Little Sentence Examples
The little man shook his bald head.
You're going to have a little brother or sister.
You're going a little fast.
He was quite an old little man and his head was long and entirely bald.
Maybe you are having a little water gain, but you look great.
A little girl is missing.
The little man looked toward her and seemed as much surprised as she was.
The little boy was unconscious.
Yet he was arrested last week for selling drugs to kids like little Nicholas over there?
Maybe a little time to yourself is a good idea.
AdvertisementHowie relaxed a little.
I should get rid of this and buy something a little more feminine.
Of course, the little red truck Dad had been drooling over.
Can you hold lunch for a little bit?
Maybe he felt excluded - or maybe he simply needed a little encouragement.
AdvertisementI'll prepare little Natalie.
The little girl stood still to watch until the train had disappeared around a curve; then she turned to see where she was.
The storm has blown two of the little ones out of the nest.
How long is this going to be your dirty little secret?
And what little they have promised they will not perform!
AdvertisementThey needed to gain a little weight before they would be released from the hospital, though.
He was only a little more weather-beaten than when I saw him last.
Princess Mary spent half of every day with little Nicholas, watching his lessons, teaching him Russian and music herself, and talking to Dessalles; the rest of the day she spent over her books, with her old nurse, or with "God's folk" who sometimes came by the back door to see her.
Alex had directed the little he said to her only.
It's a little early, but twins tend to have their own schedule.
AdvertisementAs the little Wizard turned to follow them he felt a hot breath against his cheek and heard a low, fierce growl.
Once this ball gets rolling, it will speed up and, because of it, we will all wake up each morning with a little extra spring in our step and sparkle in our eye.
Once more something whistled, but this time quite close, swooping downwards like a little bird; a flame flashed in the middle of the street, something exploded, and the street was shrouded in smoke.
The little girl was adorable in a Shirley Temple kind of way.
Noticing that the light was growing dim he picked up his nine piglets, patted each one lovingly on its fat little head, and placed them carefully in his inside pocket.
I was born on June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, a little town of northern Alabama.
The little princess went round the table with quick, short, swaying steps, her workbag on her arm, and gaily spreading out her dress sat down on a sofa near the silver samovar, as if all she was doing was a pleasure to herself and to all around her.
The blue skirt and sweater were a little dressy for jail, but they'd no doubt give her some fashionable stripes to wear anyway.
Cade's tone was a little startled and a lot amused.
In the end, our fundamental challenge is to become better individuals, and technology offers little help on that front; it is up to each one of us to solve that for ourselves.
The little porch was hidden from view by a screen of yellow roses and Southern smilax.
The Keller homestead, where the family lived, was a few steps from our little rose-bower.
But you need to pamper yourself a little.
I was a little surprised at the invitation.
He also had little sleep, as much from partying with the temporarily affluent Mrs. Worthington as concern over Martha's cross country flight from the law.
It did sound as if the Dawkins boys' temporary peace had come to an end, but Dean paid little heed to the raised voices.
But there was the little problem of the pack of cigarettes Martha clearly described as being with the bones in the Lucky Pup Mine.
From that vantage point, if you had tried to look fifty years ahead to what the world would be like in the year 2500 BC, you would have expected very little change.
The family consisted of my father and mother, two older half-brothers, and, afterward, a little sister, Mildred.
However, if one designs to construct a dwelling-house, it behooves him to exercise a little Yankee shrewdness, lest after all he find himself in a workhouse, a labyrinth without a clue, a museum, an almshouse, a prison, or a splendid mausoleum instead.
The larger bell was muffled and the little bells on the harness stuffed with paper.
His satellites--the senior clerk, a countinghouse clerk, a scullery maid, a cook, two old women, a little pageboy, the coachman, and various domestic serfs--were seeing him off.
I'll be back in a little while, sweetheart.
Are you blaming a little boy for what his mother did?
Let's try a little of this.
It does sound a little eccentric, doesn't it?
Martha showed little interest and had said hardly a word.
He hates your guts big time—your little wife, too.
While he was away Princess Mary, Dessalles, Mademoiselle Bourienne, and even little Nicholas exchanged looks in silence.
Maybe they were both a little wrong... and a little right.
I guess the evening was a little cold?
She bent over and picked it up, discovering that it had a little white powder in the bottom.
I looked up Andy Gordon and found lots of pictures of his paintings, but no pictures of him, and very little information about him.
I've got a little ranch in Texas.
She was the one who had become serious - and with little encouragement on his part.
We're close enough, and our camp sight will give us a little protection from the coming storm.
With a little effort she located a canteen.
She had a little money to buy another place.
He wasn't going to give in until she ate a little crow.
Next came the little nose.
But aren't you a little concerned about what people will say?
Come on and I'll show you around a little before I turn in.
They rode through the herd, which paid little attention to their passage.
She was little more than half-done and already he thought it was too much?
He was; maybe a little upset.
Then a little man jumped out of the basket, took off his tall hat, and bowed very gracefully to the crowd of Mangaboos around him.
But these sounds were hardly heard in comparison with the noise of the firing outside the town and attracted little attention from the inhabitants.
Sit down and I'll fill you in a little.
Natalie needed little encouragement - or maybe it was because Carmen was a little more relaxed and experienced.
Little Tammy was so shy and inquisitive.
It was like Connie to spend as little time on the telephone as possible.
A little, why don't we go in and I'll make us some coffee?
With no shade, there was little chance for rest.
And because some little snot-nose has a vivid imagination, or thinks it's fun to tell whoppers, I'm supposed to go traipsing off in some god-forsaken mine on the taxpayer's expense on a treasure hunt?
She was getting a little dehydrated, so they were speeding up the IV.
Destiny was a little lady, waiting until he came into the kitchen before plowing into him.
I'll be fine after we rest for a little bit.
I'm trying to get everything caught up so I can spend a little time with Claudette.
Little things like the way you took in that stupid cat.
He was a man who said little, but felt a lot.
I tried to shush her to little avail.
There was little sound from the kitchen as well.
We'd spent little quality time together.
You're being a good little girl.
I enjoyed it last September until I became bored; I even had a little friend, as I recall.
Maybe he's grown up and changed; God knows I have but back in the day, he was a little piss head, always getting in fights, picking on little kids.
As I parked in my barn, the beautiful little girl I've dreamt about began to squirm and awaken.
I told her when I returned from my preparations in the cabin I'd better find my little angle quiet or she could watch her mother die before her eyes.
But I'm too little to save Jonny.
It's a dare, my little friend.
He opened the windows, which did little to shed light into the stone room with its masculine, black décor.
It's the little things that count.
I think you do a little.
Hell has a library, and the librarian has been teaching me about the deities through these little video tutorial things.
Can I have a little time?
It gave her a little bit of peace, knowing she wasn't solely at the mercy of the outlaw.
She was almost angry enough with Wynn to wish he'd stayed here just a little longer.
How is my little fruit bat doing?
David and Cynthia Dean had experienced little success in trying to secure a more formal arrangement for long term custody of Martha, managing only undocumented assignment as temporary foster parents.
Then they'll bounce me to some other place in Denver, like Little Orphan Annie.
He quickened his pace, having little reason to prolong the trip.
Yeah. I guess we went in—a little way— but it wasn't so bad until the flashlight started dimming and I got scared we wouldn't find our way out in the dark.
That takes guts," Dean said, then added with a smile, "So goodie little Cynthia used to get her bum-bum paddled, huh?"
You must have been a really naughty little girl.
Naw. I was a good little soldier, just like now.
She's a sharp little kid.
They knew there was little more they could do or say to console the lonely child.
When he was little, I couldn't chase him away.
I want to stop down and see Jake Weller about Martha's bony little problem.
Only little Lydia—who I understand was Jill-on-the-job and busted you for racing on her first day on duty.
Besides, you've got too much on your minds— running for sheriff, little Martha leaving and all—you don't need to hear about the ghosts in my closet.
Dean could do little more than put his arm around her.
Now that you've seen all this, get out and go home to sweet little what's-her name.
He slept little, continuing to regret his lack of action throughout the night.
There had been little enough to celebrate recently.
Destiny's little fingers wiggled on Carmen's ribs and she laughed.
Glancing around to make sure Destiny was still safely in the little pen inside the barn, she pulled the phone from its holster on her side and called Alex.
She reached into the cage and, after several foiled attempts, managed to capture one of the little bunnies.
Not so brave anymore, are you, little girl.
While Cynthia began serving breakfast, Edith Shipton emerged, looking as if she'd had little sleep.
Our little Annie is a call girl!
Dean dreamed of white-dressed hookers smiling and calling to a line of seven little miners who looked suspiciously like Snow White's benefactors.
Just exercise a little caution, have patience, good equipment and lots of common sense.
You're on a belayed line that is passed under one thigh and over the opposite shoulder so that it can be paid out, nice and smooth, a little at a time....
While helmets provide little protection in a serious fall, they're a must to shield you from junk dropped or dislodged from above you.
No, I don't have any of those little playthings, at least not yet.
I think he's carrying his ministry a little too far and he's already a married man.
Now that you're going to make a little money on those gold coins, added to what you took in on that Flotsam Electronics stock last June, maybe you should consider seeing the light and turning Republican.
I'd guess she left home quite young, perhaps as a mid-teenager, with little or no dough.
I never will understand how you could know so little about Fred.
I had slept little as Jerome Jones' band played its brass near till dawn at The Gold Belt.
I'd love to have a little baby.
She's a sweet little girl.
Before they could comment, she rose, and putting a finger to her lips, whispered, "We mustn't let Claire know our little secret."
He probably got an early start on his own sisters down on God's little acre.
And I've confided to poor Edith a little about Annie.
Usually I enjoy seeing the gentle flakes and they cause me little aggravation with their accumulation as I seldom travel more than a block or two when I secure provisions.
Does your boozing it up make this little meeting unofficial?
If Dean had given any thought to how that statement sounded before he opened his big fat mouth, he would have practiced a little restraint and kept it shut.
Fred followed but there was little time for conversation.
He pulled out a fingernail clipper and began clipping his nails, sending little white crescents flying about the room.
That ought to count for something, give us a little leeway.
You look like the poor little match boy.
I am alone in this house, with only a cat for company though he gives me little solace.
Very little would change in this seventy-year stretch of life.
But every now and then there would be a little difference.
It was going to be nice having nothing to do but enjoy their little family for the next two weeks.
How much had he told Señor Medena - or how little?
We're probably all a little hypocritical at times - and we're all sinners, so I hear.
And yet, its little engine hummed along with a surprising lack of noise.
Then his face engaged in a smile that created little wrinkles around his eyes and grooves in his cheeks.
Are the weeds getting a little high along the drive?
Maybe a little noise would frighten the animal away.
She put the offending foot on the ground, tentatively applying a little weight, clamping a hand over her mouth to stop the cry of pain.
Even she would have had trouble working with something so little, but his big hands dispensed with the job in short order.
Every time he lashes out at you and gets his nails clipped in the process, it erases a little more of that fear.
Yet as the world began to open beyond her little circle, she realized that he had been open about his interest all along.
Well, maybe we both did a little.
She headed for her room and a little rest before supper.
This is a little out of my league.
The smell of coffee brought Yancey back into the room a little later.
A little memory work might be required, but anyone could count from nineteen to twenty.
He glanced at his mother and colored a little.
She finished her breakfast with little conversation and saw Sarah and Tammy off to church.
I kept seeing little Nick's face in the window when they left the house.
And from what – a little kiss?
Well, maybe you should be - a little, anyway.
Where were you a little while ago?
It was hard to believe sweet little Sarah would be involved with anything so sinister.
When he opened the glove box, I was sure he'd come out with a gun, but he had a little tablet instead.
She watched his retreating back and knew there would be little sleep for her tonight.
He grinned, the expression creating little lines around his sparkling blue eyes.
She readied supper, careful to spend as little time in the ring of firelight as possible.
Maybe she could get a little rest while they waited.
Little specks flashed before her eyes.
Little did I know that while you were proposing to me, you were making plans to marry you're little saloon girl.
I know, and I guess I was deliberately a little evasive because I wanted you to learn to trust me.
The only thing I'm attracted to is his job offer - and the idea of getting out of this gossipy little town.
Little did he know that she wouldn't have left the ranch if her truck had been available.
If I had paid more attention to her and spent a little less time out on the range, she might be alive today.
Does that mean we can't indulge in a little innocent affection now and then?
You said you didn't want any little brats tearing your house up.
Annie was Howie's little sister.
You even touched it, maybe saw little green men.
There was a little girl of about six or seven playing with a doll on the floor.
Oh, you little ones; be careful and don't talk to strangers!
Up and down the hills, searching and searching but all the little ones are staying inside in this coal-stripped countryside.
I'll try my luck closer to the seashore where the scenery is as fair as the little ones I seek.
On to rural America where the pickings are as fertile as the country side and there's always a trusting little soul willing to help a stranger.
I drive the country roads, humming my tune, my new little pet safely in my hands.
No need to cry on such a pretty day, little one.
It's utterly delightful with all the little school children scurrying about.
Sometimes he has trouble sleeping and it takes very little noise to wake him.
First I must lay my little darling to rest.
You didn't just save little Timothy, Howie.
Now there is one less hunter to compete with me for the precious little ones.
Everyone tried a little conciliation.
Howie offered little and without seeing his facial reaction, I couldn't tell how he stood.
Finally, Howie was able to connect with a recently abducted little girl in Alabama.
We conveyed the meager information to a national tip line, fearing it might be too little too late.
I've chosen the sea shore as the final resting place for my little beauty.
I'm on the road once more with only my memory of sweet little Marcia for company.
I can't concentrate on my little darlings.
She's such a little beauty I can hardly wait for the sun to set.
We accomplished little the rest of the day.
Forget this little exercise ever happened; it won't be repeated.
Little Eric lives with me and is the most important part of my life.
Where can I find you, my next little friend?
My little passenger screamed from the back trunk at the sound of the gun shots but he was already dead.
I'd never drive with my own plates when I'm on the prowl for little people.
Do nothing for the time being but perhaps consider instituting a little misdirection in the future.
I eyed a sporty little number but Betsy, with a family in her radar, opted for a mid-sized compact.
The new canine member of our family was a happy little feller with a fair dose of Cocker Spaniel in his genealogy.
Fortunately the day presented little of our precise criteria.
No sound disturbed Howie and with Martha able to use her special hypnotic-like tone, little time was wasted inducing Howie's sleep state.
But first I need company and the affection of a sweet little friend.
If you're concerned my little project might impact your security, don't be alarmed.
She's such a little fraidy cat but I shan't be able to keep her much longer.
Once inside, he found the child sleeping alone in her room; a little princess, he called her.
The man pulled up his mask enough for Howie to see a mustache and glasses but little else.
This time, my sweet little friend will assist me!
We deserve a little privacy, especially Howie; he's under the most pressure.
We had little choice but to wait and see if the weekend presented any answers.
If you tell me every little thing you know or even suspect, I'll just drive away and let you walk down the lane to one of those farm houses we passed.
Debbie Woolrich, age nine, remains in the wind but there's little hope she's alive.
That's how long my little prize remained with me until my darling succumbed to the trials and tribulations of life on the road, with me.
My security system is top notch though I've had little need to utilize it.
It's a shame I don't have a little princess to lay to rest along its pristine shore.
A little golf, but that just frustrates me and cost money.
I volunteered to mind the store, so to speak, at least for appearance's sake though there was little to do.
I surely deserve the comfort of a little friend to sooth my troubled mind.
I'll miss her so as she missed her mother whom I was forced to lay to rest before the little lovely was mine.
She's a whoring little gold digger!
She'll love it, with little Claire to play with.
I almost plucked a little beauty from a nearby tent the other night as her parents partied with other campers several yards away.
While Molly was her usual quiet self, and perhaps a little nervous, it was obvious she was excited.
She stood over me, giving me little choice though I dreaded the chore.
I don't know what I mean except I can't stop dreaming of little children, all hurt and bleeding and I don't want to see them because it hurts too much, but I can't block them out!
When it happens, it matters little which was the cause.
Over their shoulder I saw Martha leave, with little Claire in her arms.
It's all a little scary but I helped by getting Howie to go to sleep.
She doesn't have to speak; just give you a little security.
Last night we ran a session on the little boy Betsy texted us about.
I just want to sit here a little while.
And remember those three little numbers; 911.
Their house was lonely, and a little scary without them.
I can't imagine not seeing her or holding little Claire again.
I answered with all the right words though I was not just a little annoyed.
I think you and I need to have a little sit-down.
There was a fender bender in the town square that delayed me but I wasted little time racing up the Surry road.
The fascination little visitors were a rare in our neck of the woods.
For everything... for how I handled the police-guy, for making Julie stay just a little bit longer, for chasing off Martha and Quinn...
You see, guys who just hunted down women looked down on the children snatchers and the scum that took on little girls thought they were a rank better than the little boy snatchers.
Dropping off this little package was accomplished with no regret as she wouldn't cease screaming her head off keeping my nerves on edge the entire time we were together.
I'm a little tired of making other people's decisions for them.
There is on one to connect me to New Hampshire though this little group who thought they were so clever hiding in that silly business in Keene might suspect that the one they hunted is now hunting them!
I managed to calm myself enough to relate what little I knew of what happened to the people with whom we'd both worked so closely.
Now let's try and locate your wife and the little girl.
A little while and we'll be where no one will find us as we play our games.
He was a little while ago.
Little was said of our clandestine activities of the past year as we simply enjoyed each other's company.
I did a little arithmetic.
The Watcher's hand fell away, and his gaze went to the dark side of the bay, where the little girl was already fast asleep.
Her unease grew as they reached a seedy neighborhood outside of Little Havana.
She took the keys a little too quickly.
Still feel a little tired.
You could try a little more not to scare me so much.
He's a little confused.
He had little pity for humanity in general.
He felt sick to his stomach and wondered how Bianca had become so much a part of him in so little time.
She's discovered quite a few annoying little powers of her own while you were gone.
Jule was happy to piss off the little green-eyed troll.
We're gonna have a little talk, then we'll see who gets to kill who.
She walked the length of the wing and felt the feeling fade a little.
But this man, an enemy who had—up until now—wanted to kill her, left her feeling a little less alone.
You're absorbing what little power I have.
They meant little to her, but to Damian, they could mean something.
That little girl did this?
A vamp who could track Others was an invaluable treasure, especially if Charles could also track the sneaky little Watchers.
I hate those little trolls.
I think I'll stay out for a little while.
Jenn thought little of it at the time.
She froze at the sight straight out of her vision—the little boy, Cody, spread-eagled in the street near the storm drain.
Only his undercover agents contained such little information in his database.
Can you expand a little on that statement?
She tightened her grip around him, and he was amused to think of himself as any sort of comfort to anyone, let alone a little human like her.
It's not every day your little brother turns 300K.
The images in her mind were of a little boy dying in the street, of Jake's death, of the deaths of many others.
She's this sexy little thing with beautiful eyes.
This might hurt a little.
From what little she knew about etiquette, she was occupying the seat of the lady of the house.
Oh, ye of little faith, he said into her mind.
A little testy today, aren't we?
Just her little fangs and the odd presence she found subtle but which apparently had a staggering effect on men.
He dreamed of bones and babies and lost little girls.
It got me thinking about spreading around the little bit you've got.
But if the little bit I've got's not stopping me from trying to multiply it to something better, how can you be worried about this kid of yours?
If he could hit a little white ball, he'd be a legend in the 'hood!
That, and the little matter of a cookie in the oven of love, which seemed to be taking a back seat in her ire.
Once we have a sheriff's salary coming in, maybe we can add a little to their budget—until they get settled.
I'm a little busy with real law enforcement.
Boys, we're getting a little loud here.
We're putting a lot of trust in what a little ten-year-old girl said, aren't we?
If he did switch them and his little gag came to light, it wouldn't only cost him the election; it would cost him his whole career.
I guess I'm even a little bit excited by the challenge.
She let out a little gasp and clutched her husband's hand.
The auction crowd could wait a little longer for his chauffeuring gig.
The other four trunks displayed like goods—a moth-eaten gorilla suit, two bloody collections of dresses, and an outfit Dean supposed Frankenstein wore when he went out for a little nightlife.
It was like he had a check list of what parents were supposed to do, and he filled in all the little blocks—middle-class home, straight teeth, and a college education—figured that was the extent of his obligations to us.
Then she died and he decided to blow all his dough on little Jenny Radisson.
He asked, just to toss a little more chum in the water, "What happened to your mother?"
Martha, the little girl who originally told us about them, described them differently from what Fitzgerald found.
It's too easy for kids to get liquor and too little else for them to do with their time.
I read all the weekly newspapers and there was no mention of any foul play, but this little ad caught my attention.
It's a little sordid and not undeserved, but I must say, it's plausible.
Dean guessed no male juror would even bother listening to the testimony before giving her anything her little heart desired.
A little girl—a sort-of ward of ours—had an interest in the Lucky Pup Mine.
My, you're being a regular nosy little detective, aren't you?
Not just, 'what are you going to be when you grow up, little girl?'
He must have made quite an impression on little eighteen-year-old Jennifer.
Look, I feel like a fool asking embarrassing questions, especially to someone as kind as you've been, but my wife and I promised a little girl we'd follow up on this.
The entire town wouldn't have been more excited if the New Year's Rose Parade had come to little Ouray.
Cynthia's little shriek of dismay caused Dean to turn.
She reached over, extending her hand to Cynthia, a wide smile on her face and a little kid look that said she was absolutely thrilled at the prospect of the upcoming trip.
Yeah, well, I suppose it's a little tough in the winter.
Jennifer, ignorant to the significance of the second entrance, expressed little interest in the opening.
All we were trying to do is respond to a little girl's wishes and find out the identity of the skeleton she found.
He cast his eyes downward, away from the brightness, and saw little except the ground in front of him.
You're a little light on free time yourself.
There was polite applause, a little less then followed Fitzgerald's words, or so thought Dean.
It was early in the season for the little fellows—they usually stayed outside until the cold weather coaxed them indoors.
I might need a little of that as well, but mostly I'm trying to track down a guy named Josh who worked in mining in Ouray back in the 1960's.
Maria, ever smiling, joined them at the table, looking from one to the other as they spoke, understanding little but enjoying their company and thrilled with their praise.
Dean poked about while she was gone, but the newly moved-in apartment had little in the way of personal objects.
A little man did all the talking and introductions.
How could you let a little girl be alone with a convicted criminal long enough to be kidnapped?
I had my fun kicking a little butt with the boys, but enough is enough—I have a business to run back home.
Here. This is a little something by way of thanks.
Fred gave the woman a petulant little boy look but then smiled and patted her arm.
She gave me a couple of hundred bucks and left me at this bus station in this little town in Illinois—I don't remember the name.
He continued to grope his way forward until the first turn in the tunnel closed off what little light spilled in from the entrance.
But the gun is a little frightening, Dean said.
But then the little girl Martha came forward and changed everything before I had a chance.
Both men felt the old man had probably killed him, but Westlake's brief disclosure was insufficient to pursue the matter and as both men were dead, there was little incentive to do so.
It's a little unnerving.
He cured my human side, brought the deity side back, and joined our souls, she replied a little too quickly.
Tamer had translated them, but they meant little to Gabriel.
Because if she did, she'd lose what little she had left.
There are little tears between the two worlds, and the souls are escaping.
Instead, he reviewed what little he'd learned from Darkyn about the deals Deidre made and the issue of his death-dealers.
I've checked on your little human almost every day to ensure what I planned for her was not altered by Darkyn's bloodlust.
I cared enough to make sure Darkyn's little fruit bat is okay.
Gabriel suspected the Dark One wasn't going to let his little human out of Hell, especially not to see her former mate.
Sexy little fangs rested on her full lower lip.
We were both a little emotional at the time.
With little gentleness, the Dark One took her neck when she was close enough.
We're going to make a little deal, the three of us.
Hopefully, he can handle a little bloodlust.
There was nothing little about his lust.
There was little of that in the life he chose to leave behind.
There was very little she wouldn't tackle – including things she shouldn't.
Carmen had shown little interest in their financial status.
Alex had lost his parents and had to quit college to raise his little sister.
She volunteered very little and acted uneasy when asked, so they simply let it drop.
What little breeze there is was in his favor.
Alex selected a clean towel from the things he had brought to the barn and waited a little longer.
When the mare began pushing again, he pulled down gently, twisting the foal a little.
She'll get up in a little bit.
The little time gained was offset by the anger it aroused.
At first she thought he might have been a visitor of the other man in the room, but the family said he had asked for Alex, and had stayed with him for a little while.
They talked a little longer and then Lori left.
They visited for a little while and then Alex placed a hand over the wound.
Maybe her "hard to get" act wasn't working, so she was trying something a little more direct.
There was nothing wrong with Katie's figure except that she was a little over weight.
Maybe he needs a little shock therapy to bring him back.
Now that he's not, maybe I'll have to be a little more assertive.
To him it was innocence – a little like every time being the first time.
The idea of teasing him with her body was a little frightening, but if that was what it took...
Well, personally, I'd like to see some little chicks scratching at the ground like their mother.
Heidi, Little Red Riding Hood – I wish you'd get your characters straight.
The best things might not be free, but they didn't always come in neat little packages, either.
You've always been a little sweet on me, haven't you?
Deidre, for what little this is worth, I apologize for not being good enough or smart enough or quick enough to prevent the inevitable.
Unable to outmaneuver death, she could at least take out her grief and anger on a poor little piece of mail.
What little patience he had was waning fast.
We've known for a little over a week.
That he'd grown a little more thoughtful and a little less reactive in how he handled adversity impressed Gabe.
This might take me a little while.
Deidre drank more of the brandy, until it stopped burning her throat, and the world grew a little less sharp around the edges.
He had little time to redeem himself, and he kicked himself mentally for not walking into the room that would turn him into the Death he was supposed to be.
I'm getting my shit together, little by little.
It was comfortable, like a little cave where she could hide.
After all she'd been through lately, she couldn't help feeling a little wary.
There was a little too much outside interference.
As sweet as she is, I almost wish I'd given her something a little less lethal.
He was a little resentful of the time she spent with the other boys.
The little girl pushed the pages until satisfied, and Deidre didn't have the mental power to tell her it wasn't normal to start mid-book.
You mean those little kids are angels?
Death … you used to take care of the really old angels, and Gabe visited the little ones all the time.
At one point, she thought he cared for her a little.
He'd done what little he was willing to do to his own mate to keep her upset.
You have much to learn about diplomacy, little brother.
The air felt a little heavier around her as he spoke, compelling her attention to him.
He had a bottle in his hand and twisted the cork free with little effort.
A little higher, and he'd be able to tell what color underwear she wore.
There are strings attached to anyone raised from the dead-dead, but these are of no concern to a deity like they might be to a little human like you.
If nothing else, you know he's safe, and so are the little humans.
Very little surprised him, but the death dealer's question did.
Katie ignored the glare leveled on her while the woman cooed to the little boy.
When she felt ready to snap, the black lady returned with the little boy in tow.
The little boy followed her.
The little boy ran to her side.
Katie turned to stare at the little boy, who beamed a smile.
He found himself lingering, wanting to feel a little less alone.
When it'd finished, she felt little pain, and the heat was completely gone.
You talk big behind those bars, little girl.
The monster across the hall was no option, and Jared was little better.
Not so tough now, are you, little girl?
He remembered little about how to deal with humans and nothing of how to deal with their women.
Wouldn't go out walking alone after dark if I was you, little girl.
Not so tough anymore, are you, little girl.
His little mortal had come after him.
She's just a little human.
Assume I never knew this underworld existed before a little over a week ago.
One stupid little human is so much easier to kill than a few billion, and you chose duty instead.
Have you learned some control of that demon power, little brother?
She bristled, feeling as if she'd been sentenced to nothing more than a sewing circle for good little wives.
There were wide eighteenth- century ball gowns, women in little black dresses, one in a fifties poodle skirt, and several in dark dresses with ornate brocade on the bodice, like that of wealthy Middle Age royalty.
Just say yes, you'll do anything for your friend, and I'll spare him a little longer.
She knew very little of Hannah's friends, except they were all richer than sin.
Going to the little girl's room.
He wished Andre had stuck around a little longer, so he asked him what to do.
Fear fluttered through her, and her gaze flew to Kris, whom she trusted little more than his sadistic brother.
He.d spent most his life in Hell and remembered little of the Immortal world. always been a little melodramatic, Katherine.
You can say it—she turned out a little rough around the edges!
You aren.t worried I.ll tell him your little secret?
Our last one was about guarding your little meat-cicle, right, Rhyn?
Despite telling her he wouldn.t, he dropped into her thoughts to feel a little closer to her and was surprised to find she was packing to leave.
That little thing is yours.
This fact did little to assuage Jade.s guilt when he saw the slaughter around the place he.d once called home.
You brought a snack to our little party.
I.m impressed, little sis.
One counter was still standing next to the refrigerator tucked in a corner, and he swept the broken glass from the top to create a little work space.
Her gaze settled on the statue of Rhyn, whose large eyes held an ominous look too old for his chubby little face.
Daniela.s little legs moved fast, and she was across the courtyard while Kris stared toward the room where Rhyn assumed his mate was.
I.ll come back in a little bit.
We're going out in a little bit.
It twisted its odd little face to look at her and sniffed at her arm with its small trunk.
Their traditions are a little different.
Her thoughts went to the prisoner, and she wondered if she'd see him again if she stayed a little longer.
To them, she was an exotic little doll with her huge, gem-hued eyes, black hair, and toned hour-glass shape.
None of your savage brothers would properly complement such a beautiful little treasure, Romas, the woman had said with gentle humor.
She reminded him of the little dolls his youngest sister had rejected several sun-cycles before.
She gazed up at him with angry eyes, and he stepped forward until her lush little body was pinned by his to the wall.
Kiera liked her mind the way it was, liked roaming through the hallways and spending the mornings in training with the little boys out back.
It was a good, perfect little life, so much more than she ever expected, with the exception that her best friend in the universe-- Kiera-- might as well have been dead to her as far as Romas and his clan were concerned.
Evelyn had little regret for her actions in life, even those she probably should have.
Kiera frowned, offended Ne'Rin thought so little of her, but not surprised.
He said little else, and her breathing soon fell into rhythm with his.
She cursed herself, aware she had accomplished little as far as advancing her rights but managed to draw the guaranteed attention of a man she was not certain she wanted to notice her.
Kiera was more than a little surprised when he raised his sword for what would have been a death blow.
Having been raised to serve his dhjan within the boundaries imposed on him, Ne'Rin would have little patience with one who trounced the boundaries that should have been emplaced upon her.
They nearly reached the women's wing when the strange little Council member with white eyes called out to her.
I know you get little enough as it is.
A little late to matter, Kiera said with a shrug.
She'd known her friend to be a little arrogant, but this was something different.
The odd little man was the loyal ally A'Ran considered him!
Wasn't that a little brash?
The correspondence was stiff and formal and said little, certainly nothing about the town of Ouray and was totally absent any tidbits of historical nature.
Late October was a little slow.
There was little hibernation in the town often called the Switzerland of America.
So you could show off those incredible legs of yours and I could watch your cute little boom-boom as I followed you, gliding around the rink.
There's no doubt you'll be following me, if you're not plunked down on the ice on your own cute little boom-boom.
The little girl, hair streaming, offered encouragement while skating backwards, one leg lifted high and beckoning unsuccessfully for Dean to follow.
This Annie woman was their grandpa's little sister.
I've got to bone up on the Reverend Martin and his little woman.
It was a trying conversation—obvious this bundle of nerves had little experience talking to strangers.
And there are 'teddy' guys, you know, guys who drool over those short little outfits that leave nothing to the imagination.
It was probably silly of me to believe Jerome could find me, just from one little charge card transaction.
They said little as they skied, content to enjoy their surroundings.
It's time you gave someone else a chance, Cynthia said with a winning smile that offered him little room to maneuver.
Dean's suggestion of placing the little fellow out of doors in the trash was overruled by his more compassionate wife who pointed out the resulting reduced chances of January survival.
Wasn't it difficult to write, knowing so little about what really happened?
I just had dinner and the service was a little slow.
Little time was spent on the snow.
If the old man was going to sulk, Dean thought, might as well get it out in the open and allow him to vent a little steam.
I'm getting to know my guy a little more each day.
The boots were a little tight and his legs weren't exactly locked together, but the old exhilaration of gliding over the snow returned immediately.
I can't imagine trying to sleep with just a couple of little steel pegs hammered into the rock the only thing holding me from a couple of thousand foot drop!
With Bird Song being full, much as I'd like to get to know Miss Annie a little better, she'll have to wait in line.
Dean bit his lip, assuming the little woman was about to complain about Gladys Turnbull's late night writing, but she had other concerns.
Dean considered calling the City of Ouray Police but realized they too could be of little help unless Shipton did something against the law.
If you have a problem, just wait a little while and ask Annie yourself.
I thank my God that I too had you, if only for a little while.