Likewise Sentence Examples
Grateful to him, she was likewise anxious to leave the island before the beast returned and flew off the handle.
Their expenditure is likewise classed as obligatory and optional.
You've gone so far as to eliminate some of the enemies who likewise stumbled across her.
Live-stock breeding is likewise in a more prosperous condition.
Is it unique or might others perform likewise?
The caller spoke in Spanish and Alex answered likewise.
Of the muscles of the hind-limbs likewise only a few can be mentioned.
Likewise my compositions are made up of crude notions of my own, inlaid with the brighter thoughts and riper opinions of the authors I have read.
The Dabormida division, unsupported by Albertone, found itself likewise engaged in a separate combat against superior numbers.
Forbes likewise had doubts about them.
AdvertisementWe are justified in concluding, therefore, that among the Greeks and Romans likewise the examination of the liver was the basis of divination in the case of the sacrificial animal.
Mining is likewise an important industry.
In the field of diplomacy there was likewise disappointment.
Mastodons, like elephants, always have a pair of upper tusks, while the earlier ones likewise have a short pair in the lower jaw, which is prolonged into a snout-like symphysis for their support.
The ancient rival of Venice, Genoa, was likewise far gone in decline.
AdvertisementAndre perched likewise on the sofa and reached out, placing the cool tips of his fingers on her temples.
The barberry's brilliant fruit was likewise food for my eyes merely; but I collected a small store of wild apples for coddling, which the proprietor and travellers had overlooked.
The Frisian auxiliaries were likewise regarded as excellent troops.
Flourishing communities were likewise to be found in Hainault, Namur, Cambrai and the other southern districts of the Netherlands, but nowhere else the vigorous independence of Ghent, Bruges and Ypres, nor the splendour of their civic life.
There are likewise two pulmonary veins, entering the left atrium by one orifice.
AdvertisementThe "wisdom" personified by the moon-god is likewise an expression of the science of astrology in which the observation of the moon's phases is so important a factor.
Good cattle for breeding purposes are being imported from Switzerland and Sicily, and efforts are likewise being made to improve the breed of horses, which are bought mainly for the army.
The observation that large groups of species of widely different habits present the same fundamental plan of structure; and that parts of the same animal or plant, the functions of which are very different, likewise exhibit modifications of a common plan.
In the navy, chaplains are likewise appointed but do not hold official rank.
They likewise display a much higher degree of intelligence than any of the other man-like apes.
AdvertisementAmong the Greeks and Romans likewise it was the liver that continued throughout all periods to play the chief role in divination through the sacrificial animal.
Its trade in grain and its cattle-markets are likewise important.
They likewise received a ransom of 160,000 lire for their Pisan prisoners.
Likewise, it is very important that you regularly check your bird for signs of good health.
Many of the forest 'trees of the upper Amazon valley of Brazil are likewise found in Peru.
Gladstone resigned office, in order, as he announced in the debate on the address, to form " not only an honest, but likewise an independent and an unsuspected judgment," on the plan to be submitted by the government with respect to Maynooth.
They feed on animals which likewise lead an arboreal life, rarely on eggs.
Likewise primitive, but in various respects degraded, mainly owing to burrowing habits, are the Typhlopidae with the Ilysiidae, and Uropeltidae as a terminal branch, and on the other hand the Glauconiidae.
The social and political structure of the Dorian states of Peloponnese presupposes likewise a conquest of an older highly civilized population by small bands of comparatively barbarous raiders.
Despite the strong and graphic touches here and there, exhibiting the impression which the beauty of sea and land, the splendour of Constantinople, the magnitude of the effete but still imposing Greek power, made on him, there is not only an entire absence of dilation on such subjects as a modern would have dilated on (that was to be expected), but an absence likewise of the elaborate and painful description of detail in which contemporary trouveres would have indulged.
India likewise has been added to the list, its active production having begun at about the same time as that of South Africa.
Harbours and shallows covered with Zostera are likewise favourite haunts of this species, although the water may be brackish.
Upon Wayne's death in 1796, Wilkinson became general in command of the regular army, retaining his rank as brigadier and likewise his Spanish pension.
The Maltese catacombs are strikingly similar to those of Rome, and were likewise used as places of burial and of refuge in time of persecution.
By its vicinity to the watersheds of the Eurotas and Alpheus, and its command over the main roads from Laconia to Argos and the Isthmus, Tegea likewise was brought into conflict with Sparta.
To mineralogy he was likewise attracted, and he was one of the founders of the Geological Society of London, 1807, and honorary secretary, 1812-1817.
Manetho, likewise a priest, living at Sebennytus in Lower Egypt in the 3rd century B.C., wrote in Greek a history of Egypt, with an account of its thirty dynasties of sovereigns, which he professed to have drawn from genuine archives in the keeping of the priests.
The planetary theory and other particular dynamical problems likewise occupied his attention from time to time.
The remains, which include not only the skeleton and skin, but likewise the droppings, were found buried in grass which appears to have been chopped up by man, and it thus seems not only evident that these ground-sloths dwelt in the cave, but that there is a considerable probability of their having been kept there in a semi-domesticated state by the early human inhabitants of Patagonia.
Farther east, Nantucket, a smaller island of triangular shape, is likewise the home of a seafaring folk who still retain in some degree primitive habits, though summer visitors are more and more affecting its life.
The city is likewise generously provided with hospitals and asylums.
After the Restoration he was likewise engaged in regulating the course of the Rhone, and in several other important works.
What has made this cult attach itself more especially to the Saiva creed is doubtless the character of Siva as the type of reproductive power, in addition to his function as destroyer which, as we shall see, is likewise reflected in some of the forms of his Sakti.
They are separated from fishes and batrachians (Pisces and Batrachians) on the one hand, and agree with reptiles, and birds (Reptilia and A y es) on the other, in the possession during intra-uterine life of the membranous vascular structures respectively known as the amnion and the allantois, and likewise in the absence at this or any other period of external gills.
Outside the Teutonic area he has close affinities not only with Jupiter or Zeus, but still more with the Lithuanian god Perkunas, whose name (which likewise means "thunder") appears to be connected with that of Thor's mother (FiOrgyn).
They likewise appear in Castile, forming the sierras of Gredos and Guadarrama; farther south they rise in the mountains of Toledo, in the Sierra Morena, and across the provinces of Cordova, Seville, Huelva and Badajoz as fal as Evora in Portugal.
The extraordinary abundance of ferns (as in western France) is likewise characteristic.
Likewise, substitutionary atonement is a vital element in the gospel.
Likewise, formal rules both for spelling and reading are at best temporary crutches.
He is likewise said to have been a great libertine.
Likewise, intelligence (51 %) was more often overextended than emotional expression (13% ).
The condition for this pair is listed as very good, and likewise goes the lenses and fit.
That of the Aramaeans at an early period is likewise free from any natural hindrance.
Communion is given in both kinds, as throughout the East; likewise, confirmation is administered directly after baptism.
In this capacity he exhibited an almost feverish activity; he perpetually appeared at the bar of the assembly on behalf of the commune; he announced the massacres of September in the prisons in terms of apology and praise; and he sent off the famous circular of the 3rd of September to the provinces, recommending them to do likewise.
The academy of San Carlos and school of fine arts (founded in 1778) likewise contains good collections of paintings and statuary.
In size and several structural features it approximates to the more typical Cervicaprinae, as represented by the reedbuck (Cervicapra), and the waterbucks and kobs (Cobus or Kobus), all of which are likewise African.
Cobus also occurs in the same formation, as does likewise Hippottagus.
In the different states, conferences, composed likewise of representatives of the several churches and their pastors, have sprung up. These meet at stated intervals for the consideration of practical subjects of moment, and for the promotion of a religious spirit.
Cleveland likewise carried the state in 1892, but in 1888 Benjamin Harrison, the Republican candidate, the factional quarrels being settled, carried the state.
On the 1st of July the Vladivostok squadron appeared in the Tsushima Straits, and then vanished to an unknown destination, and whether this intensified the anxiety of the Japanese or not, it is the fact that the 2nd Army halted for eleven days at Kaiping, bringing the next on its right, 4th Army, to a standstill likewise.
Whilst all who approached the queen bore witness to her candour and reasonableness in relation to her ministers, all likewise proclaimed how anxiously she considered advice that was submitted to her before letting herself be persuaded that she must accept it for the good of her people.
The Aztec calendar includes nakshatra titles borrowed, not only through the medium of the Tatar zodiac, but likewise straight from the Indian scheme, apart from any known intervention.
Modern Arabic tradition likewise ascribes the ruins, like those of Birs Nimrud, near Babylon, to Nimrod, because they are the most prominent ruins of that region.
He does not tell us how it was prepared, but he describes the method of subliming it, which can leave no doubt that it was real sal ammoniac. In the Opera mineralia of Isaac Hollandus the elder, there is likewise a description of the mode of subliming sal ammoniac. Basil Valentine, in his Currus triumphalis antimonii, describes some of the peculiar properties of sal ammoniac in, if possible, a still less equivocal manner.
A large number of the reformed monasteries attached themselves to the congregation of Cluny, thus assuring the influence of reformed monasticism upon the Church, and securing likewise its independence of the diocesan bishops, since the abbot of Cluny was subordinate of the pope alone.
So mighty was the impression made by the poverty of the Minorites, that the Dominicans promptly followed their example and likewise became mendicant.
The feathers have a large after-shaft which is of the size of the other half, likewise in agreement with the Australian Ratitae, while in the others, including the kiwis, the after-shaft is absent.
The old Bellevue redoubt (now Fort DenfertRochereau) is covered by a new work situated likewise on the ground occupied by the siege trenches in the war.
No veto power whatever was given to the governor until 1867, when, in the present constitution, it was provided that no bill vetoed by him should become a law unless passed over his veto by a three-fifths vote of the members elected to each house, and an amendment of 1890 (ratified by the people in 1891) further provides that any item of a money bill may likewise be separately vetoed.
The navy likewise remained national, and of its officers very few went with their states, for the foreign relations of the navy tended to produce a sentiment wider than local.
C. Buell in Kentucky had likewise drilled his troops to a high state of efficiency and was preparing to move against the Confederate general Albert Sidney Johnston, whose reputation was that of being the foremost soldier on either side.
The proposition holds, in its general sense, for sea plants likewise.
The Thamnocephalidae have likewise but a single species, Thamnocephalus platyurus (Packard, 1877), which justifies its title " bushy-head of the broad tail " by a singularity at each end.
The Haplopoda likewise have but a single family, the Leptodoridae, and this has but the single genus Leptodora (Lilljeborg, 1861).
The Haggada was likewise collected according to the textual sequence of the Old Testament.
Francia probably studied likewise the works of Perugino; and he became a friend and ardent admirer of Raphael, to whom he addressed an enthusiastic sonnet.
There are likewise traces of survival in the examples of "sympathetic magic" transformed into the acted parable of prophecy.
The same beautiful adaptation to the surroundings exists also in Ptenopus (with fringed toes) and Stenodactylus, which are likewise deserticolous.
Uromastix is one of the largest of ground-agamas, and likewise found in Africa and Asia.
The earliest Christian philosophers, particularly Justin and Athenagoras, likewise prepared the way for the speculations of the Neoplatonists - partly by their attempts to connect Christianity with Stoicism and Platonism, partly by their ambition to exhibit Christianity as " hyperplatonic."
He was likewise elected first of the six tribuni militum a populo, but we hear nothing of his service in this capacity.
In this original scheme it is clearly marked out "that this entire Society and all its members fight for God under the faithful obedience of the most sacred lord, the pope, and the other Roman pontiffs his successors"; and Ignatius makes particular mention th4t each member should "be bound by a special vow," beyond that formal obligation under which all Christians are of obeying the pope, "so that whatsoever the present and other Roman pontiffs for the time being shall ordain, pertaining to the advancement of souls and the propagation of the faith, to whatever provinces he shall resolve to send us, we are straightway bound to obey, as far as in us lies, without any tergiversation or excuse, whether he send us among the Turks or to any other unbelievers in being, even to those parts called India, or to any heretics or schismatics or likewise to any believers."
Some of the others had likewise made notable progress, among which were the Tarascos, Totonacs and Zoques.
The varying climatic conditions of Mexico have produced breeds of cattle that have not only departed from the original Spanish type, but likewise present strikingly different characteristics among themselves.
There are likewise supreme and inferior courts in most of the states, governed by the civil and criminal codes in force in the federal district.
He that shall do contrary to this shall likewise be punished as a favourer of heresy and error."
He showed likewise an unwarranted scepticism in reference to the island of Cerne on the west coast of Africa, which without doubt the Carthaginians had long used as an emporium.
By Reason Also Of The Fractional Excess Of The Length Of The Year Above 365 Days, It Likewise Happens That The Years Cannot All Contain The Same Number Of Days If The Epoch Of Their Commencement Remains Fixed; For The Day And The Civil Year Must Necessarily Be Considered As Beginning At The Same Instant; And Therefore The Extra Hours Cannot Be Included In The Year Till They Have Accumulated To A Whole Day.
Henry Stuart likewise held sinecure benefices in France, Spain and Spanish America, so that he became one of the wealthiest churchmen of the period, his annual revenue being said to amount to £30,000 sterling.
On Charles's death in 1788 Henry issued a manifesto asserting his hereditary right to the British crown, and likewise struck a medal, commemorative of the event, with the legend "Hen.
Georgia likewise claimed all the lands between the 31st and 35th parallels from its present western boundary to the Mississippi river, and did not surrender its claim until 1802; two years later the boundaries of the Mississippi Territory were extended so as to include all of the Georgia cession.
In many parts all the finer trees have been cut down, but large woods of it still exist in the less accessible districts; it abounds especially near Lake St John, Quebec, and in Newfoundland is the prevalent tree in some of the forest tracts; it is likewise common in Maine and Vermont.
The Egyptians did not stop at the mummification of the human body; sacred animals, birds, reptiles, fishes, and even insects were treated in a similar way, and the meat offerings deposited with the wealthy dead were likewise "preserved."
The range of the common or brown hare, inclusive of its local races, extends from England across southern and central Europe to the Caucasus; while that of the blue or mountain species, likewise inclusive of local races, reaches from Ireland, Scotland and Scandinavia through northern Europe and Asia to Japan and Kamchatka, and thence to Alaska.
In 1899 Dr Forsyth Major proposed a classification of the family in which a number of species were grouped with the spiny rabbit in the genus Caprolagus, whilst Oryctolagus was taken to include not only the common rabbit, but likewise the Cape hare.
In the highly specialized mastoid region of the skull, the North American Oligocene Protoptychus approaches to Dipopodomys, while the contemporary Gymnoptychus and Entoptychus likewise appear referable to the Geomyidae.
In this line there is a tendency 'to lose the last upper molar, but in Prolagus, which ranges in the Pliocene from Sardinia and Corsica to Spain, and forms a side-branch, the corresponding lower tooth has likewise disappeared.
In this theory there can strictly be no "causation"; one thing is observed to succeed another, but observations cannot assert that it is "caused" by that thing; it is post hoc, but not propter hoc. The idea of necessary connexion is a purely mental idea, an a priori conception, in which observation of empirical data takes no part; empiricism in ethics likewise does away with the idea of the absolute authority of the moral law as conceived by the intuitionalists.
Lutheran influence can likewise be traced in way of variation introduced into the baptismal and other sacramental or occasional offices.
Their settlements in Greenland and Canada likewise came to an end, but Iceland, which was formerly uninhabited, remained a Scandinavian colony.
Great improvements took place likewise in armour and weapons; the equipment of the warriors whose relics have been found in the Schleswig bog-deposits, dating from the 4th and 5th centuries, appears to have been vastly superior to that which Tacitus represents as normal among the Germani of his day.
It would seem, moreover, that they were credited with the power of helping their friends (and likewise of injuring other people) very much in the same way as they had done in life.
This custom, which is likewise known to have prevailed from the earliest times, involved the total destruction of the defeated army, together with everything belonging to them.
In the half-century from 1830 to 1880 the cloisters likewise prospered and multiplied fivefold.
In fact, as mentioned in the article Mouse, there is no possibility of defining the term "rat" when used in a sense other than as relating to the two species above mentioned; while there is also no hard-and-fast limit between the terms "rats" and "mice" when these are likewise employed in their now extended sense, "rats" being merely larger "mice," and vice versa.
This is likewise true of albino mice when they carry the determinants for more than one colour.
The Imperial Service Order was likewise instituted on the 26th of June 1902, and finally revised in 1908, to commemorate King Edward's coronation, and is specially designed as a recognition of faithful and meritorious services rendered to the British Crown by the administrative members of the civil service in various parts of the Empire, and is to consist of companions only.
The heavy atmosphere likewise, and the necessity of living within doors or in confined localities, cannot but exercise an influence on the character and temperament of the inhabitants.
The men evangelists have to pass an examination by the archdeacon of Middlesex, and are then (since 1896) admitted by the bishop of London as "lay evangelists in the Church"; the mission sisters must likewise pass an examination by the diocesan inspector of schools.
The bailiff likewise holds the office of recorder, but has neither duties nor emoluments.
A convention was concluded between him and the French general, in consequence of which he returned to Holland and the French likewise recrossed the frontier.
The district of Maestricht was likewise partitioned, but the fortress remained Dutch.
The bill likewise provided for a rigorous inspection of the communal schools.
Innocent likewise put an end to the strained relations that had existed between France and the Holy See for nearly fifty years.
In 1331 he likewise declined the nomination of the Massachusetts Democrats for secretary of state.
He also continued his pleadings for the annexation of Texas, as extending "the area of freedom," and though a Democrat, took high moral ground as to slavery; he likewise made himself the authority on the North-Western Boundary question.
Philip of Spain was likewise induced to evacuate Asti and Santhia in 1575.
In 1459 Philip sent an embassy under the duke of Cleves into Italy to take part in the conferences preparatory to a fresh expedition against the Turks, but this enterprise likewise fell to the ground.
The vernacular language is not Bengali, but a dialect of Hindi; and the people likewise resemble those of Upper India.
The Rumanian franc, or leu (" lion"), so called from the image it bore, came likewise from Craiova.
He began then, and particularly after the revolution of July 1830, likewise to give a more definite form to his peculiar view of the relations of church and state.
The satraps likewise made overtures to Sparta.
The Egyptian Pharaohs of the XVIIIth dynasty had likewise been proclaimed mystically sons of this god, who, it was asserted, had impregnated the queenmother; and on occasion wore the ram's horns of Ammon, even as Alexander is represented with them on coins.
Khnum was likewise identified with Zeus probably through his similarity to Ammon; his proper animal having early become extinct, Ammon horns in course of time were attributed to this god also.
The word shaitan " Satan," which was likewise borrowed, at least in the first instance, from the Abyssinian, had probably been already introduced into the language.
To interpret this vertigo, appeal must be made to disturbances, other than cerebellar, which likewise occasion vertigo.
The large importation of coal, minerals and metals, and goods made from them is likewise caused by the natural poverty of the country in these respects.
As the development of embryo and endosperm proceeds within the embryo-sac, its wall enlarges and commonly absorbs the substance of the nucellus (which is likewise enlarging) to near its outer limit, and combines with it and the integument Fruit and to form the seed-coat; or the whole nucellus and even the integument may be absorbed.
Asiatic Russia is very abundantly supplied with salt, as likewise is China; and Persia is perhaps one of the countries most abundantly endowed with this natural and useful product.
It was formerly a British military cantonment and residence of a political agent, but in 1886, when the fortress of Gwalior was restored to Sindhia, the troops at Morar were withdrawn to Jhansi, and the extensive barracks were likewise made over to Sindhia.
In a few existing species, such as the musk-deer and the water-deer, these appendages are absent, and they are likewise lacking in a large number of extinct members of the group, in fact in all the earlier ones.
He laid down seven rules for the interpretation of the Scriptures, and these became the foundation of rabbinical hermeneutics; and the ordering of the traditional doctrines into a whole, effected in the Mishna by his successor Judah I., two hundred years after Hillel's death, was probably likewise due to his instigation.
The Carboniferous lavas of the Campsie and Fintry Hills and of the south of Dumfriesshire and Roxburghshire likewise rise in lines of bold escarpment.
Raised sea-beaches likewise play a part in the coast scenery.
Occasional beds of tuff are intercalated among these lavas, and likewise seams of fine clay or shale which have preserved the remains of numerous land-plants.
Its share of the Irish and coasting trade likewise accounts for the position of Ardrossan in the same section.
Armenia and Cappadocia were likewise subdued; the attempt to advance farther into Asia Minor led to a war with Alyattes of Lydia.
What we found in the case of the Irish raids, that at first they are quite anonymous, but that presently the names of the captains of the expeditions emerge, is likewise the case in all other lands.
The Union ministry likewise appoints an attorney-general as legal adviser.
On the 5th of November 1904, Colombia and Ecuador agreed to submit their dispute to the German emperor, and a convention of the 12th of September 1905 between Colombia and Peru established a modus vivendi for the settlement of their conflicting claims, in which Ecuador is likewise interested.
An eagle with buzzard-like habits, the Leucopternis plumbea, is likewise common in Ecuador.
The normal value, for example, of the post-war exports of Bahrein should be more nearly £3,000,000 than £ I,000,000, owing to the enhanced value in terms of money of pearls, and the export trade of Bandar 'Abbas should likewise be more in a normal post-war than in a pre-war year.
It is worthy of notice that Haran, in upper Mesopotamia, which also was a home of Abraham, was likewise a famous site of worship of the god Sin, and that the name of that god also appears in Mount Sinai, which was historically connected with the origin of the Hebrew nation and religion.
On the removal of the seat of residence of the Assyrian kings to Calah (c. 1300 B.C.), and then in the 8th century to Nineveh, the centre of the Assur cult was likewise transferred, though the sanctity of the old seat at Assur continued to be recognized.
However, the fact that various recent birds possess the same kind of caudal skeleton, likewise without a pygostyle, although reduced to at least 13 vertebrae, shows that the two terms do not express a fundamental difference.
Berenice and her son were likewise removed from the path of her son Seleucus.
Monasteries and churches were burnt and sacked, and Jerusalem was taken; the Holy Sepulchre church was destroyed and its treasures carried off; the other churches were likewise razed to the ground; the patriarch was taken prisoner.
He was chairman of the committee which divided the country into 12 Federal Reserve districts and selected the centres for the 12 banks; and was likewise chairman of the Federal Reserve Board which had supervision over the system inaugurated in Nov.
He favoured the League .of Nations and woman suffrage, and likewise the prohibition amendment.
Ahmad Shah, the founder of the monarchy, likewise wrote poetry.
The executive council of the governor-general is composed of six ordinary members, likewise appointed by the crown for a term of five years, of whom three must have served for ten years in India and one must be a barrister, together with the commander-in-chief as an extraordinary member.
Mahommed was succeeded by his cousin Feroz, who likewise was not content without a new capital, which he placed a few miles north of Delhi, and called after his own name.
Three more distinguished names likewise passed away in 1853, though without any attendant accretion to British territory.
The Panjdeh incident was likewise the cause of the establishment of Imperial Service troops in India.
William Molyneux, in his Dioptrica Nova (1692), p. 256, declares his opinion that Roger Bacon (who died c. 12 9 4) "did perfectly well understand all kinds of optic glasses, and knew likewise the method of combining them so as to compose some such instrument as our telescope."
Further, at an early stage of development the fibula is a complete and separate bone, while the three metatarsals, which subsequently fuse together to form the cannon-bone, are likewise separate.
The value of the crop was likewise seriously affected by the causes mentioned, and by various diseases which attacked the canes.
The place du Palais, in which are the palace of the governor and the cathedral, and the kasbah (citadel) are west of the rue de France, as is likewise the place Negrier, containing the law courts.
The cult and ritual in the north likewise followed the models set up in the south.
The minima likewise are variable, but only slightly so.
The powdered bark is sometimes given to horses as a vermifuge; it possesses likewise tonic and febrifugal properties, containing a considerable amount of salicin.
We have already seen that Mahomet himself prepared the way for this transference; Abu Bekr and Omar likewise helped it; the Emigrants were unanimous among themselves in thinking that the precedence and leadership belonged to them as of right.
He forgot that Ali himself, before the Battle of the Camel, appealed likewise to the decision of the Koran, and began the fight only when this had been rejected.
Omar had likewise abstained, but they had left Medina for Mecca.
After the victory the walls were demolished, and likewise those of Baalbek, Damascus, Jerusalem and other towns.
Two months later the remaining volumes of the Dogmatik were likewise condemned.
Volcanic action has likewise left abundant traces, especially in the northern half of the range, whereas the evidences of glacial action are most perfect (though not most abundant) in the south.
The region to the east of the Sierra, likewise in the Great Basin province, between the crest of that range and the Nevada boundary, is very mountainous.
Here we likewise find an account of the foundation and constitution of the college, together with some notices of its earliest members.
Hence they applied to all fortified habitations the term in use for their own primitive fortifications; the walls remained with them the main feature distinguishing a town from a village; and the fact of the town being a fortified place likewise necessitated the special provisions mentioned for maintaining the peace.
Their influence in the foreign relations of the country was likewise great, it being in their interest to keep up friendly relations with England, on whose wool the flourishing state of the staple industry of Flanders depended.
Grease wood is likewise abundant in the foothills wherever the soil contains alkali.
The family Bible, school books, a lot in a burying-ground and $500 worth of personal property are likewise exempt to any person who is entitled to a homestead exemption.
His way for others to this reality is likewise plain and level to the comprehension of the unlearned and of children.
The Achaean League was likewise highly organized; joint action was strictly limited, and the individual cities had sovereign power over internal affairs.
He likewise wrote or edited the text of numerous publications.
The greatest variability in temperature conditions in the state occurs in the Blue Ridge, Newer Appalachian Provinces, where the most rugged and variable topography is likewise found.
The College of William and Mary (1693), at Williamsburg, became a state institution in 1906 and is likewise governed under a board appointed by the governor.
In place of the former governor, there was to be an executive chosen annually by the Assembly; the old Council was to be followed by a similar body elected by the Assembly; and the judges were likewise to be the creatures of the legislature.
In the epic poems which may be assumed to have taken their final shape in the early centuries before and after the Christian era, their popular character, so strikingly illustrated by their inclusion in the Brahmanical triad, appears in full force; whilst their cult is likewise attested by the coins and inscriptions of the early centuries of our era.
It may indeed be said in general that what is true of France is likewise true of all countries which felt the artistic impulses of the Renaissance.
Although these old wines may contain absolutely a very large quantity of acid, they may not appear acid to the palate inasmuch as the other constituents, particularly the glycerin and gummy matters, will have likewise increased in relative quantity to such an extent as to hide the acid flavour.
The higher charge of 4% on the purchase of slaves, and the still heavier 5% on successions after death, were likewise established at the beginning of the Empire and specially applied to the full citizens.
We may likewise conclude that this conflict performs circles round the wire, for without this condition it seems impossible that one part of the wire when placed below the magnetic needle should drive its pole to the east, and when placed above it, to the west."
Not only are such names as Horeb, Zion, Penuel, Siloh, &c., bestowed on Nonconformist chapels, but these Biblical terms have likewise been applied to their surrounding houses, and in not a few instances to growing towns and villages.
Steamboats likewise ply between Milford, Tenby, Swansea and Cardiff and Bristol; also between Swansea and Cardiff and Dublin; and there is a regular service between Swansea and Ilfracombe.
A separate act on behalf of Welsh education was likewise passed in 1889, when the Welsh Intermediate Education Act made special provision for intermediate and technical education throughout the Principality and Monmouthshire.
Wesleyan and Presbyterian chapels are likewise numerous, and the Unitarian or Socinian body has long been powerful in the valley of the Teifi.
The important castles of Carmarthen and Pembroke were likewise built at this period.
For this purpose four circuits, two for North and two for South Wales, each circuit containing a convenient group of three counties, were created; whilst justices of the peace and custodes rotulorum for each shire were likewise appointed.
The literal sense of the term churinga, applied by the Central Australians to their sacred objects, and likewise used more abstractly to denote mystic power, as when a man is said to be " full of churinga," is " secret," and is symptomatic of the esotericism that is a striking mark of Australian, and indeed of all primitive, religion, with its insistence on initiation, its exclusion of women, and its strictly enforced reticence concerning traditional lore and proceedings.
Any one of these can pass on its sacred quality to other persons and objects (as a corpse defiles the mourner and his clothes), nay to actions, places and times as well (as a corpse will likewise cause work to be tabooed, ground to be set apart, a holy season to be observed).
Meanwhile, tradition strictly prescribes the ways and means of such reinforcement, so that religion becomes largely a matter of sacred lore; and the expert director of rites, who is likewise usually at this stage the leader of society, comes more and more to be needed as an intermediary between the lay portion of the community and the sacred powers.
It was published in 1670, anonymously, printer and place of publication being likewise disguised (Hamburgi apud Heinricum Kiinraht).
The Risle likewise rises in Orne, and flows generally northward to its mouth in the estuary of the Seine.
A new proposal by the Swedish government was likewise rejected, and in February 1905 the Norwegians broke off the negotiations.
It has likewise been determined, since the boundary dispute with Argentina called attention to these territories and led to their careful exploration at the points in dispute, that Skyring Water, in lat.
The insect life of these strangely associated regions is likewise greatly restricted by adverse climatic conditions, a considerable part of the northern desert being absolutely barren of animal and vegetable life, while the climate of Tierra del Fuego and the southern coast is highly unfavourable to terrestrial animal life, for which reason comparatively few species are to be found.
There are likewise a large number of factories for canning and preserving fruits and vegetables.
P. filifolia and P. macrophylla, likewise natives of Central America, are remarkable for the extreme length of their leaves; the former is said to attain a large size.
If, however, circumstances should be of a nature to require a second inquiry, it shall not take place without previous notice given to the minister, or the charg daffaires, or the consul, and in this case the business shall only be proceeded with at the supreme chancery of the shah at Tabriz or Teheran, likewise in the presence of a dragoman of the mission, or, of the consulate.
He likewise composed a book, called the Antitheses,' in which he proved the disparity of the two Gods, from a comparison of the Old Testament with the evangelical writings.
The massive iron bridges across the dock entrances are opened and closed by hydraulic power, which is likewise applied to the cranes, coal-hoists, warehouse-lifts and other machinery about.
Another tribe called Silingae by Ptolemy likewise appears among the Vandals at a later time.
The food thus reaches the stomach in large lumps which cannot be readily digested, and either remain there till they decompose and give rise to irritation in the stomach itself, or pass on to the intestine, where digestion is likewise incomplete, and the food is ejected without the proper amount of nourishment having been extracted from it; while at the same time the products of its decomposition may have been absorbed and acted as poisons, giving rise to lassitude, discomfort, headache, or perhaps even to irritability and sleeplessness.
The western region, both plateau and coastlands, specially that part north of the Orange, is largely semi or wholly desert, while in the Cape province the terrace lands below the interior plateau are likewise arid, as is signified by their Hottentot name karusa (Karroo).
The diamondiferous areas at Kimberley and in the Pretoria district are likewise the richest known.
This right to enforce into servitude those who might incur the displeasure of the governor or other high officers was not only exercised with reference to the individuals themselves who had received this conditional freedom; it was, adds Watermeyer, claimed by the government to be applicable likewise to the children of all such.
Therefore no argument can be brought from experience against the possibility of our future happiness and misery likewise depending upon conduct.
To the south-west are the long sweeping valleys of Rakshan and Panjgur, which, curving northwards, likewise discharge their drainage into the Mashkel.
The herbaceous tropical and semi-tropical vegetation likewise by degrees disappears, the Scitamineae, epiphytal and terrestrial Orchideae, Araceae, Cyrtandraceae and Begoniae only occur in small numbers in Kumaon, and scarcely extend west of the Sutlej.
All such phenomena, however, are likewise due to the disturbance of the molecular constitution of living cells.
Hellebore was likewise considered beneficial in cases of gout and epilepsy.
He likewise expands at great length a theory of the origin of the Catholic Church much like that sketched by Toland, but assumes that Paul and his party, latterly at least, were distinctly hostile to the Judaical party of their fellow-believers in Jesus as the Messias, while the college of the original twelve apostles and their adherents viewed Paul and his followers with suspicion and disfavour.
The Usumacinta likewise has its sources in western Guatemala.
His work Dello stato fisico del suolo di Roma (1820), with its accompanying map, is likewise noteworthy.
His Life of Jesus was directed against not only the traditional orthodox view of the Gospel narratives, but likewise the rationalistic treatment of them, whether after the manner of Reimarus or that of Paulus.
Its chief constituent is mannite or manna sugar, a hexatomic alcohol, C6H8(OH)6, which likewise occurs, in much smaller quantity, in certain species of the brown seaweed, Fucus, and in plants of several widely separated natural orders.
The court of quarter sessions, which may likewise be held by either the judge of the court of common pleas or by a justice of the supreme court, has jurisdiction over all criminal cases except those of treason or murder.
A John Hooper was likewise canon of Wormesley priory in Herefordshire; but identification of any of these with the future bishop is doubtful.
Victoria College, likewise, provides a course in arts, but none in science.
As a rule she reduces the passive surfaces of the body to a minimum; she likewise reduces as far as possible the actively moving or flying surfaces.
Between the main range and the sea there intervene at least two parallel ranges separated by deep glens, and behind it a third subsidiary parallel range, likewise separated by a deep trough-like valley, and known as the Bokovoi Khrebet.
A very similar change likewise becomes noticeable in the higher regions of the Caucasus Mountains upon proceeding north of the pass of Mamison, which separates the head-waters of the Rion from those of the Ardon, an important tributary of the Terek.
King Leopold likewise declared himself to be opposed to immediate annexation, and the bill was withdrawn.
The marked curvature of the vertebral column, by breaking the shock to the neck and head in running and leaping, likewise favours the erect position.
Physically handsome and strong, model knights of the days of chivalry, hard fighters, wise statesmen, they were born leaders of men; always ready to advance the commerce of the country, they were the supporters of the growing towns, and likewise the pioneers in the task of converting a land of marshes and swamps into a fertile agricultural territory rich in flocks and herds.
The lakes of the Dobrudja likewise abound in molluscs; parent forms, in many cases, of species which reappear, greatly modified, in the Black Sea.
The alternating wet and dry seasons are likewise to be found on the Pacific coastal plain, though this region is not entirely dry and vegetation never dries up as on the llanos.
The other powers in succession likewise recognized the new state; the recognition of Great Britain was given on the 26th of December.
The pear, lemon, plum, fig and other trees likewise flourish.
Port Elizabeth is likewise fortified against naval attack.
But numbers of Hottentots remained loyal and the Fingo Kaffirs likewise sided with the British.
Along with several other species, notably Ctenosura acanthinura, which is omnivorous, likewise called iguana, the common iguana is much sought after in tropical America; the natives esteem its flesh a delicacy, and capture it by slipping a noose round its neck as it sits in fancied security on the branch of a tree.
It likewise vindicated afresh the rights of the Christian laity in regard to their own beliefs and the work of the Church, against the assumptions and despotism of an arrogant clergy.
In 1 545 his father conferred on him the duchy of Parma and Piacenza, which likewise belonged to the Holy See, and his rule proved cruel and tyrannical.
This fact both supplies him with the name by which he is commonly known, Pseudo-Clement, and also furnishes corroboration of his Syrian birth; since the other spurious writings bearing the name of Clement, the Homilies and Recognitions, are likewise of Syrian origin.
It seems clear then that the compiler was a Syrian, and that he also wrote the spurious Ignatian epistles; he was likewise probably a semi-Arian of the school of Lucian of Antioch.
If, on the contrary, he lived sumptuously, he was evidently wealthy and could likewise afford a gift.
The South Devon or South Dum are, like the cattle of that name, a strictly local breed, which likewise exemplify the good results of crossing with the Leicesters.
He likewise continued his predecessor's negotiations with the Tsar Ivan III.
Mustafa Pasha Bajlan, of the Khaniqin district, was likewise detained in Bagdad in 1912.
Another expedition against the great oasis failed likewise, and the plan of attacking Carthage was frustrated by the refusal of the Phoenicians to operate against their kindred.
The tympano-hyal is the characteristic mammalian element in this region; but the entotympanic likewise appears to be peculiar to the class, and to be unrepresented among the lower vertebrates.
These tufts or groups likewise display an orderly and definite grouping in different mammals, which suggests the origin of such groups from the existence in primitive mammals of a scaly coat comparable to that of reptiles, and indeed directly inherited therefrom.
In all the groups which are at present arboreal, the palaeontological evidence goes to show that their ancestors were likewise so; while since, in the case of modern terrestrial forms, the structure of the wrist and ankle joints tends to approximate to the arboreal type, as we recede in time, the available evidence, so far as it goes, is in favour of Dr Matthew's contention.
The hyenas (Hyaenidae), at any rate at the present day, to which consideration is mainly limited, are likewise Old World.
Bituminous coal, however, may be looked upon as containing carbon and also simple hydrocarbons, such as some of the higher members of the paraffin series, and likewise organic bodies containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur.
If the homestead is sold the proceeds from the sale, to an amount not exceeding $5000, are likewise exempt for a period of two years, provided they are held for the purpose of procuring another homestead.
He likewise conquered the Portuguese possessions of St George del Mina and St Thomas on the west coast of Africa.
It was likewise distinguished for its numerous charitable institutions.
There has been likewise progress in other than material respects.
A certain measure of self-government is likewise granted to the native Christian communities under their ecclesiastical chiefs.
As the former he is the son of Anu, the god of heaven, but he is likewise associated with Bel of Nippur as the god of the earth and regarded as his first-born son.
He likewise struggled bravely to be faithful to fact in his report of the state in which we find ourselves when we try to conceive continued personal identity.
The judicature was likewise made elective.
In illustration of this latter point it may be mentioned that not only do the several varieties run one into the other, but their chemical composition varies likewise according to climate and season.
The national assembly was composed, therefore, almost exclusively of Radicals, and the government was Radical likewise.
He was likewise a member of the American mission to the Inter-Allied Conference at Paris in 1917.
He likewise employed his relations with the Austrian Imperial Court in order to work for an early conclusion of peace.
Feeling in this higher sense (as distinguished from "organic" sensibility, Empfindung), which is the minimum of distinct antithetic consciousness, the cessation of the antithesis of subject and object, constitutes likewise the unity of our being, in which the opposite functions of cognition and volition have their fundamental and permanent background of personality and their transitional link.
In 1396 homage was rendered to him in Denmark and Sweden likewise, Margaret reserving to herself the office of regent during his minority.
The wide heated plains of the Sahara, and in a lesser degree the corresponding zone of the Kalahari in the south, have an exceedingly scanty rainfall, the winds which blow over them from the ocean losing part of their moisture as they pass over the outer highlands, and becoming constantly drier owing to the heating effects of the burning soil of the interior; while the scarcity of mountain ranges in the more central parts likewise tends to prevent condensation.
Upon geographical conditions likewise depend to a large extent the political conditions prevailing among the various tribes.
Friesland was likewise the scene of a portion of the missionary labours of a greater than Willibrord, the famous Boniface, the Apostle of the Germans, also an Englishman.
Thus the faces of the cuboctahedron, the truncated cube, and truncated octahedron, correspond; likewise with the truncated dodecahedron, truncated icosahedron, and icosidodecahedron; and with the small and great rhombicosidodecahedra.
The Guadalquivir basin is likewise divided by the configuration of the ground into a small upper portion of considerable elevation and a much larger lower portion mainly lowland, the latter composed from Seville downwards of a perfectly level and to a large extent unhealthy alluvium (Las Marismas).
From 1881 to 1883, under the two Liberal administrations of Sagasta and Posada Herrera, the foreign policy of Spain was much like that of Canovas, who likewise had had to bow to the kings very evident inclination for closer relations with Germany, Austria and Italy than with any other European powers.
Starting with the indisputable fact that man's life and happiness are largely dependent upon phenomena in the heavens, that the fertility of the soil is de pendent upon the sun shining in the heavens as well as upon the rains that come from heaven, that on the other hand the mischief and damage done by storms and inundations, to both of which the Euphratean Valley was almost regularly subject, were to be traced likewise to the heavens, the conclusion was drawn that all the great gods had their seats in the heavens.
In the same way stones were connected with both the planets and the months; plants, by diverse association of ideas, were connected with the planets, and animals likewise were placed under the guidance and protection of one or other of the heavenly bodies.
Astrological considerations likewise already regulated in ancient Babylonia the distinction of lucky and unlucky days, which passing down to the Greeks and Romans (dies fasti and nefasti) found a striking expression in Hesiod's Works and Days.
In regard to the mares generally, we have a record of the royal mares already alluded to, and likewise of three Turk mares brought over from the siege of Vienna in 1684, as well as of other importations; but it is unquestionable that there was a very large number of native mares in England, improved probably from time to time by racing, however much they may have been crossed at various periods with foreign horses, and that from this original stock were to some extent derived the size and stride which characterized the English race-horse, while his powers of endurance and elegant shape were no doubt inherited from the Eastern horses, most of which were of a low stature, 14 hands or thereabouts.
From the beginning of the excesses of the French Revolution he was possessed by the persuasion that American democracy, likewise, might at any moment crush the restraints of the Constitution to enter on a career of licence and anarchy.
His task was made the easier by the whole-hearted support he received from Maurice of Nassau, who, after 1589, held the Stadholderate of five provinces, and was likewise captain-general and admiral of the union.
They likewise (1614) forbade the preachers in the Province of Holland to treat of disputed subjects from their pulpits.
The genus Zygopteris, of which numerous Carboniferous and Permian species are known, likewise had a monostelic stem, but the structure of its vascular cylinder was somewhat complex, resembling that of the most highly differentiated Hymenophyllaceae, with which some species of Zygopteris also agreed in the presence of axillary shoots.
In the Caudata, the frontals remain likewise distinct from the parietals, whilst in the Ecaudata the two elements are fused into one, and in a few forms (Aglossa, some Pelobatidae) the paired condition of these bones has disappeared in the adult.
The extinct Stegocephalia, on the other hand, were mostly protected, on the ventral surface at least, by an armour of overlapping round, oval, or rhomboidal scales, often very similar to those of Crossopterygian or ganoid fishes, and likewise disposed in transverse oblique lines converging forwards on the middle line of the belly.
In his previous essays, Kant, while likewise maintaining that such pure, irreducible notions existed, had asserted in general terms that they applied to experience, and that their applicability or justification rested on experience itself, but had not raised the question as to the ground of such justification.
Jonny just so happened to rescue a girl connected to someone immune to mind magic, someone who was likewise invisible to the extended senses of a vampire.
Likewise secure pages with links back to non-secure pages should use absolute addressing.
The Land Commission Act, 1967, was a second attempt at capturing betterment, and likewise failed.
Likewise be very chary of Flash animation, or splash pages at all.
The responsible leaders of the combat Groups and Combat commandos of the SIPO and SD were for the most part likewise present.
They have likewise sent down an Order concerning the Clerk of the Crown; in which they desire the concurrence of this House.
Likewise I have observed the vagueness of some OE and charismatic evangelicals - all categories both in and outside the CofE.
In Scotland, a similar legendary spirit normally takes the form of a drummer boy or piper and likewise often foretells death or misfortune.
Leadership, likewise, is understood with such generality that it is rarely defined.
Likewise, in David Triesman we have a General Secretary committed to making party education and communication top priorities.
Likewise, we should have heard a vibrant hum of energy to highlight its alien power.
The description of the surface hydrology, also written up in the draft caving report, had likewise become obsolete.
Likewise, the inherent ' cover ' for an illicit program in legitimate activity makes differentiation much more imprecise.
Likewise, do not leave ladders to provide easy access to otherwise inaccessible parts of your house.
Likewise, apprenticeship indentures are only mentioned where they fill gaps or offer additional date coverage.
Likewise failing to recognize the interdependence of all living things threatens the delicate web of life which supports us.
Some of the walks seem more interesting than others; likewise the chapters.
Likewise, the intuitionists ' claim that only the intuition of two-oneness is legitimate may be acceptable in only temporal and limited ways.
The next mail update will likewise enable TLS connections for outgoing mail.
Scottish Freemasonry did not exist at the time this gable was built and so Masonic symbolism likewise did not then exist.
Likewise the Sunderland - Newcastle match turned out to be a fairly mellow affair.
Likewise, it can tear like the knee meniscus with injuries of the shoulder.
The motif is likewise present in Greek mythology, Mount Olympus being the home of the gods.
The king likewise affected to know a nobleman only when his name was inscribed among those who served him.
If you don't repent you will all likewise perish!
Likewise, existing policyholders also benefit from an in-house claims handling team who work with your insurer should you need to make a claim.
Likewise the median age for men undergoing radical prostatectomy over the last 20 years has dropped.
Waiters are clad in purple raiment, likewise tables in red cloths.
Likewise if there's a defect with the print we offer recompense.
Likewise, $ AoA [2] is not an array, but an array ref.
The supposed revelation of God in ordinary public objects will likewise be dismissed as psychologically induced.
Likewise, the checks and balances that exist in the nuclear stalemate between India and Pakistan do not apply to Saddam.
It is likewise guarded at the outside by iron stanchions built into the walls.
The invocation to Book 9 likewise frames mourning as empowering, in this instance as a particularly strategic defense against the charge of agency.
Praise where it is due, likewise criticism, all tinged with the overall dissatisfaction of your average County cricket member.
A man may be a great tobacconist, a man may be a great painter, he may be likewise a great mimic.
Likewise the modern pursuit of justice in terms of revenge makes this book highly topical.
Each of these is likewise accompanied by its pronunciation, meaning and an example sentence (also transliterated and translated ).
The familiar tropes of female dependency are likewise hard to find even in parallel forms.
Likewise, Calleman believes that the 360-day tun is the key to Mayan sacred time, even tho it factors into 12 x 30.
Likewise, the flows of resources from Humanity's supposedly " common resource base " are grossly unequal.
Self-consciousness, or the subject of the transcendental unity of apperception, was likewise impervious to cognition from the Kantian standpoint.
Imagine how unpleasant stagnant air or water can be, likewise if we stagnate we feel unpleasant.
All but their waste, dirty washing, refuse and ` slops ' were likewise passed out the same way.
Likewise the lantern on the right looks a bit wonky.
Hence the law to which it gives birth is enwrapped in religious forms which are likewise visible and palpable, inasmuch as primitive man is incapable of abstract, philosophical ideas.
Thus Roman law has passed through three great periods - the divine, the heroic and the human - which are likewise the three chief periods of the history of Rome, with which it is intimately and intrinsically connected.
But he never investigated the question whether, since there is a law of progressive evolution in the history of different nations, separately examined, there may not likewise be another law ruling the general history of these nations, every one of which must have represented a new period, as it were, in the history of humanity at large.
He was likewise proprietor of the Cosmopolitan Magazine; Good-Housekeeping Magazine; Harper's Bazaar; Hearst's Magazine; Motor Magazine; and Motor-Boating Magazine.
In July 1405 Chicheley began a diplomatic career by a mission to the new Roman pope Innocent VII., who was professing his desire to end the schism in the papacy by resignation, if his French rival at Avignon would do likewise.
The same author was likewise of opinion that the domestication or taming of various species of wild cats took place chiefly among nationalities of stationary or non-nomadic habits who occupied themselves with agricultural pursuits, since it would be of vital importance that their stores of grain should be adequately protected from the depredations of rats and mice.
By far the most remarkable of all the Old World domesticated breeds is, however, the royal Siamese cat, which almost certainly has an origin quite distinct from that of the ordinary European breeds; this being rendered evident not only by the peculiar type of colouring, but likewise by the cry, which is quite unmistakable.
To Ephialtes likewise we must ascribe the renunciation of the Spartan alliance and the new league with Argos and Thessaly (461).
Pericles likewise is responsible for the epoch-making splendour of Attic art in his time, for had he not so fully appreciated and given such free scope to the genius of Pheidias, Athens would hardly have witnessed the raising of the Parthenon and other glorious structures, and Attic art could not have boasted a legion of first-rate sculptors of whom Alcamenes, Agoracritus and Paeonius are only the chief names.
The suffix-article likewise appears in Rumanian and Bulgarian, but in no other Latin or Slavonic language; it is in each case a form of the demonstrative pronoun.
Rivadavia's term of office was likewise memorable for the constitution of the 24th of December 1826, passed by the constituent congress of all the provinces, by which the bonds which united the confederated states of the Argentine Republic were strengthened.
An accord was likewise in 1898 effected with Italy, which since 1886 had been in a state of economic rupture with France, and in July 1899 an accord was concluded with the United States of America.
According to the latter, the early monotremes which became specialized into modern monotremes, gave rise to the ancestors of the modern marsupials; while the modern placentals are likewise an offshoot from the ancestral marsupial stcck.
In New Zealand this group is represented by the apteryx, as it formerly was by the gigantic moa, the remains of which have been found likewise in Queensland.
He travelled on this occasion nearly 2000 m., and discovered that both the Murrumbidgee, carrying with it the waters of the Lachlan morass, and likewise the Darling, from a more northerly region, finally joined another and larger river.
The social environment of Christians may be inferred from the canons prohibiting marriage and other intercourse with Jews, pagans and heretics, closing the offices of flamen and duumvir to Christians, forbidding all contact with idolatry and likewise participation in pagan festivals and public games.
In the western hemisphere they range along the Mexican highlands and the Andes far into the tropics, while in the Old World the genus, well represented in the Himalayas and the hills of China, exists likewise in the peninsula of Malacca, in the Indian Archipelago and Malaya to the Philippine Islands and Borneo.
This oak abounds all over the Turkish peninsula, and forms a large portion of the vast forests that clothe the slopes of the Taurus ranges and the south shores of the Black Sea; it is likewise common in Italy and Sardinia, and occurs in the south of France and also in Hungary.
It was early recognized that a complete metallic circuit would obviate troubles from varying earth potentials, and that if the outgoing and incoming branches of the circuit were parallel and kept, by transposition spiralling, or otherwise, at equal average distances from the disturbing wire, induction effects would likewise be removed.
The Right likewise desired to strengthen.
By a natural extension of the original meaning, the term brahma, in the sense of sacred utterance, was subsequently likewise applied to the whole body of sacred writ, the tri-vidya or "triple lo re" of the Veda; whilst it also came to be commonly used as the abstract designation of the priestly function and the Brahmanical order generally, in the same way as the term kshatra, " sway, rule," came to denote the aggregate of functions and individuals of the Kshatriyas or Rajanyas, the nobility or military class.
Of the European kinds one of the most important and best marked forms is the white poplar or abele, P. alba, a tree of large size, with rounded spreading head and curved branches, which, like the trunk, are covered with a greyish white bark, becoming much furrowed on old stems. The leaves are ovate or nearly round in general outline, but with deeply waved, more or less lobed and indented margins and cordate base; the upper side is of a dark green tint, but the lower surface is clothed with a dense white down, which likewise covers the young shoots - giving, with the bark, a hoary aspect to the whole tree.
The, primary vascular tissues of Angiosperms are likewise nearly always simple, consisting merely of tracheae and sieve-tubes often associated with amylom.
When Darius had killed the usurper Smerdis and gained the crown, a new usurper, Vahyazdata, who likewise pretended to 1 To the Pateiskhoreis belongs the lance-bearer of Darius, "Gobryas (Gaubaruva) the Patishuvari," mentioned in his tombinscription; they occur also in an inscription of Esarhaddon as Patush-ara, eastwards of Media, in Choarene at the Caspian gates; the Kyrtii are the Kurds.
The distal tarsalia likewise fuse together, and then on to the upper ends of the metatarsals; the tarsale centrale remains sometimes as a separate osseous nodule, buried in the inter-articular pad.
A likewise unpaired vena coccygeo-mesenterica is usually present.
On the other hand, the late Tertiary Dryornis is a member of the Cathartae or American vultures, and Mesembriornis, likewise of late Tertiary date, is a close forerunner of the recent genus Rhea.
Wishings, blessings, cursings, oaths, vows, exorcisms, and so on, are uttered aloud, doubtless partly that they may be heard by the human parties to the rite, but likewise in many cases that they may be heard, or at least overheard, by a consentient deity, perhaps represented visibly by an idol or other cult-object.
Hananeel's contemporary Nissim ben Jacob, of Kairawan, who corresponded with Hai Gaon of Pumbeditha as well as with Samuel the Nagid in Spain, likewise wrote on the Talmud, and is probably the author of a collection of Ma`asiyyoth or edifying stories, besides works now lost.
Very often he wantonly provoked opposition, as when he shaved off his beard and compelled his chief officials to do likewise, though he well knew that the operation was regarded by the ignorant masses and the pious of all ranks as a sinful defacing of the image of God.
This provision may not always be fulfilled, since by placing the zinc in electrical contact with a piece of platinum, likewise immersed in the sulphuric acid, we can generate a current of electricity through the solution and the metallic part of the circuit.
The sanctity and, therefore, the importance of Eridu remained a fixed tradition in the minds of the people to the latest days, and analogy therefore justifies the conclusion that Anu was likewise worshipped in a centre which had acquired great prominence.
Another peculiarity of Malay (and likewise of Chinese, Shan, Talaing, Burmese and Siamese) is the use of certain classwords or coefficients with numerals, such as orang (man),when speaking of persons, ekor (tail) of animals, keping (piece) of flat things, biji (seed) of roundish things; e.g.
The hypsographical map facilitates likewise the determination of the mean height of a country, and this height, combined with the area, the determination of volume, or cubic contents, is a simple matter.2 Relief Maps are intended to present a representation of the ground which shall be absolutely true to nature.
It is shown likewise upon a number of maps which illustrate the Commentaries on the Apocalypse, by Beatus, a Benedictine monk of the abbey of Valcavado at the foot of the hills of Liebana in Asturia (776).
Great Britain has likewise taken the lead in those deep-sea explorations which reveal to us the configuration of the sea-bottom, and enable us to construct charts of the ocean bed corresponding to the contoured maps of dry land yielded by topographical surveys.
Sali Reis, also by birth a Christian of Asia Minor, was likewise successful as a corsair; he distinguished himself especially at the capture of Tunis, and succeeded Hassan Barbarossa as beylerbey of Algiers.
The formal elegance and conventional grace, alike of thought and of expression, so characteristic of Persian classical literature, pervade the works of the best Ottoman writers, and they are likewise imbued, though in a less degree, with that spirit of mysticism which runs through so much of the poetry of Iran.
The petitions for a university at Irkutsk, the money required for which has been freely offered to the government, have been refused, and the imperative demands of the local tradesmen for technical instruction have likewise met with little response.
His name, in the form of Iskander, is familiar in legend and story all over the East to this day; to the West he was introduced through a Latin translation of the original Greek romance (by the pseudo-Callisthenes) to which the innumerable Oriental versions are likewise traceable (see Alexander Iii., King Of Macedon; sec. The Romance of Alexander).
But he shall not abide more than a single day, or if there be need a second likewise.
Definite confirmation of this conjecture is afforded us by later sources of the Iranian religion, in which we likewise meet with the characteristic fundamental doctrine of Gnosticism.
Darkness is likewise a spiritual kingdom (more correctly, it also is conceived of as a spiritual and feminine personification), but it has no "God" at its head.
July And August, Likewise, Were Anciently Denominated Quintilis And Sextilis, Their Present Appellations Having Been Bestowed In Compliment To Julius Caesar And Augustus.
The phenomena of feeling, of desire and aversion, of love and hatred, of fear and revenge, and the perception of external relations manifested in the life of brutes, imply, not only through the analogy which they display to the human faculties, but likewise from all that we can learn or conjecture of their particular nature, the superadded existence of a principle distinct from the mere mechanism of material bodies.
The roe-deer, or roe-buck (Capreolus), likewise form the subject of a separate article (see ROE-Buck), as is also the case with Pere David's deer, the sole representative of the genus Elaphurus.
A considerable part of the sugarcane produced is likewise devoted to the manufacture of chicha (rum), the consumption of which is common among the Indians and half-breeds of the Andean regions.
The terrestrial eyepiece (see Telescope), which likewise ensures an upright image, but which involves an inconvenient lengthening, has also been employed in the binocular microscope.
Amici was likewise the first to produce practical and good immersion-systems. The slight difference of the refractive indexes of the glass cover and the immersion-liquid involves a diminution of the aberrations, by which the objective will become less sensitive to the differences in thickness of the glass covers and admits of a more perfect adjustment.
Likewise if there 's a defect with the print we offer recompense.
Likewise the pasta, with it 's own bowl of shaved parmesan, on a cold day it was a real treat.
Likewise, the slothful man may change himself into an active, energetic individual simply by polarizing along the lines of the desired quality.
So, too, the knowledge of reality provided by the dialectical method is likewise inseparable from the class standpoint of the proletariat.
Likewise, sunny days are rather common in Greater Antarctica and the sun even shines among the subantarctic islands and Antarctic Peninsula.
Likewise a letter to the broad sheets that simply consists of a tirade of invective is unlikely to get printed.
Each of these is likewise accompanied by its pronunciation, meaning and an example sentence (also transliterated and translated).
Likewise, the flows of resources from Humanity 's supposedly " common resource base " are grossly unequal.
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Likewise, you'll also want a bike helmet with multiple vents to keep the air flowing.
Likewise, there is also the option of purchasing gift cards and receiving the latest information about sales events via social media such as Twitter.
Likewise, many of these instruments have terrible resale or trade-in value, so you will not be able to sell them when you are ready to step-up to the next level.
Likewise, musicians quickly outgrow student models and need to step up to the next level within a year or two, anyway.
Likewise, a local music store is usually willing to allow you to test drive the instrument before purchasing.
Likewise, place books in prominent areas around your home so that literature is always within reach.
Likewise, any personal information like your home address, family names, phone numbers, PIN codes and anything else that might serve to help a clever thief should stay at home.
Likewise, it helped more qualified consumers obtain the loans needed to buy homes, purchase vehicles and for everyday borrowing needs.
Likewise, there are different requirements in order to apply for either a small business or a corporate card.
Likewise, a variety of security measures have been put into place to ensure account information is not compromised.
Likewise, hiring an attorney who charges a small hourly rate but is unfamiliar with divorce law and/or your local court can be very expensive.
Exercising restraint and showing consideration for various points of view sets an excellent example for the child on how to treat others fairly and compassionately; in addition, the co-parent is more likely to respond likewise.
Likewise, the ground-level ozone warms the planet and the oceans.
Likewise, there will be no solid waste generation, which occurs when you rely on coal-powered energy sources.
Likewise, recycling plastic bags instead of using paper bags saves 70 percent total energy usage.
Likewise, colors can look different on a computer screen than they do in real life.
Likewise, commercial designers will focus on designing for a specific type of industry.
Likewise, an accent table placed between two chairs will make the pieces feel more connected.
Likewise, many fast food eateries and diners commonly feature stainless steel panels, fixtures, and furnishings.
Likewise, there's no fear of over accessorizing in French Country design - the right amount of accessories is just the amount that you feel turns your house into a home.
Likewise, with French Country curtains, there are many different styles from which you can choose.
Likewise, consider how many plates and glasses will need to be on the table for the meal, so you don't over decorate and fail to leave any room for the food itself.
Likewise, a foyer will become more welcoming with the addition of a distinctive lamp atop an entryway table or chest.
Likewise, the dark colors can make a small room feel even smaller, so if you've got a tiny space, you might want to keep the Egyptian décor to a minimum.
Likewise, think of the animals and the lush vegetation that are central to a safari - these elements are often used in African safari interior design as well.
Likewise, if you're stuck with a dated look, like popcorn paint finish ceilings, these tiles can cover up a multitude of past decorating sins with ease.
Likewise, start from the inside and work your way to the outside of the design.
Likewise, other accents such as linens, tablecloths and window treatments can brighten up an otherwise subtle and neutral color palette.
Likewise, if the home is classic and traditional, the bathroom should reflect that aesthetic.
Likewise, if your kitchen is modern and contemporary, you likely won't want to use a lot of light pastels.
Likewise a bedroom with a lot of color or character can make use of maple since the wood itself will not compete with what is being done to it, such as painting or staining.
Likewise, a rich, smoky eye can add drama when your dress is sweet and basic.
Likewise, the way it looks in the packaging can often be drastically different from the way it looks when applied to your face or body.
Individuals with dry skin may already avoid using powder because it tends to accentuate flaky spots; those with aging skin may likewise choose to avoid powders because they can draw attention to fine lines and wrinkles.
Likewise, you don't want mascara running down your face if you get teary-eyed at the height of celebrating.
Likewise, photographers face similar challenges when shooting posed subjects.
Likewise, if the lighting is too dim, then you won't be able to view the alluring nuances of your glamour girl.
Likewise, the inner layer of your ski pants stay outside of the boot.
Likewise, if several of the symptoms ring true, then there is a very good chance that you are experiencing stress.
Likewise, the lucky recipient will feel good because she'll know it's an authentic note from you and not some practical joke.
Likewise, you'll want to embrace the layering trend.
Likewise, amateur cooks and foodies have created a community of tips, tricks, and recipes that can be a wealth of knowledge for those looking to create a new dish.
Likewise is wearing a summer frock when the temperatures are artic.
Likewise, if a centerpiece is too small, the effect can be diminished and the overall design can be weak.
Likewise, men should not wear ill-fitting clothing and should ensure they are properly groomed, so as not to appear as though they could not put forth the effort to be presentable for the occasion.
Likewise, the courthouse is open nearly 24 hours on the weekend, allowing excited couples to indulge that spur of the moment passion.
Likewise, use a single satin ribbon with simpler flowers and sleeker gowns, and save the elaborate bows for traditional gowns and bouquets with greater detail.
Likewise, they can provide contrast to stark shades of color or simply accent a minimally decorated room.
Likewise, a dress for Easter, communion, or even a bat mitzvah (for older girls), adds to the occasion and makes it more memorable.
Likewise, history buffs may be interested to know how clothing changed during the 19th century, and what children may have been outfitted in during this tumultuous period of American History.
Likewise, stores such as TJ Maxx, Ross and other discount clothing outlets often have Ralph Lauren clothing on sale, although you may have to be a bit more flexible about the color.
Likewise, a mid-priced shirt may have only cost pennies to create.
Likewise, it is best that you take the time to research each of the online MBA programs to assess what their reputation is like amongst those that have actually attended the program.
Likewise, it is important to recognize that doctorate level work requires the completion of a dissertation, which can be quite time consuming.
Likewise, the summer months yield excellent fishing opportunities.
Likewise, many last minute offers don't include luxury accommodations.
Happy, excited commands will elicit a happy, excited reaction from your pet, and likewise, a scolding tone will cause your dog to act sheepish and submissive.
Likewise, forcing the dog to drink water, unless he is willing to take it on his own, won't improve the situation.
Likewise molds, fungi and viruses love the warm, humid conditions inside a greenhouse.
String bending is likewise represented a number of ways.
Readers are likewise allowed to comment on the tablature, and this allows you to see what other people have experienced with the tabs.
Likewise, garage door opener motors are also very heavy.
Likewise, an inswing can save up to 28 percent of outdoor patio space.
Likewise, the standard tub is five-feet long, but many stores have economy models that measure four-feet in length.
Likewise, it if they aways wear gold then perhaps a gold friendship necklace needs to be considered.
Likewise, complement a light shirt with a dark tie.
Likewise, the fabric is also seasonally appropriate, so that a silk or linen suit may be worn on a hot night.
Likewise, if you're a fun-loving guy who talks to anyone and everyone, you'll enjoy wearing cool T shirts with interesting designs because of the attention they will get you.
Many users report improved health, but likewise there are complaints of upset stomachs, yeast infections, allergic reactions and headaches brought on by using it.
Likewise, genetic engineering tended to associated with cloning.
Likewise, you need to take the same precautions with organic fertilizers.
Likewise, processed foods not only contain less nutrients, but may also include harmful additives that elongate the shelf life but can negatively affect human health, some say.
Likewise, a formal definition does not exist.
Likewise, the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom should not wear the same color, so you might want to consult with your daughter's future mother-in-law.
Likewise, if you're wearing a super short miniskirt, a modest top is in order to keep your overall look classy instead of tacky.
Likewise, the torso shouldn't fit well while the top gaps or squeezes you tightly.
Likewise, the sample sizes are provided for media editorial shoots, so size four and under models are also hired for this work as well, effectively causing discriminatory practices against plus size fashion models.
Likewise, a cohort-2 Boomer coming of age in the late 60s-early 70s recalls soldiers returning from Vietnam, President Nixon's resignation, and even disco more distinctively than their predecessors.
Likewise, any username of "Stud" or "Hot Momma" forces the reader to think only of the product hype, and less about what's beyond the pretty packaging.
Likewise, there are too many seniors whose health and fitness level is not where it ought to be, and steps must be taken to improve that statistic.
Likewise, you may find you need to be more open and flexible about what constitutes sex.
Likewise, if buttons are difficult to manage, choose pullovers and t-shirts to avoid arthritic pain.
Likewise, there are many civilians that also use night vision goggles.
Likewise, there are the image enhancement goggles that cause the characteristic green glow that is seen with many of these types of vision aids.
The Spy logos are likewise hand-painted (or hand set).
Likewise, teenagers might not want to kick around a park filled with cartoon characters and kiddie rides.
Likewise, the techno-beats of the background music can sometimes get your blood pumping, but they won't stick in your head once you shut the game off.
Switching weapons, throwing bombs, and utilizing alternate shooting options are an absolute joy.The gameplay, likewise, is easy to pick up, but difficult to master.
The sound effects and music, likewise, are fun and fit the game.
Likewise, you can buy a small wine-refrigerator and use that.
Likewise, you probably won't find a Cambozola at your local grocer.
Likewise, if you only have a few bottles and plan to drink them within a few months, you may want a small counter top wine rack.
Likewise, alcohol is slightly more calorically dense (seven calories per gram as in alcohol as opposed to four calories per gram in carbohydrates) than carbohydrates, so higher alcohol wines typically contain more calories.
Likewise, if you enjoy the excitement of trying new wines from up and coming wine regions from around the world, then you might not want to join a Bordeaux wine club.
Likewise a book that has been unavailable will be eagerly sought after on the open market.
Likewise, the doctor will look for an enlarged spleen by pressing on (palpating) the abdomen; if the spleen is noticeably enlarged, ITP is not absolutely ruled out but is a less likely diagnosis.
Because chromosomes are inherited in pairs, each individual receives two copies of each chromosome and likewise two copies of each gene.
Likewise, some types of chemotherapy have been found to be effective in treating Wilms' tumor.
Likewise, if the younger of two daughters is extremely pretty and her older sister is plain, the younger may either be treated as a favored lastborn or as a high-achieving firstborn.
Diabetes is a medical condition that is affected by pregnancy and, likewise, affects pregnancy.
Likewise, any substance that increases the risk for premature delivery and low birth weight, such as alcohol, tobacco, or cocaine, among others, might indirectly increase the risk for CP.
Likewise, ingestion of a toxic substance such as lead, mercury, other poisons, or certain chemicals could cause neurological damage.
Likewise, the infant mortality rate is characteristically higher for the infants of mothers who smoke than for those of nonsmokers.
Screening is likewise recommended to determine trait status for individuals of high-risk ethnic groups.
Likewise, delayed puberty is due to insufficient hormone.