Lining Sentence Examples
They're all lining up now.
She thought she saw the glint of weapons lining his trench.
There is no silver lining when you make a deal with him.
The stone doors lining each side were all closed.
Bored after another tour around, she returned to the office to examine the books lining one wall.
Such crystals occur either in cavities in mineral-veins and in granitic rocks, or as a lining in agate geodes.
He suspected it was because the same mettle lining Dusty's backbone lined hers.
Xander barely resisted the urge to touch the finely woven garment with a fur lining that was certain to be the softest thing in the world.
A protoplasinic lining is found on their walls which contains nuclei.
This bolus is surrounded, as by a bag, by the cast-up lining of the gizzard.
AdvertisementRemains of the original marble wall lining and stucco decoration also exist.
This time, there was no mistaking the weapons lining his trench coat or the sword along one thigh.
The doors lining the halls were unmarked, and she began to suspect her plan would fail fast if she had to open every door in the hallway.
Mansr strode down one of the many paths lining the rocky hills, away from the encampment and into a part of the hills untouched by any but the moons' light.
The brunette waved in return and led her through the small town to a boardwalk lining the wide, slow-moving Mississippi River.
AdvertisementThe soldier flashed a smile as he started down the narrow pathway lining the canal.
Rhyn looked up at the brightest of the portals lining the otherworldly landing between worlds.
His cold, chiseled features were bathed in the light of a streetlamp while his room was dark, aside from light lining the cracked bathroom door.
He all but dragged her through the quiet, stinking roads of Corcoran, seething, oblivious to the wooden huts lining the muddied street on each side of them.
Memon presided over all before him, at times as still as the statues lining the halls and at times barking orders for more wine or shouting at servants who placed food wrong on the tables.
AdvertisementThe one-room shack was neat, with pallets on one side, a fire at its center, a small area to prepare food and crates lining one wall that acted both as storage and seating.
Right now, he wanted to touch the lining, to see if it would bring him comfort.
The communication with the atrium is guarded by a valvula cardiaca dextra, which only in function represents the mammalian tricuspid; it consists of an oblique reduplication of the muscular fibres together with the endocardiac lining of the right ventricle, while the opposite wall is convex and forms neither a velum nor papillary muscles, nor chordae tendineae.
Beneath this again is a distinct peritoneum lining the coelom, which appears to be wanting as a special layer in some Polychaetes (Benham, Gilson).
In the majority of the Megascolicidae each sac is provided with one or more diverticula, tubular or oval in form, of a slightly different histological character in the lining epithelium, and in them is invariably lodged the sperm.
AdvertisementIn both there are species which form no nest or burrow, others which construct a simple silk-lined tunnel in the soil, and others which close the aperture of the burrow with a hinged door; while both share the habit of lining the burrow with silk to prevent the infall of loose sand or mould; and the species which make an open burrow close the aperture with a sheet of silk in the winter during hibernation and open it again in the spring.
The walls and contents in some forms arise simultaneously; in others the walls are first formed and their lining then proliferates.
The ovary and testes are heaped-up masses of red or yellow cells due to a proliferation of the cells lining the coelom.
If the eye, provided if necessary with a perforated plate in order to reduce the aperture, be situated inside the shadow at a place where the illumination is still sensible, and be focused upon the diffracting edge, the light which it receives will appear to come from the neighbourhood of the edge, and will present the effect of a silver lining.
Black droplets of oil are seen in the epithelial cells lining the secreting tubules.
Thrombosis is an accident of not dissimilar character, whereby a vessel is blocked not by a travelling particle, but by a clotting of the blood in situ, probably on the occasion of some harm to the epithelial lining of the vessel.
The pressure developed was sufficient to crush an arched lining of two-foot granite blocks.
The base is double but the inner lining has an opening in the centre.
In starting the furnace, the bottom is prepared by ramming it with charcoal-powder that has been soaked in milk of lime and dried, so that each particle is coated with a film of lime, which serves to reduce the loss of current by conduction through the lining when the furnace becomes hot.
Glass stills heated by a sand bath are sometimes employed in the final distillation of sulphuric acid; platinum, and an alloy of platinum and iridium with a lining of gold rolled on (a discovery due to Heraeus), are used for the same purpose.
Another feat of his was to apply a lining of silver to a shakudo box by shaping and hammering only, the fit being so perfect that the lining clung like paper to every part of the box.
The lining of these pits is amply supplied with branches from the trigeminal nerves, but the f unction is still quite unknown.
In the latter case the larva crawls about the bottom of the water or up the stems of plants, with its thickly-chitinized head and legs protruding from the larger orifice, while it maintains a secure hold of the silk lining of the tube by means of a pair of strong hooks at the posterior end of its soft defenceless abdomen.
Of these methods one of the chief is the plan of tubbing, or lining the excavation with an impermeable casing of wood or iron, generally the latter, built up in segments forming rings, which are piled upon each other throughout the whole depth of the water-bearing strata.
The water-tight lining may be either a wrought iron tube, which is pressed down by jack screws as the borehole advances, or cast iron tubbing put together in short complete rings, in contradistinction to the old plan of building them up of segments.
The guides or conductors in the pit may be constructed of wood, in which case rectangular fir beams, about 3 by 4 in., are used, attached at intervals of a few feet to buntons or cross-beams built into the lining of the pit.
Water trickles continuously into the trough, and the centrifugal action holds it as an inside lining against the rim, where it slowly evaporates.
The eggs are laid usually in holes in trees, rocks, or the ground, no lining being formed.
As a result of this change of form the gastric cavity or coelenteron becomes of compressed lenticular form, and the endoderm lining it can be distinguished as an upper or exumbral layer and a lower or subumbral layer.
The canal of the cervix is about an inch long, and is spindle-shaped when looked at from in front; its anterior and posterior walls are in contact, and its lining mucous membrane is raised into a pattern which, from its likeness to a cypress twig, is called the arbor vitae.
The vesiculae seminales are muscular sacs with a mucous lining which is thrown into a series of delicate net-like folds.
This cavity is excavated in a third mass of cells distinct from the cells lining the gut, forming the endoderm, and the cells covering the surface of the body, the ectoderm.
The renal organs are tubular outgrowths of the pericardial parts of the coelom; the reproductive cells are derived from cells lining the generative portion.
The stomach is formed upon much the same principle as that of the horse or rhinoceros, but is more elongated transversely and divided by a constriction into two cavities - a large left cul de sac, lined by a very dense white epithelium, and a right pyloric cavity, with a thick, soft, vascular lining.
Wigan is a name derived from the town Wigan and seems to have been originally applied to a stiff canvas-like cloth used for lining skirts.
To prevent this an iron "helmet" containing a lining of - - sawdust is fitted over the head of the pile.
It was also necessary to give the fine charcoal a thin coating of calcium oxide by soaking it in lime-water, for the temperature was so high that unless it was thus protected it was gradually converted into graphite, losing its insulating power and diffusing the current through the lining and walls of the furnace.
Then a hollow appears in the centre owing to the more rapid extension of the outer parts, and into this hollow the cells lining it put forth short sporogenous branches, from the tips of which the spores (stylospores, c nidia, spermatia) are abstricted.
Much more complicated are the processes in a large series of "fructifications," where the mycelium first develops a densely packed mass of hyphae, all alike, in which labyrinths of cavities subsequently form by separation of hyphae in the previously homogeneous mass, and the hymenium covers the walls of these cavities and passages as with a lining layer.
The lining of the converter is made of 90% of the mixture of lime and magnesia which results from calcining dolomite, (Ca,Mg)CO i, at a very high temperature, and 10% of coal tar freed from its water by heating.
In either case such a lining is expensive, and has but a short life, in few works more than 200 charges, and in some only loo, though the silicious lining of the acid converter lasts thousands of charges.
Further objections to the presence of silicon are that the resultant silica (1) corrodes the lining of the converter, (2) makes the slag froth so that it both throws much of the charge out and blocks up the nose of the converter, and (3) leads to rephosphorization.
But Massenez and Richards, following the plan outlined by Pourcel in 1879, have found that even 3% of silicon is permissible if, by adding iron ore, the resultant silica is made into a fluid slag, and if this is removed in the early cool part of the process, when it attacks the lining of the converter but slightly.
Such a slag not only corrodes the furnace lining, but also impedes dephosphorization, because it is irretentive of phosphorus.
In the basic open-hearth process, on the other hand, silicon is harmful because the silica which results from its oxidation not only corrodes the lining of the furnace but interferes with the removal of the phosphorus, an essential part of the process.
The lining of the crucible may be of either magnesite (MgO) or chromite (FeO Cr203) The whole furnace, electrodes and all, rotates about the line KL for the purpose of pouring out the molten FIG.
The nest, generally concealed in a leafy tree or bush, is carefully built, with a lining formed of fine roots neatly interwoven.
The best of the lighter weights are frequently insufficiently strong in the hair to stand the friction of wear in a coat lining.
The enormous quantities of pieces admit of good selection and where odd colours prevail in a lining it is dyed.
The following estimates of durability refer to the use of fur when made up "hair outside" in garments or stoles, not as a lining.
It lies in a valley sheltered by steep chalk hills on the east, its old-fashioned stone houses lining a single broad street, which crosses the Upper Avon by a bridge of four arches.
Sipunculoids are dioecious, and the ova and spermatozoa are formed from the modified cells lining the body-cavity, which are heaped up into a low ridge running along the line of origin of the retractor muscles.
The oogonia arise on a stalk cell from the lining layer of the cavity, the contents dividing to form eight oospheres as in Fucus, four as in Ascophyllum, two as in Pelvetia, or one only as in Halidrys.
A case in point is the employment of hydraulic lime in place of Portland cement as grouting outside the cast-iron tubes used for lining tunnels made by the shield system.
The leaf-cutter bees (Megachile) - which differ from Andrena and Halictus and agree with Osmia, Apis and Bombus in having elongate tongues - cut neat circular disks from leaves, using them for lining the cells of their underground nests.
The scenery on both sides is of the most varied and beautiful description, many villages lining each well-wooded shore, while on the European side are numerous fine residences of the wealthy class of Constantinople.
The only practical mode of doing this, as yet devised, is by lining the converter with a silicious mixture.
When available, a silicious rock containing copper or the precious metals is of course preferred to barren lining.
The material for lining, and the frequent replacement thereof, constitute the principal expense of the method.
The other items of cost are labour, the quantity of which depends on the mechanical appliances provided for handling the converter shells and inserting the lining; and the blast, which in barrel-shaped converters is low and in vertical converters is high, and which varies therefore from 3 to is lb to the square inch.
The priests wear a peculiar heavy shoe, with an ivory or wooden lining at the heel.
For nearly its full extent, excepting the immediate water-front, and running westward to Van Ness Avenue, a distance of 2 m., the buildings lining it on both sides and covering the adjoining area, a total of some 2000 acres, or 514 blocks, equivalent to s of the city plan, were reduced to ruins in the fire following the earthquake; only a few large buildings of so-called " fire-proof " construction remained standing on the street, and these had their interiors completely " gutted."
Probably the lining endothelium of the blood-vessels as well as other tissues of the body participate in the production of anti-substances.
This single cavity and its lining serve apparently for all those functions (digestion, excretion, circulation and often reproduction) which in more complex organisms are distributed among various cavities of independent and often very diverse origin.
Each taeniola bears a strongly developed longitudinal muscle-band, stated by Claus and Chun to be developed from the endoderm, like the retractor muscles of the anthopolyp, but by other investigators it is affirmed that each retractor muscle of the scyphistoma arises from the lining of a funnel-shaped ectodermal ingrowth (" Septaltrichter ") growing down from the peristome inside each taeniola, in a manner similar to the infundibular cavities of Lucernaria, which in their turn are homologous with the sub f genital cavities of Scypho l A .` medusae.
Adaptations for aerial respiration are found in some of the landcrabs, where the lining membrane of the gill-chamber is beset with vascular papillae and acts as a lung.
As in all Arthropoda, it is composed of three divisions, a fore-gut or stomodaeum, ectodermal in origin and lined by an inturning of the chitinous cuticle, a mid-gut formed by endoderm and without a cuticular lining, and a hind-gut or proctodaeum, which, like the fore-gut, is ectodermal and is lined by cuticle.
In a few Entomostraca (some Phyllopoda and Ostracoda) the chitinous lining of the fore-gut develops spines and hairs which help to triturate and strain the food, and among the Ostracods there is occasionally (Bairdia) a more elaborate armature of toothed plates moved by muscles.
These teeth are connected with a framework of movably articulated ossicles developed as thickened and calcified portions of the lining cuticle of the stomach and moved by special muscles in such a way as to bring the three teeth together in the middle line.
Heart and blood-vessels are entirely absent; the blood is contained in sinuses which have no distinct walls or endothelial lining, and the principal of which are the perianal, the pedal, the visceral and the pallial.
The southern districts are occupied by sailors and labourers in the St Katherine and London Docks and the wharves and factories lining the river-bank.
The well itself must be lined; and its yield is therefore confined to such water as can be drawn through the sides or the bottom of the lining without setting up a sufficient velocity to cause any sand to flow with the water.
Imagine for a moment that the sand grains were by any means rendered immobile without change in the permeability of their interspaces; we could then dispense with the iron or brickwork lining of the well; but as there would still be no cracks or fissures to extend the area of percolating water exposed to the open well, the yield would be very small.
Obviously, it must be very much smaller when the lining necessary to hold up loose sand is used.
On the continent of Europe platinum vessels have been for a long time almost universal, and they have been greatly improved by an internal lining of gold.
The genital products were derived from the lining of the coelomic cavities, but it would not be safe to say that any particular region was as yet specialized for generation.
Since this must have, on our theory, enclosed the parietal canal from the anterior coelom, it is possible that the genital products were developed from the lining cells of that cavity, and that the genital pore was nothing but its original pore not yet united with that from the water-sac. The concrescence of these pores can be traced in other cystids; but as the genital organs became affected by radial symmetry the original function of the duct was lost, and the reproductive elements escaped to the exterior in another way.
There are few remains of antiquity apart from numerous rock-cut chambers lining the banks of the stream.
In these forms the chitinous lining of the tubes is thickened by a closeset spiral ridge similar to the spiral thickening of the cellulose wall of the spiral vessels of plants.
Tracheae are developed which are dendriform and with spiral thickening of their lining.
It is also used in making artificial limbs, for lining entomological cases, for pommels in leather-dressing, and as a medium for making architectural models.
The membrane lining the jaws is soft and corrugated.
The interior is divided by the character of the lining membrane into two distinct portions, right and left.
Over the latter the dense white smooth epithelial lining of the oesophagus is continued, terminating abruptly by a raised crenulated border.
The material is either placed directly up to the skin of the vessel, and kept in place by a double lining of wood inside, in which case a thickness of about To in.
The former are used principally as casing, walls, pillars or other supporting parts of the structure, and includes ordinary red or yellow bricks, clay-slate, granite and most building stones; the latter are reserved for the parts immediately in contact with the fuel and flame, such as the lining of the fire-place, the arches, roof and flues, the lower part if not the whole of the chimney lining in reverberatory furnaces, and the whole of the internal walls of blast furnaces.
Ganister, a slightly plastic siliceous sand, is similarly used for the lining of Bessemer steel converters; it is found in the neighbourhood of Sheffield.
Ferric oxide, though not strictly infusible, is largely used as a protecting lining for furnaces in which malleable iron is made, a portion of the ore being reduced and recovered in the process.
This method has received considerable extension, notably in furnace-smelting of iron ores containing manganese, where the entire hearth is often completely water-cased, and in some lead furnaces where no firebrick lining is used, the lower part of the furnace stack being a mere double iron box cooled by water sufficiently to keep a coating of slag adhering to the inner shell which prevents the metal from being acted upon.
The space between the two cylinders serves as a heater and distributor for the blast, which is introduced through the nozzle at the bottom, and enters the furnace through a series of several small tuyeres arranged round the inner lining.
Charcoal is the fuel used, and the crucibles stand upon the bottom of the clay lining.
She watched from the stairwell as he entered one of the rooms, lining the hall.
The weapons lining his body and tucked into pockets of his trench coat were items of comfort rather than necessity; his hands alone had ended the lives of more humans and Immortals than there were stars in the sky he stared into.
The farmers market was teeming with the locals and makeshift booths lining a cordoned off section of the beach town nearby.
Self-conscious, she turned off the water and wrapped herself in a towel before crossing to the sinks lining one wall with bright mirrors hanging above them.
Instead, the women gave him open looks of lust and approval, as if he were the hunted and they the lionesses lining up to take their turns at him.
As the nicotine is absorbed through the lining of the nose it is absorbed through the lining of the nose it is absorbed fast but it can irritate the nose at first.
It was a medium sized room with a motley assortment of aging SGI and PC hardware lining the walls, all running Linux.
A beautiful baby gift basket, stylishly presented in a high quality wicker basket with cream cloth lining.
A few bars, restaurants and shops dot the village, with most of the tourist facilities lining the beachfront.
This quality cotton bib is backed in soft corduroy with a hidden plastic lining to keep your child dry.
From these prices lining the boulevards find that my accommodation process to.
The silver and gemstone chakra bracelet is approximately 18 cms long and comes in a exquisite shiny lilac satin pouch with a purple lining.
Huge bamboo towers lining the waterfront are covered with sweet buns, said to bring good fortune to anyone managing to get on.
We advise lining the caddy with a sheet of newspaper before use.
Another extension of the lining spans from the anterior membrane to insert into the cricoid cartilage, forming the vocal cords.
Outer layer is a silk chiffon, lining is a fine silk satin.
Lining your chimney will cure problems of smoke leaking out through cracks in a masonry chimney.
Sometimes they roost in the lining of tall disused industrial chimneys and other hollow walls including cavities in bridges.
Taxi back to Duke Street, leaving a packed courtroom behind, with people still lining outside.
At the back door we used to have a table with a big crock with a glazed lining so it didn't leak.
It's not very breathable, which isn't helped by the lining or the tight cuffs.
Try to avoid perfumed soaps, bubble baths and vaginal deodorants as they may irritate the bladder lining.
Always looking for the silver lining in the cloud, Billy welcomed the temporary discontinuation of polishing boots.
Exposure to blue or brown asbestos dust can cause mesothelioma, a tumor of the pleura, which is the lining of the lung.
Sand and fill existing lining paper particularly the seams, taking care to re- paste any loose paper before applying emulsion.
Gift boxed in an oak-stained wooden box with brass hinges encased in a silk lining.
Each month the ectopic endometriosis responds to the female hormones in a similar way to the uterus lining.
There is degeneration of cardiac ventral epicardium and toxic cardiac necrosis, especially of the atrial lining with damage to spleen and heart.
Can you identify the stratified squamous epithelium lining the blind crypt?
As you go further up the nose, the lining becomes pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.
If the egg was not fertilized, progesterone encourages the uterus to shed the lining, and the result is menstruation flow.
A different memory was when we had a fire drill and Mrs Greenway hid me from Mrs Bunt during lining up.
On the Monday, Delyse went back to her GP who diagnosed gastritis - inflammation of the lining of the stomach.
Cervical mucus is secreted by tiny glands lining the canal.
There are also schools of lionfish, glassy sweepers and plenty of coral grouper lining up to be cleaned.
Inside, the lining is a little grubby with some biro marks.
In ' Barrett's esophagus ' the normal lining of the food pipe (also called the gullet or esophagus) has changed.
Clearly every British cloud (or rather summer haze) has its silver lining.
These are structurally homologous, particularly in their pore lining residues, and yet their single channel conductances differ by nearly tenfold.
At least he won't be after me because of my status as the oldest immortal... Every silver lining has a cloud.
It is a progressive, systemic autoimmune disease characterized by inflammation of the membrane lining in joints.
These long swimming shorts have a front and back inner lining with a drawstring.
The enzymes come from the pancreas and from cells lining the intestine.
Eating gluten causes the lining of the small intestine to become damaged thus reducing the coeliac's ability to absorb certain foods.
Instead of lining up the letters all the way across, he splits the keyboard in two, like most ergonomic keyboards.
See our lining a chimney page for detailed instructions on how install flexible chimney liner.
For the most part however, intra-articular steroids may be sufficient to dampen down the activity of this inflamed lining.
You should never take any steroid tablet on an empty stomach because it can irritate the lining of your stomach.
A traditional handmade leather jerkin with 2 large pockets, English horn buttons and quilted lining.
Under normal conditions, the cells in the intestinal tract lining slough off very rapidly.
Further information is required to clarify the effects, particularly on bone, breast and uterine lining.
Every cloud has a silver lining - more shopping time!
Bowel cancer develops in the lining of the bowel, known as the mucosal lining.
Gel padding protects the heel and ankle areas and a breathable lining reduces perspiration and the build up of heat.
The luxurious neoprene lining even ensures your feet keep warm in winter.
An optional fleece lining keeps the skin even drier.
The a are few tiny light marks to the satin lining inside.
H 2 receptors are found mainly in the stomach lining.
The womb lining is then heated with the laser.
Undigested gliadin actually damage the intestinal lining and create chronic intestinal malabsorption.
In the rest of the bowel the lining is a delicate mucous membrane or mucosa.
Peritoneal mesothelioma causes a tumor to grow in the lining of the abdomen.
These cells cover the outer surface of most of our internal body organs, forming a lining that is sometimes called the mesothelium.
The slide shows the crystalline nodules on the lining of the chest.
As the nicotine is absorbed through the lining of the nose it is absorbed fast but it can irritate the nose at first.
The affected areas from mesothelioma cancer are the lining of the internal organs in the body.
Women's Powder pant Aquafoil® pants with a warp knit lining provide excellent warmth and breathability.
This may cause a perforation of the gut lining or an obstruction.
The tissue lining the abdomen is called the peritoneum.
There is an increased chance that your child could develop peritonitis or inflammation of the lining of the abdomen.
Seven pockets hold a day's worth of essentials, and a full mesh lining wicks perspiration to let your body breathe.
More » This is a great coat with funky polka dot lining.
Many older people have polyps on their bowel lining, very few of them will develop into cancer.
Inside the lining is clean, with only the coin purse bearing a few marks.
At lunchtime Fergus the Forager had a queue lining up for his range of wild food quiches and nettle soup.
This lining produces a fluid that lubricates the joint and when affected by rheumatoid arthritis it becomes inflamed and swollen.
This bag has a polyester diamond ripstop shell and a soft polycotton lining.
Traces of a wooden scabbard with a sheepskin lining were still adhering to the blade.
In the case of intestinal schistosomiasis, the worms reside in the blood vessels lining the intestine.
Pursel tried to find a silver lining in his experiment gone wrong by claiming that the pig was leaner.
Will they ever see the silver lining on the clouds that gathered over them?
Oasis are reportedly lining up a re-recorded version of ' Acquiesce ' as their next single.
Cells lining the small intestine These are knocked off as food passes through the intestine and so they need constantly replacing.
If the egg is not fertilized by sperm, it dies and the egg and uterus lining are shed as a period.
First we decided to get the lining in as then we could fit the sunroof with the trim in place.
My van doesn't have any headliner yet, apart from the cab area and the lining of the rag top sunroof.
More aggressive treatments including surgical removing of the lining of the lung are, fortunately, rarely needed.
The lining is a wonderful warm brushed polyester tricot.
For lining up shots there is an optical viewfinder or a large 2.5 " LCD screen.
The center portion has foam wadding over a plastic lining, hidden inside the cotton terry.
A beautiful gift, stylishly presented in a high quality wicker basket with cloth lining.
The wood is very white, and, from its soft and even grain, is employed by turners and toy-makers, while, being tough and little liable to split, it is also serviceable for the construction of packing cases, the lining of carts and waggons, and many similar purposes; when thoroughly seasoned it makes good flooring planks, but shrinks much in drying, weighing about 58 lb per cubic foot when green, but only 331 lb when dry.
Eventually the protoplasm usually forms only a lining to the cell wall, and a large vacuole filled with cell sap occupies the centre.
The response to the action of light in diatropic leaves is, according to Haberlandt, due to the presence of epidermal cells which are shaped like a lens, or with lens-shaped thickenings of the cuticle, through which convergence of the light rays takes place and causes a differential illumination of the lining layer of protoplasm on the basal walls of the epidermal cells, by which the stimulus resulting in the orientation of the leaf is brought about.
The trachea or windpipe is strengthened by numerous cartilaginous, often osseous, complete rings, but in the emeu several of these rings are incomplete in the medioventral line, and permit the inner lining of the trachea to bulge out into a large neck-pouch, which is used by both sexes as a resounding bag.
Some of the endothelial cells lining the coelom are ciliated, the cilia keeping the corpusculated fluid contents in movement.
Thus the poison of various insects induces in plants the cellular new formation known as a gall-nut; a foreign body implanted in a limb may become encysted in a capsule of fibrous tissue; septic matter introduced into the abdomen will cause proliferation of the lining endo(epi)thelium; and placing an animal (salamander, Galeotti) in an ambient medium at a higher temperature than that to which it is accustomed naturally, increases the rapidity of celldivision of its epithelium with augmentation of the number of karyokinetic figures.
The Danish troops lining the opposite coast were quickly overpowered, and the whole of Fiinen was won with the loss of only two companies of cavalry, which disappeared under the ice while fighting with the Danish left wing.
The mesogloea becomes enormously increased in quantity (hence the popular name "jelly-fish"), and in correlation with this the endoderm-layer lining the coelenteron becomes pressed together in the interradial areas and undergoes concrescence, forming a more or less complicated gastrovascular system (see Medusa).
Now in an acid-lined converter the slag is necessarily acid, because even an initially basic slag would immediately corrode away enough of the acid lining to make itself acid.
In mammals both caecum and colon are often sacculated, a disposition caused by the arrangement of the longitudinal bands of muscular tissue in their walls; but the small intestine is always smooth and simple-walled externally, though its lining membrane often exhibits contrivances for increasing the absorbing surface without adding to the general bulk of the organ, such as the numerous small tags, or " villi," by which it is everywhere beset, and the more obvious transverse, longitudinal, or reticulating folds projecting into the interior, met with in many animals, of which the " valvulae conniventes " of man form well-known examples.
But Sonya, who had gone to look for the papers in the anteroom, had found them in Pierre's hat, where he had carefully tucked them under the lining.
The jacket also offers a removable quilted lining should you wish to ride with a lighter weight.
A colour-enhanced, scanning electron micrograph of the lining of the upper vagina.
The progesterone causes a change in the lining of the womb from a proliferative to a secretory pattern.
A simple cream wool coat or a fake shearling coat in cream with shaggy lining provided a plainer top layer.
Episode 21 In which the bride 's cloud has a silver lining.
The sky is a silver lining of every cloud.
However, there really is often a silver lining in a cloud.
However, a fine network of connective tissue fibers supports the hepatocytes and sinusoid lining cells.
Normally, the lining is made from squamous cells, which are very similar to skin cells.
Hundreds of onlookers lining the Promenade have stared open-mouthed at the eye-catching displays.
Black starlight roof lining is available as an option to create something that little bit different !
Strictly speaking, it is not correct to describe the drug as able 'to replace the stomach lining '.
The earliest sign may be slight redness and dryness of the laryngeal lining with stringy mucus between the vocal cords.
Like Nice, cream and pink stucco buildings lining with broad streets planted with palm trees.
My van does n't have any headliner yet, apart from the cab area and the lining of the rag top sunroof.
The swelling of the nasal lining that produces a runny nose can continue to actually block the nose.
Made from ripstop nylon it is lightweight and features fully taped seams and a mesh and taffeta lining for comfort.
The hormones also cause the womb lining to thicken gradually.
This prevents the thickening of the lining of the uterus.
B. Venous valves are folds of tissue formed from the endothelial lining of the tunica intima.
The mucosa lining the cheeks, undersurface of the tongue and lips is quite thin and delicate.
For lining up shots there is an optical viewfinder or a large 2.5 LCD screen.
A soft knit wrap, laminated with a waterproof lining.
The original open wickerwork chimney hood is a delight but they are considering lining inside with a discrete steel flue for added safety.
These refluxed stomach contents can burn the lining of the esophagus and also irritate the lungs.
Hugging and kissing to soothe his fears and bruises is a reasonable reaction, but lining your whole house in pillows is not.
This lining can be made of different materials and different thicknesses, but the easiest way to vary how effective the diaper performs is to vary the number of inserts you use, as well as the way in which you fold them.
Soft cotton lining-You won't worry about tender skin irritations when you purchase a Hot Milk bra that features soft cotton lining.
The inner lining on both sides should be seamless if possible and well fixed onto the wall of the shoe.
A torn lining is a great irritant and will trouble you no end.
See that the sole lining has some contouring to accommodate the arch of your foot (arch-supports).
Select a medium or dark eyeliner color for lining your eyes.
See that the side lining has some contouring to accommodate the arch of your foot (arch-supports).
If you plan to wear those shoes for long hours, make sure that the inner lining is made of leather.
See that the inner portion has a complete and full lining that is fixed to the shoe leather so that you don't end up with torn inner linings after some time.
There's the foam, of course, then the hard outer shell-usually made from a hard plastic-a soft inner lining and a chin-strap.
Length, material, and girth matters when you are lining up your shot or in the process of using the cue.
Within hours all of the surplus items were gone and customers who had flocked there simply through word of mouth advertising were lining up to buy merchandise.
The war was largely ended due to equipment manufacturers and film companies lining up behind Blu-ray.
Should the dust irritate the nasal lining to some extent, a cat, much like a human, will produce a sneeze to expel the foreign substance.
Most of them have spindles lining the back rest of the chair.
They started lining up at 6 a.m., two hours before the show opened.
Polycarbonate plastics are also used in the lining of almost all food and beverage cans because they do not change the flavor of the food and drink items that are stored inside them.
The irony in the public response to BPA is that most of it is focused on plastic bottles, but the majority of BPA is ingested through the polycarbonate lining in canned foods.
They prevent them by killing harmful bacteria and, at the same time, stimulating the cells of the stomach lining.
Cayenne is naturally high in sulfur compounds that the body uses to create hydrogen sulfide in the lining of the blood vessels via an enzyme called CSE (cystathionine gamma-lyase).
Milk thistle is used to reduce the inflammation of the liver's lining and allow the silymarin to absorb into the tissues.
The result is often a burning pain or "heartburn" in the upper chest area and over time damage to the lining of the esophagus may occur.
The roots of Mediterranean decor and interior design reach back to the countries lining the Mediterranean Sea including Italy, Spain, France, Greece, and Morocco.
If the wall is especially bumpy or rough, consider using a lining paper to give an extra layer between the border and your wall.
Opt for a light to medium weight fabric for your drapery project and sew a special drapery lining fabric to the back of your panels to restrict how much light shines through.
These are also good for tightlining, or lining the strip of skin above the lower lashes.
Red is a particularly good color choice for lining outside of your natural lip line.
Later, try lining the eyes with brown eye shadow instead of pencil.
If you line only half way from the middle of the eye out instead of lining the whole eye they will look larger.
Dear RAD,Actually, lining the inside of your lids will make your eyes look smaller.
Try lining your bottom lashes with a dark brown or gray pencil first then take a fine liner brush, dip into a dark gray, black or dark brown eye shadow and smudge/blend the line.
Next, take a fine lining brush and using a dark brown or even deep gray, smudge the lines.
Two favorites of mine are Prescriptives Soft Lining Pencil in Void ($17.50) and Bobbi Browns Long-Wearing Gel Eyeliner in Hunter Ink ($19.00).
Lining the eyes before you apply the medium, and the dark shades of your quad compact, ensures that you won't smudge your liner.
Try lighter shadows and avoid lining your upper lid.
Have fun with lining your eyes too by using liquid liner on top in dark brown (not black which looks too harsh) and a smudge of dark brown shadow along the bottom rim with a fine brush.
A permanent lining of the lower or upper and lower lids, especially in a bolder line, on the other hand, will certainly be more dramatic and less natural.
Visit any drugstore and you'll find packages of these convenient cloths lining the shelves!
Well, at some point, maybe because every photograph has me sporting the same look, or maybe because I just got tired of lining my eyes, I decided I needed a change.
Lining Asian eyes is a great way to enhance and draw attention to the eye area and distract from the hooded eyelid.
Playing with makeup is a fun hobby many women enjoy, and once you've learned how to draw attention to your eyes, you're sure to enjoy the imaginative and ancient world of eye lining, too!
Cat eye makeup combines light neutral shadows with heavy eye lining to enhance the natural color of your eye, to make your eyes look bigger, and to draw attention to the eye.
If you opt for a gloss rather than a lipstick, you'll pack some serious shine without the need for lining.
Finish either method by lining the bottom lashes with the darkest color and then use a light-medium color to blend those edges downward.
Make eyes look smaller by lining the top and bottom with eyeliner.
Make eyes look larger by lining the top only or by lining the top and half of the bottom.
Use liquid liner or an angled liner pencil dipped in a deep shade of eye shadow, lining the eye from the middle of the lid to the outer corner.
Practice care when lining the lower lids and avoid getting liquid liner into your eyes.
Windsor is a special occasion store that carries a funky, yet princess-like soft pink gown with a leopard print bust and lining.
Traditionally rennet is extracted from the stomach lining of butchered veal calves.
It's interesting to note that vegan rennet is not rennet at all, since the word rennet refers to an animal's stomach lining.
Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, but there will always be silver lining.
A western wedding invitation may even have a small stripe of cowboy boots lining the edges.
Women start lining up in the wee hours and they come prepared - prospective brides bring mothers, sisters, or friends, and they may even have walkie-talkies or dress alike to more efficiently navigate the waters.
Formal weddings call for a floor-length dress; however, to make them cooler, consider removing the lining that adds bulk and weight.
In the cooler fall months, a floor length dress with hosiery and lining will look fashionable while keeping your legs warm.
Nicotine is absorbed through the skin and the lining of the mouth and nose.
People who use heroin may also develop infections in the lining of the heart or its valves.
Despite this practical lining, a lace or linen shower curtain will not only look amazing, but will feel great as well.
You also have the option of ordering the drapery with a blackout lining, also in an ivory color.
If there is a silver lining when this happens, it's that celebs have influence to bring attention to this devastating disease.
Both coats featured sweet details inside, such as grosgrain piping and charmeuse lining.
These fun raincoats for girls feature a polyester shell and cotton lining.
The polka dot raincoat is made from waterproof vinyl and includes a soft polyester lining.
The girl's raincoat features a fashion forward boxy style with a vinyl outer shell and pretty pink lining made from 100 percent polyester for comfort.
The lightweight raincoat also includes a polyester shell and a cotton lining.
All of Kidorable's raincoats for boys feature hoods, comfortable polyester lining, webbing and sturdy plastic buckles down the front.
Although these shorts don't have a swimsuit lining in them, they make a great swimsuit because they are made from mesh and dry quickly. offers a full line of girls holiday dresses, including a gorgeous black and gold party dress with a black stretch velvet bodice, short sleeves, sash with removable flower and tulle lining for added fullness.
It has an expandable hood with faux fur, taffeta lining, pit zips should more ventilation be needed, a goggle pocket and retractable flash pass pocket.
However, the highest quality coats will be made of cashmere and have a warm lining.
A lining of plush fleece adds an element of comfort as well.
The lining is made up of recycled polyester and polyester mesh.
Local culture is on full display with indigenous arts and crafts lining the streets.
Worms can also cause internal bleeding once they attach themselves to your pet's stomach lining and intestinal tract.
I always recommend a roomy crate, with a nice cushion or bed, and a lining of newspapers or wee wee pads.
This strain infects the bloodstream and attacks the lining of the digestive tract, bone marrow and cells.
After witnessing the time out, the rest of the gang have been lining up like good little troopers.
During this stage, your dog will likely act restless and climb into her whelping box to nest around in the lining.
Offset the shingles on each subsequent row to keep the notches from lining up directly over one another.
Ducts made from fiberglass or sheet metal ducts with a fiberglass lining must be cleaned with a soft-bristled brush.
These also include suspender buttons and lining to the knee.
If a client wants bleeding edge design, we can do it, but I always point out that few items in a wardrobe look better than a well-cut blue pinstripe suit (with a purple paisley lining).
Navy warm-up jackets and trousers are made of 100% Taslon nylon and have a micro-mesh lining.
Weather Essentials Full Zip Wind Jacket is made from a lightweight performance fabric of 100% micro fiber polyester with a fleece lining.
The upper half of the inner lining has a quilted lining, while the lower half is mesh.
This pullover has a mesh lining and is breathable, lightweight and both wind and water-resistant.
They have a half mesh lining for comfort and long leg zips for accessibility.
The Jenova trench coat is based on the character One-Winged-Angel and is made of pleather with a Black Kasha lining.
In golf suits made with Gore-tex, you'll typically get two layers-the outer layer that is usually made of nylon or polyester, and the inner, waterproof layer that is the Gore-tex lining.
Baseball Hat with Signature Web and Cotton Lining comes in beige and ebony GG fabric with green and red web and brown leather trim.
Look for quilted linings or lining made with kasha, a conventional material that is extra-soft and guaranteed to keep you warm.
The wool was not of the finest quality and the lining was rayon, but again, for what it was, it was quite good.
The mesh inner lining has padding and elastic cuffs while the outer shell has pockets.
Made in Italy, it is a two-button style with a center vent, leather buttons and piped lining.
Available in the woodsy tones of either dark chestnut or ancient elm, it is an all-cotton coat with a notch collar, center vent and half-back lining.
The Country Corduroy Sport Jacket is made of a dense cotton corduroy and features three buttons, patch and flap pockets, a bi-swing back and full lining.
For example, a Sherpa lined leather jacket is likely to cost more than $100 while your traditional blue jean jacket from Levi's without a special lining may cost you less than $50.
If warmth is what you're after, you'll be happy to see Sherpa lining and collars as options on some of them.
Despite it's being a men's spring trench coat, the better trench coats come with a removable lining, so that in fact you can wear it in much cooler weather as well.
Many long raincoats are made even more practical by including a removable warm lining.
It is made from a poly/cotton twill that is super soft and has an odor-absorbing lining with charcoal and adjustable chin strap.
Be sure the cups have enough lining to keep the fabric supportive when wet.
Fleece is also effective in wicking moisture away from the body to keep you dry from the inside as well as the outside, and because of this it makes a perfect lining or mid-layer for a lightweight jacket.
Wear skirted swim shorts over full one-piece suits or separately with tankini or bikini tops, as they do have their own panty lining.
It has a foam lining that provides shape without adding size and reduces show-through.
The opaque lining extends to above the cup seam.
To keep a jacket lightweight and comfortable, the lining should be minimal.
Some jackets have no lining, while others contain fleece or cotton linings, which feel good next to the body and help hold in warmth.
Silver Lining has an impressive collection of plus size ivory wedding gowns available in sizes 18 to 32.
A Chained Fleece Hoodie features a faux fur hood lining and a gold embellished detailed chain design on the front of the sweatshirt.
The Pompeii Side Tie swimsuit by Longitude looks like a stained glass window and features a cross-over front, shaped bust and a Powernet full-frontal lining control panel.
Other things to take into consideration are whether or not you want a lined leather jacket, one with a zip-out lining so it can be worn in any weather, or an unlined jacket.
They feature a built-in panty and have a double lining for added coverage.
Lace Full Coverage Bra has a lining made from sheer mesh and provides complete coverage.
Some people prefer lining when the shorts get wet.
Many come with a warm lining that can be removed, thus making it two coats in one.
A trench works as a raincoat, an autumn coat and even a winter coat with that lining.
It has a cotton lining for extra comfort and can be bought with a matching push-up bra for extra glamour.
It's done in a gunmetal gray, has a cream lining and the Chanel logo clearly visible in block letters.
This Gucci case is slightly rounded and has a shiny black exterior with a cashmere inspired lining.
The exterior of the case is done in the signature Fendi logo, while the interior of the case contains a cushioned lining.
This translates into a soft felt lining of foam that gently cushions and protects your eyewear.
Fortunately, the aliens discover a clever way of getting rid of the garbage -- lining them up in colored groups of three.
They also look great lining porch stairs or walkways.
Waterproof hiking boots with a removable insulated lining are best for winter camping.
In the event your feet do get wet, the lining can be removed and quickly dried.
Bacterial endocarditis-An infection caused by bacteria that enter the bloodstream and settle in the heart lining, a heart valve, or a blood vessel.
Portal hypertension may result in the development of fragile veins in the intestinal lining, stomach, or esophagus, which can bleed and require emergency medical attention.
Progesterone-The hormone produced by the ovary after ovulation that prepares the uterine lining for a fertilized egg.
Carcinoma (90% of all cancer) are solid tumors arising in the layer of cells (epithelium) covering the body's surface and lining internal organs and glands.
The enzyme lactase, which is normally produced by cells lining the small intestine, breaks down lactose into substances that can be absorbed into the bloodstream.
In provocation challenges, the skin, nasal and oral mucosa, and lining of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract are exposed to suspected allergens.
Mast cells-A type of immune system cell that is found in the lining of the nasal passages and eyelids.
Conjunctivitis-Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane covering the white part of the eye (sclera) and lining the inside of the eyelids also called pinkeye.
This congestion results when membranes lining the nose become swollen.
Sore throat is a painful inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the pharynx.
In children with Marfan, obstructive sleep apnea is caused by the unusual flexibility of the tissues lining the child's airway.
The main role of these hormones is to cause thickening of the lining of the uterus (endometrium).
Serotonin-A widely distributed neurotransmitter that is found in blood platelets, the lining of the digestive tract, and the brain, and that works in combination with norepinephrine.
Mucociliary escalator-The coordinated action of tiny projections on the surfaces of cells lining the respiratory tract, which moves mucus up and out of the lungs.
Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth, which may involve the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, and roof or floor of the mouth.
Stomatitis is an inflammation of the lining of any of the soft-tissue structures of the mouth.
Endometrium-The mucosal layer lining the inner cavity of the uterus.
Allergic conjunctivitis-Inflammation of the membrane lining the eyelid and covering the eyeball; congestion of the conjunctiva, with mucus secretion.
Salmonella food poisoning is a bacterial infection that causes inflammation (swelling) of the lining of the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis).
The stricture of the esophagus is caused by a thickening of the lining of the esophagus in response to acids from the stomach.
Because the lining of the esophagus is thinner and not as acid-proof as the stomach or the intestines, undiagnosed GERD over many years can cause ulcers along the esophagus.
Sometimes, the body tries to protect the esophagus by growing a thicker lining, made up of cells like those in the stomach and intestine.
This condition usually develops because there is an ulcer in the lining of the esophagus that has begun to bleed.
Carbonated beverages can also irritate the already sensitive lining of the esophagus.
Complications occur in less than 10 percent of cases, but these complications can include an infection of the incision, urinary tract, or tissue lining the uterus (endometritis).
Repetitive motion or prolonged vibration can cause the lining of the channel to swell and press on the nerve.
Internal injuries to the nose may be either mechanical (caused by foreign objects in the nose or by picking or scratching the tissues lining the nose) or chemical (caused by environmental irritants or substance abuse).
Damage to the tissues lining the nose caused by exposure to tobacco smoke or other irritants in the environment is usually reversible once the child is removed from contact with the irritating substance.
Meningitis is a serious inflammation of the meninges, the membranes (lining) that surround the brain and spinal cord.
Ghrelin-A peptide hormone secreted by cells in the lining of the stomach.
Pancarditis is an inflammation that affects all aspects of the heart, including the lining of the heart (endocardium), the sac containing the heart (pericardium), and the heart muscle itself (myocardium).
In such cases, a small sore develops on the palpebral conjunctiva (the membrane lining the inner eyelid) and is often accompanied by conjunctivitis (inflammation of the membrane) and swollen lymph nodes in front of the ear.
An IUD prevents the fertilized egg from implanting in the lining of the uterus and may have other effects as well.
In a renal endarterectomy, a vascular surgeon removes the blockage from the inner lining of the renal artery.
Infection of peritoneal tissue lining the intestines and the abdomen (peritonitis) may result from bacteria growing in the accumulation of undigested material.
This condition can be found in those who do not produce adequate amounts of a chemical secreted by the stomach lining that combines with B12 to help its absorption in the small intestine.
Pasty or sallow skin color, or the absence of color in the gums, nail beds, creases of the palm, or lining of the eyelids are other signs of anemia.
The pediatrician should be consulted if the child is also extremely pale or has little or no color in the gums, nail beds, creases of the palm, or lining of the eyelids.
A congenital bladder diverticulum represents an area of weakness in the bladder wall through which extrudes some of the lining of the bladder.
Diverticulum-Plural, diverticula; an outpouching in a tubular organ caused when the inner, lining layer bulges out (herniates) through the outer, muscular layer.
Celiac disease is a disease of the digestive system in which the inside lining of the small intestine (mucosa) is damaged after eating wheat, rye, oats, or barley, resulting in interference with the absorption of nutrients from food.
Endocarditis-Inflammation of the inner membrane lining heart and/or of the heart valves caused by infection.
Rhinitis is inflammation of the mucous lining of the nose.
The virus causes the lining of the nose to become inflamed and produce large quantities of thin, watery mucus.
An ultrasound may reveal small or undeveloped female reproductive organs while a gynecologic examination may reveal a dry vaginal lining.
Endocarditis-Inflammation of the inner membrane lining of the heart and/or of the heart valves caused by infection.
Tiny hair like projections (cilia) from cells lining the respiratory tract beat constantly to move debris trapped by mucus upwards and out of the respiratory tract.
Finally, cells lining the respiratory tract produce several types of immune substances that protect against various organisms.
These toxins (except those from C. botulinum) cause inflammation of the stomach lining and the small and/or large intestines, resulting in abdominal muscle cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.
Streptococcal sore throat, or strep throat, as it is more commonly called, is a bacterial infection of the mucous membranes lining the throat or pharynx.
In the first half of the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels rise, causing the lining of the uterus to grow and thicken.
However, if a sperm does not fertilize the egg, the body no longer needs the uterine lining to support the fertilized egg.
Estrogen and progesterone levels then drop, triggering the uterine lining to gently fall away from the wall of the uterus, and to be shed through the vagina.
The discharge of this lining is the menstrual flow.
The disaccharides maltose, sucrose, and lactose cannot be absorbed until they have been separated into simple sugar molecules by their corresponding enzymes present in the cells lining the intestinal tract.
The lining of the ear canal is skin, which is attached directly to the covering of the bone.
Then the fertilized egg must travel to the woman's uterus (womb), where it lodges in the uterus lining and develops into a fetus.
Oral contraceptives also change the uterine lining so that a fertilized egg cannot lodge there to develop.
When the lining of the sinuses is at all swollen, the swelling interferes with the normal flow of mucus.
Ileus is most often associated with an infection of the peritoneum (the membrane lining the abdomen) or other intra-abdominal infections such as appendicitis.
Peritoneum-The transparent membrane lining the abdominal and pelvic cavities (parietal peritoneum) and the membrane forming the outer layer of the stomach and interstines (visceral peritoneum).
Colonoscopy-An examination of the lining of the colon performed with a colonoscope.
Ulcerative colitis-A form of inflammatory bowel disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous lining of the colon, ulcerated areas of tissue, and bloody diarrhea.
In addition, these anomalies make the lining of the heart more susceptible to infection (endocarditis), which can damage valves and lead to blood poisoning (septicemia).
The endoderm forms the lining of lungs, bladder, digestive tract, tongue, tonsils, and other organs.
More serious damage can be caused by hard or sharp objects that penetrate the surface of the eye and become embedded in the cornea or conjunctivae (the mucous membranes lining the inner surface of the eyelids).
The pediatrician should be consulted if the child is extremely pale, with little or no color in the gums, nail beds, creases of the palm, or lining of the eyelids.
Sometimes, a red inflammation of the lining of the eye (conjunctivitis) is present.
The virus can lead to complications such as meningoencephalitis, which is an infection of the lining of the brain and the brain itself.
Magnesium protects the lining of arteries and helps form bones.
At this time, there is also an increased risk for bacterial infection that can inflame the lining of the heart (endocarditis).
Nausea is a reaction to a number of causes that include overeating, infection, or irritation of the throat or stomach lining.
The skin turns pale and cold, the mucous membranes lining the mouth and nose lose their natural moisture.
Endothelial cells-The cells lining the inner walls of a body cavity or the cardiovascular system.
Prostaglandins are natural substances made by cells in the inner lining of the uterus and other parts of the body.
Those made in the uterus make the uterine muscles contract and help the uterus to shed the lining that has built up during the menstrual cycle.
Such a person experiences the full progression of whooping cough symptoms; symptoms only improve when the old, damaged lining cells of the respiratory tract are replaced over time with new, healthy, cilia-bearing cells.
Mast cells, found in the lining of the nasal passages and eyelids, display a special type of antibody called immunoglobulin type E (IgE) on their surfaces.
Nasal sprays are available that can be applied directly to the nasal lining and oral systemic preparations are available.
In an asthma attack, the muscle tissues in the walls of the bronchi go into spasm, and the cells lining the airways swell and secrete mucus into the air spaces.
Once asthma is present, symptoms can be triggered or made worse if the child also has rhinitis (inflammation of the lining of the nose) or sinusitis.
Enterocolitis-Severe inflammation of the intestines that affects the intestinal lining, muscle, nerves and blood vessels.
It is strongly recommended that the other female hormone, progesterone, be taken by women who have an intact uterus as well, because doing so prevents overgrowth of uterine lining and uterine cancer.
Lymphoid tissue, which is present in mucosal lining of the appendix and intestines to help fight bacterial and viral infections, can swell and lead to obstruction of the appendix.
This keeps the nose from drying out and producing surface cracks which can damage blood vessels in the lining of the nose and cause bleeding.
Once acquired, the cold virus attaches itself to the lining of the nasal passages and sinuses.
Antihistamines block the action of the chemical histamine that is produced when the cold virus invades the cells lining the nasal passages.
Mast cells, found in the lining of the nasal passages and eyelids, display a special type of antibody, called immunoglobulin type E (IgE), on their surface.
In the gastrointestinal tract, these reactions lead to swelling and irritation of the intestinal lining, which causes the cramping and diarrhea typical of food allergy.
Airborne allergens can also affect the lining of the lungs, causing asthma, or the conjunctiva of the eyes, causing allergic conjunctivitis.
For the heart of a dancer, inspirational dance quotes can strengthen a weary spirit and refresh dreams that are often dashed by failed auditions and side lining injuries.
The difference is primarily in the materials and in lining and accessories.
Place the empty bottle on top of the first one, lining up the openings in the bottle (they should now look like an hourglass).
The lining of your uterus, called the endometrium, is becoming thicker.
Without hormones, a normal, healthy woman will release an egg once a month, and her uterus will build up a thick, blood-rich lining to receive the egg in case it gets fertilized by a man's sperm.
If the egg isn't fertilized, the lining sloughs off and leaves the body as a menstrual period.
But when you're on the pill, there's no ovulation and the uterine lining is thinner.
Additionally, they change the cervical mucus and uterine lining to make it harder for the sperm to reach an egg, should one be released.This pill is commonly used as a 28-day cycle pill.
Since it doesn't allow your uterus to build much of a lining, there is less to shed at the end of your cycle.
She still may experience a slight period, as buildup in the uterine lining can still shed.
After conception, the pregnancy hormone hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) secretes from the developing placenta after the egg implants in the uterine lining.
This gel coats the lining of the tube and kills sperm as they pass through.
Lining up childcare, calculating the costs of health insurance fees and copays, and preparing a nursery for your new addition are some of the things you must arrange.
If the egg gets fertilized, it embeds itself in the layer of blood lining the uterus.
If the egg is not fertilized, the lining is shed, making you have your period.
Sometime between 7-10 days after your last ovulation, the fertilized egg will implant itself into the uterine lining.
An ectopic pregnancy is one in which the fertilized egg does not implant itself in the lining of the uterus, but stays (often) in the fallopian tube or in some other area outside the uterus.
In the two weeks leading up to ovulation, the uterus is being prepared for a potential pregnancy and develops a thicker lining for the fertilized egg to implant in to.
If pregnancy does not happen, the lining is shed from the uterus over a few days.
The lining that was developed leading up to ovulation and implantation continues to grow and remains intact, becoming part of the placenta.
Very early in pregnancy, vaginal bleeding can be caused by the fertilized egg nesting into the lining of the uterus.
If it does not contact sperm, either from intercourse that happened before ovulation or in the 12-24 hours after ovulation, it will die and be reabsorbed into the uterine lining.
Your doctor may recommend an oral contraceptive that contains progesterone so the lining of the uterus becomes thinner.
Period changes are caused by the levonorgestrel that the Mirena releases, which does not allow the uterine lining to get as thick as normal.
Usually it takes five days for the blastocyst to travel through the fallopian tubes and into the uterus where it implants in the lining of the uterus around the sixth day.
When a fertilized egg implants itself into the blood lining of the uterus, some women experience mild cramping.
Many women, but by no means all, experience implantation bleeding, which is the passing of a small amount of blood when the fertilized egg embeds itself in the lining of the uterus.
Mini pills come in 28-day packs and work by thinning the uterus lining and thickening the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the released monthly egg.
They have a back pocket and partial lining for extra support.
They have pockets with mesh and no internal lining.
Note, however, that these trunks have no inner lining.
What about having a soft towel lining (the part you lay on) that can be removed and washed?
What about the ability to have my college logo put on the washable beach towel lining?
When viewed up close, this suit is slightly see-through and has no lining on its top or bottom.
This suit streamlines your figure with a hidden control lining and soft cup bra.
Even though it may appear like you're only wearing a see through bathing suit, the majority of these swimsuits feature a nude lining.
The sheer top ties in the back at the neck, has bottoms that are pre-lined, and for comfort, a lining can be added to the top.
The top is see-through, but a lining can be added.
With a tugless fit, front lining and UPF protection, as well as quick-drying convenience, this is a suit parents and kids can adore.
That's because this model has an anti-microbial lining.
Complete with a mesh lining, a back right pocket, as well as two cargo pockets, these $5.00 trunks are disarming in their simplicity.
These shorts also have cargo pockets, are made of a lightweight fabric and come with a mesh lining.
With its mesh lining and interior mesh coin pocket, you can expect to pay $7.99 for this look.
A combination of outer nylon shell and inner mesh lining assures these suits will dry quickly.
Unlike traditional swim trunks, board shorts do not provide an interior lining.
This is a two-toned bikini brief with a black base and a yellow striped lining.
The contrast stitching along its lining is what really gives this swimsuit its allure.
Each pair of these trunks has a contrasting nylon mesh lining with the Hugo Boss logo printed on the bottom left front of the shorts.
Made from a matte cotton blend, you'll till be able to find the mesh lining, elastic waistband and side and rear pocket of the Hugo Boss, but for less than half the price at $33.00.