Liquefy Sentence Examples
Faraday was first able to liquefy ammonia.
When heated they liquefy; and if the heating be continued, the water of crystallization is driven off, the salt froths and^swells, and at last an amorphous powder remains.
Again the solid will liquefy and once more become solid as Fe2C16.5H20.
You don't want chocolate soup--melt until it just starts to liquefy, then stir.
They were pale green with silver rings that seemed to liquefy and swirl as Xander watched.
They liquefy on contact with skin and often contain plant oils like shea, mango, or cocoa.
Puree or liquefy and then add fruit or other sweetener.
It can chop, liquefy, puree, and juice, so start experimenting with combinations to discover new favorite treats.
High-speed digital emulsification system Pulverize and liquefy whole fruits and vegetables in seconds for juicing or smoothies using the almost two-horsepower motor, 1100 watts of power, and culinary-grade stainless steel blades.
Poplawski was granted another patent in 1932, this time for a machine designed to liquefy vegetables and fruits.