Let out Sentence Examples
He sank into the chair and let out a long breath.
Carmen let out a long sigh.
She let out a long sigh.
What is great about Walt Disney's theme parks is that they let out the child inside.
Alex let out a breath of relief.
With Lisa in front of me, and my camera in my hand, I let out a loud belch.
Close your eyes and let out your breath.
In the second High School Musical movie, school has been let out for the summer and the Wildcats are looking for jobs.
A boy can let out the waistband as he grows.
After a few clicks, the chuzzle will let out a little giggle.
AdvertisementThis popper has vents that are designed to let out moisture which results in crispy popcorn.
Finally, when that last bell rings, let out a big cheer and wish your students a fun summer.
Finally he looked down at his lap and let out a long weary sigh.
Quint slowly let out his breath.
She let out a long agonized sigh.
AdvertisementClaire seemed pleased to be held by anyone, at least most of the time, but on occasion she'd let out a scream, loud enough to shake Howie from the past in spite of his near-soundproof basement room.
She let out a little gasp and clutched her husband's hand.
If the air is just let out of your tires, do you think a bicycle pump might be enough to get you running?
She made no effort to move away from him, but he pushed her slightly forward until she stumbled, and caught a branch as she let out a muffled scream.
Dean let out his breath.
AdvertisementWhat had the two Deidres traded in order to be combined and let out of Hell?
She let out a sigh and summoned a portal.
He shifted the rifle to his other hand and let out a long sigh.
The dying creature let out an otherworldly roar of pain as it burned.
Someone threw her over his shoulder and she let out a shout that earned her a blow to the head.
AdvertisementJake Weller let out a deep sigh.
Dean was close enough that he could smell the musk of her freshly washed body as she took a deep breath and let out a long and resigned sigh.
Fitzgerald started to say something but Corday grimaced, let out a long sigh and nodded for the younger detective to leave.
Edith let out a sound of disgust, loud enough that clearly said she didn't care if Cynthia heard it or not.
Even Sheriff Jake Weller was there, and the city police chief and, in various costumes of night-wear, Fred, the Quincy sisters and Gladys Turnbull who'd let out a banshee scream that woke everyone but poor Edith Shipton, who'd never wake again.
Losing the battle with his lust, he let out an inhuman growl and bit into her neck.
She let out a self-important sigh as she turned; ready to dismiss the pesky newcomer.
Jackson let out an exasperated sigh.
At the end of this piece, she let out a guttural sob.
Sarah let out a groan and started eating.
She let out a throaty laugh.
Halfway through the third bag, the girl let out a soft moan.
Jackson gave him the, 'I'm watching you' hand signal and let out a low chuckle.
As they approached it, Elisabeth let out a whistle.
She let out an exasperated sigh.
He let out a long whistle at the doorway.
She hadn't noticed Jackson yet, so stretched her front paws out and let out a proud howl.
She moved close to the bars and sat, never losing his gaze, then tilted her head and let out a soft whimper.
Elisabeth let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed her forehead.
He rested his head on the back of the chair and let out a long sigh.
Elisabeth let out a fierce growl and morphed into a wolf.
Behind her, she heard Alex let out a long breath.
Carmen let out her breath slowly.
Kris let out a surprised laugh at the image in his mind of Rhyn being sent packing like a misbehaving puppy.
He let out a whoop as he emerged into the underworld.
She let out a sigh of relief when Dean identified himself.
Dean let out a deep sigh.
Dean let out a long sigh.
The bartender let out a yell and one of the painters knocked his beer flying as he turned to the commotion.
Just as they reached the outside and were nearly at the parking lot, Fred let out a yell, startling the dickens out of Dean.
He let out a yell and slapped Dean on the back, nearly knocking over a Gatorade.
She let out a sigh of relief.
Katie let out a long sigh.
She let out a long breath.
Finally she let out a long sigh.
Charles let out a string of curses and dragged one of the guardsmen off the ground.
He let out a long breath and grinned.
Carmen let out a long audible breath.
He let out a long breath of relief.
She let out a long breath and slumped in her chair.
Mrs. O'Hara let out a long sigh.
She let out her breath in a sigh of relief.
She let out a long breath and turned toward the bedroom, pausing in the doorway as a thought occurred to her.
As she turned into the circular drive and shut off the engine, she let out a long sigh.
In July 1905 all the principal lines, which had been constructed by the state, but had been since 1885 let out to three companies (Mediterranean, Adriatic, Sicilian), were taken over by the state; their length amounted in 1901 to 6147 m., and in f 907 to 8422 m.
The temper-screw forms the connecting link between the walking-beam and cable, and it is ' let out ' gradually to regulate the play of the jars as fast as the drill penetrates.
But the Sabbath was a feast on which, after attending to their souls, they indulged their bodies, like yoke animals let out to graze.
The stirrup leathers may be let out or taken up until the tread of the stirrup is on a level with the inner ankle bone.
But, as the tithe was let out to publicani, oppression was easy.
All the accessories for inking are placed at the end of the machine, the ink itself being supplied from a ductor, which can be so regulated by the keys attached to it as to let out the precise amount of pigment required.
The madrassehs or buildings around the mosque, originally intended as lodgings for students and professors, have long been let out to rich pilgrims. The minor places of visitation for pilgrims, such as the birthplaces of the prophet and his chief followers, are not notable.'
He thought that, he had opened China to Europe; instead, he had let out the Chinese.
Odysseus at length succeeded in making the giant drunk, blinded him by plunging a burning stake into his eye while he lay asleep, and with six of his friends (the others having been devoured by Polyphemus) made his escape by clinging to the bellies of the sheep let out to pasture.
He it was who, when Zeus had changed his wife into a fly, and swallowed her, broke open the god's head and let out his daughter Athena.
Lifting her chin, she stared absently at the old house and let out a long sigh.
She let out her breath in a long sigh of relief.
When the driver emerged, he let out a soft whistle.
Jackson barely brushed her neck with his lips, and as she let out a soft contented sigh, he backed off for just a second to find his mark, then sunk his fangs into her.
She let out a screech to wake the dead.
He let out a primordial scream and threw the glass of blood at the painting with so much force, the crystal shattered and blood splattered crimson all over the painting and wall.
She sat, lifted her muzzle to the sky, and let out a mournful, grief stricken howl that stabbed both Sarah and Connor through to their core.
She let out the breath in a gush of air.
Before Katie could respond, one of the nearby trees snatched her and flung her into the air. She soared above the treetops and let out a cry when she started to fall. A branch caught her and flung her back up. She saw Deidre and Toby sailing through the air in a similar fashion. The second branch almost missed her and snatched her around the leg before throwing her back up.
Cynthia let out a gasp and wilted like a flower in a furnace; a dead faint.
The demon within her let out a screech loud enough for the three men to cover their ears while Memon roared again.
When the elephant finally arose & let out a mighty bellow, every single person either cheered or let out an aaah of delight.
If she responds positively to her feeding, she will let out a little burp, yawn and fall asleep.
Gas cooker I let out a property which has a fitted kitchen with a freestanding cooker.
She landed with such a loud thud that I let out an audible gasp.
He was fast asleep by the fire when I let out a huge guffaw!
A hole in the roof at its highest point served to let out the smoke from a central hearth.
Hobson was renowned for the fact he would only let out his horses in strict rotation - there was no choice at all.
Angela Bassett let out a blood-curdling, joyful scream, and former Oscar nominee Pam Grier admitted, " I don't have diamonds.
She let out one shout of protest at the indignity of the cold air on her skin, then snuggled happily into me.
Then suddenly I let out a cry as I found myself gazing at the biggest cane toad ever!
Apparently, the dinosaurs let out a pathetic whimper before they became extinct.
Sitting well in the middle of the saddle, the thighs turned in, and the heels drawn somewhat back, the stirrup leathers may be let out or taken up until the tread of the stirrup is on a level with the inner ankle bone, and at this length, when the rider stands up, his fork will easily clear the pommel of the saddle.
Mr. Balcom, a promising young architect, designs it on the back of his Vitruvius, with hard pencil and ruler, and the job is let out to Dobson & Sons, stonecutters.
Soon after he was let out to work at haying in a neighboring field, whither he went every day, and would not be back till noon; so he bade me good-day, saying that he doubted if he should see me again.
The prisoners had to be counted before being let out.
The cat they had let out into the yard scoots back into the house.
Angela Bassett let out a blood-curdling, joyful scream, and former Oscar nominee Pam Grier admitted, I do n't have diamonds.
Then suddenly I let out a cry as I found myself gazing at the biggest cane toad ever !
The crowd let out a loud cheer when their team scored the game-winning point.
The crowd let out a loud cheer when their teamscored the game-winning point.
After the aide let out a government secret, he was fired from his position.
The puppy let out a plaintive whimper when the girl stepped on its foot.
She let out a short, derisive laugh when she heard the latest news from her gossiping friends.
The surprise tactic failed because one of the party planners let out the secret.
He uses the litter box when I confine him to an area, but as soon as he is let out he is back to the same behaviors.
Or do you need to let out some frustration from your job?
It doesn't matter if you are a guy or girl, computer geek or not, desktop stress reliever games are just another way to spend the time and let out stress.
It just makes you want to take a deep breath and let out a big sigh doesn't it?
You can use your sewing skills to tailor your kids' clothes now, then let out the hem or waistline as your child grows.
Historically, clothes were bought too big and taken in and up, then gradually let out as the child grew, thus keeping costs low.
Look for pajamas with enough room on the hems to let out the legs.
Well, this was too much excitement for him and he let out his stress by barking at everything that moved.
If you hear a dog let out a distinctive cough, do not buy an explanation that "He just does that because he is pulling on the leash".
Then, the air is let out of the cuff while a stethoscope placed over the artery is used to detect the sound of the blood spurting back through the artery.
If the ball doesn't allow your feet to rest on the floor, let out enough air to allow for correct positioning.
The woman let out her breath, as if exhaling a cigarette.
She let out a deep sigh.
The parcel contained a beautiful lavender dress, causing Cynthia to let out a slight gasp.
Dean rolled down his window to let out the smoke.