Ley Sentence Examples
The former, being soluble, is left in the water; but the latter, an insoluble body, is in part attached to the fibres, from which it is only separated by changing into soluble metapectic acid under the action of hot alkaline ley in the subsequent process of bleaching.
Or click here to see the ley alignments emanating from Glastonbury.
The name comes from the site of the village being in a level " ley " or forest clearing.
Despite any cavils this is a good popular introduction for newcomers who want to know about the history and current beliefs of ley hunters.
A black ley line will tune into a black spiral and a white ley will tune into a white spiral.
This radial ley gradually fanned out over a distance with the result that several kilometers of Strathardle became affected by unhealthy radiations.
Two months pre-calving the cows are fed on barley straw which has been undersown with the red clover ley straw which has been undersown with the red clover ley.
There was a powerful unhealthy energy ley passing through the building from this modern cemetery.
Many ley hunters probably do not know that Watkins devised his own points system for ley hunters probably do not know that Watkins devised his own points system for ley markers.
This is used to initiate and form the circular cup-mark ley.
AdvertisementLaying land down to a 3 to 4 year grass ley will choke out the weed.
Worse still, a healthy energy ley from the east side of the house passed through a modern cemetery, next to their garden.
Water Markers Watkins considered circular moats to be fairly safe ley points.
The ley will have a thick bottom sward for good hay, silage and grazing.
Very small losses were found under a vigorously growing Italian ryegrass ley.
AdvertisementFounded in 1976 by Margaretha and Wolfgang Ley, Escada has all the makings of a hit movie.
Also, like gravity, time can be influenced by physical concepts like ley lines across the earth, speed of movement (as in Einstein's Theory of Relativity) or other events that take place in the physical world.
Power flows along ley lines and pools into nodes; tapping into this power makes these Heralds very powerful magicians.
The clover-grass ley is then grazed for a year or two with sheep, after which wheat and potatoes are the chief crops grown on the land.
They are less common in England; but St Margaret's, York, and the church of M i ley in Oxfordshire offer good specimens.
AdvertisementThe first attempt to manufacture sal ammoniac in Europe was made, about the beginning of the 18th century, by Mr Goodwin, a chemist of London, who appears to have used the mother ley of common salt and putrid urine as ingredients.
The latter begin to oxidize before the ley has come up to the traditional strength of specific gravity 1.333 when cold, while nickel is not attacked so long as the percentage of real KHO is short of 60.
Glass and (to a less extent) porcelain are attacked by caustic potash ley, slowly in the cold, more readily on boiling.
The decanted ley deposits on standing a 70% potassium chloride, which is purified by washing with cold water.
For this Achior is punished ley being handed over to the Israelites, who lead him to the governor of Bethulia.
AdvertisementA general reconciliation followed, which was assisted ley the betrothal of Otto to Philip's eldest daughter Beatrix, but as she was only ten years old, the marriage was deferred until the 22nd of July 1212.
He has sometimes been confounded with John Ley (1583-1662), and so represented as having sat in the Westminster Assembly.
No 10 is often used as a general purpose long term ley.
Ray, who made a tour along the eastern coast in that year, says, " We observed little or no fallow ground in Scotland; some ley ground we saw, which they manured with sea wreck.