Lions Sentence Examples
Lions and leopards are found throughout the country.
Elephants and lions are found in the interior.
This represents two lions confronted, resting their front legs on a low altar-like structure on which is a pillar which stands between them.
Perhaps the earliest known instance of his prominent appearance of large size in the sculptures of the temples is under Tahraka, at Jebel Barkal, Nubia, at the beginning of the 7th century B.C. As the protector of children and others he is the enemy of noxious beasts, such as lions, crocodiles, serpents and scorpions.
I think someone forgot to tell the mountain lions where the borders were.
The whole design was modified in 1688 so as to represent a triumphal arch in honour of Morosini Peloponnesiaco, who brought from Athens to Venice the four lions in Pentelic marble which now stand before the gate.
The vestibule, in the Cosmatesque style, is supported by ten ancient columns resting upon recumbent lions, with a mosaic frieze upon them.
I read that there aren't any mountain lions in Arkansas.
The interior has a fine Cosmatesque pulpit supported by ancient columns resting on lions, a Paschal candlestick of 1245, and a good pavement of the same period with beasts and dragons.
It rests on columns supported by lions, and is finely sculptured.
AdvertisementAhmar (on left bank of Euphrates); large stela with sculpture and long relief inscription, found in 1908 with several sculptured slabs and two gateway lions, inscribed in cuneiform.
I do read stories in my book about lions and tigers and bears.
The severe west front is relieved by three rows of semicircular arches, and has a central porch (there were at one time three) supported by huge red marble lions, sculptured no doubt with the rest of the façade by Giovanni Bono da Bissone in 1281.
Prospero, close by, has a facade of 1504, in which are incorporated six marble lions belonging to the original Romanesque edifice.
In his hand he holds the crest of Lagash and its god - a lion-headed eagle with outstretched wings, supported by two lions which are set heraldically back to back.
AdvertisementArslan Tash, near Palanga; two rude gateway lions, uninscribed.
In 1880 the present writer saw lions killed in the north-west of Tunisia, but by 1902 the lion was regarded as practically extinct in the regency, though occasional rumours of his appearance come from the Khmir Mountains and near Feriana.
The two ambones in the cathedral of Salerno, which are different in design, are magnificent in effect and are enriched with sculpture as well as with mosaic. In the gospel ambo in the cathedral of Ravello (1272), and also in that of the convent of the Trinita della Cava near Salerno, the spiral columns inlaid with mosaic stand on the backs of lions.
He goes through mountain passes and encounters lions.
A few elephants, giraffes and zebras (equus burchelli - the true zebra is extinct) are still found in the north and north-eastern districts and in the same regions lions and leopards survive in fair numbers.
AdvertisementHe had no sooner left the Transvaal than the -old Lydenburg party, headed by Cornelis Potgieter, landdrost of Lydenburg, protested that the union would be much more beneficial to the Free State than to the people of Lydenburg, and followed this up with the contention lions' that it was illegal for any one to be president of the South African Republic and the Free State at the same time.
Even so oxen, lions and horses, if they had hands wherewith to grave images, would fashion gods after their own shapes and make them bodies like to their own.
The Nelson Column, the central feature of Trafalgar Square, is from the designs of William Railton (1843), crowned with a statue of Nelson by Baily, and has at its base four colossal lions in bronze, modelled by Sir Edwin Landseer.
These are small cups deeply and rudely cut with conventional representations of eagles, lions and griffins.
The specimen in the Rijks Museum at Amsterdam has an eagle and two lions.
AdvertisementThe specimen in the Germanic Museum at Nuremberg has two lions and a griffin.
In the ruins of a building, attached by him to the temple of Nina, terra-cotta bas-reliefs of the king and his sons have been found, as well as the heads of lions in onyx, which remind us of Egyptian work and onyx plates.
She has ten arms, holding each a weapon, while her attendant lions and giants are grouped on each side.
Most of the external ornamentation is usually concentrated on the western front, which often has a lofty arched porch on marble columns, resting on griffins or lions devouring their prey.
It supports about 6 mil lions of people.
The pillars, architraves, ceilings, panels, and almost every available part of the structure, are covered with arabesques and sculptured figures of dragons, lions, tigers, birds, flowers, and even pictorial compositions with landscapes and figures, deeply carved in solid or open workthe wood sometimes plain, sometimes overlaid with pigment and gilding, as in the panelled ceiling of the chapel of Iyeyasu in Tokyo.
Approached by a flight of steps partly rock-cut, it had at the rear of the porch a balustrade with marble lions' heads through which the water overflowed.
Near the middle of the long side is an opening; and from it a flight of seven steps led down to a trapezoidal chamber, on the back wall of which are two lions' heads of bronze, through which water, conducted in long semi-cylindrical channels of bronze, from behind the wall, poured out into pitchers for which holes are cut in the floor.
About a mile and a quarter from the Bab Bu Saadun, the north-west gate of the city, is the ancient palace called the Bardo, remarkable for the "lion court," a terrace to which access is gained by a flight of steps guarded by marble lions, and for some apartments in the Moorish style.
The boy was afterwards entrusted to the care of Chiron, who, to give him the strength necessary for war, fed him with the entrails of lions and the marrow of bears and wild boars.
He alone was aware of the existence of the new throne of walrus ivory embellished with three silver life-size lions, and of the new regalia, both of which treasures he had, by the king's command, concealed in a vault beneath the royal castle.
Bears, mountain lions (pumas), wild cats (lynx) and wolves haunt the more remote fastnesses of the mountains; foxes abound; deer are found in many districts and moose in the north.
In it were found the winged lions, now in the British Museum, the fine series of sculptured bas-reliefs glorifying the deeds of Assur-nasir-pal in war and peace, and the large collection of bronze vessels and implements, numbering over 200 pieces; (b) the Central palace, in the interior of the mound, toward its southern end, erected by Shalmaneser II.
Not only were they lodged in cages of tortoise-shell and ivory, with silver wires, but they were professedly esteemed as delicacies for the table, and one emperor is said to have fed his lions upon them!
The ancient Greeks and Romans kept in captivity large numbers of such animals as leopards, lions, bears, elephants, antelopes, giraffes, camels, rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses, as well as ostriches and crocodiles, but these were destined for slaughter at the gladiatorial shows.
The Royal Zoological Society of Ireland, founded in 1830, maintains a fine collection in the Phoenix Park at Dublin, and has been specially successful in the breeding of lions.
Lions, formerly plentiful, have disappeared, and leopards and panthers are rare; but jackals, hyenas and Algerian apes are not uncommon.
There was a mythic bird-cherub, and then perhaps a winged animal-form, analogous to the winged figures of bulls and lions with human faces which guarded Babylonian and Assyrian temples and palaces.
In the Cathedral Square (Plaza de Armas), embracing two citysquares, and shaded - like all the plazas of the island - with laurels and royal palms, are a statue of Isabel the Catholic, and two marble lions given by Queen Isabel II.; elsewhere there are statues of General Clouet and Marshal Serrano, once captaingeneral.
She was able by means of drugs and incantations to change human beings into the forms of wolves or lions, and with these beings her palace was surrounded.
The court of the mosque is entered by a gateway on which lions and other animals are sculptured.
The Carnivora include bears, wolverines, wolves, raccoons, foxes, sables, martens, skunks, kolinskis, fitch, fishers, ermines, cats, sea otters, fur seals, hair seals, lions, tigers, leopards, lynxes, jackals, &c. The Rodentia include beavers, nutrias, musk-rats or musquash, marmots, hamsters, chinchillas, hares, rabbits, squirrels, &c. The Ungulata include Persian, Astrachan, Crimean, Chinese and Tibet lambs, mouflon, guanaco, goats, ponies, &c. The Marsupialia include opossums, wallabies and kangaroos.
In England, for instance, the dressing of sables, martens, foxes, otters, seals, bears, lions, tigers and leopards is first rate; while with skunk, mink, musquash, chinchillas, beavers, lambs and squirrels, the Germans show better results, particularly in the last.
Although the evidence is not decisive, it seems probable that lions did exist in Greece at the time of Herodotus; and it is quite possible that the representation of a lion-chase incised on a Mycenean dagger may have been taken from life.
Blanford, lions are still numerous in the reedy swamps, bordering the Tigris and Euphrates, and also occur on the west flanks of the Zagros mountains and the oak-clad ranges near Shiraz, to which they are attracted by the herds of swine which feed on the acorns.
The variations in external characters which lions present, especially in the colour and the amount of mane, as well as in the general colour of the fur, indicate local races, to which After a Drawing by Woll in Elliot's Monograph of the Felidae.
There is also a tuft of elongated hairs at the end of the tail, one upon each elbow, and in most lions a copious fringe along the middle line of the under surface of the body, wanting, however, in some examples.
These characters are, however, peculiar to the adults of the male sex; and even as regards coloration young lions show indications of the darker stripes and mottlings so characteristic of the greater number of the members of the genus.
Like our Scottish stags at the rutting season, they roar loudest in cold frosty nights; but on no occasions are their voices to be heard in such perfection, or so intensely powerful, as when two or three troops of strange lions approach a fountain to drink at the same time.
Though not strictly gregarious, lions appear to be sociable towards their own species, and often are found in small troops, sometimes consisting of a pair of old ones with their nearly fullgrown cubs, but occasionally of adults of the same sex; and there seerp.s to be evidence that several lions will associate for the purpose of hunting upon a preconcerted plan.
Old lions, whose teeth have become injured with constant wear, become "man-eaters," finding their easiest means of obtaining a subsistence in lurking in the neighbourhood of villages, and dashing into the tents at night and carrying off one of the sleeping inmates.
Lions never climb.
These different estimates depend to a great extent upon the particular standard of the writer, and also upon the circumstance that lions, like other animals, show considerable individual differences in character, and behave differently under varying circumstances.
Four stone lions couchant guard the approaches to the bridge.
Of wild animals, the pig, hyena, jackal, antelope and hare are extremely numerous; lions are still found, and wolves and foxes are not uncommon.
Henry the Lions son, Otto of Brunswick, who was also chosen German king.
The celebrated Patio de los Leones (Court of the Lions) is an oblong court, 116 ft.
Lions, leopards, lynxes, panthers and bears are also specially mentioned among the large game; sometimes they were taken in pitfalls, sometimes speared by mounted horsemen.
The second class is marked by the heraldic type of two animals, usually lions rampant, facing one another, but divided by a pillar .or some other device.
The heraldic type of the two lions is the device over the principal gateway of Mycenae, and stamps this, the oldest great monument on Greek soil, with a distinctly Phrygian character.
The description of the great gold lions of Solomon's throne, and the laver of cast bronze supported on figures of oxen, shows that the artificers of that time had overcome the difficulties of metal-working and founding on a large scale.
These lions at one time were almost extinct, but after being preserved since about 1890 by the Nawab of Junagarh, they have once more become comparatively plentiful.
Wolff's general logic, " the best," said Kant, " that was thought to lie open to an interpretation in conformity with the spirit of his logic, in the sense that the form and the content in knowledge are not merely distinguishable func- Form of Lions within an organic whole, but either separable, or Matter t.
The upper part of the main facade, with arcades of pointed arches, dates from the 13th century, and the portal has recumbent lions and elaborate sculptures above.
The lions share, indeed, falls to the dominant race itself.
From time immemorial thera- savages have been accustomed to eat the hearts of lions and other wild animals, under the belief that they will thereby obtain courage and strength like that of the animal from which the heart had been taken, but in 1889 BrownSequard proposed to use testicular juice as a general tonic and stimulant.
Coyotes are very common; wild cats and mountain lions are fairly plentiful.
The larger, supported by six columns resting on the backs of lions, was made in 1272 by Nicolaus of Foggia;' the bust over the entrance to it is said to be a portrait of Sigilgaita Rufolo.
Lions abound in the low countries and in Somaliland.
In elephant-hunting iron bullets weighing a quarter of a pound are used; throwing-clubs are employed for small game, and lions are hunted with the spear.
Baily, and having at its base four colossal lions in bronze modelled by Sir Edwin Landseer.
It was a vain story, a mere romance, about giants, and lions, and goblins, and warriors, sometimes fighting with monsters, and sometimes regaled by fair ladies in stately palaces.
From the waist to the feet her image resembles a pillar, narrowing downwards and sculptured all round with rows of animals (lions, rams and bulls).
His next novel was The Crater, or Vulcan's Peak (1847), in which he attempted to introduce supernatural machinery with indifferent success; and this was succeeded by Oak Openings and Jack Tier (1848), the latter a curious rifacimento 'of' The Red Rover; by The Sea Lions (1849); and finally by The Ways of the Hour (1850), another novel with a purpose, and his last book.
The road was paved with stone and its walls on either side lined with enamelled tiles, on which a procession of lions is represented.
The fauna includes lions, leopards, several kinds of deer, monkeys, bush-cow and wild boar.
In art the Corybantes appear, usually not more than two or three in number, fully armed and executing their orgiastic dance in the presence of the Great Mother, her lions and Attis.
Jeremy Guscott is the brand ambassador for SURE for Men, an Official Partner of the 2005 British & Irish Lions.
He went on to make 62 first-team appearances for the Lions, scoring four goals.
Here I saw sea lions, pelicans, flamingo and a strange bird called the brown booby.
These pellets have been soaked in real lion dung - cats are terrified of lions.
It's incessant Lions pressure but the backs have yet to attain the fluency required to beat the All Blacks.
We saw gnus, rhinos, tigers (including white ones ), lions, giraffes... But no monkeys!
Why, then, in the interval has God designed lions to eat herbivores like lambs?
He was rewarded a few days later by a Fulani herdsman reporting that he had left seven lions watching his herd of cattle.
This lush coastal wilderness is home to abundant wildlife including humpback and orca whales, puffins, and stellar sea lions.
He had just returned from the unlikely post of Colonial Secretary in Egypt where he had been presented with two man-eating lions.
The blue shield, gold cross and four rampant lions come from the Arms of the Bishopric.
Why not take a trip to see to our Livingstone's fruit bats and Asiatic lions who both have newly improved enclosures this year?
So the King threw Daniel into a cage filled with hungry lions...
Any bookmaker knows, when tha ' s in t ' lions den, T ' lions den, T ' lion's backside's the only way out.
The park is well known for its herds of elephants, and for its unusual tree-climbing lions.
A small colony of sea lions are also found here.
They are the only Scottish team to win the European Cup, beating Inter Milan in 1967 to earn the nickname The Lisbon Lions.
Consequently nights at Gillingham were haunted by nightmares of lions ' (Dorset Year Book 1966/7 p49 ).
Most of these rocks and islets are inhabited by a variety of seabirds including pelicans and also the ubiquitous sea lions.
One my second morning Anthea seemed extremely playful she even climbed a tree, just to show that lions can do it too.
March, in keeping with the apocalyptic saying about lions and lambs, came in with a leonine roar.
Referee Walsh has given the Lions a penalty for offside, but after a brief scuffle between the players, the penalty is reversed.
In season you can spot various species of penguins, occasionally fur seals, sea lions and elephant seals.
I saw sea lions, arches, a near-perfect diamond, a man's profile.
We spent ages watching the baby sea lions playing at the water's edge.
Dry landing at the red beach frequented by sea lions.
Watch a special encounter sea lions of the hair.
These winged creatures, probably winged lions with human faces, resembling the sphinx, formed a chair on which Yahweh was invisibly enthroned.
There was wild lion spoor in the car park and by Tammy's gate, but no sign of Tammy or the Born Free lions.
Barry Corr was also given a chance upfront - probably to cope with the physical threat from the Lions.
He asked for total control, got everything he wanted and then promised the Lions would come back victorious, " he said.
In addition to walrus the marine sanctuary is home to sea lions, seals and migrating gray whales.
Seeing a group of hamsters dressed up as zebras, frogs and lions is quite amusing and a bit zany.
The severe west front is relieved by three rows of semicircular arches, and has a central porch (there were at one time three) supported by huge red marble lions, sculptured no doubt with the rest of the façade by Giovanni Bono da Bissone in 1281.
In 93 he was elected praetor 'after a lavish squandering of money, and he delighted the populace with an exhibition of a hundred lions from Africa.
The Minoan goddess is sometimes seen in her chthonic form with serpents, sometimes in a more celestial aspect with doves, at times with lions.
The curtain-wall and towers of the Mycenaean citadel, its gate with heraldic lions, and the great "Treasury of Atreus" had borne silent witness for ages before Schliemann's time; but they were supposed only to speak to the Homeric, or at farthest a rude Heroic beginning of purely Hellenic, civilization.
The exteriors of the north Italian Gothic churches are characterized by the flatness of the roof; the treatment of the west facade as a mere screen wall, masking the true lines of the aisle roofs; the great circular window in the west front for lighting the nave; the absence of pinnacles owing to the unimportance of the buttresses; the west-end porches with columns resting on lions or other animals.
The highest perfection with regard both to form and decoration was reached in the 16th century; subsequently the Venetian workmen somewhat abused their skill by giving extravagant forms to vessels, making drinking glasses in the forms of ships, lions, birds, whales and the like.
The large Carnivora, lions, tigers, jaguars and leopards are the first favourites; then follow monkeys, then the large ungulates, elephants, rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses, camels and giraffes, deer and antelopes and equine animals, whilst birds are appreciated chiefly for plumage and song.
Both obey the general injunctions of the Sikh gurus, but the Sahijdhari Sikhs have not accepted the pahul or baptism of Guru Govind Singh, and do not wear the distinguishing habiliments of the Kesadhari, who are the baptized Sikhs, also called Singhs or lions.
In size the lion is only equalled or exceeded by the tiger among existing Felidae; and though both species present great variations, the largest specimens of the latter appear to surpass the largest lions.
Their natural ferocity and powerful armature are sometimes turned upon one another; combats, often mortal, occur among male lions under the influence of jealousy; and Andersson relates an instance of a quarrel between a hungry lion and lioness over the carcase of an antelope which they had just killed, and which did not seem sufficient for the appetite of both, ending in the lion not only killing, but devouring his mate.
Teacher told me about kind gentleman I shall be glad to read pretty story I do read stories in my book about tigers and lions and sheep.
Then I shall see lions and tigers and monkeys.
General Loring kindly showed me a copy of one of the wonderful bronze doors of the Baptistry of Florence, and I felt of the graceful pillars, resting on the backs of fierce lions.
She felt some young lions.
She said to the keeper, "I will take the baby lions home and teach them to be mild."
There are eighty thousand of them and they fight like lions.
I saw sea lions, arches, a near-perfect diamond, a man 's profile.
We spent ages watching the baby sea lions playing at the water 's edge.
Cool but quite scary; also swam with stingray, angel fish, yellow tailed sturgeon fish, sea lions, parrotfish, starfish.
Loyal Lions fans will experience extreme emotion during the tour, causing surges of adrenaline that will generate significant amounts of sweat.
Not only are they gold, they are also elegantly sculpted into swans ' necks and lions ' heads.
In life and in death they were not divided; they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions.
They must have had hearts like lions to tackle Fairy Holes with tallow dips and tinder boxes.
In the case of lions, the breeders usually remove the cubs when they are three-four days old.
He asked for total control, got everything he wanted and then promised the Lions would come back victorious, he said.
Superior pack power and weight advantage saw the Lions withstand an onslaught from the spirited French team who were pushing hard for penalties.
In our area, outdoor pets arevulnerable to attack from mountain lions, coyotes and even birds of prey.
We were lucky enough to see a huge pride of lions lazing in the shade on our safari.
You can purchase pink lions and tigers with polka dots and bows.
However, other cats have been heard to purr as well including those of the Panthera genus that includes lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars.
Some experts claim that it is not found in larger wildcat species such as tigers, lions, leopards and cheetahs.
Small cats differ from large cats such as lions and tigers in the type of vocalizations they can make.
Pages dedicated to shows like Between the Lions and Clifford feature stories from the series in interactive books.
A mural could include an African safari hunt, with giraffes, beastly lions and tigers and lots of tall grass.
These calming cascades donned classical motifs such as lions, cherubs, and mythological images.
Some giraffe print borders that feature realistic looking giraffes also display other animals such as zebras, elephants, lions, leopards and cheetahs.
For instance, Kiwanis International sponsors Key Club for high school students and Builders Clubs in middle schools and junior highs, and LEO Clubs are a division of Lions Clubs International.
For ferocious cats, you can find panthers, tigers, lions, and wildcats.
For a jungle animal theme, look for small stuffed animals to place amongst the cupcakes, such as lions, monkeys or giraffes.
Popular animal choices include bears, tigers, lions, cats and dogs.
Some Lions Club chapters, for example, offer scholarships for local students.
Most voyages also feature views of polar bears, grizzlies, sea lions and moose.
Some cruises will allow you to get up close with sea lions and whales, too.
The smaller vessel allows outstanding views of whales and sea lions as they approach the boat.
The company also sells zoological formulas for carnivorous wild animals such as bears, lions, wolves, crocodiles and eagles.
In addition to the Celtic cross, Custom Celtic sells signet rings featuring shamrocks, lions and a variety of complex Celtic knots.
SeaWorld San Diego opened its doors in 1964 with a few dolphins and sea lions and two seawater aquariums.
A little more slowdown than I had hoped for, but it was fun play some Detroit Lions lover because hey, he played the Lions.
Bites from such wild animals as mountain lions and bears are also reported more frequently as humans explore or move into their natural habitats.
Jewish tombstones will have symbols on them such as the Star of David, lions, a menorah, scrolls or the tablets with the 10 Commandments.
This website offers instructions on towel swans, stingrays, turtles and sea lions, just to name a few.
From performing lions to fine arts exhibits, this fair is packed out each year with both residents and visitors.
So, if you purchase your tickets and get distracted by the sea lions or shopping for the perfect gift for Aunt Jane at Pier 39, you can always come back and take your ferry ride at a later date.
These include a Jungle Design Studio, which has monkeys, hippos, butterflies, lions and explorers; and an Ocean Design Studio, with penguins, dolphins, fish, seals, turtles and seahorses.
Webkinz are small plush toys that come in many different types of animals, including dogs, monkeys, lions, tigers and more.
Lions - they being kings of the jungle - are an option, as are tigers.
Although this article advises staying away from trendy items, sometimes you have a child who is crazy about lions or frogs and you want an item to reflect and encourage that individuality.
Alphabet Soup features Between the Lions characters and helps kids solve silly riddles by locating letters in a "soup."
Old Testament Sunday School Lessons-The Old Testament includes an abundance of stories, and they provide the inspiration for the many lessons in this section, including Moses and the dream and Daniel and the lions.
Civic organizations like the Lions Club, Kiwanis, and American Legion are filled with men and women who are charitable by nature.
Lions, tigers, bears, and other forms of exotic wildlife can be seen at zoos of all sizes located throughout the state.
Brackenridge, starting with buffalo, elk, deer, monkeys, a pair of lions, and four bears.
Using Houston zoo coupons will let you hang with monkeys, macaws, and mountain lions without breaking the bank.
Popular themes for Leo tattoos include variations on the position of the lion (e.g. standing, sitting, roaring, running), photo-realistic lions and stylized designs.
Available at an additional cost, guests can become a trainer for a day by helping staff with the seal and sea lions' daily care.
For an additional cost, guests can become a trainer for a day by helping staff with the seal and sea lions' daily care.
Within these settings you will find animals of all description from elephants, rhinos, leopards, buffaloes and lions - Africa's "Big Five" game animals - to zebras, giraffes, an amazing diversity of birds and insects.
If you were playing against the Wildcats, Lions or Tigers, you could have the teacher kiss a cat.
These can be done in a jungle theme, using monkeys, snakes, lions, and tigers, or perhaps a farm animal mobile, with cows, horses, and chickens.
In 2001, Lions Gate began distributing a series of digitally designed Barbie films.
During this season, the Lions removed their black alternative uniforms and instead wore throwbacks from the 1940s and the 1950s.
Sea lions and other wildlife may be seen from the inn's patio or the beach.
The kids like the moving and roaring gorillas, elephants and lions.
There were bears and mountain lions, but in all the years she had lived here, she had never known of anyone being attacked.
The interior is in the form of a basilica, the double aisles being borne by ancient columns, and contains ambones and a candelabrum of 1311, the former resting on columns supported by lions, and decorated with reliefs and coloured marble mosaic. The castle at the highest point of the town was erected in the 14th century.
The Sumerians cast the heads of their lions in copper, not always with successful results, and filled them with bitumen and clay (like the image in " Bel and the Dragon," which was " clay within and brass without ") to give them solidity.
The most common are the history of Jonah as a type of the Resurrection, the Fall, Noah receiving the dove with the olive branch, Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac, Moses taking off his shoes, David with the sling, Daniel in the lions' den, and the Three Children in the fiery furnace.
A frieze of lions devouring ibexes and deer, and incised with great artistic skill, runs round the neck, while the eagle crest of Lagash adorns the globular part.
The style of the lions' heads would hardly admit a later date.
The collection is not usually very rich in species, but there have been great and long-continued successes in the breeding of large animals such as hippopotamuses, lions and antelopes, and a very large business is done in domesticated birds, water-fowl and cage birds.
At one time London was able to supply many Continental gardens with giraffes, and Dublin and Antwerp have had great successes with lions, whilst antelopes, sheep and cattle, deer and equine animals are always to be found breeding in one collection or another.
On that occasion, apparently by way of protest against the decree of the diet of Vesteras (r 5th of January 1 544), declaring the Swedish crown hereditary in Gustavus's family, the Danish king caused to be quartered on his daughter's shield not only the three Danish lions and the Norwegian lion with the axe of St Olaf, but also "the three crowns" of Sweden.
B.C. lions existed in some part of eastern Europe.
In the centre of the court is the celebrated Fountain of Lions, a magnificent alabaster basin supported by the figures of twelve lions in white marble, not designed with sculptural accuracy, but as emblems of strength and courage.
Last night Monsieur bourbon rounded off his performance by placing the three lions around him.
The park provides a home for countless numbers of animals including cheetahs, lions and rhinos, all just minutes from the city center!
One man wears a wig of lions mane ' .
My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions.
Thirty-one lions and lionesses take turns showing off for the crowd.
Within seconds, all four of them were watching her like lions a wounded gazelle.