Limiting Sentence Examples
The three of us packed for three days only, as if so limiting our clothing changes would force our return more quickly.
Limiting sweets and eating an overall healthy diet.
The limiting conditions of the stability of these figures have been studied both mathematically and experimentally.
We shall next consider the limiting conditions of stability of the horizontal surface which separates a heavier fluid above from a lighter fluid below.
For the rule limiting XVII.
When the orifice is circular of radius a, the limiting value of a is 1 J' z, where z is the least root of the equation FIG.
The estates demanded the re-establishment of the elective character of the Bohemian kingdom, the recognition of religious liberty for all, and various enactments limiting the royal prerogative.
The legislature may not create any debt or liability " which shall, single or in the aggregate with any previous debts or liabilities, at any time exceed $10o,000," except for purposes of war, to repel invasion or to suppress insurrection, without specifying distinctly the purpose or object, providing for the payment of interest, and limiting the liability to thirty-five years; and the measure as thus passed must be ratified by popular vote.
It approved the concessions system in principle and regarded forced labour as the only possible means of turning to account the natural riches of the country, but recognized that though freedom of trade was formally guaranteed there was virtually no trade, properly so called, among the natives in the greater portion of the Congo State, and particularly emphasized the need for a liberal interpretation of the land laws, effective application of the law limiting the amount of labour exacted from the natives to forty hours per month, the suppression of the" sentry "system, the withdrawal from the concession companies of the right to employ compulsory measures, the regulation of military expeditions, and the freedom of the courts from administrative tutelage.
It is constructed to show all the possible combinations of a set of logical terms with their negatives, and, further, the way in which these combinations are affected by the addition of attributes or other limiting words, i.e.
AdvertisementIt is merely a geometrical determination of the conditions necessarily consequent in England, Scotland and Wales, upon a given mean rainfall over many years, upon evaporation and absorption in particular years (both of which he must judge or determine for himself), and upon certain limiting variations of the rainfall, already stated to be the result of numerous records maintained in Great Britain for more than 50 years.
In 1908 two laws proposed by initiative petition were passed, stopping all fishing by night and fishing in the navigable channels of the lower river, limiting the length of seines to be used in the lower river and abolishing the use of gear by fishermen of the upper river - the mouth of the Sandy river, in Multnomah county, being the dividing line between the upper and lower Columbia.
Limiting in the Bill of Rights the powers assumed by the crown, the Commons declared that the king could not keep a standing army in time of peace without consent of parliament; and they made that consent effectual, as far as legislation could go, by passing a Mutiny Act year by year for twelve months only, so as to prevent the crown from exercising military discipline without their authority.
And in 1843 Sir James Graham, who was home secretary in Sir Robert Peels administration, had been compelled by the pressure of public opinion to introduce a measure providing for the education f children employed in factories, and for limiting the hours of work of children and young persons.
He had brought forward in 1780 a comprehensive scheme of economical reform, with the design of limiting the resources of jobbery and corruption which the crown was able to use to strengthen its own sinister influence in parliament.
AdvertisementTo prevent such extravagant expenditures for internal improvements as had brought disaster to Michigan and other states, the framers of the constitution of Wisconsin inserted a clause limiting its aggregate indebtedness to $100,000 for all purposes other than to repel an invasion, to suppress an insurrection or for defence in time of war, and the state is free from debt with the exception of that contracted on account of the Civil War.
This is Spinoza's theory of the infinitely infinite," the limiting notion of infinity being of a numerical, quantitative series, each term of which is a qualitative determination itself quantitatively little, e.g.
When he became aware of the feud between Robespierre and the Commune, he conceived the hope of limiting the Terror and guiding the Revolution into a sane course.
Limiting attention to the great cereal-producing region described above, let us see what the prospects are for increasing the acreage and the yield.
Why had the monarchy been forced to purchase the obedience of the upper classes and the provinces with immunities which enfeebled it without limiting it?
AdvertisementIt is in the very absence of any cramping or limiting purpose that the great merit and value of the book consist.
His object was to retain the best horses in the country, and to keep the price of them down by limiting the demand and encouraging the supply.
Some immersion fluid must then be placed between the stage plate and the condenser in order to allow all the rays to pass out; otherwise only those rays would be able to pass out which are close to the axis of the condenser in the inside of the condenser, and are smaller than the limiting angle of the total reflection.
A chartered company is a trading corporation enjoying certain rights and privileges, and bound by certain obligations under a special charter granted to it by the sovereign authority of the state, such charter defining and limiting those rights, privileges and obligations, and the localities in which they are to be exercised.
Public opinion was considerably moved, and in 1869 the khedive Ismail decided to send an expedition up the White Nile, with the double object of limiting the evils of the slave trade and opening up the district to commerce.
AdvertisementThe idea of a noumenon is thus a limiting notion.
Flexible 8 channel metering includes selectable ballistics, clip and limiting indicators.
In winter wheat, crop density is an important factor in limiting seed production by red dead-nettle through the effect on weed biomass.
To protect against excessive force exerted on the torso, there is a load limiting device to reduce the risk of bone breakage.
Lactoferrin also disrupts the process by which bacteria digest carbohydrates, further limiting their growth.
This reduced vibration, the limiting factor with parallel twins and made for an efficient combustion chamber.
Document Back to previous page Are natural dietary constituents limiting for protection against light exposure?
Once established, the rates and routes for subsequent dispersal of introduced species are of particular interest for limiting or mitigating impacts.
People with photosensitive epilepsy should consider limiting the time they spend watching TV or computer monitors.
Or limiting immigrant finally we find excellent is omitted these are the.
Limiting the occupancy to eight anglers enables the staff to provide exceptional personalized guest service.
Because they do not fail-safe, they should not be used for temperature limiting duty.
Limiting the top speed of cars gave a fillip to railroad travel.
Limiting his market to the magic fraternity, he has produced works for many major magic publications.
Most of the Parks lies on light soils overlying gravel, limiting the range of plant material which can be grown.
The ratio between the limiting angles subtended by the periodic structure of the gauze and the diameter of the wire was (022/ 034) X (240/17) = 9 I.
An important act was passed in 1908, limiting the hours of work below ground of miners.
The Spanish government made strenuous attempts to regulate forced labour by limiting the rights of the masters.
The limiting points are inverse points for every circle of the system.
The agreement of the values of H with those of Griffiths and Dieterici at low temperatures, and of the values of p with those of Regnault over the whole range, are a confirmation of the accuracy of the foregoing theory, and show that the behaviour of a vapour like steam may be represented by a series of thermodynamically consistent formulae, on the assumption that the limiting value of the specific heat is constant, and that the isothermals are generally similar in form to those of other gases and vapours at moderate pressures.
His domestic policy was severely equitable, and aimed at relieving the public burdens by limiting the privileges of foreign traders and abolishing a great many useless and expensive court offices.
This physical stratification is the primary requisite for the development of algal blooms in the Tidal Lagan, as nutrients are rarely limiting.
I 've been fairly ruthless in my selection, limiting myself to only one poem per author.
Advanced skiers, however, may find the ski area a little limiting.
The procedures are compatible with the existing assessment procedures for sulfate content, and include limiting values for reduced sulfur species.
Prognosis Syncope in young people is usually self limiting.
In tyler texas play you do n't moment the limiting.
The main limiting factor in man 's ability to stay underwater has always been the ability to keep the diver warm.
In all but one patient, ventilatory insufficiency was the limiting factor for exercise.
Using a dial-up is limiting because the phone line the modem is connected to is blocked during use, so no incoming or outgoing phones calls can be received or made.
The "rules" (drink red wine with beef, white wine with fish, etc.) are a good place to start but they're really too limiting.
For now, you've done the right thing by limiting her territory.
This action benefits the consumer by limiting the amount of pets affected.
Some companies also put a fixed cap on rebate redemption, limiting the total savings per cardholder.
This act dictates how to legally respond to these situations in order to preserve your rights as well as limiting your financial obligation for unauthorized charges.
By limiting the amount of meat you consume, and purchasing only meat from local sources, you can do your part to reduce the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere.
While limiting the use of personal cars and trucks will not completely eliminate pollution, it reduces the overall quantity of emitted gases and helps slow global warming.
Depression and anxiety disorders can cause serious illness, severely disrupting patients' lives and limiting their ability to hold down jobs, go to school, or even take care of themselves.
Without some way of limiting your choices in the selection of various materials and finishes, you would have no starting point of reference.
Rather than limiting yourself to jobs in your area, you can search for jobs all throughout the country.
Sometimes reading the same information in a traditional printed dictionary can be limiting.
With only 24 hours in each day, taking time to relax means limiting the amount of extra activities and commitments.
Limiting yourself to one to two drinks per day is the healthiest way to go.
If you can't live without caffeine, then try limiting yourself to just one cup a day.
Many of these diets require you to eliminate certain foods completely, while others have to do with limiting your intake of only certain foods.
Recent studies recommend limiting soy consumption to products that are whole foods.
This works well with the recommendation of limiting your intake of soy products, too.
Some find this diet to be very limiting, while others feel freer due to the health benefits they claim the diet offers.
The good thing about this diet is that it is not very limiting.
These types of vegans take the vegan lifestyle further by limiting what foods may be eaten even more.
Therefore you may wish to narrow your search by limiting your search to important aspects of your wedding.
Flip through any wedding magazine or cake gallery and you'll see that having an ivory, cream or off-white wedding cake does the opposite of limiting your options.
Things like crossing arms, looking away and limiting physical expressions are indicators of lying.
Research the benefits of limiting sugar intake and make a list of all the reasons why you want to cut it out.
If you're having a difficult time limiting your choice to one towel design, you may want to buy a couple of different sets to change out to create different ambiance in your bathroom.
Your only challenge may be limiting your purchase to one or two sets.
It's not as limiting as a major or a concentration, and it can be tailored to your experiences, strengths, skills, and interests.
Of course, there are also many advantages to limiting your college search results by degree type.
Many dog friendly hotels impose a limit on the size of dogs they will accept, often limiting accommodations to pets that are no larger than 25-30 pounds.
Maintaining a clean environment, limiting the puppy's contact with other dogs and maintaining a vaccine schedule can all help prevent a puppy from contracting the parvo virus.
Be sure the voltage of the light fixtures you use is compatible with the transformers, which can be limiting.
Limiting exposure to pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals as much as you can makes a lot of sense and may help protect your children against future illnesses.
Limiting babies' exposure to such substances can help keep skin allergies at bay, as well as common childhood skin conditions like cradle cap, diaper rash and dry flaky skin.
In years of drought, however, the increase in organic matter created by organic methods achieve greater yield when soil moisture is a limiting factor.
This way, you'll have the opportunity to purchase a range of styles instead of limiting yourself to one specific look.
This is a much rarer form of sleep apnea, especially when compared to obstructive sleep apnea, which is a condition in which there is a blockage limiting air flow.
Losing weight, limiting alcohol consumption, and changing sleeping positions are effective at treating occasional snoring.
Also, try limiting naps to less than 45 minutes during the day.
Caffeine stimulates your brain and your senses; limiting your caffeine intake can help reduce any insomnia problems.
Wrap styles cover more of the face and eye area, and virtually eliminate UV exposure by limiting "gap" between face and lenses.
Buying an amusement park vacation package through a specific park doesn't have to be limiting, either, depending on the size of the park and its affiliates.
Instead of limiting players to a linear set of missions, the Superman Returns video game offers a more open-ended environment, not unlike the one popularized in the Grand Theft Auto franchise.
If you are concerned about your weight and finding ways to cut calories, consider limiting your wine intake until you reach your target weight.
It isn't recommended that you attmep to try them all in one visit; instead picking your favorite wines and limiting what you taste.
Acute pain is self limiting in duration and includes post-operative pain, pain of injury, and childbirth.
For the NSAIDs, the risk of gastric ulcers may be dose limiting.
However, in the process of limiting further blood loss, the tourniquet also drastically deprives the limb tissues of oxygen.
Wearing a sunscreen and limiting sun exposure may prevent some moles.
Rest, a healthy diet, plenty of fluids, limiting heavy exercise and competitive sports, and treatment of aches with acetaminophen (Datril, Tylenol, Panadol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Nuprin, Motrin, Medipren) will help the illness pass.
Parents who provide the example of limiting their own alcohol and other drug use can help their children inestimably.
Treatment for porphyria revolves around avoiding acute attacks, limiting potential effects, and treating symptoms.
Dietary modifications to help prevent obesity include limiting soft drink and fast food consumption, monitoring food portion sizes, and providing a well-balanced diet.
Dietary changes may include limiting foods high in phosphorus, such as dairy products, meat, and poultry.
First, during adolescence individuals become better able than children to think about what is possible, instead of limiting their thought to what is real.
Impaired vision necessarily affects a child's hand-eye coordination, as well as cognitive, emotional, neurological, and physical development by limiting the range of experiences and the kinds of information to which the child is exposed.
Antiepileptic drugs act by either raising the seizure threshold or by limiting the spread of impulses from one nerve to another inside the brain.
By the time a child is crawling and learning to walk, pacifiers are both unhygienic and limiting.
Pneumothorax may be prevented by frequently checking the blood oxygen content and limiting oxygen treatment under pressure to the minimum needed.
Some children have reportedly experienced improved symptoms by limiting dairy products and sugar in the diet.
This refers to delaying antibacterial treatment of certain children for 48 to 72 hours and limiting management to symptomatic relief.
Experienced counselors suggest that early identification of problems and accurate diagnosis are useful in limiting the severity and duration of encopresis.
Avoiding allergens is the best means of limiting allergic reactions.
Limiting your color selection to either a prominent yin or yang can help you make easier color choices.
The different hair styles for middle aged women are only as limiting as you allow them to be.
The ponytail's form may seem limiting, but you can design a wide range of styles with this simpleponytail.
By limiting your search, at least initially, to countries where you won't have to pursue additional study to be eligible for hire, you'll have a better job of finding a job that you'll enjoy and are eligible to perform.
The company is a member of the GMAC family of companies and employs resourceful efforts to streamline operations -- limiting application delays while keeping costs affordable.
By the same token, keep in mind that limiting your search to one lender's website will reduce the number of results you receive.
Other lenders still offer these loans, but the restrictions on obtaining them are more limiting.
The FDA suggests limiting canned albacore ("white") tuna to 6 ounces a week.
Obviously she has been eating healthy and limiting her work schedule so she can care for herself and the baby.
With the triangle top, you can expect a minimum amount of fabric; this can help when it comes to limiting those pesky tan lines.
Many children find that they enjoy playing with both Barbie and Bratz, instead of just limiting the decision to one or the other.
Some grants are available only to minorities or for specific purposes, limiting the applicant pool and inducing applicant's to make their proposal the best possible to increase their chances of receiving the money.
Limiting the outside distractions makes it easier to focus on just the person in front of you.
If you are looking how to start a conversation with your boyfriend that will bring about a meaningful discussion, try catching him when you both have time to talk, limiting distractions and asking him questions.
The best websites for the deaf provide tools to help them meet the partner of their dreams without being condescending or limiting.
At the same time, some couples may find engagement ring stores more limiting, depending on the type of ring they are interested in.
While "writing what you know" can be limiting, it is a great way to get started.
Keep your Chanel bag in prime condition by limiting sun-exposure and avoiding contact with moisture and cosmetics.
By limiting the space you have to take things, you will in turn limit how many things you pack.
Popular limiting factors include numbers that have hit often in a certain time period, numbers that have not come up recently and are due and numbers that are historically popular.
Comparing the entire astrological chart is far more important for couples than limiting the compatibility to one specific area of the chart.
Parents may want to consider limiting a child's exposure to media violence to prevent these possible outcomes.
Even most experts who condone television for young viewers recommend limiting the amount of time kids spend in front of the set.
The exact amount isn't as important as the idea of limiting non-essential purchases.
This helps reduce coupon fraud by limiting the number of times you can print an offer from one computer.
The only thing limiting you is your ability to come up with creative ways to vacation.
This is because it can present a wide range of disability ranging from severely limiting conditions to mild forms.
Because of these factors, efficient use in business applications is very limiting because with dial-up access your limited to either surfing or talking on your phone line.
This set of laws target specifically discriminatory behavior by employers such as limiting who is hired for a job opening based on their race, sex, national origin, religion or color.
Limiting your options to what's playing on the radio may increase your chances of duplicating a competing squad's dance music.
Maybe you should consider avoiding having red Kool Aid beverages at home, or limiting their consumption to rooms that do not have carpet.
However, some people find the kit format to be limiting.
Limiting dairy products, with the exception of yogurt, is also helpful during this elimination process.
Limiting your food selections by never having sweets or carbohydrates may encourage binging at a vulnerable time.
Limiting cholesterol intake to 300 milligrams a day.
Limiting fat to about 20 or 30 percent of calories consumed daily.
The basics of the plan involve eating more fruits and vegetables and low-fat or non-fat dairy products while limiting sodium.
Also, animal and human tests alike have shown that limiting caloric intake has a definite impact on longevity.
If it is optimum health you seek, you may be better off limiting your intake of this convenience food.
Your diet plays a role in maintaining this important number by keeping your weight in control and limiting sodium in your diet.
Try limiting portions to one serving and avoid going back for more.One tool that can be used to help food triggers that cause acid reflux is to keep a food journal.
By eating natural, whole, unprocessed foods, you will increase your rate of digestion, thereby limiting the opportunity for an acid reflux attack.
Much has been made recently about the importance of limiting trans fats in your diet.
Follow the same rules of portion sizes and limiting fat as you normally would.
Limiting carbohydrates works to keep blood sugar levels controlled.
Because you are limiting your calories, you want to maximize the amount which you can eat so you can feel sated throughout your day.
If you are limiting yourself to 1300 calorie meal plans, you don't want to take in over 200 calories eating a chocolate bar at one sitting.
The key is portion size and limiting extra fat whenever possible.
Others find the lack of carbs makes them feel too weak and that the program is extremely limiting, especially for those who enjoy sweets.
Limiting complex carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is not advised and can actually contribute to weight gain and other health problems in the long run.
Low carbohydrate diets carefully control insulin by limiting its release.
Recent scientific research suggests eating more of some foods such as salmon, walnuts, and oatmeal while limiting foods high in fat and cholesterol can help control and even lower your cholesterol levels.
While eating healthy foods such as oatmeal and limiting fatty foods is a step in the right direction, it is important to remember that making long term improvements in your health takes many steps.
Fat blocking drugs work by limiting the amount of fat absorbed during a meal.
The Alternate Day Diet achieves overall calorie restriction by severely limiting calories every other day.
In this way, you can avoid feeling deprived from limiting your caloric intake.
Limiting the amount of driving the teen does for driving to and from school and/or work may help to lower the coverage costs.
By holding the breast close to the body and limiting their movement, this helps to prevent breast tissue damage.
In ladies lingerie, you basically have a clean pallet to work with in terms of colors, laces, prints, etc. With men's, it can be quiet limiting.
You will, however, need to re-heat dishes that were prepared ahead and oven and stove top space may be the limiting factor.
Modern sci-fi just throws out the speed of light as a limiting factor, plugs in a term like 'hyperspace' or 'warpspeed', and the need for Generation Ships is overtaken by events.
Most basic rashes will go away on their own; help them along by limiting exposure to soap, keeping them cool and dry and avoiding scratching.
Limiting time in the sun, avoiding mid-day rays, and using sunscreen diligently will help hold back the years.
If you're plagued by bites and can't seem to avoid them no matter what you do, consider limiting your time outdoors during peak mosquito hours.
By limiting the original sales of OPI polishes to professionals only, OPI changed the face of the nail polish industry.
If Facebook seems too limiting and you feel like you want to add more information or tell a more complete story, Xanga is a great option.
Change the names if you find it limiting to refer to the school, staff, and others in general terms.
The scientist in Quinn yearned for answers and it was killing him that Howie was obdurate about limiting his gift.
Eden used Xander for her own means and yet, the Original Human's final acts of limiting Xander's power had been selfless.
A problem of great importance in connexion with electric wave telegraphy is that of limiting the radiation to certain directions.
The salts tabulated are those of which the equivalent conductivity reaches a limiting value indicating that complete ionization is reached as dilution is increased.
If the grating be composed of alternate transparent and opaque parts, the question may be treated by means of the general integrals (§ 3) by merely limiting the integration to the transparent parts of the aperture.
In general the dielectric constant is reduced with decrease of temperature towards a certain limiting value it would attain at the absolute zero.
Dividing by (0' - e"), and writing dp/do and dL/do for the limiting values of !the ratios (p' - p")/(o' - o") and (L' - L")/(o' - o"), we obtain the important relations s' - s"+dL/do= (v" - v')dp/do=L/o,..
In the limiting case of a long fine tube, the bore of which varies in such a manner that U is constant, the state of the substance along a line of flow may be represented by the line of constant total heat, d(E+pv) = o; but in the case of a porous plug or small throttling aperture, the steps of the process cannot be followed, though the final state is the same.
This gave the princes an excuse for the theory that the decrees of Constance and Basel were still in force, limiting the papal prerogatives in all respects not noticed in the concordat.
But Sauveur fixed the limiting number of beats for the discord far too low, and again he gave no account of dissonances such as the seventh, where the frequency of the beats between the fundamentals is far beyond the number which is unpleasant.
Taking K for steel girders as 7200 to 9000, Limiting Span in Ft.
For parallel girders when r = 10, the limiting span is 1070 ft.
For parabolic or bowstring girders, when r =8, the limiting span is 1280 ft.
For flexible suspension bridges with wrought iron link chains, and dip = Ath of the span, the limiting span is 2800 ft.
For stiffened suspension bridges with wire cables, if the dip is 310th of the span the limiting span is 2700 to 3600 ft., and if the dip is *th of the span, 3250 to 4250 ft., according to the factor of safety allowed.
Great Britain, instead of limiting the concessions to France, in 1860 made them applicable to all the world.
Heinrich Eduard Heine has shown that the functions of higher orders may be considered as limiting values of the associated functions; this relation was discussed independently, in 1878, by Lord Rayleigh.
Little proof is afforded among the mammals of extinction through arrested evolution or through the limiting of variation, although such laws undoubtedly exist.
In the case of a coaxal system having real points of intersection the limiting points are imaginary.
The circles intersect in real or imaginary points according to the lower or upper sign of k 2, and the limiting points are real for the upper sign and imaginary for the lower sign.
A coaxal system having real points of intersection has imaginary limiting points; 3.
A coaxal system having imaginary points of intersection has real limiting points; 4.
Every circle through the limiting points cuts all circles of the system orthogonally; 5.
The diameter sought is the straight line from A to the limiting position of the series of B's, say the straight line AB co.
In 1870 the exclusive rights of killing seals upon these islands was leased by the United States to the Alaska Commercial Company, upon conditions limiting the numbers to be taken annually, and otherwise providing for their protection.
In 1530 he was denounced to the Inquisition as limiting the papal power and leaning to opinions of Erasmus, but the process failed; he was made professor of philosophy and (1533-1539) regent in theology.
The earlier ones in some cases prohibited the lending of money on usury at all, as in a statute of Jewry of the reign of Edward I.; but the later statutes were chiefly confined to limiting the rate of interest.
The Mahratta troops were defeated simultaneously at Maharajpur and Punniar (December 29), with the result that the Gwalior government signed a treaty ceding territory with revenue sufficient for the maintenance of a contingent force to be stationed at the capital, and limiting the future strength of the Gwalior army, while a council of regency was appointed during the minority to act under the resident's advice.
The old fortifications of the town, being so extensive as to require a force of from Io,000 to 20,000 troops to man them, were in great part thrown down by the English, and a simpler plan adopted, limiting the defences to the island of Vido and the old citadel; these are now dismantled.
Again he agrees with the reaction both to Hume and to Kant in limiting knowledge to mental phenomena, and has affinities with Mach as well as with Lange.
Renouvier (q.v.)has worked out an idealism which he calls "Neo-criticisme," rejecting the thing-in-itself, while limiting knowledge to phenomena constituted by a priori categories.
Hamilton, in fact, made the double mistake of limiting knowledge to what we can conceive, and confusing the determinate with the finite or limited.
Yet Martineau adopted, as his view of the limits of human intelligence, that Kant was right in making space and time a priori forms of sense, but wrong in limiting them to sensations.
Although even good membranes of copper ferrocyanide are rarely perfectly semi-permeable, and in other membranes such as indiarubber, &c., which have been used, the defects from the theoretical values of the equilibrium pressure are very great, yet, in the light of the exact verification of theory given by the experiments described above, it is evident that such failures to reach the limiting value in no wise invalidate the theory of osmotic equilibrium.
He frequently appeared in behalf of fugitive slaves before the Pennsylvania courts, and previously, in the state constitutional convention of 1837, he had refused to sign the constitution limiting the suffrage to white freemen.
Many of his conclusions have been corrected and extended by later criticism; but he indicated more decisively than any of his predecessors the fruitful principle that each art is subject to definite conditions, and that it can accomplish great results only by limiting itself to its special function.
In limiting the diameter at the tuyeres to 122 ft., the height of the boshes to one which will keep their upper end below the region of pastiness, and their slope to one over which the burning coke will descend freely, we limit the width of the furnace at the top of the boshes and thus complete the outline of the lower part of the furnace.
This is done chiefly by casting the steel at a relatively low temperature, and by limiting the quantity of manganese and silicon which it contains.
Early writers on natural history used the term in its vague logical sense without limiting it to a special category in the hierarchy of classification.
The bill, with certain drastic amendments limiting its scope, passed the House on the 8th of April by a majority of 200 to 179.
They would only give their support to the Navy Bills of 1897 and 1900 in return for large concessions limiting the importation of margarine and American preserved meat, and the removal of the Indemnitts Na-chweis acted as a kind of bounty on the export of corn.
It was by their influence that a law was introduced limiting the rate of interest, and they co-operated with the government in legislation for improving the material condition of the people, which had been neglected during the period of Liberal government, and which was partly similar to the laws introduced at the same time in Germany.
The election itself might, and did, become a mere formality; but the condition precedent of election, the acceptance of the charter, invariably limiting the royal authority, remained a reality.
But the general conclusion seems to be that these changes were always in the direction of further centralization, increasing the power of the chief ministers and their offices, bringing all more directly under the control of the Crown, and in some cases limiting the powers and appropriating the funds of local municipalities.
Some states and foreign countries provide rights in addition to those above, or do not allow excluding or limiting implied warranties, or liability for incidental or consequential damages.
There are no regulations in England limiting the working stresses that may safely be placed upon timber, although in some districts the least sizes that may be used for timbers in roofs and floors are specified.
To gain the support of the estates of Gelderland in this war of succession, Arnold had been compelled to make many concessions limiting the ducal prerogatives, and granting large powers to a council consisting of representatives of the nobles and the four chief cities, and his extravagance and exactions led to continual conflicts, in which the prince was compelled to yield to the demands of his subjects.
There was a truth in these criticisms. It was the very aim of Hegelianism to render fluid the fixed phases of reality - to show existence not to be an immovable rock limiting the efforts of thought, but to have thought implicit in it, waiting for release from its petrifaction.
There is less to be said for the teachers of rhetoric, politics and eristic, who, in limiting themselves each to a single subject - the rhetoricians proper or forensic rhetoricians to one branch of oratory, the politicians or political rhetoricians to another, and the eristics to disputation - ceased to be educators and became instructors.
Then came the familiar restrictions, limiting commerce to a fixed amount annually, and effectively checking economic develop- ment.
Thus we see that the effect of limiting the magnitude to 3.5 is that the hydrogen stars are now practically all within the sphere SP, and it is only the helium stars, whose absolute luminosity is still greater, that are more widely distributed.
In the first place, he allowed the expedition against the Greeks, already arranged by Mahomet, quietly to set out, limiting himself for the time to the defence of Medina.
Instead of limiting himself to a narration of their political events, he examined their economic relations, their constitutions, their financial systems, and thus was enabled to throw a new light on the development of the old world.
It is the age of discussion used as a universal solvent, before it has been brought to book by a deliberate unfolding of the principles of the structure of thought determining and limiting the movement of thought itself.
Thirdly we have the limiting cases of this in the inductive syllogism 5ui 7riu'mw, 7 a syllogism in the third figure concluding universally, and yet valid because the copula expresses equivalence, and in analogy 8 in which, it has been well said, instances are weighed and not counted.
He prescribed regulative or limiting formulae for research as it was actually conducted in his world.
Mill may well have himself conceived his methods as practically fruitful and normally convincing with the limiting formula in each case more cogent in form but therewith merely the skeleton of the process that but now pulsed with life.
Nevertheless the thing-initself is a problematic conception and of a limiting or negative use merely.
At each successive stage in our progress fresh contradictions break out, but the ideal of a station at which the thought-process and its other, if not one, are at one, is permissible as a limiting conception.
Later and more accurate experiments have confirmed the experimental value, and have shown that the limiting value of the specific heat should consequently be somewhat smaller than that given by Maxwell's hypothesis.
They are called villes franches on account of their possessing a franchise, a charter limiting the services due by the citizens to their lord, but political status they had little or none.
The limiting position J of this centre, when the two positions are taken infinitely close to one another, is called the instantaneous centre.
The theory of parallel forces is included as a limiting case.
In any continuous motion of a solid about a fixed point 0, the limiting position of the axis of the rotation by which the body can be brought from any one of its positions to a consecutive one is called the instantaneous axis.
It is easily inferred as a limiting case, or proved directly, that two infini tesimal rotations a, j3 about c u parallel axes are equivalent to a ..._ -- - -
Parallel forces may be included in this statement as a limiting case.
We assume that in limiting equilibrium we have F tsR, everywhere, where u is the coefficient of friction.
Moreover, the case n=2 is the only one in which the critical orbit (27) can be regarded as the limiting form of a closed curve.
This applies to an elliptic or hyperbolic orbit; the case of the parabolic orbit may be examired separately or treated as a limiting case.
It is generally held that the practice of thus limiting families usually prevails, in the first instance, among the betteroff classes, and in time filters down, as "the gospel of comfort" is accepted by those of less resources, until the prolificity of the whole community is more or less affected by it.
Bossuet and the old-fashioned divines had believed in an elaborate system of checks and balances - popes, councils, bishops, temporal sovereigns each limiting and controlling the other - just as Montesquieu and Alexander Hamilton had believed in a careful separation of the executive from the legislative power.
Another limiting condition is found in the practical impossibility of levying by local agencies such imposts as the customs and the income-tax in their modern forms. The elaborate machinery that is requisite for covering the national area and securing the revenue against loss can only be provided by an authority that can deal with the whole territory.
A rather unusual institution within New Mexico is the mounted police, who numbered I I in 1907, whose work was almost entirely in the cattle country, and who had authority to patrol the entire Territory and to make arrests or to preserve order wherever their presence was needed, unhampered by the restrictions limiting the jurisdiction of local police.
The limiting of the vocabulary is due to two reasons.
The limiting condition may be found by putting it equal to zero.
Constantine Mavrocordato was the author of really liberal reforms. He introduced an urbarium or land law, limiting to 24 the days of angaria, or forced labour, owed yearly by the peasants to their feudal lord.
Thus for the inner face he took, as the limiting vertical pressure, 320 ft.
In England, the conflict had been carried on for the purpose of limiting the power of the king.
That measure had weakened the influence of the crown by limiting its patronage.
Narbonne trusted to find in it the means of restoring a certain authority to the crown and limiting the Revolution.
Drones (or male bees) are more or less numerous in hives according to the skill of the bee-keeper in limiting their production.
The position of the diaphragm limiting the pencils proceeding from the object-points is not constant in the compound microscope.
The diaphragm limiting them, i.e.
Do I agree with how he's limiting it?
Also limiting access to these spaces to spatial movement may improve social interaction.
However, the geographical isolation of turkey growing farms remains an important means of limiting the spread of disease.
Helsinki's geographical location sits on a narrow peninsula, limiting development northwards.
Bristol International Airport had a successful season during the World Cup, with security measures limiting the amount of recorded crime.
The rest of us are mindless morons shackled by our " limiting beliefs " .
The polyamines are progressively synthesized by decarboxylation from ornithine by a rate limiting enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC ).
This generally occurs when the depth of the room is greater than the limiting depth, i.e. daylight penetration depth.
Normally by the end of the calculation less than one half of the entries in BOX actually are used to define the limiting polyhedron.
Where state laws naic's proposal will public doesn't believe limiting disability coverage.
I probably should add a current limiting resistor to the circuit.
On the other hand, limiting use to a single copy on a single PC seems unduly restrictive, to most users at least.
I've been fairly ruthless in my selection, limiting myself to only one poem per author.
Separating the male and female organs in space and time, however, is a common way of limiting self-pollination.
The maximum flow limiter input to the ratio servo limits the engine shaft torque by limiting fuel flow.
This creates silos of information, limiting access to data and impairing overall business visibility.
Limiting the sample lambda sub yr similarly these states percent of cshcn.
Many countries, for example, now have technical standard regulations limiting or banning the use of ozone-depleting substances.
Tyler texas play you don't moment the limiting.
The main limiting factor in man's ability to stay underwater has always been the ability to keep the diver warm.
Still more serious an encroachment upon the constitution perhaps even than the institution of the major-generals was Cromwell's tampering with the municipal franchise by confiscating the charters, depriving the burgesses, now hostile to his government, of their parliamentary votes, and limiting the franchise to the corporation; thereby corrupting the national liberties at their very source, and introducing an evil precedent only too readily followed by Charles II.
The committee considered that the Post Office was not prevented either by legal agreement or by good faith from limiting or ending the monopoly of the company, and that competition appeared to be both expedient and necessary in order to extend and popularize the service and to avoid the danger that a purchase of the company's undertaking at an inflated price might be forced upon the government.
To permit the steady execution of a normal programme of shipbuilding, the Italian Chamber, in May 1901, adopted a resolution limiting naval expenditure, inclusive of naval pensions and of premiums on mercantile shipbuilding, to the sum of 4,840,000 for the following six years, i.e.
Consequently the chapter limiting the power of the crown to raise scutages and aids without the consent of the council vanished, and with it the complementary one which determined the method of calling a council.
Xerophytes.These plants have devices (a) for procuring water, (b) or for storing water, (c) or for limiting transpiration; and these adaptations are obviously related to the physically or physiologically dry habitats in which the plants live.
The numerous laws limiting the fare for passengers to two cents per mile are an illustration of this tendency.
C.P. Steinmetz (Electrician, 1891, 26, p. 261; 1892, 28, pp. 3 8 4, 408, 425) has called attention to a simple relation which appears to exist between the amount of energy dissipated in carrying a piece of iron or steel through a magnetic cycle and the limiting value of the induction reached in the cycle.
Disease control Diseases are the major limiting factor for improving productivity in scavenging systems.
These standards, the Tier 2 standards, will regulate autos and light trucks and set new requirements limiting sulfur in gasoline.
It will contain good sources of protein while limiting the amount of carbohydrates.
This may mean limiting your protein to one meal.
The use of the term to mean the individualized nucleated mass of living protoplasm, which, whether with or without a limiting membrane, primitively forms the proximate histological element of the body of every organism, dates from the second quarter of the i9th century.
The weight of main girders increases with the span, and there is for any type of bridge a limiting span beyond which the dead load stresses exceed the assigned limit of working stress.
With the exception of deceased Dawkins, Senior owning the property where the skeleton was discovered, Fred should be on safe ground limiting his research to the identity of the elusive bones.
Table Xxi It is instructive to inquire into the limiting efficiency of an engine consistent with the conditions under which it is working, because in no case can the efficiency of a steam-engine exceed a certain value which depends upon the temperatures at which it receives and rejects heat.
But, influenced by medical views and by the almost insuperable difficulty of enforcing any drastic import veto in the face of Formosa's large communications by junk with China, the Japanese finally adopted the middle course of licensing the preparation and sale of the drug, and limiting its use to persons in receipt of medical sanction.
Ann., 18 95, 54,655), who found the limiting values of to be 7.5 to 9.5 for iron, and 11.2 to 13.5 for steel, remaining constant up to H = 06; by P. Culmann (Elekt.
It appears to be a quantity of the same order as the volume of the liquid, or as the limiting volume of the gas at very high pressures.
We may therefore reasonably assume that the limiting values of the specific heats at zero pressure do not vary with the temperature, provided that the molecule is stable and there is no dissociation.
Denoting by So, so, these constant limiting values at p=o, we may obtain the values at any pressure by integrating the expressions (27) and (28) from co to v and from o to p respectively.
So, Limiting value of S when p=o.
When Charles offered an alternative scheme (1679) for limiting the powers of a Catholic sovereign, Sacheverell made a great speech in which he pointed out the insufficiency of the king's terms for securing the object desired by the Whigs.
This association offered a vigorous opposition to the movement, which succeeded only when it was too late, for obtaining alterations in the constitution limiting the power of the Emperor and laying the foundations of real parliamentary government in the Empire and in Prussia.
Professor Claxton Fidler (Treatise on Bridge Construction, 1887) has made a very careful theoretical analysis of the weights of bridges of different types, and has obtained the following values for the limiting spans.
The Structure of the Nucleus.In the living condition the resting nucleus appears to consist of a homogeneous ground substance containing a large number of small chromatin granules and one or more large spherical granulesnucleolithe whole being surrounded by a limiting membrane which separates it from the cytoplasm.
That he was not opposed to labour was shown by his earlier support of the bill limiting the scope of injunctions against striking employees.
In a scientific definition the compounds of fatty acids with basic metallic oxides, lime, magnesia, lead oxide, &c., should also be included under soap; but, as these compounds are insoluble in water, while the very essence of a soap in its industrial relations is solubility, it is better to speak of the insoluble compounds as " plasters, " limiting the name " soap " as the compounds of fatty acids with soda and potash.
The limiting law expressing the behaviour of gases under varying temperature and pressure assumes the form pv= RT; so stated, this law is independent of chemical composition and may be regarded as a true physical law, just as much as the law of universal gravitation is a true law of physics.
A better basis of comparison would be the ratio of the actual to the limiting conductivity, but since the conductivity of acids is chiefly due to the mobility of the hydrogen ions, its limiting value is nearly the same for all, and the general result of the comparison would be unchanged.
But though a formula of this type has no physical significance, and cannot be accepted as an equation to the actual curve of W and B, it is, nevertheless, the case that by making the index e =1.6, and assigning a suitable value to r t, a formula may be obtained giving an approximation to the truth which is sufficiently close for the ordinary purposes of electrical engineers, especially when the limiting value of B is neither very great nor very small.
In the limiting case in which the medium is regarded as absolutely incompressible S vanishes; but, in order that equations (2) may preserve their generality, we must suppose a at the same time to become infinite, and replace a 2 3 by a new function of the co-ordinates.
If the two forks have the same frequency, it is easily seen that the figure will be an ellipse (including as limiting cases, depending on relative amplitude and phase, a circle and a straight line).
Hansen showed that the microscopic appearance of film cells of the same species of Saccharomycetes varies according to the temperature of growth; the limiting temperatures of film formation, as well as the time of its appearance for the different species, also vary.
But all cells which are permanent tissue-elements of the plantbody possess, in addition, a more or less rigid limiting membrane or cell-wall, consisting primarily of cellulose or some allied substance.
The Liberals only retained the confidence of the king by postponing the realization of almost all their democratic and reforming programme, and limiting their efforts to financial reorganization and treaties of commerce.
To compare this with the previous table, tp _ (A+B)/A = r +P. Except when the limiting stresses are of opposite sign, the two tables agree very well.
He also gives us " natural law " 2 - a Stoic inheritance, preserving the form of an idealist appeal to systematic requirements of reason, while practically limiting its assumptions to those of intuitionalism.
To correct abuses in the life insurance business which were discovered in 1905 by a committee of the state legislature, laws were passed in the next year regulating the election of the directors of the insurance companies, and the investments of the companies and the distribution of dividends, limiting the amount of business of the larger companies and prohibiting rebates on insurance premiums. A state superintendent of insurance, (since 1860) appointed by the governor, holds office for three years.
At the other end of the scale with increasing frequency there is another limiting frequency somewhere about 20,000 per second, beyond which no sound is heard.
This high mean pressure cannot be maintained for long, because as the speed increases the demand for steam per unit of time increases, so that cut-off must take place earlier and earlier in the stroke, the limiting steady speed being attained when the rate at which steam is supplied to the cylinders is adjusted by the cut-off to be equal to the maximum rate at which the boiler can produce steam, which depends upon the maximum rate at which coal can be burnt per square foot of grate.
In the new constitution clauses were inserted abolishing feudal tenures and limiting future leases of agricultural land to a period of twelve years.
Limiting Span.