Lilium Sentence Examples
They are very thick in Viscum album, and are well seen in Phaseolus inultiflorus and Lilium Martagon.
They are present from the beginning of the development of the cell-wail, and arise from the spindle fibres, all of which may be continued as connecting threads (endosperm of Tamus communis), or part of them may be overlaid by cellulose lamellae (endosperm of Lilium Martagon), or they may be all overlaid as in pollen mother-cells and pollen grains of Helleborus foetidus.
The typical genus Lilium and Fritillaria are widely distributed in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.
A more important work, the Practica seu lilium medicinae, of Bernard Gordon, a Scottish professor at Montpellier (written in the year 1307), was more widely spread, being translated into French and Hebrew, and printed in several editions.
The word "lily" is loosely used in connexion with many plants which are not really liliums at all, but belong to genera which are Madonna or White Lily (Lilium candidum).
Uromyces Erythronii, a rust, sometimes causes considerable injury to the foliage of species of Lilium and other bulbous plants, forming large discoloured blotches on the leaves.
The conventional fleur-de-lis, as Littre says, represents very imperfectly three flowers of the white lily (Lilium) joined together, the central one erect, and each of the other two curving outwards.
Few bulbs come into the summer flower gardens, but amongst those which should always be well represented are the Gladiolus, the Lilium, the Tigridia and the Montbretia.
Agriculture is spreading but slowly among them; they still prefer to plunder the stores of bulbs of Lilium Martagon, Paeonia, and Erythronium Dens canis laid up by the steppe mouse (Mus socialis).
Lilium martagon album In the garden Lilium martagon album is still flowering, the white flowers looking at their best in the evening light.
AdvertisementGroups of the bolder kinds associated with Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora, Lilium Henryi, and Azalea mollis are effective for months on end, and all revel in deep rich loam, old manure, and leaf-mould.
Lilium Auratum - Some forms have flowers nearly I foot across, with broad white petals copiously spotted with reddishbrown, and having broad bands of golden-yellow down the centre.
Lilium Elegans - One of the best and most generally known of the early Lilies.
At Kew there is a group of this purple-leaved variety near the Palm House, amongst which is planted Lilium candidum, and nothing could more happily set off the beauty of this Lily.
White Trumpet Lily (Lilium Longiflorum) - This is among the most beautiful and most valuable of garden Lilies.