Lifting Sentence Examples
Maybe lifting had nothing to do with it.
Lifting the covers, he climbed into bed and moved close to her.
He asked, lifting the creamer.
Two obeyed, lifting her off the floor and carrying her.
Lifting her head, she glanced at the clock.
She turned toward the unit lifting her arms in delight.
Machines used for lifting only are not called cranes, but winches, lifts or hoists, while the term elevator or conveyor is commonly given to appliances which continuously, not in separate loads, move materials like grain or coal in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal direction.
In the second class there are, in addition to the lifting motion, two horizontal movements at right angles to one another.
The net effective work of lifting that can be performed by a man turning a handle may be taken, for intermittent work, as being on an average about 5000 foot-lb per minute; this is equivalent to 1 ton lifted about 24 ft.
This is effected by slinging the load to an eye or Lifting hook, and elevating the hook vertically.
AdvertisementThis second method forms the basis of the lifting gear in all hydraulic cranes.
In this case the chain is not coiled, but simply passes over the lifting wheel, the free end hanging loose.
The hydraulic crane has a great advantage in possessing an almost ideal brake, for by simply throttling the exhaust from the lifting cylinder the speed of descent can be regulated within very wide limits and with perfect safety.
In electric cranes a useful method is to arrange the connexions so that the lifting motor acts as a dynamo, and, driven by the energy of the falling load, generates a current which is converted into heat by being passed through resistances.
Much attention has been paid to the improvement of the mechanical details of the lifting and other motions of cranes, and in important installations the gearing is now usually made of cast steel.
AdvertisementA dock-side crane unloading cargo with high lifts following one another in rapid succession will require a higher load factor than a workshop traveller with a very short lift and only a very occasional maximum load; and a traveller with a very long longitudinal travel will require a higher load factor for the travelling motor than for the lifting motor.
The lifting speed of electric travellers is generally less, because the lift is generally much shorter, and may in ordinary cases be taken as V=3+85/T.
In addition to the brakes on the lifting gear of cranes it is found necessary, especially in quickrunning electric cranes, to provide a brake on the subsidiary motions, and also devices to stop the motor at the end of the lift or travel, so as to prevent over-running.
The revolving part is made with two side frames of cast iron or steel plates, and to these the lifting gear is attached.
Remove the faded flowers of gladioli and allow the foliage to die back fully before lifting the corms to store over the winter.
AdvertisementThings like going to the shops, which would in practice be perfectly manageable with relatively modest amounts of lifting, then become impossible.
The hydraulic lifting cylinders are placed inside the revolving steel mast or post, and the cabin for the driver FIG.
Transporters can only move the load to any point on a vertical surface (generally a plane surface); they have a lifting Trans- motion and a movement of translation.
The evaporation which is associated with transpiration is no doubt another, but by themselves they are insufficient to explain the process of lifting water to the tops of tall trees.
At this time came his sudden lifting to the highest rank in the peerage.
AdvertisementThey are very easy to cultivate and do not require lifting.
He was represented in works of art as carrying off the body of the dead Patroclus or lifting up his hand to slay Helen.
With suitable arrangements of iron and coil and a sufficiently strong current, the intensity of the temporary magnetization may be very high, and electromagnets capable of lifting weights of several tons are in daily use in engineering works.
Mort's dock, another large dry dock, is at Mort's Bay, Balmain, while there are five floating docks with a combined lifting power of 3895 tons, and the three patent slips in Mort's Bay can raise between them 3040 tons.
In such mines the mineral was carried out on the backs of men, and the water was laboriously raised by a long line of suction-pumps, operated by hand, each lifting the water a few feet only.
It can be considerably shortened, the two vessels A and B brought more closely together, and the somewhat objectionable india-rubber tube be dispensed with, if we connect the air-space in B with an ordinary air pump, and by means of it do the greater part of the sucking and the whole of the lifting work.
The three books on Mechanics survive in an Arabic translation which, however, bears a title" On the lifting of heavy objects."This corresponds exactly to Barulcus, and it is probable that Barulcus and Mechanics were only alternative titles for one and the same work.
This flying machine consisted of a light frame covered with strong canvas and provided with two large oars or wings moving on a horizontal axis, and so arranged that the upstroke met with no resistance while the downstroke provided the lifting power.
Generally, in addition, wire cables are stretched across the span, from which lifting tackle is suspended.
In fact, the region is dominated by three ranges of nearly equal altitude, all lifting many of their peaks above the snow-line.
The needles are put in place one by one against the raised frames, or trestles, by a derrick on a barge lifting them by their ring, whilst a man on the foot-bridge, taking hold of the eye at the top, arranges them in position close together.
This can be done by lifting up and throwing back the left half of the mantle-skirt as is represented in fig.
Lifting up his voice against the preacher's doctine, he declared that it is not by the Scripture alone, but by the divine light by which the Scriptures were given, that doctrines ought to be judged.
To facilitate this mechanical lifting, gear is provided which is readily controlled, and can raise or lower the periscope at a speed approaching 25 ft.
The best way of performing transplantation depends greatly on the size of the trees, the soil in which they grow, and the mechanical appliances made use of in lifting and transporting them.
On the same principle the use of small pots to confine the roots, root-pruning and lifting the roots, and exposing them to the sun, as is done in the case of the vine in some countries, are resorted to.
In this house the principal part of the roof is a fixture, ventilation being provided for by small lifting sashes against the back wall, and by the upright front sashes being hung on a pivot so as to swing outwards on the lower side.
In transplanting trees all the roots which may have become bruised or broken in the process of lifting should be cut clean away behind the broken part, as they then more readily strike out new roots from the cut parts.
Others, as the asters, spread rapidly; those possessing this habit should be taken up every second or third year, and, a nice patch being selected for replanting from the outer portions, the rest may be either thrown aside, or reserved for increase; the portion selected for replanting should be returned to its place, the ground having meanwhile been well broken up. Some plants are apt to decay at the base, frequently from exposure caused by the lifting process going on during their growth; these should be taken up annually in early autumn, the soil refreshed, and the plants returned to their places, care being taken to plant them sufficiently deep.
Cabbage, cauliflower and lettuce plants that are in frames should be regularly ventilated by lifting the sash on warm days, and on the approach of very cold weather they should be covered with straw mats or shutters.
We see how powerful must be the lifting effect of the rising gases when we reflect that their velocity in a too ft.
The advantage of the " reversing " system is that it avoids lifting the piece from below to above the middle roll, and again lowering it, which is rather difficult because the white-hot piece cannot be guided directly by hand, but must be moved by means of hooks, tongs, or even complex mechanism.
F, Piston-rod for lifting driving it down.
The bearings for receiving these trunnions are V-shaped; the V on one side is fixed, while the other is cut through and can be narrowed or made wider, thus lifting or lowering the trunnion by means of two capstan-headed screws.
Below the piston of the upper cylinder is an annular space E (surrounding the common piston rod) with a capacity equal to the maximum displacement of the liftram, while the corresponding annular area C of the piston of the lower cylinder is just large enough when subjected to the working water pressure to enable the work of lifting the net load to be done and any friction to be overcome.
Here again, since the intensity of the pressure on A becomes greater as it descends owing to the increased head, the apparent increase of weight of the lift-ram as it rises is automatically balanced; water from the high-pressure system is admitted down the hollow ram B and does the work of lifting the live load.
Throughout three years such a dog failed to learn that the attendant's lifting it from the cage at a certain hour was the preliminary circumstance of the feedinghour; yet it did exhibit hunger, and would refuse further food when a sufficiency had been taken.
Jesus appeared as revealing the unity with God in which the Greeks in their best days unwittingly rejoiced, and as lifting the eyes of the Jews from a lawgiver who metes out punishment on the transgressor, to the destiny which in the Greek conception falls on the just no less than on the unjust.
A lifting bridge at the wharf-end, which the ferry approached stern on, enabled accurate connection of rails at all suites of the tide, the process of embarking a train requiring ordinarily not more than 15 minutes.
Of this kind is the weight of any piece in the mechanism whose centre of gravity alternately rises and falls; for during the rise of the centre of gravity that weight acts as a resistance, and energy is employed in lifting it to an amount expressed by the product of the weight into the vertical height of its rise; and during the fall of the centre of gravity the weight acts as an effort, and exerts in assisting to perform the work of the machine an amount of energy exactly equal to that which had previously been employed in lifting it.
Its earliest form is a rough ellipse transfixed by an upright line, cp. In various Semitic alphabets this has been altered out of recognition, apparently from the writing of the symbol in cursive handwriting without lifting the pen.
This had the obvious advantage of lifting two great families into prominence, the Semitic and the IndoGermanic. The Semitic peoples were closely bound together by common types of thought and civilization, and produced three of the leading religions of the world, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
In extreme cases every tuber is lost, as the produce will not even pay the cost of lifting.
The rotting of tubers after lifting may be due to various causes, but the infection of the tubers by the Phytophthora already mentioned is a frequent source of this trouble, while "Winter Rot" is due to the fungus Nectria Solani.
In June 1828 and in March 1829 he exhibited before the institute small electromagnets closely and repeatedly wound with silk-covered wire, which had a far greater lifting power than any then known.
Henry's "quantity" magnets acquired considerable celebrity at the time, from their unprecedented attractive power - one (August 1830) lifting 750 lb, another (March 1831) 2300, and a third (1834) 3500.
The balloon is a mere lifting machine and is in no sense to be regarded as a flying machine.
The cardinal idea was to force the aeroplanes (slightly elevated at their anterior margins) forwards, kite-fashion, by means of powerful vertical screw propellers driven at high speed - the greater the horizontal speed provided by the propellers, the greater, by implication, the lifting capacity of the aerodrome.
When the machine had travelled only a few hundred feet, all four of the small outrigger wheels were fully engaged, which showed that the machine was lifting at least 8000 lb.
It possesses a floating dock capable of lifting a vessel of 850o tons, a floating workshop, a patent slip for small craft, hydraulic cranes, &c. The minimum depth alongside the quays at low water is 23 ft., increased at places to over 30 ft.
Besides the Bokovoi Khrebet several other short subsidiary ranges branch off from the main range at acute angles, lifting up high montane glens between them; for instance, the two ranges in Svanetia, which divide, the one the river (glen) Ingur from the river (glen) Tskhenis-Tskhali, and the other the river (glen) TskhenisTskhali from the rivers (glens) Lechkhum and Racha.Down all these glens glacier streams descend, until they find an opportunity to pierce through the flanking ranges, which they do in deep and picturesque gorges, and then race down the northern slopes of the mountains to enter the Terek or the Kuban, or down the southern versant to join the Rion or the Kura.
Frames or blocks containing pulleys or sheaves are used in combination for lifting heavy weights.
The motion obtained is divided between the two vertical parts of the chain H, which is wrapped round each sheave in opposite directions, with a free loop I between, while the ends are attached to the lifting hook.
In order to obtain a self-sustaining pulley tackle, which will have an efficiency of more than 50%, various arrangements are adopted, which during lifting automatically throw out of action a brake and cause it to come into action again when the effort is removed.
Blocks, for lifting very heavy weights, are sometimes provided with an electric motor for driving the worm.
The worm-wheel shaft then sometimes carries a spur-pinion gear ing with a spur-wheel on the lifting shaft, whereby a much greater mechanical advantage is obtained with a small loss by friction of the spur gearing.
It is used for lifting or removing such loose substances as coal, gravel and the like.
The phone rang and she answered it, lifting an index finger to him in acknowledgement of his statement.
Lifting her chin, she stared absently at the old house and let out a long sigh.
His lips caressed hers and the hand began its assent again, the thumb catching under the suit, lifting it to expose the bottom of her breast.
Second, I prefer not lifting the goats over the fence to get them into the barn, and third, if you'd let me finish …" "You can't just put up a fence, Carmen.
Maybe lifting that suitcase …" "It's not my shoulder," she interrupted and then sighed.
Just at the time the threat of a nuclear apocalypse was lifting, ecologists evolved their own expression of end times.
It is a compact two piece unit, allowing the backrest and seat to separate, making lifting and carrying easier.
The lifting platforms are supplemented with an extensive range of disks, dumbbells and fixed weight barbells.
The Diana lifting bathtub represents another advance in the optimization of nursing technology.
Air lifts were pieces of ancillary equipment for lifting melted bitumen up to the mixer on top of the plant.
He also has a black belt in Isshinryu Karate and has competed and won titles in martial arts and weight lifting competitions.
Begin the exercise by lifting the shoulder blades slowly upwards.
Four of us can't manage to combine lifting the thing up with doing up the pinch bolts.
Like asking a car mechanic to work on the car without lifting the bonnet!
The finite scheme of things, to use a homely phrase, is thus actually lifting itself by its own bootstraps.
Open and clear the airway immediately by lifting chin forward and tilting the forehead back.
Lift and divide clumps every three or four years, wait until the leaves are yellow before lifting then replant at once.
Also with the expected lifting of the Over Thirty Month Scheme, the fleshier cross-bred cull cows should be worth more.
The safest way is to use lifting plant such as a lorry-mounted crane, but many sites will not have suitable access.
We call for lifting the embargo on Iraq " .
Get someone else to do heavy lifting and avoid strenuous exertion in general.
They kept lifting the hems of our skirts to see exactly what we wore on our legs.
The MEGALIFT system was moved along its tracking until the slings could be attached to the lifting beams by means of lever hoists.
Capable of lifting six meters into the hull, the fin takes 8 minutes to deploy using a single hydraulic ram.
When using a trolley jack, refer to the vehicle workshop manual to identify the correct lifting point.
It is the heaviest lifting fin keel in the world.
Lifting the lid We invited Mail online readers to tell us what they put in their child's lunchbox.
It is proved using a direct axiomatization of Kleisli categories of equational lifting monads.
Here the crane is seen lifting a pallet of equipment from the wagon, under the instruction of James.
Lifting a rock can reveal that its complete underside is covered by edible periwinkles.
This time of year is a perfect time to be lifting and splitting herbaceous plants before they put on too much vegetative growth.
Some of these jobs e.g. hospital porter involve heavy lifting which he now cannot do.
Manual Handling includes lifting, twisting, bending and awkward body postures.
History shows that open markets can play an important role in lifting millions of people out of abject poverty.
Low back ache is often precipitated by moving, lifting objects or twisting of the waist.
This is the safest position for lifting, carrying, pushing a pushchair or standing for any length of time.
Lying down, bending over or bending and lifting can all cause reflux.
Both boats have a simple dagger board for sailing, and a lifting rudder.
Sturdy lower sandbox complete with wooden lid (in 2 parts for ease of lifting ).
A hand at the back of the head, such a similar gesture, can evoke the deliberate sensuality of lifting the hair.
A chemical called serotonin plays a role in ' lifting ' the mood.
Lifting the ban on fishmeal in ruminant feeds would play a significant role in making up the anticipated shortfall in protein.
Novice crews made a splash at the event, with two crews lifting the silverware.
The joker hook can also be used to connect two lifting slings together.
It's the leeks that I'm lifting this morning that are frozen solid.
Backlife recreates a therapist's touch, gently rotating the legs, lifting the pelvis and aligning the spine.
On lifting this out another front spoiler was found.
He took the other end of the seat, lifting the still slumbering squirrel to his knee.
With Jack at the helm, they quickly formulate a strategy that includes not lifting a finger or cleaning anything.
A dry, cloudy day with early stratus lifting to SC.
An electronically controlled circular bed rotates a full 180 degrees to view the breathtaking sunset without lifting a finger.
A northerly sweeps the frozen plain lifting the silent snow in white swirls.
The FA Women's Cup arrived at City's training ground ahead of the Reading match where the players were pictured lifting the trophy.
I've seen pictures of really quite tubby men merrily lifting themselves up on these things, that's like doing a half pull-up!
Brow youngsters celebrate cup treble WATH Brow under-14s were celebrating after lifting the Cumbria Cup â following a tough tussle with Ellenborough.
A potential jury verdict nearly an second to lifting is.
Cook was on hand to capitalize, lifting a left-footed volley over Matt Clarke.
You can use watercolor brush variants to apply a watercolor effect to a photo by lifting the canvas to the watercolor layer.
I like to train five or six days a week for two hours, doing weight lifting and cardiovascular.
Influence of breathing technique on arterial blood pressure during heavy weight lifting.
Well, I thought to try this out by looking at the world weight lifting records.
One Sunday evening whist inspecting the lifting gear he fell down the mine shaft to his death.
The Thompson Puma is a double capstan winch used for hauling and lifting.
Click Here For More Information The new design of diesel-electric winder was introduced with lifting capacities ranging from 3 to 5 tons.
No problems, anchor held well and the manual windlass made lifting the anchor straightforward.
The day the blockade is stopped will be like lifting a yoke from our shoulders.
Now, we may select any definite quantity of work we please as our unit, as, for example, the work done in lifting a pound a foot high from the sea-level in the latitude of London, which is the unit of work generally adopted by British engineers, and is called the "foot-pound."
Machines used for lifting only are not called cranes, but winches, lifts or hoists, while the term elevator or conveyor is commonly given to appliances which continuously, not in separate loads, move materials like grain or coal in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal direction (see Conveyors).
All the methods in this third category require a rotating lifting or barrel shaft, and this is the important difference between them and the hydraulic cranes mentioned above.
In free-barrel cranes the lifting barrel is connected to the revolving shaft by a powerful friction clutch; this, when interlocked with the brake and controller, renders electric cranes exceedingly rapid in working, as the barrel can be detached and lowering performed at a very high speed, without waiting for the lifting motor to come to rest in order to be reversed.
In well-designed, quick-running cranes the mechanical efficiency of the lifting gear may be taken as about 85%; a good electric jib crane will give an efficiency of 72%, i.e.
Besides the motions of lifting and revolving, there is provided a so-called " racking " motion, by which the lifting crab, with the load suspended, can be moved in and out along the j ib without altering the level of the load.
The lifting gear is located in any convenient fixed position.
With suitable arrangements of iron and coil and a sufficiently strong current, the intensity of the temporary magnetization may be very high, and electromagnets capable of lifting weights of several tons are in daily use in engineering works (see Electromagnetism).
Their faces were browned by the sun; their hands were hard and gnarly; their backs were bent by much heavy lifting; their clothing was in tatters.
Their aim, he said, was nothing less than "the lifting, from the backs and from the hearts of men, of their burden of arms and of fears, so that they may find before them a golden age of freedom and of peace."
The grass flames up on the hillsides like a spring fire--"et primitus oritur herba imbribus primoribus evocata"--as if the earth sent forth an inward heat to greet the returning sun; not yellow but green is the color of its flame;--the symbol of perpetual youth, the grass-blade, like a long green ribbon, streams from the sod into the summer, checked indeed by the frost, but anon pushing on again, lifting its spear of last year's hay with the fresh life below.
When Telyanin had finished his lunch he took out of his pocket a double purse and, drawing its rings aside with his small, white, turned-up fingers, drew out a gold imperial, and lifting his eyebrows gave it to the waiter.
Four men seized the hussar and began lifting him.
Only when a man was killed or wounded did he frown and turn away from the sight, shouting angrily at the men who, as is always the case, hesitated about lifting the injured or dead.
I'll teach you to think! and lifting his stick he swung it and would have hit Alpatych, the overseer, had not the latter instinctively avoided the blow.
But on entering Moscow he suddenly came to and, lifting his head with an effort, took Rostov, who was sitting beside him, by the hand.
Rostov almost screamed lifting both hands to his head.
Pierre embraced him and lifting his spectacles kissed his friend on the cheek and looked at him closely.
The birches with their sticky green leaves were motionless, and lilac-colored flowers and the first blades of green grass were pushing up and lifting last year's leaves.
In some places she raised her voice, in others she whispered, lifting her head triumphantly; sometimes she paused and uttered hoarse sounds, rolling her eyes.
Without lifting his head he said something, and two of his aides-de-camp galloped off to the Polish uhlans.
Napoleon smiled and, lifting his head absent-mindedly, glanced to the right.
Having done that, the officer, lifting his elbow with a smart gesture, stroked his mustache and lightly touched his hat.
The boy, thrusting his cold hands into his pockets and lifting his eyebrows, looked at Denisov in affright, but in spite of an evident desire to say all he knew gave confused answers, merely assenting to everything Denisov asked him.
The blue-gray bandy legged dog ran merrily along the side of the road, sometimes in proof of its agility and self-satisfaction lifting one hind leg and hopping along on three, and then again going on all four and rushing to bark at the crows that sat on the carrion.
The nurse with raised elbows was lifting the infant over the rail of his cot.
That I did not lift my arm a moment later does not prove that I could have abstained from lifting it then.
The rarified air of the elite, lifting the rest of us out of our mire?
W Hailes 00 1024 x 768 108K Heavy lifting gear continues the work of reinstating the canal along Hailesland Road near Walker 's Wynd.
Sturdy lower sandbox complete with wooden lid (in 2 parts for ease of lifting).
An assessment was also made at this time as to the amount of lifting tackle and scaffolding required to safely dis-assemble the engine.
Those not involved in the lifting are either watching, cheering, or scurrying to get out of its meandering path.
Shellac disks (78's) should be dried as quickly as possible to avoid the laminate lifting.
The Lowry center lifting millenium footbridge across the Manchester ship canal built at a cost of £ 4.5m connecting lowry to the old trafford.
Still, no lifting of the sidecar wheel took place.
It 's the leeks that I 'm lifting this morning that are frozen solid.
Backlife recreates a therapist 's touch, gently rotating the legs, lifting the pelvis and aligning the spine.
Beams, spreaders and frames should have their safe working load clearly marked, with additional markings on individual lifting points.
He has squandered what was supposed to be the finest chance England have ever had of lifting the golden prize again.
Switch off the router, but wait until the bit stops spinning before lifting the router.
Fog lifting into stratus at 200 ft by 0800 UTC.
A dry but hazy day, with the stratus base lifting a little to 800 feet around midday.
The stratus lifting from time to time with a little weak sunshine during the afternoon.
The FA Women 's Cup arrived at City 's training ground ahead of the Reading match where the players were pictured lifting the trophy.
I 've seen pictures of really quite tubby men merrily lifting themselves up on these things, that 's like doing a half pull-up !
According to reports, certain Council members wanted to relink Iraq 's effective and verifiable disarmament to the lifting of sanctions.
You can use Watercolor brush variants to apply a watercolor effect to a photo by lifting the canvas to the watercolor layer.
Lifting free weights improves your coordination by improving the neuromuscular pathways that connect your muscles to the central nervous system.
Buy multigyms, weight lifting equipment and more from Powerhouse Fitness.
Pushing and pulling on various weight lifting apparatus is modern, and because it is modern, it is supposedly more effective.
He spent time in Japan filming for Fuji TV and then went on to Tokyo University for weight lifting competitions.
Then there are subgroups within each group, used to distribute the players among limited numbers of weight lifting stations.
At night, dew begins to settle, lifting softly with the wisps of morning cloud.
Remove the soiled diaper by lifting baby's legs with your hand around her ankles and raising her hips.
Drop-in ovens are available in electric only and these units are installed between two cabinets by lifting and dropping in the oven.
These are the big pots, often with handles on two sides for lifting when the pan is full.
It creates a lifting effect and makes the room feel more spacious.
Apply the foundation in downward strokes, not circles, to avoid lifting and accentuating any small hairs on the face (everyone has them!) when you're using a liquid or cream formula.
Try the High Resolution Eye with Fibrelastine Intensive Recovery Antiist Eye Lifting Serum.
It contains a lifting concoction designed to refine the skin, as well as SPF 15.
Try Futurist Age-Resisting Makeup foundation or the Resilience Lift Extreme Radiant Lifting Makeup for help with fine lines, wrinkles, and skin firmness.
This is not a walk for fitness, but a walk on which you are completely mindful of everything that's going on around you, the feeling of your foot lifting off the ground, the muscles of your body working, everything.
When you feel anger rising, try some brisk aerobic exercise or weight lifting.
Expect to spend a lot of time lifting weights and swimming many laps in a pool.
Whether you are a girl or boy, you will spend a lot of time lifting free weights to increase muscle in your upper body and legs.
Their trendy designs, along with trademark visual lifting of the rear, makes them popular among teens as well as celebrities.
If you want to start lifting weights as part of your workout routine, it's important to learn about weight training for teenagers.
If at any time, you feel pain or you hear a "pop" when lifting, stop immediately, and seek medical attention.
Your doctor will be able to give you recommendations on what your limitations are when lifting so you don't injure yourself.
If you would like to work out every day, be sure to switch up your exercises daily (for example, alternating lifting weights with running) so that each part of your body rests, which helps you lose weight best.
If you don't like the idea of lifting your mattress to remove the ruffle, opt for one that wraps around the box spring.
The best physical education instructors make it fun for their students whether it's games in elementary school, or specialized instruction at upper levels, such as dance, gymnastics, weight lifting and more.
If you are looking for an exciting getaway that includes stops at spectacular destinations while lifting your mind, body and spirit, then consider a Christian singles cruise.
Other options include taking an aerobics classes or lifting weights at the gym.
This also involves picking up your dog's paws and lifting up his tail.
For example, when going over the body after lifting the tail and running your hands along the whole tail, sometimes the dog does not love this.
The ancient Romans also used large dogs that resembled Boxers to do a lot of heavy lifting and pulling for them.
The artist's work de-particularizes the model's nakedness, lifting it into ideality.
All danger can be avoided by lifting, though some hold that this is injurious.
Annual lifting and planting are essential.
Nymphaea Alba Tuberosa - The vigorous Water-Lily of the United States, thriving in deep water, lifting its flowers high out of the water, and spreading rapidly by long tuberous offsets.
Lifting the fruit off the ground will produce hardier fruit that doesn't get eaten by all the critters in your soil.
For example, for a sustained B, the author of the site states that the chord has a "nice jangly sound" and that lifting a finger will make the chord sound more like a Crowded House song.
You should never attempt to install a garage door alone, because you will need help lifting and moving the door panels.
If you aren't big into weight lifting, then begin with a small set of hand held weights ranging from three to 25 pounds.
Check the fit, get help with the lifting if you need it and save hundreds on plumber fees by completing a toilet installation by yourself.
The arms of the awning will collapse inward, allowing the awning to retract without any vertical poles or lifting.
Take off the ring when doing activities such as sports, heavy lifting, working out or chores involving harsh chemicals.
Lifting straps are used to temporarily tie your hands to bars and handles in the gym.
There's also lifting hooks that work on the same principle.
Tops with round or V-necklines may appear much more clean and crisp if a woman's undergarment does a nice job of gently lifting her breasts.
Whenever possible use the snow shovel to push the snow instead of lifting it.
Keep your knees slightly bent while shoveling the snow and use them when lifting rather than straining your back.
Learn the proper technique to use when you are lifting a heavy object.
The next most common injuries were of the "reaching, lifting, pushing, bending, pulling" variety.
Muscle-strengthening activities can include yoga or Tai chi, carrying groceries or lifting hand-held weights.
However, you risk injury if your weight lifting is done incorrectly.
They are as simple as lifting your arms about your head, pushing your legs out, and raising your arms and leaning backwards.
Lifting a leg over the side of a bathtub puts an individual at risk for losing balance and falling, causing serious injury.
Smooth mechanism - Be sure the chair does not jump or jerk as it moves through the lifting and tilting functions and that it does not drop quickly when it returns to the original position.
Sturdy frame - The lifting action of the chair requires a sturdy frame.
The frame needs to be strong enough to move as one unit even if the lifting mechanism shakes the frame during the lifting and returning motions.
Lifting weights is one of the best ways to do this.
Lifting and lowering weights is one of the best ways to strengthen your muscles.
Rather, you'll improve your overall mental well-being even if you do minimal amounts of routine exercise, such as stretching or lifting weights.
If lifting both legs at once is too much, trying alternating legs until you become stronger.
If the hose is just too awkward, a CPAP hose lift system can alleviate the problem by lifting the hose out of the way entirely.
Now the house has no power and all he has is his father's Capture Gun, a strange device that is capable of lifting objects from afar.
Moving - Exploring the map and lifting the fog is the basis of the game.
The Lift Cube looks and acts just like a wedge, lifting whatever cube it hits on top of it.
Based on the information available, it seems that both the Droid X and the iPhone 4 are equally capable of handling a lot of heavy lifting.
Weight lifting increases blood pressure, which in turn may enlarge the aorta.
They must exercise special care when lifting and carrying the hypotonic infant to avoid causing an injury to the child.
Sometimes called pulled muscles, they usually occur because of overexertion or improper lifting techniques.
Heavy lifting, falls, and playing a sport without warming up or conditioning are common causes.
Sprains and strains can be prevented by warming-up before exercising, using proper lifting techniques, wearing properly fitting shoes, and taping or bracing the joint.
After the abdominal thrusts, the rescuer repeats the process of lifting the chin, moving the tongue, feeling for and possibly removing the foreign material.
Once discharged home, the mother should limit stair climbing to once a day, and she should avoid lifting anything heavier than the baby.
Any strenuous activity, athletic endeavors, or heavy lifting should be avoided until the symptoms completely subside, since excessive activity may cause the spleen to rupture.
Lifting the head is usually followed by head control.
She may be instructed to rest for the first 24 hours and to avoid heavy lifting for two days.
The first symptom noticed is often difficulty lifting objects above the shoulders.
For a person with OPMD, surgical lifting of the eyelids may help compensate for weakened muscular control.
For added body, apply a mousse or root lifting spray at the crown prior to blow drying the hair.
To style, apply a firm hold gel to damp hair and blow dry the hair directly off and away from the face, while lifting the crown to add volume.
A professional colorist will be able to apply the correct lightening formula that will work with your hair and its current state while lifting it to the desired level of intensity.
If your braids hurt once you leave the hair salon, you can try to loosen tight braids yourself by sliding a rattail comb under the offending braids and gently lifting up, being careful not to pull too hard as to break the hair.
To create full feathers, start with a long and layered cut and blow-dry style from the front to the back upsweeping and lifting ends with a round brush.
Depending on how resistant your hair is to lifting, you may find you need to maintain your color at home to minimize any discoloration or brassy hues with a purple-based shampoo or brightener.
Seated hair dryers are essential for lifting and processing color as well as for locking in sheen from deep-conditioning hair treatments.
Deckhands are hands-on workers who load equipment, uses lifting devices and removes fish from hooks and nets.
The chair broke while his nanny was lifting him, causing Sean to hit his head on the floor.
You may have difficulty lifting your baby and taking care of older siblings.
The best blouson swimsuits include under wires and this is important because lifting the breasts holds the fabric further away from the tummy, further disguising any figure problems.
It's fully lined to define curves and has a built-in shelf bra for lifting cleavage.
As far as exercise goes, weight lifting is an excellent way to sculpt your body, as long as your doctor gives you the go ahead.
Remember to keep the amount you're lifting on the low side, but do lots of repetitions.
If lifting doesn't suit your needs, Yoga and Pilates can also help create a long, lean look.
Face the bottom of the pool when swimming the fly, except when lifting your head for breathing.
Weight lifting supplements can improve performance and aid recovery during strength training workouts.
Weight lifting is a challenging form of exercise which provides overall health benefits.
Weight lifting supplements can improve performance and energy.
For weight lifting, its greatest benefit comes from the support it provides for your heart.
B vitamins improve your weight lifting ability by producing healthy red blood cells, which deliver oxygen to your body.
Whey protein promotes the formation of lean muscle mass, the goal of a weight lifting program.
It benefits your weight lifting practice by supplying essential amino acids.
Creatine is probably the most sought and familiar of the supplements used in weight lifting.
It has also been shown to increase the muscular force, making it a good choice for those who practice weight lifting.
Whether you are an athlete or just practice at the gym, weight lifting supplements offer you the chance to improve your performance and increase your strength by enhancing the natural functions of your body.
When you wear them running or lifting weights, you can ensure that loose fabric does not get caught in any machinery or chafes as you run.
Non-Slip Open Handle - Lifting the coffee carafe and pouring is simple and convenient with the ergonomically designed open handle, covered by an attractive and practical soft, non-slip material.
The slots are thick enough to toast bagels and the appliance has an extra high lifting mechanism for things like English muffins.
The first cut is followed by a gentle lifting of the hair for the second cut to shave even closer.
It even has a metal heart-shaped knob and the pot even has love handles for easy lifting.
Transfer to pie plate directly from wax paper, lifting paper and pastry together and turning over onto plate.
These days, you're less likely to find an all-leather suitcase, and that's a good thing, because even a linebacker doesn't want to do that much heavy lifting when on holiday.
With a twin trundle set, lifting up the second mattress instantly converts it into a king-sized bed.
The reasons behind children lifting weights are quite compelling.
Preadolescents and adolescents should avoid competitive weight lifting, power lifting, body building, and maximal lifts until they reach physical and skeletal maturity.
Most pediatricians recommend that boys no younger than 12 and girls no younger than 10 can begin weight training as long as power lifting is avoided and the program is monitored by their pediatricians.
Players take turns lifting up two heart covers to see which heart lies underneath.
Heels in general make the legs appear longer by tilting the foot downward and lifting the heels.
Yoga can be compared to other weight lifting exercises.
Unlike weight lifting, however, the poses are held for extended periods of time, not just repeated quickly.
The goal is to improve the body and mind while lifting the spirit, without the use of external comedy.
The pose is performed by lifting the legs up in front of your body, balancing your seated body on your bottom, and rolling back a bit so that you can lift your feet and legs off of the floor.
Start by lifting your feet and legs only marginally from the ground, with your arms held straight out in front of you.
As you gain strength and balance in the pose, try lifting your legs higher and higher into the air.
Exhale and begin to straighten the arms, lifting the chest off the floor, elbows close to the body.
Lifting things that are too heavy, or lifting with improper technique, can result in sudden back pain.
Focus on lifting your hips in the air while you lower your head between your biceps.
Slowly bring yourself up to a standing position, lifting the bound leg up with you.
Extend the bound leg to a straight position, lifting your gaze over the opposite shoulder.
They are incredibly soft and stretchy, perfect for yoga, spinning, lifting weights, or doing squats and lunges.
They typically need help moving from place to place, such as lifting and carrying the child.
This special cleaner bonds to the dirt on your vehicle, lifting it off gently.
This can be achieved through weight lifting and daily practices.
Warm-ups, weight lifting, and cardiovascular exercises will help a cheerleader achieve optimal fitness for the cheer season.
Cheerleaders must spend hours in the gym dancing, stunting, creating new cheers and lifting weights.
Even though they're lifting you, if you use your arm strength and your momentum to assist with the lifts, everyone will have an easier time of it.
Contrary to what many women think, lifting weights will not make you overly muscular.
There are certain benefits of exercise in general, whether it's playing a sport that doesn't qualify as an aerobic activity, lifting weights, doing yoga or any other activities.
You can build muscle mass by lifting things in your own home, such as 2-liter bottles of water.
Weight bearing exercises and strength training, such as lifting weights or calisthenics, build muscles.
Lifting your bottom off of the floor to lift your pelvis completely is called a lift.
They may find the idea of walking on a treadmill every day tedious; perhaps they don't see results from lifting weights.
Lifting weights or practicing resistance training is another type of exercise that just about anyone can do to improve his fitness.
Strength training doesn't have to be done with dumbbells, either, so if the thought of lifting barbells is what's keeping you away from gaining calorie-burning muscle tissue, you'll be glad to to know there are alternatives.
In your daily life you might have to recruit these stores for lifting a heavy box or running to catch a bus.
Jump as hard and as high as you can, simultaneously lifting the ball above your head with straight arms.
Hold a barbell (or dumbbells) with sufficient weights wider than shoulder width, lifting it off a rack and lowering it to your upper chest.
While it isn't possible to entirely reshape your breasts via exercise, you can strengthen muscles that support the breast area, giving the appearance of a slight lifting.
Using proper weight lifting technique is a vital part of strength training.
Exercise science has improved drastically and fitness experts know much more about proper weight lifting technique than they did just 10 or 15 years ago.
Not only an they show you proper lifting techniques, they can also watch your form and point out small errors in technique that you may not notice on your own.
Exhale as you perform the work of lifting the weight and inhale as you perform the downward, or "rest," phase of the exercise.
While there are hundreds of weight lifting exercises, improper form is common on some of the most traditional and well-known weight lifting routines.
The more you focus on proper weight lifting techniques, the more you'll benefit from your weight training program.
If you're unsure of the right form to follow on a particular exercise, you can always look at weight lifting pictures to improve your form.
What's important is controlling the movement and using the abdominals for lifting, not the head and shoulders.
To perform circuit training, alternate aerobic activities like jumping rope, bicycling, or jogging with weight lifting or strength training exercises.
You can make adjustments by increasing the amount of weight you're lifting or by introducing new exercises into your routine.
Exercisers who are looking to start or increase their weight training routine can find help from free weight lifting programs available to them through various resources.