Links Sentence Examples
An esplanade is built along the sea-wall, and the town possesses golf links and other recreation grounds.
The municipal golf links are on the Braid Hills.
There are golf links near the town.
They have their own organization, being divided into seven yearly meetings numbering about 20,000 members, but these meetings form no part of the official organization which links London Yearly Meeting with other bodies of Friends on the American continent.
Despite his strong sayings, it was Wesley who broke the links to the church, for, as Lord Mansfield put it, "ordination is separation."
Though it retains some old houses, and the parish church dates from 1639, Elie is, as a whole, quite modern and is one of the most popular resorts in the county on account of its fine golf links and excellent bathing.
The older are Princes Street Gardens, covering the old Nor' Loch, Calton Hill, the Meadows and the Bruntsfield Links.
Biot, who assisted in the correction of its proof sheets, remarked that it would have extended, had the demonstrations been fully developed, to eight or ten instead of five volumes; and he saw at times the author himself obliged to devote an hour's labour to recovering the dropped links in the chain of reasoning covered by the recurring formula.
In the Presbyterian churches a synod is an assembly containing representatives of several presbyteries and intermediate between these and the General Assembly; similarly in the Wesleyan and other Methodist churches the synod is the meeting of the district which links the circuits with the conference.
The Kebo Valley Club has fine golf links here; and since 1900 an annual horse show and fair has been held at Robin Hood Park at the foot of Newport Mountain.
AdvertisementThe furrow wheels are placed on inclined axles, the plough beam being carried on swing links, operated by a hand lever when it is necessary to raise the plough out of the furrow.
In summer Ardglass is a frequented resort of visitors; good bathing and a golf links contribute to its attractions.
The white population is not only far larger but more cosmopolitan, less stationary and more dependent on a single industry; it has few links with the past, and both city and citizens bear the marks of youth.
The wagons are attached at intervals by short lengths of chain lapped twice round the rope and hooked into one of the links, or in some cases the chains are hooked into hempen loops on the main rope.
These consist essentially of links formed of a pair of parallel plates joined by a central bolt forming a scissors joint which is connected by chain links to the cage below and the winding-rope above.
AdvertisementIt is necessary to realize Gaza's position and its links with trading centres, since conditions in the comparatively small and halfdesert land of Judah depended essentially upon its relations with the Edomites and Arabian tribes on the south-east and with the Philistines on the west.
There are also golf links and other appointments of a popular resort.
There are three chains on each side, of one and two links alternately, and these support wrought iron stiffening girders.
The links are 24 ft.
Another wire rope with a travelling carriage took out the links.
AdvertisementOn the abutment towers the chains are connected by horizontal links, carried on rockers, to anchor ties.
The lower flange and ties were flat wrought iron links.
A railway serves the village of South Hayling, which is in some favour as a seaside resort, having a wide sandy beach and good golf links.
The town possesses a fine European club, a racecourse, and good golf links.
Bali, the ancient language of the kingdom of Magadha, in which the sacred writings of Buddhism were made, was largely instrumental in forming all the languages of Further India, including Siamese - a fact which accounts for the numerous connecting links between the Mon, Burmese and Siamese languages of the present time, though these are of quite separate origin.
AdvertisementOn both coasts there are several frequented watering-places, of which may be mentioned on the north Portrush (with well-known golf links), Port Ballintrae and Ballycastle; on the east Cushendun, Cushendall and Milltown on Red Bay, Carn Lough and Glenarm, Larne, and Whitehead on Belfast Lough.
This single principle of energy has transformed physical science by making possible the construction of a network of ramifying connexions between its various departments; it thus stimulates the belief that these constitute a single whole, and encourages the search for the complete scheme of interconnexion of which the principle of energy and the links which it suggests form only a single feature.
There are golf links on the downs.
An argument in favour of the genuineness of the epistles may be derived from the fact that each of the doubtful epistles is connected with others that are not doubtful by subtle links both of style and thought.
Moreover, the important body of apocalyptical and pseudepigraphical literature, with all its links between Christianity and Judaism, fell into disfavour on both sides.
It is impossible to enlarge upon it here; suffice it to say that the mystical and pietistic devotion of our own day, even in the Protestant churches, is nourished on works whose ancestry can be traced, through a series of intermediate links, to the writings of the pseudoAreopagite.
It should be borne in mind, first, that wherever a new animal suddenly appears or a new character suddenly arises in a fossil horizon we must consider whether such appearance may be due to the non-discovery of transitional links with older forms, or to the sudden invasion of a new type or new organ which has gradually evolved elsewhere.
It has good golf links, and is much frequented by visitors for its bracing climate and sea-bathing.
From the top of Ladyhill the view commands the links of the Lossie and the surrounding country, and a recreation ground is laid out on Lossie Green.
The river systems are therefore in many cases complex and tortuous, and very often the successive connecting links between the lakes receive different names.
Its enormous railway facilities and its geographical situation as the junction of the great trunk lines running north and south, tapping also the Staffordshire potteries on the one side and the great mineral districts of Wales on the other, constitute Crewe station one of the most important links of railway and postal communication in the kingdom.
There is good shooting (doves, quail, wild turkey and deer) in the vicinity; there are fine golf links and there is a large ranch for breeding and training polo ponies.
Some of the modifications of the family are very gradual, and therefore conclusions founded on them are likely to be correct; others are further apart, and the links which connect them, if not altogether missing, can but be surmised.
The collar of the Star of India is composed of alternate links of the lotus flower, red and white roses and palm branches enamelled on gold, with an imperial crown in the centre; that of the Indian Empire is composed of elephants, peacocks and Indian roses.
The collar is composed of alternate links of furisons and double steels interlaced to form the letter B for Burgundy.
The ends of this core are connected above, below and at the right of the trough A, by means of that frame, so that the trough and this core and frame stand to each other in a position like that of two successive links of a common oval - linked chain.
The cases of mutual transformation are generally characterized by the fact that in the compound of higher molecular weight no new links of carbon with carbon are introduced, the trioxymethylene being O CH2-0 CH 2 whereas honey-sugar correg probably C C H 2 -0% sponds to CH 2 0H [[Choh Choh Choh Choh Cho]], each point representing a linking of the carbon atom to the next.
The Vistula is connected also with the Oder by the Bromberg canal in Prussia, which links the Brahe, in the basin of the Vistula, with the Netze, a tributary of the Warta.
It is separated from (3), the southern and deepest section of the Caspian, by a submarine ridge (30 to 150 fathoms of water), which links the main range of the Caucasus on the west with the Kopet-dagh in the Transcaspian region on the east.
Indispensable links, both in expression and in the sequence of events, are often omitted, so that to understand these histories is sometimes far easier for us than for those who heard them first, because we know most of them from better sources.
Telegraphs.-The inception of the Persian Gulf telegraphs, which formed the first links in an intercontinental chain, was dictated not by local interests, but by broad considerations of national advantage.
These are separated by a very ambiguous frontier, and have their geographical and political links to the south and north respectively.
Let ABCD be any quadrilateral formed of jointed links.
Again, a rigid three-dimensional frame can be rigidly fixed relatively to the earth by means of six links.
We have seen that a rigid structure may in general be rigidly connected with the earth by six links, and it now appears that any system of forces acting on the structure can in general be balanced by six determinate forces exerted by the links.
If, however, the links are in involution, these forces become infinite or indeterminate.
Chains require pulleys or drums, grooved, notched and toothed, so as to fit the links of the chain.
The links AB and CD are equal in length and are centred respectively at A and C. The ends D and B are joined by a link DB.
Four links of this kind are shown in fig.
These principles may be applied to examine any possible combination of links forming a kinematic chain in order to test its suitability for use as a mechanism.
Compound chains are formed by the super-position of two or more simple chains, and in these more complex chains links will be found carrying three, or even more, halves of kinematic pairs.
The othel links of the chain are, B1A2, B2B3, A3A4.
It follows therefore that there arc as many possible mechanisms as there are links in the chain.
Reuleaux has shown that the relative motion of any pair of nonadjacent links of a kinematic chain is determined by the rolling together of two ideal cylindrical surfaces (cylindrical being used here in the general sense), each of which may be assumed to be formed by the extension of the material of the link to which it corresponds.
These surfaces have contact at the instantaneous axis, which is now called the instantaneous axis of the two links concerned.
To find the form of these surfaces corresponding to a particular pair of non-adjacent links, consider each link of the pair fixed in turn, then the locus of the instantaneous axis is the axode corresponding to the fixed link, or, considering a plane of motion only, the locus of the instantaneous centre is the ceotrode corresponding to the fixed link.
Again, imagin d fixed, then the instantaneous centre Obd of b with regard n d is found by producing the links c and a to intersect in Obd and the shapes of the centroids belonging respectively to thi links Ii and d can be found as before.
In applying this principle to the drawing of an acceleration diagram for a mechanism, the velocity diagram of the mechanism must be first drawn in order to afford the means of calculating the several radial accelerations of the links.
The forces P and R may, however, act on different links.
It is shown that a machine may at any instant be represented by a frame of links the stresses in which are identical with the pressures at the joints of the mechanism.
The driving and resisting efforts are represented by elastic links in the dynamic frame, and when the frame with its elastic links is drawn the stresses in the several members of it may be determined by means of reciprocal figures.
Dalby (London, 1906), where the inertia stresses brought upon the several links of a Joy valve gear, belonging to an express passenger engine of the Lancashire & Yorkshire railway, are investigated for an engine-speed of 68 m.
One law, an identity of elements, pervades all nature; existence is one from end to end; the plant and the animal are links in a chain where man is a link too; and even the distinction between male and female is transcended.
It is protected from the north wind by the Binn (632 ft.), and in consequence of its excellent situation, its links and sandy beach, it enjoys considerable repute as a summer resort.
Salthill, with golf links, is a waterside residential suburb.
These again have been connected by links of more or less regularity, so that, if the Baluchistan triangulation lacks the rigid accuracy of a " first class " system, it at least supports good topography on geographical scales.
In the hands of Brefeld, BurdonSanderson, de Bary, Tyndall, Roberts, Lister and others, the various links in the chain of evidence grew stronger and stronger, and every case adduced as one of " spontaneous generation " fell to the ground when examined.
Port Elizabeth indeed possesses few natural amenities, but its golf links are reputed the finest in South Africa.
There are fine hotels, club houses and cottages, and the Palmetto Golf Links near the city are probably the finest in the southern states; fox-hunting, polo, tennis and shooting are among the popular sports.
Among existing Cycadophyta we find surviving types which, in their present isolation, their close resemblance to fossil forms, and in certain morphological features, constitute links with the past that not only connect the present with former periods in the earth's history, but serve as sign-posts pointing the way back along one of the many lines which evolution has followed.
The end knife-edges also are of steel or agate, and have continuous bearing on flat steel or agate surfaces at the upper part of the suspension links.
The cemeteries are St Peter's in Old Aberdeen, Trinity near the links, Nellfield at the junction of Great Western and Holburn Roads, and Allenvale, very tastefully laid out, adjoining Duthie Park.
The capacious links bordering the sea between the mouths of the two rivers are largely resorted to for open-air recreation; there is here a rifle range where a "wapinschaw," or shooting tournament, is held annually.
The high school, built in 1806, for many years a familiar object on the west margin of the Links, gave way to the academy, a handsome and commodious structure, to which are drafted senior pupils from the numerous board schools for free education in the higher branches.
Leith Links, one of the homes of golf in Scotland, is a popular resort, on Lochend Road are situated Hawkhill recreation grounds, and Lochend Loch is used for skating and curling.
There are small links at Newhaven, and in Trinity are Starbank Park and Cargilfield playing ground.
Cromwell in his Scottish campaign built the Citadel in 1650 and the mounds on the links, known as "Giant's Brae" and "Lady Fife's Brae," were thrown up by the Protector as batteries.
The well-known links of the Royal Liverpool Golf Club are at Hoylake.
Although, in the extreme correlation of the radial food-grooves, nerves, watervessels, and so forth, with a radiate symmetry of the theca, such a type differs from the Cystidea, while in the possession of jointed processes from the radial plates, bearing the grooves and the various body-systems outwards from the theca, it differs from all other Echinoderms, nevertheless ancient forms are known which, if they are not themselves the actual links, suggest how the crinoid type may have been evolved from some of the more regular cystids.
On the coast is the pretty village of Aberlady on a fine bay, and in the neighbourhood are some of the finest golf links in Scotland, such as Luffness, Gullane, Archerfield and Muirfield.
The latter almost links its sources with those of the Essequibo.
There is thus at the present day a great interval, unbridged by any connecting links, between mammals and the other classes of vertebrates.
It must be admitted, however, that the links between Zeuglodon and typical cetaceans are at present unknown; but it may be hoped that these will be eventually brought to light from the deposits of the Mokattam Range, near Cairo.
As regards the latter order, although we are at present unacquainted with all the connecting links between the lemurs and the monkeys, there is little doubt that the ancestors of the former represent the stock from which the latter have originated.
The company also owns the hotel, and laid out the golf links.
The very multiplication of offices, so noticeable at this time, furthered this triumph of feudalism by multiplying the links of personal dependence, and neutralizing more and more the direct action of the central authority.
There are golf links in Meyrick and Queen's parks, both laid out by the corporation, which has in other ways studied the entertainment of visitors.
In the interval preceding the second stage Syria with Palestine became an Egyptian dependency, though the links with the sovereign power were not so strong as to prevent frequent local rebellions.
Among plants from Lower Triassic strata there are a few which form connecting links with the older Permo-Carboniferous flora; of these we have a species, described by Blanckenhon as Sigillaria oculina, which may be correctly referred to that genus, although an inspection of a plaster-cast of the type-specimen in the Berlin Bergakademie left some doubt as to the sufficiency of the evidence for adopting the generic name Sigillaria.
Among modern floras we find here and there isolated types, such as Ginkgo, Sequoia, Matonia, Dipteris and the Cycads, persisting as more successful survivals which have held their own through the course of ages; these plants remain as vestiges from a remote past, and as links connecting the vegetation of to-day with that of the Mesozoic era.
There are two large maidans, or commons, which are used as military parade grounds and for racing, as well as for golf links and other purposes of amusement.
They did not serve as the connecting links of formed experience; on the contrary, they were supposed to be absolutely dissevered from all experience which was possible for intelligence like ours.
But it is readily seen, and in the Logik Kant shows himself fully aware of the fact, that these pure connective links of experience, general aspects of objects of intelligible experience, do not resemble concepts formed by the so-called logical or elaborative processes from representations of completed objects.
A railway runs south to Gjedser (14 m.), from which the sea-passage (29 m.) to Warnemiinde links the fastest route between Copenhagen and Berlin.
The links between the art-work and the biblical themes it seeks to explore, illustrate, and interpret, are often highly allusive.
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Links to the documents are provided in the left-hand column of this webpage.
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See our section on Beyond SSSIs for more information on geological conservation outside of the SSSI series and for links to partner organizations.
The consort Web site provides free access to the full-text CONSORT statement, supporting documentation and explanatory notes, and links to further initiatives.
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If there are any links to expatriate and relocation related sites that you feel deserve inclusion, please contact us and let us know.
We do not indorse any particualar website, and are happy to list any additional links that are recommended.
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This page provides links to sites to help you find e-learning jobs or place job adverts.
The database also links records to electronic journals where possible.
Links to sites dealing with Italian dialects and European minority languages.
Some examples which show the Brillouin Zones for common 2-D lattices may be found by clicking the links below.
Human Genome Project; Human chromosome launchpad The Human Chromosome Launchpad provides links to research resources for each human chromosome.
Resources Here you can find links to other useful websites and downloadable information leaflets for you and for young people.
Slipways is a list of useful links to favorite websites compiled by librarians from Southampton Reference Library.
External links The following links will take you to external Web sites over which we have no control.
The Discussion Pages may contain links to external websites.
The IPFA has grown strongly since and I'm pleased that CIPFA has forged close links with the new organization.
Outreach network We are keen to establish links with other outreach projects in the History of Medicine, nationally or internationally.
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With its good transport links Sudbury is an ideal gateway to Suffolk.
To report any errors, broken links etc, please use the the Tell Us What You think online form.
To view these or follow the links here requires registration with The Lancet, which can be done by following the link above.
For more information, please see the links under ' General information ' at the bottom of this page.
And, staff in both the museum and the School are keen to develop these links further.
Do you, perchance, have any links / evidence to back this up?
And how can stronger links be built between the police and all parts of the community?
Brentwood has good rail links having four stations within the Boro at Ingatestone, Shenfield, West Horndon and Brentwood.
In the web links library you will find links to various NHS Wales informatics sites.
The RGI site provides an archive of article summaries as well as a comprehensive list of industry links [29] .
This means that hypertext links cannot be applied to third party material without the consent of the copyright holder concerned.
It wears a special livery for Virgin Rail Links.
They are reinforcing the bridge that links the mainland to Portsea Island.
Documents available here include WHO press releases, fact sheets, pandemic preparedness plans, diagnostic manuals, and links to relevant Web resources.
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On these pages you will find links to articles connected with teaching methodology.
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Using microcosm, the group has developed a distributed link service in order to allow users to create their own links to documents.
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The links do not imply that autism.west midlands endorses a partnership with the linked websites.
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These displays of emotion could not help but appear comical and somewhat misplaced, crammed as they were into links of 15 seconds maximum.
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Hypertension, Dialysis, and clinical nephrology - links to medical products, devices, services, and drugs pertaining and papers.
Some of the ideas behind systematic hierarchical nomenclature for gene families are explained in the links from the other webpage.
The site also links out to two other major resources and it is these that makes the site noteworthy.
There are also other relevant links about such topics as nuclear reactors, natural nuclear reactors and background radiation.
Links with the PCT remain a tough nut to crack.
We've tried to make the links not too obtrusive, but.. .
Actually, 97% of my links are all one-way links (links pointing to my site ).
As one of the links with the last century and a true original, he is sorely missed.
These links are explicit, current and increasingly overt.
Based in modern offices in central Bristol close to transport links, they are currently seeking a paralegal to join their claimant PI team.
To help users we qualify all links that go to external websites or downloadable files with hints in square parenthesis.
A lockable internal passageway links The Haven with The Stables giving ideal accommodation for parties or multiple families.
Includes a list of links to worldwide patent related sites.
If all the Drs and nurses had wireless PDA links to the care records, no public board would be needed.
The national pe, School Sport and Club Links strategy was launched by the Prime Minister in October 2002.
Links to Ensembl The Summaries for human and mouse peptidases and inhibitors now contain links to gene reports in the Ensembl database.
At first, most of the new nodes and links will be for single phonemes.
Phonetics Links to sites providing information and practical exercises on acoustic and articulatory phonetics Links to sites providing information and practical exercises on acoustic and articulatory phonetics.
The house overlooks picturesque Leith Links where the first rules of golf were put to paper.
We will then email you a short piece of code for your category to insert into your links page.
That links into the idea of raised floor plenums for fresh air distribution.
The memory provides a plurality of addressable virtual communication links.
As an aspiring poet, Rossetti wished to develop the links between Romantic poetry and art.
The hypertext model implemented by the current generation of WWW tools however has a simple point-to-point linking model based upon embedded links.
Each Area Board should develop a policy on inter school links.
Use the links below to locate the details of elected politicians in your local area.
Three links, two straps and a voltage control potentiometer are provided to achieve this voltage range with different input voltage supplies.
What many people don't consider is the fact that the mic preamp is one of the most important links in your signal chain.
In addition to this the service is now creating links with a view to expanding existing services in secondary schools into associated primary schools.
Links to thousands of sites related to object-oriented programming.
The work will be widely promoted through our links with health, education, social care and the voluntary sector.
Many of the links from this page will be password protected.
You will need to configure links to use the university http proxy.
The web-based version could include links to electronic publications.
The electronic journals from established publishers, for which the University of Exeter has access, may be consulted via the links below.
My only quibble is, what happened to the archives links?
The measurement of black body temperature therefore links the primary spectral radiance and irradiance scales to primary detector scales.
A serene hunting call links the ' nasty raindrops ' opening with the ' asphyxiating woodwind players ' ending.
Ralph at website domain name.; other genealogical data pertaining to Norfolk is shown on the Links page.
For a full temperature readout, follow the links which display temperatures in text files.
Check whether or not reciprocal links at other sites exist?
The Association of British Drivers Links -- Press articles Links to selected press and media articles related to the aims of the ABD.
The site also provides links to many useful resources on GM crops.
Evidence (see below) shows clear links between living in cramped conditions and ill health, especially respiratory and skin disease.
Use locally indigenous species promote hedgerow restoration and creation throughout the area to provide visual and ecological links between existing and proposed woodland areas.
It is this intention that links their works across the decades and which in turn transforms this exhibition into a museum quality retrospective.
Where can I purchase ADSL equipment NewNet is able to provide ADSL modems for USB connection and pre-configured routers for ethernet network links.
Please click on the links to go to the pages about Simon Scott.
This links with the concept of Wisdom within the Old testament scriptures, which was then translated into the greek logos.
It includes seismicity and seismic hazard maps, information on historical and recent earthquakes, and links to USGS fact sheets and geological information.
Perhaps these links are seen as so self-evident as not requiring analysis or formal discussion?
The only links on these pages are links to other pages in the same family creating a false sense of related linking.
Anyone with anti-capitalist sentiments will also find a mine of useful, moving, and amusing links and images.
At the moment this includes the shopping mall, which is basically just a collection of banner links organized under relevant topics.
Please select from the categories on the left sidebar to see the relevant links.
See also other useful sites for links to some of the above mentioned agencies.
Xenu link sleuth Identifies broken links on your site, creates a site map.
There are links to two other employability card sorts from Biosciences and Windmills with this record.
Agency Listings Direct links to online recruitment specialists for web design jobs and new media careers.
Most site builders are well aware of the need to make links standout.
Telling Tales A website dedicated to storytelling with links to performance storytellers, some stories, ideas for writing stories and examples from readers.
In DNA, pairing by bases on opposite strands of the double helix links the two strands of the double helix links the two strands.
The two single legs of each back strop are shackled on to the links at each lower corner of the otter doors.
However, the use of relative links depends on the original URL containing a hierarchical structure against which the relative link is based.
An exciting opportunity to purchase this substantial period stucco house situated moments from the amenities, facilities and transport links of South Kensington.
Any website on a relevant subject might throw up some useful LINKS.
These links are included because these sites have unique, relevant and preferably substantive content relating to ethnicity and/or conflict in the country concerned.
Use the links to have a look at what the shed, summerhouse or gazebo would look like.
Other related links include canoeing, surfing and first aid.
Well, we'll have a ' Links ' set with 2 presenters looking very swish.
The web site also provides links to the course syllabi.
Links to mailing lists and case studies are provided, as are sample syllabi and class materials from American universities.
At the same time however, it will also synthesize the data from these workpackages and make links between the different case studies.
All this menu stuff seems a tad complicated for 5 links!
All of the links (anchor tags, img tags, etc.) need to be absolute or they will not work.
By Air Birmingham International Airport is well served by both bus and rail links, as well as by black cab taxis.
In particular the paper links to the use of numerical taxonomy within the natural sciences where similar techniques have met with considerable success.
In reality they are usually linked even when the links are fairly tenuous.
The site provides links to press releases, position statements, news bulletins, congressional testimony and other information.
As you will see each release contains textual on topic links back to your website.
Thus, its links with online theater are tenuous at best.
Selection would Life, Health, and Annuity Insurance Company Links A thru B suggest depending on the such as receipt state-specific asset thresholds.
Explore the latest Horse Racing Systems, advice with betting tips using the fast links below!
More sophisticated bridges allow arbitrary topology, but disable links until no loops remain.
Site includes much information about eco tourism, as well as publications and comprehensive web links.
Web Links are a good way to generate traffic for your site.
In a nutshell, Task Dialogs include troubleshooters and links to help you cure the problem.
You get links from trustworthy sites, you become more trustworthy yourself.
We are unable to correct typos, broken or dead links, or other errors integral to the original works.
At first these carefully drawn characters appear unconnected, but gradually the links are revealed.
If you want your links to appear underlined then check the ' Underline links ' box.
Click on underlined links to hear audio clips of them.
As a result, only very few, mostly urban, secondary traffic links have been fitted with fixed roadside monitoring equipment.
To see items from the Rietz Collection and to learn about the history of common eating utensils, please click on the links below.
However, the model can also produce novel utterances by traversing generative links.
International links in the Faculty Spending a period abroad as part of a degree program is an intrinsically valuable process.
An electric vehicle (EV) site with a page of links to electric boating pages.
Click on the images or links to view the catalogs online or right-click and save for offline viewing.
The school has a strongly vocational element and aims to restore pupils ' confidence and build links with local employers.
In this way links create a complex virtual web of connections which allow you to move within and between web pages and web sites.
You can get additional information and advice by following the links to specific crop pages and the pest weed and disease pages.
The route westwards beyond the Pennines provided links with areas centered round Halton, Heysham, Preston and Kendal.
They also share a similarity of approach to writing poetry which links their work into a unified whole.
The third is a list of sites from experts and enthusiasts which are themselves links to sites dealing withy the subject of the search.
Having links from any old site is almost worthless.
To read a write-up, click on the links below.
We have 218 incoming links from other yachting and related sites.
Here deduction comes into play to show the dependence of one term upon the others; and, in the case of a long chain of intervening links, the ' Geometrie, OEuvres, xi.
There are links, also, which unite Moses with Kenite, Rechabite, Calebite and Edomite families, and the Levitical names themselves are equally connected with the southern tribes - of Judah and Simeon and with the Edomites.4 It is to be inferred, therefore, that some relationship subsisted, or was thought to subsist, among (i) the Levites, (2) clans actually located in the south of Palestine, and (3) families whose names and traditions point to a southern origin.
In the natural process of growth, the gap must necessarily be wider between the summits of the twigs than lower down, and, instead of imagining " missing links," it is necessary to trace each separate branch as low down as possible, and to institute the comparisons between the lowest points that can be reached.
Lanfranc was trained in the legal studies for which northern Italy was then becoming famous, and acquired such proficiency that tradition links him with Irnerius of Bologna as a pioneer in the renaissance of Roman law.
In the Presbyterian churches (see Presbyterianism) a synod is an assembly containing representatives of several presbyteries and intermediate between these and the General Assembly; similarly in the Wesleyan and other Methodist churches the synod is the meeting of the district which links the circuits with the conference.
Having obtained the set of instantaneous centres for a chain, suppose a is the fixed link of the chain and c any other link; then O,,,is the instantaneous centre of the two links and may be considered for the instant as the trace of an axis fixed to an extension of the link a about which c is turning, and thus problems of instantaneous velocity concerning the link c are solved as though the link c were merely rotating for the instant about a fixed axis coincident with the instantaneous axis.
A subtle irony pervades the Rimas of Joao Penha, who links the Coimbrans with Guerra Junqueiro and the younger poets.
The modules page has links to all the python modules I 've written.
Or you can use these links to go straight down to sections on Why radiotherapy for bladder cancer?
To contact me use ralph at website domain name.; other genealogical data pertaining to Norfolk is shown on the Links page.
Her contacts with both the schools and local community in Bricquebec will help reactivate the links.
For a concise, readable account of his life story in between those two dates, click the links on the left.
Web links that may interest you None Real ale Very unlikely Access via public transport Good.
Useful links World Rowing 99 - the official Canadian regatta organizers ' website.
Also, going by other people 's comments, it 's a bit pointless quoting links and then regurgitating most of the text anyway.
The Association of British Drivers Links -- Press Articles Links to selected press and media articles related to the aims of the ABD.
Please see our Links section for useful related websites.
Each section is sub divided into pages of related links.
The National Register of Archives publishes a list of all UK archive repositories, with links to their websites.
A network of external links with industry supports the course which has a strong reputation for consistent innovation.
Titled as Station X. The main links are in code that resolves when a mouse rolls over them.
Links to competing sites should not be posted when such links may result in loss of income to DVD Times or The DVD Forums.
However the rewrite rule does n't really produce exceptionally pretty links.
Also links to external sites for further roadwork information....
Finally, many companies now need the ability to handle multiple Internet links, traffic shaping, voice over IP and dynamic routing protocols.
Links to Specific Sections within the Current Document The technique is the same except the filename is omitted.
Please click on the links to go to the pages about simon scott.
This links with the concept of Wisdom within the Old Testament scriptures, which was then translated into the greek logos.
They will monitor details of suspect claims and scrutinize millions of them to find patterns or links.
Thanks to a series of links that started at the belle & sebastian site, I 've discovered newbury comics.
Have a look in the Programs section of this site for some useful links.
JavaScript must be enabled in your browser settings for the glossary links to work.
This was closely followed by the severing of cyber links to the main GBA computer.
See the sidebar for a few links to get you started !
There are links which go on to define what simulator sickness is.
Links UK - US slang dictionary May actually be of some use to exchange students.
Users with slower connections can also download individual chapters in Adobe Acrobat format by using the links on the left hand side.
If your dates do n't match, please scroll down to the links for other Costa del sol apartments / villas.
Most of these spoof emails contain links to a forged web page or site.
The Links were alive with sportive children, and cricketers in white flannels prepared for their friendly rivalry.
The sprit of the game has enabled the club to forge strong links with local clubs be they junior or senior.
A steam railroad links the two sites on certain days of the year.
There seem to be awkward pauses, stilted banter and duff links all over the shop.
We have provided extracts or links to stories written by external news organizations.
In DNA, pairing by bases on opposite strands of the double helix links the two strands.
By building up our community links we create a stronger force against UCI.
Each subtopic links to a vast compilation of resources.
Their chains had indeed been sundered by the sword, but the broken links still hung upon their limbs.
He had links to Christian Identity and the Aryan Nation, a white supremacist group.
This site also features a tablature section and links to many guitar and music resources.
All this menu stuff seems a tad complicated for 5 links !
In the meantime, the links below may be of tangential interest on some specific areas.
Special Features Taught by staff who have worked in the criminal justice sector and maintain strong professional links.
The emphasis was on the teaching of mathematics in secondary schools but there are links relevant to the PhD crisis.
The Grand Match involves a shotgun start at midday with 600 golfers teeing off on all 99 holes on the Links courses.
All of the " click " links should be made a teeny bit larger?
The Dunhill Links Championship will be televised from all three golf courses on all four days on SKY SPORTS TV.
We have strong links with Southampton for tertiary referral of complex problems.
The site provides links to press releases, position statements, news bulletins, Congressional testimony and other information.
Work is carried out on both thermoplastic and thermosetting polymer composites, most research activities have direct links with industrial partners and international collaborators.
No transference of intellectual property ownership or conveyance of rights is intended or conferred in these links.
It will be available to our European friends to help speed up access and reduce the load on the transoceanic links.
Main heading Links Main heading links are in large green fonts and underlined when rolled over.
The main use by the MECCANO project of direct broadcast satellite has been in the development of a routing protocol for unidirectional links.
Leaving these links unmade makes the board respond when the corresponding address lines are high.
I 've added an X to the above links, so that they wo n't infect an unwary reader of this message.
Next to the search box there are some useful links.
These links are utilized to inform teaching and to maintain Stirling 's position as a leader in producing world class graduates.
The Red Arrows Hundreds of spectators took up vantage positions on Tain Links on Thursday night to watch the Red Arrows Display Team.
External links lead to sites and pages over which we have no control, and which we cannot verify for accuracy or content.
This resource provides links to a selection of more than 70 formal metadata vocabularies, most of which are available via the Internet.
It was constructed in 1879 and links the town with the north wales coastal resorts.
Links to working examples of remotely hosted webmaster tools are provided where available for your convenience.
A few further clicks may be required to whittle down the links.
The links page will get no PR, and wont even be found by the search engines, so you get no benefit.
The website offers links and articles, enabling you an outstanding starting point to begin your search for documents involving childcare situations.
However, if you are purchasing a necklace or charm bracelet, you might want to consider purchasing extra links that can be added as baby grows.
Keep reading for some great ideas, along with links to detailed directions for some of the baby gifts.
While you'll still need to choose the cakes, order the favors, and find the perfect gowns, the links we provide will allow you to create the invitations with just a click of the mouse.
Best Free Stuff Online-Your whole family can benefit from this site, with links to freebies for mom, dad, baby, kids, and even your pets!
Free-n-Cool-This site offers links to free stuff and cool sites!
They also have links to free things for babies, including free diapers, baby magazines, formula samples, baby food and more.
If you'd like to learn more about creating corsages or baby shower crafts for new mothers and infants, browse the links below.
For example, Babee Tenda cribs have online instructions on the company website for assembly that are easy to follow, while Graco has links available to print assembly instructions, depending on the model of crib that you choose.
There are also links to brief reviews for each site, including pros, cons, overall, user rating, and editor rating.
Take a look at the online florist's website to see if they have links to any of their social networking pages, then check there for special deals they offer to their followers, friends, and subscribers.
Coin Resource offers an extensive array of links to coin pricing and value guide websites, a coin encyclopedia, coin articles and an entire section devoted to the beginning collector.
Below you'll find links to the official Web sites of some of America's most reputable and popular insurance companies.
Similarly for the cuffs, the basic options are with button-down cuffs with fixed buttons and cuffs with a slit for cuff links.
Do not wear cuff links unless you are also wearing a jacket.
Below you'll find links to some of the best spots on the Web for purchasing a mountain bike and related accessories.
Check out some of the below links for easy access to shopping opportunities.
You can search for a specific type of boat for sale by make, brand and length, or check out links to dealers and builders.
The majority of these sites will give you a lot of information about features, colors and links to your local dealer's websites.
Luggage - Online retailer eBay offers a good luggage guide with accompanying auctions and store links where you can find the luggage you need at the prices you want.
On this website, you will find a vast collection of links to find gifts for just about any occasion.
Find does not sell the items found on its website, they simply provide a free service that collects these links to help people with their gift searching process.
Many printing companies offer this service and the fees vary, so use the links below to do some shopping around for your stamp needs.
The site also has quick links to items that have recently been on the air and the day's special value, an item that's price has been reduced for 24 hours.
Check out the following links to companies that are looking for people to evaluate their company's customer service and products.
Find out about features, options, colors as well as links to your local car dealership's websites.
The site of origami architecture artist Ingrid Siliakus includes examples of creations, lists of resources, and links to galleries selling her work.
It also has links to other bike related items you may need.
They also provide direct links to purchase the items from the lowest priced merchant.
They don't sell the player directly, but provide links where you can purchase them.
In addition, you'll find links to guides on how to purchase the correct laptop for your needs.
When you sign into iTunes, you'll see a "Redeem" button in the "Quick Links" section of the iTunes store. has little in the way of advice, and is mostly an online shopping mall that links to a wide array of retailers.
Do a search of the company and see what kind of links and stories appear.
Do your research so that you know how to buy a notebook computer, seek out deals in your local papers or special sale links on sites like
You can come up with a long list of links to online stores that sell wholesale plastic candy corn by searching keywords along with your locality name.
If you decide to take this approach, you will still want to make sure you have the proper golf club set composition before hitting the links, unless you happen to be Happy Gilmore.
Links to their respective websites are located on the Albertville Mall page.
However, the following links will take you straight to some hilarious cat clips without spending hours sifting through millions of sites!
It has links to many different offers for all types of products.
Chances are your neighbor, coworker or most intimate friends have at one point or another defiled your inbox with another email forward that links you to some YouTube video of an unwitting feline traipsing in front of a truck.
We'll help you answer the question "Where can I read kid books online?" with the following links.
If you have other links that you'd like to share with our readers, please do so in the comments section of this article.
Storynory does include advertisements and outside links on its site to sponsors such as Audible.
In keeping with tradition, classic holiday books for toddlers are wonderful for creating links from one generation to the next.
Many of these emails provide links that redirect you to a mirrored site where criminals take your personal information and use it to steal your financial identity.