Liberating Sentence Examples
It decomposes water at a red heat, liberating hydrogen and being itself converted into the hydrate.
Living debt free can be a really liberating experience!
By June 1824 the liberating army was completely organized; and taking the field soon after, it routed the vanguard of the enemy.
While the ending of the Civil War was a liberating time for African Americans, most held onto the names given them during their enslavement, continuing to pass those names onto their offspring.
Making your own cushions can be a liberating experience.
Although it can be lonely sometimes, it can also be liberating.
Sprucing up your kitchen countertops can give your kitchen a whole new look, and there's nothing more liberating than looking at something that you were able to accomplish yourself.
Younger dancers often prefer day camps so that they can go home and tell their parents all about their exciting day, while older dancers often prefer the liberating experience of being away form home for a period of time.
The experience can be liberating as well as enlightening.
The next time you consider the world of beautiful brunette hair, rest assured going brown can be liberating, affordable, and breathtaking, without ever being boring.
AdvertisementWhile opting for a shag can be liberating if you crave a style change, consider the disadvantages of this look too prior to making the cut.
The quick styling of short hair can be liberating, so be prepared to explore the whole new you.
The brave decision to wear this unique type of bikini should be a fun and liberating experience that showcases unbelievable art work and skill.
Probably for the first time in my life I realized how enriching and peaceful listening could be and how liberating candidness is.
She finds that while students at first have difficulty overcoming the cultural imprints against nudity, once the yoga practice centers them they find it "powerful and liberating."
AdvertisementMy diagnosis has been much to my surprise extremely liberating, to say the least.
That is both liberating and difficult -- doubly difficult, in fact, because doing the writing with a collaborator requires that we both have a very thorough understanding of all the new material.
This reconstruction of its meaning seems to have been the peculiar revelation of the Lord to Paul, who viewed Christ's crucifixion and death as an atoning sacrifice, liberating by its grace mankind from bonds of sin which the law, far from snapping, only made more sensible and grievous.
It slowly decomposes in moist air, liberating sulphuretted hydrogen, and with water it gives a yellow solution which becomes colourless on exposure.
The papal answer was a bull excommunicating the German king, dethroning him and liberating his subjects from their oath of allegiance.
AdvertisementTo him also belongs the great merit of liberating Russian preaching from the fetters of Polish turgidity and affectation by introducing popular themes and a simple style into Orthodox pulpit eloquence.
When the patriots of Buenos Aires had succeeded in liberating War of from the dominion of Spain the interior provinces of Independ- the Rio de la Plata, they turned their arms against their enemies who held Upper Peru.
These bacteria therefore employ SH 2 as their respiratory substance, much as higher plants employ carbohydrates - instead of liberating energy as heat by the respiratory combustion of sugars, they do it by oxidizing hydrogen sulphide.
The strongest influences in his development about this time were the liberating philosophy of Coleridge, the mystical visions of Swedenborg, the intimate poetry of Wordsworth, and the stimulating essays of Carlyle.
It decomposes water at ordinary temperature, liberating hydrogen and forming lithium hydroxide.
AdvertisementStewart (elected to serve out term) Democrat1857-18611 Thus liberating about 114,000 blacks, of a tax valuation of $40,000,000.
They are readily decomposed by heat, leaving a residue of the normal chromate and chromium sesquioxide, and liberating oxygen; ammonium bichromate, however, is completely decomposed into chromium sesquioxide, water and nitrogen.
By liberating the books from the offices and putting them in the public domain the Museum is opening up, becoming less arcane.
Sometimes this new tribalism can be a liberating thrust, as was the case when national movements overthrew the communist empire.
Mysterious Skin A teenage hustler and a young man, obsessed with alien abductions, cross paths discovering a horrible, liberating truth.
Rousseau, tho he thought he was liberating the people, was in fact profoundly illiberal.
It has the potential to be exclusive, directive and controlling, or the means to be inclusive, participatory and liberating.
In this paper, I shall argue that Process Buddhism is indeed a liberating praxis.
In his conception, this liberating social revolution requires for success the leadership of a revolutionary political party of the workers ' vanguard.
But it is Christ's resurrection, the divine vindication of his total obedience to his priestly vocation, which carries liberating power.
Is liberating says jana reform journal of affordability says Walter.
These measures only increased Paul's unpopularity, so that when he died, on the 18th of August 1559, the Romans vented their hatred by demolishing his statue, liberating the prisoners of the Inquisition, and scattering its papers.
The salts of bismuth are feebly antiseptic. Taken internally the subnitrate, coming into contact with water, tends to decompose, gradually liberating nitric acid, one of the most powerful antiseptics.
She has said of the experience, "(T)here's something liberating about walking around completely nude.
Recent years have been defined by the choppy bob as celebrities and fashion models alike traded in their long locks for a liberating crop.
Potassium, when heated, burns in the vapour of carbon bisulphide, forming potassium sulphide and liberating carbon.
A Russian army destined for the Bosporus, which had been gathered near Odessa, obliging the Porte to keep strong bodies of troops about Constantinople, had been called to Galicia, thus liberating several Turkish divisions for service at the Dardanelles.
When Dion set sail from Zacynthus with the object of liberating Syracuse from the tyrannis, Philistus was entrusted with the command of the fleet, but he was defeated and put to death (356).
The peculiarity of the instrument consists in the stream of water, as it enters the hydrometer chamber, being made to impinge against a disk of metal, by which it is broken into drops, thus liberating the steam, which would otherwise disturb the instrument.
The reforming party cordially welcomed and courted him, in the first place because he was reputed to be clever and very well read, and secondly because by liberating his serfs he had obtained the reputation of being a liberal.
But it is Christ 's resurrection, the divine vindication of his total obedience to his priestly vocation, which carries liberating power.
Is liberating says jana reform journal of affordability says walter.
It was a liberating period for both men and women's swimwear.
On the outbreak of war in 1859 he was placed in command of the Alpine infantry, defeating the Austrians at Casale on the 8th of May, crossing the Ticino on the 23rd of May, and, after a series of victorious fights, liberating Alpine territory as far as the frontier of Tirol.
The solution is strongly caustic. It turns yellow on exposure to air, absorbing oxygen and carbon dioxide and forming thiosulphate and potassium carbonate and liberating sulphuretted hydrogen, which decomposes into water and sulphur, the latter combining with the monosulphide to form higher salts.
In delicate cases, such as seedling gloxinias and begonias, it is best to lift the little seedling on the end of a flattish pointed stick, often cleft at the apex, pressing this into the new soil where the plant is to be placed, and liberating it and closing the earth about it by the aid of a similar stick held in the other hand.
For some time Abbas Hilmi clung to his idea of liberating himself from all control, and secretly encouraged a nationalist and antiBritish agitation in the native press; but he gradually came to perceive the folly, as well as the danger to himself, of such a course, and accordingly refrained from giving any overt occasion for complaint or protest.
From this it will be seen that, with the increase of temperature, the hydrocarbons - the olefines and marsh gas series - gradually break up, depositing carbon in the crown of the retort, and liberating hydrogen, the percentage of which steadily increases with the rise of temperature.
It acts as an oxidizing agent, liberating iodine from potassium iodide, converting alcohol into acetaldehyde, &c.
Cyanogen iodide and iodine monoand tri-chloride effect similar decompositions with simultaneous liberation of iodine; sulphuric acid reacts slowly, forming nickel sulphate and liberating hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
It decomposes ammonia at a red heat, liberating hydrogen and yielding a compound containing silicon and nitrogen.
The loyalty and energy with which he acted under San Martin contributed not a little to the organization of the liberating army, to its transportation over the Andes, and to the defeat of the royalists at Chacabuco (1817) and Maipo (1818).
Shortly afterwards he received Mazzini a letter from an unknown person, in which he was and exhorted with fiery eloquence to place himself at the Young head of the movement for liberating and uniting italY.