Lightsabre Sentence Examples
In 1983 Jedi Arena was released and simulated lightsabre battles in an homage to the A New Hope scene where Luke Skywalker trains with a seeker.
This gave way to more realistic and engaging lightsabre battles found in Jedi Outcast.
Gamers have been excited by the prospect of realistic lightsabre battles using the recently unveiled controller for Nintendo's 2006 console "Revolution".
The controller, which resembles a DVD remote control, is held much like a lightsabre hilt and is sensitive to motion, speed, direction and distance.
I bet 50 wuipipi that if that Journo had long hair, that it would not remain immaculate after a furious lightsabre battle!
It was obvious he was a Jedi with that majestic green lightsabre.
His attitude to problem solving, like the lightsabre through the door ... That was awesome.