Limitation Sentence Examples
But this limitation is always taken for granted.
Even with this limitation the subject is too vast for us to enter into details.
Was this limitation a reason for sacrificing the advantages we had gained?
All that it is necessary to assume is that the effects of the successive zones gradually diminish, whether from the increasing obliquity of the secondary ray or because (on account of the limitation of the region of integration) the zones become at last more and more incomplete.
Thus the limitation of the Milanese duchy under Filippo Maria Visconti, and its consolidation under Francesco Sforza, were equally effectual in preparing the balance of power to which Italian politics now tended.
There was a new scepticism - at the very least a doctrine of limitation in human knowledge; but in its extremer forms an absolute agnosticism.
The most important step taken by President Harding during the first year of his administration was the calling of an international conference on the limitation of armaments.
An example will serve to make the meaning of this limitation clearer.
This merely thermal energy - which is gradually but very slowly being restricted in amount as new subsidiary organized types become recognized in it - though transmutable in equivalent quantities with the other kinds, yet is so only to a limited extent; the tracing out of the laws of this limitation belongs to the science of thermodynamics.
From the time of Jeremiah downwards the perennial interest of Old-Testament thought lies in the working out of the problems of personal religion and of the idea of a spiritual fellowship of faith transcending all national limitation; and these are the motives not only of the lyrics of the Psalter but of the greater theodiceas of Isa.
AdvertisementBut one cannot attach moral attributes to the original Being itself, because these would imply limitation.
The essential elements were livery of seisin (delivery of possession), which consisted in formally giving to the feoffee on the land a clod or turf, or a growing twig, as a symbol of the transfer of the land, and words by the feoffor declaratory of his intent to deliver possession to the feoffee with a "limitation" of the estate intended to be transferred.
And, subject only to this limitation, the jurisdiction of the state courts covers the entire field of civil and criminal law.
The Senate rules have no provision for the closure of debate, nor any limitation on the length either of a debate or of a speech.
There is no legal limitation to his re-eligibility any number of times; but tradition, dating from the refusal of George Washington to be rioniinated for a third term, has virtually established the rule that no person shall be president for more than two continuous terms, If the president dies, the vice-president steps into his place; and if the latter also dies in office, the succession passes to the secretary of state.f The president receives a salary of $75,000 a year, besides $25,000 a year for travelling expenses, and has an official residence called the Executive Mansion, or more familiarly the White House.
AdvertisementDisarmament, or to speak more correctly, the contractual limitation of armaments, has become, of late years, as much an economic as a humanitarian peace-securing object.
Not the least interesting of existing possibilities is the limitation of the area of visit and search in time of war itself, as a restriction of belligerent right.
Such a limitation of the area of hostilities is not only feasible, but it was actually put in practice by the British government during the Boer War.3 In the course of the Russo-Japanese War the question came up again, being raised this time by Great Britain.
The limitation of power is introduced as in all optical instruments, by the finiteness of the length of a wave of light which causes the image of an indefinitely narrow slit to spread out over a finite width in the focal plane of the observing telescope.
In supposing a direct perception of such a nondescript thing, he shows to what straits idealists are driven in the endeavour to supplement Kant's limitation of knowledge to phenomena by some sort of knowledge of things.
AdvertisementIt opposes " pure experience " to " pure reason," while it agrees with Kant's limitation of knowledge to experience.
What a pity it is that Wundt had committed himself by his psychology to phenomenalism, to unitary experience, and to the limitation of judgment and reason to ideas and ideals!
In general, these engagements bore upon the limitation of the number of cardinals, the prohibition to nominate new ones without previous notification to the Sacred College, the sharing between the cardinals and the pope of certain revenues specified by a bull of Nicholas IV., and the obligatory consultation of the consistories for the principal acts of the temporal and spiritual government.
In the midst of the confusion, which reigned supreme in the council, the upper hand was gained by that party which held that the only method by which the schism could be ended and a reformation of ecclesiastical discipline ensured was a drastic limitation of the papal privileges.
But even with this limitation, the separation of the undoubted Fringillidae 1 into groups is a difficult task.
AdvertisementThe dictator alone among military commanders had no quaestor, because a quaestor would have been a limitation to his powers.
Thus, in the first decade of the 20th century a great advance had been made in the way in which the whole problem was being viewed in America, though the very immensity of the problem of bringing the Federal power to bear on operations on so vast a scale, involving the limitation of private land speculation in important areas, still presented political difficulties of considerable magnitude.
Like Hamilton, Mansel maintained the purely formal character of logic, the duality of consciousness as testifying to both self and the external world, and the limitation of knowledge to the finite and "conditioned."
This move was very popular in Germany, and the papal party received a further rebuff in July 1338 when the electors met at Rense and declared that in no possible manner could they allow any control over, or limitation of, their electoral rights.
In 1876, however, the party in Prussi; reunited on a programme-which demanded the maintenance of the Christian character of the schools, cessation of the Kulturkampf, limitation of economic liberty, and repression of social democracy, and this was accepted also by the Conservatives in the Reichstag.
This limitation of administrative expenditure was the cardinal feature and the leading defect of the convention.
Its use with any approach to its modern scope only became possible after Robert Brown had established in 1827 the existence of truly naked seeds in the Cycadeae and Coniferae, entitling them to be correctly called Gymnosperms. From that time onwards, so long as these Gymnosperms were, as was usual, reckoned as dicotyledonous flowering plants, the term Angiosperm was used antithetically by botanical writers, but with varying limitation, as a group-name for other dicotyledonous plants.
Therefore, the above limitation may not apply to you or there may be state provisions which supersede the above.
He introduced and passed bills for the better protection of women and children in brickyards and for the limitation of their labours in factories;.
Something will be said later in this article as to the limitation of variation; here it is necessary only to say that de Vries is introducing no new idea.
As yet no solid reason has been alleged for excluding fluctuating variations, on account of their limitation, from the materials for specific change.
The past history of the organic world displays many successful series and these, as they have survived, must inevitably display orthogenesis to some extent; but it also displays many failures which indeed may be regarded as showing that the limitation of variation has been such that the organisms have lost the possibility of successful response to a new environment.
Individuality involves limitation, limitation in its turn involves ignorance, and ignorance is the source of sorrow.
This seems an unlikely limitation, throwing an impossible amount of work upon the crew, and leaving each ship terribly weak supposing a naval battle had to be undertaken - as with some rival viking fleet, even before any Christian nation possessed a fleet.
It carried out Kant's doctrine of the categories as a priori synthetic principles, but removed the limitation by which Kant denied them any constitutive value except in alliance with experience.
The merit of Hegel is to have indicated and to a large extent displayed the filiation and mutual limitation of our forms of thought; to have arranged them in the order of their comparative capacity to give a satisfactory expression to truth in the totality of its relations; and to have broken down the partition which in Kant separated the formal logic from the transcendental analytic, as well as the general disruption between logic and metaphysic. It must at the same time be admitted that much of the work of weaving the terms of thought, the categories, into a system has a hypothetical and tentative character, and that Hegel has rather pointed out the path which logic must follow, viz.
In the course of the 17th century the port became the great 1 Dr Carlos Finlay of Havana, arguing from the coincidence between the climatic limitation of yellow fever and the geographical limitation of the mosquito, urged (1881 sqq.) that there was some relation between the disease and the insect.
One was the strict limitation of corporal punishment to offences of mutiny and gross personal violence to officers, where previously it might be inflicted for many forms of misconduct, and it can only now be adjudged under great restrictions.
It was feared that the removal of this powerful deterrent would adversely affect discipline, but on the contrary, the yearly average of prison offences has diminished from 147 to 131 per thousand prisoners, and it has been felt by the authorities that the limitation was salutary and wise.
Krauss, as chief-of-staff of the Archduke Eugene, was opposed to the disposition of the two armies and to the limitation of the attack to the hill country.
The Italian attacks, handicapped by the limitation imposed, made little headway, though they prevented the dispatch of Austrian units already under orders for the eastern front.
And what Spinoza has to say of the requisites of definition and the marks of intellection makes it clear that insight comes with coherence, and that the work of method on the " inductive " side is by means of the unravelling of all that makes for artificial limitation to lay bare what can then be seen to exhibit nexus in the one great system.
The propositions which deal with actual existence are still of a unique type, with whatever limitation to the calculus.
A principle is transcendentally " deduced " when it and only it can explain the validity of some phase of experience, some order Limitation of truths.
Even so the inference to the a priori ground of its necessity is, it has been often pointed out, subject to the limitation inherent in any process of reduction, in any regress, that is, from conditionate to condition, viz.
The two positions are to be conciliated in the thought of reciprocal limitation of the posited ego and non-ego.
After destroying, it is said, 300,000 persons, and without being checked by any quarantine regulations, the plague died out finally in March 1771, being remarkable for its short duration and spontaneous limitation (Haser).
This rigorous limitation of the meaning of the word is of comparatively recent origin, and it is perhaps to be regretted that some more technical term has not been devised, but the convention must now be regarded as established.
A limitation is thus imposed on the possible forms of the momental ellipsoid; e.g.
Looking at the opposition between these and the ordinary opinions, we are not surprised that Empedocles notes the limitation and narrowness of human perceptions.
Corresponding to the mainly economic nature of local expenditure there is the further limitation imposed on the side of revenue.
Hence the very general limitation of local revenues to certain typical forms. Though in some cases municipal taxation is imposed on commodities in the form of octrois or entry duties - as is notably the case in France yet the prevailing tendency is towards the levy of direct charges on immovable property, which cannot escape by removal outside the tax jurisdiction.
But this limitation, say the successors of Kant, rests upon a misconception.
What Schopenhauer professed, therefore, is to have dispelled the claims of reason to priority and to demonstrate the relativity and limitation of science.
The bill for protection against accidents, as well as for the limitation of working hours for women and children, was passed, together with one for the appointment of special factory inspectors.
The Exclusion Bill and the limitation of James's powers were no more heard of, and full liberty was granted to the king to pursue the retrograde and arbitrary policy to which his disposition naturally inclined.
It is this strong grasp of the imperfect character of our knowledge of nature and of the grounds for its limitation that makes Butler so formidable an opponent to his deistical contemporaries.
The premises, then, with which Butler starts are the existence of God, the known course of nature, and the necessary limitation of our knowledge.
The fundamental doctrine of this work is that, on the hypothesis of free competition, exchange value is determined by the labour expended in production, - a proposition not new, nor, except with considerable limitation and explanation, true, and of little practical use, as "amount of labour" is a vague expression, and the thing intended is incapable of exact estimation.
On the theoretical side the question is open until we introduce some limitation upon the generality of the functions.
At the parting of the ways which led, on the one hand, to modern Scyphomedusae, on the other to Anthozoa (III.), it is probable that the common ancestor was marked by incipient mesenteries and by the limitation of the sexual cells to endoderm.
The Easterns also resented the Roman enforcement of clerical celibacy, the limitation of the right of confirmation to the bishop and the use of unleavened bread in the Eucharist.
The constitution as amended in 1875 forbids the legislature to pass any private or special laws regulating the affairs of towns or counties, or to vote state grants to any municipal or industrial corporations or societies, and prescribes that in imposing taxes the assessment of taxable property shall be according to general laws and by uniform rules; and anti-race-track agitation in1891-1897led to a further amendment prohibiting the legalizing of lotteries, of pool-selling 1 The constitution of 1844 limited the suffrage to white males, and although this limitation was annulled by the fifteenth amendment to the Federal Constitution, it was not until 1875 that the state by an amendment (adopted on the 7th of September) struck the word " white " from its suffrage clause.
This limitation of the professed historian is made up for by the growingly historical treatment of all the sciences and arts - a tendency noted before, to which this edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica is itself a notable witness.
But the absence of the long-shaped implements, so characteristic of the Neolithic and Palaeolithic series, and serviceable as picks, hatchets, and chisels, shows remarkable limitation in the mind of these savages, who made a broad, hand-grasped knife their tool of all work to cut, saw, and chop with.
It was to the insight of Lawrence and the splendid organization of the Punjab province - the spoilt child -of the Indian government, as it had been called in allusion to the custom of sending thither the best of the Indian officials and soldiers - that the reduction of Delhi and the limitation of the outbreak were due.
But those who, like the positivists, agnostics and sceptics, deny the possibility of metaphysics as a theory of the ultimate nature of things, are still obliged to retain philosophy as a theory of knowledge, in order to justify the asserted limitation or impotence of human reason.
He was one of the four U.S. delegates to the Conference on Limitation of Armament, held in Washington, D.C., Nov.
The essential features which distinguish this from other systems are (I) the limitation of the number of different symbols, only ten being used, however large the number to be represented may be; (2) the use of the zero to indicate the absence of number; and (3) the principle of local value, by which a symbol in effect represents different numbers, according to its position.
In consequence of this limitation of the power of perception of number, it is practically impossible to use a pure denary scale in elementary number-teaching.
As reason has apprehended these two simultaneous phenomena, attention and sensation, and led us The immediately to conceive the two sorts of distinct they are related, so, from the notion of this limitation, we find it impossible under the same guide not to conceive a supreme cause, absolute and infinite, itself the first and last cause of all.
The minor accuracies, the limitation of range, the treading and re-treading of the same small patch of ground, the concentration of interest in success before a board of examiners, were all uncongenial to a nature of exuberant intellectual curiosity and of strenuous and self-reliant originality.
Strictly, however, the epithet implies the absence of all limitation.
Gladstone was charged with evading this limitation in allowing Harvey to qualify for the appointment by being formally admitted M.A.
Chillingworth, Jeremy Taylor, Glanvill and other philosophical thinkers in the Church of England urged toleration in the state, in conjunction with wide comprehension in the church, on the ground of our necessary intellectual limitation and inability to reach demonstration in theological debates.
His general policy was one of friendly relations with Austria, combined with the limitation of Joseph II.'s ambitious designs; the protection of Turkey; and opposition at all points to England.
Both aldermen and councilmen serve without pay, and are elected on a general ticket for a term of two years; not more than two councilmen may be residents of the same ward, but there is no such limitation in regard to aldermen.
As a whole the world is as good and perfect as a world could possibly be, and everything in it, as occupying its necessary place in the whole, is also good, evil being only the necessary limitation of individual being.
Diocesan organization as understood in countries under Roman Law being unknown, there was not that limitation of the number of bishops which territorial jurisdiction renders necessary, and consequently the number of bishops increased beyond all proportions.
This creative act bore evident traces of the proslavery sentiments of the Congress that passed it in the limitation of the suffrage to whites, and the explicit application of the national fugitive-slave laws for the last time in a federal statute.
As the expenses of Territorial government were partly borne by the United States, statehood was voted against in 1860, and again (virtually) in 1864 after Congress had passed an Enabling Act; but in 1866 a constitution framed by the legislature was declared carried by the people by a majority of loo votes in 7776, and Nebraska was admitted as a state (in spite of President Johnson's veto) in 1867, after her legislature had accepted a fundamental condition imposed by Congress removing the limitation of the suffrage to whites by the new constitution.
The teaching of Jesus even in this matter may be accounted for as either an accommodation to the views of those with whom he was dealing, or more probably as a proof of the limitation of knowledge which was a necessary condition of the Incarnation, for it cannot be contended that as revealer of God and redeemer of men it was imperative that he should either correct or confirm men's beliefs in this respect.
The simple microscope is subject to either limitation.
This limitation is examined below.
Quinn, now seriously interested in Howie's ability, while adamantly against the limitation of its use, agreed to try a session.
There was an inherent limitation, to the extent of reliance on the work of others from the start.
Certainly, this reveals a limitation of ' externality adders ' approaches.
Antara Koh was therefore not entitled to a limitation decree.
The Nitrox CCR (air diluent) actually has more of a depth limitation than air.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties, so the above disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you.
Such limitation becomes soon emphatic in 2D data because of lack of an ability to capture directional singularity.
Two carbide blades are fitted to the body and they are designed to provide integral chip limitation to prevent kickback.
The Islamists want to draw the limits of world freedoms and the western liberals reject that limitation.
This is a severe limitation to the use of telephone lines for transmitting data between computer systems.
Health insurance coverage parity states relative the offer price income testsone limitation.
These embrace respiratory conditions such as chronic bronchitis, small airways disease, asthma, chronic airflow limitation and emphysema.
A good state to measure the programsone limitation to in private insurance.
They all suffer from the same fundamental limitation, namely the requirement of data migration.
Without limitation, no user shall make any speculative, false or fraudulent reservation or any reservation in anticipation of demand.
Therefore, as of now, I'm going to make the right angle my friend rather than view it as a limitation.
The second related to the applicability of a limitation of liability provision contained in the Schenker house air waybill.
He was also a leader of the opposition in Richard Cromwell's parliament, especially on the matter of the limitation of the power of the protector, and against the House of Lords.
He prepared instructions to be handed by constituencies to their members upon election, in which exclusion, disbanding, the limitation of the prerogative in proroguing and dissolving parliament, and security against popery and arbitrary power were insisted on.
His limitation of theological knowledge to the bounds of human need might, if logically pressed, run perilously near phenomenalism; and his epistemology ("we only know things in their activities") does not cover this weakness.
The virtual outcome of the contest carried on by Rome since the year 726 with Byzantium and Pavia was to place the popes in the position held by the Greek exarch, and to confirm the limitation of the Lombard kingdom.
Very skilful accommodation was needful, if the limitation of sloths to South America, and of the Ornithorhynchus to Australia, was to be reconciled with the literal interpretation of the history of the Deluge; and, with the establishment of the existence of distinct provinces of distribution, any serious belief in the peopling of the world by migration from Mount Ararat came to an end.
Closely connected with it, and probably underlying many of the facts which have led to it, is a more definite group of ideas that may be brought together under the phrase " phylogenetic limitation of variation."
He concisely cites (p. 238) no fewer than eight other characters of more or less value as peculiar to the Carinate Division, the first of which is that the feathers have their barbs furnished with hooks, in consequence of which the barbs, including those of the wing-quills, cling closely together; while among the rest may be mentioned the position of the furcula and coracoids, 4 which keep the wing-bones apart; the limitation of the number of the lumbar vertebra to fifteen, and of the carpals to two; as well as the divergent direction of the iliac bones - the corresponding characters peculiar to the Ratite Division being the disconnected condition of the barbs of the feathers, through the absence of any hooks whereby they might cohere; the non-existence of the furcula, and the coalescence of the coracoids with the scapulae (or, as he expressed it, the extension of the scapulae to supply the place of the coracoids, which he thought were wanting); the lumbar vertebrae being twenty and the carpals three in number; and the parallelism of the iliac bones.
Justinian abolished the personal conditions which the legislation of Augustus had required to be satisfied by the master who emancipated and the slave who was manumitted, and removed the limitation of number.
But, in use, while the meaning of the word "perfume" has been extended so as to include everything sweet in smell, from smoking incense to the invisible fresh fragrance of fruits and exquisite scent of flowers, that of the word "incense," in all the languages of modern Europe in which it occurs, has, by an opposite process of limitation, been gradually restricted almost exclusively to frankincense (see Frankincense).
But to make such a conversion from phenomenalism plausible, it is necessary to be silent about his whole psychology, logic, and epistemology, and the consequent limitation of knowledge to experience, and of reason to ideas and " ideals," without any power of inferring corresponding things.
At the same time, he refused to regard this " world-eject " as personal, because personality implies limitation.
His first suggestion that a council nominated by the estates should be set up with the power of vetoing the acts of the king was abandoned because of the strenuous opposition of Maximilian; but Bertold was successful in getting the diet to proclaim an eternal Landfriede, that is, to forbid private war without any limitation of time, and it was agreed that the diet should meet annually to advise the king on matters of moment.
Equally, they can be revoked automatically, by time limitation, or manually from the system.
Therefore, as of now, I 'm going to make the right angle my friend rather than view it as a limitation.
On 1 September 1998, it made a standstill agreement with the defendant, which stopped the clock ticking on the limitation period.
The deadline for filing a reclaim is called the ' statute of limitation '.
There were potential difficulties with limitation and the defendant NHS trust also questioned the subrogation rights of the insurer.
The limitation of the colour-scheme was due to a sumptuary regulation issued by the Government.
The characterisation of the tortious conduct of the warden was not particularly important in Lister because limitation was not at issue.
The practical limitation was on the order of 500 transputer chips.
Limitation of Liability The Jobs4 Network Limited excludes all warranties, express or implied relating to this web site.
When it comes to designing a creative baby nursery your only limitation is your imagination.
Sellers may impose high or profitable shipping fees for the merchandise when using eBay or, but you can expect a limitation on shipping charges for sports cards.
If you have missed a payment, you can make a same day payment as long as you do so before the time limitation.
The major limitation, however, is that private loans are generally not eligible for consolidation.
In Arizona, the Statute of Limitations sets the limitation date for collecting unpaid child support as the end of the third year following emancipation of the youngest child for whom support was ordered.
To understand the definition of renewable energy and its benefits to the environment, you must also understand the dangers and limitation of using non-renewable energy sources for fuel and electricity.
Offering free shipping on all purchases without limitation, but also increasing the sales price of the products.
When decorating for a Christmas wedding, your only limitation is your imagination.
However, this space limitation affects the number of last minute deals Disney can offer to penny-pinching cruisers.
In time, you will be able to deal with its limitation and still make great music.
A limitation to installing monorail designer track lighting is their low voltage and the need for a separate transformer in order to switch standard power into a low-voltage current.
Only if a certain age limitation can be shown as a bona fide occupational qualification can be included in an employment listing.
First was the limitation of the interface with character selection, class and attributes.
By contrast, currently a console game cannot handle some of these types of games due to the limitation of the controller.
This was the only limitation of the game, as you could die and re-spawn as many times as you wanted, the only penalty being lost time.
In doing this Wii Zapper review, we found that the biggest limitation to the accessory was that it limited access to the face buttons on the Wii Remote.
Although Microsoft has done some things to ensure that the 360's memory card covers some of the gap, this may prove a significant limitation on innovation.
A jaw fracture may be minor enough to heal with simple limitation of movement and time.
Therapies include supplementation of the diet with antioxidant vitamins or limitation of intake of fatty acids, especially VLCFAs.
Sometimes the term is used for mental retardation, which is not a delay in development but rather a permanent limitation.
Another challenge in finding birth certificates is the limitation imposed by modern state privacy laws.
The most obvious limitation of this type of DNA test is that only men have a Y chromosome.
The only limitation on your creativity is to create the object by folding the paper.
The only limitation on what you can do with your gel candles is your imagination.
These are also good gifts for teachers, co-workers, or gift exchanges with a price limitation.
In many states, this limitation is under 5 years.
Choosing a diamond ring provides continuity with the original engagement ring and wedding ring, and despite the limitation of using only diamonds, there are still many options to choose from.
No matter the circumstance, learn to be thankful for them and show your love without limitation.
Absolutely free psychic readings are available, but they usually come with either a time limit or a limitation on how much information you'll receive.
You can apply for Lifeline, Link Up, and Toll Limitation Service (TLS) support through your local telephone company or a designated social service agency.
The only limitation is your imagination!
This limitation may be OK for some SOHO business owners, but not for the majority of business applications.
The one limitation is that the width of each design must fit into a CD ROM drive so it can be read.
The limitation to this is that one can not claim both state and local tax deduction and the deduction for sales tax, it is an either/or situation.
In 1992, federal law mandated the use of driver's side airbags and improved impact protection and rollover limitation.
One limitation they will have is the duration of term insurance that they can buy.
Whatever the situation, there are stipulations when it comes to age limitation and insurance coverage.
There is no income limitation or maximum amount applicable to this deduction.
Other common Windows programs such as Smart FTP do not have that limitation in terms of security, but they also do not have the experience of GlobalScape behind their product.
On a sufficient acquaintance with the work this would probably have revealed the essential nature of the instrument to a hearer unacquainted with technicalities, and revealed it rather as a characteristic than as a limitation.
The registry of the citizens, the suppression of litigation, the elevation of public morals, the care of minors, the retrenchment of public expenses, the limitation of gladiatorial games and shows, the care of roads, the restoration of senatorial privileges, the appointment of none but worthy magistrates, even the regulation of street traffic, these and numberless other duties so completely absorbed his attention that, in spite of indifferent health, they often kept him at severe labour from early morning till long after midnight.
Moreover, as Professor Burmeister states in his preface, Nitzsch by no means regarded the natural sequence of groups as the highest problem of the systematist, but rather their correct limitation.
There is practically no limitation, but the will of the parties, as to the persons to whom a lease may be granted.
The soul must be immaterial since it has the power of cognizing the universal; and its immortality is further based by St Thomas on the natural longing for unending existence which belongs to a being whose thoughts are not confined to the " here " and " now," but are able to abstract from every limitation.
Yet we must beware of regarding Barnabas as merely a fine character; he plays too prominent a part in the New Testament for any such limitation.
This investigation is subject to the limitation that the diameter of the cross-section must be small compared with the wave-length.
These antinomies are four - two mathematical, two dynamical - connected with (I) the limitation of the universe in respect of space and time, (2) the theory that the whole consists of indivisible atoms (whereas, in fact, none such exist), (3) the problem of freedom in relation to universal causality, (4) the existence of a universal being - about each of which pure reason contradicts the empirical, as thesis and antithesis.
This factor was the rupture of communications with foreign countries, due in the earlier stages of the war to the limitation, and at one time the prohibition, of exports by neutral countries, the passing over of some of these countries to the enemy, and lastly the blockade by the enemy Powers, which increased in efficiency and made it more and more difficult to import the most essential commodities, until in the end it was almost impossible to obtain from abroad anything, needed either for the soldiers or the civilians.
His saying that "history is past politics and politics are present history" is significant of this limitation of his work, which left on one side subjects of the deepest interest in a nation's life.
The difference might easily be interpreted either as a sign of sentimental weakness on the part of the moderns or as a proof of the limitation of the ancient sceptics which rendered them more easily satisfied in the absence of truth.
Scarcely had these amendments been carried when the serious financial straits brought on by debt incurred through the state's promotion of internal improvements gave rise to the demand for a reduction of governmental expenses and a limitation of the power of the General Assembly to contract debts.
The ripening process must be brought about by free exposure to light, and by the application of a little extra heat with dryness, if the season should be unfavourable; and both roots and tops must submit to a limitation of their water supply.
The most northerly points reached by the plague were near Czernowitz on the frontier of Bessarabia and Bukowina, and its limitation was as before attributed to the Russian and Austrian military cordons.
It has precisely the same limitation as the treatment of form and emotion; it cannot change as the work proceeds.
A further consequence directly followed from the limitation as to sanctuary, viz.
We owe to Buffon the recognition of the limitation of groups of species to regions separated from one another by natural barriers.
Again, the arrangement followed in the Pterylographie was of course based on pterylographical considerations, and we have its author's own word for it that he was persuaded that the limitation of natural groups could only be attained by the most assiduous research into the species of which they are composed from every point of view.
They refused to permit the vital problem of limitation of armaments to be side-tracked, and surprised the conference by proposing a ten-year naval holiday and a drastic scrapping of tonnage by the three chief naval Powers.
The appointment of one man to preach, to the exclusion of others, whether he feels a divine call so to do or not, is regarded as a limitation of the work of the Spirit and an undue concentration of that responsibility which ought to be shared by a wider circle.
Thus comparative anatomy came into existence as a branch of inquiry apart from zoology, and it was only in the latter part of the 19th century that the limitation of the word " zoology " to a knowledge of animals which expressly excludes the consideration of their internal structure was rejected by the general consent of those concerned in the progress of science.
The analysis of the specific variations of organic form so as to determine what is really the nature and limitation of a single " character " or " individual variation," and whether two such true and strictly defined single variations of a single structural unit can actually " blend " when one is transmitted by the male parent and the other by the female parent, are matters which have yet to be determined.
Since the limitation of the width of the central band in the image of a luminous line depends upon discrepancies of phase among the secondary waves, and since the discrepancy is greatest for the waves which come from the edges of the aperture, the question arises how far the operation of the central parts of the aperture is advantageous.
The British delegates wrote that it appeared that there were at that time but two methods of securing the suppression of the bounty system - an arrangement for limitation of the French and Russian bounties acceptable to the other sugar-producing states, in return for the total abolition of their bounties; or, a convention between a certain number of these states, providing for the total suppression of their bounties, and for the prohibition of entry into their territory of bounty-fed sugars, or countervailing duties prohibiting importation.
They were at the height of their power in the period during the limitation of the monarchy.
They have the perpetuity of conventions which contain no time limitation; but, like every human convention, they can be denounced, in the form in use for international treaties, and for good reasons, which are summed up in the exigencies of the general good of the country.
The telegraph companies proposed to effect an amalgamation so as to enable the services to be consolidated and extended, and they proposed to submit to various conditions for the protection of the public, such as maximum rates and limitation of dividends, with the provision that new issues of capital should be offered by auction, but public opinion was averse to the proposal.
In embryology the method finds its expression in the limitation of comparisons to the corresponding stages of low and high forms and the exclusion of the comparisons between the adult stages of low forms and the embryonic stages of higher forms.
The absence of marked natural boundaries makes any precise north and south limitation difficult.
The revenge of the autocrat was characteristic. Besides driving Stein from office, he compelled Prussia to sign a convention(8th of September) for the payment to France of a sum of 140,000,000 francs, and for the limitation of the Prussian army to 42,000 men.
He refused to join Napoleon in any proposal for the coercion of Austria or the limitation of her armaments.
The failure of the material carrying a positive character to divide so as to distribute itself among all the reproductive cells of a hybrid individual, and the limitation of its distribution to half only of those cells, must prevent the swamping " of a newly appearing character in the course of the inter-breeding of those individuals possessed of the character with those which do not possess it.
When Matthew Arnold questioned his importance in conversation with Sainte-Beuve, the answer was, "He is important to us," and it was a true answer; but the limitation is obvious.
The ego and non-ego limit one another, or determine one another; and, as limitation is negation of part of a divisible quantum, in this third act, the divisible ego is op-posed to a divisible non-ego.
The question then arises whether, by removing the limitation as to the position of the ordinates, we can reduce their number.
Competition, in the sense in which the word is still used in many economic works, is merely a special case of the struggle for survival, and, from its limitation, does not go far towards explaining the actual working of modern institutions.
The multitude of species and the many intermediate forms render their exact limitation difficult, but those presenting sufficiently marked characters to justify specific rank probably approach 300 in number.
Schelling conceives of the gradual self-evolution of nature in a succession of higher and higher forms as brought about by a limitation of her infinite productivity, showing itself in a series of points of arrest.
When the popular vote was taken, in the following April, every eastern county gave a majority against the convention, but the West, even with the limitation which was decidedly xix.
The limitation scheme he opposed, on the ground that monarchy under the conditions expressed in it would be an absurdity.
From this we may infer the limitation upon the width of the source of light, in order that the bands may be properly formed.
The circuit of the justices in eyre, or their deputies, continued down to 1635; they were virtually ended by the Act for the Limitation of Forests (1640), though Charles II.
But in ancient times it was not so; and under Joash, the contemporary of Elisha, such a limitation of the people of Yahweh is wholly inconceivable.
Thus his name is associated with the Fines and Recoveries Abolition Act 1833; the Inheritance Act 1833; the Dower Act 1833; the Real Property Limitation Act 1833; the Wills Act 1837; one of the Copyhold Tenure Acts 1841; and the Judgments Act 1838.
It is to be noted that, whilst the zoological system took the form of a genealogical tree, with main stem and numerous diverging branches, the actual form of that tree, its limitation to a certain number of branches corresponding to a limited number of divergences in structure, came to be regarded as the necessary consequence of the operation of the physico-chemical laws of the universe, and it was recognized that the ultimate explanation of that limitation is to be found only in the constitution of matter itself.
Later investigations by Fraunhofer, Airy and others have greatly widened the field, and under the head of " diffraction " are now usually treated all the effects dependent upon the limitation of a beam of light, as well as those which arise from irregularities of any kind at surfaces through which it is transmitted, or at which it is reflected.
Subject to a limitation which we shall examine later, the velocity of a longitudinal disturbance along a wire or rod depends only on the material of the rod, and not upon the cross-section.
Some reforms were adopted, the public peace was proclaimed without any limitation of time and a general tax was levied.