Lip Sentence Examples
Her lip began to tremble.
He touched his lip with his tongue.
She bit her lower lip.
She nibbled on her lower lip, thinking furiously.
My wife bit her lip not to cry.
Mary gnawed on her lower lip and it was her turn to blush.
Lisa bit her lip.
She tucked her legs under her skirt and gnawed at her lower lip.
Her arms were crossed and she was chewing on her lower lip again.
Xander's lip curled with a growl.
AdvertisementShe chewed her lip and glanced at her own wrist.
Pierre's lip was completely insubordinate, and it was obvious he'd never worked for Dusty.
Petite, white, pointed fangs extended from her upper gums to rest on her plump lower lip.
The sunny glow she was known for was gone, replaced by a sultriness rendered dangerous by the fangs resting on her lower lip.
His cold gaze was calm and steady, his long fangs resting on his lower lip.
AdvertisementShe nibbled on her lower lip with her tiny fangs.
Sexy little fangs rested on her full lower lip.
Deidre closed the file, chewing her lip.
His pointed teeth rested on his lower lip, his dark eyes displaying the intelligence of a being that existed from the time-before-time.
He licked his hand, where blood from her lip remained.
AdvertisementShe bit her lip but didn't answer, causing an uncomfortable silence.
His lip had started to heal, but there was still evidence of a burn.
She gnawed on her lower lip as she lifted their plates from the table and walked over to the sink.
The black rhinoceros (Rhinoceros (Diceros) bicornis) is the smaller of the two, and has a pointed prehensile upper lip. It ranges through the wooded and watered districts of Africa, from Abyssinia in the north to the Cape Colony, but its numbers are yearly diminishing, owing to the opening up of the country.
Martha bit her quivering lip and began to cry.
AdvertisementShe bit her lip and closed her eyes, hugging against him like a lost child.
Her eyes were red-rimmed, too, and his gaze rested on the tiny fangs resting on her plump lower lip.
His solid, warm body atop hers immobilized her and he pinned her wrists to the bed, silver eyes blazing and elongated fangs resting on his full lower lip.
The pad of his thumb traced across her lower lip.
She bit her lip and began to fumble with a small purse.
She started to say something but just bit her lip and began to cry.
While she wasn't crying, she was biting her lip against doing so, and kept blinking her reddened eyes.
She paused, and he could picture her biting her lip.
Sarah pinched her bottom lip with her thumb and index finger.
He waited, expecting the questions to start, but she bit her lip.
Jackson's face went blank for a second, then he jumped back and frantically wiped his lip.
I don't want that on my lip.
She met his gaze, biting her lip.
She met his gaze and knew her lip was quivering.
From the lip of the pond, the panoramic scene was breathtaking.
She gnawed on her lower lip and shifted in her chair.
Her lip quivered and a sob threatened to choke off her voice.
She bit her lip, wondering why the gentle words of a stranger affected her as they did.
One cheekbone was yellow, her lower lip swollen.
She chewed her lip but complied.
She chewed her lip as she watched the micro map multiple routes, gauging how much food and water she'd have to carry to survive.
Mrs. Riley jumped at the sound and bit her lip.
Dean produced his identification as Burgess bit his lip.
As soon as they were seated, Cynthia perused the menu, bit her lip and ordered manhattans for both of them.
She raised her glass and bit her lip but didn't cry, then cast her eyes downward.
She laughed and bit her lip trying to stop.
Dean could feel perspiration form on the top of his lip.
Biting her lip, she turned away from him and stared out the window.
The right side of his lip lifted in distain.
She gnawed on her lower lip and looked away.
Carmen gnawed at her lower lip.
She gnawed at her lower lip and twisted a fork in her eggs.
As it was, he busted her lip and left her ears ringing.
When she retreated to the locker room, her lip was puffy and her body achy already.
She saw his upper lip swell as his teeth grew, stimulated by lust.
She bit her lip, not wanting to make yet another scene in front of the waiting warriors.
She chewed her lip, pondering the change.
He posed for their cameras and finally leaped from one ledge to another along the face of the cliff until he disappeared over the lip and into the forest above them.
She stared at her feet, gnawing on her lower lip.
She drew her knees up to her chest and gnawed on her lower lip as she considered the rest of that story.
Her lip trembled and a tear ran down her face.
She nibbled on her lower lip and stared at the papers in her hand, avoiding his probing gaze.
She bit her lower lip and settled down on the bench.
Her face warmed again as she realized she had been pulling her upper lip down over her teeth.
Barely noticing the taste of blood on her lip, she kicked the bedroll away and scrambled awkwardly to her feet again.
Denton lifted one side of his upper lip.
She glanced up sharply and let her gaze rest on his split lip.
He shrugged and touched his lip.
Her back foot caught on the lip of the doorway, and she stumbled.
These long-chinned mastodons must have had an extremely elongated muzzle, formed by the upper lip and nose above and the lower lip below, with which they were able to reach the ground, the neck being probably rather longer than in elephants.
The actual piercing organs are the mandibles, while the upper lip or labrum forms a sucking tube.
Maxillary and labial palpi are also present, and the latter, together with the labrum or lower lip, form the rostrum.
The characters offered by the circular lip are among the most important for the distinction of species.
In the case of a large hollow in a very dry climate the rate of g evaporation may be sufficient to prevent the water from ever rising to the lip, so that there is no outflow to the sea, and a basin of internal drainage is the result.
In addition to these modifications, which are common to nearly all orchids, there are others generally but not so universally met with; among them is the displacement of the flower arising from the twisting of the inferior ovary, in consequence of which the flower is so completely turned round that the "lip," which originates in that part of the flower, conventionally called the posterior or superior part, or that S c ?
Other common modifications arise from the union of certain parts of the perianth to each other, and from the varied and often very remarkable outgrowths from the lip. These modifications are associated with the structure and habits of insects and their visits to the flowers.
In addition there is in this particular genus, as indeed in many others, a long tubular spur or horn projecting downwards from the back of the lip, whose office it is to secrete and store a honeyed juice; the forepart of the lip forms an expanded plate, usually larger and more brightly coloured than the other parts of the flower, and with hairs or ridges and spots of various kinds according to the species.
This column stands up from the base of the flower, almost at right angles to the lip, and it bears at the top an anther, in the two hollow lobes of which are concealed the two pollen-masses, each with its caudicle terminating below in a roundish gland, concealed at first in the pouch-like rostellum at the front of the column.
A bee, we will assume, attracted by the colour and perfume of the flower, alights on that part of it which is the first to attract its attention - the lip. There, guided by the hairs or ridges before-mentioned, it is led to the orifice of the spur with its store of honeyed juice.
Sometimes the lip is mobile and even sensitive to impressions, as are also certain processes of the column.
In most orchids the only stamen developed to maturity is the posterior one of the three opposite to the lip (anterior before the twisting of the ovary), the other two, as well as all three inner ones, being entirely absent, or present only in the form of rudiments.
Pleurothallidinae, characterized by a thin stem bearing one leaf which separates at a distinct joint; the sepals are usually much larger than the petals and lip. Includes To genera, natives of tropical America, one of which, Pleurothallis, contains about 400 species.
The jointed leaves are fleshy or leathery; the flowers are generally large with a well-developed lip.
The maxillae of the hinder pair become more or less fused together to form a " lower lip " or labium, and the segment of these appendages is, in some insects, only imperfectly united with the head-capsule.
Below this comes the front, and then the face or clypeus, to which a very distinct upper lip (labrum) is usually jointed.
The second pair of maxillae are more or less completely fused together to form what is known as the labium or " lower lip."
The space between the nostrils and the upper lip is covered with short close hair, as in sheep and goats, without any trace of the bare muzzle of oxen.
Nose and upper lip elongated into a flexible, mobile snout or short proboscis, near the end of which the nostrils are situated.
The mouth parts are well developed, consisting of an upper lip, powerful mandibles, maxillae with three-jointed palpi, and a deeply quadrifid labium or lower lip with three-jointed labial palpi.
Their fair or red hair was brought forward from the crown of the head towards the forehead, leaving the nape of the neck uncovered; they shaved the face except the upper lip. They wore fairly close breeches reaching to the knee and a tunic fastened by brooches.
Anteriorly this base supports a gurrie or gutter, the pre-oral rim of which is formed by a simple lip, but the post-oral rim is composed of a closely set row of tentacles.
Externally on two sides and on the inner surface the tentacles are ciliated, and the cilia are continued across the 5 gutter to the lip and even on the outer surface of the latter.
Lip which overhangs the mouth heart, numerous muscles and runs all roundthelophophore.
The great arm-sinus of each side of the lophophore lies beneath the fold or lip which together with the tentacles forms the ciliated groove in which the mouth opens.
When put to the lip, the juice of the aconite root produces a feeling of numbness and tingling.
A gorilla-like feature in "Johanna" is, however, the presence of large folds at the sides (ala) of the nostrils, which are absent in the typical chimpanzee, but in the gorilla extend down to the upper lip. Chimpanzees exhibit great docility in confinement, where, however, they seldom survive for any great length of time.
The lower parts, inner surface of the limbs, throat, chin and upper lip are dirty white; the outside of the ears, particularly at their base, and a patch on each side of the muzzle black; the end of the tail dusky.
V is therefore a voiced labio-dental spirant, the breath escaping through a very narrow slit between the lower lip and the upper teeth.
The tip of the proboscis is armed with a complicated series of chitinous teeth and rasps, by means of which the fly is enabled to pierce the skin of its victim; as usual in Diptera the organ is closed on the upper side by the labrum, or upper lip, and contains the hypopharynx or common outlet of the paired salivary glands, which are situated in the abdomen.
The lip of the fracture is now marked by a line of steaming vents.
In fact, seen in profile, forehead and upper lip often form an unbroken line.
They are both reddish yellow and brownish black (according to individual variation) in skin colour, with head hair often tending to russet, and body hair of two kinds - black and bristly on the upper lip, chin, chest, axillae and pubes; and yellowish and fleecy on the cheeks, back and limbs.
Their faces are remarkable for the long upper lip and the depressed broad nose with enormous alae.
Tapirs are massively built, with short stout limbs, elongated head, and the nose and upper lip produced to form a short flexible trunk.
These rodents are characterized by the imperfectly rooted cheek-teeth, imperfect clavicles or collar-bones, cleft upper lip, rudimentary first front-toes, smooth soles, six teats and many cranial characters.
Calvinists allowed these to communicate in the species of bread only, touching the cup with their lip; a course which was deemed a profanation by the Lutherans.
One of its peculiarities is the convex profile of the face, the forehead being prominent and the nostrils sunk in, the nose itself extremely small, and the lower lip projecting from the upper.
The tusks appear externally to the mouth, the form of the upper lip being modified to allow of their protrusion, but are much less developed in females than in males.
The upper lip is cleft, the jugal lacks an inferior angle, the fore part of the skull is short and broad; the cheek-teeth are partially rooted, with external and internal enamel-folds, the soles of the feet are smooth, there are six pairs of teats, the clavicles are imperfect and the tail is not prehensile.
All the New World porcupines, representing the family Erethizontidae (or Coendidae) are arboreal in their habits, and have the upper lip undivided, the cheek-teeth rooted, the clavicles complete, the soles of the feet tuberculated and three pairs of teats.
The silk glands or vessels consist of two long thick-walled sacs running along the sides of the body, which open by a common orifice - the spinneret or seripositor - on the under lip of the larva.
These were cut out of great blocks of marble and granite, and have generally an overhanging lip. There is one in the Vatican of porphyry over 12 ft.
The term labrum is used in zoology, of a lip or lip-like part; in entomology it is applied specifically to the upper lip of an insect, the lower lip being termed labium.
In them areas are found whence stimuli excite movements of this or that finger alone, of the upper lip without the lower, of the tip only of the tongue, or of one upper eyelid by itself.
In the European mink the upper lip is also white, but, as this occasionally occurs in American specimens, it fails as an absolutely distinguishing character.
It has the same moderately long, plump body, with a low dorsal crest, the continuation of the membrane bordering the strongly compressed tail; a large thick head with small eyes without lids and with a large pendent upper lip; two pairs of well-developed limbs, with free digits; and above all, as the most characteristic feature, three large appendages on each side of the back of the head, fringed with filaments which, in their fullest development, remind one of black ostrich feathers.
The body is smooth and shiny, with vertical grooves on the sides, the tail is but feebly compressed, the eye is moderately large and provided with movable lids, and the upper lip is nearly straight.
The mustachios must not grow below the line of the upper lip, which must be clearly seen; a division or parting is made below the nose.
The lower lip is also carefully kept clear.
The Greek aspirates were not the sounds which we represent by ph, th, ch (Scotch), but corresponded rather to the sound of the final consonants in such words as lip, bit, lick, the breath being audible after the formation of the consonant.
Many languages find the combination qu, when both sounds are consonantal (qw), difficult; q being the deepest guttural while u (English w) is a lip sound, the points of production are nearly as far separate as they can be.
When the second division of the nerve is affected the pain is chiefly in the cheek and upper jaw, the painful points being immediately below the lower eyelid, over the cheek bone, and about the upper lip. When the third division of the nerve suffers the pain affects the lower jaw, and the chief painful points are in front of the ear and about the chin.
Vibrations of this kind are observed whenever liquid issues from an elliptical or other non-circular hole, or even when it is poured from the lip of an ordinary jug; and they are superposed upon the general progressive motion.
In parasitic bloodsucking forms the mandibles often have the shape of piercing stylets, and are enclosed in a tubular proboscis formed by the union of the upper lip (labrum) with the lower lip (hypostome or paragnatha).
The maxillulae are sometimes closely connected with the " paragnatha " or lobes of the lower lip, when these are present, and it has been suggested that the paragnatha are really the basal endites which have become partly separated from the rest of the appendage.
The mouth is overhung by a large labrum or upper lip, and the integument of the dorsal surface of the body forms a more or less definite dorsal shield.
His careful estimate of the rate of stalagmitic growth showed that r000 years would have been needed to form the lip now covering the incision.
When fully extended, the upper part of the zooid projects for some distance out of the calicle, and its wall is reflected for some distance over the lip of the latter, forming a fold of soft tissue extending to a greater or less distance over the theca, and containing in most cases a cavity continuous over the lip of the calicle with the coelenteron.
This sicula, which had originally the shape of a hollow cone, is formed of two portions or regions - an upper and smaller (apical or embryonic) portion, marked by delicate longitudinal lines, and having a fine tabular thread (the nema) proceeding from its apex; and a lower (thecal or apertural) portion, marked by transverse lines of growth and widening in the direction of the mouth, the lip or apertural margin of which forms the broad end of the sicula.
In the white-nosed coati, a native of Mexico and Central America, the general hue is brown, but the snout and upper lip are white, and the tail is often banded.
The upper ones are the largest, and are continuous anteriorly with the labial glands, the ducts of which open on the mucous membrane of the upper lip.
The fall is broken by islands on the lip of the precipice into four parts.
Livingstone approached them from above and gained his first view of the falls from the island on its lip now named after him.
The upper lip is often composed of three parts, which are thus posterior or next the axis, while the lower has two, which are anterior.
In such cases the tube varies in length, and the parts in their union follow the reverse order of what occurs in the calyx, where two sepals are united in the lower lip and three in the upper.
The upper lip u is composed of two petals united, the lower lip (1) of three.
From the arching of the upper lip this corolla is called ringent.
He insists on the value of the upper lip or labrum for generic distinction, and as an aid in affiliating larval forms of different stages to their several species.
Dulce had a perpetual pout, her lower lip larger than the top one.
Dusty wasn't sure how Pierre ever made it through the Guardian basic training with his lip.
Martha bit her quivering lip and continued stroking the contended cat, but didn't let herself cry as she sat at the table.
Darkyn was listening with the focus of a predator, his sharpened teeth resting on his lower lip.
She met his aggression with her own, nibbling his lower lip, tasting him.
His fingers were folded in prayer as he cocked his head, and stuck out his lower lip.
Before he could protest further, she leaned over and wiped her thumb on his lower lip, leaving a smear of blood.
I had to break an icicle off my lip this morning when I woke up.
The dubbing is technically accurate - it matches the lip movements - which means that it is painful to listen to.
They took armfuls of blood, a biopsy of my lip, I was irradiated, X rayed, warmed up and cooled down.
More Info Organic Lip balm Kit try these lip balms to suit all conditions.
Bar the lip balm, all products are vegan.
Give lips the kiss of life with a new protecting lip balm for men.
The top lip of the flower is hooded and it is pollinated by bees.
The effect of throat just aft of the lip is derived from theoretical calculations taking account of the velocity profile.
He was a man who had a cleft lower lip.
Why are babies born with a cleft lip or cleft lip or cleft palate?
Q. What can be done to prevent cleft lip?
But Buddhist clergy continue to reject him as a fake or pay only lip service to Beijing's demands to recognize him.
Small cup with vertical curved lip, horizontal, upturned handles, short stem and slightly conical base.
The Vole LH V2 5c From the nose follow the thin diagonal roof crack to the lip.
Next time you feel like your lip curling into a sneer - have a little care for your fellow enthusiast.
Tegan bit her lip, feeling uncertain, somehow defiled.
I was so distraught I nearly bit through my bottom lip.
It then exits the canal through the infraorbital foramen to innervate the upper lip, cheek and side of the nose.
I don't want to sound too hostile to the Leppers - I suppose even lip service is better than nothing.
You may discover some stitches in your nostril or under your upper lip used to close the incision.
The blameless expression 'paying lip service ' translates into something very indelicate in German.
Turn up the shine with a thin layer of clear lip gloss over lipstick or alone.
Head & Beak Square bulbous head (particularly in old males ), slightly protruding upper lip.
Why are babies born with a cleft lip or cleft palate?
Being British does not mean being reserved, or having a " stiff upper lip " .
You note that Lily has a unilateral cleft lip and palate but is otherwise well.
If you buy a new lipstick make sure you buy a matching lip liner and a lip brush.
I suggest tshirt ninja for all, a blood feud and loose the lip sync. reply Tessa Good for you guys!
The lower canine can then occlude lateral to the displaced lip and cause excoriation or punctures.
Also, media engines may need to coordinate themselves e.g. to synchronize audio playback with presentation of video streams to achieve lip synchronization.
Luscious lips is a " lip plumper " which needs to be used for only a few seconds each day.
The plum lip color can be layered on thick for a sexy pout or sheer for a hint of a tint.
I thought about the labial pits - infra-red sensors on the first four upper lip scales of the reticulated python.
Researchers analyzed the case of a 26-year-old female who had localized gingival recession around the area of her lip piercing.
Repeat once, then rephrase what you said - some combinations of lip movements can be difficult to read.
This is a view with the lid removed, showing the polythene sack and cloth filter wrapped over the lip of the tub.
Sun cream, insect repellent, lip salve, wet wipes, sewing kit.
Cold sores usually start with a tingling, itching sensation on the lip, followed by blisters which weep, forming a scab.
I was caught on the lip for several seconds, the water whipping away my breath and drumming hard on my helmet.
The main reason why these skid plates are so successful is down to the design of the lip that contours round the skid plate.
Straight away I got a ' sail away ' bite, which resulted in a small skimmer hooked through the top lip.
Exclusive Specification Rally Style front air dam lip spoiler designed by Peter Stevens.
Themes of adultery, passion and despair displayed as stiff upper lip Stoicism with ne'er a peck on the cheek.
There she said that the bottom lip appeared swollen.
However, there has been absolutely no attempt to lip sync the characters ' voices, which is just the pits.
The second set turns to a moment of reptilian horror when A forked tongue is tasting the air above the lip of the well.
The face is long and somewhat triangular, with a split upper lip.
I then worked on lip trills which I have been having particular problems getting up to speed.
On some of the firing pits you can still see the hand drawn panoramic views on the lip of the pits.
And she believes she was saved so that she could meet me. ' He bites his lip and looks watery eyed.
He has left behind half an acre of yellow yam and a girl with a pretty black mole on her upper lip.
The ventral and lateral parts of the anterior margin of the collar constitute the so-called operculum (op.), a structure which not only acts as a lower lip, but must be important in separating the food-current produced by the cilia of the tentacles from the external apertures of the collar-canals and gill-slits.
The position of this orifice, as we have seen, is at the base of the lip and of the column, so that the insect, if of sufficient size, while bending its head to insert the proboscis into the spur, almost of necessity displaces the pollen-masses.
At this stage the Yugoslav delegation committed a grave tactical blunder, * Trumbic's views being overridden by the Balkan imperialistic aims of Pasic., While pleading for a plebiscite against Italy and doing lip service to an independent Albania within the frontiers of 1913, it added that in the event of any revision of those frontiers Yugoslavia would claim Skutari and all territory north of the river Drin (Drim).
One contained in the Shah Jahan Nama - a gorgeous specimen of illuminated Persian manuscript and exquisite calligraphy - represents a most ordinary, middle-aged Oriental, with narrow black whisker fringing the cheek and meeting the tip of the chin in a scanty, pointed beard; a thin moustache sweeps in a semicircle from above the upper lip; the eyebrow over the almond-shaped eye is marked but not bushy.
My grandmother used to say, "There is many a slip between cup and lip."
As is always the case with a thoroughly attractive woman, her defect--the shortness of her upper lip and her half-open mouth--seemed to be her own special and peculiar form of beauty.
Her tone was now querulous and her lip drawn up, giving her not a joyful, but an animal, squirrel-like expression.
The little princess had grown stouter during this time, but her eyes and her short, downy, smiling lip lifted when she began to speak just as merrily and prettily as ever.
Her cheeks had sunk, her lip was drawn up, and her eyes drawn down.
The conversation was general and animated, thanks to Princess Lise's voice and little downy lip that lifted over her white teeth.
Her eyes were smiling expectantly, her downy lip rose and remained lifted in childlike happiness.
Strands of her black hair lay round her inflamed and perspiring cheeks, her charming rosy mouth with its downy lip was open and she was smiling joyfully.
Mike fished a sliding float fished at 6 ' with a single treble lip hooking a small roach deadbait.
Is n't its meaning the lilac petals on water, camomile 's sensuous sinking lip on lip, into starry extinction !
A wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command did, however, come to mind.
She has scarring on her top lip from what was either a split lip or a hair lip.
Themes of adultery, passion and despair displayed as stiff upper lip stoicism with ne'er a peck on the cheek.
The green has a lip like a surly teenager.
We paid lip service to the touristy bit on arrival at Chester, followed by a swift adjournment to the pub.
Lip glosses come with a little shine or a lot of sheen.
You may also want to experiment with lip liners for further accentuating your mouth.
Wendy Nan Rees got her start in the pet industry over 25 years ago, when she founded Lip Smackers, Inc. to provide healthy, all natural treats for pets.
Let the lip of the bowl rest on the rim of the toilet and then shut the seat down on top of the bowl.
Chromewear is the cross between lipstick and lip gloss.
You can use them straight as eye shadow, mix them to make new colors, brush them lightly onto your cheeks as highlighter or even mix with clear lip gloss to create a new shade for your lips.
Return six plastic packages from your empty MAC lipsticks, lip glosses, eye shadows and foundations/powders and receive a free lipstick.
Applying your foundation, concealer, and any highlights and contours you'd like to add will set the stage for your colorful products, like blush, shadows, and lip color.
Perfecting your face makeup offers a stunning canvas for any other eye or lip effects you may want to add.
The hand technique involves applying cosmetics to the middle layer of the skin with a small pen like device that looks similar to an eye liner or lip liner pencil.
Lip Products may not be the first thing you think of when thinking of mineral makeup.
However, the brand has lipsticks, glosses, and lip liners.
Liquid lipstick, traditional lipstick, and plumping lip gloss are among the lip color choices.
Due to the strong success of these lip products, in 1991, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics was formed.
Lip Tint - Bobbi's lip tint is a light lip-gloss with a subtle color.
A special design, offering perfect one coat application, these lip colors add drama with one simple swish.
A precise example would be a base makeup kit, supplying lip gloss, clear nail polish and moisturizers.
Lip gloss or a neutral shade of lipstick to match most wardrobes.
Blush Stick - multipurpose necessity acts as an eye, lip or cheek color.
Lip Color Stain goes on lighter than it appears in the package, but offers a major commitment as the shade lasts a long time.
Lip Gloss plumps and shines up the lips.
Keep your lips kissable by piling on plenty of lip balm prior to the big event.
On the night itself, make sure your lipstick lasts by bringing your foundation down over your lips first, outlining with lip liner and then coloring in the lips themselves with the same liner.
There's even a lip balm to help soften the lips and keep the tint in place.
Start with a lip liner that closely matches your natural lip color - not the color of your lipstick.
Line the lips first and then fill them in with the lip liner.
Apply the lipstick next, ideally with a lip brush for a more accurate even surface.
To prevent your lipstick from bleeding - a horrendous affect with red lipstick - place your face powder around the lips after applying your lip color.
For additional protection, apply the powder with an extra lip brush to ensure that it holds into the little winkles around the lips.
Red is a particularly good color choice for lining outside of your natural lip line.
Nothing with freshen up your face and appearance quicker than a smudge of red lip color - even rub a small amount into your cheeks to wake up your face.
Finish the look with the classic red lip color.
Cream or matte lip color is best for a strong red shade.
When mixing your own lip colors, use red as an addition to brighten up your combination.
If red is your favorite lipstick - but it doesn't work with your skin type, tone it down with a neutral color and create your own personalized lip covering.
Even if red lip color is definitely not your shade, keep a small tube around to seal your love notes with a kiss of red.
Allow lip balm to enhance and protect one of your most influential sensual features, the lips.
Discover the significance affects of balm on the delicate lip covering and you will quickly learn why so many have become addicted.
While so many of us spend hours at the gym or in front of the mirror primping, cleansing and enhancing our appearance, lip care tends to be completely forgotten.
Lip balm helps to combat these drying effects as the lips do not have natural sweat or oil glands.
Regular application of balm is truly the best solution for maintaining the health of your sensuous lip zone.
The texture and ingredients within lip balm protects the lip surface and seals in natural moisture.
Some of the main types of lip balm are derived from petroleum products, like Vaseline or mineral oil.
Beeswax and carnauba are the most common ingredients found in the more natural lip products.
If you are concerned about the elements hidden inside your lip products, always check the list of ingredients because the packaging does not always tell the whole story.
Some types of lip balm also contain sunscreen.
This is an ideal way to protect from lip cancer.
Lip balm is not simply a lotion for your lips, but also a beauty enhancement.
Add some cherry Jell-O powder to your favorite lip balm to turn it into a glossy lip tint.
Use a lip pencil and balm to create your own long lasting lip color combination.
Mix eye shadow and lip balm to create a specially designed matte lipstick - but avoid colors that are too grey.
Whether you enjoy cooking and chemistry or want to avoid commercial products, lip balm is easy to make at home.
Whether you want lip plumper in a bottle or a few techniques to give your lips the appearance of obesity… the answers are here at LoveToKnow Makeup.
For an overall lip plumper facial appearance, experiment with the following outline of applying your lip products.
To create a smooth surface from the very beginning, work some moisturizing lip balm deeply into your lips.
Select a freshly sharpened lip pencil a shade as close to your natural lip color as possible.
Following your natural lip line, draw outside the lip area with the pencil creating a larger lip surface.
Fill the entire area within the pencil lines with your lip pencil and really work the color in for maximum depth and longevity.
Top off with a shiny lip gloss or balm for that moist plump look.
Add a little extra pop - use a lip gloss tinted with a fresh light color.
After you have drawn in the lip pencil and filled in the lines, place a touch of concealer at the center of both the top and bottom lip.
Apply lipstick over the concealer and lip pencil, allowing the concealer to create a natural highlight of the fleshy center of the lips.
Seal in the lip products with powder around the outside of the lip area, providing some additional contrast.
In general, keep these two tips in mind when selecting your lip color products for maximum lip plumper effects.
The lighter the lip color, the fuller the lips will appear.
Dark lip colors, particularly the deep red lipsticks, tend to thin the lips causing your face to look more aged.
The more shimmer and shine your lip products have, the stronger the look of plump lips.
With the strong demand for a plumper younger mouth, plastic surgery lip injections are on the rise.
Therefore, the cosmetic market has responded with a variety of lip products advertised as lip plumpers.
Lip plumper products are relatively new and work in a variety of ways to fatten up those kissers.
Others are similar to the basic lip balm, with extra moisturizers to smooth and shine up the lips for the appearance of a plumper look.
The last category is more of a primer that sets the lips up for the application of lipstick to pop and plump out the lip area.
Historically, lip gloss has been the number one product for natural plumper lips.
While it doesn't last as long as the newer lip plumpers, it is easy to reapply.
Designed as a nighttime treatment to magically plump the lips as you sleep, it can also be used under other lip products during the day.
One of the most well known lip plumpers, this product irritates the lip area and increases circulation with added ginger and cinnamon.
Advertised as producing "bee-stung" lips Lip Venom has been known to sting and spice your lips for a short-term lip plumping affect.
With added pepper and mint, along with eight different shades of gloss, this lip gloss plumper can be used alone or over your lipstick.
In general, use all lip plumper products with care as the irritating ingredients designed to plump the lips can be very potent.
Depending on your preference, full lips can be managed using foundation to cover the surface of the lip.
This will even out the skin color, allowing you to draw a lip line with liner and filling in with color.
Heavy light blue eye shadow is synonymous with the 1970s, and light pink shining lip gloss was commonly worn in the 1980s.
Their Best of Benefit holiday gift set is under $45 dollars and includes a blush, a lip tint, and a power packed mascara.
The Jewelry Box is a fun makeup kit from Too Faced that features everything from eye shadows to lip glosses.
Twenty-five dollars gets you the set of three .5 oz lip shines and a big smile from your best friend to boot.
In a lip plumper review, the critical question is… does it really work?
Controversy rages with lip plumpers and is the pain worth the gain?
Most lip plumper products that actually increase the volume of your lip surface have a major trade off - it hurts!
Although not a true pump-up-the-volume product, this lipstick lip plumper is a great find.
If you suffer from dry lips where standard lipstick tends to streak or clump, this is the lip product for you!
Whether eye shadow, lip color, blush, or skin care products, MAC makeup has the colors and quality that consumers and makeup professionals rely on.
When accessing products, eye and lip colors are organized by color; skin care and face products are organized by skin type (oily, normal/combo, dry).
The BeautyGuide asks you to select a skin type, eye color, and favorite lip shade.
Lips - Lush cosmetic's conditioning lip treatments keep lips shiny and smooth.
A colorful swirl of three complimenting colors, this compact is perfect to be used as lip gloss, eye shadow, or anything else that you can think of.
Lip glosses are another item to sidestep with formal makeup.
Even if you are younger, stick to matte looks like pale lipstick or lip stains.
Although, they certainly offer eye makeup and lip products as well.
It is easy to double your color pleasure with MAX Factor's new mix of catwalk fashion colors contained in a stick which includes two shades of lip color satisfaction, known as MAXwear Lip Colors.
The newest version in lip color from MAX Factor arrives in a tube with two colors to mix and match.
Applied with a lip gloss style applicator, each side of the container has a unique color and soft tip brush inserted into the cap.
This lip color lipstick is an excellent way to use fashionable colors to create your own distinctive trend.
They can even be used alone for a lip stain affect.
Step 2 on the lip color tube is the highlight color.
When you place the arrow over a lip combination, it shows the actual results on the model lips' picture.
With the richness of lip color and the shine of gloss, the MAXwear Lip Colors are more a combination of lipstick and lip balm.
The lip gloss style tube and applicator is deceiving at first.
Our expectation was this lip color could not provide the richness we craved from lipstick.
The lip color was easy to apply with the applicator for heavier coverage and a finger tip for a lighter hint.
The highlight color disappeared much quicker and acted more like a gloss than lip color.
When applying both shades simultaneously, the effect was fabulously three-dimensional, creating a depth not often found in lip color.
With the flash and glam of the MAXwear Lip Color sets, this lipstick is perfect for daytime fun or an evening out.
This, along with the ability to mix and match, makes this lip color product a hot new trend in lip brilliance.
A huge selection of colors allows you to apply dry to your cheeks, however add water and it doubles as a lip liner as well.
A little under eye concealer, lip gloss and mascara can make a world of difference in no more than 8 minutes.
Commonly referencing eyeliner, it can also stand for rouge, lip color, and even hair shining oils.
The lip color is made from berries and a particular red mineral mixed together with fine oil.
Although it arrives in a wide variety of colors, lip liner is usually only found in a pencil.
Start by accenting the center V of your upper lip.
Fill in with the pencil, add lipstick or lip gloss and you are done!While some consider lip liner as simply a superfluous makeup product, others won't leave home without it.
The color should either match your lipstick shade or your natural lip color.
Chill your lip pencil in the freezer briefly before sharpening.
Using a lip pencil on the edge and entire surface of your lips will instantly improve the staying power of your lipstick.
Even when you follow your natural lip line, liner will make your lips more defined.