Listen Sentence Examples
Just listen to what he has to say.
My parents used to listen to those old songs.
Alex, listen to me.
Then you won't have to listen to Claire bitching about how you cheated her when that's just what she did to you.
She should probably listen to her gut feeling about this.
Listen when I speak!
You listen to them?
So why should we listen to what they call normal?
Though I've learned none of you will listen to that advice.
Listen, I've got work to do.
AdvertisementListen, I got a summer job in the Mountains as a sitter and it includes room and board.
No, he wouldn't listen to her either.
Please record this or listen carefully.
Listen, I think he knows I saw something.
Maybe he'd rather listen than talk.
AdvertisementShe didn't doubt that the only creature Rhyn would listen to was Gabriel, and that Gabriel had told him to leave her be.
It's good to be able to listen.
She paused to listen, looked at the ground, and changed directions three times before she heard the sound of water flowing.
Kris would never listen to him.
But Rostov did not listen to him.
AdvertisementListen to him, okay?
Hang in there — and when you're ready to talk, I'm ready to listen.
Don't talk nonsense, just listen! said Natasha, with momentary vexation.
When they finished, Quinn would call Martha at home, and let her listen to the recording of the session.
If she opens her mouth, he either doesn't listen or whacks it shut.
AdvertisementListen to the opening drum roll on the first Small Faces album.
Then listen when I say something bad comes.
If Hilden pressed an issue, she would listen.
He would not listen to anyone who tried to persuade him to stay at home.
She should be a friend and listen, but this wasn't any of her business.
It hurt to think he questioned her fidelity, but at least he was willing to listen to reason.
Your father will listen to you.
Don't listen to them!
Listen, there was an …issue today at Xander's.
Listen, I'm trying to figure out a few things.
Neither the House nor the country would listen.
Charles V.'s desertion inclined Henry to listen to the proposals of the threatened Lutheran princes, and the last two years of his reign were marked by a renewed tendency to advance in a Protestant direction.
Such a man was hardly likely to listen to the plans of Lamennais.
He had practically made no progress; yet Russia, in securing possession of Derbent, Baku, Shirvan, Sheki, Garja, the Talysh and M ugan, was probably indebted to gold as well as to the force of arms. At the same time Persia would not listen to the overtures of peace made to her by the governor-general who had succeeded Zizianov.
Then he said, Listen now to my second word of wisdom.
If I were you, I'd listen to her.
She nodded, forcing herself to listen.
Close your eyes and just listen.
Listen, you little strutting Banty.
To listen to her talk, you'd think he was six feet tall and bullet proof.
He simply wanted someone to listen.
Listen to me, my king!
If anyone had a chance of getting Senor Medena to listen, it was Alex.
Let us now listen to Duhm, who analyses the book into six groups of passages.
Where grass and marsh greet sand and breeze, pause there, stand on windswept dunes and listen.
To listen to her music is to bear witness to a gradual erosion of personality.
Princess, my dear friend, listen!
You can listen to Vic 's show online or through digital radio or TV.
If Wynn were to tell you something about your illness, good or bad, you'd listen?
He calmed himself enough to listen for a heartbeat.
Sarah said, "Listen, can you hear that?"
Would they listen to her?
Listen, I checked out the names of the people who ordered the Sentinel and caught a winner!
Fred was so sticky-sweet on the phone with the landlady that Dean took a break and used the john just so he wouldn't have to listen to the dribble.
You didn't invite me out here to listen to my maudlin rambling.
They would've had to listen.
Bad enough the kitty has to suffer without any good country music to listen to, now she doesn't have any company either.
Actually, all she wanted to do was alert him that she was nervous about it, but if it made him feel better to know she was willing to discuss intimacy with him now, then she would listen.
It's just such a nice day that I thought I'd come out and listen to the birds.
I'd tell you to be careful, but I don't think you'll listen.
The sound of someone creeping through the brush made him pause in his descent to listen.
A father could go only so far with things like that until the son would cease to listen.
Yes, they would talk later, but this time he would have to listen.
Brandon peppered her with questions, until she finally gave him her cell and let him listen to the messages.
I take it you don't listen to the messages women leave on your assistant's phone.
Listen out for the twittering call which sounds pretty identical to Goldfinch but is n't.
Despite the urgent efforts of Joseph Bonaparte and Talleyrand to bend the First Consul, he refused to listen to these proposals.
His last act was to listen while on his death-bed to the reading of the preliminaries of the treaty of Paris.
Unhappily Frederick preferred to put his Sicilian house in order, and the legate preferred to listen to the Italians, who had their own 3 A canon of the third Lateran council (1179) forbade traffic with the Saracens in munitions of war; and this canon had been renewed by Innocent in the beginning of his pontificate.
He commanded at Rochelle during the famous siege, and (if we may believe his brother) the failure of the defence and of the English attack on Rhe was mainly due to the alternate obstinacy of the townsfolk and the English commanders in refusing to listen to Soubise's advice.
When we listen to the free declamation of the singers at the outset of Der fliegende Hollander - a declamation which is accompanied by 1 The subsequent division into three acts, as given in all the published editions, has been effected in the crudest way by inserting a full close in the orchestral interludes at the changes of scene, and then beginning the next scene by taking up the interludes again.
In January 1865 the Congress proposed to supersede the president and make General Lee dictator, - a suggestion, however, to which the Confederate commander refused to listen.
The diet, which had the power of the purse, could not be absolutely dispensed with; but it .was summoned as seldom as possible, the king often preferring to forego his subsidies rather than listen to the unanswerable remonstrances of the estates against the illegalities of his government.
But they refused to listen; and he, with all the Jews who did not fly the country, was dragged into the great rebellion of 66.
Hecker, however, was not at all ready to listen to them; on the contrary, he added to violence an absurd defiance, and offered an amnesty to the German princes on condition of their retiring within fourteen days into private life.
See further Smend, Listen d.
In consequence, a divorce began to be talked of at court; and it seemed not impossible that Francis, alarmed at the possible extinction of the royal house, might listen to such a proposal.
To these things used to y listen at the time, through the mercy of God vouchsafed to me, noting them down, not on paper but in my heart, and constantly by the grace of God brood over my accurate recollections."These are priceless words, for they establish a chain of tradition (John-Polycarp-Irenaeus) which is without a parallel in early church history.
The Genevan town councils were quite ready to re-enact all the old police regulations common in that age in regard to excessive display, dancing, obscene songs, &c. It was arranged too that town government should listen to the " Consistory," made up of the " Elders," but the Small Council was to choose the members of the Consistory, two of whom should belong to the Small Council, four to the Council of Sixty, and six to the Council of Two Hundred.
To the visitor from Europe the attraction of Tunis lies in the native city, where, in the Rue al Jezira, along which runs electric trams, he can see hundreds of camels in the morning bearing charcoal to market; where he may witness the motley life of the bazaars, or, by the Bab-Jedid, watch the snake-charmers and listen to the Moorish storytellers.
I would listen to no argument, no advice.
That they had a large measure of authority of course goes without saying, but it depended always upon their brethren's recognition of their possession of the divine gift of apostleship, and the right of Churches or individuals to test their claims and to refuse to listen to them if they did not vindicate their divine call was everywhere recognized.
Like the French aristocrats with the reforms of Necker, they would not listen till ruin had overtaken them.
The great nobles, the Howards, and Gardiner would not hear of such a proposal; and all the efforts of the court throughout Mary's reign failed to induce parliament to listen to the suggestion that Elizabeth should be deprived of her legal right to the succession.
These he cannot remove nor select; and he is bound, in certain circumstances, to listen to their advice, although he is It is said that the general of the Jesuits is independent of the pope; and his popular name, "the black pope," has gone to confirm this idea.
Basel was slow to accept the Reformation; the news of the Peasants' War and the inroads of Anabaptists prevented progress; but at last, in 1525, it seemed as if the authorities were resolved to listen to schemes for restoring the purity of worship and teaching.
He now found Pitt and Dundas ready to listen, but, as neither of them would or could give him substantial help, he went to the United States, where President Adams only gave him fair words.
In fact, no one can listen to the cheery sound of the little bird's ordinary calls with anything but a hopeful feeling.
Between 200,000 and 300,000 Austrian troops were massed in Bohemia; and Austria took up the role of mediator, prepared to throw the weight of her support into the scale of whichever side should prove most amenable to her claims. The news of the battle of Vittoria, following on the reluctance of Napoleon to listen to demands involving the overthrow of the whole of his political system in central Europe, decided Austria in favour of the Allies.
As to the first, the Austrian government would not listen to the suggestion of a settlement which would have split the monarchy in half and subjected it to a double allegiance.
Listen, replied the pasha; buy the biggest and heaviest kurbash you can find; hang it up in the centre of the mudiri elf, well within your reach, and you will very seldom require to use it.
These disposed of, he amused himself for a couple of hours with literary work; between six and seven he would converse with his friends or listen to his reader (a post held for some time by La Mettrie); at seven there was a concert; and at half-past eight he sat down to supper, which might go on till midnight.
This is because he loved, in a previous birth, to listen to the preaching of the law.
The British, deluded by their avarice, still cherished extravagant ideas of Indian wealth; nor would they listen to the unwelcome truth.
The majority of the council at Calcutta would not listen to his statements.
Thiers, however, refused to listen to any suggestion for depriving him of any part of Syria; but, instead of breaking off the correspondence and leaving the concert, he continued the negotiations, and before long circumstances came to the knowledge of the British government which seemed to prove that he was only doing so with a view to gaining time in order to secure a separate settlement in accordance with French views.
Even the prophets had spoken in the name of God; they accepted neither book nor priesthood as authoritative, but uttered their truth as they were inspired to speak, and commanded men to listen and obey.
If they refused to listen he could punish them in any manner he thought fit; in the last resort he could release their subjects from allegiance and head a crusade of Catholic powers against them.
But the absence of troops on the Finnish border, and the bad condition of the frontier fortresses, constrained the empress to listen to Gustavus's pacific assurances, and stay her hand.
On the other hand, the First Chamber refused to listen to any abolition of the old military system, so long as the defence of the country had not been placed upon a secure basis by the adoption of general compulsory military service.
Blaine, then secretary of state, refused peremptorily to listen to any explanations.
The schismatics Ardashir imprisoned for a year; if, at its expiration, they still refused to listen to reason, and remained stiff-necked, they were executed.
From his throne at Leiden he ruled the learned world; a word from him could make or mar a rising reputation; and he was surrounded by young men eager to listen to and profit by his conversation.
The intransigent majority refused to listen to a last eloquent appeal that Castelar made to their patriotism and common sense, and they passed a vote of censure.
More and more, as his fame spread, those who "would live in the spirit" came to listen to the voice, and to sit at the feet, of the Sage of Concord.
During this time he could hear "the trailing garments of the night sweep through her marble halls," and see "the stars come out to listen to the music of the seas."
At the ensuing peace congress at Pereyaslavl he demanded terms so extravagant that the Polish commissioners dared not listen to them.
When Becket was visited by the justiciar who came to rehearse the judgment, he started to his feet, refused to listen to a word, declared his repudiation of all lay courts and left the hall.
Clement was in a position to listen to Henrys prayer; and Campeggio was commissioned with Wolsey to hear the suit and grant the divorce.
The Commons, who knew that the crown had used the powers which it claimed, not against conspirators, but against the commonwealth itself, refused to listen to the argument, and insisted on the acceptance of the whole Petition of Right, in which they demanded redress for all their grievances.
The nation, or at least so much of it as cared to read books or pamphlets on political subjects, was acknowledged to be the supreme judge, which must therefore be allowed to listen to what counsellors it pleased.
He seldom or never entered a place of worship, and declared that he could not listen to a sermon, a circumstance perhaps due to the extremely strict religious discipline under which he was brought up. Nevertheless there is reason to believe that he VIII.
He was accustomed to listen to his mother, who detested Richelieu as her ungrateful protg.
As the king and his minister had to listen to and adjudicate upon the appeals from the contending parties their patience was at last worn out, and both governor and intendant were recalled to France in the year 1682.
Any tendency to listen to liberal counsels was denounced by them as weakness and met by demands for the restoration of the Inquisition and by the organization of absolutist demonstrations, and even revolts, such as that which broke out in Catalonia in 1828, organized by the supreme junta set up at Manresa, with the object of freeing the king from the disguised Liberals who swayed him.
Alphonso alone remained cool, and would not listen to those who clamoured for a rupture with Germany.
The majority of Spaniards were kept by the government and the press quite in the dark about the growth of disaffection in Cuba, so that they were loath to listen to the few men, soldiers and civilians, courageous enough to raise the note of alarm during the ten years before the final catastrophe.
Finding his people slow to come to church, he is said to have stood at the end of a bridge singing songs in the vernacular, thus collecting a crowd to listen to exhortations on sacred subjects.
In 1650 Frederick William attacked his rival, but a variety of circumstances, among others a change of government in the Netherlands, and the resistance of the estates of Cleves, thwarted his plans, and he was compelled to listen to the mediating powers, and to acquiesce in the status quo.
This feebleness on the part of his ally induced Frederick William to listen more readily to the overtures of Louis, and in 1679, and again in 1681, he bound himself to support the interests of France.
I was sixteen and pregnant and my mother tossed me out of the house and then I was a street smart seventeen year old mother without a pot to piss in and no options to get one then if I screw this guy I can maybe get a million dollars and feed my baby and not listen to gun shots outside my door and I been standing here at the window a long, long time, begging for a ticket to fly out of here and no one has handed me anything but shit and now this guy is holding this first class pass and all I have to do is reach out and grab it but I know I might hate myself for tacking it because this ticket clerk is kind of a jerk sometimes but an okay guy most of the time and he's nice to me and he listens to me, and he loves me and I know if I take it and fly it will kill him.
Listen … listen … listen … He slapped his forehead with his palm in a rhythmic beat, waiting for some sort of divine inspiration.
Listen, I wanted to see if you wanted to go Christmas shopping with us this weekend.
The family pleaded with her to return to the civilization of Boston, but she wouldn't listen.
Listen to the words— 'smoke and whiskey breath of those who visited here' and look at the pronoun.
Listen. Don't tell the bastard I talked to you, but here's the short version.
Listen, I do not have the patience to go through vampire 101 with you.
Talk to her… listen to her… do not call her names or scream at her.
If I listen to my heart I will be screaming bloody murder.
Listen, you little son-of-a-bitch, I'll toss your ass right out this door to the street and then advertise on television exactly where you are and sell tickets while we watch them cut you up in little pieces.
Hang in there — and when you're ready to talk, I'm ready to listen.
He glanced at his vamps, several of which had moved closer while pretending not to listen.
He heard a distant sound and cocked his head to listen.
Listen, there was an …issue today at Xander's.
John seemed pretty adamant he wasn't in love with her, proclaiming it loudly to anyone who would listen.
Now, when I look around and listen to humanity-driven news, I despair, I really do.
The dubbing is technically accurate - it matches the lip movements - which means that it is painful to listen to.
We who are grateful recovering cocaine addicts ask you to listen closely to our stories.
But If it's folk that turns you on, you'll find this a perfectly agreeable listen.
Check out their new single, the indie dance floor anthem ' Listen Up!
For a young child, the GP may listen to their chest and diagnose asthma from their symptoms.
Now listen, banish the thought - banish the thought - banish the thought!
I had strict orders to listen to the wedding banns, as my Auntie Win's name would be called out.
An opportunity to listen to bats using our bat detector.
Sitting typing away at emails in a lonely hotel room, it's even bearable to listen to music from the built-in speakers.
Listen or dance to spicy calypso, rumba, samba, meringue, reggae.
In World War II, crystal sets were used by prisoners of war in prison camps to listen to news from home.
Listen to song samples, read reviews and order a copy of her demo cd & stunning forthcoming album.
The stars of the movie come together for a very funny and extremely chatty track that is just a joy to listen to.
Click below to listen again to the whole of Fatboy Slim's DJ set in four easily digestible chunks.
Listen to the original song again and clapping clave, note how the singer accents and phrases the vocal to it.
How can I listen to audio clips or watch video on Century Digital?
The government must listen to the families of people killed by employer negligence, not collude with the business world.
Listen out for them and see how often you hear them being used to positively connote someone's behavior or choices.
Another lot will listen but still cringe from political risks.
And such deliverance, listen, is the common experience for all believers in Christ.
Every catholic diocese in the country has set aside a special day to listen to families.
A Virgo friend has a good discernment for you; you must listen.
And we'll look so disunited, they'll hardly want to listen, anyway.
Have a jam donut and sit and listen to them.
Sarah provides commentary for the ' Behind the curtains ' clips, and she's really down-to-earth and fun to listen.
They listen to Christmas music, have eggnog and hot cider, eat nuts and spend time with family and friends in the evening.
Is Tony Blair so fanatical as not to listen to their voice?
However without electricity people could listen to the latest tunes on a wind-up gramophone.
He would listen courteously to representations from senior boys and girls, often half-baked and badly expressed.
These attacks on an almost hard-wired complacency are vital in terms of grabbing the audience and demanding that they listen.
He is too haughty to listen to truth from the lips of any of his fellow men.
You listen to the commentary through a lightweight headset which is very easy to use.
I am from only discovering that secret hoard of love when it was too late to listen.
Over a deafening hubbub of voices you're managing to listen to the interesting words of the person you're chatting to.
Secondly, wisdom requires the humility to listen and to learn.
Jerry agreed he'd probably become impatient with drunks who just wouldn't listen.
Listen to the prayer of David, For thine own name's sake, pardon mine iniquity.
Listen for a lovely rising bass intro to this.
Listen to the reggae lilt of the title-track and you'll be convinced that the rhythms of Jamaica also originated in Africa.
We will provide a playback facility enabling linguists to listen to the original recordings.
Try to listen to yourself speak - do you have any mannerisms or repetitious phases?
I had to listen to mental midgets whining about the threat or Polish plumbers, Czech carpenters and Moldovan mechanics.
We were all determined to listen to Adele with an open mind.
Listen to Realaudio Clip for 28k modem / for 56k modem Solo violin or violin and strings.
Grendel paused a moment to listen, but no sound came to him now.
Just seems to get more monotonous with each listen.
But the bad politicians are too concerned about their budget to listen to science nerds, right?
You can't possibly get bored of this LP, every time you listen to it you get something new.
Get them to forget objections & obstacles, as they listen to you.
They don't learn their lessons, they don't listen, they fidget and play, and prevent others from learning.
Listen to the haunting and beautifully played panpipes and flutes from this Andean country.
But we could not find anyone in authority who was pre pared to listen to us.
Audience figures seem to indicate that a lot of licence-fee payers listen to her.
Click here to listen to the social call of the common pipistrelle.
Click here to listen to the social call of the soprano pipistrelle.
Listen to music while running or biking with skip-free playback.
Listen to his speeches on a cd player or find much more using a computer.
And I need hardly remind the politicians present of the consequences of failing to listen to those whom they serve.
It said the SEC had shown pragmatism in the rules it had adopted and showed it could listen to criticism.
On Sundays he liked to listen to the evangelical preachers, who used to have open air congregations along the seafront.
I remember stopping to listen to a street preacher in Chorley town center.
I could listen to his cultured voice for hours, even hearing him comment on the weather was enough to make my skin prickle.
As a junior at Surrey, I would stand in the Surrey Tavern and listen to the senior pros talking about the game.
This is useful because students can listen to their own recordings and practice pronunciation as well as the use of the language.
By dialing a well publicized number you could listen to ' the Ripper ' .
Take a listen to a couple of their tracks and request an online quotation to have Crazy Ape perform at your next event.
Don't forget to listen out for the gun fired every day at 1 pm from the castle ramparts.
Children, listen to the bitter rants of an elderly man.
I was afraid to listen to the album for fear that they could n't recapture the magic of the first two albums.
When you hear a robin singing you stop what you're doing and listen.
Listen for the birds ' whistled " el e pai o " song or chattering scolds.
When I contacted fujitsu siemens customer support I felt they did not listen to the issues I had with their product.
Listen, " he looked into Howie's eyes with the utmost sincerity.
And whenever you wish, you can insert an audio CD and listen to your favorite songs.
Listen to woodland symphony and learn how to identify the songsters from year-round residents to our summer migrants.
The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination.
String with a simple soundboard Pluck the string and listen.
Any decent service department should be able to listen to the turbo by using an electronic stethoscope with a metal probe on the end.
Whole villages come together to listen to the New Testament on audio cassette tape.
Sit round the campfire and listen to a story in an Indian tepee.
After seeing these you are invited to listen to a story-teller tel tales of horror and hauntings by flickering torchlight.
You wouldn't listen then; you were all for private vengeance then.
To listen to the audio Webcast we recommend that you register in advance.
It sounds so wonderful I can hardly bear to listen to it.
At first the people refused to listen to him, for he was represented to them as an instrument of Satan, and all who had dealings with him were threatened with the vengeance of the consistory.
Among the celebrated personages who became his life friends from this time were Pierre de Berulle, founder of the French Oratorians, Guillaume Duval, the scholar, and the duc de Bellegarde, the latter a special favourite of the king, who begged to be allowed to share the Saint's friendship. At this time also his gift as a preacher became fully recognized, and de Sanzea, afterwards bishop of Bethlehem, records that Duval exhorted all his students of the Sorbonne to listen to him and to imitate this, "the true and excellent method of preaching."
Even now he would listen to no offers of compromise, and after defending Stralsund with desperate courage till it was a mere rubbish heap, returned to Sweden after an absence of 14 years.
In vain did the pope explain his reasons and yield certain points; the fathers would listen to nothing, and, relying on the decrees of the council of Constance, which amid the troubles of the schism had proclaimed the superiority, in certain cases, of the council over the pope, they insisted upon their right of remaining assembled, hastily beat up the laggards, held sessions, promulgated decrees, interfered in the government of the papal countship of Venaissin, treated with the Hussites, and, as representatives of the universal Church, presumed to impose laws upon the sovereign pontiff himself.
Jeffreys, however, was made lord chiefjustice in September; a jury was packed; and, after consultations between the judge and the crown lawyers, Sidney was brought to listen to the indictment on the 7th of November.
He declined to resume his see, notwithstanding the special request of the Commons, but in January 1548 again began to preach, and with more effectiveness than ever, crowds thronging to listen to him both in London and in the country.
In fact, no one can listen to the cheery sound of its ordinary calls with any but a hopeful feeling.
In England the people are free to assemble as they please, to march in procession through the streets, to gather in open spaces, to listen to the harangues, often forcibly expressed, of mob orators, provided always that no obstruction is caused or that no disorder or breach of the peace is threatened.
Her voice is low and pleasant to listen to.
It was evident that he not only knew everyone in the drawing room, but had found them to be so tiresome that it wearied him to look at or listen to them.
The other guests seeing that Shinshin was talking came up to listen.
Suddenly, however, he was struck by a voice coming from the shed, and its tone was so sincere that he could not but listen.
But the Emperor Francis continued to look about him and did not listen.
He did not ask about the regiment, nor about the general state of affairs, and when Rostov spoke of these matters did not listen.
He's crazy... he did not want to listen.
You, peaceful inhabitants of Moscow, artisans and workmen whom misfortune has driven from the city, and you scattered tillers of the soil, still kept out in the fields by groundless fear, listen!
Above all, encourage and then listen to your rainmaker 's response.
Do n't forget to listen out for the gun fired every day at 1 pm from the castle ramparts.
Listen to the recorder group playing ' Pastime with Good Company ' possibly composed by Henry VIII.
Therefore, Western governments should listen more to what reformers in the region advise.
You might use relaxation techniques, listen to soothing music, read or watch TV.
They have to listen to every roar of the crowd inside the stadium without being able to see the action on the field.
When you hear a robin singing you stop what you 're doing and listen.
This team is roving around the regions to listen to the caving population - to listen to YOUR views.
Later in the track listen out for the low down sax playing - very nice !
Listen, he looked into Howie 's eyes with the utmost sincerity.
Film themes I 'm going through a phase of wanting film soundtracks to listen to.
Julia is Australia 's hottest export in comedy with true-life tales that endear her to all who listen.
You would n't listen then; you were all for private vengeance then.
To listen to the webcast of this call, we recommend you register in advance.
To listen to the audio webcast we recommend that you register in advance.
Listen to the from the pacific while researchers struggle in the daytime.
Anything could happen there -- she often told anyone willing to listen.
How can you stand to listen to banal music without getting tired of it?
Would you listen to a ruler if they made an unjust dictate?
My mother is never redundant; listen closely, because she will never say anything twice.
She realized that the leader probably knew more than her, and decided to resignedly listen to him.
Although my boss was frustratingly full of conceit, I still had to listen to his directions because he is my superior.
Don't listen to him. You can be the master of your own destiny!
It's hard to listen sincerely to Megan prate about her happy marriage when I am unhappily single.
As designated driver, Hannah had to listen to her drunk friends prate about nonsense until they finally fell asleep in the car.
Although her baby was cute, I didn't want to sit there and listen to her prate about him all day.
Don't listen to him, there's not a scintilla of truth in anything he says.
After the product release, the most successful startups are the ones who listen the hardest.
Once you have some customers, listen and watch very closely for what they like about your product.
If you listen closely and pay attention to what customers care about and what they are using your product for, you can tailor your iterations astutely.
Listen closely and without bias to the data-they let it tell them what to do next, and they respond quickly.
How willing does the staff appear to listen to parents' wants and needs for their children?
Does the staff let parents' concerns go in one ear and out the other, or are they willing to listen to suggestions for specific children and the center as a whole?
Many parents use baby monitors to listen to their children when they sleep.
Baby Monitors-Sure, baby monitors have been around for a while, but now you have the option of buying monitors with cameras and television screens, so you can not only listen to your baby but watch her, too!
Listen to whom you want, follow the advice you like, and ignore the advice you don't like.
Build a good support system of friends and family that you can depend on to listen to you and to love your child.
While traditional baby monitors help parents monitor their babies through audio even when they are in a separate room, video monitors allow parents to not only listen to their children but watch them.
Video Monitors-Video baby monitors allow you to not only listen to your baby but also observe him as he sleeps.
Lungs-Using a stethoscope, your pediatrician will listen to your baby's breathing patterns.
In most cases, you'll have the option of choosing one of several languages in which to watch and listen to the video.
It should simply focus on the wonderful memories of the sweet child who has died, and it should be a form of comfort not only to those who make the tribute but those who read or listen to it as well.
Night Animals-A computer board book and guessing game in which babies listen to animal sounds before clicking to see the hidden animal.
A baby monitor allows you to sleep in your bed or get other tasks done and still listen to your infant at the same time.
The most basic monitor - an audio monitor - allows you to listen to your baby while you are in a different room.
Most baby monitors feature a speaker or speakers, and parents can easily listen to their child.
Once you have loaded the device with music you can listen to whatever you want with just the push of a button.
If you are someone who pops a CD in to listen to every few days, or simply listens to the radio a lot, you can probably find an inexpensive, small, one-piece easy-to-use stereo.
Just remember that the speakers you listen to at the store are going to sound different in the room at your home.
Listen particularly to higher sounds to make sure they are solid and true.
Again, listen to a few records on both types of turntables and then decide which you like best.
When trying out turntables, listen to their sound performance with and without headphones.
This means you can download music onto your digital voice recorder and listen to it when you are not recording-wherever you go.
You may even be able to convince the salesperson to let you put the record on in the shop for a listen.
To be on the safe side, listen to the used albums you purchase as soon as you get home to make sure they play correctly.
Speaking of expanding your palate, don't be afraid to try new things, and don't listen to anyone's rules about what kind of wine you're supposed to drink with which kind of food.
It is difficult to quantitatively measure the sound quality produced by any given set of car speakers, so try to listen to the sets that you are interested in while still in the store.
The way we listen to music has changed over time.
Disc naming capability - Allows you to name your stored disks into the system so you can filter through your massive CD collection and find the music you would like to listen to.
Not all music stores are like this but listen to your gut because you'll get that distrusting feeling.
Most mid-range GPS units will allow you to listen to your directions, some higher-end units let you speak to the GPS.
If you were a cat, what would you be more likely to listen to?
If he or she doesn't listen, spray the cat with the water bottle.
Listen to what they have to say about customer service, what help they may have received, and how they felt about the experience.
You can choose to either read the books yourself or listen to the narrator read the story of your choice.
Not only can they read favorite bible stories, but they can also take quizzes, listen to Christian songs about the stories, solve crossword puzzles, word scrambles and color pictures online.
If you know kids who enjoy listening to stories, it's a great idea to spend some time seeking out websites for children to listen to free books.
Many of these sites offer high-quality educational content for kids without pop-ups or advertisements, and they're an excellent way for kids to listen to stories when parents or other adults don't have time to read aloud.
If the sites offer read-along text as well, kids who are learning to put words together can follow along and help strengthen their reading skills as they listen.
When kids listen to audio books and other content online, their listening skills grow and they learn that there is more than one way to present a story.
While kids are normally able to follow along with a visual aid when watching TV or a movie, listening to an audio book isolates the sense of hearing and encourages kids to focus concentration and really listen to what's being read.
Whether they choose to snuggle up and listen to a short story or hear it aloud and then act it out, there are many ways for parents to engage in audio books and support their kids in listening to them.
However, there are also several websites for children to listen to free books that don't involve any costs up front.
Audible Kids offers audio versions of bestselling kids' books, lets kids and parents listen to samples, and organizes content by age range and subject matter.
This keeps them interested in the story and gives them something to do while they listen to you read.
Whether it's your son, a nephew, a mentee, or a student, listen to what he has to say about his interests, and let that information be your guide when searching for potential books.
Look and Listen books and Read Together collections are other options to consider as well.
Look and Listen books are great for engaging young children in reading.
You should listen to what the company representative is saying, but don't take his or her word for granted.
If you listen to the radio or watch TV on a regular basis, write down names of companies that advertise.
Your child may start to dislike the other parent and resist staying with him/her or listen to anything the other parent says.
Communicate your needs and listen to those of your co-parent.
If this might be a concern to you, visit a site where a turbine has been installed to listen with your own ears to make an accurate determination according to your own sensitivity to noise.
Discuss environmental problems with them and listen to their thoughts and ideas.
While at first it may seem impossible to find a medical doctor who understands and is open to alternative treatments, there are some who will listen to what you have to say.
Tym and Temple butted heads throughout the task over Temple's refusal to listen to his advice, and the ongoing Temple/Donna feud remained in full swing.
While relaxing during treatment, patients can watch television, listen to music, or read for entertainment.
So it is important to listen to the actor and give them what they want.
Working with celebrities is easy if you are willing to listen.
In the 1980s, emo described a specific genre of punk music; however, those who are currently considered to be emo listen to a wide variety of music styles.
The female voice is pleasant, friendly and easy to listen to (which is especially important if you find that you need to listen to her several times to really master that smoky eye).
Some mineral makeup products have several upsells that a consumer must listen to over the phone before the main order is even taken.
One listen to Madonna Candy Perfume Girl ensures that the song is not exactly about candy or perfume.
You can listen to music on the Internet just like you would in your car, through free Internet radio.
The down side is that you have less say over what music you listen to.
Still, your options for what types of music to listen to are far more varied than terrestrial radio, and the niche topics are often more specific.
More than just a for-pay music downloading service, iTunes also offers the ability to listen to scores of radio stations from every conceivable style of music at no charge.
Play a costume or Halloween matching game or listen to a Halloween song.
The AbsolutePeak Hypnosis Center offers a single audio track for you to listen to.
Also, each section - from the English you typed in to the translated text - is available for you to listen to.
You also have the option to listen to an audio clip of a speaker using the word.
If you like to listen to sounds from your iPad (or any other Bluetooth enabled mobile device) on-the-go, the Urchin might quickly become one of your favorite accessories.