Limitations Sentence Examples
It was said he had no limitations.
Can you hint at your limitations?
Even if I did, I'm bound by some limitations in what I can share.
Is it not true, then, that my life with all its limitations touches at many points the life of the World Beautiful?
If there were no suffering, man would not know his limitations, would not know himself.
Of the rest, whose personalities are less known to us, Papias shares Polycarp's qualities and their limitations, the anonymous homilist and Hermas are marked by intense moral earnestness, while the writer to Diognetus joins to this a profound religious insight.
These limitations worked unsatisfactorily, and their removal or modification and the extension of the franchise were the principal changes effected in 1821.
We shall then show that on certain limitations two trains of disturbance may be superposed so that stationary waves may be formed, and thence we shall deduce the modes of vibration as with pipes.
Yet, even there, his discipleship shows certain limitations.
The limitations of the compiler's interest in past times appear in the omission, among other particulars, of David's reign in Hebron, of the disorders in family and the revolt of Absalom, of the circumstances of Solomon's accession, and of many details as to the wisdom and splendour of that sovereign, as well as of his fall into idolatry.
AdvertisementThe smallest as well as the largest work seems complete, inevitable, immutable, without limitations of time2 or labor or thoughL
But this they could not do; and since the version, owing to the limitations of the translators, departs widely from the sense of the original, Christian scholars were on the whole kept much farther from the original meaning than their Jewish contemporaries, who used the Hebrew text; and later, after Jewish grammatical and philological study had been stimulated by intercourse with the Arabs, the relative disadvantages under which Christian scholarship laboured increased.
Within these limitations the provincial assemblies have a wide range of legislative power.
At its very best, it was always hampered by the limitations of medieval society.
These limitations in number do not affect the foreign recipients of the order.
AdvertisementSolving the inability Most new file systems have widened their number of bits for some fields, in order to overcome previous limitations.
My dog friends seem to understand my limitations, and always keep close beside me when I am alone.
As a matter of fact this statement is only true with large limitations.
The doctrine once established remained an inherent part of the Babylonian-Assyrian religion and led to the more or less complete disassociation of the three gods constituting the triad from their original local limitations.
But with all his good qualities Frederick was not the man to take a clear view of the political horizon, or even to recognize his own and his country's limitations.
AdvertisementIts limitations are found in the inaccuracy of quotation of the writers, and often in the corrupt condition of their text.
There were no limitations on the legislative powers of the comitia except such as they chose to respect or which they themselves created and might repeal.
Cooley, A Treatise on the Constitutional Limitations which rest upon the Legislative Power of the States of the A merican Union (6th ad., Boston, 1890) is one of the most useful secondary works.
In Sicily Spanish rule was less absolute, for the island had not been conquered, but had given itself over voluntarily to the Aragonese; and the parliament, formed by the three bracci or orders (the militare consisting of the nobility, the ecclesiastico, of the clergy, and the demaniale, of the communes), imposed certain limitations on the viceroy, who had to play off the three bracci against each other.
There are limitations in a doctrine of pure hedonism.
AdvertisementOh my! if they only realized their limitations, they would flee for their lives to the woods and fields.
These spaces often have limitations on event attendance, making them perfect for small ceremonies.
The specific type of exercise that an addict could engage in will depend on his or her preferences and physical limitations.
Passengers are encouraged to be in good health for their voyage so they can enjoy all the tours and activities without being concerned about physical limitations.
You may have some limitations as to what you can and cannot do.
Do you have trouble reaching up over your head or any other physical limitations that would make it difficult for your to curl or style your hair?
Caring for elderly parents is a daunting duty, especially if your parents suffer with health limitations or chronic illnesses.
Each service plan is updated on a regular basis to assure the needs of all of the residents are met as health conditions and limitations change.
Parents should obtain a doctor's note to explain their child's specific exercise limitations.
Even though most children with congenital cardiovascular defects do not have any mental limitations, some children with congenital cardiovascular defects have developmental delays or other learning difficulties.
Children or adolescents diagnosed with Wilson's disease must observe the dietary limitations described earlier.
As infants become more mobile, parents need to impose some limitations and structure in order to create a safe environment in which the child can play and explore.
Most average-sized roasters can accommodate a 20 pound bird, but before you purchase a large turkey, check your roaster oven's operating manual to learn its limitations.
I thought of leaving a note of thanks to the Psychic Tipster, so kindly confiding to me, albeit vicariously through dear departed Brenda, his or her limitations.
Lotze was a man of considerable attainments in special science; perhaps he reveals here the bias of the scientific mind, and possibly even its limitations.
The orthodox were at first cool because they had always dreamed of a nationalism inspired by messianic ideals, while the liberals had long come to dissociate those universalistic ideals from all national limitations.
Some provisions for reciprocity arrangements with other countries, opening the way for possible reductions of duty by treaty arrangements, were also incorporated in the act of 1897, though with limitations which made it improbable that any considerable changes would ensue from this policy.
The Latin poets to be studied include Virgil, Lucan, Statius, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and (with certain limitations) Horace, Juvenal and Persius, as well as Plautus, Terence and the tragedies of Seneca; the prose authors recommended are Cicero, Livy and Sallust.
The Federal general, within his limitations, acted prudently and skilfully.
An indiscreet announcement of the limitations of the Triple Alliance contributed to his fall in June 1885, when he was succeeded by Count di Robilant.
The main limitations of the sub-kingdom or phylum Mollusca, as laid down by Cuvier, and the chief divisions thus recognized within its limits by him, hold good to the present day.
The Current Grouping of Mankind and Nation-making.- In the consolidation of peace one of the most important factors is unquestionably the grouping of mankind in accordance with the final territorial and racial limitations of their apparent destiny.
God, intuitively known by Conscience, is not a personality (which implies limitations), but an all-inclusive essence (Wesen), which contains the Universe within itself.
This history, while suffering from the limitations of all contemporaneous narratives, contains much that does not exist elsewhere, and is one of the best-known sources for the later histories of Napoleon's reign.
To guard against such encroachments in the future the constitution of 1873 imposed the most detailed limitations upon special legislation.
The occurrence of hybrids in nature explains the difficulty experienced by botanists in deciding on what is a species, and the widely different limitations of the term adopted by different observers in the case of willows, roses, brambles, &c. The artificial process is practically the same in hybridization as in cross-fertilization, but usually requires more care.
The aim of Laokoon, which ranks as a classic, not only in German but in European literature, is to define by analysis the limitations of poetry and the plastic arts.
Meanwhile Anjou soon grew tired of his dependent position and of the limitations placed upon his sovereignty.
Inconsistencies, no doubt, are to be detected in his system, but they arise from the limitations of the view itself, and not, as in the case of Locke and Berkeley, from imperfect grasp of the principle, and endeavour to unite with it others radically incompatible.
Since, however, the evidence of ordinary consciousness almost always goes to prove that the individual, especially in relation to future acts, regards himself as being free within certain limitations to make his own choice of alternatives, many determinists go so far as to admit that there may be in any action which is neither reflex nor determined by external causes solely an element of freedom.
Private note banks are not empowered to do business outside the state which has conceded them the privilege to issue notes, except under certain limitations.
Beust promised them that there should be a special minister for Galicia, a separate board for Galician education, that Polish should be the language of instruction in all secondary schools, that Polish instead of German should be the official language in the law courts and public offices, Ruthenian being only used in the elementary schools under strict limitations.
The limitations of the test were the limitations of the educational and philosophic ideals of the time, in which a dogmatic basis was presupposed to all knowledge and criticism was limited to the superstructure.
From scepticism he escapes by accepting the doctrine of the mystics that God can be apprehended by intuition (intuitio, speculatio), an exalted state of the intellect in which all limitations disappear.
The friendship of Goethe and Schiller, of which their correspondence is a priceless record, had its limitations; it was purely intellectual in character, a certain barrier of personal reserve being maintained to the last.
It was valuable in teaching how to work within definite limitations, but without slavish copying; it also emancipated a considerable body of craftsmen from the tyranny of manufacturers whose sole idea was that machine-work should supersede handicraft.
Jefferson's statesmanship had the limitations of an agrarian outlook.
As for Socrates, he ranked himself neither with the philosophers, who professed to know, nor with the sophists, who professed to teach; and, if he sometimes described himself as a cbtX6a040s he was careful to indicate that he pretended to no other knowledge than that of his own limitations.
This, however, ignored the difficulty that if Christ during his sojourn on earth was not subject to human limitations, especially of knowledge, he was not a man as other men, and therefore not subject to their trials and temptations.
According to Mr Gore this means that Christ, on his incarnation, became subject to all human limitations, and had, so far as his life on earth was concerned, stripped himself of all the attributes of the Godhead, including the Divine omniscience, the Divine nature being, as it were, hidden under the human.'
They nevertheless present peculiar difficulties and limitations, which render their practical application more troublesome and more uncertain than is usually supposed.
It Would Have Been Desirable, If Possible, To Have Tried The Effect Of A Larger Range Of Variation In The Experimental Conditions Of Load And Speed, With A View To Detect The Existence Of Constant Errors; But Owing To The Limitations Imposed By The Use Of A Steam Engine, And The Difficulty Of Securing Steady Conditions Of Running, This Proved To Be Impossible.
Before it could become a universal religion, it had to struggle with Jewish limitations and to overcome them.
This pococurantism might easily be interpreted as an insight into the limitations of inverse method as such or as a belief in the plurality of causes in Mill's sense of the phrase.
The limitations of this in turn cause a contradiction to emerge, and the process needs repetition.
But henceforward he was to exercise it under constitutional forms and limitations, and with the express sanction of the senate and people.
In the limitations of the Roman empire and in the separation of East and West consequent upon its decline, Christianity, as a dominant religion, was confined for a thousand years to Europe, and even portions of this continent for centuries were in the hands of its great foe.
These limitations were the work of the moderate infallibilists, but the real hero of the day was Pius.
The disability in the case of the lord chancellor of Ireland was removed by statute in 2867, with necessary limitations as to ecclesiastical patronage.
It lay not in the German genius to escape from the preoccupations and the limitations of the middle ages, for this reason mainly that what we call medieval was to a very large extent Teutonic. But on the Spanish peninsula, in the masterpieces of Velazquez, Cervantes, Camoens, Calderon, we emerge into an atmosphere of art, definitely national, distinctly modern, where solid natural forms stand before us realistically modelled, with light and shadow on their rounded outlines, and where the airiest creatures of the fancy take shape and weave a dance of rhythmic, light, incomparable intricacy.
But here also the essential limitations of the newer form are easily perceptible.
More was done by the gentler missionary zeal of the Franciscans and Dominicans in the early 13th century; but St Thomas Aquinas had seen half a century of that reform and had recognized its limitations; he therefore attenuated as much as possible the decree of Nicholas II.
Further, there are elements of Islam, like the usages of the hajj (or pilgrimage to the sacred places at Mecca), the dryness of its official doctrine and the limitations of its real character as indicated in the Wahhabi revival, which so impair its apparent universalism that Kuenen found himself obliged to withdraw it from the highest rank of religions.
The foundation of the system is the doctrine of one infinite substance, of which all finite existences are modes or limitations (modes of thought or modes of extension).
Thus a debt may be barred by the Statute of Limitations and so cease to be enforceable.
For an universal empire, however, the forces of Macedonia and Greece were insufficient; the monarch of a world-empire could not be bound by the limitations imposed on the tribal king of Macedon or the general of a league of Hellenic republics.
Overpowered by the majesty and novelty of the Christian message of salvation, too conscientious to rest satisfied with the ordinary attempts at the solution of difficulties, while prevented by the limitations of his time from reaching an historical insight into the relation of Christianity to the Old Testament and to Judaism, he believed that he expressed Paul's view by the 1 Esnik's presentation of the Marcionite system is a late production, and contains many speculations that cannot be charged upon Marcion himself.
The incidents recorded in the charters characterize folkland as subject to ordinary fiscal burdens and to limitations in respect of testamentary succession.
These incidents and limitations are thrown into relief by copious illustrations as to the fundamental features of bookland contained in the numberless "books."
A nearly vegetarian diet and a complete abstinence from alcoholic stimulants is the ideal in such cases, but it must be modified to suit individuals, as sometimes very strict limitations prove injurious.
The effect of the act was to impose upon the judges under severe sanction the duty of protecting personal liberty in the case of criminal charges and of securing speedy trial upon such charges when legally framed; and the improvement of their tenure of office at the revolution, coupled with the veto put by the Bill of Rights on excessive bail, gave the judicature the independence and authority necessary to enable them to keep the executive within the law and to restrain administrative development of the scope or penalties of the criminal law; and this power of the judiciary to control the executive, coupled with the limitations on the right to set up "act of state" as an excuse for infringing individual liberty is the special characteristic of English constitutional law.
Its arguments and conclusions are therefore subject to the same limitations which those fundamental principles require.
Bagehot seems right in believing that Ricardo himself had no consciousness of the limitations to which his doctrines are subject.
Subject to certain limitations and to a property qualification, any person over 40 years of age was eligible to a peerage.
For all reasons an attempt to preserve Stonehenge was desirable; and the owner, Sir Edmund Antrobus I was willing, on certain conditions, as to limitations of access, to co-operate with the Society of Antiquaries, Wiltshire Archaeological Society and Society for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments in taking such steps as might be necessary to prevent more stones from falling, and even (if possible) to set up some which had fallen.
Both the state government and the national government have established hatcheries within the state, and state laws protect the industry by regulating the size of mesh in the nets used, prescribing the size of fish that may be taken and kept, establishing close seasons for several kinds of fish, and by other limitations.
The possession of morphine by medical practitioners is also safeguarded by well-defined limitations.
The self of man is regarded as having limitations, whereas the Godhead is infinite and all-inclusive.
Voltaire's reply to it in the 18th (Essai sur les mceurs) attacked its limitations on the basis of deism, and its miraculous procedure on that of science.
But Edward the Black Prince was the original grantee of the principality as well as of the dukedom, under p p y the special limitations which have continued in force to the present day.
A king and clan being able, subject to certain limitations, to adopt new members or families, or amalgamate with another clan, the theory of common origin was not rigidly adhered to.
The constitutional quarrels of his reign were conducted with decency and order, because the king knew his own limitations, and because his subjects trusted to his wisdom and moderation in times of crisis.
He had also to swear an obedience to a long string of constitutional limitations of his power, and to promise to remove many practical grievances of administration.
As regards existing forms of life, the limitations of the class are perfectly well defined and easy of recognition; for although certain groups (not, by the way, whales, which, although excluded in popular estimation from the class, are in all essential respects typical mammals) are exceedingly aberrant, and present structural features connecting them with the lower vertebrate classes, yet they are by common consent retained in the class to which they are obviously most nearly affiliated by their preponderating characteristics.
Before the Reformation the ecclesiastical supremacy of the pope was recognized, with certain limitations, in England, and the Church itself had some pretensions to ecclesiastical freedom.
These speeches appeal more to admiration than to sympathy, even where the limitations of Disraeli's protectionist beliefs are understood and where his perception of the later consequences of free trade is most cordially acknowledged.
But the process by which such freedom is eventually to be gained must, if the prize is to be worth the having, itself exhibit the gradual development of a self which, under whatever limitations, possesses the same liberty of choice in its early stages as in its latest.
At Cambridge he was strongly influenced by the philosophical views of Ralph Cudworth and Henry More, who proposed an unusual degree of toleration within the boundaries of the church and the limitations imposed by its liturgy and episcopal government; and his intercourse in Holland with foreign divines of different Protestant sects further encouraged his tendency to latitudinarianism.
Unlike Lord Hartington (afterwards duke of Devonshire) and other Liberals, who declined to join Mr Gladstone in view of the altered attitude he was adopting towards Ireland, Mr Chamberlain entered the cabinet as president of the Local Government Board (with Mr Jesse Collings as parliamentary secretary), but on the 15th of March 1886 he resigned, explaining in the House of Commons (8th April) that, while he had always been in favour of the largest possible extension of local government to Ireland consistently with the integrity of the empire and the supremacy of parliament, and had therefore joined Mr Gladstone when he believed that this was what was intended, he was unable to consider that the scheme communicated by Mr Gladstone to his colleagues maintained those limitations.
Astrology in this its earliest stage is, however, marked by two characteristic limitations.
The constitution also prohibited state aid to railways and other corporations, leaving this to cities and counties under limitations.
It is impossible within brief limits to convey more than a general idea of the work of a philosopher who published more than three hundred original papers bearing upon nearly every branch of physical science; who one day was working out the mathematics of a vortex theory of matter on hydrodynamical principles or discovering the limitations of the capabilities of the vortex atom, on another was applying the theory of elasticity to tides in the solid earth, or was calculating the size of water molecules, and later was designing an electricity meter, a dynamo or a domestic water-tap. It is only by reference to his published papers that any approximate conception can be formed of his life's work; but the student who had read all these knew comparatively little of Lord Kelvin if he had not talked with him face to face.
She possessed little grasp of Howie's limitations, causing her to wonder about the choice of crimes where tips were received.
The Dean's ages—both forty—and the financial limitations of their new business would make obtaining court approval difficult.
She knew it; one of the few limitations an Oracle had was the inability to see her own future.
The NGOs may well prove invaluable in overcoming the limitations inherent in international organizations that are comprised of sovereign states.
Audio (Dolby digital mono) is fair to good, tho once again betraying the limitations of the source.
We can, however, express such limitations as recommendations, in which case a representation satisfying them is called canonical.
A standard error 99 mJy is listed as 99 mJy because of space limitations in the originating catalog.
Are time limitations included and is shift changeover dealt with?
Whether this is due to shortcomings of the model, or the limitations of the material characterization, remains open for discussion.
Perhaps the most severe and potentially deadly of the limitations is CNS oxygen toxicity.
For all his limitations I cannot imagine Blair saying anything so fatuous.
What are the essential virtues, expectations, and/or limitations of the entire samurai vampire genre?
Perhaps those with most to gain are the physically infirm who will be able to transcend their bodily limitations.
On the other hand, there are some writers who transcend these limitations, the most obvious, of course, being Conan Doyle.
At the outset we must recognize the limitations of this paper.
Rather, it concentrates on exposing the limitations of various accounts of the numbers, i.e. explaining what the numbers are not.
As an artist I want to move beyond an illustrative interpretation of scientific work as I recognize the limitations of this approach.
Many are frustrated by the limitations of their role in the new political structures.
Despite the inherent limitations of concert films, Sign o ' the Times is conceptually strong and visually riveting.
T he methodological limitations of this research that is common to all systematic reviews and meta-analysis are also mentioned.
All of your work must conform to organizational procedures and budgetary limitations.
It should only measure functional limitations caused by the physical disability which affects the players capability for performing the different skills.
Did he think that his physical limitations would hinder Almighty God?
This text elucidates the practice of forensic neuropsychology for those who need to understand the scope and limitations of this field.
The Dean of the Faculty shall be eligible for re-appointment subject to the limitations prescribed by the ordinances.
There are now limitations on cross-media ownership, which has limited Berlusconi's activities somewhat.
Or are they actually not infinitely precise, given the practical limitations of measuring them with a finite universe?
But what I don't understand is why digital converts get so prickly whenever anyone points out the limitations of digital imaging?
As a relatively primitive system in comparison with modern personal computers and with the Internet, its limitations have become all too apparent.
Thus, ' stress ', is, with some limitations, considered to be a reasonable proxy for reliability.
The use of simple self-report questionnaires to explore self-awareness has significant limitations.
Electrical impedance tomography a new imaging technique for epilepsy All imaging methods in use today have their limitations.
However there may be limitations on how close you can really shoot underwater because of flashgun limitations.
Among many champions of cyberspace also we see an intense yearning for transcendence over the limitations of the body.
Many of the most prominent Englishmen of the day were his pupils and owed much of what they were to his precept and example, his penetrative sympathy, his insistent criticism, and his unwearying friendship. Seldom have ideal aims been so steadily pursued with so clear a recognition of practical limitations.
Leading politicians have in all the states felt the cramping effects of mere domestic legislation, albeit on the proper direction of such legislation depends the wellbeing of the people; and to this sense of the limitations of local politics was due, as much as to anything else, the movement towards federation.
When improvements in the structure of an instrument remove from the modern composer's memory an entire category of limitations which in classical music determined the very character of the instrument, the temptation is easy to regard the improvement as a kind of access of wisdom, in comparison with which not only the older form of the instrument, but the part that it plays in classical music, is crude and archaic. But we should do better justice to improvements in an instrument if we really understood how far they give it, not merely new resources, but a new nature.
He promised, indeed, a consultative council of state, and granted an amnesty from which no less than 25,000 persons were excluded; but on his return to Rome (12th April 1850), after he was quite certain that France had given up all idea of imposing constitutional limitations on him, he re-established his government on the old lines of priestly absolutism, and, devoting himself to religious practices, left political affairs mostly to the astute cardinal Antonelli, who repressed with great severity the political agitation which still continued.
Again, the magician conscious of his limitations will seek to supplement his influence - his mana, as it is termed in the Pacific - by tapping, so to speak, whatever sources of similar power lie round about him; and these the "magomorphism" of primitive society perceives on every hand.
Even those theologians, however, who have laid special stress on the limitations of the human will have repudiated the strictly fatalistic doctrine which is characteristic of Oriental thought and is the negation of all human initiative (see Predestination; Augustine, Saint; Will).
On the other hand, the discrepancies as to details, the confusion as to exact chronology, the manifest prejudice and partizanship, and the obvious limitations of knowledge make it clear that the writers partook in full measure of the shortcomings of other historians, and that their work must be adjudged by ordinary historical standards.
England had already taken measures to check the papal claims. France in the Pragmatic Sanction reformulated the claim of the councils to be superior to the pope, as well as the decision of the council of Basel in regard to elections, annates and other dues, limitations on ecclesiastical jurisdiction, and appeals to the pope.
The difficulties, limitations and temporary means special to the book are closely connected with its ready appeal and abiding power; let us take both sets of things together, in three couples of interrelated price and gift.
In its detached yet intimate way, this is a model of the art by which a good judge of men, possessed at the same time of a just historical sense, may, from the point of view of a contemporary on the opposite side in politics, correct the perspective of an official biography written under the limitations of filial obligation, and give tone and value to the picture of an interesting personality.
Thus the Protagoras brings the educational theory of Protagoras and the sophists of culture face to face with the educational theory of Socrates, so as to expose the limitations of both; the Gorgias deals with the moral aspect of the teachings of the forensic rhetorician Gorgias and the political rhetorician Isocrates, and the intellectual aspect of their respective theories of education is handled in the Phaedrus; the Meno on the one hand exhibits the strength and the weakness of the teaching of Socrates, and on the other brings into view the makeshift method of those who, despising systematic teaching, regarded the practical politician as the true educator; the Euthydemus has for its subject the eristical method; finally, having in these dialogues characterized the current theories of education, Plato proceeds in the Republic to develop an original scheme.
This means that we will not be restricted by the limitations of producing a program for mass distribution.
German codes were changed in the 1980s, omitting limitations on tensile stresses in concrete roadway decks under service conditions.
Due to limitations savings accounts quot they see an.
The idea is to escape from the mostly self-imposed limitations to find a lasting freedom.
Each of the above exclusions or limitations shall be construed as a separate, and severable, provision of these Terms.
Due to the limitations of XMP, admins will not be able to spectate games.
One of the best days riding you can have without the pressure of competition or the limitations of trail riding.
Music is a form of communication which, at its best, transcends the limitations of language in unifying the people.
Check with your carrier about the limitations, restrictions and extra charges that might apply, and pack accordingly.
Depending upon the agency, the limitations on who can adopt can be very restrictive.
This will give you a realistic idea of what that model's conveniences and limitations are.
Always read the ticket limitations and refund restrictions before you buy.
How to buy a futon depends upon your needs and your space limitations.
The critical factor in choosing a safe chainsaw is making sure to balance power needs against weight limitations.
Keep in mind that there may be limitations based on state when it comes to having fireworks shipped to you.
Keep in mind that there may be limitations to consider like Best Buy's online store that doesn't ship the iPad.
An underground fence has no such limitations.
Take into consideration any physical limitations you or other family members have that might make changes more difficult.
For just a few cents a minute, a call can be made to almost anywhere in the world, depending on the limitations of your phone card.
While these restrictions may seem excessive, cardholders can often use their Disney Dream Reward Dollars with fewer limitations.
Though the card has its limitations, with responsible usage it can be a valuable tool for any consumer.
The conditions and limitations of this protection vary for each type of card, however, and consumers should investigate which card would be best for their internet transactions before shopping online.
Other programs may have expiration dates or limitations to the number of points a cardholder can accumulate, but this program does not feature any of these issues.
There is a statute of limitations for most negative items.
A Juniper card can offer you a good option for a rewards card if you are aware of the APR and other fees and limitations and determine that in your situation, the benefits outweigh the potential drawbacks.
The statute of limitations does not stop collectors from legally pursuing payment, but it does prohibit lawsuits from creditors in an attempt to collect payment.
In other words, collectors can still ask you to pay the debt that has exceeded the statute of limitations, but they cannot take you to court in an attempt to make you pay what you owe.
Debt that has exceeded the statute of limitations is often referred to as time barred debt.
You can learn more about the statute of limitations set by your state by contacting your state's Attorney General.
On the other hand, in some states, the burden of proof falls on the individual consumer to prove that the debt has exceeded the statute of limitations.
Limitations and restrictions may be in place.
Also, there may be limitations on where you can use the card and how many rewards you can redeem annually.
Before using debit cards while you travel, consider the risks and limitations these cards impose.
One of the easiest ways to overcome the Card Act limitations is for the high school student to obtain an adult cosigner on his or her application.
In most states, there is no statue of limitations for child support payments.
In Arizona, the Statute of Limitations sets the limitation date for collecting unpaid child support as the end of the third year following emancipation of the youngest child for whom support was ordered.
This reinforces the importance of limitations and teaches children how to live within their means, a lesson that will benefit them the rest of their lives.
The benefits and limitations of these fuels are key to understanding how each of these fuels might be used.
The test of a designer's creativity is the ability to work around limitations and still have a fantastic design.
Second, it assists in setting limitations.
Limitations can be one of your very best design tools since it will often force you to be creative in achieving the look you design.
Know your financial limitations and let this consideration guide you as you begin the search for an online education.
However, there are some limitations on the free accounts.
You can customize your avatar with limitations and then spin the wheel.
Look out for gameplay limitations and in-game purchases while playing for free.
Because of the need for live models, Internet education has some limitations, but there are still benefits to taking these types of photography courses.
Depending on what type of decorations you use, your cake can be totally original to you - your only limitations are making sure you use the colors red, white, and blue!
Rolling totes aren't allowed in the Vendor Fair area or in the classrooms due to space limitations.
Your printer has some physical limitations on the dimensions of each sheet.
Your doctor will be able to give you recommendations on what your limitations are when lifting so you don't injure yourself.
Depending upon the area in which you live, you may discover limitations in the number and type of Christian schools that are available for troubled teens in your area.
You can use a free service that may come with some creative limitations or go all out and opt for a paid website with lots of perks and extras.
Caribbean beach weddings are one of the hottest trends in destination weddings, but before jetting off to a tropical paradise to exchange I do's, couples should understand both the benefits and the limitations of these island venues.
In addition, it's important to keep in mind the time, expense, and design limitations that can result from printing invitations at home.
Experiment with the fondant before using it to decorate a wedding cake to discover its properties and limitations.
Discount Carnival Cruises can be found quite easily, but there are limitations and restrictions that every passenger should be aware of when considering these great deals.
There may be limitations on how long plaintiffs have to press charges, and delayed cases are more easily dismissed.
Cruises to the Bahamas or the Caribbean are the most common during the month of December due to weather limitations.
In addition, you may have some limitations on available shore excursions.
I think you should accept her natural limitations and try teaching her other tricks she enjoys learning.
So how do you best deal with the limitations of tablature?
However, the benefits of tabs and chord charts are also related to their limitations.
Regardless of your style or space limitations, there is an Anderson patio door to meet your needs.
Most composite manufacturers offer detailed cleaning instructions, but it is important to be aware of the limitations of the product.
The bells and whistles can vary, but your basic needs and the limitations of your space and pocketbook will determine what type of system will work best for you.
Upon further research, it can be determined that many of these individuals are not familiar with the limitations of the heater.
Line-voltage, or 120-volt systems, are not handicapped by these limitations.
Of course, with a kit, there's no worrying about exceeding wattage limitations and there's less to concern yourself with so it's a much easier and usually faster installation.
Natural Air Conditioning - If you've ever wakened in the middle of the night feeling like you're slowly roasting under the covers, you'll understand one of the limitations of synthetic fibers and low-end bedding.
The Fubar product line includes drinks as well as organic fuel bars that are both designed to replenish the body and give people the fuel they need to exceed their own physical limitations.
Improvement in the trade standards among nations, leading to free trade without corporate limitations.
These groups have different qualifications and other limitations for recipients.
This can range from simple issues like not being able to walk as far as you used to, to serious limitations or being restricted to a mobility device.
Many seniors with day-to-day limitations are not frail enough to require nursing homes, though they clearly need assistance.
Do not feel guilty; everyone has limitations.
Employers set up the 401K plan, while the employee determines how much to contribute based on limitations set up by law.
Finally, while an older body may experience some limitations in terms of strength and flexibility, it is no impediment to enjoyable sex.
Physical fitness for senior citizens is a great way to get into shape but you have to know your limitations.
While some residents have sharp minds, but may have physical limitations, other residents may experience decline in cognitive functions.
Residents in long-term care usually have physical or mental limitations.
Reading - Large type books and books on CD can be provided to residents with visual or auditory limitations.
Residents with auditory limitations can use assistive devices to enhance hearing.
In theory, most jobs are open to seniors unless they have physical limitations.
There are many fun and creative craft ideas for all seniors, even those that have physical or mental limitations.
Always take into consideration your loved one's interests, physical condition and mental limitations.
There are many assistance-oriented products on the market that make life easier for the elderly depending on their physical condition and limitations.
Many companies make puzzles, games and hobby items for elderly individuals that suffer from low vision, hearing impairment or other types of physical limitations.
Think about the things your father enjoys in life, such as a hobby or a special interest, but remember to consider any physical or mental limitations he may have before choosing a gift for him.
Adaptive clothing stores, such as Silvert's, have many options that meet the needs of elderly people with a variety of limitations.
If you are interested in learning how to build night vision goggles, it's important to first understand how night vision works and be aware of the limitations.
This could be due to limited land space, development limitations imposed by the city or state, or simply because a small park cannot compete with the newest high-tech attractions at larger, more profitable parks.
Because of their structural limitations, wooden roller coasters cannot compete with steel rides for speed-related records.
Powered coasters, which are electrically propelled throughout the entire ride, have unique speed limitations that generally keep their speeds lower than 25 miles per hour - hardly impressive when compared to other designs.
Despite their age and limitations, these power coasters are nonetheless impressive and well worth a visit from roller coaster enthusiasts.
The type and size of accommodations as well as the length and times can also be adjusted, unlike most time share rentals that have greater limitations on guests' travel plans.
While this coaster design has limitations, there is still a lot of variety in different shuttle coasters, and they're a favorite among many theme park visitors.
The newer version, which is available for both Linux and Mac, overcomes some of the hardware limitations that gamers faced in the mid-90s, expanding the game to allow for more vehicles, more variability, and more options.
Endless Ocean actually does have some limitations, so it's not that endless.
The reasons behind this choice were design limitations due to the smaller size of the SP compared to its predecessors.
So, as many developers did at the time, they established a quasi-independent subsidiary to release more games per year while complying with Nintendo's limitations.
Due to the technical limitations of the MSX, the system couldn't handle combat very well, so changing the focus of the game to stealth was their way of working around the potential problem.
The current appearance of Mario actually has to do with technological limitations during his early development.
They have space limitations - every disk in a game box costs money - but thanks to compression and an installation process, they don't have to fit it all in executable form on the game disk like console games do.
Setting a new standard for video games, the high-speed motion of the Sonic character went beyond the limitations of the game systems of the time.
Unfortunately, the limitations of the Genesis system did not allow you to save scores, so you were forced to keep track of them by hand on a piece of paper.
The prince still has his signature acrobatics and more lifelike physical limitations.
Combining the above-named two factors, Sony quickly began to lose third party support, especially to the Sony PlayStation, just as the Nintendo 64 did due to the limitations and high costs of cartridge games.
The gameplay on these versions of the game were similar, but the mobile versions for cell phones and the Game Boy Advance were quite different due to hardware limitations.
There were limitations to this model, like the lack of Wi-Fi connectivity and a flash card reader.
Are there call limitations Find out if you can call anywhere in the United States, or whether there are extra charges.
Location Limitations - Cell phone family plans seem like a great idea if you have a typical nuclear family, everyone living in the same area.
Couples interested in these options should obtain genetic counseling to carefully explore all of the benefits and limitations of these procedures.
The child's primary doctor can usually provide advice regarding such concerns as medication side effects, limitations on the child's activities if any, and explaining the disease to the child and other family members.
It is defined as an intellectual functioning level (as measured by standard tests for intelligence quotient) that is well below average and significant limitations in daily living skills (adaptive functioning).
A diagnosis of mental retardation is made if an individual has an intellectual functioning level well below average and significant limitations in two or more adaptive skill areas.
The AAMR classification system focuses on the capabilities of the retarded individual rather than on the limitations.
Low IQ scores and limitations in adaptive skills are the hallmarks of mental retardation.
Parents should obtain a doctor's note to explain their child's specific exercise limitations to teachers and coaches.
Because JDMS usually requires two years or even longer of drug treatments, exercise programs, limitations on some activities, and special attention to diet, children often become angry, depressed, or self-pitying.
The examiner should be made aware of a child's potential limitations before the day of the test so that appropriate accommodations are available.
Determining the prevalence for alpha thalassemia is difficult due to limitations in diagnostic testing.
Transfusion therapy does have limitations, however.
These limitations can show up in many ways, such as specific difficulties with spoken and written language, coordination, self-control, or attention.
When a child with celiac disease eats at a friend's house, the friend's parent should be aware of the child's dietary limitations.
Despite the benefits that the implant appears to offer, some hearing specialists and members of the deaf community still believe that the benefits may not outweigh the risks and limitations of the device.
Many have developmental delays and impaired intellectual functioning in addition to the physical limitations often caused by the accompanying spina bifida.
According to the CDC, the actual number of Lyme cases may exceed 200,000 due to underreporting and limitations in disease surveillance methods.
Scar tissue may limit mobility and functionality, but physical therapy may overcome these limitations.
Getting a good DVD about country dance is a great way to overcome these limitations and also retain the benefit of being able to watch it again and again, even slowing down the parts that might be extra difficult.
Understanding the potential limitations of your hair's style and texture can help you choose the perfect look for any special occasion.
Publicly schooled children often miss out on hands-on activities because of budget limitations.
You don't have to be a certified teacher to successfully educate your own child, but you should know your limitations.
There may be additional limitations depending on the number of exisiting FHA loans within the condo building.
Limitations, stipulations, and restrictions also play a role in the actual cost of a mortgage.
There is so much competition and limitations to a new line.
Despite this model's limitations, it sold very well at the time and is still prized by collectors today.
You have some limitations in that you may not be able to use any color you like, depending on what you're designing.
In addition to this, find out if any restrictions, licenses or limitations for fundraisers of this type apply to your region.
Most likely, you will have to tweak the created proposal, a task that may be difficult or even impossible depending on the program's limitations.
Therefore, start by spending some time learning and exploring your own mental and physical limitations, in order to increase your self awareness.
One might tell you to recognize your limitations, while another tells you to reach for your dreams.
While of course a parent's job is to set limitations and enforce rules, you can help your teen become more excepting of these teenager dating rules if you allow her some ownership as well.
Free cards are the most popular and offer a good range of styles, though they do have limitations in terms of the amount of personalization and choices available.
What would you do if you had no financial limitations?
However, while these sites advertise being "100 percent free" to join, they put some very strategic limitations on the things you can do.
Other limitations on how many photos you can post or how long you can be on the site also motivate you to eventually pay.
Mall stores are generally reputable but have limitations, while independent jewelry stores also have risks, especially if you may be relocating.
A party is by no means necessary, and many couples forgo the event because of scheduling constraints or travel limitations for distant friends and relatives.
The agreement should also spell out the expected turnaround time for requested revisions and any limitations on revisions.
We should not let society's limitations, nor our own limitations, keep us from self-fulfillment and happiness.
What astrologers do know is that north nodes indicate a couple growing together (the area they fall in will show where that growth will occur), while south nodes indicate past karma, and in some case, limitations.
Taurus knows the limitations of relationships so when she meets up with the giving Leo, all of her preconceived ideas are shattered.
Virgo is a perfectionist, while Scorpio accepts life's limitations and disappointments.
He secretly craves a structured environment that provides him with limitations since he has none naturally.
Kids' loft beds provide a practical solution for families with space limitations.
Learn about how to interview witnesses, how and why the technology is actually used (and it's limitations), and especially how to help people with their experiences.
Registering the program and paying the fees removes those limitations.
Be sure to read the fine print on the card to identify any possible limitations.
These limitations may mean that the card does not meet your needs.
Doing so will avoid you from being surprised at the amount of a rebate you receive and will protect you against unexpected charges, fees or limitations placed on how you can receive or spend your rebate.
Just as every computer user's profile is unique, so are indvidual spending limitations, and how you buy your next new computer can mean the difference between a great system that meets your needs or one that simply needs your wallet.
Before using any offer, however, be sure to check limitations such as validity dates, number of guests included in the offer, and other terms.
Before buying the Slim in 6 program using coupon codes, check each code for expiration dates, restrictions, and other limitations that may make it less valuable.
Certain codes are not applicable on sale items, so read the limitations closely prior to purchasing.
Despite these necessary limitations, the world yearns for items in miniature and small electronic companies obligingly rush to meet the demand.
For example, teachers of Viniyoga or Iyengar yoga are usually skilled in accommodating students with injuries or physical limitations.
Through the use of spiritual energy, the tantric yogi works to expand his or her levels of consciousness and remove personal limitations that once would have held him or her back.
The principles of yoga don't exclude anyone based on body or knowledge limitations.
Also, my work with my own body's limitations gave me an interest in and empathy for working with people with physical challenges.
My own challenges, limitations, and injuries have helped support that empathy and inclusiveness.
Adult Asperger syndrome is a complex subject, with many who suffer its symptoms and feel its limitations struggle to find the help they need to make their lives more manageable.
While Business DSL has been touted as an efficient business solution, these are some severe limitations in service and speeds delivered depending upon your provider's central office location in relation to yours.
There are few limitations to the amount of information a CD business card can provide.
Private sellers now have access to an increasing pool of potential buyers, far beyond the limitations of the local newspaper classifieds section audience.
These programs are also referred to as try before you buy programs and are usually fully functional with minor limitations.
Vehicles are built to carry a lot of extra weight, but even the toughest truck will have some weight limitations.
According to the catalog, Delong does try to accommodate special orders such as "rush jobs" in spite of these limitations.
Overall, a vegetarian diet can be a very healthy one, and offers few limitations while still providing many healthy options.
Although outcomes from the study provide valid information, limitations within the study must be addressed to portray the whole picture.
One of the limitations of Flickr, however, is that there are only 200 pictures allowed before a person has to buy a professional account.
It's a constant game of cat and mouse in terms of Internet security, so if you're going to use CGI proxy make sure you're fully aware of its capabilities and limitations.
That's what 50 Webs is counting on - that you'll like their service but begin to chafe under the limitations of size, of one email account, and decide to purchase one of their larger plans.
Because of the technical limitations of earlier computers and coding, it was necessary to only use three bytes to communicate colors.
We also help establish reasonable limitations.
Will there be limitations on sizes of files that can be uploaded?
Google Sites enables users to create free professional websites with minor limitations.
The problem was that due to limitations of technology there were only six digits available to determine the colors.