Lightly Sentence Examples
We didn't take this decision lightly!
He bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips.
The sacred is not to be approached lightly.
He reached out and touched her temple lightly.
He kissed her forehead lightly, marveling at the treasure he'd found when the world seemed ready to end.
We would suggest serving mead lightly chilled and whilst mead keeps well it should be kept cool and closed to reduce oxidation.
These were hard-headed men of affairs - men who would not lightly embark on joyous ventures, or seek for an ideal San Grail; nor were the popes, doomed to the Babylonian captivity for seventy long years at Avignon, able to call down the spark from on high which should consume all earthly ambitions in one great act of sacrifice.
Thus, if a common glass-jar be struck so as to yield an audible sound, the existence of a motion of this kind may be felt by the finger lightly applied to the edge of the glass; and, on increasing the pressure so as to destroy this motion the sound forthwith ceases.
To the centre of this membrane is attached a small feather-fibre, which, when the reflector is suitably placed, touches lightly the surface of the revolving cylinder.
White sand is lightly scattered by a pepper-box over the plate.
AdvertisementThe three lightly W2 dotted parabolas are the curves of maximum moment for each of the loads taken separately.
When Kdrber declined to carry through the Ausgleich with Hungary without consulting Parliament, and made it a question of confidence the young Emperor on Dec. 20 1916 lightly dismissed his best adviser.
The work is not easy or to be taken up lightly.
So too, in his English in Ireland (1872-1874), which was written to show the futility of attempts to conciliate the Irish, he aggravates all that can be said against the Irish, touches too lightly on English atrocities,and writes unjustly of the influence of Roman Catholicism.
The willows are cut at the first indication of the sap rising and "couched" in rotten peelings and soil at a slight angle, the butts being on the ground, which should be strewn with damp straw from a manure heap. The tops are covered lightly with rotted peelings and by periodical application of water, fermentation is induced at the bottom, heat is engendered, the leaves force their way through the covering and peeling may begin.
AdvertisementAfter a brief course at a village school, he removed in 1800 to New York City, where in connexion with his brother-in-law, William Irving, and Washington Irving, he began in January 1807 a series of short lightly humorous articles, under the title of The Salmagundi Papers.
The German politicians and the Prussian diplomatists accredited to Rome had worked too openly at undermining the papal hierarchy, and had veiled their sympathies for Piedmont far too lightly to lead the Vatican to expect, after the 10th of September 1870, a genuine and firm intervention on the part of Prussia on behalf of the temporal power of the Holy See.
In its outskirts and the surrounding country are an immense number of xarqueadas (slaughter-houses), with large open yards where the dressed beef, lightly salted, is exposed to the sun and air.
Some very pleasing examples are to be met with which have the form of a parallelogram with a lightly rounded roof; others of appropriate character are square or nearly so, with a ridge-and-furrow roof.
For most of these the lightest spongy but sweet turfy peat must be used, this being packed lightly about the roots, and built up above the pot-rim, or in some cases freely mixed before use with chopped sphagnum moss and small pieces of broken pots or nodules of charcoal.
AdvertisementThe covering of leaves or litter should be taken off bulbs and tender plants that were covered up for winter, so that the beds can be lightly forked and raked.
After the skins have been carefully removed - the sooner after death the better for the subsequent condition of the fur - they are lightly tacked out, pelt outwards, and, without being exposed to the sun or close contact with a fire, allowed to dry in a hut or shady place where there is some warmth or movement of air.
Without positively asserting much more than he can prove, he gives prominence to all the circumstances which support his case; he glides lightly over those which are unfavourable to it; his own witnesses are applauded and encouraged; the statements which seem to throw discredit on them are controverted; the contradictions into which they fall are explained away; a clear and connected abstract of their evidence is given.
The southern hemisphere ranks lightly in the matter of consumption, the only other country worth mentioning there besides the Australasian and Cape dependencies being Argentina.
One of these bore the name of Apopi engraved lightly on the shoulder; this was evidently a usurper's mark, but from the whole circumstances it was concluded that these, and others of the same type of features found elsewhere, must have belonged to the Hyksos.
AdvertisementTo the diplomacy of the P P Y 18th century the breach of a solemn compact was but lightly regarded; and Charles VI.
In the 23rd of October Hunter, with a flying column lightly equipped, left Berber for Adarama, which he burned on the 2nd of November, and after reconnoitring for 40 m.
His personal friendship, too, once bestowed, was never lightly withdrawn.
In so-called natural cement which is comparatively lightly burnt, the magnesia appears to be inert, and as much as 20 to 30% may be present.
They are usually made from a silicious limestone containing magnesia, and are comparatively lightly burned.
In the realm of abstract thought these transitions take place lightly.
The Austrian right was increasing the pressure against the positions west of the Vallarsa, and was collecting forces for the first of the long series of attacks against Pasubio, which was only lightly held.
Lumber the writing with nothing - let it go as lightly as the bird flies in the air or a fish swims in the sea.
The secondary fermentation proceeds slowly and the carbonic acid formed is allowed to escape by way of the bung-hole, which in order to prevent undue access of air is kept lightly covered or is fitted with a water seal, which permits gas to pass out of the cask, but prevents any return flow of air.
In the Moluccas, where the Dutch have had settlements for 250 years, some of the inhabitants trace their descent to early immigrants; and these, as well as most of the people of Dutch descent in the east, are quite as fair as their European ancestors, enjoy excellent health, and are very prolific. But the Dutch accommodate themselves admirably to a tropical climate, doing much of their work early in the morning, dressing very lightly, and living a quiet, temperate and cheerful life.
Wales was relieved from the burden of toll-gates, while the few rioters who were captured were only lightly punished.
If it becomes distended the ball is pierced to liberate the gas and again lightly closed.
Upon Milan and the cities of western Lombardy the hand of Attila seems to have weighed more lightly, plundering rather than utterly destroying; and at last when Pope Leo I., at the head of a deputation of Romall senators, appeared in his camp on the banks of the Mincio, entreating him not to pursue his victorious career to the gates of Rome, he yielded to their entreaties and consented to cross the Alps, with a menace, however, of future return, should the wrongs of Honoria remain unredressed.
The filaments elongate rapidly at flowering-time, and the lightly versatile anthers empty an abundance of finely granular smooth pollen through a longitudinal slit.
But the arrangement of terraced gardens and the lightly constructed pavilion which graces the western slopes of the hills overlooking Chardeh are the most attractive of these innovations.
So lightly was the acquisition esteemed in England, and so unsuccessful was the administration of the crown officers, that in 1668 Bombay was transferred to the East India Company for an annual payment of X10.
Such a sketch must pass lightly over debatable ground, and must consist largely of suggestions still in need of confirmation; but if it serves as a frame into which more precise and more detailed statements may be fitted as they come to the ken of the reader, its object will be attained.
John sat inert at Rouen, pretending to take his misfortunes lightly, and boasting that what was easily lost could be as easily won back.
The heavily armoured French noblesse, embogged in miry meadows, proved helpless before the lightly equipped English archery.
It fell heavily upon the baronage and their retainers, but passed lightly, for the most part, over the heads of the middle classes.
Somewhere about the end of 1526 those who were in the kings intimate confidence began to be aware that he was meditating a divorcea thing not lightly to be taken in hand, for the queen was the aunt of the emperor Charles V., who would be vastly offended at such a proposal.
It became noted for the intelligence of its citizens, and for the educational advantages it offered at the time when education among the Boers was thought of very lightly.
Whenever a woman brings forth a male child, she puts his first food on the sword of her husband, and lightly introduces the first auspicium of nourishment into his little mouth with the point of the sword.
To judge from the early literature the marriage-tie seems to have been regarded very lightly, and there can be little doubt that pagan marriage customs were practised long after the introduction of Christianity.
Hood's army was to the south-east, lightly entrenched, with its flanks on two creeks which empty into the Cumberland above and below Nashville.
Rain drops tapped on the window lightly at first, and then drummed on the roof angrily.
Nubuck Aniline dyed leather which has been lightly abraded on the grain surface to create a velvety finish or nap.
However, the tank's rear is lightly armored.
They are a good partner for lightly fried bananas and passion fruit.
Guinness Red, a new product made from lightly roasted barley, will be launched in the UK over the next few months.
Imagine the effect of a sustained barrage of this ferocity on even a lightly manned trench.
If you use a razor then soften the beard first with soap and warm water and shave lightly to avoid catching the spots.
Fry the chicken until lightly browned on both sides.
Holding the measuring cylinder over a tray or beaker, lightly insert the rubber bung.
She lightly burnishes all her work giving a matt finish that is reminiscent of the pebbles found on the beach.
We lay there naked and, with one arm, I lightly caressed her body.
Choose from mouth-watering Scottish beefsteaks, lightly smoked haddock, venison casseroles or perhaps juicy langoustines.
Grill the vegetables over Direct High heat until lightly charred, 6 to 8 minutes, turning once halfway through grilling time.
To practice civil disobedience is not a choice to be made lightly.
The Master and 1st Officer received burns to arms and upper bodies through being lightly clad.
Lightly crush the coriander, cumin and peppercorns together.
A super soft 100% organic cotton flannel, smooth on one side, lightly brushed on the other, in unbleached natural ecru.
Serve with either clotted cream or a lightly whipped double cream with a little brandy added.
This is a near fine copy with a lightly creased front cover.
Roll in bread crumbs, pressing lightly to coat both sides with crumbs.
Serve the soup hot or cold and garnished with asparagus tips and lightly crushed pink peppercorns.
I worked in a grocery store, and I saw plenty of lightly bruised food, still edible, tossed in the trash.
The outer surface has thin, lightly keratinised epithelium The vermillion border is red, because it is highly vascularised.
They are dressed lightly and casually for the warm summer evening and the young scientist carries a large flashlight, still unlit.
Albert Campion has never, for all his apparent flippancy, been a man to regard death lightly.
A lightly floral nose with an apple and lime palate, there are also faint notes of the tropical.
Predation losses were determined by lightly gluing giant foxtail and velvetleaf weed seeds onto squares of sandpaper.
The small side salad was crisp and fresh and the chips were delicious, lightly fried and soft and fluffy on the inside.
Add the bacon and continue to cook for a further 15 minutes stirring occasionally, until lightly golden.
Place fish on lightly oiled cooking grate, flesh side down.
Roast Pork Lightly marinated roast, served with roast potatoes & vegetables in a wine gravy.
I followed this with a brace of lightly grilled seabass in a delicate crab sauce (£ 12.50) topped with sun-dried tomato.
Use horticultural grit or mix 2 to cover seeds lightly.
So getting back to form filling stress equals lightly hod of you making errors in your documents, thus wasting paper right!
Wall to wall, people hypnotized, And they're stepping, Lightly, Hang each night in Rapture.
The patient was lightly hypnotized and told that he could learn to control the blood vessels in his face.
Using the lightly soaked cotton wool apply to the edges of the stain working inwards to the center.
Kale cooked for an hour delivers far more calcium than lightly steamed kale cooked for an hour delivers far more calcium than lightly steamed kale.
I mix in about 1 1/2 to 2 cups then knead in the rest on a lightly floured surface.
All you have to do is select a walk and turn up, lightly laden, at the right place.
Lightly cook 1 sliced leek in a 1 tbsp olive oil to soften.
Perhaps there's a slight suggestion of a lemon about the edges, like a lemon peel has been rubbed lightly around the rim.
It seemed more likely the beach would have been lightly defended.
In order to do its job properly, an O ring must be lightly lubricated to keep it supple.
Lightly grease the top gasket and loosely fit the inlet manifold to the cylinder.
In autumn you can spread farmyard manure which can be lightly worked into the soil later, in spring.
During the reconnaissance mission, the P-3 was hit by fire from Khmer Rouge patrol boats, being lightly damaged.
I know it's Carmen, but the company really got off lightly with just a few mummers from the audience.
However, the unsubstituted nucleosides could lightly yield the fragment ions of the nucleoside base and sugar ring.
Extra-large 17 bags are lightly scented to control odors.
All moving parts need to be lightly oiled from time to time - do n't overdo the oil.
Comb your eyebrows before applying eyebrow pencil and then, ever so lightly, comb them again when you have finished.
Randy Greif, always interesting, contributes a subdued, lightly percussive composition that unfortunately sounded a bit muddy.
The vessel is lightly built with carvel planking, all visible fastenings are treenails.
Finish with a Quark layer then plop the last few cherries randomly on top and sprinkle lightly with crumbs for an attractive finish.
Favorites include succulent prawns fried in good olive oil with chili & garlic, & delicious grilled polenta topped with lightly fried wild mushrooms.
A rubber is a fully amorphous, lightly cross-linked polymer, above T g.
Further, its shores were undeveloped and lightly populated.
We may forgive posterity for the paucity of information left to us, but we ourselves shall not be judged so lightly by posterity.
In the first spring, lightly prune the main stems, in their second spring reduce the previous season's growth by half.
Every team in the premiership is capable of beating each other and taking quins lightly could result in us adding to our points tally?
From here it was a short walk through lightly drizzling rain to the office block in which he worked.
Lightly rake lawns with a spring-tine rake to remove old plant debris.
How you make it First lightly toast two thick slices of the tiger chest bread then grill two rashers of the bacon until crispy.
The semi-acoustic bounce of eponymous track rattlebox slips lightly into the chiming country tinged ballad that ends the first set.
The Chan's Great Continent is an eminently readable book, which wears its scholarship lightly.
Now we must champion the cause of a flexible, free trading, low tax, lightly regulated Europe.
Serve with a crispy green salad, or a selection of lightly steamed vegetables for a hot meal.
To prepare wood, lightly abrade the surface using a dry sandpaper, rubbing in the direction of the grain.
The wings were succulent with a sweet, tangy sauce, while the fries were crisp, golden and lightly salted.
The Voice of Hope is a collection of lightly edited transcripts of interviews, not scholarly analyzes.
The lamb came warm, with redcurrant jelly and tasted like a fine carpaccio, lightly seared.
Combine the oil, garlic and Italian seasoning and brush the potatoes lightly with some of the mixture.
To remove wrinkles pashmina shawls should either be steam pressed or lightly ironed under a pressing cloth.
Not to be sneezed at - not to be underrated or treated lightly taking snuff may induce sneezing.
The exclusion zone became illegal and on its website English Heritage now ' wishes you a happy solstice ', through lightly gritted teeth.
Dried couch grass - lightly sprinkled - toxic to slugs.
Finally a little Vomit Brown was very lightly stippled over the bottom of the skirt and cloak as a final highlight.
So comrades these are the reasons for which I cannot lightly accept the hypothesis of a simple stratagem.
The water was made from interior filler which was lightly textured to give the effect of running water.
This is of course due to the vicious thorns, which are not to be taken lightly.
Use to line a lightly oiled 23cm (9 inch) spring release cake or deep flan tin.
Conversely, you can ' punch up ' lightly tinted expanses with darker or richer accents.
The lightly reinforced toe makes them durable while still allowing you to dance the night away in your favorite open toe shoes.
A lightly pressed creamy white cheese marbled with dark blue-green veining.
In the northeast and along the western corridor are low lightly wooded mountain ranges of mainly volcanic origin.
Lightly grease the pan with a thick wad of paper towel dipped in oil or melted butter.
The further along the lightly wooded valley we went, the more males with full tails were encountered.
Over the successive stages of this growth we pass lightly (see Prophet).
The doctrines of Hippocrates, though lightly thought of by the Erasistrateans, still were no doubt very widely accepted, but the practice of the Hippocratic school had been greatly improved in almost every department - surgery and obstetrics being probably those in which the Alexandrian practitioners could compare most favourably with those of modern times.
The seed is now set; usually it is thoroughly mixed with a relatively large quantity of fine ashes, sand or meal, to facilitate thin and even sowing, and the surface of the bed is afterwards lightly brushed over with a broom; it is very important to avoid burying the seed at all deeply; a light covering of cloth or muslin, raised on short sticks, is often stretched over the bed.
Teutonic legend does not lightly exaggerate, and what to us seems incredible in it may be easily conceived as credible to those by whom and for whom the tales were told; that Sigmund and his son Sinfiotli turned themselves into wolves would be but a sign of exceptional powers to those who believed in werewolves; Fafnir assuming the form of a serpent would be no more incredible to the barbarous Teuton than the similar transformation of Proteus to the Greek.
Thus, if an elastic metal slip or a pig's bristle be attached to one prong of a tuningfork, and if the fork, while in vibration, is moved rapidly over a glass plate coated with lamp-black, the attached style touching the plate lightly, a wavy line will be traced on the plate answering to the vibrations to and fro of the FIG.
By emphasizing the purely moral character of Yahweh's demands from Israel, by teaching that the mere payment of service and worship at Yahweh's shrines did not entitle Israel's sins to be treated one whit more lightly than the sins of other nations, and by enforcing these doctrines through the conception that the approach of the all-destroying empire, before which Israel must fall equally with all its neighbours, was the proof of Yahweh's impartial righteousness, they gave for the first time a really broad and fruitful conception of the moral government of the whole earth by the one true God.1 It is impossible to read the books of the older prophets, and especially of their protagonist Amos, without seeing that the new thing which they are compelled to speak is not Yahweh's grace but His inexorable and righteous wrath.
Crude bauxite is ground, lightly calcined to destroy organic matter, and agitated under a pressure of 70 or 80 lb per sq.
It is true that he does not claim to be a great expert, though a pupil of the Scaevolas, and when in doubt would consult a jurisconsult; also, that he frequently passes lightly over important points of law, but this was probably because he was conscious of a flaw in his case.
But "genius" and "originality" are words we should not use lightly.
Everyone brightened at the sight of this pretty young woman, so soon to become a mother, so full of life and health, and carrying her burden so lightly.
The needles clicked lightly in her slender, rapidly moving hands, and he could clearly see the thoughtful profile of her drooping face.
Every team in the premiership is capable of beating each other and taking Quins lightly could result in us adding to our points tally?
Divide the rice between the two lightly greased ramekin dishes or teacups.
The semi-acoustic bounce of eponymous track Rattlebox slips lightly into the chiming country tinged ballad that ends the first set.
The Chan 's Great Continent is an eminently readable book, which wears its scholarship lightly.
He began quietly reciting verses in Arabic, pausing occasionally to spit lightly on the boy 's head.
Boards a little rubbed at extremities, lightly marked in places.
Great lightly toasted, rubbed with garlic and cut into croutons for serving with soup.
To use, rub bottle tip lightly against the rubber stamp, wipe off excess solution with a damp cloth.
Using a coarse sandpaper, lightly remove some of the paper, leaving a mottled wash with highlights.
Pour into lightly oiled 20cm savarin mold, refrigerate several hours or until set.
These seeds can be soaked or lightly scarified to speed up the process.
Corners scuffed, light mark on rear board, spine lightly sunned, very good.
Lightly soiled, a trifle scuffed on extremities, some light foxing, otherwise very good.
Lightly scuffed, a trifle darkened on spine, undated inscription on front free endpaper, good.
Roll out half the marzipan on a surface lightly dusted with sieved icing sugar into a round to fit the top of the cake.
These have been skimmed lightly in the lathe with each wheel mounted on a tapered arbor.
Not to be sneezed at - not to be underrated or treated lightly Taking snuff may induce sneezing.
Transfer to a lightly oiled dish and sprinkle with 50g breadcrumbs, blue cheese and oil.
A confession which has been the touchstone of orthodoxy for fifteen centuries cannot lightly be ignored or abandoned.
These permits are not issued lightly, nor are they generally issued for touristic purposes.
I am always trying to find new ways to ' tread more lightly ' on our planet.
A painting more than fifty years old may be safely wiped over with turpentine substitute applied lightly with a soft pad.
Well-done meat contains more carcinogenic material than does lightly cooked meat.
Lightly massage over the skin, then wipe off with a tissue or rinse with water.
There is a four-letter word for Perham and it is not one to be used lightly, and it is not lady.
Choosing a child care center is not a decision to be taken lightly.
You must realize that adopting a child is a lifelong decision that can't be taken lightly.
Eat right, lightly exercise and keep up with prenatal doctor visits.
Singing-Whether you sit in a rocking chair or lightly pat your baby while she lies in her crib, a lullaby is the perfect ending to a busy day for you and baby.
If you are purchasing blush with no assistance from a friend, family member or cosmetic professional, the best way to figure out what will work for you is by lightly pinching your cheeks and waiting for color to appear.
Choose colors that lightly contrast the color of your eyes.
Dig a hole no deeper than the plant's roots in an area of your yard that is optimal for the plant (check the plant tag if you don't know for sure), place the plant in the hole and pack lightly with soil.
Just make a little trough (the package will tell you how deep), sprinkle in the seeds and cover lightly with soil.
Just spread the tablecloth onto your table and lightly spray it with water.
Tread lightly if you aren't sure how the recipient may feel about this issue.
Just like any other recreational investment, a marine battery charger is not the type of purchase that you take lightly.
If you're in a hurry, lightly cover and refrigerate them to speed the process.
I can put him on the floor, and he'll jump right back on my lap, and do it again, only getting rougher the second time, where he'll lightly bite my chin and try to lick my face like crazy.
Lightly toast one piece of bread in the toaster.
Lightly sprinkle the cubes with dried fish flakes.
While fish should not be served raw because of potential parasite infestation, it can be served lightly cooked.
Other meats can be served raw or lightly cooked.
A common approach is to lightly muddle spearmint leaves in the bottom of a glass, although some people believe that muddling bruises the mint and compromises the quality.
Place mint leaves in a tall glass, and lightly crush the leaves with a spoon.
Salty Dogs combine gin or vodka with grapefruit juice and are generally served in a glass with a lightly salted rim to cut the grapefruit acidity.
There are no syrups in the mixture and the only sweetness in the drink comes from the vanilla-flavored vodka and the lightly sweetened lime juice.
However, it should not be gone into lightly.
This is a huge decision and can't be taken lightly.
At CORT clearance centers, individuals and businesses can purchase lightly used furniture for deeply discounted prices.
Every now and then remove the cushions from the furniture frames and lightly scrub them with soap and water.
Clean them every now and then by lightly scrubbing them with soap and water.
Every now and then remove the cushions from the furniture frames and lightly clean them with soap and water.
For fresh herbal teas, it's best to cut the leaves right off the plant, lightly wash them, and then add them to your pot or tea ball.
Existing fabrics can be given this time-worn appearance by bleaching lightly or using a tea-stain technique.
Take a pencil and lightly draw a line from door to door.
The Aspen wood used to make Aspen log lamps is left natural or lightly stained with clear a varnish applied to the finish.
You can use them straight as eye shadow, mix them to make new colors, brush them lightly onto your cheeks as highlighter or even mix with clear lip gloss to create a new shade for your lips.
With a container of blush mineral powder in your chosen shade, use the same technique to load the brush and begin lightly dusting your cheeks, being sure to follow your natural bone structure.
Apply the deepest color in the natural crease line of your lids to accentuate the depth, then blend lightly with your fingers to soften the line.
If you're using your fingers, lightly pat the concealer into place with your ring finger.
If you feel that the color corrector is still obvious once you've blended it out, you can go over the top of it lightly with a concealer or powder that matches your skin, or pat more of your foundation on top.
Screen actress Marlene Dietrich used to draw a line of silver shadow straight down the center of her nose from bridge to tip, right on top of her foundation, and then lightly powder over it.
Always apply powder lightly and sparingly.
Lightly brush contouring shadow around the perimeter of the face including forehead, cheek bones and jaw line.
To trim them at home, start by placing them lightly over the top of your lashes to measure the length you desire.
With a sharp set of cuticle scissors, lightly cut the ends to the right length.
During this period while the glue is being set, you can also lightly hold the false eyelashes upright toward the eyebrows to encourage them to open up the eyes.
Lightly pull off each strand or the strip of false lashes.
Instead, you want to lightly enhance the cheekbones and work with contour more than color when it comes to taking photographs for modeling.
Cream shadow will stay put longer if you dust it lightly with a loose translucent powder after application.
Another application technique is to lightly spray your hairbrush to weave your fragrance through the strands of you hair.
Because it is a liquid, it is difficult to apply it lightly.
Instead, I learned to lightly swipe the blush brush into a very small amount of the bronzer and then gently sweep on my skin.
With your non-dominant hand, tug lightly on the outer edge of your lid, making it taut and allowing yourself to draw a straight line right where your lashes meet your lid.
It contains loose mineral pigments and goes on the eyelid lightly and smoothly.
Do this by tapping the brush head lightly on its side against the lid, or simply blow on it gently.
Lightly scented as Daltroff's favorite flower, Rose is refined like all of Caron's powders.
Start blending at the inner corner of your eyelid, blending lightly toward mid-eyelid into your medium eye shadow.
Since Shiseido is created in Japan, lightly colored bases and powders are popular.
For green eyes, plum, burnt shades, and muted greens can create appeal even when applied lightly.
This makes the process gentle, quick and even moisturizing with its mild, lightly hydrating formula.
Lightly aromatic, it contains various floral extracts to nourish and soothe.
Using your eye shadow brush, lightly brush on the deeper shade into the crease of the lid.
Be sure to dab it on lightly, or else you may end up with a distinct white spot.
Fans of Flirt! are likely already familiar with the company's richly pigmented, lightly gleaming eye shadow mousses, called I'm Whipped.
The sponge will allow you to apply it lightly and add as needed.
This can be achieved by using the black and green makeup and applying it lightly with a sponge.
Your entire face should twinkle lightly, with no particular feature standing out over others.
Use a deeper shade of brown or taupe to lightly fill in the crease of the eyelid.
Lightly circle the brush or sponge in the lid of the compact to eliminate any excess makeup.
Next, very lightly tap the brush (just once!) on a tissue to remove any excess.
Start lightly and build up your coverage as needed.
Designed to enhance the natural undertones of the skin, this foundation can be applied lightly for a sheer look, or can be layered to impart more pigment (coverage).
Apply a light coat of lip balm or petroleum jelly to your lips and lightly tap the golden shadow across your pout.
To apply this shadow, use a fluffy makeup brush designed for the eyes, dab the brush to get some color, tap the brush off lightly, and apply right to your eyelid.
Again, lightly tap the brush to avoid picking up too much color and then take the brush to your eye.
Lightly apply a sprinkling of glitter above your eye shadow for a shimmery treatment.
Lightly blot off any remaining product then do the next eye with a fresh applicator.
If you are heavy-handed, then run your brush lightly over the top of the makeup before applying it to your lash line in long, even strokes.
You'll be able to keep it from looking much too harsh after the removal of the tape by lightly blending a shadow in a color close to your skin tone around the edges.
The "V" shaped bristle tips allow you to apply the product lightly.
For a sunken cheek look, lightly sweep some green and red greasepaint under the cheekbones.
Using the slanted eyeshadow brush, I lightly rubbed it across the middle color marked "Crease."
While blush is a cosmetic staple that is normally used to lightly enhance your features, you can apply it with a more generous hand for dress-up to create more of a stage presence.
If need be, lightly exfoliate lips with a mixture of sugar and water first and apply lip balm as your base beneath the lip gloss.
Although it comes in all formulations, many women choose brown eyeliner in pencil or powder formulations which can be smudged and applied lightly for a natural look.
Start with clean, lightly moisturized skin.
Choose a concealer that is one shade lighter than your foundation, and dot in on lightly, taking time to blend it thoroughly.
The smooth, lightweight powder is ideal for keeping skin fresh, cool, dry, and lightly scented, especially in the warmer month.
Lightly sweep Sunbasque, a peach with pearl along cheek bones and apply Lipglass in C-Thru, a peachy beige shimmery lip gloss.
You can lightly spray over your eyelid for a soft wash of color, or concentrate more color in the crease for a defined, smoky look.
The blush is applied similarly to the foundation, but lightly spraying the apples of your cheeks or cheekbones in small circular motions until you've achieved your desired shade.
Another advantage that many women appreciate is that types of foundations tend to adhere lightly to the skin, rather than sitting heavily or settling into find lines and wrinkles.
Spray the foundation lightly across your face, starting from the top and moving downward toward your neck.
Use a brush and lightly dust a veil all over your face and neck.
In addition, it wears lightly and contains no parabens, GMOs, or sulfates.
Lightly tap and roll to blend, using care not to tug or pull on the skin.
To be sure, opting to go the permanent route is not a decision to make lightly, so take your time, review all of your options, and research the different forms of permanent makeup looks.
A well-written article can benefit a hardcore gamer or even people who are just lightly interested in video games.
Turn once with a metal spatula when lightly charred and tender.
Remove when lightly charred, about one minute on each side.
Serve over shredded lettuce, sprinkling lightly with sea salt and black pepper for additional flavor.
Saute garlic, onion, and bell pepper until lightly browned, about 5 minutes.
Line a muffin pan with paper liners and spray them lightly with cooking spray.
Allow the lamb to rest outside of the oven, lightly covered with foil, for 30 minutes before carving and serving.
Fill in the boxed area with berries, pressing them into the frosting lightly and staggering them so that a little white frosting appears between each bit of fruit.
When going out for Japanese food in San Antonio, you will find that the usual appetizers such as edamame (soybeans that have been steamed and lightly salted) or gyoza are in ample supply.
Saute the chicken on both sides until it is lightly browned, about 3 minutes.
Using a lightly greased 9x11 baking dish, layer the bread, sausage, and cheese.
Beat the egg lightly, and stir it into the batter.
Grate a little nutmeg into the butter to lightly dust the bottom of the pan.
Roast the asparagus until tender and lightly browned, about 15 to 20 minutes, stirring once or twice.
Minimum portions of foods cooked lightly to retain their crunch and nutritional value was the norm.
Yet another may offer lightly cooked vegetables served with a chili or fish sauce.
Flour the dough lightly and roll the pastry out to the original size of 12x12.
For a distressed look, lightly sand the edges of your photos before attaching them to the page.
If you're having trouble trimming, however, you can also try sanding the edges lightly with fine grit sandpaper and adding a bit of brown ink for a "distressed" scrapbook look.
With light weight paper, this will not be an issue, but for cardstock or other heavy weight materials, embossing will be easier if the paper is sprayed lightly with water.
Add definition to the edges of your sticker by lightly dragging the surface over a brown or black ink pad.
Lightly run over your sticker with sandpaper to give it a distressed look.
Gloss or a lightly colored lipstick is fine, but don't forget to use mascara.
After noon, they eat a large lunch salad filled with raw foods and lightly dressed with a healthy dressing.
Roast beets plain or coated lightly with olive oil to add as little saturated fat and cholesterol as possible.
Choosing a bridal boutique isn't a decision that should be entered into lightly.
When you consider there will be on every table plus other locations around the ceremony and reception areas, it's not a decision to be taken lightly.
Lightly scented pine cones will also work.
If you have a white or ivory cake, for example, you can ask your decorator to apply evenly placed, very lightly colored pastel or ivory polka dots packed closely around the cake.
If you're using a white or lightly colored frosting, you'll need to use a small amount of buttercream to apply a crumb coat to the cake before you do the primary frosting.
Lightly frost the cakes with buttercream before applying the fondant sheets so that the buttercream will act as "glue" for the fondant.
If you're searching for something completely different, don't hesitate to check eBay, where individuals will often sell either brand new or lightly used sheets for reasonable prices.
If your sheets are completely plain, consider an embroidered or lightly embellished comforter and shams to finish the look with a touch of elegance.
Although there are many places that sell new towels with a retro vibe, you can also browse auction sites for unused or lightly used towels that are actually from past decades of you want an authentic towel.
To prevent your rolling pin from sticking to the fondant, coat it lightly with cornstarch or confectioners' sugar.
Try coating hands and work surface lightly with shortening when kneading to stop fondant from sticking.
Lightly score your cake down the middle with a serrated knife, and decorate each half differently.
They are lightly fitted, usually A-line cuts and double breasted, fastening either with large buttons, frogs or toggles.
The jeans have a lightly distressed look.
The decision to lock up a dorm isn't taken lightly, so it's important you don't do anything, like propping open a back door, to allow unauthorized people to enter.
When considering an online MBA program you want to make sure that the program is the highest quality and it's not a decision to be undertaken lightly.
Enrolling in an online degree program requires just as much effort, time and investment as on-site study, so don't take the decision lightly.
Next, lightly apply a powdered flea control product under all cushions and lightly on any carpeting to kill remaining eggs and new fleas that may be brought inside.
Just lightly rub in a few drops and give it a couple of days to work its way in.
Starting with the first front foot, lightly mist the hair with your spray bottle and gently brush the hair out one small section at a time as you work your way through the entire leg.
Soak as much water from the hair as you can with a dry towel, and then blow dry her on a lightly warm setting while you brush through the coat in layers once more.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board and knead it a couple of times.
Place the biscuits on a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake for 15 minutes.
Place the biscuits on a cookie sheet lightly sprayed with cooking spray and then bake them for approximately 45 minutes until they are a deep golden brown.
Place the biscuits on a cookie sheet that is lightly greased with non-stick spray.
Place the biscuits on a cookie sheet lightly coated with cooking spray.
In fine art, the term "nude" almost always includes semiclad or lightly draped bodies.
The seed may be sown either in September or in April or May, and lightly covered.
Water the plant lightly, and in a few days, give it a very light feeding with a balanced fertilizer.
Place the tray in a lightly shaded location when you take it out.
Seeds can be sewn in the early spring and lightly covered with soil, or you can start seeds inside and plant the seedlings after the last frost.
With their nodding faces and velvety colors, the lightly scented annuals thrive in shivering cold, resist sudden frosts, and provide a welcome burst of color.
Lightly cultivate the soil as well to reduce weeds.
Lightly fertilize the bedding area a few days before planting strawberries.
If roots become dry, lightly moisten them just before planting, but do not leave plants sitting in standing water.
While these flowers are only lightly scented or even unscented, the bright colors are enough to attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees to your garden.
Before yanking the weed out, pull from the base of the stem carefully and lightly.
Once the joint compound is completely dry, lightly sand it to smooth it out for better blending into the surrounding wall.
You'll typically see the black, or "hot" wire, connected to a darkly colored screw and the neutral wires (green and white) connected to lightly colored screws.
Another way you can clean lightly tarnished silver is to use silvercloth.
Steer clear of fakes made of "pleather" or PVC, which are lightly constructed and not typically built to last.
They're available in vintage blue and are lightly distressed.
Since these products were launched, the company has added a line of natural nut products, including natural honey roasted peanuts, lightly roasted almonds, sea-salted peanuts and cashews and a fruit and nut mix.
Place nuts on a cookie sheet in a single layer, and keep the oven temperature at around 160 degrees Fahrenheit Turn the nuts once during the cooking and remove when lightly browned.
To guard against this, always turn your compost pile when you add anything too it.If you have dry weather and the pile begins to feel dry rather than moist, you can spray it lightly with water a few times a week.
Shovel it lightly into the raised bed forms, being careful not to pack it down.
Organic farming and manufacturing produces less harmful runoff and leaves a smaller ecological footprint on nature, animals, and even people, which is an investment into our future that cannot be taken lightly.
The look goes back to the Greeks and Romans, who found that a loose dress, lightly bound under the breasts, was comfortable, easy to wear and skimmed all bodies in an eye-catching manner.
We cater to a wirefree, lightly padded and wired for support customer.
Lightly underwired for support from Lavina Lingerie.
Sensuence Bra Plus - Lightly padded demi cups, underwired, with wide-set straps to give you that extra lift.
Panache Inferno underwire plunge multiway bra - This lightly padded underwire plunge bra offers superb shape and support to give you the cleavage you're looking for.
Leading Lady Seamless Underwire Bra has smooth, lightly lined molded cups.
This top comes in a variety of prints and features lightly padded bra cups for extra coverage.
The suit features a tank top that drapes lightly around the waist, much as a blouse does.
The bodice is lightly fitted and the skirt is A-line.
Of course, you may come across the occasional spring or summer day dress lightly embellished with beads, but these are rarities.
While a robe requires less thorough washing than other lingerie, it's still best to wash it lightly by hand after every use.
There are lightly padded shelf cups, though you can't expect much in the way of support.
Solid colors are the most flattering for these styles and they should sit lightly on the arm but still allow for full range of motion.
Most days, all you need to do is rub in some gel or leave-in conditioner to towel-dried hair, then lightly blow-dry, using your fingers to guide the hair as you like.
Take a small section of hair and lightly apply the solution.
While sleep requirements can and do change as you age, do not treat chronic insomnia lightly.
When massaging the cramped muscle use a firm, but gentle grip and work your fingers along the length of the contracted muscle, squeezing lightly.
You can even buy them lightly used, if you don't mind that, by visiting eBay.
Unless you're going for lightly colored lenses, eye color shouldn't play into your decision too much.
Expect to pay about $55.00 for these lightly brown tinted frames.
Others are tortoise with lightly tinted lenses.
Not only is the frame more substantial, but the arms of the glasses curves in lightly to help hug your face.
Craigslist is another place where you may be able to find these vintage shades in good luck and brand new or lightly used.
The silicone nose pads are both adjustable and made to rest lightly without pinching your nose.
Some people may even find it nice to slip on a lightly tinted pair of readers when doing computer work because of the screen's brightness.
You will also see "snow" fall if you visit in the evening, thanks to a special dissolving formula that falls lightly like the real stuff, but won't cause a snow bank to form on Main Street!
The difficulty level, to put it lightly, is uneven, but the game play is not hinged on difficulty so it doesn't really stand in the way.
Like New - Like new games are used video games that have been opened and played very lightly.
Don't take this task lightly and casually, however, as there is a deadly stick of dynamite at the bottom of the screen.
This lightly effervescent wine is a semi-sweet, low-alcohol frizzante wine from Piedmonte, Italy.
This is a relatively lightly traveled wine country area and the main town in the region is only about 20 miles from Calistoga.
Following secondary fermentation, winemakers will add a small amount of sugar to lightly enhance the wine's sweetness.
Spreading the paste lightly over the red wine stain, keeps it from soaking into the carpet.
Port should be served at room temperature or just lightly chilled.
Wine tasters characterize Merlot as plummy, soft, and lightly tannic.
Like most Merlots, Marilyn Merlot should be enjoyed lightly chilled.
This decision is not one that should be made lightly.
The following travel trailer companies are popular among campers looking to travel lightly.
Eat lightly salted foods which can help replace salts lost through perspiration.
These include dressing the child lightly, applying cold washcloths to the face and neck, providing plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, and giving the child a lukewarm bath or sponging the child in lukewarm water.
Galant reflex is stimulated by placing the infant on the stomach or lightly supporting him or her under the abdomen with a hand and, using a fingernail, gently stroking one side of the neonate's spinal column from the head to the buttocks.
Stepping reflex is observed by holding the infant in an upright position and touching one foot lightly to a flat surface, such as the bed.
Using warm water in a spray bottle (or give a quick bath) and then lightly pat the skin dry to avoid irritation.
The cornea located is a transparent tissue covering the eyeball and can be tested for intactness by lightly brushing a wisp of cotton directly on the outside of the eye.
Although rash is less common than with streptobacillary rat-bite fever, there may be a lightly rosy, itchy rash all over the body.
If the foreign object cannot be removed at home, the eye should be lightly covered with sterile gauze to discourage rubbing.
If the skin is broken or apt to be disturbed, the burned area should be coated lightly with an antibacterial ointment and covered with a sterile bandage.
Another diagnostic procedure involves taking a corneal impression in which a swab or slide is pressed lightly against the cornea of the eye to determine whether viral material is present.
Serve in cups with ground nutmeg, cinnamon, or baking cocoa sprinkled lightly on top.
Lightly season both sides of the rack of lamb with salt and fresh cracked pepper and place the lamb on a rack set over a cookie sheet, skin side up.
You don't want to make the decision lightly.
The follow usually rests a hand lightly on the lead's bicep.
Ideal for lightly damaged or dry hair, the glossing line will give your hair a voluminous sheen and a subtle country kitchen scent.
College students are infamous for sailing out of the shower, tossing some mouse into their hair, scrunching lightly, and then tying their strands into a half-loop ponytail.
Perfect for recreating that beachy look (even if you're nowhere near the water), this spray lightly conditions the hair while creating texture and volume.
Once you release the rollers, finger comb them lightly so as not to break up the curls.
Lightly scrunch a texturizing spray from scalp to ends.
A half-pony, lightly tousled and dressed up with a bright scarf or other accessory, is always adorable and fun.
A messy or lightly tousled bun, accessorized with a fun clip or lively head band, is a great cute hair updo.
There's a reason all those pre-Raphaelite paintings feature women with their hair hanging long and only partially bound up - lightly styled long hair has always been considered beautiful and sensual.
Lightly comb over the backcombing to smooth the cuticle and impart shine.
Lightly spray the hair with a high hold hairspray mist.
Lightly spray the hair with a high hold hair spray mist.
Make a braid down the back of your head, and tie in ribbons or flowers to the braid and let the rest hang either loose or lightly tied back.
Simply work a styling smoother into ends and lightly blowdryer the rest of your hair using your fingers.
If hair becomes dry or frizzy, lightly mist with water and work in a small dollop of grooming cream.
After the hair is cool, remove the rollers and lightly brush, being careful not to remove the backcombing, but instead smoothing it slightly.
No matter what your base color is, a colorist can lightly lift a few shades to create the look of subtle sun-kissed highlights.
Secure the bottom with a clear elastic, then take a teasing comb and lightly brush the braid to make it a little rough and imperfect looking.
Lightly brush the top section over the top to cover the teased hair.
Certainly, the decision to take the education of your child out of the hands of the public school system is not one to be made lightly.
Homeschooling is an exciting adventure for those who want to educate their own children, but it should not be entered into lightly.
Home equity mortgages should never be entered into lightly because you are putting your home at risk.
This is not a small investment and it's not something to jump into lightly.
If you have difficulty with this step, you can use a protractor to lightly mark three 60-degree sections.
You'll find soft cup, underwire, and lightly padded bras in classic colors such as black, white, cream, tan, and pastel pink.
So the decision to use certain types of contraception should not be taken lightly.
It is essential that no decision is made lightly and it is always advisable to balance the options of continuing with the pregnancy versus deciding on a termination.
Due to the small risk of miscarriage, amniocentesis is not a decision that is taken lightly by the obstetricians or the expectant parents.
Although side effects are rare, having your tubes tied is still a surgical procedure that should not be entered into lightly.
The decision to terminate a pregnancy is never one that is made lightly, but it should not affect your future fertility if the procedure is done by a trained professional and you follow all aftercare recommendations.
The cups are lightly padded, adding to the shaping and support and there is underwire and a clasp back fastener.
Gentle layers and ruching at the sides slim the torso while lightly padded cups enhance the silhouette.
She is wearing a pink and red bikini with a lightly retro touch and holding a matching hula hoop.
Her hair is swept on top of her head, and her arms are lightly crossed over her torso.
She's lightly curled with her head in her hands and her eyes are closed.
You can also get a Sunseeker Rio, that, as you'd expect from something named for one of the hottest parts of the world, is a very tiny and form-fitting pouch with a low front and lightly covered back.
Yes, skinny dipping can be a fun and even frivolous activity, but you shouldn't take the situation too lightly.
It features an over-all swirled pattern for visual interest and a lightly lined bra.
It has a scoop in front and square back and lightly skims the body.
The cat is so realistic that it even sheds lightly, but is non-allergenic, so no worries.
If you decide to go dark on the bottom, then be bold and reach for a lightly colored top.
Insufferable heat usually translates to some serious discomfort, so dressing lightly is one of the best ways to counter those effects.
Wrap dresses; lightly flared pants; A-line skirts and tops; and sleeveless tops and dresses are all strongly feminine choices that flatter this shape.
When you're indoors and just need a little something extra to keep your shoulders covered and arms lightly protected, consider the ubiquitous shawl.
Wrap it lightly over your shoulders and allow it to drop slightly lower once you're indoors.
Open the grill and lightly grease the grill plates with non-stick cooking spray or pat or brush them with some cooking oil.
Instead, once you place your ingredients in the pitcher of your choice and put the lid in place, all you do is lightly press the large silver button on the top, using pulses as described in the recipe you're following.
Purchasing an appliance to provide a source of heat for your home or office is a big decision that should not be made lightly.
As you progress, reduce the amount of pressure you place on the cutter until you're just lightly touching it near the end.
Press lightly to adhere the tab to the glass.
The shape of each candle is formed by a hard wax shell, which is lightly scented.
It's not a decision that should be made lightly.
A flowing gown in various shades of red and orange, lightly trimmed with sequins or beads, would be striking for Aurora.
Black face paint should be applied lightly on the apples of the cheeks and on the crevice of the eyelids to create a sunken and ghastly appearance.
Most feature little tails and tops made from iridescent fabric, lightly padded fins with decorative stitching, and expandable side vents that allow for extra kicking room.
Date rape is a traumatic event and should never be taken lightly.
We will touch a man's hand, or leg lightly.
However, there are other clues including laughing at his jokes, lightly touching him, good eye contact, and leaning in when talking with him.
If you know the person well enough, and it is appropriate to do so, lightly touching his or her arm while you are conversing is another effective way of expressing interest through body language.
Marriage is a huge step in a couple's relationship and not something to commit to lightly.
While going for a walk, simply pressing your arm lightly against him or her, or allowing your bodies to brush against each other can make you both very aware of each other.
Simply inviting a tongue kiss by opening your own mouth during a kiss, or by lightly touching your partner's with the tip of your tongue, will give them a chance to respond with whether they like it or not.
If, for example, you stood close in the elevator and they didn't lean away, try to brush the person's hand lightly.
If a guy lightly teases you, he may be interested.
Note that there are many graphic pictures on this site, so do not take this decision lightly or you could find yourself offended.
If he says something funny, lightly slap his shoulder as you laugh.
The well-known designer does not make that claim lightly, and their immense range of diamond jewelry offers something to match the tastes of every couple.
A promise is not something to make lightly, and a ring to symbolize that promise should not be given lightly.
Using lightly oiled hands, form the dough into a ball and then flatten the ball manually until it is large enough to just fit over the pie.
Pierce lightly with a fork and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 12 minutes before adding the filling.
Prepare two round, eight-inch cake pans by spraying them lightly with a cooking spray and flouring them with a gluten free flour, being careful to adequately dust the sides and bottom to prevent sticking.
Pour equal amounts of the batter into the prepared pans and bake until lightly browned, about 40 minutes, testing for doneness with a toothpick inserted into the center of each cake.
The top of the bag is accented with a lightly colored blue flower, and the bottom is decorated with a delicate ethnic pattern.
If you're not the type who can easily pack lightly or who prefers carrying enormous tote bags filled to the brim, you may have a bit of trouble finding miniature bags very practical.
The bow is tipped lightly in red, giving the bag just a hint of extra sass and sophistication.
The laminated overlay makes it easy to care for, too; simply wipe it down with a lightly dampened cloth.
Simply wipe the exterior surface using a lightly dampened cloth.
Leo will need to tread lightly when Taurus goes on a rampage.
Once offended, Scorpios are difficult to win back, so it is best to tread lightly around this astrological sign.
It has often been said that individuals dealing with a Scorpio will not experience a second chance, so tread lightly around this sign.
A kids' computer desk is a large purchase and should not be taken lightly.
These policies are not usually taken lightly; students, parents, and sometimes teachers are speaking out against school uniforms by citing over and over again some of the school uniform issues that repeatedly come up.
Tanya glared at him as the planchette, with all hands lightly resting on it, slid across the bed and rested near her hand.
Place in a lightly greased bowl, rolling around the bowl until coated, then cover with a dishtowel or a paper towel and let rise in an unheated oven for until doubled in size or for about one hour.
Go lightly on the details; leave the prints and patterns at home unless they're understated.
The lightweight outsole and lightly padded insole guarantee comfort slip resistance and durability all day long.
Soft and supple Italian leathers, flexible leather outsoles, lightly padded foot beds are just some of the other reasons why CAMiLEON Heels are so comfortable.
The Prissy is a sexy strappy sandal with a 2 3/4 inch heel, leather upper, lightly padded foot bed and elasticized ankle strap.
Dunlay also features an adjustable slingback strap, flexible rubber outsole, lightly cushioned foot bed and a 2-inch heel.
The slingback features side-stretch goring for a better fit and the foot bed is lightly padded.
They are four inches high with a one-inch platform but have a lightly padded foot bed and a rubber sole with a heavy tread, making them perfect for the urban hiker.
It is an ankle-strap shoe with a crepe wedge platform and lightly padded leather footbed.
The Laundry Biana is a very retro-looking platform pump with a suede accent on the toe, leather sole, lightly padded footbed and 3 3/4 inch heel.
It has a rubber lug style sole and lightly padded footbed.
You'll enjoy this lightly distressed sandal for its unparalleled comfort and style.
You'll want to spray the shoe lightly and completely, and then leave them to dry in a safe place, far from heat and moisture.
It has a lightly padded fabric lining with cushioned insole and a three-quarter inch platform mid sole.
If you need to wear socks but find the typical selection of thick diabetic socks to be cumbersome in warm weather, try a pair of lightly padded socks.
This is the most serious and difficult form of memorial tattooing and should not be taken lightly.
You can lightly pat down any raised areas while the tat is still damp.
After the first day, it's important to wash the tat twice a day using a very mild soap, using just your fingertips to lightly smooth over the area.
Do not enter into getting a tattoo lightly, as you will be stuck with it for years.
Body piercing is a very serious procedure that shouldn't be performed lightly.
The entire company is built on a philosophy of natural sustainability and the ability to live "cleanly and lightly."
For this reason, girls are less likely to be affected by Fragile X than boys are, and those who do develop the syndrome are often more lightly affected than males with the disorder.
Selling a business is not a decision made lightly.
Most small business owners do not lightly regard this radical step at restructuring, considering that they have watched their business grow from one or two employees up to 100.
They do not take relationships lightly.
If this happens, lightly tap the carburetor close to the gas line to see if that frees up the problem.
Next, push the clutch down all the way to the floor with your left foot and lightly press down on the brake with your right foot.