Listening Sentence Examples
Is he listening to your phone call?
Pierre walked up and down the drawing room, not listening to what Petya was saying.
Have you been listening to the weather?
And he was listening - thinking.
She held her breath, listening as he prepped his weapon.
Prince Andrew stood leaning on the railing of the raft listening to Pierre, and he gazed with his eyes fixed on the red reflection of the sun gleaming on the blue waters.
Dean guessed no male juror would even bother listening to the testimony before giving her anything her little heart desired.
He enjoyed listening, though music did not feed his soul as it did the other three.
Is she listening to this?
Chubby little Dokhturov was listening attentively with eyebrows raised and arms folded on his stomach.
AdvertisementEffie Quincy rushed in the door while Dean was drumming his fingers, listening to waltz music on hold.
The prisoner squatted below a window and appeared to be listening for signs of pursuit.
Thanks, I really appreciate you listening to my tale.
She rested her head on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat.
Even the sermon by the personable priest had an appropriate message of listening before pronouncing judgment.
AdvertisementAfter listening to the night for a while she fell asleep again.
I lay there, listening, but heard nothing.
Both were talking and listening too eagerly and too naturally, which was why Anna Pavlovna disapproved.
Here in Dr. Bell's laboratory, or in the fields on the shore of the great Bras d'Or, I have spent many delightful hours listening to what he had to tell me about his experiments, and helping him fly kites by means of which he expects to discover the laws that shall govern the future air-ship.
Then again, maybe she was simply weary of listening to it.
AdvertisementAfter listening to her this morning, I'm beginning to wonder if we're getting the whole story about Jerome Shipton.
Later as she lay awake beside him, listening to the sound of his breathing, it occurred to her that they had fallen into the pattern of making up by making love.
He leaned his forehead against hers, listening to her breathe.
The last item on Dean's list of pleasurable activities was punching one if you want this and two if you want that buttons, then sitting on hold while listening to elevator music from some bureaucratic office.
Most of the guests seemed content in the parlor, listening to Pumpkin Green ramble away about his upcoming Fourth of July water fight.
AdvertisementHe wandered back to his office, listening to only silence as he passed Ryland's door.
He knew Sarah would be listening in somewhere, and when he entered the drawing room, he had proof.
There she paused and stood listening to the conversation in the drawing room, waiting for Boris to come out.
Listening to Bilibin he was already imagining how on reaching the army he would give an opinion at the war council which would be the only one that could save the army, and how he alone would be entrusted with the executing of the plan.
When he entered, Prince Andrew, his eyes drooping contemptuously (with that peculiar expression of polite weariness which plainly says, "If it were not my duty I would not talk to you for a moment"), was listening to an old Russian general with decorations, who stood very erect, almost on tiptoe, with a soldier's obsequious expression on his purple face, reporting something.
Rostov rode up to Bagration, reported to him, and then joined the adjutants listening to what the generals were saying.
Princess Mary sat alone in her room listening to the sounds in the house, now and then opening her door when someone passed and watching what was going on in the passage.
Dolokhov was no longer listening to stories or telling them, but followed every movement of Rostov's hands and occasionally ran his eyes over the score against him.
All maintained a solemn silence, listening to the words of the President, who held a mallet in his hand.
He was telling me something, and I wished to show him my sensibility, and not listening to what he was saying I began picturing to myself the condition of my inner man and the grace of God sanctifying me.
Natasha was listening and considering.
Things are nice as it is, she said to herself, and she began walking up and down the room, not stepping simply on the resounding parquet but treading with each step from the heel to the toe (she had on a new and favorite pair of shoes) and listening to the regular tap of the heel and creak of the toe as gladly as she had to the sounds of her own voice.
Often, listening to the pilgrims' tales, she was so stimulated by their simple speech, mechanical to them but to her so full of deep meaning, that several times she was on the point of abandoning everything and running away from home.
When he jumped up he did not run at once, but pricked his ears listening to the shouting and trampling that resounded from all sides at once.
Marquis Paulucci was talking to him with particular warmth and the Emperor, with his head bent to the left, was listening with a dissatisfied air.
Involuntarily listening now to the firing, which had drawn nearer and was increasing in strength, Alpatych hurried to his inn.
Ferapontov's wife, who till then had not ceased wailing under the shed, became quiet and with the baby in her arms went to the gate, listening to the sounds and looking in silence at the people.
She sat by the window listening to his voice which reached her from the garden.
The princess heard her, not heeding her words but occasionally looking up at her and listening to the sound of her voice.
He was listening to the general's report-- which consisted chiefly of a criticism of the position at Tsarevo- Zaymishche--as he had listened to Denisov, and seven years previously had listened to the discussion at the Austerlitz council of war.
She was listening to the ceaseless moaning of the adjutant, three houses off.
But Pierre was not listening to the woman.
When reading or listening to the Campbell's Homeschool Habitat materials, you will be given a chance to observe the implementation of relaxed homeschooling methods in a family's life.
The bewildered climbers looked longingly at their friends and especially Penny, but were trapped into listening to the galactic adventures of some creatures called "womps."
Though scowling, Jared was listening.
Dean let him talk it out, half listening, half trying to make sense of all the details.
Was he even listening?
He pretended not to be listening when Carmen announced a barbeque and hay ride for Sunday evening.
Grand seigneurs, like the prince of Conde, the duc de Nevers and the marquis de Vardes, were glad to vary the monotony of their feudal castles by listening to the eloquent rehearsals of Malebranche or Regis.
Pierre went home, but Rostov with Dolokhov and Denisov stayed on at the club till late, listening to the gypsies and other singers.
Princess Mary as she sat listening to the old men's talk and faultfinding, understood nothing of what she heard; she only wondered whether the guests had all observed her father's hostile attitude toward her.
When they had last met on the old prince's name day, she had answered at random all his attempts to talk sentimentally, evidently not listening to what he was saying.
Boris smiled almost imperceptibly while listening to his mother.
Napoleon was silent, still looking derisively at him and evidently not listening to him.
Prince Andrew, listening to this polyglot talk and to these surmises, plans, refutations, and shouts, felt nothing but amazement at what they were saying.
Then all preferred listening to speaking.
The porter, listening in perplexity to the unfamiliar Polish accent and not realizing that the interpreter was speaking Russian, did not understand what was being said to him and slipped behind the others.
While listening to these love stories his own love for Natasha unexpectedly rose to his mind, and going over the pictures of that love in his imagination he mentally compared them with Ramballe's tales.
Listening to the story of the struggle between love and duty, Pierre saw before his eyes every minutest detail of his last meeting with the object of his love at the Sukharev water tower.
While listening to the officer's report Konovnitsyn broke the seal and read the dispatch.
Rosetta Stone offers many paths of learning, including speaking, reading, writing, or listening.
My best advice here is to sharpen your listening skills.
The conversation obviously upset Yancey, but he didn't seem to be concerned that a stranger was listening.
Maybe he had more information he didn't want to give over the phone with Yancey listening.
It was the joyous weekend my future wife and I made public our marriage plans, with no one listening.
He met her gaze, listening.
He walked farther in, appearing to be listening.
She walked in and paused in the doorway, listening.
She wasn't good at handling drama; Evelyn had always been like a perfect older sister, capable of patience and listening.
Sarah enjoyed watching him play almost as much as listening.
No I wasn't, I was listening.
Right now she wished she had someone to talk to, but she couldn't share this with anyone but Alex and God - and God wasn't listening.
Toby asked, listening with increasing panic.
The man stopped, thinking he'd heard some movement behind him, but after listening a few minutes could discern no human sound and was satisfied he was alone.
His mind pictured Cynthia Byrne, perhaps awake and alone with her grief, listening to Mother Nature's fury.
Then Dean was listening to a dial tone.
Dean asked, hardly listening.
He was left listening to a dial tone and beginning to seriously question their bizarre relationship.
In spite of the cloudy weather and the threat of rain, Dean ended the daylight hours listening to the hum of his bike tires on the country roads west of Parkside.
Suppose Alfred Nota and his pal Homer's break-in at Collingswood Avenue was just a cover-up and their true mission was to plant a listening device.
While the detective had formulated a plan to confirm the listening device, he needed help to carry it off.
If someone is listening, they'll go there too.
Whatever beauty the day held was lost once he was behind the wheel, listening to a chorus of horns amid a blue haze of exhaust.
Dean could be back on Collingswood Avenue, listening to John Coltrane or Charlie Parker and patting Mrs. Lincoln, or catching a Phillies game on the tube, or eating pizza and slugging down a cold Coors beer.
And I wouldn't be sitting here in this elegant room, listening to classical guitar music and sipping manhattans with the light of my life, Dean thought.
For a few minutes they walked side-by-side, listening to the cicadas sing in the old oak tree by the pond.
But when she lifted the receiver, her mouth wasn't listening to her mind.
She lay still, listening for any sound that might have awakened her.
Well, Heidi, I guess I've been listening to you too long, because now I want to wait.
He used to dance with me and Mom when we were listening to the radio in the evenings.
Carmen stared at the door a moment, listening to his hushed voice.
For a long time she lay awake listening to him breath.
Are you listening to what you're saying?
Darian watched her then finished his cheeseburger slowly, listening to her thoughts.
Darian froze, listening for a moment for any sign she was somewhere else in the house.
He joined Lean and Allin as they dined, listening with forced indifference as they told him that Rissa had left alone with her guard at dusk.
He nodded, half listening, as he leaned over the side of the ship again.
Rissa gazed at the maps before her, half listening to Hilden explaining their situation to her.
He was quiet, and she held her breath, listening for him.
She sprawled on its floor, listening to the sound of crunching shale.
It was pleasant simply listening to them talk.
Weren't you listening to her?
He wasn't listening anyway.
She was half listening to him while she watched Denton reluctantly leave Clarissa and glance around the crowd.
She held her breath, listening to the night sounds.
She sat down at the table, listening for any sound of movement around the house.
Are you listening now?
He was listening with unusual attentiveness.
Xander said nothing, listening to the thoughts of those around him to ensure his own safety.
She shook her head and turned her back to concentrate on listening to Ashley.
Jessi was listening in rapt attention.
Jessi froze, listening for him.
Both the Guardians were listening to whatever Dusty told them.
The king consents, the saint is acclaimed, the bodies of the thirty-seven martyrs solemnly interred, and the king, after fasting five, and listening to Gregory's homilies for sixty days, is healed.
The call-wires were usually equipped with drops in order that the exchange might be called at night when the operators were not listening continuously.
After three such good fortunes by marriage Norfolk in his folly looked for a crown with a fourth match, listening to the laird of Lethington when he set forth the scheme by which the duke was to marry a restored queen of Scots and rule Scotland with her who should be recognized as Elizabeth's successor.
If we converse, it is with the knowledge that the Lord is listening.
By listening to the revelations of the "Holy Maid of Kent," the nun Elizabeth Barton, he was charged with misprision of treason, and was condemned to the loss of his goods and to imprisonment at the king's will, penalties he was allowed to compound by a fine of X300 (25th of March 1534).
Cosimo employed almost the last hours of his life in listening to Ficino's reading of a treatise on the highest good; while Lorenzo, in a poem on true happiness, described him as the mirror of the world, the nursling of sacred muses, the harmonizer of wisdom and beauty in complete accord.
Their favourite pursuits were fighting, either against a common enemy or among themselves, hunting, hawking and listening to the minstrels who celebrated their exploits.
But before taking further steps he retired to Versailles, then a hunting lodge, and there, listening to two of Richelieu's friends, Claude de Saint-Simon, father of the memoir writer, and Cardinal La Valette, sent for Richelieu in the evening, and while the salons of the Luxembourg were full of expectant courtiers the king was reassuring the cardinal of his continued favour and support.
The discovery had, however, yet to be completed by that of auscultation, or listening to sounds produced in the chest by breathing, the movements of the heart, &c. The combination of these methods constitutes what is now known as physical diagnosis.
He again spent much of his time with Villars, listening to the marshal's stories and making harmless love to the duchess.
In the year 880 Yemen was listening to the propaganda of the new sect of the Carmathians (q.v.) or followers of Hamdan Qarmat.
Amongst the finest of his classical pictures were - "Syracusan Bride leading Wild Beasts in Procession to the Temple of Diana" (1866), "Venus disrobing for the Bath" (1867), "Electra at the Tomb of Agamemnon," and "Helios and Rhodos" (1869), "Hercules wrestling with Death for the Body of Alcestis" (1871), "Clytemnestra" (1874), "The Daphnephoria" (1876), "Nausicaa" (1878), "An Idyll" (1881), two lovers under a spreading oak listening to the piping of a shepherd and gazing on the rich plain below; "Phryne" (1882), a nude figure standing in the sun; "Cymon and Iphigenia" (1884), "Captive Andromache" (1888), now in the Manchester Art Gallery; with the "Last Watch of Hero" (1887), "The Bath of Psyche" (1890), now in the Chantrey Bequest collection; "The Garden of the Hesperides" (1892), "Perseus and Andromeda" and "The Return of Persephone," now in the Leeds Gallery (1891); and "Clytie," his last work (1896).
Shelley also very truly speaks of the ” legioned rooks " to which he stood listening " mid the mountains Euganean."
He did so, and then governed like an evil-disposed boy - indulging the merest animal passions, listening to a small camarilla of low-born favourites, changing his ministers every three months, and acting on the impulse of whims which were sometimes mere buffoonery, but were at times lubricous, or ferocious.
Mrs. Thrale rallied him, soothed him, coaxed him, and if she sometimes provoked him by her flippancy, made ample amends by listening to his reproofs with angelic sweetness of temper.
He visited privately many of the leading citizens of the city, statesmen, divines and merchants, and besought them to take the lead in a national movement against slavery; but they all with one consent made excuse, some of them listening to his plea with manifest impatience.
It is characteristic that, while Paris had its Bossuets and Bourdaloues, Vienna was listening to Abraham a Sancta Clara, the punning Capuchin whom Schiller, regardless of dates, introduces into the opening scene of his Wallenstein.
Some relations of the deceased chief made their escape to Teheran, and the shah, listening to their complaint, directed the prince-governor of Meshed to march across to the eastern frontier and occupy Herat, declaring that an invasion of Persia was imminent.
Still he remained as sunny and genial as ever, looking from his Cambridge study windows across the Brighton meadows to the Brookline hills, or enjoying the "free wild winds of the Atlantic," and listening to "The Bells of Lynn" in his Nahant home.
Doa Maria Christina calmly presided over this solemn council, listening to the advice of Marshal Campos, always consulted in every great crisis; of Captain-General Pavia, who answered for the loyalty of the capital and of its garrison; of the duke de Sexto, the chief of the household; of Marshal Blanco, the chief of the military household; and of all the members of the cabinet and the presidents of the Senate and Congress assembled in the presence of the queen, the ex-queen Isabella, and the Infanta Isabella.
If they caught her listening into their conversation, there would be no chance to get away.
Thanks. I really appreciate you people listening to my tale.
I guess you have to inform them but I dread listening to Quinn bitch and moan.
He was luxuriating in the quiet of the day listening to Mozart and trying unsuccessfully to get Martha off his mind when once again the phone rang.
Maybe I've got it all wrong, and he wasn't listening at all—just staring at my boobs, and pretending to listen—but to me, it was what I was looking for.
Darkyn was listening with the focus of a predator, his sharpened teeth resting on his lower lip.
Andre was listening patiently, relaxed and interested.
Rhyn's head was tilted, as if he was listening.
Gabriel's head was tilted to the side, as if listening, and Rhyn's form had relaxed.
Rhyn heard without listening, instead taking in the tortured features of his mother.s face.
It is strange, rising early, sleeping the hours I'd worked so long in the past, and listening to the deathly quiet instead of the rowdy noises of hungry men.
Sunday was eight hours of listening to Vinnie's uninformative babble, followed by a TV ball game, a couple or three beers and a steak.
Sackler and Dean spent the afternoon listening to the exaggerated tale of a variety store owner who had been held up at gunpoint, and supposedly relieved of $1,500.
They stood there holding each other, listening to the sound of the horses munching on hay and smelling the sweet aroma of oats and alfalfa.
We were listening to the lament played by piper Rob Bell.
The main points remained lucid, straightforward, and well worth listening to.
Leon, listening aghast to a gleeful recital of his friend's probable fate, was ashen faced.
The regimented North Korean military audiences listening stiffly to their great leader seem positively animated by comparison.
There is a baby listening service and with advance notice and for an extra charge we may be able to arrange a baby sitter.
The layered harmonious vocals give an easy listening feel, while slap bass interacts with jazzy piano and inspired guitar work.
Listening to part 3 of the Horse and his Boy on BBC7, along with a bit more Hama beading.
Relax in your own garden with oak picnic bench whilst listening to the owls.
Imagine an attentive class of virus cells, green and gloopy, listening as a big teacher virus demonstrates at a small blackboard.
They even experimented with listening booths in the largest stores for people to sample the records.
They are good, much better than what I had been listening to - crisp clean sound, not boxy and impressively deep base.
But the subject seemed to arrest him, and he whispered some inquiries of the other bystanders, and remained listening.
In the oral test, both speaking and listening comprehension will be assessed.
There was only one listening comprehension test in the second semester.
Therefore, interactional listening is highly contextualized and two-way, involving interaction with a speaker.
Reading or listening to the rhetoric of the ' 60s Panthers can make a visitor cringe.
So I was up in Woolworths in Blackpool listening to the news when they announced D-day.
I cannot analyze this, because I was listening to the judge's decision quite emotionally.
Room acoustic diffusers can be used to treat the acoustics of critical listening environments.
The specter, after listening for a moment, joined in the mournful dirge; and floated out upon the bleak, dark night.
He had obviously not been listening properly and piped up with, ' I want dippy donuts too ' .
Read our digital camera buying guide DVD What the CD did for listening to music, the DVD is doing for watching movies.
The Project offers all kinds of help - from a listening ear to practical assistance with the tasks of everyday living.
The stereo earphones are very handy for listening to the recordings in private.
Like the Episode I commentary this makes for interesting, if not terribly exciting listening.
Listening to him eulogize over a player he couldn't have cared less about a week ago was absolutely excruciating.
This is the ultimate in performance eyewear, meaning you can be participating in tough sports whilst still listening to your favorite music.
Abu Muhammad ibn Abi Zayd gave a fatwa to kill a man who was listening to some people discussing what the Prophet looked like.
I've just been listening to Johnny Walker and didn't believe there was really a site devoted to hating gherkins!
Joan is listening, but for once she is n't gloating.
I just finished listening to it and it sounds great.
The MX 200 is a stereo in-ear headphone for listening ' on the move ' .
The only difference is that my folks wouldn't have also been listening to something ' radical ' on their home hi-fi.
Even the normally hyperactive Spike grew calm, listening to the night.
I was in bed by 8.30, listening to the cackling of the tree hyrax, a noisy little cat-like creature.
The Lord prospered his word preached to many listening souls, from Heb. IV.
Or I am sitting in Las Vegas playing black jack listening to my stuff.
Rauschenberg's paintings are in themselves much like reading a beat poem or listening to free-form jazz music.
Listening to lemon jelly now on Steve Lamaq show.
A psychoacoustic experiment has been conducted to determine the difference limen (DL) of the level of music reproduced in a listening room.
Unfortunately most Senators seem to be listening to industry lobbyists more closely than to us.
Beside listening with the high-quality earphones provided, the user can play the music over the built-in loudspeaker for shared enjoyment.
I would strongly advise listening to lots of records of renaissance lute music before writing for the renaissance lute.
I spent three days listening to the quarter inch master tapes.
And the easy listening experience is enhanced by a detailed, expressive midrange and tightly controlled low frequencies.
Patients often mishear or forget spoken instructions and find listening in noisy environments difficult, even tho their hearing seems normal.
He rushed to open a third story window after listening to hours of droning monotone on the Cardiff Bay Barrage Bill.
I like listening to cheesy rock music and watching 80s films and sometimes sci-fi movies.
I noticed a man with headsets on listening to some music and being a very nosey person!
This setup extends their maybe already excellent setup into true full range giving the extended lower octaves for pure stereo listening pleasure.
Listening to Test Match Special recently, I felt a sudden pang of sympathy for TMS's veteran producer Peter Baxter.
Using roving patrols and listening posts and observation posts with either attached military police or organic personnel.
There's some reviews on the press page and the title track is on the audio page for your listening pleasure.
I was listening to a radio interview with riot policeman in Berlin this morning.
The example assumes a server is listening on TCP port 2000 of the specified host.
Develop listening skills by slowing down the native speaker to hear the correct pronunciation.
This not only helps with listening skills but also doesn't exclude pupils who haven't had a formal music training.
As John Goodman taps his way along the walls listening for the concealed safe, you hear the reverberations behind you.
An imagined funeral rite or pagan ritual with Alex listening in.
In the evening we went to a Viking village and sat around a fire listening to a Norse saga.
If my dad had been signed off from Dunkirk with stress we'd all be eating sauerkraut and listening to David Hasselhoff " .
Somehow, listening to the silence I feel myself becoming serene.
Listening to Phil and Joe reminiscing about dairy shorthorns encourage Fallon with her mini disk again!
I only know the merest smattering of Gaelic words, but I loved just listening to the music of it.
Recent developments in the teaching of reading, writing, listening, speaking and vocabulary are also discussed.
Also remember to position yourself so that the student is not squinting into the sun rather than listening to your pearls of wisdom.
In this project a listening device, the ' smart stethoscope ' was developed.
By asking the right questions and truly listening to our clients, we create interior design solutions tailor-made for practical and spectacular life styles.
The average attention span of people who sit listening to someone talking is around 10 minutes.
And I was listening to these old guys playing tango.
Marvel as they brave a thunderstorm for your listening pleasure, and laugh as they run out of things to say at the end.
Control features include source, bass and treble tilt, listening axis, volume, time-compensated balance and absolute phase.
The long-throw woofer brings out the thumps and bumps that make listening to music, watching movies and playing games truly intense.
From his Stoic teachers he learned to work hard, to deny himself, to avoid listening to slander, to endure misfortunes, never to deviate from his purpose, to be grave without affectation, delicate in correcting others, "not frequently to say to any one, nor to write in a letter, that I have no leisure," nor to excuse the neglect of duties by alleging urgent occupations.
But Jerome proved quite inadequate to his position, listening to the complaints of his subordinates as to want of supplies and even of pay; he spent four whole days in absolute inertia, notwithstanding the emperor's reprimands.
Griffith Jones, preaching at Llanddewi Brefi, Cardiganshire - the place at which the Welsh Patron Saint, David, first became famous - found Daniel Rowland (1713-1790), curate of Llangeitho, in his audience, and his patronizing attitude in listening drew from the preacher a personal supplication on his behalf, in the middle of the discourse.
By far the most notable of Harris's converts was William Williams (1717-1791), Panty Celyn, the great hymn-writer of Wales, who while listening to the revivalist preaching on a tombstone in the graveyard of Talgarth, heard the " voice of heaven," and was " apprehended as by a warrant from on high."
Mrs Thrale rallied him, soothed him, coaxed him, and if she sometimes provoked him by her flippancy, made ample amends by listening to his reproofs with angelic sweetness of temper.
He had, William also reports, a gift of impromptu eloquence, and a faculty both for saying witty things pleasantly at other people's expense and for listening placidly to witticisms directed against himself; while he was generous to excess without needing to make exactions in order to support his generosity, and always respected the Church.
I cannot make notes during the lectures, because my hands are busy listening.
He screwed up his eyes showing that he was listening.
Alpatych, his coachman, Ferapontov's wife and children and the house porter were all sitting in the cellar, listening.
This not only helps with listening skills but also does n't exclude pupils who have n't had a formal music training.
Hearing about people deliberately injuring themselves can be queasy listening for some.
Read Full Article Listening to the universe - radio astronomy Radio astronomers study radio waves coming from stars and galaxies.
It supposed a kind of communication on music as a reified object, which opposed music making and listening as communication between partners.
If a song can make the hairs on the back of neck stand up after repeated listening, there 's something magical there.
If my dad had been signed off from Dunkirk with stress we 'd all be eating sauerkraut and listening to David Hasselhoff .
Still I could n't stop listening to these self-penned, self-produced tracks.
Listening to Phil and Joe reminiscing about dairy Shorthorns encourage Fallon with her mini disk again !
Been listening to the usual old stuff cos no one sends me new music anymore and I 'm too skint to buy any.
Nature sleuths sought Bedfordshire folk who love listening for the patter of tiny feet should contact the Forestry Commission right away.
She 's currently snuggled on the sofa listening to Big Toe Radio.
After putting another sod of turf onto the range he sat back, waiting for it to heat, listening to the rain.
Seated on a log in a small dell she was surrounded by a crowd of spellbound children listening to her tales.
The stereo headset supplied with your Nokia will be fine for listening to music.
Asbestosis diagnosis Diagnosis involves the doctor listening with a stethoscope placed over the lungs to listen for abnormal sounds called crackles.
Stopping short and listening intently, they heard subdued voices not far from the spot where they stood.
Listening, he suddenly heard a far, rushing sound from subterranean depths--like a load of coal being put in--then a frightened cry.
Listening to the controlled whirlwinds at night we squash our lust under suffocating standard blankets.
Listening understanding what was said in a tape-recorded message.
For the first time in years I was listening to a trad band in which all the players considerably impressed me.
A conviction of the Listening God who 's very listening transfigures life.
Secondly, listening to lies leads to ungodly living.
Sue Aston 's violin playing reaches out with such emotion that I felt I was listening to the soundtrack of life itself.
Trot wakened several times and found the Mountain Ear always alert and listening intently for the slightest sound.
Where else can you mix with unpretentious people while listening to the killers and eating a wham bar !
Does listening to an old song ever cause you to reminisce?
When you're feeling down, try going for a walk or listening to some upbeat music to boost your mood.
I was not interested in listening to the car salesman prate on about extra features I could not afford, so I left.
She loves looking at the pictures and listening to you read the story to her.
However, if you constantly are listening to CDs, and are thinking of inputting the sound from your television through your stereo, you should think about purchasing a more sophisticated unit.
If you like listening to your music at a very high volume, go with power amplifiers.
Many people include CD players in their home theater systems as well, since they already have the great speakers for listening to music.
The tips below on to look for when buying used compact discs will have you listening to the bands and musicians you love in no time.
The options for listening to our favorite music, movies and TV shows seem to increase daily.
Test the sound for the types of audio to which you are going to be listening.
Huge speakers in a small or moderately-sized space will make listening to music uncomfortable for you and your neighbors.
Listening to the turntable through speakers, on the other hand, gives an idea of what your LPs will sound like when played to an entire room.
However, this practice always leads to damaging the record, rendering it full of scratches and useless for future listening.
Think about the amount of time you spend listening to music.
If you find yourself listening to a few favorite tunes, you may just want a single CD player system.
Useful for listening to music for long periods of time, CD changers give you a lot of flexibility in terms of options and are great if you are looking to buy CD decks for a growing music collection.
Will you be watching DVDs or listening to CDs on your computer?
Consumers in rural areas should either select a 2.4 Ghz or 5.8 Ghz phone because rarely will you need to worry about interference or someone listening to your call.
Can you watch movies on your computer or are you restricted to listening to music only?
The best gift ideas come from listening and knowing the recipient.
It’s also possible you will use your computer for entertainment purposes like listening to music and watching movies.
While children love listening to and reading these stories in the Bible, there are a variety of fun reading activities that can be done as a class or a family to really bring home the messages taught.
If you know kids who enjoy listening to stories, it's a great idea to spend some time seeking out websites for children to listen to free books.
When kids listen to audio books and other content online, their listening skills grow and they learn that there is more than one way to present a story.
Although most kids have very competent technological skills, listening to stories and books online helps expand the world of print media for kids and helps them realize that books are available in many different forms.
These books enhance listening skills and comprehension.
While kids are normally able to follow along with a visual aid when watching TV or a movie, listening to an audio book isolates the sense of hearing and encourages kids to focus concentration and really listen to what's being read.
Whether they choose to snuggle up and listen to a short story or hear it aloud and then act it out, there are many ways for parents to engage in audio books and support their kids in listening to them.
At Free, a huge variety of books are available for listening to, or for downloading to an MP3 player.
It's tempting to give one of these companies a call after viewing or listening to these effective ads.
It gets easier to communicate with one another through practice, patient listening and tolerance.
Listening to each other, regarding each other's opinions as valid or important, and keeping the laughter alive will strengthen a flagging relationship.
However, keep in mind that all the talking in the world does no good if no one is listening.
The field of pediatrics has been touting the health benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby and the modern world has been listening.
After listening to the wife describe what her husband was looking for in the room, Alice decided to go with a "modern man/cigar room" feel.
Will it be a place for doing homework or listening to music?
Plus, a designer has to be focused on their clients' needs so a strong commitment to customer service and great listening skills are key.
Still, there are no problems with listening to music through Internet radio, and many musicians put their music on the Internet at no charge.
Indeed, any novice who simply wants to learn to downhill ski can get dizzy listening to the pro and con arguments of each technique.
It is important when listening to guided relaxation that a person not be judgmental or critical of the instructions.
In addition, combine some of the above quick stress reliever tips such as drinking tea and listening to music or reading a book.
Listening to music is cathartic and can help you relieve some of the anxiety you feel.
Listening to music is a wonderful way to relieve the stress of the day.
The styles of music that reduces stress are as varied as the people listening to it.
For many people listening to the smooth sounds of jazz or the wonderful rhythms of Latin music is the key to relaxation and stress reduction.
Imeem provides Meditation for free listening from the album Rio for Lovers.
If you want stress relief and love the cool melodic sounds of jazz combined with a swaying Latin beat, try listening to Jobin's Meditation.
Unblock your chakras by listening to a sound vibration session.
Listening to music is another way meditate.
As you're leading a session on stress management, you may find that some people may be listening to what you are saying but they may not be hearing you.
Again, listening to your body and mind is the best way to approach even uncontrollable situations.
You're talking about (or listening to talk about) very intimate things, things you've maybe never thought about before or are scared of or worried about.
A study conducted by the RAND Corporation and published in the Christian Science Monitor in 2006 found that teenagers who spent significant time listening to suggestive lyrics were more likely to become sexually active at a young age.
Does just listening to suggestive lyrics lead to higher rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases?
Sometimes you may find the people in your life just do not understand you; your friends do not seem like they are listening.
Find out what kinds of things they enjoy doing with each other by listening in on conversations.
Listening to your "gut" will usually tell you if the actions you're considering are right or wrong.
While it may be difficult to pay attention in class, especially if your new crush is sitting nearby or there is a big dance in a few days, good listening skills can help improve your grades.
Even if you really don't like the class you are in, listening is important.
While note taking, listening and studying tips can help you achieve higher grades, there are a few other things that you can do too.
This could be a way for them to bypass listening to complaints or showing them you can put a smile on your face even when it's hard.
Disrespecting you during conversations, such as sending texts while you're talking or not listening.
The country music genre may not be your first pick for everyday music listening, but do not count it out when it comes to finding a great song.
Seeing how the band interacts with the crowd is important in finding out how good their live performance is, versus just listening to a CD of their music.
Listening to other people tell their stories may help in deciding whether you have a problem.
I grew up listening to all types of tunes.
After listening to the backlash and public outcries about his decision for days, John Rich posted an explanation "Why I Picked Julio as the Winner" on the CMT website.
For a list of Jewish movie stars, you can take it a little further than just listening to Adam Sandler's Hanukkah Song.
The right holiday sweater is a fun addition to a child's wardrobe and can add to that magic time of year along with Christmas pajamas worn on Christmas Eve as children try to fall asleep while listening for sleigh bells.
If you're a language student, there's nothing quite like an immersion experience to improve your speaking and listening skills.
Quadphonic provides a list of college radio and television stations to choose from for your listening pleasure.
Rockin' the Mississippi Delta--Learn why the area is known as the home of Zydeco, Rhythm and Blues, Ragtime, and Gospel while listening to local musicians perform fan favorites.
Meaning you can fish, bird watch, or enjoy a gourmet meal on the upper deck while listening to the symphony of humpback whales and calving glacier ice whenever you please.
These may include a land-side stay in a resort, sailing, shopping excursions, island tours, listening to steel bands and exploring underwater caves.
You can tour the largest state in the nation while listening to the upbeat music of Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver.
This may be true, but if it isn't, you may incur vet bills, sleepless nights listening to relentless coughing, and a myriad of other aggravations.
You can see by the way they turn their heads or lift an ear that they are listening and communicating with us.
Well, Cappy is listening to me, but not for the reason I would like to think.
At this point, his vision is blurry, but he is listening more and will start interacting with his littermates as well as his mom.
Reading and understanding a lesson is one thing, but listening to an example of how something should sound is an invaluable learning tool.
When you were in school, did you learn by listening to the teacher and taking notes, or did you prefer to take your books and class handouts and really teach yourself the material?
This is almost too specific for group sessions where listening to other players is more important than focusing on every single note you are playing.
Listening to the note, the guitarist plays the corresponding string on his guitar.
Be sure to pick up some of the band's guitar tabs and relive the memories of listening to one of the best grunge acts ever to hit the radio.