Lighting Sentence Examples
The lighting was harsh.
Darian sensed him and whirled, his eyes lighting up before he looked down.
The fire flared brighter, lighting up his body.
The conference room was silent, the air purified, the lighting perfect.
Her ears still rung from the explosions lighting up the sky.
The flames now died down and were lost in the black smoke, now suddenly flared up again brightly, lighting up with strange distinctness the faces of the people crowding at the crossroads.
He was already lighting up when he asked.
She jerked the amulet off his neck, and the lighting flickered.
Where most houses would have a deck, there was a large studio, with professional lighting and lots of glass.
Several of the rooms on either side were open, revealing couples in various stages of undress, a room with junkies shooting up and potheads lighting up, and a room filled with what looked like people sleeping.
AdvertisementAs to lighting, the oil lamp has been largely displaced by gas and electricity.
She gazed at the soft ceiling lighting before tilting her head to see whose quiet voices she heard.
A single bulb dangled from the ceiling, lighting up a wide area but not the entire space.
The gas is excellent, is used for lighting the town, supplies light and fuel for the people, and a number of industries are using the gas for manufacturing.
The stranger glowed strangely in the otherwise dim lighting.
AdvertisementConcrete floors were cool beneath her bare feet, and the perimeter was lit by dim lighting.
Jonny opened it to reveal a comfortable looking room with a plush couch set, rugs to cover the concrete floors, and television lighting the room.
Their descendants are known as the senior and junior branches of the family, and since 1841 each has ruled his 'own portion as a separate state, though the lands belonging to each are so intimately entangled, that even in Dewas, the capital town, the two sides of the main street are under different administrations and have different arrangements for water supply and lighting.
When they are worked from a power station the great advantage is gained that the same plant which drives them can be used for many other purposes, such as working machine tools and supplying current for lighting.
The story in picturesque fashion makes Patrick challenge the royal authority by lighting the Paschal fire on the hill of Slane on the night of Easter Eve.
AdvertisementThe municipality owns and operates the water-works (the water-supply being drawn from the Penobscot by the Holly system) and an electric-lighting plant; there is also a large electric plant for generation of electricity for power and for commercial lighting, and in Bangor and the vicinity there were in 1908 about 60 m.
The corporation has acquired the gas-works, the cable tramways (leased to a company), the electric lighting of the streets, and the water-supply from the Pentlands (reinforced by additional sources in the Moorfoot Hills and Talla Water).
The gas and electric lighting is in the hands of private firms. The administration of the park, the city improvements and the water and sewerage departments have been handed over to boards and trusts.
Next to the poor rate came that for highways, and other special rates have been authorized from time to time, as for police, education, public lighting, cemeteries, libraries, sanitary purposes, &c. To distinguish the rate the name of the precepting authority is frequently added or the purpose for which it is levied specified, as county rate, watch rate, &c. The valuation list of a parish is the basis on which the poor rate is levied.
Electricity is obtained for lighting and other purposes by utilizing the abundant water-power in the district.
AdvertisementAs regards street lighting, the extended use of burners with incandescent mantles has been of good effect.
The vestries and district boards became the authorities for local drainage, paving, lighting, repairing and maintaining streets, and for the removal of nuisances, &c.
Again, with regard to rates, there were in all cases three different rates leviable in each parish-the poor rate, the general rate and the sewers rate-whilst in many parishes in addition there was a separate lighting rate.
From the sewers rate and lighting rate, land, as opposed to buildings, was entitled to certain exemptions.
Finsbury Square was the first public place in which gas lighting was actually adopted, and Grosvenor Square the last.
Mine fires may originate from ordinary causes, but in addition they may result from the explosion of fire-damp or from the accidental lighting of jets of fire-damp issuing from the coal.
There C are no important industries, except a few flour-mills, some glass works, iron foundries, a motor car factory, straw hat factories, and power-houses supplying electricity for lighting and for the numerous tramcars.
There is a good public library; much attention has been devoted to public improvements; and the water works and the electric lighting plants are owned and operated by the city.
The glare of these seemed to the allies to betoken the familiar device of lighting fires previous to a retreat, and thus confirmed them in the impression which Napoleon's calculated timidity had given.
Natural gas is extensively used for fuel and for lighting.
The municipality owns and operates the waterworks, a natural gas plant, and an electric lighting plant.
The city is provided with tramways, telephone service and electric lighting, but the water supply and drainage are inferior.
The lighting of underground workings in collieries is closely connected with the subject of ventilation.
This fact having been fully demonstrated, acetylene dissolved in this way was exempted from the Explosives Act, and consequently upon this exemption a large business has grown up in the preparation and use of dissolved acetylene for lighting motor omnibuses, motor cars, railway carriages, lighthouses, buoys, yachts, &c., for which it is particularly adapted.
In 1737 he had been appointed postmaster at Philadelphia, and about the same time he organized the first police force and fire company in the colonies; in 1749, after he had written Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania, he and twenty-three other citizens of Philadelphia formed themselves into an association for the purpose of establishing an academy, which was opened in 1751, was chartered in 1753, and eventually became the University of Pennsylvania; in 1727 he organized a debating club, the " Junto," in Philadelphia, and later he was one of the founders of the American Philosophical Society (1743; incorporated 1780); he took the lead in the organization of a militia force, and in the paving of the city streets, improved the method of street lighting, and assisted in the founding of a city hospital (1751); in brief, he gave the impulse to nearly every measure or project for the welfare and prosperity of Philadelphia undertaken in his day.
It was estimated that the project would furnish water for one million people, beside supplying power for lighting, manufacturing and transportation purposes.
Beginning in 1892 various townships and cities, numbering 18 in 1903, adopted municipal ownership and operation of lighting works.
Any " town " having a village or district within its limits that contains moo inhabitants or more may authorize that village or district to establish a separate organization for lighting its streets, building and maintaining sidewalks, and employing a watchman or policeman, the officers of such organization to include at least a prudential committee and a clerk.
From 1861-91 methylated spirits prepared in this way were allowed to be sold by retail in Great Britain in small quantities for domestic purposes such as cleaning, heating and lighting; but use in large quantities, or in manufacture, was only possible under special authority and under excise supervision.
For the purpose of measuring resistances up to a few thousand ohms, the most convenient appliance is a Wheatstone's Bridge (q.v), but when the resistance of the conductor to be measured is several hundred thousand ohms, or if it is the resistance of a so-called insulator, such as the insulating covering of the copper wires employed for distributing electric current in houses and buildings for electric lighting, then the ohmmeter is more convenient.
An altar, furnished with lamps, was placed before the statue; the inquirer, after lighting the lamps and offering incense, placed a coin in the right hand of the god; he then whispered his question into the ear of the statue, and, stopping his own ears, left the market place.
The inspection of tramways, their by-laws and "provisional orders" are all dealt with here, as are similar orders relating to gas and water schemes and to electric lighting.
The street railway and the lighting system of the city are run by power generated at a plant and 40 ft.
Natural gas derived from the Kansas fields became available for lighting and heating, and crude oil for fuel, in 1906.
Edison, the last-named inventor elaborating a type of meter which he employed in connexion with his system of electric lighting in its early days.
The customer cannot obtain current for electric lighting until he has placed in a slit a certain coin - say, a shilling - entitling him to a certain number of Board-of-Trade units - say, to 2 or 4, as the case may be.
The city's river commerce, though of less relative importance since the advent of railways, is large and brings to its wharves much bulky freight, such as coal, iron and lumber; it also helps to distribute the products of the city's factories; and the National government has done much to sustain this commerce by deepening and lighting the channel.
In this as in all other matters of transcendental truth "wisdom is justified of her children"; the conclusive vindication of the prophets as true messengers of God is that their work forms an integral part in the progress of spiritual religion, and there are many things in their teaching the profundity and importance of which are much clearer to us than they could possibly have been to their contemporaries, because they are mere flashes of spiritual insight lighting up for a moment some corner of a region on which the steady sun of the gospel had not yet risen.
A village district is a portion of a town, including a village, which is set apart and organized for protection from fire, for lighting or sprinkling the streets, for providing a water-supply, for the construction and maintenance of sewers, and for police protection; to serve these interests three commissioners, a moderator, a clerk, a treasurer and such other officers as the voters of the district may deem necessary are chosen, each for a term of one year.
Its public services include tramways and electric lighting, the Juanacatlan falls of the Rio Grande near the city furnishing the electric power.
One of the most important industrial enterprises in the city is the electric plant belonging to the Rio de Janeiro Light and Power Company, which supplies electric currents for public and private lighting, and power for the tramways and many industries.
Gas, obtained by pipe lines from the Ohio-Pennsylvania and the Canadian (Welland) natural gas fields, is also used extensively for lighting and heating purposes.
The city possesses the public utility of water, but the city street car system, gas, and private electric lighting are in the hands of a private company.
He therefore bought back the sheets, says Calamy, for an old song, bound them and sold them in his own shop. This in turn was complained of, and he had to beg pardon on his knees before the council-table; and the remaining copies were sentenced to be "bisked," or rubbed over with an inky brush, and sent back to the kitchen for lighting fires.
The municipality has natural gas for heating, lighting and manufacturing.
Near the town is a station for reducing the voltage, and current is distributed at 125 volts for lighting purposes and at 500 volts for use on the tramways and for other power purposes.
The town is governed by a council, with provost and bailies, and owns the gas and water supplies and the electric lighting.
Since the lighting no wrecks have occurred on the reef.
The principal uses of rape oil are for lubrication and lighting; but since the introduction of mineral oils for both these purposes the importance of rape has considerably decreased.
And Russia draws her own supplies of petroleum, both for lighting and for use as liquid fuel, by the sea route from Baku.
The municipality owns and operates the water works and the electric lighting plant.
It should be noted that, according to Scottish usage, police " includes drainage, the suppression of nuisances, paving, lighting and cleansing, in addition to the provision of a constabulary force, and that in point of fact, paradoxical as it appears, the bulk of the police burghs do not manage their police.
The act of 1894, as we have seen, not only established the Local Government Board, consisting of the secretary for Scotland, the solicitor-general, the under-secretary and three appointed members - a vice-president, a lawyer and a medical officer of public health - but also replaced the parochial boards by parish councils, empowered to deal among other things with poor relief, lunacy, vaccination, libraries, baths, recreation grounds, disused churchyards, rights of way, parochial endowments, and the formation of special lighting and scavenging districts.
The town draws a supply of natural gas, used for lighting, heat and motive power, from deep artesian borings first made in 1891.
The work was rapidly pushed forward, the workers at one time numbering 20,000; and eventually a self-contained cantonment arose, having its own postal, police, lighting and other services.
After that event the city walls, which measured about three quarters of a mile each way, were razed, wide streets were made, the course of the river straightened, electric lighting and tramways introduced and a good water service supplied.
His physical welfare is watched over by competent medical men; close attention is paid to the sanitary condition of prisons; strict rules govern the size of cells, with their lighting, warming and ventilation.
Several remarkable electric power and lighting plants utilize the water power of the mountains.'
In the Maribios district occur several volcanic lakelets, such as that of Masaya, besides numerous infernillos, low craters or peaks still emitting sulphurous vapour and smoke, and at night often lighting up the whole land with bluish flames.
The city owns and operates its watersupply system (with an excellent filtration plant installed in 1904) and its gas and electric lighting plants.
Water supply, transport and lighting have become public services, requiring careful financial management, and still retaining traces of their earlier private character.
This invention in conjunction with an alternating current dynamo provided a new and simple form of electric arc lighting.
The so-called subdivision of electric light by incandescent lighting lamps then engaged attention.
Stearn in England, succeeded in completely solving the practical problems. From and after that date incandescent electric lighting became commercially possible, and was brought to public notice chiefly by an electrical exhibition held at the Crystal Palace, near London, in 1882.
In 1882, numerous electric lighting companies were formed for the conduct of public and private lighting, but an electric lighting act passed in that year greatly hindered commercial progress in Great Britain.
Nevertheless the delay was utilized in the completion of inventions necessary for the safe and economical distribution of electric current for the purpose of electric lighting.
The amendment, in 1888, of the Electric Lighting Act of 1882, before long caused a huge development of public electric lighting in Great Britain.
By the end of the 19th century every large city in Europe and in North and South America was provided with a public electric supply fcr the purposes of electric lighting.
It was seen to be uneconomical for each city and town to manufacture its own supply since, owing to the intermittent nature of the demand for current for lighting, the price had to be kept up to 4d.
In practice the expenditure is somewhat greater than this; in large works the gross horse-power required for the refining itself and for power and lighting in the factory may not exceed 0.19 to 0.2 (or in smaller works 0.25) horse-power hours per pound of copper refined.
The needle is charged to a potential of 50 to 200 volts by means of a dry pile or voltaic battery, or from a lighting circuit.
The Buxton Gardens are beautifully laid out, with ornamental waters, a fine opera-house, pavilion and concert hall, theatre and reading rooms. Electric lighting has been introduced, and there is an excellent golf course.
Great Britain had almost a monopoly of maritime commerce in the Gulf, and was alone responsible for buoying, lighting and policing its waters.
No country is better supplied with water power, and electric lighting and electric power plants have been established at La Paz.
These revenues are derived from a lighting tax, leases and ground rents, cemetery fees, consumption and market taxes, licences, tolls, taxes on hides and skins, personal and various minor taxes.
The city owns and operates its water-works and electric lighting plant.
Their jurisdiction extends to watersupply, the drainage, lighting and cleaning of the streets, the care of the poor, hospitals and schools.
The grease is melted over fires kindled at the cavern's mouth, run into earthen pots, and preserved for use in cooking as well as for the lighting of lamps.
An urban council may also provide for the lighting of any street in their district, and may contract with any person or company for that purpose.
Under the Electric Lighting Acts the Board of Trade may license any district council to supply electricity, or may grant to them a provisional order for the same purpose.
These licences are now rarely applied for or granted, and the provisions which were formerly contained in the provisional orders have now been consolidated by the Electric Lighting Clauses Act 1899, the effect of which will be to make provisional orders uniform for the future.
These include the Lighting and Watching Act, the Baths and Washhouses Acts, the Burial Acts, the Public Lighting Improvement Act and the Public Libraries Acts.
The Watching Lighting and Watching Act was formerly adopted for a Watchin or part of a parish, by the inhabitants in vestry, who elected lighting inspectors, of whom one-third went out of office in every year.
The inspectors took the necessary steps for having the parish lighted (the provisions as to watching having been obsolete for many years), and the expenses of lighting were raised by the overseers upon an order issued to them by the inspectors.
The Baths and Washhouses Acts have already been Baths and referred to in dealing with district councils, and it is Wash- sufficient to say that they are now adopted and ad- houses ministered in a rural parish in the manner pointed out A`"' with reference to the Lighting and Watching Act.
The town is governed by a municipality which owns the water and electric lighting supplies and the tramway system.
In the same year new harbour works and lighting arrangements were undertaken on a large scale, and a movement was initiated for the revival of shipbuilding.
Thus the modern Hindu, though using civilized means for lighting his household fires, retains the savage " fire-drill " for obtaining fire by friction of wood when what he considers pure or sacred fire has to be produced for sacrificial purposes; while in Europe into modern times the same primitive process has been kept up in producing the sacred and magical " need-fire," which was lighted to deliver cattle from a murrain.
Motive and electric lighting power is brought 52 m.
Among defeated amendments that are indicative of socio-political tendencies was one (1896) to authorize cities of a population of 30,000 or more to purchase, erect or maintain waterworks or lighting plants.
In 1900 the Maryland legislature empowered the city to borrow $1,350,000 to establish a municipal lighting plant, but in 1909,private concerns still supplied the streets with light.
Of artificial productions the most fruitful and important is provided by the destructive or dry distillation of many organic substances; familiar examples are the distillation of coal, which yields ordinary lighting gas, composed of gaseous hydrocarbons, and also coal tar, which, on subsequent fractional distillations, yields many liquid and solid hydrocarbons, all of high industrial value.
The municipality owns the water-works and the electric lighting plant.
He offered to relieve the shipping interest by transferring some of the cost of lighting the coasts to the Consolidated Fund; the West Indja interest by sanctioning the refining of sugar in bond; and the landed classes by reducing the malt tax by one-half, and by repealing the old war duty on hops.
Illuminating Gas.-The first practical application of gas distilled from coal as an illuminating agent is generally as cribed to William Murdoch, who between the years of 1792 and 1802 demonstrated the possibility of making gas from coal and using it as a lighting agent on a large scale.
Lord Dundonald, in 1787, whilst distilling coal for the production of tar and oil, noticed the formation of inflammable gas, and even used it for lighting the hall of Culross Abbey.
It is clear from these facts that, prior to Murdoch's experiments, it was known that illuminating gas could be obtained by the destructive distillation of coal, but the experiments which he began at Redruth in 1792, and which culminated in the lighting of Messrs Boulton, Watt & Co.'s engine works at Soho, near Birmingham, in 1802, undoubtedly demonstrated the practical possibility of making the gas on a large scale, and burning it in such a way as to make coal-gas the most important of the artificial illuminants.
Having quickly succeeded in discovering this, he iri 1803 exhibited before the reigning duke of Brunswick a series of experiments with lighting gas made from wood and from coal.
He then proceeded to float a company, and in 1807 the first public street gas lighting took place in Pall Mall, whilst in 1809 he applied to parliament to incorporate the National Heat and Light Company with a capital of half a million sterling.
After this so rapid was the progress of this new mode of illumination that in the course of a few years it was adopted by all the of gas principal towns in the United Kingdom for lighting streets as well as shops and public edifices.
The municipality owns and operates its water-works and electric lighting plant.
The powers of self-government thus conferred on the foreign community consist in exclusive police control within the area, in draining, lighting, maintenance of streets and roads, making and enforcement of sanitary regulations, control of markets, dairies and so forth.
The borough owns and operates the water-works and the electric lighting plant.
The decade following the Spanish-American War (1898-1908), which may be regarded as a period of industrial and commercial reconstruction, was marked by a very rapid increase in the use of electricity for lighting, traction and other purposes.
The water-works and the electric lighting plant are owned and operated by the municipality.
The other principal officers and commissions, appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the council, are controller, corporation counsel, board of three assessors, fire commission (four members), public lighting commission (six members), water commission (five members), poor commission (four members), and inspectors of the house of correction (four in number).
The city began its own public lighting in April 1895, having a large plant on the river near the centre of the city.
The lighting is excellent, and the cost is probably less than could be obtained from a private company.
The street lighting is done partly from pole and arm lights, but largely from steel towers from ioo ft.
This expresses I as the resolving power in the case of direct lighting.
The smallest resolving detail with oblique lighting is 6 =A/ 2A, where A = 275 µµ.
It is often desirable to pass from direct to oblique lighting.
The chief cone of rays then enters obliquely into the objective, the angle between the direct cone of rays and the diffraction spectrum of the first order can then become as large again as with direct lighting, and still be taken up in the objective.
Oblique lighting, however, can only be in an azimuth, so that the object must be turned in order that the details may be observed.
Hence a condenser, for lighting with very oblique cones, must have about the same aperture as the objective, and therefore be of very wide aperture; they therefore closely resemble microscope objectives in construction.
If the objects have a low reflecting power, or if a slightly higher magnification is needed, the lighting can be improved by optical system.
In this case the object lay upon a stage plate, whose centre had so far been made opaque, so that the rays coming from the illuminating plane mirror could not reach the objective direct, but only the rays passing the stage plate to the side of this blackened portion reached the Lieberkiihn mirror, and were used in lighting.
The township owns and operates the electric lighting and gas plants and the water-works.
Thomson's work in connexion with telegraphy led to the production in rapid succession of instruments adapted to the requirements of the time for the measurement of every electrical quantity, and when electric lighting came to the front a new set of instruments was produced to meet the needs of the electrical engineer.
Some account of Thomson's electrometer is given in the article on that subject, while every modern work of importance on electric lighting describes the instruments which he has specially designed for central station work; and it may be said that there is no quantity which the electrical engineer is ordinarily called upon to measure for which Lord Kelvin did not construct the suitable instrument.
The roads are still lighted by kerosene oil lamps, but electric lighting is in comtemplation.
Emergency lighting glowed along the walls, and the strange silhouettes of workout machines made her pause and wait for her night vision to filter out machine from potential attacker.
She spent the next half hour in the dim lighting of the car fixing her makeup with Pierre's persistent pointers.
The conference room was plain, the white walls bare, the harsh lighting and round conference table centered.
The sky was dark, the stars bright without competition from man-made lighting in the streets.
Everything in the room was geared to tease or soothe the senses, from the soft sheets to the dim lighting to the calming scents.
At Mayday Birth Center there is a midwife-only unit with birthing pools, beanbags, subtle lighting and a homely atmosphere.
A broad spectrum of lighting effects allows them to offer the most competitive value for lighting in the industry.
Martin has always possessed the unique ability to combine innovation and efficiency in lighting product development with quality and value.
A fully addressable emergency test system is incorporated into the lighting controls, enabling every emergency luminaire to be monitored.
The lighting exploits advances in lighting technology, using mercury discharge lamps which are energy saving and safe.
The season is marked by lighting Advent candles set in an Advent wreath at the front of the church.
Modern graphical Apis and hardware now support lighting and shadows.
Blocking and lighting design combined to create haunting tableaux that made a virtue of the Playroom's potentially awkward rhomboid space.
A full auto EL backlight automatically illuminates the display whenever the watch is angled toward the face while lighting is dim.
Lighting - High frequency ballast lighting is used throughout.
The central heating and hot water are provided by the oil-fired boiler, cooking and lighting is by electricity.
My tasks involved lighting their enormous bonfire (complete with Guy, made by pupils of the Firs Lower School ).
Be considerate when lighting bonfires or having a barbecue, not everyone wants their washing to smell of smoke and charred sausages!
Lighting in broiler sheds most broilers are reared indoors without windows under dim artificial light.
Mark Howe Services of lighting cameraman working in TV for 20 years - Digibeta with or without crew.
Kohner, Melford and Robinson worked closely as a team determined to improve upon the American version utilizing more fluid camerawork and enhanced lighting.
There was the lighting of the large Paschal candle, and then at midnight the consecration of the waters of the baptismal font.
I saw a tallow candle on a hollow in the walls, its flame barely lighting the cavern.
Although they are not lined we can lay carpeting and install lighting and set out tables and chairs.
With TWO UV cold cathodes lighting up the UV reactive acrylic panel evenly.
Fitzgerald Lighting is currently working on an Environmental Management System with the hope of gaining ISO14001 certification.
A variety of lighting, including chandeliers, is available for evening functions.
The act was further enhanced by the trickery of lighting contrasts which brought to mind the effect of dramatic chiaroscuro.
It's a helicopter shot of a building set in a night cityscape with elaborate rooftop lighting and activity.
Add to the mix bounced lighting, and liquid base face makeup, and you have the recipe for dramatic close-ups.
Minimal lighting is provided by UV tubes, lasers and a selection of old school coin-ops such as the original Galaxians and Star Wars.
Digging a trench for the electric supply to the lighting column on the car park steps at Abergynolwyn.
Select a suitable color for your lighting condition or your preference.
They also provide contactor switching for corridor lighting and other key loads.
Following the beacon lighting local children in carnival costumes lead a procession to Enfield Town Park for a fireworks display.
Some jobs may combine creative with technical skills, such as technical jobs in the arts like a lighting technician.
There are over 350 lighting cues called by the stage manager per performance.
Floodlights produce a wide flood of light and are mostly used for lighting cycloramas, sky cloths and other large expanses of set.
Replacement Light as opposed to supplementary lighting where you supplement daylight, replacement light means no natural light is used at all.
Before long they also started to dress the lighting canopy with hanging foil decorations - and sales rocketed.
Many lighting professionals from the manufacturing and service industries, as well as students and amateur lighting designers are also members.
Köhler lighting systems have an iris or field diaphragm which controls the aperture of light going into the condenser.
Supplying their own custom designed lighting diffusers, they have reduced glare and improved the working environment for hundreds of eye strained workers.
The number of dimmers varied in each gallery, the largest had around 230 dimmer channels connected to 3 circuit lighting track.
Lighting was originally by oil lamp, very dingy.
Factors include disrepair, instability, dampness, bathroom and kitchen facilities, water supply, heating, lighting, ventilation and drainage.
This will teach him about all of the necessary elements of electrical engineering, from installing lighting systems to changing plugs.
Within one week, he'd incurred the total enmity of the entire lighting crew.
This unrivaled expertise has resulted in the most comprehensive disco lighting equipment range on the market.
Michael Curtiz was a director who came from Europe, influenced by German expressionism, therefore the lighting was expressionistic.
The wow factor produced by Osborne's lighting was incredible.
A pathway extends alongside the house to an enclosed rear lawned garden bounded by fencing with patio and exterior lighting.
In this mode, the camera fires a fill-in flash to illuminate your subject and give you balanced lighting.
Use light fittings only for lighting - never run an electric appliance from a lamp fitting.
Osborne needed small, lightweight, high brightness, low power lighting fixtures able to run off one 13 Amp ring main!
It provides excellent lighting for the purpose by using a high intensity flashlight bulb.
That is to say that the film is designed to be used under artificial lighting (not fluorescent ).
Lighting from the garage areas has been reused along the new tarmac footpath and seating from Dumbarton Town Center has also been reused.
Even so, this amoral tone and semi-documentary look are given an extra, stylized dimension by precise framing and skillful lighting techniques.
The exhibition includes lighting from the strictly functional to the wildly ostentatious.
Also large selection of lighting and occasional furniture available Map | Details | Based in Ilford Essex, UK.
Playback creates a rather garish lighting display from the box.
We will also place a large gauze over this area to assist with interesting lighting effects and ' hidden ' scenes.
The materials we use are very glitzy, responds very well to lighting and hence compliments erotic photography.
I also found the lighting too dark which made Act I look very gloomy.
It's the most exciting development in lighting in the last 15 years bar none - even rotating gobos in moving lights!
We do not want it replaced by characterless marble floors, searing lighting and burly security guards.
Low voltage or metal halide lighting in various styles can be fitted in the glass display cabinets to create the desired ambiance.
For this study the lighting control was defined with a set point of 500 lux as the required illuminance for office use.
For instance, the vocal inflections of a singer in Santa Fe modulated the lighting in New York.
I even insinuate that it is our artificial lighting that is actually rotting the fruit on the tree.
You can find wonderful wall hangings, well made kitchenware, fantastic cutlery sets, fab bedding, and cool lighting coverings.
Natural lighting in all the wards, air-conditioning throughout, it was meant to be the bee's knees.
There is a private 28 ft pool with fiber optic colored lighting, extended deck and covered lanai.
A frothy libation of the glass big easy bar the lighting was.
There are no bylaws in Dartford controlling lighting of bonfires or the times of lighting of bonfires or the times of lighting.
Bathroom on ground floor with toilet, washbasin, bath with shower over and recessed lighting.
I still get blisters from sun exposure, as well as fluorescent lighting.
This reduces the amount of artificial lighting needed in the parts of the offices furthest from the windows.
You may have to have an extra double socket put in for this additional ambient lighting.
The subdued lighting in this picture captures the effect of a cloudy overcast sky which is common in the winter months.
There is ample electric lighting outside some of which is automatic secure lighting.
The crowd footage was generally poorer due to the dim studio lighting.
Light up the world with the ultimate in under car Led strobe lighting kits!
Lined in ash & sapele with panel lights and halogen lighting throughout.
Nearly 60 per cent of the street lighting assets will need replacing over the first five years of the contract.
Second floor Loft bedroom 4 about 14'5 x 13'10 maximum (4.39m x 4.22m) with inset lighting and eaves storage.
Domestic tungsten - Domestic tungsten lighting has a strong yellow/orange cast, because its color spectrum is shifted toward stronger wavelengths.
To minimize light pollution, careful consideration has been given to the external lighting.
On location we can provide full lighting services using lightweight, portable kits.
Elite is a modern pendant mounted luminaire for indirect and direct lighting effects.
The minimum duration for any emergency lighting luminaire shall be 1 hour.
The lighting field, like the rest of the dial markings is highly luminous.
She can see the man 's muscles even in the poor lighting of the plane.
Lighting Effects - Some random musings about various possible approaches to realtime lighting.
Changes of level - Improve lighting; highlight tread nosings on steps.
The lighting effects in the King's book are brilliantly orchestrated, attaining a high point in its miniature of The Nativity.
The color balance seemed fine although the technique of lighting up one side of the face was probably overdone.
It may be appropriate to shock so long as the lighting does n't overplay itself.
Internal fittings include electric lighting, power points and heating and white PVC wall paneling and sheet vinyl flooring.
It now has partial raked seating, a large stage and state-of-the-art sound and lighting systems.
Much of the external lighting was also cast into the concrete paving.
Artificial light is provided by three swiveling halogen ceiling mounted fittings and concealed pelmet fluorescent lighting beneath wall unit.
A few things to include might be lace pillows, freshly cut flowers, candles or low lighting.
The map is fairly large and nicely polished, with good lighting, texture mapping and colors.
A small porthole with a curtain provides limited lighting.
Highways / Lighting I want to report a pothole what should I do?
The Flagship Auditorium has a permanent projection booth to accommodate large-screen presentations, podium control, multi-purpose lighting, and sound system.
The fee also includes the provision of lighting for the band.
By day the space was a hub of visitors sipping coffee, eating spinach quiche and admiring the lighting.
Caustics are a subtle lighting effect that can really lend realism to raytraced images of such items.
The introduction of HDR lighting effects means all those with meaty graphics cards will soon be treated to some gorgeously realistic sunsets.
Learn a host of professional tips from lighting tricks to enhance fur texture to ways of avoiding red-eye.
Of more general use are in-camera red-eye removal and adaptive lighting.
The system allows quite refined adjustment of lighting levels for large numbers of dimmers to be achieved rapidly and intuitively.
When it came to installing new lighting, Montague and his team were highly restricted, unable to attach anything to the beams.
These amenities included a Huge dance floor with The best lighting rig in Japan, playing House music.
A modern roadster has ' no maintenance ' enclosed hub brakes, gears and chain along with integral lighting, luggage and security systems.
For lighting only approved safety lamps should be used, and blasting operations should be performed with " Permitted " explosives only.
A good salesperson should be able to offer you several appropriate choices of lighting.
And infra-red sensors pick up signals from the hand-held remote control units used to manually adjust the lighting brightness.
The H System's central lens shutter allows flash sync at all shutter speeds, enabling use of flash in all lighting conditions.
A - The stage lighting and any illuminated signage are exempt from Part L2.
Selecting say LED lighting, very high insulation, flat screen TV and portable is economically more relevant than getting ever bigger solar panels.
Walking hand in hand, initiating exception, lighting the dark, igniting the spark.
Any lighting in public areas should minimize spillage of light.
A case in point is the feature lighting of the entrance stairwell at Lloyds Court in Newcastle.
August 7 th 1924 During a fierce thunder storm a house at Pentlow was struck by lighting.
Lighting Patrols -- Regularly auditing the lighting provision in the West End, including broken streetlights.
Amount funded = £ 135,000 Street Lighting Replace old lighting and install additional streetlights in the NDC area.
To complete the romantic ambiance of soft lighting and candles, have a string quartet playing up in the minstrels gallery.
The lighting effect here is somewhat subliminal, more about rendering the image expressing a lighting style.
I see the sunbeams lighting the trees and the flowers.
Our guest speaker wore a tie like a glorious tropical sunrise lighting up a green field.
Yvonne used tic ' s Media Vault facilities for camera and lighting equipment.
The rucked carpet or carelessly placed rug, long toenails, no stair rail, poor footwear, poor lighting.
Full lighting, animation, and rendering is featured â including toon and raytracing.
All that is needed for this way of lighting is of course some lights, a power strip and a 12 volt transformer.
Someday, they may be bright, efficient and inexpensive enough to replace vacuum tubes for white lighting.
The Wild Tech range of lighting effects offers excellent value for money.
Lighting increase the wattage on light bulbs in dark areas where slipping or tripping hazards are possible.
A combination of original Deco and modern chrome lighting fixtures adorned the Heavenly open plan environment, further enhancing the stark whiteness.
Y Y PP in use, or the water in them become frozen, the lighting of the fire would cause the water to expand, and having no outlet it would in all probability burst the boiler.
Rules drafted by the Board of Trade under this act came into force on the 8th of August 1902, the subjects referred to being (I) labelling of wagons; (2) movements of wagons by propping and tow-roping; (3) power-brakes on engines; (4) lighting of stations and sidings; (g) protection of points, rods, &c.; (6) construction and protection of gauge-glasses; (7) arrangement of tool-boxes, &c., on engines; (8) provision of brake-vans for trains upon running lines beyond the limits of stations; (9) protection to permanent-way men when relaying or repairing permanent way.
The pulp contains much oil, which is used for lighting and soap-making, and the seeds yield a deep indelible black stain which is used for marking linen.
The exteriors of the north Italian Gothic churches are characterized by the flatness of the roof; the treatment of the west facade as a mere screen wall, masking the true lines of the aisle roofs; the great circular window in the west front for lighting the nave; the absence of pinnacles owing to the unimportance of the buttresses; the west-end porches with columns resting on lions or other animals.
The first exhibition of Winsor's system of lighting the streets with gas took place on the king's birthday (June 4) 1807, and was made in a row of lamps in front of the colonnade before Carlton House.
From the belief in the survival of the dead arose the practice of offering food, lighting fires, &c., at the grave, at first, maybe, as an act of friendship or filial piety, later as an act of worship (see Ancestor Worship).
The dioxide is used in incandescent gas mantles (see Lighting).
Thorium dioxide or thoria, Th02, is the most important compound, being manufactured commercially in comparatively large quantities from monazite sands, with a view to its utilization for gas mantles (see Lighting, Gas).
The term is also used for a meshed cap of refractory oxides employed in systems of incandescent lighting (see Lighting).
From their platform a stair descended into the house, and the children and the Wizard explored it after lighting a lantern to show them the way.
Then he poured over them all the kerosene oil that was left in his oil-can, and lighting a match set fire to the pile.
The same happenchance brought us the learning that children in schools with fluorescent lights get fewer cavities than those in schools with incandescent lighting.
The count was lighting his pipe and did not notice his son's condition.
The flames flared up again, lighting the animated, delighted, exhausted faces of the spectators.
The sun had reached the other side of the house, and its slanting rays shone into the open window, lighting up the room and part of the morocco cushion at which Princess Mary was looking.
In the middle of the night three soldiers, having brought some firewood, settled down near him and began lighting a fire.
As soon as she heard his voice a vivid glow kindled in her face, lighting up both her sorrow and her joy.
While a footman was lighting a candle, Toll communicated the substance of the news.
Dolokhov, as if he had not heard the question, did not reply, but lighting a short French pipe which he took from his pocket began asking the officer in how far the road before them was safe from Cossacks.
A huge campfire was blazing brightly in the midst of the snow, lighting up the branches of trees heavy with hoarfrost.
Noise Ensemble explodes onto stage, and stunning lighting and pyrotechnic effects complete the picture.
Help & Advice In accordance with our Public Liability Insurers, our discos do not use strobe lighting or pyrotechnics effects.
Industry was quick to realize the benefits of gas lighting and also found other applications where heat was needed.
Time to move on...... Thus I entered the rarified world of lighting.
The lighting performance of fittings that take reflector lamps is determined by the lamp itself rather than the fitting.
A rudimentary lighting capability is supported, but the image produced still looks like a plot.
The villages are scavenged at the owners ' expense; no lighting; no supervision.
It includes traditional sedum mats, drainage layers, edge trims, security railings, specialist lighting and much more.
There is always constant addition to the show and it is available self-contained with full PA and lighting.
The H System 's central lens shutter allows flash sync at all shutter speeds, enabling use of flash in all lighting conditions.
The competitors had to produce a picture by lighting up the appropriate windows in a skyscraper building !
Specular It 's beyond the scope of this FAQ to explain what specular lighting is.
Communal stairwells, lighting and estate maintenance The Council will undertake a rigorous repairs regime of all its communal areas and estates.
In 1958 the Town Council installed electric street lighting for the first time.
Set in the dark Assembly Rooms, with subdued lighting, the Grandmothers met together for the first time.
Watch the DVD in a room with subdued lighting.
Car park surface in poor condition, with trip hazards, the risk is increased at night due to poor lighting.
Fluorescent tubing embedded into the floor of the pontoon is computer programmed to provide changing lighting effects on the structure at night.
Any schoolboy today knows that you can make a voltaic battery quite capable of lighting any filament lamp by simply connecting copper to zinc.
Pedestrian walkways have been created with night time lighting.
Lighting Increase the wattage on light bulbs in dark areas where slipping or tripping hazards are possible.
The song managed to create a certain ambiance, as the soothing music and blue lighting teamed up with the worshipful lyrics.
Moving slowly, John accustoms himself to the slick floors and dim lighting as he journeys into the cave.
Even if your nursery has a good overhead light, you'll want to think about accent lighting.
For personalized items and one-of-a-kind lighting, visit Rosenberry Rooms.
Natural lighting, uncluttered areas, and simple, wooden furniture give children a comforting and reassuring environment in which to learn.
Use subdued lighting and quieter tones at night.
A well-planned nursery needs ample lighting.
Of course, you can also take lots of photos using a variety of lighting to give you more options.
Wide screen format is what movie directors claim they want you to view their movies in, in order to get the maximum enjoyment of lighting, action and scenery without jumping from side-to-side common with regular screen movie viewing.
And remember that the display and lighting conditions in a store will differ radically from those in your home.
Buying online isn't recommended because you'll need a brick-and-mortar retail store's return policy with no restocking fee because the lighting you r have at home or in your office swill be different than what's offered in the stores.
Desk lamps are available at online home and office supplies stores as also directly from lighting goods manufacturers.
On a plasma, no lines are visible since each pixel cell has its own transistor electrode, lighting the color and image across the screen evenly.
Another popular way to decorate an in-ground pool is with neon lighting installed in the pool.
The costs for a neon-light installation can range from $500 to several thousand dollars, depending upon the size of the pool and the type of lighting desired.
Neon lighting usually needs to be installed in the pool at the beginning of the installation, not after the pool has been completed.
Light-sensing thermostats have a photocell embedded inside which tells it to lower comfort settings if the lights decrease and raise the comfort settings if an increase in lighting is detected.
Cameras of this type offer automatic settings for lighting, red-eye, and flash.
Plasma TVs are best viewed in lower lighting.
An LED is simply an LCD monitor that features a different type of lighting.
Indoor lighting, airborne contaminants, and ultraviolet light will all have an impact on the rate and extent of fading.Inspect used pieces by flipping upholstered cushions and viewing wooden or leather furniture from all sides.
At these stores and others you can find everything from furniture, to lighting, to rugs, to accessories.
They also sell lighting, area rugs and accessories.
Don't forget about the other important elements like filing cabinets, additional storage space such as a bookshelf, and proper lighting.
If the space is going to be used as a schoolwork kiosk for your tween, make sure it'll be easy to install lighting into your configuration.
Participation by manufacturers - The Energy Star label can now be found on over 50 product categories of major appliances, home electronics and lighting.
This Calculator will help you see how much you can save on your electric bill by using alternative lighting.
Switching from incandescent to fluorescent lighting is easy to do and can have a positive impact on the environment as well as your energy bills.
One energy conservation fact everyone has heard a lot about is that lighting can account for 15 percent of your electric bill.
They are surprised to learn that in fact, the use of the sun for household heating and lighting fires goes back to the Greeks and Romans.
A green home should be completed in green details like eco friendly paint, window treatments, furniture and lighting.
They are a staple of emergency lighting (done with caution and protection), regularly used in many different kinds of religious ceremonies, and of course, where would we be without candle lit dinners?
Solar energy is used for electricity generation, heating and lighting buildings, hot water heating, and numerous industrial and commercial uses.
One good way to manage lighting is to look at automatic systems that come on and off after a given amount of time.
This is useful for lighting stairwells or hallways.
Products that are part of the Energy Star program include home appliances, electronics, lighting, and heating and cooling equipment.
Lighting your home can account for as much as 20 percent of your electricity bill.
Compact fluorescent light bulbs last up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs, saving you money on lighting and cooling your home.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, about 15 percent of your home energy use if from lighting usage.
Lighting has a big impact on how a color is perceived - always look at a color in the light it will be permanently displayed before committing.
The program boasts thousands of different furniture designs, colors, flooring, lighting options, and fabrics, so you can play around with any number of different looks until you get it just right.
Crowell is part of the entire lighting process, from the creation of a new fixture to its installation.
Lighting is important in the kitchen, so choose light fixtures carefully.
You can use lighting, color, or textures to either unite or distinguish each room.
Ambient or general room lighting (this should be on a dimmer or adjustable so you can go from soft low-level to brighter for parties).
Areas of study include elements and principles of design, color theory, materials, sample board presentation, measuring, window treatments, and lighting.
This summer I'll be plastering, painting, shopping for vintage iron hardware, and adding period window boxes and exterior lighting to the front of the house.
Use light colors and soft but ample lighting and make sure the scale of your furniture is appropriate to the space.
Architects study the relationships between color, texture, lighting and all the aesthetic details a interior designer must understand.
Once the construction phase is over, your interior architect should be able to provide the same functions you would expect from any interior designer, including helping you choose furniture, lighting, etc, that complement the space.
It sounds obvious, but what kind of lighting is in your room?
Dorm Buys - specializing in decor and accessories for dorm rooms, including peel and stick wall art, laundry accessories, lighting and more.
Soft lighting and deep, rich colors will warm up your rooms.
Dorm Buys- specializing in decor and accessories for dorm rooms, including peel and stick wall art, laundry accessories, lighting and more.
Two important factors to keep in mind when you create a home study are ergonomics and lighting.
Home Game Depot- Find pub tables, tin signs, pub signs, neon clocks, game room lighting, dart boards, licensed sport products and more.
Game Rooms to Go- Featuring games from Thompson's sporting goods and game room furniture, lighting, wall decor and retro accents.
A modern log cabin home may feature recessed lighting, track lighting or a skylight to allow more natural light to enter the room.
Under cabinet lighting, LED lighting inside glass cabinet doors, contemporary hanging pendants and florescent lighting in the kitchen are just a few examples of modern lighting options.
Different lighting styles can be used in an eclectic room.
For example, the décor of your home theater can be enhanced with dimmable wall sconces, floor lighting, and poster marquees featuring classic movies or family favorites.
According to Ms. Stone, you shouldn't underestimate the value of good lighting in interior design.
Lamps are frequently placed on end tables for use as reading light or ambient lighting.
Similar to Pottery Barn, Ballard has everything from lighting to sofas to paintings to accessories, so you could redesign your entire home with a Ballard catalog on your lap.
You may opt for overhead lighting instead of lamps, especially if your children are small.
Lone Star Western Décor carries rustically designed furniture, beds, lighting, rugs, pillows, bedding, and cowboy décor.
Horchow Rustic Collection - Furniture, rugs, lighting, bedding, accessories, and tableware with a rustic western vibe.
If your teen's bedroom does not have an overhead light, a floor lamp is a good choice for general lighting.
Lighting - You can make your Italian kitchen instantly feel more authentic by keeping the lighting soft.
Honest construction - The homes, furnishings and lighting fixtures were made with simple, practical designs.
Stickley wanted to show how the Craftsman style could be easily translated to home designs, furniture and lighting.
He commissioned artists to depict the furniture and lighting pieces in room settings.
Owners are looking for room and accent lighting that reflects the style of their new home.
Many national home stores now carry beautiful Craftsman style lighting fixtures.
Lights - What could put you in the Christmas mood more than some soft, warm lighting?
Add a dramatic overhead fixture - Lighting is a relatively inexpensive way to change the look of a room.
Still, small accent lamps can add ambiance to any room even if the primary light source is a ceiling light or track lighting.
Dedicated lighting shops often have an extensive selection of stained glass lamp shades in a wide range of prices.
This cutting edge kind of lighting combines crisp and new designs with the latest in technology, all at a price tag that will make your bank balance breathe a sigh of relief.
Modern lighting is a broad category that can mean different things to different people.
Inset track lighting or light fixtures that feature a row of individual smaller lights can be thought of as modern lighting, as can funky lamps in abstract shapes and bright colors.
Modern lighting encompasses everything from simple and tasteful lights to bold and unique styles.
Clean lines sit side by side with intricate abstracts in modern lighting - the kind that is right for you depends on your personal design tastes.
Some modern lighting is specially designed to be more energy efficient that its predecessors, and many people are turning to modern lighting technology to make their home more earth friendly.
On top of the benefits of unique styles and environmentally sound technology, modern lighting can be significantly cheaper than the traditional alternatives.
Lighting in general can be pricey, but older, antique lighting styles can get exorbitant.
Modern lighting designs use the latest technology and materials to produce lights that can made cheaply and sold cheaply, but can stand up to wear and tear.
Their choices run to the trendier side of modern lighting, though they have a few simple, clean line lighting choices as well.
Concepts for Living - This site is a one stop shop for all things contemporary, and their lighting selection is great.
All Modern Lighting - You don't get names more obvious than this one, and with such dedication to modern lighting, this site really delivers with literally thousands of options, from floor lamps to track lighting.
Form Plus Function - Form Plus Function has modern lighting that is eye catching without being fussy.
Modern can deck you whole house out with modern flair, including your lighting.
The lighting they offer comes from a variety of different designers and so the prices are highly varied.
These metallic lighting materials can be found in pewter or bronze as well as brushed or polished finishes.
Classic lighting designs include urn shaped decorative table lamps.
Hand-painted ceramic or porcelain table lamps are another terrific lighting choice.
Workspace or study areas can be enhanced with decorative desk lamps which also provide invaluable task lighting.
A home office will definitely require excellent task lighting, so it might as well be pretty, too.
Lighting Universe - Hundreds of decorative table lamps to choose from, including these stunning modern and contemporary styles.
Accent lighting is often included for a dramatic effect as the water moves.
Invest in cinema style seating and have recessed lighting on a dimmer switch that you can fade out when the movie starts.
Some bathroom lighting seems like it could double as surgical lighting, but if you want elegant bathroom designs, then you need to soften things up a little bit.
Also, if you decided to do any work that involves adding lighting, consult with a qualified electrician.
Good lighting is essential in a bathroom, especially if people use the space to apply makeup.
Layering light fixtures, such as installing overhead and task lighting, will help you achieve the best possible quality of light with the most utility.
The Room Size - Room size will help you determine things like colors (dark colors make rooms look smaller), accessories (mirrors and lighting can make a small room look bigger) and furniture size (fit to scale).
Use lighting to your advantage by adding lamps so you can keep the lights soft.
Designing your master bedroom is much more complicated than adding some color coordinated decorative pillows; the furniture, color scheme, and lighting must all work together to enhance the space.
Lighting should be bright enough so eyes aren't strained, but flattering.
Ideally, bedroom lighting should be on a dimmer so you can adjust it as needed.
Lighting is an important part of the design in any room.
In addition to overhead lights, task lighting is also important.
Targeted lighting for reading, for example, can prevent you from disturbing your partner.
Task lighting is also popular in closets and other traditionally inadequately lit spaces.
When thinking about lighting, the art of subtracting or altering light from a space should also not be overlooked.
The good news is that more and more lighting companies have added deco designs.
The following sites sell art deco inspired lighting.
Shop Bathroom As the name indicates, this company specializes in bathroom lighting.
Your Sconce Store has a decent collection of art deco lighting.
From spa-inspired themes to wall-hung furniture, therapy lighting to sound systems, there are abounding trendy bathroom options.
Try to create a perfect mood with lighting.
Change your ceiling light for a gleaming chandelier or tone down the lighting with colored bulbs to create reflection.
Also, replace your light switches with dimmers, so you can transform your lighting mood from a bright light for reading to a soothing soft one in no time.
Lamps Plus claims to be the largest lighting supply company in the U.S. and offers a huge variety of ceiling and wall fixtures as well as table and floor lamps.
To create a contemporary look choose neutral colors, lots of natural lighting and modern materials.
Consider recessed and track lighting and floor lamps with great visual appeal.
Adequate lighting is vital for a small bathroom.
Lighting. Have good lighting so the bathroom will appear bright and inviting.
These people understand space planning, color and lighting.
Lighting. What kind of lighting do you need?
Colors look differently once you get them home due to the difference in lighting.
Taking a break from desk work to settle back with a book requires adequate task lighting and reading lamps.
Once more, you'll want to have good lighting and even task lighting if necessary.
Add a scoreboard to the wall, some bar lighting and seats for people waiting for their turn to relax in, and you've got a space more fun than your favorite watering hole!
Burn incense, use soft lighting and complete the ambiance with meditative music playing in the background.
Lighting is another opportunity to show your own creativity in Bohemian style decorating.
Candlelight is another Bohemian lighting must-have.
However, before you go looking for a tin chandelier, it is helpful to know a little bit about the history behind this folk art, and what to look for when purchasing your lighting fixture.
With a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors, My Uncle Buck is the go-to place for distinctive tin lighting.
The Tin Bin is an 18th-century reproduction lighting and home decor store on the web.
All of the chandeliers in the Circa Home Living tin lighting collection are reproductions of lighting fixtures that might have been found in America from 1790 to 1820.
The reason this can turn out disappointing is because the lighting in the store won't be the same as in your home.
Lighting, especially fluorescent lighting, can make colors look differently than natural lighting or incandescent lighting.
Because a small bathroom still needs to contain all of the elements of a larger bath you need to carefully choose the fixtures, tiles, colors, lighting, sinks, countertops, and so on.
When decorating a small bathroom, lighting is one of your most important assets.
Ideally you want to use a combination of task-specific, ambient and natural lighting.
For example, multiple recessed fixtures in the ceiling are invisible and help disperse the lighting throughout the room instead of focusing it all on one point.
In addition to overhead lighting, consider installing sconces to flank the vanity mirror, or multi-bulb theatrical strips.
Natural lighting, if you can access it, is ideal.
Versatile and adaptable, contemporary track lighting is functional, stylish and practical.
In modern spaces, track lighting is an excellent alternative to traditional overhead lighting.
Track lighting is a lighting system where small light fixtures are attached at intervals along a continuous track that contains electrical conductors.
Modern track lighting has moved away from the clunky styles of the past, and fixtures are now available in a wide variety of sleek and sophisticated contemporary designs.
Track lighting is versatile and comes in a wide variety of styles, sizes, and shapes.
As a modern lighting system, they suit newly built homes beautifully as well as renewed or renovated spaces in existing homes.
They can provide general overhead lighting for an entire room as well as specified illumination for designated areas.
For instance, track lighting works very well when incorporated into bathroom design.
Contemporary kitchen designs also benefit greatly from mounted lighting systems.
Contemporary lighting that is multidirectional is both practical and stylish for workspaces.
Track lighting is widely available in lighting and hardware stores such as the Home Depot.
One of the advantages of these types of lights is their ability to adapt as lighting needs change.
Check with your local government office to see if any permits are required to upgrade the lighting system in your home.
The best compliment to any design scheme is great lighting.
If flexibility and adaptable illumination is what you're looking for, a contemporary track lighting system may do the trick.
The lighting in your home, especially a bathroom that may have little to no natural light, is different from that of a tile store.
Make sure there is enough task lighting in cooking areas.
Under counter lights can be a good option (but don't use fluorescent lighting - it's unattractive and harsh).
For general lighting think about something practical like track lighting, or something attractive like a chandelier or pretty overhead light.
Before deciding on a lighting scheme think about your needs.
Most bedrooms benefit from ambient lighting and don't need too much more, but if you have a desk or work area in the room you may need some task lighting.
When it comes to overhead lighting, consider a chandelier.
Whatever lighting system you decide on use dimmers so that you can adjust the brightness.
Decide on your lighting and space needs and decide which one works best for you.
Be sure you have adequate lighting for your gaming experience.
Track lighting can help to illuminate an entire wall surface, or adjust the track heads individually to direct light where needed.
Most living rooms contain an overhead lighting source, whether in the form of a single fixture at the center of the room, a light attachment to a fan, or recessed ceiling lighting.
However, overhead lighting can be harsh for some tasks, such as watching television or conversing with friends, so create options to alter the room's ambiance.
If you have track lighting, natural lighting, under cabinet lighting and some wall sconces, or any combination of these, you may wonder if you need kitchen island light fixtures as well.
There are several reasons to consider adding additional lighting directly above your kitchen island, in addition to other sources of light that may be in the room.
Since the island is a natural focal point of the kitchen, the island lighting can be a natural design focal point as well.
Just as under cabinet lighting helps to light your work space along the counter, island lighting help to illuminate your work space there.