Libraries Sentence Examples
Several free libraries are maintained.
Libraries are numerous in Italy, those even of small cities being often rich in manuscripts and valuable works.
There were no libraries near him, and it was hard for him to get books.
The libraries of the city contain an aggregate of some 300,000 volumes.
Besides the Government reference libraries at the British Museum and South Kensington there are other such libraries, of a specialized character, as at the Patent Office and the Record Office.
The libraries that existed, such as the one at Alexandria, contained reading rooms because when you read a book, you read it aloud.
Macdonald at Edinburgh in 1889, and that there is appended to this edition a complete catalogue of all Napier's writings, and their various editions and translations, English and foreign, all the works being carefully collated, and references being added to the various public libraries in which they are to be found.
You can find the book in libraries, used bookstores, and occasionally on Ebay.
Statistics collected in 1893-1894 and 1896 revealed the existence of 1831 libraries, either private (but open to the public) or completely public. The public libraries have been enormously increased since 1870 by the incorporation of the treasures of suppressed monastic institutions.
There are also twenty public libraries.
AdvertisementThe Biblioteca Nazionale, originally founded by Antonio Magliabecchi in 1747, enjoys the Libraries.
Fragments of it are also preserved in the Bodleian and in several college libraries at Oxford.
This led to the creation of large libraries all around the world—and this was a problem.
In 1714 he paid a short visit to Paris and ransacked the libraries.
A young senator (ab actis senatus) was chosen to draw up these Acta, which were kept in the imperial archives and public libraries.
AdvertisementIn addition to these he compiled several volumes of excerpts from ancient authors, and wrote a number of works on geography, music and other subjects, many of which still exist in MS. in various European libraries.
Women (since 1898) may vote for school officers and members of library boards, and are eligible for election to any office pertaining to the management of schools or libraries.
It contains nearly io,000 MSS., including many magnificent illuminated missals and Bibles and a number of valuable Greek and Latin texts, 242 incunabula and 11,000 printed books, chiefly dealing with palaeography; it is in some ways the most important of the Florentine libraries.
It was already a centre of art and letters and full of fine buildings, pictures and libraries.
The town is said to possess many Sanskrit libraries.
AdvertisementMany American libraries .co-operate in issuing joint or union lists of periodicals.
The libraries include the state law library, with 14,000 volumes in 1908, and the library of the state Department of Archives and History, with about 11,000 volumes.
Not merely were artistic sculptures and bas-reliefs found that demonstrated a high development of artistic genius, but great libraries were soon revealed, - books consisting of bricks of various sizes, or of cylinders of the same material, inscribed while in the state of clay with curious characters which became indelible when baking transformed the clay into brick.
One of the languages of this inscription was Persian; another, as it now appeared, was Assyrian, the language of the newly discovered books from the libraries of Nineveh.
When it became known that the accounts of these invasions formed a part of the records preserved in the Assyrian libraries, historian and theologian alike waited with breathless interest for the exact revelations in store; and this time expectation was not disappointed.
AdvertisementOf his fortune (estimated at $5,000,000) approximately $4,000,000 was bequeathed for the establishment and maintenance of "a free public library and reading-room in the City of New York"; but, as the will was successfully contested by relatives, only about $2,000,000 of the bequest was applied to its original purpose; in 1895 the Tilden Trust was combined with the Astor and Lenox libraries to form the New York Public Library.
The only other surviving document of the 12th century bearing on this subject is a letter of which MS. copies are preserved in the Cambridge and Paris libraries, and which is also embedded in the chronicles of several English annalists, including Benedict of Peterborough, Roger Hovedon and Matthew Paris.
In 1731 he established in Philadelphia one of the earliest circulating libraries in America (often said to have been the earliest), and in 1732 he published the first of his Almanacks, under the pseudonym of Richard Saunders.
But such attacks were rare and isolated and were not intended to effect a breach in the solid ramparts of the medieval Church, but rather to exhibit the ingenuity of the critic. In the libraries collected under humanistic influences the patristic writers, both Latin and Greek, and the scholastic doctors are conspicuous.
The rate for New York, the only state having a larger number of books in such libraries, being only 1.19.
Massachusetts led, about 1850, in the founding of town and city libraries supported by public taxes, and by 1880 had established more of such institutions than existed in all other states combined.
The madrasa libraries, some of which were very rich, have been scattered and lost, or confiscated by the emirs, or have perished in conflagrations.
But there are still treasures of literature concealed in private libraries, and Afghan, Persian, Armenian and Turkish bibliophiles still repair to Bokhara to buy rare books.
In the meantime the functions of the university had been extended to include an oversight of the professional, scientific and technical schools, the administration of laws relating to admission to the professions, the charge of the State Library at Albany, the supervision of local libraries, the custody of the State Museum and the direction of all scientific work prosecuted by the state.
The common school of each district is under the immediate supervision of a board of trustees; but a state text-book commission determines what text-books shall be used in these schools; the state superintendent of public instruction prepares the questions that are used in examining applicants to teach, passes judgment on publications for use in school libraries, and advises with the county superintendent of schools.
The numerous manuscripts of his works to be found in the libraries of Italy, England and France, testify to his industry as a philosopher and commentator.
Among these the provision of public libraries in the United States and United Kingdom (and similarly in other English-speaking countries) was especially prominent, and "Carnegie libraries" gradually sprang up on all sides, his method being to build and equip, but only on condition that the local authority provided site and maintenance, and thus to secure local interest and responsibility.
By the end of 1908 he had distributed over £io,000,000 for founding libraries alone.
Its university, removed from Vilna to Kiev in 1834, has about 2500 students, and is well provided with observatories, laboratories, libraries and museums; five scientific societies and two societies for aid to poor students are attached to it.
The author is an industrious student and a typical scholar, who frequents libraries and is interested in the MSS.
The state grants scholarships tenable at European universities to promising pupils, and there are three important public libraries.
A home stead law declares exempt from execution an unmortgaged dwellinghouse (with appurtenances) not to exceed $1000 in value, and certain property, such as tools of one's trade, libraries (to the value of $500) of ministers and lawyers, and provisions for one year for each member of a family.
Mention must be made of the National Library in Mexico City with about 225,000 volumes, and 138 public libraries (in 1904) in other parts of the republic, 34 museums for scientific, educational and art purposes, and I I meteorological observatories.
It has a State Hospital for the Insane (opened 1880), a fine County Court House, a general hospital, a Friends' Home, a home for aged women, St Joseph's Protectory (Roman Catholic) for girls, and the Norristown and McCann public libraries; in Montgomery cemetery are the tombs of General Winfield Scott Hancock and General John Frederick Hartranft (1830-1889), a distinguished Federal officer in the Civil War and governor of Pennsylvania in 1873-1879.
Any town upon application, and by contracting to appropriate annually a certain fixed sum for its maintenance, may receive state aid for establishing a library, and in 1904 libraries had been established by this means in 146 towns.
In the mosque libraries at Constantinople there are at least five MSS.; and at Cairo there is a modern copy of one of these, containing the whole of al-Anbari's commentary.
Most of the larger towns and cities contain public libraries, that of Toronto being especially well-equipped.
At the west end of Vasa Street is the city library, the most important in the country except the royal library at Stockholm and the university libraries at Upsala and Lund.
When the municipal museum was founded in 1849 a reference library formed part of the institution, and from this has developed a free library system in which there are also nine lending libraries.
Some of these were subsequently published, and the manuscripts are now found in various libraries.
Up to comparatively recent times a priceless collection of classical manuscripts was preserved in the libraries; many of them were destroyed during the War of Greek Independence (1821-1829) by the Turks, who employed the parchments for the manufacture of cartridges; others fell a prey to the neglect or vandalism of the monks, who, it is said, used the material as bait in fishing; others have been sold to visitors, and a considerable number have been removed to Moscow and Paris.
The codices remaining in the libraries are for the most part theological and ecclesiastical works.
Other important libraries, with the approximate number of their books, are the Grosvenor (founded in 1859), for reference (75,000 volumes and 7000 pamphlets); the John C. Lord, housed in the building of the Historical Society (10,620); the Law (8th judicial district) (17,000); the Catholic Institute (12,000); and the library of the Buffalo Historical Society (founded 1862) (26,600), now in the handsome building in Delaware Park used as the New York state building during the PanAmerican Exposition of 1901.
The interior is richly decorated and once contained the finest collection of paintings in Scotland, but most of them, together with the Hamilton and Beckford libraries, were sold in 1882.
Professor Kirsopp Lake has (1903) written four valuable articles (Journal of Theological Studies, iv., v.) on "The Greek monasteries of South Italy"; he deals in detail with their scriptoria and the dispersal of their libraries, a matter of much interest, in that some of the chief collections of Greek MSS.
The township has the well-equipped Pequot and Fairfield memorial libraries (the former in the village of Southport, the latter in the village of Fairfield), the Fairfield fresh air home (which cares for between one and two hundred poor children of New York during each summer season), and the Gould home for self-supporting women.
The lack of accurate knowledge regarding the past of the Chinese Empire may possibly some day be supplied, as European scholars become more able to explore the unstudied stores in the great Chinese libraries, or as Chinese students ransack the records of their country for the facts of earlier periods.
Libraries.Mental culture and a general diffusion of knowledge are extensively promoted by means of numerous public libraries established in the capital, the university towns and other p1w-es.
The most celebrated public libraries are those of Berlin (i,ooo,ooo volumes and 30,000 MSS.); Munich (1,000,000 volumes, 40,000 MSS.); Heidelberg (563,000 volumes, 8ooo MSS.); Göttingen (503,000 volumes, 6000 MSS.); Strassburg (760,000 volumes); Dresden (500,000 volumes, 6000 MSS.); Hamburg (municipal library, 600,000 volumes, 5000 MSS.); Stuttgart (400,000 volumes, 3500 MSS.); Leipzig (universitylibrary, 500,000 volurries, 5000 MSS.); Wurzburg (350,000 volumes); TUbingen (340,000 volumes); Rostock (318,000 volumes); Breslau (university library, 300,000 volumes, 7000 MSS.); Freiburg-im-Breisgau (250,000 volumes); Bonn (265,000 volumes); and Konigsberg (230,000 volumes, I ioo MSS.).
There are also famous libraries at Gotha, Wolfenbuttel and Celle.
Travelling libraries are sent through the country districts, and an attempt is being made to extend similar aid to the lumber-camps.
Libraries became a feature of the age, the kings leading the way as collectors, of books, especially the rival dynasties of Egypt and Pergamum.
In European libraries, besides innumerable modern manuscripts of the Koran, there are also codices, or fragments, of high antiquity, some of them probably dating from the 1st century of.
Of many of the Mameluke sultans there are special chronicles preserved in various European and Oriental libraries.
They were so costly that no person of moderate means could hope to possess any large number; even the public libraries had nothing approaching to a complete collection.
It has a palace, formerly the residence of the counts of East Friesland and now used as government offices, a Roman Catholic and two Protestant churches, a gymnasium, and four libraries.
In 1910 the faculty and officers numbered 110, the students (men only) 803, and the number of volumes in the libraries 88,000.
Hartfelder believed that a good deal of unpublished material is still left in German and foreign libraries.
In 1845 parochial boards were created for relief of the poor, their powers being afterwards extended to deal with the statutes concerning burial-grounds, the registration of births, deaths and marriages, vaccination, public health, public libraries and other matters.
The act of 1894, as we have seen, not only established the Local Government Board, consisting of the secretary for Scotland, the solicitor-general, the under-secretary and three appointed members - a vice-president, a lawyer and a medical officer of public health - but also replaced the parochial boards by parish councils, empowered to deal among other things with poor relief, lunacy, vaccination, libraries, baths, recreation grounds, disused churchyards, rights of way, parochial endowments, and the formation of special lighting and scavenging districts.
In March 1291 he ordered search to be made for documents bearing on his claims in the English clerical libraries, and summoned his northern feudal levies to meet him at Norham on Tweed, fully armed, in June.
Some of his correspondence with his learned friends, with his kinsman President de Thou, Isaac Casaubon, Jean Jacques Grynaeus and others, is preserved in the libraries of the British Museum, of Basel and Paris.
The rest of his life he devoted to historical research, ultimately selecting as his special subject the Italian libraries up to the year 150o.
A great part of his writings, particularly on jurisprudence and astronomy, as well as essays on special logical subjects, prolegomena to philosophy, criticisms on Avicenna and Alfarabius (Farabi),remain in manuscript in the Escorial and other libraries.
He did his best to remedy the misery caused by the intestine wars, repaired the ruined mosques and other public edifices, founded hospitals and libraries - his library in Shiraz was one of the wonders of the world - and improved irrigation.
There are five other churches, a handsome town hall, an orphanasylum, several hospitals, a mechanics' institute, a famous grammar school (gymnasium), a normal and several other schools, and two public libraries.
Among the larger libraries of the borough are the Brooklyn public library, those of the Long Island Historical Society, on Brooklyn Heights, of Pratt Institute, and of the King's County Medical Society, and a good law library.
There are few libraries in Arkansas.
Ibn Batuta's travels have only been known in Europe during the 19th century; at first merely by Arabic abridgments in the Gotha and Cambridge libraries.
The Bonn edition contains a 15th century Italian translation by an unknown author, found by Leopold Ranke in one of the libraries of Venice, and sent by him to Bekker.
The libraries and scientific collections of the Federal government and its various bureaus and institutions afford exceptional research opportunities for students and investigators.
Montfaucon's Bibliotheca bibliothecarum manuscriptarum (1739) is a list of the works in MS. in the libraries with which he was acquainted.
The corresponding works in the Western Church are the passionaries or legendaries, varieties of which are dispersed in libraries and have not been studied collectively.
Other libraries in the city include the state law library (45,0eo volumes) in the capitol, the Madison public library (22,500 volumes), and the Woodman astronomical library (7500 volumes).
The Royal Library in the Humlegard Park at Stockholm, and the university libraries at Upsala and Lund are entitled to receive a copy of every publication printed in the kingdom.
Certain of the large towns have excellent public libraries, and parish libraries are widely distributed.
At the beginning of the 10th century there were 41 public libraries in the republic, including public school collections, with an aggregate of 240,000 volumes.
The government established a department for education, a training college for teachers, and numerous schools and libraries; literary magazines were started and a school of art and an academy of music founded.
Constantly moving through Poitou and the Limousin, as the exigencies of the civil war required, occasionally taking his turn as a guard, at least on one occasion trailing a pike on an expedition against the Leaguers, with no access to libraries, and frequently separated even from his own books, his life during this period seems most unsuited to study.
Zurita's style is somewhat crabbed and dry, but his authority is unquestionable; he displayed a new conception of an historian's duties, and, not content with the ample materials stored in the archives of Aragon, continued his researches in the libraries of Rome, Naples and Sicily; he founded the school of historical scholarship in Spain.
Libraries, Museums, &c. - The Public Library has more than 100,000 volumes (it had more than 165,000 volumes before the fire of 1906, but then lost all but about 25,000).
The Law Library, the libraries of the San Francisco Medical Society, and the French library of La Ligue Nationale Francaise (1874), were destroyed in the fire of 1906 and re-established.
At the present day, however, not only have hundreds of forms or species been described, but our knowledge of their biology has so extended that we have entire laboratories equipped for their study, and large libraries devoted solely to this subject.
He also exerted himself to get measures put in execution for restraining the vandalistic fury against the monuments of art, extended his protection to artists and men of letters, and devoted much of his attention to the reorganization of the public libraries, the establishment of botanic gardens, and the improvement of technical education.
We must imagine him devoted to the great task which he had set himself to perform, with a mind free from all disturbing cares, and in the enjoyment of all the facilities for study afforded by the Rome of Augustus, with its liberal encouragement of letters, its newlyf ounded libraries and its brilliant literary circles.
These men of the factory - devoting their lives to the cataloguing of archives and libraries, to the publication of material, and then to the gigantic task of indexing what they have produced - have made it possible for the student in an American or Australian college to master in a few hours in his library sources of history which baffled the long years of research of a Martene or Rymer.
The Jewish texts, once the infallible basis of history, are now tested by the libraries of Babylon, from which they were partly drawn, and Hebrew history sinks into its proper place in the wide horizon of antiquity.
The urban district council execute the Public Libraries Acts for their district, and the rate for the expenses of the acts, which may not exceed td.
Under the acts not only public libraries, but also public museums, schools for science, art galleries and schools for art, with the necessary buildings, furniture, fittings and conveniences, may be provided for the inhabitants of the district.
These include the Lighting and Watching Act, the Baths and Washhouses Acts, the Burial Acts, the Public Lighting Improvement Act and the Public Libraries Acts.
The Public Libraries Acts enable the authority adopting them to provide public libraries, museums, schools for science, art galleries Public and schools for art.
The Burlington Society library, established in 1757 and still conducted under its original charter granted by George II., is one of the oldest public libraries in America.
There is a state commission which promotes the establishment of free libraries and gymnasiums. The Mormons control Brigham Young University (1876) at Provo, Brigham Young College (1878) at Logan, the Latterday Saints University (1887) at Salt Lake City, and academies at Ogden, Ephraim, Castle Dale, Beaver and Vernal.
He was a pupil at the Ecole des Chartes, which he left in 1873, and also at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes; and he obtained appointments in the public libraries at the Mazarine (1878), at Fontainebleau (1884), and at St Genevieve, of which he was nominated librarian in 1885.
He also projected a successful scheme for establishing parish libraries in England and America, out of which grew the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
In the same year, 1490, Leonardo enjoyed some months of uninterrupted mathematical and physical research in the libraries and among the learned men of Pavia, whither he had been called to advise on some architectural difficulties concerning the cathedral.
There is a large free library in the municipal offices, and numerous branch libraries are maintained.
Bellingham has two Carnegie libraries.
The monastery possesses one of the most valuable libraries in Prague and a small picture gallery.
During his leisure at Oxford he collected material at the Bodleian and college libraries for his books.
Portions of his correspondence have been printed at various times, and inedited letters from him are of frequent occurrence in public libraries.
The chief buildings and institutions are a hand some town hall, a museum, free libraries, technical schools, and several public pleasure grounds.
Between 1754 and 1764 he published a series of theological treatises, their main tendency being to modify the rigid scholastic system by an appeal to the Fathers, notably Augustine; from 1759 to 1762 he travelled in Germany, Italy and France, mainly with a view to examining the collections of documents in the various monastic libraries.
Besides the college library, there are in Northampton two public libraries, the Clarke (1850) and the Forbes (1894).
Special county taxes are levied for the maintenance of public school libraries also.
The principal libraries are those of Johns Hopkins University, Peabody Institute, Maryland Historical Society, and the Bar Association; and the Enoch Pratt, the New Mercantile, and Maryland Diocesan (Protestant Episcopal).
Smith collection of works on Latin America (in addition there are college and department libraries - that of the college of law numbers 38,735 volumes - bringing the total to 353,638 bound volumes in 1909).
The extant remains of these laws are manuscript transcripts from earlier copies made on vellum from the 8th to the 13th century, now preserved with other Gaelic manuscripts in Trinity College and the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, the British Museum, Oxford University, some private collections and several libraries on the continent of Europe.
This seaside village, with its "semicircular sweep of houses," grew into a considerable town owing to the influx of summer visitors, for whose entertainment there are, besides the "Albion" mentioned by Dickens, numerous hotels and boarding-houses, libraries, a bathing establishment and a fine promenade.
An excellent school of art and several public libraries are provided, the latter including that in the house of parliament.
A Free Library Commission of five members created in 1895 maintains about 650 circulating free public libraries comprising more than 40,000 volumes.
In 1907 there were about 960,000 volumes in public township libraries for which a law of 1887 had made provision; since 1895 the formation of such libraries has been mandatory, and books, chosen by the county superintendent, are bought from a fund of io cents for every person of school age in towns, villages and cities of the fourth class.
An act of 1901 permits county boards to establish county systems of travelling libraries.
There is a society of natural history and an historical society, both of which possess considerable libraries and collections.
The principal public buildings are the town-hall, a somewhat ornate market house, the gildhall, the public hall, the infirmary, the antiquarian museum (including some valuable fossil remains) and the public and mechanics' libraries.
On the Ambrosian ritual see LITURGY; on the Ambrosian library see LIBRARIES; on the church founded by him at Milan in 387 see MILAN.
It is built partly on an island and partly on the left bank of the Oder; and owing to the fortified enceinte having been pushed farther afield, new quarters have been opened up. Among its most important buildings are the cathedral, in the Gothic, and a castle (now used as a courthouse), in the Renaissance style, two other Roman Catholic and three Protestant churches, a new town-hall, a synagogue, a military hospital, two classical schools (Gymnasien) and several libraries.
Supplementing the educative influence of the schools are the public libraries (161 in number in 1907); the state appropriates $200 to establish, and $100 per annum to maintain, a public library (provided the town in which the library is to be established contributes an equal amount), and the Public Library Committee has for its duty the study of library problems. Higher education is provided by Yale University; by Trinity College, at Hartford (nonsectarian), founded in 1823; by Wesleyan University, at Middletown, the oldest college of the Methodist Church in the United States, founded in 1831; by the Hartford Theological Seminary (1834); by the Connecticut Agricultural College, at Storrs (founded 1881), which has a two years' course of preparation for rural teachers and has an experiment station; by the Connecticut Experiment Station at New Haven, which was established in 1875 at Middletown and was the first in the United States; and by normal schools at New Britain (established 1881), Willimantic (1890), New Haven (1894) and Danbury (1903).
In1685-1686Mabillon visited the libraries of Italy, to purchase MSS.
They thus provide a useful adjunct to cDNA libraries in giving access to a large number of genes independent of developmental stage.
There is an unusual number of manuscripts of the early English alchemists in the libraries of Cambridge.
Users with autoloaders or tape libraries can now fully automate backups by creating any number of media pools using barcoded tapes.
Creative Reading - June 2004 Report by Demos for The Reading Agency analyzing the role of libraries in nurturing creativity.
Tho expensive and inevitably already somewhat dated, medical libraries will want this book.
If you want to keep your fellow earthlings interested into the next century, I really do think you need to reform your libraries.
She has had considerable experience of running school libraries in London.
Estimates for special libraries, derived from 1996 research work, are very imprecise.
To enable interoperability with these libraries, set the shutdown mode to quiet.
As we enter the next millenium, libraries are only at the base of what will be a significant learning curve.
In addition to fieldwork, visits to libraries and invitations to practicing librarians to give lectures have been regular features.
Facilities Corpus library is one of the finest college libraries in Oxford.
Stationery Cards, wrapping and writing paper, stamps and other miscellany are available to buy in the libraries.
The same libraries were asked about their policy on the purchase of archeological monographs.
My yearning for discovery now had a focus; my oceans would be libraries, my terra nova the workings of his mind.
It will build partnerships with the book trade to put libraries at the heart of reading promotion.
Authorized Users are faculty, staff, students and walk-in patrons of its libraries.
These included Storytimes and Baby times, with fun stories and counting rhymes, maths quizzes and prizes in all libraries.
Over recent years libraries have grown increasingly reliant on digital materials.
The quality of libraries is also crucial, as is the availability of computing resources, even if you have your own PC.
Westminster Libraries organize special activity sessions for all children from birth to four years old.
In the libraries visited, this profile characterized some of the male unemployed library users aged 18-25 and school truants.
Serials Review Examples of recent collaborative ventures between the two libraries include the Serials Review project funded by SHEFC under the Regional Strategic Initiative.
This service is updated twice yearly, and sent to individual bookers, libraries, community organizations and arts contacts.
Among the libraries are included the Public Library (1893) with 54,000 volumes in 1909, the library of the Oneida Historical Society (which occupies the Munson-Williams Memorial Building), the Utica Law Library and the Deutscher Leserverein.
Its Connexional Book Room, opened in 1891, yields an annual profit of from £1600 to £ 2000, the profits being devoted to help the colleges and to establish Sunday school libraries, etc. Its chapels in 1907 numbered 1641 (with accommodation for 488,080), manses 229; its churches numbered 1428, ministers 921, unordained preachers 318, deacons 6179; its Sunday Schools 1731, teachers 27,895, scholars 193,460, communicants 189,164, total collections for religious purposes £300,912.
The most celebrated public libraries are those of Berlin (i,ooo,ooo volumes and 30,000 MSS.); Munich (1,000,000 volumes, 40,000 MSS.); Heidelberg (563,000 volumes, 8ooo MSS.); Göttingen (503,000 volumes, 6000 MSS.); Strassburg (760,000 volumes); Dresden (500,000 volumes, 6000 MSS.); Hamburg (municipal library, 600,000 volumes, 5000 MSS.); Stuttgart (400,000 volumes, 3500 MSS.); Leipzig (universitylibrary, 500,000 volurries, 5000 MSS.); Wurzburg (350,000 volumes); TUbingen (340,000 volumes); Rostock (318,000 volumes); Breslau (university library, 300,000 volumes, 7000 MSS.); Freiburg-im-Breisgau (250,000 volumes); Bonn (265,000 volumes); and Konigsberg (230,000 volumes, I ioo MSS.).
He was the first man to collect libraries, to accumulate coins.
Some libraries do no keywording whatsoever â designers simply have to second-guess the caption.
What happens is, when we build our libraries we leave a large gap between each floor and then soundproof the floor.
Users can submit articles and photographs on spate irrigation to the online libraries of articles and photos.
Its focus is the application of information and communications technologies in areas such as education, health, transport and libraries.
See this post on the top ten techie things to think about for libraries.
The course will kick off with a tour d'horizon of the main challenges facing libraries of all types.
Underpinned by a public library ethos, WWR produces reader development resources for libraries and other agencies.
The material has been acquired by the University Library by virtue of the fact that it is one of the UK's legal deposit libraries.
She told us that ' through working with libraries, Penguin 's promotion will offer some stunning reads, including fresh new writing talent.
Libraries have a plethora of books and movies to choose from.
Most libraries have sales a few times a year of old books in their collection they're replacing or getting rid of.
Each of the most popular video game consoles boast libraries of hundreds of games.
You get more or less the same package with all of the systems, so do some research into their libraries, and purchase the one that offers more of the games that you love.
The Sony Reader has public domain materials, access to public libraries, the Sony eBook Store, and Google Books.
Both devices also allow you to "check out" books from virtual libraries.
To meet the needs of their patrons better, many libraries are offering access to websites that provide e-books, printable books, and/or audio books for readers of all ages.
Some American libraries were challenged for having Goosebumps books due to the sometimes-violent content; these books are generally considered to be for ages 10 and over.
Although the UNL Libraries site appears to be the largest resource for free educational comic books online, there are a number of organizations offering special issues of comic books suitable for use in classroom lesson plans.
Lisa Libraries- Lisa Libraries' mission is to work with small organizations to provide books for needy children, particularly those children who have never owned their own books.
In addition, many libraries offer other programs for children, from story time to after-school activities.
Free printable stories give kids a chance to add to their home libraries.
Most libraries will transfer books between locations or branches at a patron's request.
Many libraries have websites that offer convenient ways to read full books online for kids.
Consider stories that may have been a part of your ancestors' libraries when they were young children.
Most summer reading programs are organized by public libraries, although there are some programs available through bookstores.
The same danger exists when laptop users take advantage of free Wi-Fi offered in public places like cafes, schools, and libraries.
Community colleges, community centers, libraries and health care facilities are also valuable resources.
There are also many books available at libraries and bookstores that include plans and instructions for building log furniture.
Many people are probably unaware of how much planning and artistic talent goes into the decor and design ot all types of Dallas buildings, from doctors' offices to fast food restaurants to libraries to apartment homes.
Don't do your personal banking on public computers such as those available at libraries, and avoid using the work computer for your personal banking if possible.
When you buy books online, the world's libraries are at your fingertips, with new and used options for every budget.
Some libraries install Mavis Beacon programs on the computers for patron use.
Free online libraries are one of the most valuable online resources available to computer users.
The Internet Public Library, which goes by the name "ipl2" since its merger with the Librarians' Internet Index, is one of the biggest names in free online libraries.
Students should also take advantage of the reference materials their school libraries make available online.
Free online libraries can help you take advantage of the learning potential of the Internet.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the web page, you'll find areas with very informational content such as Catholic Q&A, Traditional Mass, document and audio libraries, and even a Bible search utility.
Oxford Reference requires a subscription to use, unless you are a member of certain libraries or are a teacher with the proper credentials.
Compatible only with Mac OS X and being somewhat reminiscent of the operating system's iPhoto application, Aperture 3 is an excellent tool for organizing photos into libraries and projects.
Subscriptions are available, but many schools and libraries provide the magazine for teen readers.
Anime clubs may be sponsored by schools, libraries or game/comics/book stores.
If that doesn't work, many bookstores and libraries have books devoted to the topic.
Local bookstores are always a great place, as well as libraries, and websites such as
So, it's possible to find information about marriages that took place over 100 years ago in old newspapers, which may be available on microfiche in public libraries.
Local libraries, coffee shops, bridal shops, and wedding crafts stores may have these available.
Cake decorating books or wedding-planning books, available at libraries and local bookstores, are also good starting points.
Students without consistent Internet access might also consider hybrid courses if they can access course content and materials through local public libraries or university facilities.
Although not all distance learning students have access to university bookstores, academic libraries, or textbook collections, professors may recommend textbooks that they can find online or purchase through the university's Web site.
Libraries are a primary source of both digital and print information related to distance learning, and they may also have references that can help students apply for financial aid and complete application requirements.
Universities that offer graduate degrees online or through brick-and-mortar classrooms will often support student learning via online libraries for research purposes.
The online libraries offer access to numerous professional article databases critical to the student's field of study.
Marble and brass fixtures throughout the ships add glitter and elegance, while the ships' libraries are outfitted with faux skylights and marble fireplaces for a decadent feel.
You may not be sipping fruity drinks under the sun, but smaller, active ships come equipped with ultra-luxe features like heated decks, covered viewing areas, delicious food, naturalist libraries, and more.
Training books are easily found at local book stores, libraries, and online vendors.
Many local libraries may have songbooks available or microfilm scans that feature older renditions of the songs.
Also, university offices and libraries can be cold, so tweed is necessary much of the year.
Remember that libraries often have magazines for free.
In 2006, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill requiring libraries and schools receiving certain types of federal funding to keep minors from accessing MySpace and other social networking sites.
During this time fire and police departments, utility companies, schools and libraries join together to educate people on fire safety, as well as, other personal safety issues.
Using this medium is a common occurrence in homes, libraries, schools and businesses worldwide.
With the needs of residents in mind, most such communities are located near senior health centers, major bus routes, and city services such as libraries or art galleries.
If you're not an AARP member, it may be possible to find print copies of AARP Magazine at libraries, medical offices, and senior centers.
Community education programs are available through school districts and libraries.
Public libraries have information available, and there are many reputable websites that cover this topic as well.
Libraries and community centers provide many forms of free elderly entertainment.
Many libraries offer a variety of activities and programs that are of interest to seniors.
Movies - Some libraries offer free afternoon movie showings for members.
Many libraries offer special senior movie afternoons when old black and white movies are shown.
Libraries provide books, CDs and DVDs that help the novice birdwatcher learn to identify the different species.
Senior citizen programs are offered by many cities through their parks and recreation departments, local hospitals, libraries and other community center organizations.
Free activities include those offered at libraries and bookstores.
Men are no longer hindered by traditional stereotypes that they shouldn't wear color, so now you'll find men in bookstores and libraries sporting stylish and colorful reading glasses.
The DS has one of the most unique gaming libraries of any handheld system, and here we've collected the five best games you're required by law (or should be) to run out and buy.
Instead of entering in a laborious sequence of button-presses, the GameShark had libraries of codes for your favorite PS1 games in memory, ready to go at a press of a button.
This is good news for gamers who have sunk - and for many, are still sinking - hundreds of dollars into their game libraries.
Look up local forums and other websites where you can get together with gaming enthusiasts in your area, trading video games and keeping your respective libraries fresh.
Today, video game consoles offer enormous processing power and massive game libraries.
Game publishers complain that books can depict much bloodier and more subversive behavior than games, and yet are available to be checked out of public libraries by children and teenagers.
Big news for Xboxers everywhere who already have invested hundreds of dollars in their existing game libraries - and those libraries tend to include Halo 2, a huge title that only recently made its way into homes.
Price guides and identification manuals for antique tools are available at most bookstores and local libraries.
There are plenty of identification and value guides that can be found in bookstores and libraries that can help you out.
Library lamps were used in formal parlors, living rooms, and of course, libraries.
The following websites are a few that offer large libraries of such musical ringers for your cell phone.
However, there are numerous opportunities for home-schooled students to interact with others, including libraries, scouting, 4-H, sports teams, and a variety of church activities.
Whether or not it is appropriate for your site (see number one above) can vary, but most high-quality applications not only have stored libraries but also online "supplemental" image libraries.
There are many different kinds of resources, but one of the easiest to get to are the many libraries of free line dance steps on the web.
Many larger public libraries still have these available for use, and can be quite useful in finding newspaper obituaries from 20th century (and sometimes even earlier).
Ancestor Hunt is an obituary search engine for various libraries, universities and other sources, including newspapers.
Some libraries keep old local newspapers on microfilm.
To make matters worse, a multitude of wonderful prose is available in libraries, on the Internet and copiously complied in volumes.
Almost all public libraries contain a genealogy section.
Larger libraries will have resources for the entire country, as well as published family histories and other research aids.
Libraries and archives may also have computers and Internet access for visitors.
Libraries allow visitors to use the library subscription for free.
Some libraries will even allow patrons home access to these subscriptions.
The volunteers will not do actual genealogy research for the patron; however, they will show you how to use the resources available in the Center and provide leads to other libraries and information sources outside of the Center.
Other resources are available in printed form in courthouses and libraries.
Many public libraries have a subscription to Ancestry which patrons may use free of charge.
Libraries and archives often have books of compiled family genealogies.
Local sources for primary information include the deed room in county courthouses, the genealogy room in public libraries, cemeteries and tax offices.
Many public libraries and genealogy archives have a subscription to Ancestry.
These books are often part of a family history collection at public libraries and genealogy archives.
While Ancestry charges a fee, local public libraries often have a subscription that patrons may use for free.
While Ancestry is not technically a free site, many public libraries have a subscription for patrons to use.
Visit Ancestory Hunt's other obituary search engines which search research available at colleges, universities, libraries and genealogical or historical societies.
Check this website for other obituary search engines for research available at colleges, universities, libraries and genealogical or historical societies.
Both the DAR and SAR have libraries where you may search for information on the patriots they have listed.
It, too is a subscription site but many local libraries allow patrons to use the library's Ancestry account on library computers for free.
Many local libraries have Ancestry subscriptions that patrons may use for free.
Ancestry is a subscription site, but you may do a basic search for free and it is frequently offered as a service to patrons of public libraries. is a genealogy subscription service, but many local libraries allow library patrons to use this service for free.
Many libraries have a subscription that allows library patrons to access Heritage Quest for free.
Like Heritage Quest, many libraries will allow patrons to use Ancestry for free.Ancestry's index is an all-name index as well.
The various Presidential Libraries contain over five million graphic images, some of which are available online.
You can also visit these libraries to search through the images in person.
The 1930 census is available in the federal archives as well as in historical libraries and online.
Searching the microfilm catalogue is done through the National Archives buildings or historical libraries around the nation or online.
At Family History Libraries, these books have been catalogued for research purposes.
Most county court houses or public libraries have sections devoted to genealogy research, and these may include copies of death records.
Most district libraries maintain books of burial plot information, and you can use these books to look up your ancestors and find their graves.
Favorite places for children to volunteer include the zoo, veterinary clinics, libraries, animal shelters and historical centers.
Many libraries have computers that kids can play on.
Libraries also have programs on a wide range of topics.
More and more libraries also have computer centers, artwork, and other items that can be checked out to supplement what you have at home.
Some libraries have a genealogy and local history section.
Both of these history series are available through, Netflix and at public libraries.
Many libraries are now part of a nationwide system that allows librarians to search for books that may not be available in their own system.
For example, many public libraries offer videos and CD's in their collections.
The next few years were spent preparing the book for publication and then promoting it in schools and libraries.
In addition the free material available at the library, most libraries offer classes for children in crafts and computers as well as book clubs.
Many public libraries, churches, and senior centers offer free computer classes and job search workshops.
Local libraries and recreation centers may also offer occasional classes geared towards teaching children how to make origami patterns.
Most libraries can order books if they aren't available in your local branch, so there are literally thousands of sewing books available.
Viewers who sign up for FTV online membership can take advantage of VOD, which the site claims is one of the largest fashion video libraries on the Internet.
You can build your options if you convince your friends to also create board game libraries, so that you can exchange games and expand your gaming possibilities.
Most libraries have a large selection of board games that you can play there or borrow to play at home.
Most local libraries have a selection of board games and a special section of the library designated for game playing.
Some libraries allow the games to be borrowed to be played at home while others require that the games remain in the library, and patrons are not permitted to check them out.
You may also want to check the local yellow pages and page attention to public postings at the post office and local libraries.
Many libraries have special collections with grant writing resources.
Additionally, because libraries are nonprofit organizations, there may be professionals on staff who have firsthand experience with completing grant applications.
Many local communities fund libraries through donations of books and resources.
Check your local library - Most libraries offer CDs, and many have a great selection of seasonal tunes.
Adults or teens are often seen dressed as the Easter Bunny for various events, such as breakfasts with the Easter Bunny, community Easter events, or at schools, libraries, department stores, and many other events.
Libraries. Libraries in cities across the country host weekly story times for kids of varying ages.
Depending upon the size of your church, some libraries are stocked better than others.
They are inundated with the Internet and computer usage wherever they go, and children can be seen surfing the Net at home, school and even in public libraries.
Most libraries host summer reading programs for free!
Libraries are also good sources for inspiring spring crafts.
Libraries aren't just about books, although having a large selection of free reading material at your fingertips is certainly a plus.
Many libraries host a variety of programs, including guest speakers, film festivals, game tournaments, computer lessons, art competitions, and more.
In addition, MECA partners with a number of other agencies to provide much-needed support to medical clinics, children's centers and libraries, counseling programs, and more.
Many local libraries or campuses also host math daysor math camps.
Services like Netflix, QwikFlix, and, most recently, Blockbuster Online have given even the libraries a run for their money.
Most libraries carry copies of Casablanca too, so check with your local library if you would rather watch the movie once instead of buying a copy.
With many libraries taking their catalogs online, you can browse the selection at any time from your home, office, or the local coffee shop.
However, some libraries charge a small rental fee or impose higher fines for overdue DVDs than for reading material.
The libraries go back to the year 2000 and include archives of thousands of great stories.
Libraries usually have an entire section devoted to the paranormal, and many of the books in that section are filled with fantastic ghost stories.
You can also order books online that contain entire libraries of some of the most fantastic ghost stories found anywhere.
Many libraries have an extensive collection of magazines for you to enjoy.
Also keep in mind that most libraries stock all the latest magazine titles, which you can rent and read for free.
Local libraries typically will have both new and old issues of home magazines available in whatever style suits you - from Better Homes and Gardens to the new ThisNEXT magazine on home décor and style by Lucky Magazine.
Libraries usually have an annual book sale where they discard old books or multiple copies.
Often, public libraries will have price tags of only 50 cents!
In addition, many libraries often have piles of unwanted publications that may contain valuable coupons.
Some libraries also have computer games available!
Most public libraries must regularly clear out their collection of books in order to make way for new reading materials.
Children can never have enough books to add to their libraries, especially little ones who are just learning to read independently.
Cheapskates frequent their libraries on a regular basis, but sometimes there are titles they wish to add to their personal collection.
Television shows often interview knowledgeable people, libraries and bookstores devote entire sections to books written by authorities and many of these authorities have their own websites.
You'll often see brochures from the FCIC in libraries, public services offices, and schools.
Some libraries may have vintage watch manuals.
If you prefer to try before you buy, most larger libraries should have a few books for you to review.
You can try your local libraries for state phone books or go online at Superpages for a listing of venture capitalists of which "angels" are a sub-category.
Because funding cuts make the future of many BICs uncertain, some local city libraries are taking over some of the same functions as are Small Business Development Centers SMDCs (See the article on SBDCs at xxx).
Local libraries may or may not have the same materials available, depending upon city and county budgets.
Schools and libraries have tax-exempt status as well.
Since nursing is such a popular profession, there is no shortage of nurse resume examples on the Internet or in libraries.
Free sales letters are available online, in libraries and bookstores or even from your local chamber of commerce.
Sales letters can be found online and in bookstores and libraries.
Books providing advice on how to write sales letters and examples of well written letters are offered in the marketing or business sections of most libraries and bookstores.
Word processing and image programs - Many applications such as Microsoft Word have clip art libraries that have items such as pom poms and more.
Public libraries also offer a variety of sources to help you begin the hobby.
Most libraries offer a selection of craft books and magazines including those dedicated to cross stitching.
Most libraries subscribe to a few craft magazines.
Most libraries carry a few craft magazines, and you can look through some old issues, if they are available, to see if there are any projects you like.
Many local libraries have an extensive selection of craft magazines for readers to enjoy.
Discount quilting books can be found in many places, including online and at bookstores, garage sales or local libraries.
Many libraries also have Web sites where you can check to see if a book is available as well.
Often local community centers or libraries have meeting rooms to rent for a very nominal fee.
Since most libraries allow their patrons a month to return books, you should have plenty of time to find and test out those that appeal to you most.
There is also a book that explains the DASH plan and is available at bookstores, Amazon and at most local libraries.
They will meet in cafes or libraries for perhaps a couple of hours of conversation per week.
Unless you are a member of a sewing or costumers' guild, the two best places to find free corset patterns are in your local public libraries and online.
These competitors offer slightly different plans and pricing and have varying libraries of music available.
Acquisition has been accused for violating the terms of open source code sharing by using LimeWire's core libraries.
People who own an Apple iPod likely make use of a program called iTunes, not only to purchase their songs, but also to synchronize their music libraries with their portable music players.
It was one of the first peer-to-peer based networks that allowed users to share their MP3 libraries with other users from around the globe.
Wallpapers should not be downloaded onto public computers such as at schools or libraries.
You can often find an archive of articles on university and college websites and libraries.
Many people have abandoned brick and mortar libraries and use the Internet as their main resource for information.
Bebo developers will find a helpful blog and find the necessary API libraries on the site.
It operates during tax season in local schools, libraries, community centers and shopping malls.
Clip Art Libraries - Many office applications such as Apple's Pages, or Microsoft Word, contain libraries of clip art with holiday themes including hearts and other Valentine graphics.
Clip Art Sites - One source of images often overlooked by many people is the clip art libraries included with their word-processing programs and on clip art sites.
Free Website Templates is one of the most comprehensive libraries of free web page templates.
If you're willing to spend some money, stock footage libraries such as iStockPhoto have video animations of firework celebrations available in a variety of formats and resolutions.
However, the origin of the hyperlink came from the fact that these early networks were actually research networks utilized to link together libraries of research documents.
As java-based websites become more robust, the various programming libraries and other parts of the server also need to be customized and tailored to the needs of the individual site.
Because these functions are included with the PHP core language at installation, there is no need to install additional libraries or content to call the functions within the code.
They don't stock the Parkside Sentinel in all the libraries around the country like they do the big city papers.
The university being disorganized, Grynaeus pursued his studies, and in 1531 visited England for research in libraries.
He purchased from the family of Neleus of Skepsis in the Troad manuscripts of the works of Aristotle and Theophrastus (including their libraries), which had been given to Neleus by Theophrastus himself, whose pupil Neleus had been.
During the last few years of his life Boole was constantly engaged in extending his researches with the object of producing a second edition of his Differential Equations much more complete than the first edition; and part of his last vacation was spent in the libraries of the Royal Society and the British Museum.
Libraries and archives are under the superintendence of the Ministry of Public Instruction.
The monastic buildings required for public purposes have been made over to the communal and provincial authorities, while the same authorities have been entrusted with the administration of the ecclesiastical revenues previously set apart for charity and education, and objects of art and historical interest have been consigned to public libraries and museums. By these laws the reception of novices was forbidden in the existing conventual establishments the extinction of which had been decreed, and all new foundations were forbidden, except those engaged in instruction and the care of the sick.
The sacred palaces, museums and libraries were, by Article 5, exempted from all taxation, and the pope was assured perpetual enjoyment of the Vatican and Lateran buildings and gardens, and of the papal villa at Castel Gandolfo.
A very excellent edition of the twentyseven canonical books has been recently printed there, and there exist in our European libraries a number of Pali MSS.
There are ten other libraries, the most important of which are the state law library (about 40,000 volumes) and the state library (about 46,000 volumes).
Pertz made frequent journeys of exploration to the leading libraries and public record offices of Europe, publishing notes on the results of his explorations in the Archiv.
Thus, when his duties called him to Constance in 1414, he employed his leisure in exploring the libraries of Swiss and Swabian convents.
There are six branch libraries, while a scheme of school libraries has been in operation since 1899.
From 1840 he was inspector-general of public libraries, and in 1860 became inspector-general in the department of higher education.
During their dominion Merv, like Samarkand and Bokhara, was one of the great schools of learning, and the celebrated historian Yaqut studied in its libraries.
The town, which is quite modern, contains many churches and chapels of all denominations, a town hall, public libraries, the Victoria hospital, three piers, theatres, ball-rooms, and other places of public amusement, including a lofty tower, resembling the Eiffel Tower of Paris.
He founded museums, libraries and schools, and inaugurated scholarships and a fund from which deserving scholars desirous of studying in England and America could obtain their expenses.
The surrounding buildings, including the courtrooms, the Advocates' and the Signet libraries, are all modern additions.
The Royal Institution, in the Doric style, surmounted by a colossal stone statue of Queen Victoria by Sir John Steell, formerly furnished official accommodation for the Board of Trustees for Manufactures and the Board of Fishery, and also for the school of art, and the libraries and public meetings of the Royal Society (founded in 1783), and the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (founded in 1780).
He mentions, with gratitude, the valuable libraries of Oxford, and it is pleasant to record that it was while he was there that it first occurred to him, as he says, "how splendid and glorious a thing it would be to take a place among the authors."
This book, which comes down to the year 1526 and the extinction of Czech independence,'was founded on laborious research in the local archives of Bohemia and in the libraries of the chief cities of Europe, and remains the standard authority.
The richest libraries in Hungary are the National Library at Budapest; the University Library, also at Budapest, and the library of the abbey of Pannonhalma.
Next to the poor rate came that for highways, and other special rates have been authorized from time to time, as for police, education, public lighting, cemeteries, libraries, sanitary purposes, &c. To distinguish the rate the name of the precepting authority is frequently added or the purpose for which it is levied specified, as county rate, watch rate, &c. The valuation list of a parish is the basis on which the poor rate is levied.
One of the principal libraries is the former palace of the archbishops of Toledo.
Similar works, in Latin or other languages, exist in manuscript in all the great European libraries.
Volumes and almost libraries have been written on the Calas affair, and we can but refer here to the only less famous cases of Sirven (very similar to that of Calas, though no judicial murder was actually committed), Espinasse (who had been sentenced to the galleys for harbouring a Protestant minister), Lally (the son of the unjustly treated but not blameless Irish-French commander in India), D'Etalonde (the companion of La Barre), Montbailli and others.
The general scope of the polytechnics is to give instruction both in general knowledge and special crafts or trades by means of classes, lectures and laboratories, instructive entertainments and exhibitions, and facilities for bodily and mental exercise (gymnasia, libraries, &c.).
Other museums are Sir John Soane's collection in Lincoln's Inn Fields and the Museum of Practical Geology in Jermyn Street, while the scientific societies have libraries and in some cases collections of a specialized character, such as the museums of the Royal College of Surgeons, the Royal Architectural Society, and the Society of Art and the Parkes Museum of the Sanitar y Institute.
A few free libraries are supported by donations and subscriptions or charities.
Among lending libraries should be noticed the London Library in St James's Square, Pall Mall.
There were libraries in most of the towns and temples; an old Sumerian proverb averred that " he who would excel in the school of the scribes must rise with the dawn."
Florence possesses four important libraries besides a number of smaller collections.
Besides the Hofburg library, there are important libraries belonging to the university and other societies, the corporation and the various monastic orders.
There are two libraries; one founded in 1836, and now a public library in the Atheneum building; and the other in what is now the School of Industrial and Manual Training (1904), founded in 1827 as a Lancasterian school by Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin (1759-1839), whose ancestors were Nantucket people.
Other papers and copies of instructions are now in several libraries in Paris; and copies of other instructions are in the British Museum.
In his country retreat at Shizuoka he formed one of the richest libraries ever brought together in Japan, and by will he bequeathed the Japanese section of it to his eighth son, the feudal chief of Owari, and the Chinese section to his ninth son, the prince of Kishu, with the result that under the former feudatorys auspices two works of considerable merit were produced treating of ancient ceremonials and supplementing the Nikongi.
Appended to the Catalogue is a full and careful bibliography of all Napier's writings, with mention of the public libraries, British and foreign, which possess copies of each.
There are libraries, a public hall and a park.
The numerous local branches of the Friends of the Folk-School and the Society for Popular Education display great activity, the former by aiding the smaller communes in establishing schools, and the latter in publishing popular works, starting their own schools as well as free libraries (in nearly every commune), and organizing lectures for the people.
In 1825, with the aid of the Prussian government, he visited the libraries of England and Holland, and on his return was appointed (in 1826) professor ordinarius of theology at Halle, the centre of German rationalism, where he afterwards became preacher and member of the supreme consistorial council.
Colebrooke, began to make known the treasures of Sanskrit literature, which the great scholars of Germany and France proceeded to develop. In Egypt the discovery of the Rosetta stone placed the key to the hieroglyphics within Western reach; and the decipherment of the cuneiform character enabled the patient scholars of Europe to recover the clues to the contents of the ancient libraries of Babylonia and Assyria.
From 1847 to 1851 he arranged gifts from France to American libraries aggregating 30,655 volumes, and a gift of 50 volumes by the city of Paris in 1843 (reciprocated in 1849 with more than 1000 volumes contributed by private citizens) was the nucleus of the Boston public library.
Its libraries contained in 1909 98,000 bound volumes and an equal number of pamphlets, and the college had a faculty numbering 113 and a student enrolment of The resources of the college in 1909 were about $3,500,000.
Institutes, summer schools and rural libraries have been introduced.
The university library of 110,000 volumes is supplemented by the libraries of Minneapolis and St Paul.
His learning was not drawn from books only; he was also an archaeologist, and frequently went on expeditions in France, always on foot, in the course of which he examined the monuments of architecture and sculpture, as well as the libraries, and collected a number of notes and sketches.
Metropolitan borough councils have to obtain the sanction of the Local Government Board to loans for baths, washhouses, public libraries, sanitary conveniences and certain other purposes under the Public Health Acts; for cemeteries the sanction of the Treasury is required, and for all other purposes that of the London County Council; poor law authorities, the metropolitan asylums board, the metropolitan water board and the central (unemployed) body require the sanction of the Local Government Board the receiver for the metropolitan police district that of the Home Office, and the London County Council that of parliament and the Treasury.