Lion Sentence Examples
There was a lion in the linen closet and no one wanted to reach for the towel.
After this it is surprising to find that in his next poem, Le Chevalier au Lion, Lancelot is once, and only once, casually referred to, and that in a passing reference to his rescue of the queen.
The latter fell in with an English man-of-war, the "Lion," and had to return to France; Charles escaped during the engagement, and at length arrived on the 2nd of August off Erisca, a little island of the Hebrides.
Do you know a lion's orange bushy mane?
From the earliest historic times few animals have been better known to man than the lion.
The lion, leopard and jackal were not eaten.
One was an enormous Lion with clear, intelligent eyes, a tawney mane bushy and well kept, and a body like yellow plush.
Saxony, with the assent of Albert the Bear, was granted by Conrad to Henry the Lion, and Bavaria was given to Henry Jasomirgott, who had just succeeded his brother Leopold as margrave of Austria.
In the later years of his reign the emperors chief enemy was Henry the Lion.
The promise that Bavaria should be granted to Henry the Lion was not easily fulfilled, as Henry Jasomirgott refused to give up the duchy.
AdvertisementThe lion was occasionally trained as a hunting animal instead of the dog.
The lion, which inhabited the country in the time of the Hebrews, is now extinct.
At present the lion is confined to the Gir, or rocky hill-desert and forest of Kathiawar.
The fauna includes the horse, reindeer, mammoth, cave lion, rhinoceros, bear and urus.
Lion skins belong to the emperor, but the slayer keeps a strip to decorate his shield.
AdvertisementBut it was not yet safe to kick up heels in face of the dying lion.
Henry Jasomirgott then renounced Bavaria, and Henry the Lion became its duke.
Rendered arrogant by success and confident that his interests were in northern, and not in southern Frederick and Henry Europe, the Saxon duke refused to assist Frederick the Lion, in.
Following the example set by the electors at Rense both parties formed associations for protection, prominent among these being the Swabian League on the one side and the League of the Lion (Lowenbund)1 on the other.
It was the work of a special committee of German the congress, presided over by Metternich; and, con federa- owing to the panic created by Napoleons return from lion.
AdvertisementThe grand-duchies, which, though divided between two lines of the ducal The Meckhouse, had a common constitution, were the only lenburg state in Germany in which the parliament still took the constituform of a meeting of the estatesthe nobility and the lion.
When,onthe istof April 1902,a new stamp,withthe superscription Deutsches Reich, was issued for the Empire, including Wurttemberg, Bavaria refused to accept it, retaining the stamp with the Bavarian lion, thus emphasizing her determination to retain her separate postal establishment.
The crisis Resigna- became acute when the estimates for the year 1909 lion of showed that some 25,000,000 would have to be raised Prince VOfl by additional taxes, largely to meet the cost of the exU OW panded naval programme.
The Rumanian franc, or leu (" lion"), so called from the image it bore, came likewise from Craiova.
His name was immediately afterwards recognized on a lion found as far away from Egypt as Bagdad.
AdvertisementKnown as "The Lion of the Punjab," Ranjit Singh died of paralysis on the 27th of June 1839.
Ali's authority in the great part of the peninsula subject to him now overshadowed that of the sultan; and Mahmud II., whose whole policy had been directed to destroying the overgrown power of the provincial pashas, began to seek a pretext for overthrowing the Lion of Iannina,whose all-devouring ambition seemed to threaten his own throne.
After some half - dozen miscellaneous single prints - "Samson and the Lion," the "Annunciation," the "Ten Thousand Martyrs," the "Knight and Men-at-arms," the "Men's Bath," &c. - he undertook and by 1498 completed his famous series of sixteen great designs for the Apocalypse.
The word answering to our lord is also applied," even to beasts, as the lion and the boa."
Notwithstanding the many sources of confusion Conrad was persuaded by the passionate eloquence of Bernard of Clairvaux to take part in the second crusade; be left for the East in 1147 and returned to Germany in 1149, to find Welf again in arms and Henry the Lion claiming Bavaria.
The animals of Nigeria include the elephant, lion, leopard, giraffe, hyena, West-African buffalo, many kinds of antelope and gazelle and smaller game.
Comparatively cheerful beside these two is the remaining subject of the student saint reading in his chamber, with his dog and domestic lion resting near him, and a marvellous play of varied surface and chequered light on the floor and ceiling of his apartment and on all the objects which it contains.
The burgh is said to date from the reign of William the Lion (1165-1214); its charter was granted in 1502.
The burghs were not actually the creations of David and William the Lion, but the rights, duties and privileges which had gradually developed in the towns were in the time of these kings codified and confirmed by charters; the towns had magistrates of their own election, courts, and legalized open markets.
Malcolm's brother, William the Lion (1165-1214), initiated the French alliance, fondly ascribed to the time of Charlemagne.
The choice lay between descendants in the female line of David of Huntingdon, younger brother of William the Lion.
With regard to the ancient Egyptians, however, we learn that the huntsmen Historic constituted an entire sub-division of the great second Field dresses and furniture were ornamented with similar subjects.2 The game pursued included the lion, the wild ass, the gazelle and the hare, and the implements chiefly employed seem to have been the javelin and the bow.
Rossetti, Philip Webb, Burne-Jones, Madox Brown, Faulkner and Marshall, and in January 1862 started business under the title of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Co., with offices at 8 Red Lion Square.
It at once made its author a literary and even social celebrity, - the lion of a London season.
Schelling was the main philosophical lion of the time; and in some quarters Hegel was spoken of as a new champion summoned to help him in his struggle with the more prosaic continuators of Kant.
The fauna includes the elephant, hippopotamus, lion and several species of antelope.
Simultaneously with its incorporation by Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, who presented the city with its own mint toll and market, there appears a magistracy of six, chosen probably by the Vogt from the Schtifen (scabini, probi homines).
About 1157 Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, forced his vassal, the count of Holstein, to give up Lubeck to him; and in 1163 he removed thither the episcopal see of Oldenburg (Stargard), founding at the same time the dioceses of Ratzeburg and Schwerin.
The fauna includes the lion, leopard, cheetah, elephant, giraffe, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, buffalo, zebra, kudu and many other kinds of antelope, wild pig, ostrich and crocodile.
The fauna includes, in the low country, the lion, panther, elephant, camel, and antelope of numerous species.
After the destruction of Bardowiek, then the chief commercial centre of North Germany, by Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, in 1189, Luneburg inherited much of its trade and subsequently became one of the principal towns of the Hanseatic league.
Peace was made at Frankfort in May 1142, when Henry the Lion, son of Henry the Proud, was confirmed in the duchy of Saxony, while Bavaria was given to Conrad's step-brother Henry Jasomirgott, margrave of Austria, who married Gertrude, the widow of Henry the Proud.
The lion is now only found in the northern parts of Futa Jallon; panthers, leopards, hyenas and wild cats are more common and the civet is found.
The native reports of a maneless lion in Lycia (arslan) are probably based on the existence of large panthers.
Jasomirgott, margrave of Austria, to Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony; and the former was pacified by the erection of his margraviate into a duchy, while Frederick's step-brother Conrad was invested with the Palatinate of the Rhine.
Returning to Germany towards the close of 1162, Frederick prevented a conflict between Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, and a number of neighbouring princes, and severely punished the citizens of Mainz for their rebellion against Archbishop Arnold.
Henry the Lion was again saved from a threatening combination; conflicting claims to various bishoprics were decided; and the imperial authority was asserted over Bohemia, Poland and Hungary.
The refusal of Henry the Lion to bring help into Italy was followed by the defeat of the emperor at Legnano on the 29th of May 1176, when he was wounded and believed to be dead.
Various small feuds were suppressed; Henry the Lion was deprived of his duchy, which was dismembered, and sent into exile; a treaty was made with the Lombard league at Constance in June 1183; and most important of all, Frederick's son Henry was betrothed in 1184 to Constance, daughter of Roger I., king of Sicily, and aunt and heiress of the reigning king, William II.
Even after the severe reverses which he experienced in Italy, his position in Germany was never seriously weakened; and in 1181, when, almost without striking a blow, he deprived Henry the Lion of his duchy, he seemed stronger than ever.
Such a theory was of untold practical value to the Church of Rome, more especially during the era of the Reforma Lion.
Their domains were secularized, and divided up among their lay neighbours, Prussia securing the lion's share.
Bardowiek was founded in the 8th century by Charlemagne, who established a bishopric in it, and until its destruction by Henry the Lion in 1189, it was the most prosperous commercial city of north Germany.
Nathan of Gaza assumed the role of Elijah, the Messiah's forerunner, proclaimed the coming restoration of Israel and the salvation of the world through the bloodless victory of Sabbatai "riding on a lion with a seven-headed dragon in his jaws" (Graetz).
Feminine names of living things are formed from the masculine by the addition of -es, as brenin, " king," brenhines, " queen "; llew, " lion," llewes, " lioness."
It was re-taken by Saladin in 1187, besieged by Guy de Lusignan in 1189 (see below), and again captured by Richard Cceur de Lion in 1191.
Almost everything that is stated in the article Lion concerning the structure of the skeleton, teeth and claws of that animal will apply equally well to the tiger, the difference between the two lying mainly in the skin and its coverings.
Although examples of both species present considerable variations in size, it is ascertained that the length of the largest-sized Bengal tiger may exceed that of any lion.
So the Arabs of East Africa anoint themselves with lion's fat in order to gain courage and inspire the animals with awe of themselves.
Erected by David I., it was one of the strongholds ceded to England in 1174, under the treaty of Falaise, for the ransom of William the Lion.
The question of separate consuls The Lion of the for Norway soon came up again.
They are versions of three medieval stories taken from French and German sources, and dealt with the Chevalier au lion, of Chrestien de Troyes, with Duke Frederick of Normandy, and with Flores and Blancheflor.
Among the wild animals are the lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, brown bear, hyena, hog, badger, porcupine, pole-cat, weasel, marten, wolf, jackal, fox, hare, wild ass, wild sheep, wild cat, mountaingoat, gazelle and deer.
Sierra Leone (in the original Portuguese form Sierra Leona) was known to its native inhabitants as Romarong, or the Mountain, and received the current designation from the Portuguese discoverer Pedro de Sintra (1462), either on account of the "lion-like" thunder on its hill-tops, or to a fancied resemblance of the mountains to the form of a lion.
In 1181 Alexander excommunicated William the Lion of Scotland and put the kingdom under the interdict.
The stars are held, not only to prognosticate the future but also to influence it; the child born when Mars is in the ascendant will be war-like; Venus has to do with love; the sign of the Lion presides over places where wild beasts are found.
Several imperial diets were held in Wiirzburg, chief among these being the one of 1180 when Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony,.
His rough person and manners are the constant theme of ridicule in the royalist ballads, and he is caricatured in Butler's Hudibras and in the Parable of the Lion and Fox.
The Hindus believe he has appeared (I) as a fish, (2) as a tortoise, (3) as a hog, (4) as a monster, half man half lion, to destroy the giant Iranian, (5) as a dwarf, (6) as Rama, (7) again as Rama for the purpose of killing the thousand-armed giant Cartasuciriargunan, (8) as Krishna, (9) as Buddha.
The forests are the home of several kinds of monkeys, including the chimpanzee in the Aruwimi region; the lion, leopard, wild hog, wolf, hyena, jackal, the python and other snakes, and particularly of the elephant.
In central Abyssinia the lion is no longer found except occasionally in the river valleys.
After the capture of Acre on the 12th of July 11 9 1, the army of the crusaders, under Richard Coeur - de - Lion and the duke of Burgundy, opened their campaign for the recovery of Jerusalem by marching southward towards Jaffa, from which place it was intended to move direct upon the holy city.
The ruined castle of Stahleck, crowning the heights above the town, is celebrated in history as the scene of the marriage between Henry, eldest son of Henry the Lion (shortly before the latter's death in 1195) and Agnes of Hohenstaufen, which effected a temporary reconciliation between the houses of Welf and Hohenstaufen.
His symbols from the animal kingdom were the bull (perhaps a totemistic attribute and identified with him), the panther, the lion, the tiger, the ass, the goat, and sometimes also the dolphin and the snake.
Shortly after his settlement here he was attacked by a lion which crushed his left arm.
In the words of the speech opening the 1905 session of parliament, " without a considerable development of our agricultural and pastoral resources our posi Lion as a self-sustaining colony cannot be assured."
Thus in the western mountain districts of Great Britain, largely composed of nearly impermeable rocks more Lion.
William the Lion had a residence in the city, to which he gave a charter in 1179 confirming the corporate rights granted by David I.
It was prepared under the care of Clement V., and even promulgated by him in consistory in March 1314; The but, in consequence of the death of the pope, which " took place almost immediately after, the publication and despatch of the collec Lion to the universities was postponed till 1317, under John Xxii.
Other buildings connected with the history of the Mormon church are three residences of Brigham Young, called the Lion House, the Beehive (the beehive is the symbol of the industry of the Mormon settlers in the desert and appears on the state seal), and the Amelia Palace or Gardo House (1877), which is now privately owned and houses an excellent private art gallery.
Though Old Keith has a charter dating from William the Lion it fell into gradual decay; New Keith, founded in the 18th century by the second earl of Seafield, being better situated for the growth of a town.
But, save during the years when William the LiOn, after his captivity, had own.ed himself the vassal of Henry II.
At first he repaired and strengthened its fortifications, but afterwards, alarmed at the capture of St Jean d'Acre (Acre) by Richard Coeur de Lion in 1191, he caused it to be dismantled.
The second grade, for civilians an embroidered golden pheasant, for the military a lion with a girdle clasp of gold set in rubies.
Emin Pasha stated that the lion was so little dreaded by the Latuka that on one being caught in a leopard trap they hastily set it free.
A rudely carved stone lion, which lies on the roadside close to the southern extremity of the city, and by some is supposed to have formed part of a building of the ancient city, is locally regarded as a talisman against famine, plague, cold, &c., placed there by Pliny, who is popularly known as the sorcerer Balinas (a corruption of Plinius).
As Minister of the Interior, of Mines, and of Defence, he bore the lion's share of the early administrative work of the Union.
There in August 1876 he began work in the Dometombs and by the Lion Gate, and opened a large pit just within the citadel.
It was founded by William the Lion in 1178 for Tironesian Benedictines from Kelso, and consecrated in 1197, being dedicated to St Thomas Becket, whom the king had met at the English court.
Strafford was recalled to expiate his career on the scaffold; the army was disbanded; and the helm of the state remained in the hands of a land-jobber and of a superannuated Rebel lion soldier.
The great temple avenues at Thebes are lined with recumbent rams, true sphinxes (a few late instances), and with the so-called criosphinxes or ram-sphinxes, having lion bodies and heads of the sacred animal of Ammon.
The splendid Benedictine monastery of Melk and the ruins of Di rrenstein, the prison of Richard Coeur de Lion, are among the most interesting.
Near Loanda Livingstone noted that " a chief may metamorphose himself into a lion, kill any one he chooses, and resume his proper form."
The open savannas are the home of large ungulates, especially antelopes, the giraffe (peculiar to Africa), zebra, buffalo, wild ass and four species of rhinoceros; and of carnivores, such as the lion, leopard, hyaena, &c. The okapi (a genus restricted to Africa) is found only in the dense forests of the Congo basin.
The lion, leopard, giraffe and various kinds of antelope are found in the prairies and in the open woods.
The place where the acropolis was entered was believed to have been overlooked by the mythical Meles when he carried the lion round his fortress to make it invulnerable; it was really a path opened by one of the landslips, which have reduced the sandstone cliff of the acropolis to a mere shell, and threaten to carry it altogether into the plain below.
The oldest known coins are the electrum coins of the earlier Mermnads (Madden, Coins of the Jews, pp. 19-21), stamped on one side with a lion's head or the figure of a king with bow and quiver; these were replaced by Croesus with a coinage of pure gold and silver.
But there is nothing to prove that it there, or elsewhere, means Taurus; it is found, in the same early period, with a lion as well as with a bull - on coins, seals, &c.
Otto of Brunswick, grandson of Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, was made duke of Brunswick-Luneburg; and war was declared against the Lombards.
Tilak conducted law classes till 1890, by which time he had become the sole proprietor as well as the editor of the two weekly papers, the Mahratta (in English) and the Kesari (" Lion " in Mahratti) which he and his friends had founded in 1880.
Lounging in a pillowed corner of the room, Tamer resembled a cross between a lion at rest and a desert Bedouin with his muscular form and loose garb.
Argent a fesse sable with a lion passant argent a fesse sable with a lion passant argent thereon.
They had soon taken a large booty, which the Lion requested the Ass to divide between them.
He showed me a figure made at this time, a very carnivorous British lion about to eat Napoleon.
Reverse Both types of reverse show a crowned lion bearing a sword and arrows on a large shield surmounted by a large crown.
I've been in a lion cubs ' den with my children in South Africa.
In the lion's den he awaited the judge's verdict.
Alongside the old White Lion stands a 17th century octagonal dovecote.
All responded except Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, Frederick's cousin, whom he had made duke of Bavaria also.
These pellets have been soaked in real lion dung - cats are terrified of lions.
The meeting point for the final Sunday fungal foray is the Red Lion pub in Grantchester.
The latter holds a grenade or fire-ball, and this is shown in the royal lion's forepaw.
Got back to the Lion and had cold fowl and champagne.
Ever tried to find a head gasket or brake seal kit for a 1934 Leyland Lion?
Animals include giant panda, elephant, lion, horse, cow, lamb, pig, monkey and teddy bears.
Gules fretty argent and a chief or with a lion passant gules fretty argent and a chief or with a lion passant gules therein.
The red Scottish lion shown here on the right was a lion gules.
Its position was changed in Victorian times, but water still gushes there from a mossy lion's mouth.
The name probably comes from the importance of the lion in Scottish heraldry.
The only named hostelry is the Red Lion Inn at the Ty'n-y-bedw end of the town.
Special sightings included lion, spotted hyena, bush pig, buffalo, hippo and many large and strange birds.
A well aimed kick from them can smash the skull of a hunting dog or inflict serious injury on a lion.
The ' Lion Rock ' is a citadel of unusual beauty rising 200 meters from the scrub jungle.
Lion Path Ancient beyond imagination, the Lion Path was the path of Egyptian kings and their families.
On The North Door of Durham Cathedral is a bronze door knocker shaped like a lion's head.
A former landlady of the old Lion assured me that the cellar of the pub is definitely haunted!
You can still visit the Tower of London and see the Lion Tower where they kept the menagerie.
We'd made such good time we pressed on just to get to " the Lion " high up on the bleak moorland.
Wallace the lion was to achieve high notoriety at the infamous ' Lion Fight ' in Warwick.
The final ascent begins between giant lion's paws carved in the rock.
Unions win the lion's share of personal injury compensation payouts.
This particular sample she is working on in the Fisheries Department in Stanley came from a rockhopper penguin on Sea Lion Island.
Aslan (from Unwins) has fully double reflexed petals -- have all the appearance of a shaggy lion's mane.
The Lion Grotto " We're just plodding on.
The manner in which they did this challenged the conventions of human/animal interaction as well as the traditional wisdom of lion pride behavior.
Now Satan is indeed prowling around like a roaring lion and we need a proper awareness of danger.
The lion that roared in Washington had turned into a little pussycat.
Gents Fuschia Lion T-Shirt Made from 100% cotton our screen printed t-shirts have a large lion rampant on the front.
Animals present included red deer, roe deer, horse, boar, bear, wolf, elephant, rhinoceros, lion and hyena!
On his return he famously remarked to his wife that he thought she would prefer a live donkey than a dead lion.
The Blue Lion Ready Carr Became the Adult School - believed to have quartered soldiers in the upper rooms during the Luddite riots.
Imagine the look on their face as they see an animal giving birth, or when they hear a lion roar.
Salmon carry abscesses and tumors, the herring never returned, and the sea lion rookery at Montague Island remains silent and empty.
Argent a lion gules with a golden crown in a border sable bezanty.
No UK Lion Quality egg samples were found to contain salmonella.
This was the first race that Supermarine, and therefore Mitchell, were to compete in with a Sea Lion racing seaplane.
The brokered peace deal entitled the UTO to 30% of government seats, with the IRP taking the lion's share.
He finished up working in a fairground sideshow where he died after being mauled by a lion.
Sent by Alexandra Sabra a 3 toed sloth, and a lion. a lazy lie in.
I just tried to make the Lion look like a big softy keeping a weather eye on Mouse.
Beside the great pyramids at Giza stands a giant sphinx (a lion's body with a man's head ).
While I stopped at the gate by the perimeter fence I saw some lion spoor and it was very fresh.
There was wild lion spoor in the car park and by Tammy's gate, but no sign of Tammy or the Born Free lions.
Three brown striped lion fish swam lazily past, and we saw two stonefish together.
The first, their eldest brother, has lion's paws and eagle's talons.
We have conducted a study on the effects of contraceptive methods used in golden-headed lion tamarins.
The effect on the golden lion tamarin has been devastating.
A tame lion, from whose paw he is said to have removed a thorn, is often present.. .
Lying in the inadequate shade of some high grass tussocks was an enormous old lion.
The shepherd can't keep the charging lion from his sheep, who, left unguarded, panic.
The sea lion and sea unicorn are a maritime version of the Royal Crest and Supporters.
My money's on the lion, simply because he looks wonderful [laughs] .
Lion then zigzagged to throw out the enemy's range.
Out of the north (the Babylonian sacred mountain) comes a bright cloud, wherein appear four Creatures (formed on the model of Babylonian composite figures), each with four faces (man, lion, bull, eagle) and attended by a wheel; the wheels are full of eyes, and move straight forward, impelled by the spirit dwelling in the Creatures (the spirit of Yahweh).
On one side stands the cathedral of San Lorenzo, a Gothic structure of the 14th and 15th centuries, in the plan of a Latin cross, with nave and aisles of equal height; on the other the Palazzo del Municipio, presenting two fine Gothic façades, of the 14th century (though the building was not completed till 5443), with the figures of the Perugian griffin and the Guelph lion above the outside stair; and in the centre the marble fountain constructed in1277-1280by Arnolfo di Cambio, and adorned with statues and statuettes by Niccolo and Giovanni Pisano.
We have already noticed the great if disastrous Crusade of i ioo-I Ioi, and the Venetian Crusade of 1123-1124; and we may also refer to the Crusade of Henry the Lion in 1172, and to that of Edward I.
The typical bas relief, which is found in great abundance in the museums of Europe, invariably represents Mithras, under the form of a youth with conical cap and flying drapery, slaying the sacred bull, the scorpion attacking the genitals of the animal, the serpent drinking its blood, the dog springing towards the wound in its side, and frequently, in addition, the Sun-god, his messenger the raven, a fig-tree, a lion, a ewer, and torch-bearers.
The fauna includes the lion and elephant, found in the neighbourhood of the Portuguese frontier (the lion was also found as late as 1895 in the Ndwandwe district), the white and the black rhinoceros, the leopard, panther, jackal, spotted hyena, aard-wolf, buffalo, zebra, gnu, impala, inyala, oribi, hartebeeste, kudu, springbok, waterbuck, eland, roan antelope, duiker, &c., hares and rabbits.
He gave them outward signs of their faith in the five K's - which will subsequently be explained - he signified the military nature of their calling by the title of "singh" or "lion" and by the wearing of steel, and he strictly prohibited the use of tobacco.
Frederick was unable at first to persuade Henry Jasomirgott to abandon Bavaria, but in June 1154 he recognized the claim of Henry the Lion, who accompanied him on his first Italian campaign and distinguished himself in suppressing a rising at Rome, Henry's formal investiture as duke of Bavaria taking place in September 1156 on the emperor's return to Germany.
Samson's mother is forbidden to eat unclean things during pregnancy, but Samson himself touches the carcass of a lion and is often in contact with the slain, nor does he abstain from giving feasts.'
Until towards the close of the 19th century Bechuanaland abounded in big game, and the Kalahari is still the home of the lion, leopard, hyena, jackal, elephant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, buffalo, antelope of many species, ostrich and even the giraffe.
To take the example given under Confusions of Words above, loin for lion in Cranford is probably a printer's error, but it is conceivable that it is due to a deflexion of the authoress's mind or pen through the accidental proximity of the "mutton chop."
The family Order of the Golden Lion of Nassau passed in 1890 to the grand duchy of Luxembourg (see under Luxemburg).
In size the lion is only equalled or exceeded by the tiger among existing Felidae; and though both species present great variations, the largest specimens of the latter appear to surpass the largest lions.
Their natural ferocity and powerful armature are sometimes turned upon one another; combats, often mortal, occur among male lions under the influence of jealousy; and Andersson relates an instance of a quarrel between a hungry lion and lioness over the carcase of an antelope which they had just killed, and which did not seem sufficient for the appetite of both, ending in the lion not only killing, but devouring his mate.
Affied through his mother to the Welfs of Bavaria, and anxious to put an end to the unrest which dominated Germany, especially to the strife between the families of WeIf and Hohenstaufen, Frederick began his reign by promising to secure for Henry the Lion the duchy of Bavaria, and by appeasing Henrys uncle, Count Welf, by making him duke of Spol.eto and margrave of Tuscany.
The sacred beasts in the various temples, tame as far as possible, were of almost every conceivable variety, from the vulture to the swallow or the goose, from the lion to the shrew-mouse, from the hippopotamus to the sheep and the monkey, from the crocodile to the tortoise and the cobra, from the carp to the eel; the scorpion and the scarab beetle were perhaps the strangest in this strange company of deities.
No one, said Boswell, should persuade him to make his lion into a cat.
The Turks, consequently, hold his memory in abhorrence; whereas the Persians, who are generally Shi'as, venerate him as second only to the prophet, call him the "Lion of God" (Sher-i-Khuda), and celebrate the anniversary of his martyrdom.
Among plants, the bay, used in expiatory sacrifices and also for making the crown of victory at the Pythian games, and the palm-tree, under which he was born in Delos, were sacred to him; among animals and birds, the wolf, the roe, the swan, the hawk, the raven, the crow, the snake, the mouse, the grasshopper and the griffin, a mixture of the eagle and the lion evidently of Eastern origin.
A living dog is better than a dead lion.
I have sung songs in church and heard prayers that have transformed God into a purring cat and not a wild lion.
The Nemean lion is a symbol of the fierce and devastating summer heat that ravishes the land.
Mount this lion head fountain on any wall to recreate the ambiance and elegance of a Greco-Roman sanctuary.
Animals present included red deer, roe deer, horse, boar, bear, wolf, elephant, rhinoceros, lion and hyena !
Also another pub off of regent street near you called the RED LION.
The Bovill arms decorate Monyash font, sculpted too with beasts resembling a lion and tiger.
Heard the spine tingling roar of a big black-maned lion at close quarters?
The american college sea lion colony other great tools denied through traditional.
I enjoyed a wonderful sea lion show in the aquarium.
The unusual behavior was spotted by keeper Mark Tye while feeding the parents on the park 's sea lion beach.
The brokered peace deal entitled the UTO to 30% of government seats, with the IRP taking the lion 's share.
Does the Sphinx really have the body of a lion?
Beside the great pyramids at Giza stands a giant sphinx (a lion 's body with a man 's head).
They had also acquired control of the lion's share of the vital splint coal and blackband ore needed to feed these furnaces.
The lion eating straw like an ox, no longer a predator.
The Red Lion Inn, a good country pub is a 200 yard stroll down the lane.
Lion in the Sun is a brand of swimwear designed to allow children to enjoy the outdoors AND prevent sunburn.
A tame lion, from whose paw he is said to have removed a thorn, is often present...
The nature of the beast Of course, no-one is a pure lion any more than they are a thoroughbred horse.
The shepherd ca n't keep the charging lion from his sheep, who, left unguarded, panic.
The Red Lion Hotel at Clovelly reminds us all of what used to be the unhurried, natural pace of life.
My money 's on the lion, simply because he looks wonderful [laughs ].
Dancers, musicians and even a Chinese Lion flew in to wow the guests.
Lion then zigzagged to throw out the enemy 's range.
Small children are even afraid to approach the thick, glass enclosure that surrounds the formidable lion.
These are parts of the car's frame that are designed to shoulder the lion's share of an impact while protecting you and your family.
Whether you want to find a story about Daniel and the Lion's Den or Jesus Feeding the 5,000 finding it in an illustrated children's Bible story will make it more interesting and memorable to a young audience!
On the same point, it's a great idea to devote a lion's share of your budget to your TV or screen system, as well as considering surround sound options.
The signature of this style is the cabriole leg, which ends in one of six different feet--the lion's paw, the ball and claw, the late Chippendale, the Marlborough, and the club and the spade.
Several of the available pets are baby animals, including a puppy, kitten, chick and lion cub.
Examples of animals patterns includes a lion, a dog paw print or a bird silhouette.
Michaels Crafts carries Lion Brand Yarns which are inexpensive and come in a lot of great colors.
In its early days, business was conducted from the Fitzpatricks' home before operations eventually shifted to The Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge in 1969.
The Red Lion Inn continues to serve as the headquarters for the company's flagship store.
At 50, when her marriage started falling apart, she began transforming herself into a lion as a means of regaining her husband's love, as he was a huge feline lover and owned several large cats.
The Lion in Winter (1968) - One year later Hepburn won it again, yet this time it was a tie and the award was shared with Barbra Streisand for Funny Girl.
The film adaptation of the Broadway play The Lion in Winter co-starred Peter O'Toole, with Timothy Dalton and Anthony Hopkins appearing early in their careers.
Keeping a Portuguese Water Dog in a show cut or lion cut (shaved muzzle, hindquarter, tail) is also more expensive as opposed to an all over close clip known as a lamb or puppy cut.
Visitors to Chalice Well can explore an orchard and special garden, which houses Chalice Well, a Healing Pool, Lion Head Fountain and the Vesica Pool.
People can drink and fill pendants or bottles with water at the Lion's Head Fountain.
Lion Brand is another large, conventional company that has begun to manufacture organic yarns.
A griffon is a legendary creature reputed to have the heart of a lion and the soul of an eagle, thereby capturing the most majestic essences of both the king of beasts and the king of birds.
Often depicted as a lion with an eagle's head and wings, griffons are instantly recognizable throughout the world.
The Enchanted Tiki Room in Disney World has been revamped by Iago and Zazu, known from the movies Aladdin and The Lion King respectively.
The show will include scenes from popular Disney movies such as Alice in Wonderland, WALL-E, The Lion King and Toy Story.
This wine region is located on the Gulf of Lion in the Mediterranean Sea and is the largest wine producing region in France with an estimated 600,000 acres "under vines."
Two large tin cookie cutters from the early 1900s, a lion measuring 4 inches by 3 inches and a fish measuring 5 ½ inches by 2 ½ inches.
To help answer these questions, Daphne White, founder of the Lion & Lamb Project, published a list of guidelines in the November-December 2004 issue of Mothering magazine.
Lion & Lamb is an organization founded in 1995 to stop the marketing of violent toys and entertainment to children.
For a huge list of links that lead to demonstrations of dance steps via video feed, visit Knowledge Hound, which provides a lion's share of resources in all dance genres.
Early Japanese dances were, like many parts of the culture, imported and influenced by mainland China; for example, the earliest two-man dance form (known as "gigaku") was a version of the traditional lion dance.
Pi Xiu or Pi Yao - The Pi Xiu or Pi Yao is an ancient Chinese mythical creature that has the body of a lion and the head of a dragon.
Serengeti Soul is a majestic beach towel that features a lion and a lioness lounging on a rock in the foreground of the towel.
The background of the towel showcases a close up of a large, beautiful lion.
This lion's piercing eyes appear to stare deeply back at the viewer.
Webkinz like Topaz Terrier, Love Lion, Trick or Treat Troll, Peppermint Puppy, and Turkey are all only available during certain holiday seasons.
You can also find printable masks on many websites devoted to families and kids' crafts, such as these cut-outs for a lion, pumpkin, mouse, and cat.If you're feeling particularly ambitious, you can make a paper mache mask.
On the other hand, tickets to "The Lion King" with a stuffed lion that says, "You'll always be my Mufasa!" will make him feel appreciated and special.
Furthermore, yellow is the color of the Zodiac symbol Leo, the lion, making canary diamond rings particularly suitable for individuals who revere their matching star sign.
The lion craves attention while the bull craves respect.
The main problem that will arise between the bull and the lion are egos.
He will do anything for those he's responsible for, and from the Lion's point of view, that's everyone on the planet.
This global responsibility makes the lion feel guilty whenever he doesn't feel as though he's living up to his self-imposed duties.
In fact, the lion would be wise to say as little as he can so it doesn't come back to bite him.
Before you get too involved with Leo, there are a few things you should know about the lion.
If you thrive on romance, need to be loved and enjoy being romanced, you are likely a good match for the lion.
Leo is the lion of the zodiac icons; if this is your sign, you enjoy being in the spotlight.
This is very difficult for the lion because your ego is always in the forefront and as such gets bruised easily.
The lion loves to hold court, whether it's at a party, work or even in a courtroom.
Just like a lion's mane, Leo's hair is a striking feature in his physical appearance, but his appeal goes far beyond the physical.
If the lion senses an injustice, he'll feel outraged and won't rest until justice has been re-established.
Leo personality characteristics are very much in line with that of his animal symbol, the lion.
However, they won't faze the lion or the bull.
The lion craves the spotlight the way the water bearer craves variety and change.
As long as Aquarius can overlook Leo's need for constantly being in the limelight and doesn't mind bestowing accolades upon the lion's brow, the king of the jungle will reward those efforts with adoration.
Here you'll find instructions for making numerous masks, including a pumpkin, a mouse, a lion, or an original ghoul.
Expert Answer I hate to tell you this, Lion, but you don't need a movie expert to identify this flick.
They can be trained and tamed and taught tricks, to be sure, but with a big beautiful beast capable of pulling off the role of the mightiest lion ever, it only takes one mistake to turn movie magic into tragedy.
It also had to have a lion that could seem to be convincingly talking, submitting to the White Witch's torture and taunting, and walking with child actors without eating them.
If Spielberg could give us dinosaurs that seemed alive, and Lucas could create entire parts of Star Wars that never existed before (and Han shot first, dammit!), then the effects guys could surely make a believable lion.
The Lion King was inspired by a few different sources.
Well many say Hamlet inspired The Lion King.Bambi and Kimba the White Lion are also said to have inspired this humongous box office smash hit.
Some places claim stories of famous people haunting the location, such as Red Lion Park in England where the ghost of Oliver Cromwell walks each night with his companions.
They were finally reburied in the area now known as Red Lion Square.
The email claims that he snapped the photo of himself with the camera timer and not until the next morning when he was browsing his photos did he see the mountain lion standing behind him.
For example, the Saint Louis Zoo has a "Safari Pass" that gives you admission to the Children's Zoo, Zooline Railroad, Sea Lion Show (while in season), Conservation Carousel, and Motion Simulator for one low price.
The zoo began with just one lion, two bear cubs, an alligator, a coyote, a peacock, and some rabbits.
In the novels, he transformed into Dean the Dog, a lion and more.
Leo is usually drawn as a proud male lion with a magnificent mane.
You could also choose a lion in a more playful pose.
Some people choose to get their entire body covered in one image, such as that of a large animal (like a lion) or a work of art.
Ruled by the sun and represented by a regal lion, Leos are as gregarious as their astrological avatar.
Whether you choose a Leo tattoo because of its astrological significance, the lion symbolization, or the cool glyphs associated with the star sign, you'll enjoy having a large amount of design diversity at your disposal.
Popular themes for Leo tattoos include variations on the position of the lion (e.g. standing, sitting, roaring, running), photo-realistic lions and stylized designs.
Tattoos of Leo the lion look great almost anywhere on the body, but popular locations include the shoulder, arm, back and leg.
Leo's glyph resembles an upside down 'U" with curled up ends and represents the fluffy mane of a lion.
A Leo glyph tattoo will fit in a tiny location where a lion tattoo might not.
Leo the lion continues to satisfy both the ink-loving hordes and the astrology addicted masses.
Include any number of "laughter exercises" outlined in Laughter Yoga, such as lion, humming, hearty, shy, or dancing.
For an energizing yoga breath, try Lion's Breath or Ocean Breath breathing.
Lion's Breath is a fun and easy way to release all the tension in the muscles of the face.
As of 2010, the combined industries in the U.S., Japan, and Europe still controlled the lion's share of the market, but the trends indicate that control of the auto market will continue to shift in the future.
You'd think a company that makes yarn would have some good ideas about what to do with their products, and Lion Brand certainly delivers with a wide array of projects for knitters and crochet lovers alike.
A crochet afghan is already a quick project, but some people (notably the folks a Lion Brand yarn) want to help you make the project even more quickly.
I also tend to knit a lot of my everyday kinds of projects with Lion yarn, which they have a good selection of.
This same rule holds true whether you're painting the fur on a lion or a plant in the jungle.
With a few crayons and a bit of construction paper to craft ears, manes, noses, and other details to be attached with glue or tape, your child could be an elephant, rabbit, lion, tiger, or bear for the day.
Other musicals like The Lion King, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Little Mermaid have moved in reverse; originally movies, these films now have their own Broadway counterpart.
Some non-Christians object to the books' Christian overtones, particularly the first one, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which features the lion Aslan dying to save the life and soul of the boy Edmund.
The White Witch captures and bewitches the youngest boy, Edmund, and it is up to the other three, abetted by the mysterious lion called Aslan, to find and rescue him.
Tracking the White Witch to her lair, it is disclosed that only the sacrifice of Aslan will redeem him, a sacrifice the noble lion gladly accepts.
A large and physically powerful but gentle-natured man with the face (and the claws!) of a lion, he lives in seclusion in the tunnels below the city's subway system.
Lewis' children's fantasy titled The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
With the help of Beaver, they set out to find Aslan, the lion leader who is raising troops to free Narnia from the White Witch's rule.
There is also a pivotal scene where the kindly lion Aslan is sacrificed on an altar before his enemies.
It is interesting to note that Greek mythology is also the source of at least some of the earliest fairy stories.The Leo sign is represented by a Lion.
This legend comes from the stories of the mythical hero Hercules, and Lion of Nemea was the first trial that Hercules completed successfully.
The battle was particularly ferocious, as the Lion could only be bested through physical combat - as no weapon would kill it.
Once Hercules defeated the lion, Zeus placed Leo, the lion, as a constellation of stars in the sky.
Triplets And Us - This is actually a website devoted primarily to clip art, but the Disney section includes a fair number of animated graphics including Aladdin, Mickey Mouse, Lion King and Little Mermaid, just to name a few.
Martha looked at it longingly while the three of us emptied one in no time with Quinn doening the lion's share.
Whoever he was, he was as strong as a lion.
Brady pulled her micro from his cargo pocket and approached her with a controlled, slow gate, much like that of a stalking lion.
But if you had been alone and it was a mountain lion...
What are we going to do about the mountain lion?
Deer are the mountain lion's natural prey.
I no longer feel like meat dangling over a hungry lion's cage.
Mr. O'Hara was pacing like a caged lion.
If there had been a shred of doubt in her mind about who had sent him, it would have been erased with that term for a mountain lion.
The steady tread of some large animal continued in her direction - a mountain lion?
She felt like she was at the zoo, standing in front of the cage of a hungry lion.
Its benefits are confined to freemen, and of the benefits the lion's share fell to the larger landholders; the smaller landholders getting, it is true, some crumbs from the table.
A lion's share of the Mowbray estates, swollen by the great alliances of the house, heir of Breouse and Segrave, and, through Segrave, of Thomas of Brotherton, son of Edward I., fell to Howard, who, by a patent of June 28, 1483, was created duke of Norfolk and earl marshal of England with a remainder to the heirs male of his body.
East and west of the mountain and a little in advance of it are lesser hills, the Devil's Peak (3300 ft.) being to the east and Lion's Head (2100 ft.) to the west.
Lion's Head ends seaward in Signal Hill (t too ft.).
The kloof between the mountain and Lion's Head is of singular beauty.
It was the first distinct print of the lion's foot.
These latter, as in the well-known case of the Lion's Gate at Mycenae, often appear with guardian animals as their supporters.
He assumed the name of Mahommed when he embraced the Mussulman faith; and on account of his military prowess he obtained the surname Alp Arslan, which signifies "a valiant lion."
The bones of the bear, horse, rhinoceros, lion, elephant, hyena and of many birds and small rodents were unearthed.
Among them are the lion (Somali name libah) and elephant, though these have been to a large extent driven from the northern coast districts;.
Both slopes are wooded, and its forests are the only parts of Morocco where the lion still survives.
The wealth of the town was increased in 1 189 by the destruction of the flourishing trading centre of Bardowieck by Henry the Lion; from this time it began to be much frequented by Flemish merchants.
The falls can only be approached from below, where a monastery has been erected, the resort of countless pilgrims. Their height is estimated at 70 ft., and by Tibetan report the hills around are enveloped in perpetual mist, and the Sangdong (the " lion's face "), over which the waters rush, is demon-haunted and full of mystic import.
Although burned down by Henry the Lion, it soon recovered from this disaster and became a free imperial town in 1155.
In the south the Orb, the Herault and the Vidourle are independent rivers flowing to the Golfe du Lion; farther north, the Gard - formed by the union of several streams named Gardon - the Ceze and the Ardeche flow to the Rhone.
The reference to "tail" is either to the expression "turn tail" in flight, or to the habit of animals dropping the tail between the legs when frightened; in heraldry, a lion in this position is a "lion coward."
Toghrul was succeeded by his nephew Alp Arslan (the Great Lion), who was buried at Merv.
It took the form of a warrior, wearing a girdle of three stars and a lion's skin, and carrying a club and a sword.
This basaltic hill, the name of which is believed to commemorate the British king Arthur, who from its height is said to have watched the defeat of the Picts by his followers, is shaped like a lion couchant, with head towards the north.
The monte del popolo seized the lion's share of the government; the riformatori were recalled, the aggregati abolished and the noveschi condemned to perpetual banishment from the government and the city.
Nergal was pictured as a lion and on boundary-stone monuments his symbol is a mace surmounted by the head of a lion.