Lifetime Sentence Examples
She was close to realizing a lifetime goal.
Spending her lifetime with someone who hated her was not what she wanted.
It's almost as if it is a lifetime goal.
If Len was right, it might be a lifetime of hiding.
The sensation intrigued her after a lifetime of rejection and isolation.
You're Byrne and you've found the dough—more than you'll see in a lifetime.
He was himself the author of several volumes of sermons which were published during his lifetime.
Ten days after he sealed the statutes, on the 12th of April 1443, Chicheley died and was buried in Canterbury cathedral on the north side of the choir, under a fine effigy of himself erected in his lifetime.
Worship of an emperor during his lifetime, except as the worship of his genius, was, save in the cases of Caligula and Domitian, confined to the provinces.
He gave his kingdom away during his lifetime to his two sons, Ferrex and Porrex.
AdvertisementFor two years more the fighting continued with varying success, until Charles of Valois, who had been sent by Boniface to invade Sicily, was forced to sue for peace, his army being decimated by the plague, and in August 1302 the treaty of Caltabellotta was signed, by which Frederick was recognized king of Trinacria (the name Sicily was not to be used) for his lifetime, and was to marry Eleonora, the daughter of Charles II.; at his death the kingdom was to revert to the Angevins (this clause was inserted chiefly to save Charles's face), and his children would receive compensation elsewhere.
In his lifetime his views had been taught in Utrecht and Leiden.
Henry More, who had given it a modified sympathy in the lifetime of the author, became its opponent in later years; and Cudworth differed from it in most essential points.
In order to identify the graves of Persepolis we must bear in mind that Ctesias assumes that it was the custom for a king to prepare his own tomb during his lifetime.
Only two systematic treatises on mathematical subjects were completed by Boole during his lifetime.
AdvertisementDuring his father's lifetime he had greatly distinguished himself by his administration of Transylvania, then a wilderness, which, with incredible patience and energy, he colonized and christianized.
The development of pianoforte technique since Beethoven has been in some ways even more revolutionizing than that of the brass instruments; and pianoforte instrumentation, both in solo and in chamber-music, is a study for a lifetime.
It is to be noted that his own letters contain, both at this time and later on, express disproof of that miraculous gift of tongues with which he was credited even in his lifetime, and which is attributed to him in the Breviary office for his festival.
Already during his brother's lifetime, as duke of Schleswig, Valdemar had successfully defended Denmark against German aggression.
The earliest known edition of the Compendious Book of Psalms and Spiritual Songs (of which an unique copy is extant) dates back to 1567, though the contents were probably published in broad sheets during John Wedderburn's lifetime.
AdvertisementThe closing years of the Judaean kingdom and the final destruction of the temple (586 B.C.) shattered the Messianic ideals cherished in the evening of Isaiah's lifetime and again in the opening years of the reign of Josiah.
Shane O'Neill (C. 1530-1567) was a chieftain whose support was worth gaining by the English even during his father's lifetime; but rejecting overtures from the earl of Sussex, the lord deputy, Shane refused to help the English against the Scottish settlers on the coast of Antrim, allying himself instead with the MacDonnells, the most powerful of these immigrants.
These, with an account of Aristotle's Logic appended to Lord Kames's Sketches of the History of Man (1774), conclude the list of works published in Reid's lifetime.
On the other hand, unexpurgated copies were made in Matthew's lifetime; though the offending passages are duly omitted or softened in his abridgment of his longer work, the Historia Anglorum (written about 125 3), the real sentiments of the author must have been an open secret.
But although in his father's lifetime he several times filled the office of consul, and after his death was nominally the partner in the empire with his brother Titus, he never took any part in public business, but lived in great retirement, devoting himself to a life of pleasure and of literary pursuits till he succeeded to the throne.
AdvertisementDomitian was the first emperor who arrogated divine honours in his lifetime, and caused himself to be styled Our Lord and God in public documents.
In his own lifetime Origen had to complain of falsifications of his works and forgeries under his name.
The attacks on Origen, which had begun in his lifetime, did not cease for centuries, and only subsided during the time of the fierce Arian controversy.
These organs, thus acquired during the lifetime of the individual, must have been in some way acquired during the evolution of the class.
His opportunities of becoming acquainted with birds were hardly inferior to Brisson's, for during Latham's long lifetime there poured in upon him countless new discoveries from all parts of the world, but especially from the newly-explored shores of Australia and the islands of the Pacific Ocean.
It is not only a key to much of his later work - to nearly all indeed that was published in his lifetime - but in it are founded several definite groups (for example, Passerinae and Picariae) that subsequent experience has shown to be more or less natural; and it further serves as additional evidence of the breadth of his views, and his trust in the teachings of anatomy.
The introduction is an elaborate treatise on the science of history and the development of society, and the autobiography contains the history, not only of the author himself, but of his family and of the dynasties which ruled in Fez, Tunis and Tlemcen during his lifetime.
Her character, and still more her circumstances, made the pen very unamiably busy with her in her lifetime, the chief of many lampoons being the famous Divorce satirique, variously attributed to Agrippa d'Aubigne, Palma Cayet, and others.
Ignatius wrote originally in Spanish, but the book was twice translated into Latin during his lifetime.
The progress of the Society of Jesus in Loyola's lifetime was rapid (see JEsu1Ts).
The change in the situation is surely not greater than can be imagined within the lifetime of Paul.
In 1747 was published the first volume of Espana Sagrada, teatro geograficohistorico de la Iglesia de Espana, a vast compilation of Spanish ecclesiastical history which obtained a European reputation, and of which twenty-nine volumes appeared in the author's lifetime.
When James Beaton was translated to St Andrews in 1522 he resigned the rich abbacy of Arbroath in his nephew's favour, under reservation of one half of the revenues to himself during his lifetime.
During the lifetime of his uncle, Beaton had shared in the efforts of the hierarchy to suppress the reformed doctrines, and pursued the same line of conduct still more systematically after his elevation to the primacy.
Joachim was not disturbed during his lifetime.
The work was virulently assailed by Dr Gilbert Stuart (1742-1786), who appeared anxious to damage the sale of the book; but the injury thus effected was only slight, as Henry received £3300 for the volumes published during his lifetime.
The palm branch, which is also of frequent occurrence, is not an indisputable mark of the last resting-place of a martyr, being found in connexion with epitaphs of persons dying natural deaths, or those prepared by persons in their lifetime, as well as in those of little children, and even of pagans.
Monumental epitaphs record the purchase of a grave from the fossores, in many cases during the lifetime of the individual, not unfrequently stating the price.
He was his mother's favourite, and she bequeathed to him her English estates, which, however, he was not permitted to hold in his father's lifetime.
More than two hundred of his sermons and addresses were published during his lifetime.
The most important monument is the Augusteum, a temple of white marble erected to "Rome and Augustus" during the lifetime of that emperor by the common council or diet of the three Galatian tribes.
The conclusions arrived at by earlier writers are combated by Joseph Bedier in the first volume, "Le Cycle de Guillaume d'Orange" (1908), of his Legendes epiques, in which he constructs a theory that the cycle of Guillaume d'Orange grew up round the various shrines on the pilgrim route to Saint Gilles of Provence and Saint James of Compostella - that the chansons de geste were, in fact, the product of 11th and 12th century trouveres, exploiting local ecclesiastical traditions, and were not developed from earlier poems dating back perhaps to the lifetime of Guillaume of Toulouse, the saint of Gellone.
The story that at Bactra in 327 B.C. in a public speech he advised all to worship Alexander as a god even during his lifetime, is with greater probability attributed to the Sicilian Cleon.
Thus at thirty-four Wallqvist had nothing more to hope for but the primacy, which would infallibly have been his also had the archbishop died during the king's lifetime.
The latter prince was dethroned, and, being in a state of mental derangement, was during his lifetime confined by Fateh Mahommed, a native of Sind, who continued, with a short interval (in which the party of the legal heir, Bhaiji Bawa, gained the ascendancy), to rule the country until his death in 1813.
The resulting Antinomian controversy (the only one within the Lutheran body in Luther's lifetime) is not remarkable for the precision or the moderation of the combatants on either side.
The episcopal rule in this new sense probably arose in the lifetime of St John, and may have had his sanction.
Mr Tooke declared his intention of making Horne the heir of his fortune, and, if the design was never carried into effect, during his lifetime he bestowed upon him large gifts of money.
Bela endeavoured to strengthen his own monarchy by introducing the hereditary principle, crowning his infant son Emerich, as his successor during his own lifetime, a practice followed by most of the later Arpads; he also held a brilliant court on the Byzantine model, and replenished the treasury by his wise economies.
His astounding energy and resource curbed all his enemies during his lifetime, but they were content to wait patiently for his death, well aware that the collapse of his empire would immediately follow.
His chief work, the Six livres de la Republique (Paris, 1576), which passed through several editions in his lifetime, that of 1583 having as an appendix L'A pologie de Rene Herpin (Bodin himself), was the first modern attempt to construct an elaborate system of political science.
No official record of his consecration can be discovered, but there is no sufficient reason to doubt the fact; and it is certain that during his lifetime he was acknowledged as a canonical bishop both by Roman Catholics and by Protestants.
It is among them so important whilst the Record in all its details is so far beyond the receptive capacity of the brain, that selection and guidance are employed by the elders in order to enable the younger generation to benefit to the utmost by the absorption (so to speak) in the limited span of a lifetime of the most valuable influences to be acquired from this prodigious envelope of Recorded Experience.
Animism in its completeness met with little acceptance during the lifetime of its author, but influenced some of the iatro-physical school.
Here was established, by licence from James I., the so-called Milk Fair, which remained, its ownership always in the same family, until 1905, when, on alterations being made to the Mall, a new stall was erected for the owners during their lifetime, though the cow or cows kept here were no longer allowed.
Ethelstan died at Gloucester in 940, and was buried at Malmesbury, an abbey which he had munificently endowed during his lifetime.
But no practical use was made of the discovery during his lifetime.
Of necessity the poor man must surrender to his powerful neighbour the ownership of his lands, which he then received back as a precarium - gaining protection during his lifetime.
Genealogical studies had become necessary through Omar's system of assigning state pensions to certain classes of persons according to their kinship with the Prophet, or their deserts during his lifetime.
In these shrines a complete set of armour was kept, in accordance with the idea that the hero was essentially a warrior, who on occasion came forth from his grave and fought at the head of his countrymen, putting the enemy to flight as during his lifetime.
Antiochus of Commagene instituted an order of priests to celebrate the anniversary of his birth and coronation in a special sanctuary, and the kings of Pergamum claimed divine honours for themselves and their wives during their lifetime.
At Teos incense was offered before the statue of a flute-player during his lifetime.
The most accomplished and versatile representative of his gifted family, Richard was, in his lifetime and long afterwards, a favourite hero with troubadours and romancers.
The latest tomb, that of Can Signorio, erected during his lifetime (c. 1370), is signed "Boninus de Campigliono Mediolanensis Dioecesis."
He published fifty works in his lifetime and nine appeared after his death.
Other property was similarly allotted to his widow and remaining children, though some difficulty seems to have arisen from the misconduct of his son, to whom, for some purpose, the property was assigned during his father's lifetime, and who refused to pay what was due.
Bolingbroke's conversation, described by Lord Chesterfield as "such a flowing happiness of expression that even his most familiar conversations if taken down in writing would have borne the press without the least correction," his delightful companionship, his wit, good looks, and social qualities which charmed during his lifetime and made firm friendships with men of the most opposite character, can now only be faintly imagined.
He lived and wrote only to amuse his contemporaries, and thus, although more popular in his lifetime and more fortunate than any of the older authors in the ultimate survival of a large number of his works, he is less than any of the great writers of Rome in sympathy with either the serious or the caustic spirit in Latin literature.
The most scientific procedure, however, is to calculate the probable earnings of the immigrant during the rest of his lifetime, and deduct therefrom his expenses of living.
He was succeeded by his only son, Victor Emmanuel III., bornborn in 1869, who during his father's lifetime had ul borne the title of prince of Naples.
At the close of his term Colfax returned to private life under a cloud, and during the remainder of his lifetime earned a livelihood by delivering popular lectures.
The great opposition which arose during his lifetime continued after his death, and found classic expression in the highly venerated confession of Petrus Mogilas, metropolitan of Kiev (1643).(1643).
Tl1e only other writing published during his lifetime was the sermon he preached at the Perth assembly.
In spite of his own wonderful genius the seeds of weakness were sown in his lifetime.
We know from Einhard (Vita Karoli, cap. xxix.) that the Frankish heroic ballads were drawn up in writing by Charlemagne's order, and it may be accepted as certain that he was himself the subject of many such during his lifetime.
Fragments of those books of his satires which seem to have been first given to the world (books xxvi.-xxix.) clearly indicate that they were written in the lifetime of Scipio.
The title of philosopher as used in Franklin's lifetime referred neither in England nor in France to him as author of moral maxims, but to him as a scientist - a " natural philosopher."
Franklin's works were not collected in his own lifetime, and he made no effort to publish his writings.
None of Herbert's English poems was published during his lifetime.
While observing all due formalities towards his overlord, there can be little doubt that Odainath aimed at independent empire; but during his lifetime no breach with Rome occurred.
It may be said without exaggeration that no American public man in the history of the country has achieved such extraordinary popularity during his lifetime as Mr Roosevelt had attained at fifty years of age, both at home and abroad.
In his father's lifetime, and at his request, he had translated the Theologia naturalis of Raymund de Sabunde, a Spanish schoolman (published 1569).
The edition thus produced in 1595 has with justice passed as the standard, even in preference to those which appeared in the author's lifetime.
The first edition of 1580, with the various readings of two others which appeared during the author's lifetime, was reprinted by MM.
He appears to have submitted successfully to the ordeal of fire, and the alleged relationship was acknowledged by Sigurd on condition that Harald did not claim any share in the government of the kingdom during his lifetime or that of his son Magnus.
During his father's lifetime he was led by her into court intrigues which aimed at driving the king's favourite minister, Floridablanca, from office, and replacing him by Aranda, the chief of the "Aragonese" party.
The reproaches of party assailed him in his lifetime, and have continued to be heaped upon his memory.
The motto which was already current in his lifetime, "that Erasmus laid the egg and Luther hatched it," is so far true, and no more.
But in the winter of 1367-68 a hostile league against him of all his neighbours threatened to destroy the fruits of a long and strenuous lifetime.
First published anonymously in 1628, it became very popular, and ran through ten editions in the lifetime of the author.
On his death in 1580, after a brief reign of seventeen months, the male line of the royal family which traced its descent from Henry, first count of Portugal (c. i ioo), came to an end; and all attempts to fix the succession during his lifetime having ignominiously failed, Portugal became an easy prey to Philip II.
The Epistle of James (also, if genuine) must be placed late in the lifetime of the brother of the Lord.
C. Burkitt and others believe, the later date must be taken; otherwise the earlier date is more probable, as in any case it must fall within the lifetime of a companion of St Paul.
The materials for his biography are very numerous; he was regarded with universal curiosity and admiration in his lifetime; and, besides, he left a garrulous autobiography in verse.
His writings passed in MS. from hand to hand, and few of them were printed in his lifetime.
On the occasion of the tsar's coronation (May 31, 1584), Boris was loaded with honours and riches, yet he held but the second place in the regency during the lifetime of his co-guardian Nikita Romanovich, on whose death, in August, he was left without any serious rival.
On Pandulf's departure the pope was induced to promise that no other legate should be appointed in the lifetime of Archbishop Stephen Langton.
In his lifetime Hubert was a popular hero; Matthew Paris relates how, at the time of his disgrace, a common smith refused with an oath to put fetters on the man "who restored England to the English."
The surviving wife or husband and the minor children, if any, may occupy the homestead right during the minority of the children, and the surviving wife or husband is entitled to the right during the remainder of her or his lifetime.
The opportunity of Saladin lay therefore in the fact that his lifetime covers the period when there was a conscious demand for political union in the defence of the Mahommedan faith.
Such a theory, like its modern rival of the sun-myth, may of course be pushed till it becomes absurd; yet in India critical observers, like Sir Alfred C. Lyall, attest innumerable examples of the gradual elevation into gods of human beings, the process even beginning in their lifetime.
He who during his lifetime did not become one of the elect, who did not completely redeem himself, has to go through a severe process of purification on the other side of the grave, till he too is gathered to the blessedness of the light.
During Clarke's lifetime, fearing perhaps to be branded as an enemy of religion and morality, Collins made no reply, but in 1729 he published an answer, entitled Liberty and Necessity.
Eight others were founded in his lifetime, numbering 3000 monks.
Even in the founder's lifetime it possessed houses in Syria and Palestine.
In 1839 he wrote a series of articles on popular education, and (in 1841) an anonymous work, Om Straff och straffanstalter, advocating prison reforms. Twice during his father's lifetime he was viceroy of Norway.
Thus early did Aristotle begin, even in Plato's lifetime, to oppose.
Accordingly it becomes a difficult question, how far Aristotle's works were published in his lifetime.
He had, like all the great, many enemies, personal and philosophical; but in his lifetime they attacked the man, not his philosophy.
From the Serampore press there issued in his lifetime over 200,000 Bibles and portions in nearly forty different languages and dialects, Carey himself undertaking most of the literary work.
During his father's lifetime he ruled Moravia, but when in 1248 some discontented Bohemian nobles acknowledged him as their sovereign, trouble arose between him and his father, and for a short time Ottakar was imprisoned.
Masud, the son of Izz ed-din, who on the death of his father had fled from the Crimea to the Mongol khan and had received from him the government of Sivas, Erzingan and Erzerum during the lifetime of Kaikhosrau III., ascended the Seljuk throne on the death of Kaikhosrau.
During the founder's lifetime the order spread rapidly, and eventually there were about 150 monasteries in Italy, and others in France, Bohemia and the Netherlands.
During his lifetime the empire was already falling to pieces before the inroads of the Sikhs and Mahrattas, and through internal dissensions.
There is little doubt that much of his poetry, none of which was published during his lifetime, was written in prison.
Many volumes about his career and opinions were issued in his lifetime both at home and abroad.
The writings of Edward Irving published during his lifetime were For the Oracles of God, Four Orations (1823); For Judgment to come (1823); Babylon and Infidelity foredoomed (1826); Sermons, &c. (3 vols., 1828); Exposition of the Book of Revelation (1831); an introduction to a translation of Ben-Ezra; and an introduction to Horne's Commentary on the Psalms. His collected works were published in 5 volumes, edited by Gavin Carlyle.
Mary was succeeded in her lifetime in 1567 by her only son James VI., who through his father Lord Darnley was also head of the second branch, there being no surviving male issue of the family from progenitors later than Robert II.
Maine de Biran's philosophical reputation has suffered from two causes - his obscure and laboured style, and the fact that only a few, and these the least characteristic, of his writings appeared during his lifetime.
The last chapter of the part published during the author's lifetime ends with the revival of letters and the philosophy of the 15th century.
But history repeats itself; and these same two interpretations of Kant had already been made in the lifetime of Kant by Fichte, in the two Introductions to the " Wissenschaftslehre," which he published in his Philosophical Journal in 1797.
Sometimes we find one supreme king together with a number of under-kings (subreguli); sometimes again, especially in the smaller kingdoms, Essex, Sussex and Hwicce, we meet with two or more kings, generally brothers, reigning together apparently on equal terms. During the greater part of the 8th century Kent seems to have been divided into two kingdoms; but as a rule such divisions did not last beyond the lifetime of the kings between whom the arrangement had been made.
Its work in the West Indies was firmly established in Wesley's lifetime.
The idea was not realized in his lifetime, but Wesley did everything in his power to train his preachers.
The Egyptian references are too contemptuous to name the rulers; but Shaushatar may have begun his reign during the lifetime of Tethmosis III., and from cuneiform sources we know the names of six other Mitanni rulers.
The party convicted of adultery is forbidden to marry the co-respondent during the lifetime of the other party.
Both works began to appear during his lifetime - the Histoire in 1690, the Memoires in 1693 - but in neither case was the publication finished till long after his death.
During his lifetime fourteen works and editions were published, and thereafter, between 1542 and 1845, there were at least two hundred and thirty-four separate publications according to Mook's enumeration.
Already, in St Francis's lifetime, his friars had grown into an order dedicated to spiritual ministrations among the poor, the sick, the ignorant, the outcasts of the great cities; while by the very conception of their institute the Dominicans were dedicated to the special work of preaching, especially to heretics and heathens.
His Collected Works, edited for the Parker Society by John Ayre (3 vols.,Cambridge, 1851-1853), include, besides the controversial tracts already alluded to, two sermons published during his lifetime, a selection from his letters to Cecil and others, and some portions of his unpublished MSS.
The treatise passed through six editions in his lifetime, and in all of them he introduced various additions and corrections.
His greatest work, L' Electrisation localisee (1855), passed through three editions during his lifetime, though by many his Physiologie des mouvements (1867) is considered his masterpiece.
The garden was set apart for the use of the school; the house became the house of Hermarchus and his fellow-philosophers during his lifetime.
Philip consented to a reconciliation with the king of France, and agreed to recognize him as his legitimate sovereign on condition that he should not be required to pay him homage during his lifetime.
He was aided by the princes, each of whom claimed a voice in the administration, and, during the lifetime of Theophano at least, a stubborn and sometimes a successful resistance was offered to the attacks of the Slays.
Henry III., who had been crowned German king and also king of Burgundy during his fathers lifetime, took possession Henry!!!
They offered their resignation, but the king refused to accept it, publicly expressed his confidence in them, and they continued in office during the lifetime of the king, although in 1881 the growing reaction gave a considerable majority to the Ultramontane party.
Roger's son William, surnamed the Bad, was crowned in his father's lifetime in 1151.
Whittier had in his lifetime commemorated him in his poem "The Hero," in which he called him "the Cadmus of the blind"; and in 1901 a centennial celebration of his birth was held at Boston, at which, among other notable tributes, Senator Hoar spoke of Howe as "one of the great figures of American history."
The last became, in the lifetime of Mahomet, the regular designation of the individual sections.
These doubtless had a more individual character, and often celebrated some incident supposed to have occurred in the lifetime of the gad.
Akhenatons reform had not reached deep amongst the masses of the population; they probably retained all their old religious customs and superstitions, while the priesthoods throughout the country must have been fiercely opposed to the heretics work, even if silenced during his lifetime by force and bribes.
Nevertheless during her lifetime the system worked fairly well; but her pupil and successor, Eric of Pomerania, was unequal to the burden of empire and embroiled himself both with his neighbours and his subjects.
And even in such distant parts as Central Asia the law founded on the conditions of the Prophet's lifetime proves so unsuited to modern life that cases are often referred to civil authorities rather than to canonical jurists.
In the summer of 1520 the desire of Diirer to secure from Maximilian's successors a continuance of the patronage and privileges granted during his lifetime, together with an outbreak of sickness in Nuremberg, gave occasion to the master's fourth and last journey from home.
Our ideas as to the social conditions that prevailed, during the Buddha's lifetime, in the eastern valley of the Ganges have been modified.
But after this date for the lifetime of a generation the chief scene of viking exploits was Ireland, and probably the western coasts and islands of Scotland.
Resende enjoyed considerable fame in his lifetime, but modern writers have shown that he is neither accurate nor scrupulous.
He lived in retirement during the lifetime of Napoleon, but was greatly honoured by Louis XVIII.
In his lifetime he was known no doubt simply as Fra Giovanni or Friar John; "The Angelic" is a laudatory term which was assigned to him at an early date, - we find it in use within thirty years after his death; and, at some period which is not defined in our authorities, he was beatified by due ecclesiastical process.
He had, indeed, few intimate political or personal friends, and few men in American history have, during their lifetime, been regarded with so much hostility and attacked with so much rancour by their political opponents.
In the histories of his own nation he has little place; the renown which spread in his lifetime to the East ceased with his death, and he left no school.
It was probably due to the strength and solidity of the executive administration organized, during his lifetime, by Abdur Rahman that, for the first time in the records of the dynasty founded by Ahmad Shah in the latter part of the 18th century, his death was not followed by disputes over the succession or by civil war.
In particular he allows that " there was at any rate enough of charlatanism in Protagoras and Hippias to prevent any ardour for their historical reputation," that the sophists generally " had in their lifetime more success than they deserved," that it was " antagonism to their teaching which developed the genius of Socrates," and, above all, that, " in his anxiety to do justice to the Sophist, Grote laid more stress than is at all necessary on the partisanship of Plato."
But he continued to extend his conquests throughout his lifetime.
Shah Jahan had four sons, whose fratricidal wars for the succession during their father's lifetime it would be tedious to dwell upon.
But even during his lifetime two new Hindu nationalities were being formed in the Mahrattas and the Sikhs; while immediately after his death the nawabs of.
It would appear also that the rulers were always singled out for divine grace, and in the earlier periods of the history, owing to the prevailing view that the rulers stood nearer to the gods than other mortals, the kings were deified after death, and in some instances divine honours were paid to them even during their lifetime.
Harun further stipulated that Mamun should have as his share during the lifetime of his brother the government of the eastern part of the empire.
Professor Virchow and others contended that the remarkable shape was pathological or caused by disease during the lifetime of the individual.
By sanad (or patent) and by legislation the talukdars were declared to possess permanent, heritable and transferable rights, with the special privilege of alienation, either in lifetime or by will, notwithstanding the limits imposed by Hindu or Mahommedan law.
Through the influence of Camille de Villeroy, archbishop of Lyons, Pere de la Chaise was nominated in 1674 confessor of Louis XIV., who intrusted him during the lifetime of Harlay de Champvallon, archbishop of Paris, with the administration of the ecclesiastical patronage of the crown.
After a number of attempts to establish a hereditary dukedom, Duke Domenico Flabianico in 1032 passed a law providing that no duke was to appoint his successor or procure him to be elected during his own lifetime.
The book at once became the ethical text-book of the University of Cambridge, and passed through fifteen editions in the author's lifetime.
Measures like these gained for him during his lifetime the title of "Guardian of Mankind," and caused him to be held up as a model to Indian princes of later times, who in the matter of religious toleration have only too seldom followed his example.
First of all must be named the Frank in whose lifetime the dual conception of universal empire and universal church, divinely appointed, sacred and inviolable, began to control the order of European society.
But his efforts were defeated by the unrelenting hostility of the church, and by the incapacity of his contemporaries to understand his aims. After being forced in his lifetime to submit to authority, he was consigned by Dante to hell.
Guntur, as the personal estate of the nizam's brother Basalat Jang, was excepted during his lifetime under both treaties.
During his father's lifetime he was recognized as suzerain by Fulk l'Oison ("the Gosling"), count of Vendome, the son of his half-sister Adela.
The paper also contained an attack upon the superintendent Nicholas Fouquet, and being opened by the postmaster of Paris, who happened to be a spy of Fouquet's, it gave rise to a bitter quarrel, which, however, Mazarin repressed during his lifetime.
She had many rivals during her lifetime and on her death in 1764 she was succeeded by Madame du Barry.
Afterwards in a few cases the term of office was extended to cover a period of years, or even a lifetime.
The third son of Timur, Miran Shah, had ruled over part of Persia in his fathers lifetime; but he was said to be insane, and his incapacity for government had caused the loss of Bagdad and revolt in other provinces.
Agreeably to the Persian custom, asserted by his predecessors, of nominating the heir-apparent from the sons of the sovereign without restriction to seniority, he had passed over the eldest, Mahommed Ali, in favor of a junior, Abbas; but, as the nominee died in the lifetime of his father, the old king had proclaimed Mahommed Mirza, the son of Abbas, and his own grandson, to be his successor.
Even during his lifetime the estimate of his political policy fluctuated violently.
Amongst his economic works may be mentioned Money and the Mechanism of Exchange (1875), written in a popular style, and descriptive rather than theoretical, but wonderfully fresh and original in treatment and full of suggestiveness, a Primer on Political Economy (1878), The State in Relation to Labour (1882), and two works published after his death, namely, Methods of Social Reform and Investigations in Currency and Finance, containing papers that had appeared separately during his lifetime.
Eventually Mackintosh obtained a grant of ioo a year for him in 1824 during the lifetime of George IV., as one of the royal associates of the Society of Literature, and at different times he received help principally from Stuart, the publisher, Poole, Sotheby, Sir George Beaumont, Byron and Wordsworth, while his children shared Southey's home at Keswick.
A brief tract on comic metres (De comicis dimensionibus) and a work De causis linguae Latinae - the earliest Latin grammar on scientific principles and following a scientific method - were his only other purely literary works published in his lifetime.
Les Ouvres du Sieur Theophile were printed in Paris in 1621, and other collections followed during his lifetime.
The book was the fruit of Varro's later years, in which he gathered together the material laboriously amassed through the period of an ordinary lifetime.
He had during the lifetime of his father obtained possession of the archduchies of Austria, and, about the time of his accession to the Bohemian throne, the nobility of Styria also recognized him as their ruler.
Prolonged desultory warfare continued up to 1478, when a treaty concluded at Olmi tz secured Bohemia to Vladislav; Matthias was to retain the so-called " lands of the Bohemian crown " - Moravia, Silesia and Lusatia - during his lifetime, and they were to be restored to Bohemia after his death.
Palaeologus wished the pope to acknowledge his title to be emperor of the East, and in return promised submission to the papal supremacy and the union of the two churches on the pope's own terms. This enforced union lasted only during the lifetime of the emperor.
It was for Occam's share in this controversy that he was best known in his lifetime.
Those who received them fully during Swedenborg's lifetime were few and scattered, but courageously undertook the task of dissemination, and gave themselves to translating and distributing their master's writings.
Four editions of the Actes and Monuments appeared in Foxe's lifetime.
In Italian we possess the Canzoniere, which includes odes and sonnets written for Laura during her lifetime, those written for her after her death, and a miscellaneous section containing the three patriotic odes and three famous poetical invectives against the papal court.
Even in the poet's lifetime it was regarded as sacred.
He was long remembered as the good Duke Humphrey, and in his lifetime was a liberal patron of letters.
On one occasion peace was restored by his receiving Tavavich, daughter of Ras Ali, in marriage; and this lady is said to have been a good and wise counsellor during her lifetime.
The chief agents in their dispersal were the Doctor Orazio Melzi who possessed them in the last quarter of the 16th century; the members of a Milanese family called Mazzenta, into whose hands they passed in Orazio Melzi's lifetime; and the sculptor Pompeo Leoni, who at one time entertained the design of procuring their presentation to Philip II.
Four children were born of the marriage - a son who died in his father's lifetime, and was lamented by him in very touching verse; another a captain in the navy, drowned at Madeira in 1827; a third son, Charles, afterwards created Earl Canning; and a daughter Harriet, who married the marquess of Clanricarde in 1825.
McCheyne, though wielding remarkable influence in his lifetime, was still more powerful afterwards, through his Memoirs and Remains, edited by Andrew Bonar, which ran into far over a hundred English editions.
His labours in the cause of optical science received during his lifetime only scant public recognition, and some of his papers were not printed by the Academie des Sciences till many years.
The chief collected editions in the poet's lifetime were those of 1644, 1648, 1652, 1660 (with important corrections), 1664 and 1682, which gives the definitive text.
If, however, a prince of Wales and duke of Cornwall should die in the lifetime of the sovereign, leaving a son and heir, both dignities are extinguished, because his son, although he is his heir, is neither a king of England nor the first-begotten son of a king of England.
During his lifetime the views of Saint-Simon had very little influence; and he left only a few devoted disciples, who continued to advocate the doctrines of their master, whom they revered as a prophet.
During Gambetta's lifetime, however, ChallemelLacour was one of his warmest supporters, and he was for a time editor of Gambetta's organ, the Republique francaise.
The poet was born in the faith, and adhered to its liberalized tenets, its garb and speech, throughout his lifetime.
Under severe pressure from the cardinal archbishop of Toledo, Portocarrero, he finally made a will in favour of Philip, duke of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV., and died on the ist of November 1700, after a lifetime of senile decay.
Nor in these is it recorded that the disciples baptized during their Master's lifetime; indeed the very contrary is implied.
Speaking in 1853 of the political issues of the spiritual philosophy which he had taught during his lifetime, he says, - "It conducts human societies to the true republic, that dream of all generous souls, which in our time can be realized in Europe only by constitutional monarchy."
The chief feature of the rooms was his noble library, the cherished collection of a lifetime.
The Conqueror was allowed for his lifetime to do as he pleased, since be was recognized as a true friend of the church.
According to Brunnow, King William, by using his influence to secure the passage of the Reform Bill, had cast his crown into the gutter; the throne might endure for his lifetime, but the next heir was a young and inexperienced girl, and, even were the princess Victoria ever to mount the thronewhich was unlikely she would be speedily swept off it again by the rising tide of republicanism.
The country in the election of the next year ratified the king's judgment against the Portland combination; and the hopes which Burke had cherished for a political lifetime were irretrievably ruined.
His defence of Catholic relief - and it had been the conviction of a lifetime - was very properly founded on propositions which were true of Ireland, and were true neither of France nor of the quality of parliamentary representation in England.
The calculations involved great labour, and were not published during his lifetime.
By his extraordinary force of character he exercised a wide personal influence during his lifetime, but failed to stamp his personality upon any measure or policy of lasting importance..
Stephen was a keen and circumspect politician, and for his future security contracted, during his father's lifetime, a double' matrimonial alliance with the Neapolitan princes of the House of Anjou, the chief partisans of the pope.
This association under its charter (1856) bound itself to restore the estate as far as possible to the condition in which it was in the lifetime of Washington and to keep it sacred to his memory, and Virginia agreed to exempt it from taxation as long as these terms were fulfilled.
It is clear, therefore, that any moral science which is to be of value must wait until the " laws of life " and " conditions of existence " have been satisfactorily determined, presumably by biology and the allied sciences; and there are few more melancholy instances of failure in philosophy than the paucity of the actual results attained by Spencer in his lifetime in his application of the socalled laws of evolution to human conduct - a failure recognized by Spencer himself.
For example, if a woman marry B during the lifetime of her husband A, and after A's death marry C during the lifetime of B, her marriage with C is not bigamous, because her marriage with B was a nullity.
During Queen Mary's lifetime ecclesiastical patronage passed through her hands, but after her death William III.
During his lifetime various cities were founded - the first on Irish soil.
The king of Dublin was certainly the most commanding figure in Ireland in his day, and during his lifetime the Viking power was greatly extended.
The king's mensal land, as also that of the tanist or successor to the royal office appointed during the king's lifetime, was not divided up but passed on in its entirety to the next individual elected to the position.
A few years after the union of Kalmar, Eric, now in his eighteenth year, was declared of age and homage was rendered to him in all his three kingdoms, but during her lifetime Margaret was the real ruler of Scandinavia.
Philips son was the first of the Capets who was not crowned during his fathers lifetime; a fact clearly showing that the principle of heredity had now been established beyond discussion.
If this revolution did not burst forth sooner, in the actual lifetime of Louis XV., if in Louis XVI.s reign there was a renewal of loyalty to the king, before the appeal to liberty was made, that is to be explained by this hope of recovery.
In his father's lifetime he bore the title of count of Charolais.
The circumstance, however, which most seriously detracts from his scientific reputation is his neglect of the discoveries made during his lifetime by the greatest of his contemporaries.
Pusey in fact was left behind by his followers even in his lifetime.
Was preferred to the sons of his elder brother Ferdinand de Ia Cerda, who died in Alphonsos lifetime.
During the lifetime of his cousin, Madame de Longueville, the great protectress of the Jansenists, Louis stayed his hand; on her death (1679) the reign of severity began.
His additions to the college buildings were less successful; for the "Upper School," constructed by him at his own expense, was falling into ruin almost in his lifetime, and was replaced by the present structure in 1689.
He was elected prince in his father's lifetime, but being quite young at his father's death (1581), the government was entrusted to a regency.
The next, Benjamin, became the publisher of most of the leading works of natural history which appeared during his lifetime, including that of his brother.
He married in his father's lifetime, and begat a son.
His biographers relate miracles due to his sanctity worked during his lifetime and at his shrine.
His Lectures on Logic, on Physical Geography, on Paedagogics, were edited during his lifetime by his friends and pupils.
He played no part in politics during his father's lifetime, but took an active interest in military matters.
Lee -- Matthew Fontaine Maury was forced into a position where he had to leave the career he had worked a lifetime in and go defend his family and home.
I can't comprehend losing three years of life and a lifetime of memories.
The utter pinnacle of Paul Dawkins' lifetime achievement was three September games with the bigs—screw the oh-for-seven batting average and his two fielding errors.
The brief touch filled Gabe's thoughts with a lifetime of visions.
If Gabriel didn't see the difference between the two women when past-Death showed up on his doorstep, he deserved a lifetime with this arrogant bitch.
They married within weeks and Monica was set for a lifetime of martial happiness until, six months into her marriage, she was diagnosed with cancer, which began to ravage her body.
You're Byrne and you've found the dough—more than you'll see in a lifetime.
Jessi smiled, surprised to find no part of her disliked the idea of spending a lifetime – or several – with him.
The collective mind of the Board of Directors had become the antithesis of the momentum Tesla had gained in his lifetime.
We wish them a lifetime of wedded bliss together.
The egregious mistake these couples made was not spending enough time seriously planning for a lifetime together in marriage.
Where benefits exceed the lifetime allowance an additional tax charge will arise.
Members who expect to accrue enough pension to take them above the lifetime allowance in the future might also need to register certain rights.
Our new machined aluminum Drive Cone comes with a Lifetime Warranty.
Failure makes more interesting copy than success but try telling that to a proud man who has just achieved his lifetime's ambition.
On January 24th I passed my flying test and achieved a lifetime ambition of becoming a qualified pilot!
Any one of these, for most trout anglers, would be the fish of a lifetime.
In lieu of the original lifetime tenancy granted the home income plan provider will provide you with a lifetime annuity.
A pension annuity is used to convert capital within a pension plan into a regular guaranteed lifetime income.
It is virtually impossible to provide absolute assurance that food will be safe to consume over a whole lifetime of 80 or more years.
This contrasts with ACT in the sense that learning in a neural state automaton does not demand the physical changes associated with lifetime evolution.
It seemed the opportunity of a lifetime, but he was now bedridden and could scarcely move.
A minute to learn, a lifetime to master, says the blurb.
A lifetime's worth of quaint inns, snazzy bars and backstreet boozers, all lovingly researched for your delight and inebriation.
Some stars simply fade like cooling cinders when they have exhausted all the thermonuclear reactions which had made them shine through their lifetime.
For some families, a year can feel like a lifetime... The Harrisons are a large and extremely close-knit family.
Ages went from 20 45, with people from a lifetime of turf management to relative new comers having 2- 3 years experience.
Paragraph 23 amends the overall ceiling on an individual's total pension commencement lump sums of 25% of the standard lifetime allowance.
Couples enter marriage with the hope of making a lifetime commitment.
Residual measurements carried out on glass/polyester rods showed that the longitudinal tensile modulus remains constant over the entire lifetime of the unidirectional composite.
The pair will play Cupid to a host of sexy celebs hoping to find love on the holiday of a lifetime.
Between 20 to 40 per cent of women will get cystitis in their lifetime.
The reality is that they are condemned to a lifetime of poverty overshadowed by an inescapable burden of unpayable debt.
Moreover, how could John, during the lifetime of the disciples, have written, " I am the beloved disciple "?
The average is nine episodes of mood disturbance over a lifetime.
In its lifetime it has had additional dulcimers added by Carl Frei which makes the sound a little mellower.
This series boasts more amazing tales of human endurance than you'll witness in a lifetime.
But what is it that brings men and women together for casual flings or lifetime commitments?
Renowned as the band that invented British folk-rock, Fairport formed in 1967 and in 2002 won the BBC Radio 2 Lifetime Achievement Award.
Through the group's active social scene, you'd forge strong friendships which could last a lifetime.
You need to live here a lifetime to see everything - treasures and delights galore.
This booklet has been developed to assist producers tackle the challenges of lifetime production from replacement gilts.
The aquatic hobby keeping a pet goldfish can lead to a lifetime's interest in a fascinating hobby.
Many young women reading Austen in her own lifetime would have become governesses, teaching the children of the rich.
Because Otter stand behind what they believe, they offer an unconditional lifetime guarantee.
Also insist that the fans are expensive bearing fans with a 50000 hour or lifetime guarantee.
A luxury honeymoon is the perfect opportunity for the holiday of a lifetime.
A female housefly can lay up to 600 eggs in her lifetime.
In these people, the TB bacteria remain inactive for a lifetime without causing disease.
The recommended period of use is 3 to 12 weeks, but lifetime in case of chronic pancreatic insufficiency.
Based upon the measured concentrations the lifetime risk due to the ingestion of uranium isotopes was estimated.
She had A second a string win when she took the javelin with a lifetime best throw of 17m 41.
To require licensees to validate their license details at least once every five years in order to maintain their lifetime license.
Jenny has spent a lifetime studying the ways of horses.
Your wedding rings were meant to last a lifetime.
But, time is running out and the penalty will endure a lifetime.
Estimated total operating costs over the expected operational lifetime of about twenty years are of a similar order.
These are usually called ' closed universes ' and they have a finite total lifetime.
All clapping more loudly than I have ever heard in my entire lifetime.
Did you know Smoking 20 cigarettes a day over an average lifetime will cost you about £ 100,000 (allowing for inflation ).
The fluorescence lifetime of the injected in vivo chromophore strongly depends on the content of water in different areas.
This special DVD contains a once-in-a lifetime reunion of one of the greatest bands ever.
We have experienced a breakdown in societal attitudes concerning the practicality of staying married throughout the mutual lifetime of a couple.
Specialized groups of cells, called meristems, retain the ability to generate new cells throughout the lifetime of the plant.
They were characterized via scanning electron microscopy, complex impedance measurements, electron probe microanalysis and dielectric lifetime testing.
Within this species, there exist three distinct color morphs which differ in their lifetime reproductive success.
A positive muon can, during it's short lifetime, trap an electron to form muonium.
Tynan was much mythologized during his lifetime, and Richard Nelson and Colin Chambers's script at once maintains the myth and humanizes the man.
Writers Forum, his curiously old-fashioned sounding imprint, brought out more than a 1000 items during his lifetime.
Many great artists got together and performed some classic Roadrunner tunes with once in a lifetime dream pairings.
After their sleigh ride across the Southern Ocean, the crew will be ready for the holiday experience of a lifetime.
This is truly a once in a lifetime prize that every rock ' n ' roller would sell their soul for.
The opportunity's not going to come up twice in any reasonably sane person's lifetime.
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Lifetime benefit would mean to the by Steven smith at the interview.
The magazine lost as much as £ 15m during its short lifetime, leading to much internal soul-searching.
There, she posted a lifetime best in the 60 meters sprint.
The standard lifetime subscription to Plotsearch is £ 39.
The word Sunna was likely to be applied to Muhammad even during his lifetime (p8 ).
A day to God's glory far surpasses a lifetime to selfish pleasures.
But we've got enough theatrical cross-dressing roles to last us a lifetime.
A true British thoroughbred, built to last you a lifetime.
The energy recovery for an offshore turbine is expected to be higher due to higher energy outputs over a longer lifetime.
Over an operating lifetime of 20 years, an onshore turbine is expected to recover over 80 times the input energy required.
He was not a prolific author; much remained unpublished in his lifetime; some remained secret into the 1990s.
He will be fully vaccinated, 6 weeks free insurance & a lifetime of support.
A truly beautiful wand to be treasured for a lifetime!
You are responsible during the lifetime of the goods, but only for faults that are not due to fair wear and tear.
They have taken responsibility for their own health; make it a priority and are focused on lifetime family wellness.
He had lived a lifetime of such days. Now, lying lonely in the dark womb of his room he felt safe.
Hi-Force products are covered by a lifetime warranty against material and/or workmanship defects.
Perhaps the largest tumulus on record is the tomb of Alyattes, king of Lydia, situated near Sardis, constructed in his own lifetime, before 560 B.C. It is a huge mound, i180 ft.
He died on the r rth of May 1486, and was buried in the chantry chapel of St Mary Magdalen behind the high altar in Winchester cathedral, which he had erected in his lifetime.
As during his father's lifetime Maximilian had favoured the reforming party among the princes, proposals for the better government of the empire were brought forward at Worms as a necessary preliminary to financial and military support.
He was "Fear of Merchiston" because, more majorum, he had been invested with the fee of his paternal barony during the lifetime of his father, who retained the liferent.
Vierteljahrsschrift (1902, 1903) Goetz has shown that Sabatier's presentation of St Francis's relations with the ecclesiastical authority in general, and with Cardinal Hugolino (Gregory IX.) in particular, is largely based on misconception; that the development of the order was not forced on Francis against his will; and that the differences in the order did not during Francis's lifetime attain to such a magnitude as to cause him during his last years the suffering depicted by Sabatier.
It enacts that after the death of a person simoniacally presented the offence or contract of simony shall not be alleged or pleaded to the prejudice of any other patron innocent of simony, or of his clerk by him presented, unless the person simoniac or simoniacally presented was convicted of such offence at common law or in some ecclesiastical court in the lifetime of the person simoniac or simoniacally presented.
Among less reputed biographies or materials for biography may be mentioned a second Zafarnama, by Maulana Nizamu 'd-Din Shanab Ghazani (Nizam Shami), stated to be "the earliest known history of Timur, and the only one written in his lifetime"; and vol.
The homely terseness of his style, his abounding humour - rough, cheery and playful, but irresistible in its simplicity, and occasionally displaying sudden and dangerous barbs of satire - his avoidance of dogmatic subtleties, his noble advocacy of practical righteousness, his bold and open denunciation of the oppression practised by the powerful, his scathing diatribes against ecclesiastical hypocrisy, the transparent honesty of his fervent zeal, tempered by sagacious moderation - these are the qualities which not only rendered his influence so paramount in his lifetime, but have transmitted his memory to posterity as perhaps that of the one among his contemporaries most worthy of our interest and admiration.