, opium, sugar, flax, salt, earthenware, oil, amber, cotton and cotton goods, sandal-wood, ivory, betel, vegetables, live stock and granite.
The rapid multiplication that takes place in the larval stage of nearly all endoparasitic forms affects the tissues of the "intermediate" host in which they live.
These organisms live in cockles, oysters and other lamellibranchs and they so affect the gonads of these molluscs as to castrate and sterilize their host.
The larvae usually live in Molluscs, the mature worm in vertebrates, and the immature but metamorphosed Trematode in either host and also in pelagic and littoral marine and fresh-water invertebrates.
These Trematodes live chiefly in the intestine of aquatic birds or reptiles.
However this may be, remnants of their primitive superhuman qualities cling to the Celtic heroes long after they have been transfigured, under the influence of Christianity and chivalry, into the heroes of the medieval Arthurian romance, types - for the most part - of the knightly virtues as these were conceived by the middle ages; while shadowy memories of early myths live on, strangely disguised, in certain of the episodes repeated uncritically by the medieval poets.
The principal exports are salt, minerals, opium, cotton, cereals, wool and live stock; and the imports cloth-goods, coffee, rice and petroleum.
He did not live to see the futility of such bulwarks.
Wuchang is not open to foreign trade and residence, but a considerable number of missionaries, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, live within the walls.
Horses do not live, and all wheeled traffic is done by manual labour - hammocks and sedan-chairs are the customary means of locomotion.
The origin of this particular form of worship can scarcely be sought in Egypt; the Apis which was worshipped there was a live bull, and image-worship was common among the Canaanites in connexion with the cult of Baal and Astarte (qq.v.).
The acreage of improved farm land in Rhode Island decreased from 356,487 in 1850 to in 1900, but the value of farm property (including land with improvements, implements, machinery and live stock) increased in the same period from $19,100,640 to $26,989,189.
The new incumbent was willing that the Tennysons should continue to live in the rectory, which they did not leave until six years later.
The others for the most part frequent the rice-fields and live upon frogs.
Japanese rivers and lakes are the habitation of severalseven or eightspecies of freshwater crab (kani), which live in holes on the shore and emerge in the day-time, often moving to considerable distances from their homes.
Amalgamation has been completely effected in the course of long centuries, and even the Ainu, though the small surviving remnant of them now live apart, have left a trace upon their conquerors.
The average Japanese may be said to live without artificial heat; his paper doors admit the light but do not exclude the cold.
The second class maintained communications between the fiefs and the Tokugawa court as well as their own families in Yedo, for in the alternate years of a feudatorys compulsory residence in that city his family had to live there.
Stock-raising receives considerable attention; there are about a score of large cattle ranges, and there is a considerable export of live cattle to Texas and to various Mexican states.
Though disappointed with the Crimea as a place of residence, Pallas continued to live there, devoted to constant research, especially in botany, till the death of his second wife in 1810, when he removed to Berlin, where he died on the 8th of September 1811.
A prominent feature in its trade is the shipment of live cattle.
On the cardinal's return in 1627 he took Holstenius to live with him in his palace and made him his librarian.
Sometimes he is said to live in a shell, by throwing off which from time to time he increases the world; or in an egg, which at last he breaks in pieces; the pieces are the islands.
Yak have the great disadvantage that they will not eat corn, and the large pure-bred animals will not live at low elevations.
This makes the occurrence of a species of Corallus in Madagascar less remarkable, while all the others live in Central and South America.
It sought also to make the art and poetry of Greece live a new artistic life.
In 1920 were exported farm products, live stock, fowls, timber and flax valued at 501,797,000 marks, and imported foreign products and machines at 428,728,000 marks.
They live in woods and rocky places, and spend most of their time in trees, although descending to the ground in quest of prey.
But this first national kingdom within the sphere of Greek culture could not ultimately live between the surge of the Northern barbarians and the Roman power.
When Montanus proposed to summon all true Christians to Pepuza, in order to live a holy life and prepare for the day of the Lord, there was nothing whatever to prevent the execution of his plan except the inertia and lukewarmness of Christendom.
Fortunately for him, he did not live to see the debacle of Russian society in 1917.
Others are scavengers feeding on decaying organic matter; the pond skaters, for example, live mostly on the juices of dead floating insects.
And some, like the bed-bugs, are parasites of vertebrate animals, on whose bodies they live temporarily or permanently, and whose blood they suck.
This tribe includes some eighteen families of terrestrial, arboreal and marsh-haunting bugs, as well as those aquatic Heteroptera that live on the surface-film of water.