Lesson Sentence Examples
I've learned my lesson, though.
What was the second lesson you taught Jonny?
The lesson shocked the king, but its effect soon wore off.
I would say it was a rough lesson in history when the kings of my time learned that killing a woman with the intent to bring her back as your servant doesn't really work as they'd planned, he explained.
Learn a lesson from your predecessor.
This was the lesson that Thomas Hood left behind him.
I've found over reaction produces results, a lesson from my tip-line experiences.
This is the last lesson in our touch-typing course.
As for the republication of the cartoons across continental Europe, this was deliberately done to teach Muslims a lesson.
If you taught the lesson prepared how successful was it, did you achieve your objective of raising an equal opportunities issue?
AdvertisementThe main lesson is an uncomfortable one for people of a liberal disposition who instinctively prefer to see offenders rehabilitated rather than incarcerated.
For each of us, the dive was a salutary lesson.
Last week I prepared 4 different kinds of worksheets on comparative and superlative adjectives for a 40-minute lesson.
Customizing the para template (or import precedence lesson) 32.
It may be hard work to tote kids around to do ticket sales but the lesson learned is worth its weight in gold.
AdvertisementThe participant and researcher watched the videotape of the lesson and the stimulated recall interview took place.
There is the option of a 2-hour morning or afternoon windsurfing lesson.
This complex lesson in economics may flummox several of the beginning students.
The combination of support both physically and emotionally will help lesson the trouble and strengthen the fun in bringing home twin infants.
Educational value - Does every gift have to teach a lesson?
AdvertisementIf you're schedule is inconsistent and you can't commit to a weekly or bi-weekly lesson, consider purchasing a tennis instruction DVD, video or book.
Below are sites to check out for sales of instructional tennis lesson DVDs, books and videos.
For instance, if your yoga lesson begins at 8am on a Saturday morning and you're someone who likes to sleep in on the weekends, find a studio that has lessons at a different time.
The lesson here is to really check the label on any cat food your vet recommends.
Get out those inkpads and do an art lesson Ed Emberly style.
AdvertisementFor some college students, this may be their first lesson in personal finance.
You'll receive one lesson each day for three weeks.
This makes finding a book to go along with a specific lesson very easy.
Although the UNL Libraries site appears to be the largest resource for free educational comic books online, there are a number of organizations offering special issues of comic books suitable for use in classroom lesson plans.
The caterpillar book is a great choice because it teaches children about foods and it offers a quick lesson in counting that is seamless.
Hopefully, this will be a lesson to be more careful with your finances in the future.
They will also lose the lesson this card is trying to teach.
With support and guidance, children can overcome the negativity surrounding divorce and turn it into a life lesson they can carry on through adulthood and their relationships.
This reinforces the importance of limitations and teaches children how to live within their means, a lesson that will benefit them the rest of their lives.
If you get your community involved or work with your children and spouse on the project, you are teaching them a valuable lesson about renewable energy and green living.
One lesson that can be learned from the Victorians is that you don't need a great deal of money to have elaborate style in your own home.
By following a few simple steps you can master this lesson yourself.
Each class of students may require new instructional techniques, and the lesson plans you developed in your first years on the job can quickly be deemed useless by new theories and research.
Between lesson plans, grading papers and supervising extracurricular activities, most teachers just don't have the time to fit in a weekly class meeting.
Players can choose to focus on learning where certain keys are by selecting specific ones in the lesson plan.
You will find that most ski areas offer a beginner package that combines a lesson, gear rental and lift ticket.
If possible, try to rent your gear on the day before your ski lesson so you can try on your equipment and get used to the way that it feels, and make any adjustments if necessary.
Be sure to arrive early for your ski lesson and get to know your instructor.
The Harb System also has a series of dryland exercises, which will help you prepare for your ski lesson.
Additionally, you can take a look at some of the progressions by taking a free, online ski lesson.
If you are unsure of what method you want to use to learn to downhill ski, try a lesson from both techniques.
On this day, a beginner's lift, equipment and lesson package is available for a fee and all proceeds go to local charities.
With this exclusive membership, you can access lesson archives, email your instructor and participate in course feedback to let the instructors know how they can improve or change a course.
If you are interested, the website allows free access to ski lesson videos, downhill ski videos and more.
It's best to take a lesson and have your skills evaluated by a certified instructor who might be able to make some ski length suggestions depending on your proficiency.
It offers ski and snowboard lift and lesson packages for beginner through advanced skiers and snowboarders.
Other types of packages, depending on the resort, may include lift tickets and equipment rental, or lift, lesson and equipment rental.
They have a variety of ski and snowboard packages, but they seem to specialize in ski and snowboard lesson deals.
For example, in winter of 2009, the resort offered three-day Christmas lesson packages for $89.
That's less than what most resorts charge for a one-day lesson.
Novice skiers, for example, can purchase a lift, lesson and equipment package at a discount rate.
Special pricing is available if you purchase the lesson, lift ticket and Telemark equipment.
This program combines parents and children in the lesson and gives parents a lesson on how to teach their child ski techniques, mountain safety and etiquette.
Either go with a friend who has been skiing before or sign up for a lesson.
Control Your Stress - Download a free meditation lesson.
Some people learn better by reading and many workbooks include a lesson.
It's best to start a group with a lesson when members are most attentive, and then when their attention begins to drift, you can bring them back to the group with an activity.
Although your parents, teachers and friends might be upset with you, know that this moment shall pass and you will one day look back on this moment and realize that it helped you learn a valuable lesson.
The handbook also features additional training lessons that teens can go through to learn even more about babysitting, such as a lesson on keeping track of time while babysitting.
Teens begin to grow restless if too much time is given to a short lesson, especially if they know snacks or game time is coming.
Another option instead of an illustration is to ask someone in advance if he or she will share a powerful personal story that goes with the lesson.
Video clips can be a fun way to start a short lesson.
For a lesson, even a short one, you want to tackle a topic that is going to change them.
That will be your lesson to only buy things that you know you can pay for in the next month.
What follows is a short lesson in wedding registry etiquette.
Let this be a lesson to others - wheelchairs are not supposed to be fun.
To help readers implement their advice, Judith and Ellen have prepared activities and discussion questions to accompany each lesson.
Sadly, all of that didn't teach Hilton her lesson, as after her release she was accused of smoking marijuana at a FIFA World Cup game in July of 2010.
This little history lesson will give you the scoop on how it came to be, and what it has become.
The dolls are collectibles, and each comes with a back story and period-based clothing, giving young girls a brief lesson in history along with the toy.
This little truism is often upsetting to parents who wish for their child to remain an individual and for her to learn the invaluable lesson of, "it's what's on the inside that counts!"
Each lesson includes vocabulary notes, a reading exercise, practice questions, and an exam that is available online.
Finally, there are a number of free resources and lesson plans online that are designed to help potential and active educators reach their goals.
Whether it's a dance lesson, snorkeling excursion, or indulging in an exotic treat from the evening's menu, a cruise is a great opportunity to experience new things with minimal risk.
Some dog schools actually operate over the Internet, and for a fee, owners receive lesson instructions and sometimes demonstration images, so they can teach their pets at home.
Dog lovers learned a hard lesson from the 2007 Menu Foods dog food recall.
The most important lesson I learned here is to know what to do in an emergency.
The first lesson you should teach is the one everyone learns in basic training school.
I have learned this lesson the hard way.
If you find trimming your dog's nails to be a lesson in frustration for both you and your dog, using the dog nail grinder as seen on TV may be the solution for which you've been looking.
If you've always wanted to learn to play the guitar, but don't have the time to go to a music lesson once or twice a week, taking guitar lessons online can be a great solution.
If you have to drive any distance to go to the lesson, you will likely spend at least $3.00 to $6.00 in fuel.
By taking the lesson at home, you'll not only save time and gas money, but you'll also save wear and tear on your car.
Most instructors want students to make a commitment to take at least one lesson per week.
Also, if the student forgets an important element or has not yet mastered that element, the student can easily slow the lessons down or go back and review an earlier lesson and practice until that skill is mastered.
When taking lessons from a live tutor, you always have the opportunity to ask specific questions at the next lesson.
Although taking these lessons online offers many benefits, it might still be a good idea to take a lesson or two in person to learn the basics of how to hold a guitar and how to strum.
The number of these programs has exploded in recent years, so finding a lesson plan that suits you should be a snap.
If you have a scheduled lesson every week, you can be "guilted" into practicing.
Acoustic beginner online guitar lessons afford you the opportunity to learn acoustic guitar at your own pace without having to face the potential stress of a group lesson or even a one on one lesson with an instructor.
If you have to stay late at work one day, you don't have to sweat cancelling your lesson.
For this reason alone, it may be a better idea to purchase the lesson DVDs separately and select your guitar in person.
If you have a phobia about playing in front of people in a guitar lesson, be it one-on-one or a group class, online lessons remove this prospect from the equation.
These pieces are normally short training pieces rather than full scores and are often available on guitar lesson websites.
This lets any aspiring Allman Brothers fan carry his or her favorite songs to any gig or guitar lesson.
So let that be a lesson to to all the young guitar players in the LoveToKnow audience as you explore the Guns N Roses tabs below.
FretPlay also includes a video bass lesson with every bass transcription they have, so not only will you learn a Credence song, you'll also learn some other great bass tips.
This site also features a video of a guitar lesson, so you can pick up a few new tricks while you learn how to play your favorite Skynyrd song.
I try to make a lesson out of whatever the song is and try to highlight whatever is happening in that particular song.
When videos aren't quite enough, detailed textual instruction along with handy fingering charts usually help get the subject of the lesson across.
Be sure to check out their lesson on how to arrange guitar parts in a performance setting!
Check out their lesson on learning Bon Jovi's Dead or Alive.
However, in a single lesson you should be able to master the skill of reading this method of musical transcription designed for its ease of use.
Whether you are just starting out or are an old dog trying to learn new tricks, there is a lesson for just about anything you would want to know about guitar on the Internet.
The basic knots are not hard to master, but if you really want to learn to wear a tie well, you should go to a good men's clothing store and ask one of the salespeople to give you a hands-on lesson.
After all, it's not a lesson taught in school!
Sales assistants in the better shops are always more than happy to give you a hands-on lesson in tying a necktie.
If, after you've gone home and tried the knot several times and are not quite managing it, don't feel awkward about returning to the shop and asking for another lesson.
Do you need a lesson plan on shopping for organic food?
Follow suggestions from this lesson plan on shopping for organic food to save money and streamline your future grocery trips.
There are many steps that can be taken that may lesson or stop the impact of cyber bullying on a teen victim.
The spinach e coli scare should have taught us all a lesson in that regard.
These safety sayings all have a lesson contained in them.
At this level, you want to keep the lesson simple.
To complete the lesson, include coloring sheets or have the children make a puppet or craft with one of the characters in the story.
The lesson should also explain who they can approach for help if they need it.
For tweens and teens, any lesson on stranger safety should include some instruction about Internet safety.
Along with using lesson plans for this purpose, teachers can initiate classroom discussions on this important issue.
You may need to go back to your stylist for an adjustment in the cut or for a refresher lesson on styling products or hair drying.
Take the experience as a life lesson, and learn all that you can about it.
Those recurring or common dreams are especially ones to notice as they might indicate a lesson or problem in your life that needs to be addressed.
Many teachers use the Funderstanding coaster as a practical lesson in physics or engineering, and students can use the resulting measurements for mathematical analysis.
Lesson Mode gets you started on the basics of Dance Dance Revolution with arrow basics and advanced dancing to improve your skills.
The site also has a more challenging lesson, which is more reading material than a game (it has a few games in it), but it is a fun diversion from the easy point-and-click phonics games.
Below is a history lesson for game systems.
The lesson with all of this is to just experiment with everything and look in all directions since you never know what to expect.
To understand the origins of the Nintendo Wii and to understand what does Wii stand for, it is perhaps appropriate that we engage in a brief history lesson.
Now that the nutrition lesson is over for the day, on to wine carbohydrates.
To effectively answer the what type of wine is Pinot Noir question, you must first begin with a brief history lesson.
At the end of the lesson, the teacher will usually have the student attempt the entire dance by themselves.
Providing a one-hour dance lesson in her house, which ended up selling for a whopping $31,000.
One exception is WikiHow, which has a very thorough if academic lesson in slow dancing.
Many clubs and bars have special nights where they specialize in line dancing, and many of these have some sort of dance lesson before the night gets lively.
To get into character for your Thriller lesson, try to find some zombie-like gear.
However, most of the professional YouTube videos are only segments and you have to buy the DVD to get the complete lesson.
In fact, you can get an entire basic lesson for free from Dancin' Time, a resource for many kinds of social dancing.
Many studios offer a free lesson so that beginners can get a feel for what dance is like.
Seasoned dancers can take advantage of a group offering a free dance lesson if they would like to try a new style.
Many businesses will offer a free public or private lesson to new clients.
Each student receives a complimentary lesson in social dance when they register.
In addition, call local country dance clubs to see if there are evenings when an instructor offers a lesson before the evening's dancing really gets up and running.
Many other forms of basic country dance steps are available to learn online, via DVD, or through a free lesson.
If you are having trouble selecting a studio to attend, either for yourself or your child, try to find those who offer a free introductory lesson.
One example of this is iDance.net, which features a free weekly lesson and over 100 lessons that can be watched if you pay a fee to join the site.
Group classes are offered at very affordable rates ($10 per lesson for a month-long series of one lesson per week), and private lessons are also available for those needing or wanting additional instruction.
For those who do not have local swing dance lessons in their region, a learn to swing dance video lesson can be a great way to learn this fun style of dance.
The simplicity of the steps makes them easier to learn, which provides instant satisfaction after each and every lesson.
The cheapest way to learn swing dance moves is to learn through short video lesson clips on YouTube.
Whichever format of lesson you choose, swing dancing can be learned quickly because the steps are straightforward and the timing and placement are not as crucial as in some other types of partner dancing.
They also offer an Internet special that provides you with a private lesson discount.
However, for adults who have spent years doing some other type of dance, tap is a new dance form that can be picked up quickly and enjoyed from the first lesson onwards.
If you're about to take your first ballroom dancing lesson, there are a few things to keep in mind before you go, while you're there, and afterwards.
If you're just trying out ballroom dance, you may not want to invest in special shoes right away, but do bring a pair of shoes to change into when you arrive at the lesson.
Keep in mind that there is a lot to learn in ballroom dancing, and with limited time available it's a good idea to stay focused on the lesson.
When you're not taking the lesson, you can still be improving your dancing.
Movies can be inspiring and give you ideas to bring back to your instructor for the next lesson.
Ballroom is a rich pastime with benefits that extend far beyond the studio dance floor on the day of your first lesson.
A little lesson in the finer principles of this helpful approach to interior design can go a long way in infusing your room with positivity.
There is no reason to ever fail a lesson.
If a student does not get a minimum score, the system will request that he or she take that quiz or lesson over again.
Simply go into the parental controls and reset the lesson to be repeated.
As the student begins a unit, there is a nice large arrow that points the way to the next lesson and eventually the next unit.
The student will click on the chosen subject and the large arrow will appear showing which lesson the student is working on at any given time.
Although very young children may need some help getting the lesson started, most children can easily navigate the lessons alone.
Online schools provide lesson plans, daily assignments and teacher support.
With a planned curriculum, syllabus and lesson plans provided, parents do not have to think about preparing the daily course work.
Providing 180 daily lesson plans, students have online teacher access anytime during school hours on weekdays.
Teachers can download resources, such as web quests, lesson plans and gain access to online interactive websites.
Focus on small details of each subject, keeping them cohesive by using your lesson plan.
By doing a simple search, you can find free worksheets, lesson plans and unit studies.
For homeschoolers, socialization is a reality-based "lesson".
A slower child doesn't have to fear holding up a whole class, and a child who understands the lesson can work ahead.
Homeschoolers can take advantage of things like a museum tour as part of their history lesson.
Many parents who follow an unschooling approach don't use textbooks or even a lesson plan because they believe the child's desire to know will initiate learning.
For example, for a lesson on counting money, open a store and allow the child to buy treats.
The point of the lesson is to teach the child how to count money and to subtract from larger amounts to make change.
Take the child to an airport for a lesson on distance and time or on chart reading.
Each lesson encourages interaction between parent and child and lasts about thirty to forty minutes total, including the project.
There are hundreds of websites and forums with tips and lesson plans you can incorporate in your daily teaching.
A parent with the necessary background might hold a weekly lesson in art, Spanish or dance, or parents might pool their money to hire an outside teacher for special classes.
You can incorporate these experiences into lesson plans, or simply spend time away from home on a relaxing vacation.
Check with the local Sunday school teachers to find out what is available; they often have lists of where free lesson plans and unit studies can be found on the Internet.
The following websites have lots of freebies available to homeschooling teachers, including lesson plans, unit ideas and curriculums.
The Abeka curriculum includes detailed lesson plans and schedules.
Homeschooling parents can incorporate hobbies and other interests into their child's lesson plan to increase interest in academics.
A $20 lesson, when split with just one other family becomes a more affordable $10 lesson.
A collection of wildflowers transplanted to a home garden becomes a completely free botany lesson.
You will also find free lesson plans with a simple Google search.
Also, check out sites that match up with educational television shows like the History Channel and Discovery Channel, for free printable lesson plans.
Read the instructions and lesson plans and think about whether or not it makes sense to you.
Daily lesson plans keep students on track.
You don't need to be an artist to enjoy art curriculum and lesson plans with your child.
If you are simply looking for a casual supplement to your regular routine, there are a number of great online sources offering free art curriculum and lesson plans.
Alternatively, you can create your own curriculum and tailor your lesson plans accordingly.
Studying the lives of the great masters is a lesson in history, psychology and sociology.
Each guide includes a number of weekly lesson plans, each based on a particular piece of children's literature.
For each day, there is an accompanying lesson plan intended to cover a particular academic subject.
Language lessons include a review of poetry and the use of repetition, as well as a vocabulary lesson that includes words such as appendix and solemn.
Lesson plans are easily tailored to varying levels of ability, making it a practical option for teaching two or more children of differing age.
The guides themselves can be used as purely secular guides, or you can opt to purchase a Bible supplement that ties in with the lesson plans to focus on Christian values and selected Bible verses to accompany the regular lessons.
Be prepared to tweak the lesson plans a bit to fit with your learning style, interest or budget, and don't be afraid to skip over a lesson that simply doesn't appeal to your child.
The best early childhood lesson plans contain activities that exercise and develop children's skills in social, physical, intellectual, creative, and emotional areas.
You can choose from ready-made lesson plans, or create your own to suit your child's personality and unique learning style.
If you plan to design your own early childhood lesson plans, remember, the best learning activities for this age group are tactile ones.
Include all these subjects in your lesson plans to provide your children with optimal learning experiences.
Stand up between lesson segments, and invite your children to bend, stretch, or march in place.
Working one-on-one with a qualified instructor can have a student mastering basic techniques in as little as one lesson.
While men tend not to float as well as women, everyone can master these basic exercises in an initial lesson, creating a lot of confidence.
All these suits are a useful lesson to women everywhere - sexy is as much about your attitude as your attire.
Those who adopt these have a deeper understanding of the true nature of beauty, a valuable lesson presented by toys designed and created with great care.
The story offers a valuable lesson about pride and the importance of friendship.
It's never too early to teach kids to clean up after themselves and giving them a Little Tikes Toy Box makes the lesson fun and easy.
The lesson here is that the body requires a well-rounded diet, one that provides it with the necessary vitamins, nutrients, proteins, and enzymes to properly function.
From casual Fridays at the office to an elegant evening out with friends or a special someone, mastering the art of flattering any female form with fashion is a valuable lesson.
From college credits to online intensives, there is a grant writing lesson appropriate for you.
Someone who enjoys cooking or baking would no doubt love a cooking lesson at a local culinary school.
Coloring pages are also sometimes included in activity books and lesson workbooks with a holiday theme.
These instructions for a half mask are presented as a four-week lesson plan for young students, but the techniques hold true for any crafter.
Use this experience as a lesson in how to attract friends or future dating relationships.
Treat her to a lesson, or a series of lessons, in something she's always wanted to do.
Use this dating experience as a lesson not to be repeated.
Unfortunately, your father died before learning this difficult lesson.
I don't remember the training but I won't forget the lesson.
Some have free open dancing if you take a lesson first.
If your date doesn't go as well as you expected, just take what happened as a lesson so it doesn't happen again in future ones with other people.
In spite of this supposedly moral lesson, the book was banned in the UK until 1949.
The problem with the first is that it changes it from a gift to an object lesson or a reminder - neither of which is very romantic.
It's no one's fault; it's simply a lesson to learn that will make you stronger in future love relationships.
If you're not enjoying yourself, then you've missed the most important lesson on how to write a joke book for kids.
Anything with a child's name embroidered on it will help to guarantee a lesson of responsibility and ownership that will be cherished.
For most teachers, a planner, notebook with lesson plans, folder for storing student papers, extra folders as needed and a case for pens, pencils and other small pieces of equipment will be a good start.
This is a specially made deck, one that's seemingly full of inscrutable esoteric symbols, and even though it's currently out of mass publication, that fact has done nothing to lesson the interest many have for these particular tarot cards.
You'll receive one lesson per week via e-mail for a period of 12 weeks.
There is an optional online test that accompanies each lesson.
Alison Day offers a free 12-week online tarot card reading course. 'll receive one lesson per week via e-mail for a period of 12 weeks.
The real lesson from the astrology Linda Goodman taught is that all of us have the ability to be "special".
In short, the lesson is it's not what you are born with that determines one's life; it's what you do with it.
Often your life lesson number is written as two sets of number such as 28/1.
It will give insight to your life lesson and how you go about achieving it.
He may modify his behavior in an attempt to get his beloved to resurface, and Pisces may just decide he's learned his lesson and give him a second chance.
Learn a lesson from each one; mistakes are a wonderful teaching opportunity as a parent.
Completing each picture is a lesson in balance.
Farm to Market gives a nutrition lesson from start to finish-- starting with milking a cow at the farm and ending with paying at the cash register.
For more information about pool and water safety, including lesson plans and fun activities, visit the U.S. Army's Water Safety Program.
The school district may offer online and textbook resources, including lesson plans, to homeschoolers at reasonable or reduced fees.
Teachers can project a lesson from a computer onto a large screen so that the entire class can participate, or they can run a specific program simultaneously on numerous computers within the classroom.
The movies and television show incorporate a lesson for the characters, including friendship and kindness.
Afterwards, provide a short ballet lesson or allow the girls to dance free-form.
Preschool lesson plans are designed to teach your child through interactive activities that stimulate all of his or her senses.
Preschool lesson plans involve teaching basic concepts to prepare him for school.
Next, identify which style best describes your child, and use this information to design your preschool lesson plans.
Create your weekly lesson plans around themes such as animals, space, or jobs to add excitement and predictability to his preschool day.
Your child's preschool lesson plans should involve social skills.
Include a variety of art medium in your preschool lesson plans such as paints, collages, Popsicle sticks and clay.
The Internet is a great resource for finding preschool lesson plans.
Learning to volunteer is a life lesson that should be taught young.
Besides a lesson in character education, the kids will also develop a sense of community service.
As he grows older, you can use his investments as a lesson in money management and savings.
Starting your child young and involving him in the process is a great life-long lesson.
Parents love games that kids think are just good fun but Mom and Dad know is teaching a valuable lesson at the same time.
Print these out for your child to color, and have him add his own captions and bind together into a mock comic book for a creative writing lesson as well.
This lesson teaches them to have a good work ethic, which can only benefit them through their school years and when they enter the work force.
Ministry to Children offers a great selection of lesson plans suitable for Sunday school and even some preschool curriculums.
Featured Lesson Plans-This is where many of the newest plans are listed, such as Phillip and the Ethiopian Acts 8 lesson.
Another great Sunday school lesson resource is E-Bible Teacher.
Danielle's Place offers thousands of craft ideas and lesson plans that are perfect for Sunday school.
Preparing kids' Sunday school lessons is similar to lesson planning and preparation for teachers who are working in a secular environment.
Developing a lesson plan that can be used in Sunday school includes some basic components.
The objective is the first thing that a teacher needs to think about when preparing a lesson.
All the steps in the lesson are part of the process to help the students reach the goal set out in the objective statement.The lesson plan doesn't have to be complicated.
The lesson can start with all participants singing or saying a prayer together.
The children should also have a chance to do something creative as part of the lesson.
Coloring sheets on a Bible theme can be used to add something more to the lesson.
The teacher can color one before the lesson to give the children an example to refer to before they start.
Older children may enjoy using craft materials to make an item that reflects the theme of the lesson.
Wrapping up the lesson can include the teacher summarizing what the Sunday school class has learned that day.
The lesson plans and ideas are presented by theme.
Some lesson plans are accompanied by worksheets or coloring pages to reinforce what is being taught.
However, the lesson should be more than a story; it must be personal for each child.
Use resources from the church library for examples of lesson plans to support and complement the lesson theme on baptism.
Getting a kid's attention for the lesson, and keeping him interested in trying to figure it out, is half the battle.
These activities can help teach this important lesson to kids in a fun and exciting way.
While there is usually a lesson to be learned from the classic Disney movies, Walt Disney's goal was not to teach.
Her governess is reading to her from a book without pictures; it's her history lesson.
Look at the lesson learned by Roy Horn a couple of years ago in my hometown of Las Vegas.
The literal, dictionary definition of the noun "myth" is a story, sometimes based on true events, that serves as a lesson about people, customs, ideals and even the overall psychology of a particular society.
This is followed by a short psychological profile of your past persona, and a lesson that your past life may have carried into your present one.
The soul is faced with an opportunity to learn a significant life lesson and elevate that soul's position on the astral plane as well as improve the quality of its next life.
When a person contemplates ending his or her life in an unnatural way, it is the result of the soul struggling to learn a lesson that's critical to its evolution to a higher state of being.
This means that unless the lesson is learned, the soul won't progress.
The lesson learned from this incredible episode is that even members of the U.S. military are psychologically vulnerable to the terrible magic of the Ouija board.
Money Instructor offers a free lesson plan for teaching the basics of personal finance that includes printable budget worksheets.
If you have children, don't forget that this is a very valuable lesson for them to learn as well.
If you are unable to attend a class due to illness or other commitments, you can listen to one of the audio CDs you'll receive as part of your FPU membership or borrow the DVD lesson from your instructor.
There is also an option for home schooling parents to purchase a lesson plan for their children.
Today's children are often involved in multiple after-school activities that carry hefty fees in terms of lesson costs, equipment, and travel time.
The point of this lesson is for consumers to understand that, in most cases, profits balance out across the board and you are getting what you pay for.
Every episode contained some moral that would be detailed by the characters as they learned their lesson too.
Like Our House before it, each episode of the show delivers a moral lesson.
Unlike Our House and 7th Heaven, the show does not deliver a moral lesson in every episode.
The main storyline and characters are introduced in the first episode and through trials and tribulations, viewers root for their hero or heroine to triumph, find love or learn their lesson.
Almost all of the episodes involved a lesson of some sort, but the program did focus on continuing stories, too.
If you're interested in the pink petals and cluttered nature of the cherry blossom, a lesson in their meaning might help you in your decision to get a cherry tattoo.
As a symbol of liberty and freedom, children will benefit greatly from the history lesson provided by this attraction.
Popular for the compilation of music history and memorabilia of many generations it has on display, the Café's Museum provides a definite lesson in pop culture.
They make it more difficult for children to go the more difficult route of learning to tell conventional time when that inevitable school lesson arises.
Some include books, DVDs, and lesson plans.
Yoga Ed focuses on preparing instructors to teach yoga within a school-based program, and provides teachers in training with lesson plans, curriculum and other resources.
A private lesson can be a one-time event or ongoing at an hourly rate.
Taking a private yoga lesson can give you the hands-on direction you need to accomplish your yoga goals or help manage your stress.
Until then, the small private yoga lesson was the norm.
If you have been taking yoga for a while, a private yoga lesson can help you get past plateaus in your practice or help you explore and deepen your practice.
Injuries, fears, stress, and disabilities can all be addressed on an individual basis in a private lesson.
Relaxing and letting go when there is a famous yoga participant in the room may be difficult for the teachers and students alike, so having a private lesson is important for them.
Give a personalized lesson to a bride or groom on the morning of their wedding to calm nerves or just start the day in a joyous mood.
Any time you need a little relaxation and exercise, a home yoga lesson can meet your needs without having to cost a fortune or involve travel time.
As you design your own ideal home yoga lesson plans, be sure to tailor them to your own individual goals.
Depending on why you want to practice privately, you might gravitate towards different home yoga lesson options.
Class costs are identical at the two schools, ranging from $20 for a single lesson to as low as $10 per lesson if you buy a 30-lesson card.
As you progress through the lesson materials, use a few of the following techniques to get the most out of your study time.
Lesson plans that consider the personal needs and interests of each child are bound to bring more motivation and focus to learning, increasing the odds of success and reducing frustration.
While mildly autistic children can do well in regular classroom settings, most autistic children benefit from specially designed classrooms and lesson plans.
Creating a flexible lesson plan will allow for these days without disrupting future activities by allowing extra time for the students to cope with issues that may arise.
Others still may be kinesthetic learners, which means they learn from actively participating in the lesson.
One example of tailoring the lesson to the child's style could be teaching math using manipulatives that the autistic student can touch and feel, allowing him or her to "feel" the math.
For example, if the child has an interest in trains, it's a good idea to bring in pictures of trains or even actual toy trains to use as part of the lesson.
When setting up the classroom and designing the lesson plan, remember to try to minimize these stimuli, such as bright lights, loud noises, and certain textures.
The videos are organized by age and topic and the company offers curriculum, worksheets and lesson plans in addition to the social skills DVDs.
The activities can be a part of a home lesson plan or provide a nice break from the normal therapy exercises.
The school's programs and lesson plans focus on cognitive, motivational and affective instructional approaches to insure academic success for all students.
Federated learned the lesson the hard way last year.
If anyone has ever suggested you sell something you have made or given a lesson related to an interest you have, that may be something to consider getting paid for.
What's the most important lesson you learned from making a mistake at work?
That should be a lesson to everyone to take the chance, even if it means risking failure.
The November 16, 1996 episode features Robert Downey Jr. Craig and Ariana are giving a lesson to Dawson (Downey Jr.'s character) about appreciating women for their minds and not their bodies.
The whole movie is a lesson in the way that cheerleading should be more than just the traditional stunts, routines, and safe moves that have come from years and years of cheerleading.
Gathering together to make your own laundry detergent is a good rainy day project for children, as it teaches them a valuable lesson on competency and frugality, while providing them with a positive sense of independence.
To enhance the Bible lesson, it's a good idea to tell kids the story either before or while they make the craft.
The On-Line Calligraphy Lesson includes examples of several different calligraphy alphabets.
This is one Sunday School Easter craft that will serve as a valuable life lesson for your students.
Preschoolers are just learning about the importance of being nice to others, so creating a Mother's Day coupon book can be a good way to reinforce this lesson.
One lesson the patient learns in therapy is to accept that binges will happen.
The diary is brief, covering two days of food intake and it is designed as a lesson plan for students.
Learn numbers one to ten is a language lesson video with the English written before the viewer along with the French, while the speaker who is off screen pronounces the words.
A French counting audio file, like the Slow Travel France audio counting lesson can be downloaded so you can listen to the basic numbers while doing other tasks and help ingrain them for easier learning.
If you're teaching middle school French, lesson plans and activities that encourage kids to talk in a way that doesn't embarrass them are hard to come by.
LoveToKnow's French Lesson Plans is a great place to start to begin to put together a solid class template on which you can build the rest of your lesson plans.
If you need ideas on how to infuse life and energy into your lesson plans--keep reading!
One effective way to incorporate projects into your middle school French lesson plans, is to assign groups of students (or individual students) to certain things that you'd like to cover throughout the year.
When creating themes in French for preschoolers, build the lesson around activities you know the children already enjoy.
If your class loves to sing and dance, focus on music to introduce the lesson.
Aside from your beginning French lesson book, you can also check out some of these resources to help you on your quest to learn those French numbers.
The first lesson starts with learning to pronounce all of the letters of the alphabet.
In order to perfect your pronunciation of 'merci' in French, you can listen to this pronunciation lesson on YouTube.
What distinguishes this site from others is the extensive use of actual newscasts and other audio materials that are used as lesson resources, but were originally created for native speakers.
First, a little underwear history lesson, after all, you can't find what you are looking for if you don't know exactly what it is you are looking for.
The band's first album - Interventions and Lullabies - came out on major label Elektra in 2003 - a process that taught the band a hard lesson in the way major labels run their business.
Even the silly songs of childhood are melodies to learn from, with the lesson to take a break and have a little fun.
Yankovic was hooked on the instrument from his first lesson.
Treat your teen to a snazzy new swimsuit, pack a cooler with snacks and drinks, pay for admission, have a lesson about safety, and arrange to pick everyone up later.
Lessons usually start at least a year in advance of the event, and most lesson providers book up early, so some parents arrange for lessons a few years in advance.
Rabbinical Service Centers of America - Another online lesson site, your child will be guided through her training by a rabbi who will then travel to your synagogue to take part in the service.
We would have a lesson with Mystery and then be expected to use what we had just learned mere hours later.
A Lesson in Terror - The group is taken to an abandoned school where they must search for class rings left behind by the presumably dead students.
Boxing--With the help from a famous boxing trainer, Ray J gives the girls a lesson in boxing basics and then has them duke it out in the ring with each other.
After a lesson in proper diction, the men have to create original rap songs with proper grammar and no curse words.
Although some found the show to be entertaining, many critics charged that Simpson seemed to be missing the ultimate lesson.
The main point of the show, according to Theut and Zorich, is to highlight how ex-convicts are employable and have learned their lesson from their time served.
The sad travesty of the partial third season should be a lesson to television producers everywhere - if your show is a romance, and one of your two leads decides to leave, cancel the show.
The movie begins with a little history lesson, not only to enlighten the unaware, but to give the fans more insight into Whedon's vision of the future and the adventures of his characters.
Fairy tales are short, creative stories that often have a distinct moral or lesson for the reader to learn.
The ones I created My lesson from that experience is that as much as I loved the series, I could never know enough to do a spot-on job of all the characters, which was hard for me.
The main lesson I learned is to keep blogging.
The lesson to take away from this is that the key to building free websites that make money is the same as any other quality website - good content that is useful to the people that use it.
Some schools use Twitter, for example, to send parents school announcements, and many teachers have their own part of elementary school websites where they share their lesson plans with parents and each other.
Of the two teachers, one links to a "404-Not Found" page, which is unfortunate but also a valuable lesson in how the web works.
All eager culinary students have to do is select an evening for their lesson and a menu to start cooking.
Maybe he figured she had learned her lesson.
Everything turned out fine and you learned a lesson.
That was his way—his responsibility— teaching me a very important lesson.
She had learned her lesson.
I learned that lesson when Sasha tossed me in a pit with full-blooded demons and were-things.
Completely forgetting about the past is tossing away a valuable lesson.
It was a reminder of what they once shared and lost — a lesson that for some things, there is only one chance.
That was probably the worst lesson for someone who was a White God.
The first lesson I taught Jonny was that those people closest to his target were vulnerabilities.
At the moment his French lesson was unwelcome.
You left me and our children in order to teach ME a lesson?
I've learned my lesson.
Their relationship had been a bitter lesson.
Putting him through years of hellish pain to teach him a lesson about something she knew nothing about.
He learned his lesson about sharing information with Sofi.
The poem is dedicated to James IV., not without some lesson in commendation of virtue and honour.
The mountain tribes on the road (the Oxii, Pers, Huzha), accustomed to exact blackmail even from the king's train, learnt by a bitter lesson that a stronger hand had come to wield the empire.
Every evening extracts from his great works, the Canon and the Sanatio, were dictated and explained to his pupils; among whom, when the lesson was over, he spent the rest of the night in festive enjoyment with a band of singers and players.
But beyond this the pastoralist learnt most effectually the lesson that, in a country like Australia, provision must be made for the occasional season when the rainfall is entirely inadequate to the wants of the farmer and the pastoralist.
It was a lesson intended to teach the Netherlanders the utter futility of opposition to the will of their lord.
It was in Italy that the military value of a network of roads was first appreciated by the Romans, and the lesson stood them in good stead in the provinces.
The growth of Clerical influence in France engendered a belief that Italy would soon have to defend with the sword her newly-won unity, while the tremendous lesson of the Franco-Prussian War convinced the military authorities of the need for thorough military reform.
It may be that in particular cases particular modes of cultivation disfavour the host; or that the soil, climate or seasons do so; but overwhelming evidence exists to show that the principal causes of epidemics reside in circumstances which favor the spread, nutrition and reproduction of the pest, and the lesson to be learnt is, that precautions against the establishment of such favoring conditions must be sought.
The whole lesson is lost if the words "patrician" and "plebeian" are used in any but their strict sense.
It may suffice to repeat that no domestic tragedy has ever taught with more effective simplicity and thrilling truthfulness the homely double lesson of the folly of selfishness and the mad rashness of crime.
That lesson was laid to heart, and he subsequently maintained a purely defensive attitude.
To this is united the noble ideal of the suffering servant, which serves both as a contribution to the great problem of suffering as purifying and vicarious and as the interpretation to the mind of the nation itself of that nation's true function in the future, a lesson which the actual future showed that Israel was slow to receive.
The merit of Bruce is that he did not despise the lesson.
A work of somewhat similar character, but one in which the letterpress is of greater value, is the Centurie zoologique of Lesson, a single volume that, though bearing the date 1830 on its title-page, is believed to have been begun in 1829, 1 and was certainly not finished until 1831.
Concurrently with this volume appeared Lesson's Traite d'ornithologie, which is dated 1831, and may perhaps be here most conveniently mentioned.
They became regents to their young children; and the experience of all medieval minorities reiterates the lesson - woe to the land where the king is a child and the regent a woman.
The panics of Wagram had taught men and officers alike a salutary lesson.
Organization and healing have been keenly inquired into, with results which seem to point the lesson that all methods of healing are to be regarded as extensions of the natural phenomena of growth.
The chivalry of France, undisciplined and careless of the lesson of Crecy and Poitiers, was quickly stung into action, and the French mounted men charged, only to be driven back in confusion.
The same law prevailing in all natures creation, in the plumage of birds, the painting of butterifies wings, the marking of shells, and in all the infinite variety and beauty of the floral kingdom, the lesson is constantly renewed to the observant eye.
This story is much amplified in the account given by St John of Damascus in the homilies In dormitionem Mariae, which are still read in the Roman Church as the lesson during the octave of the feast.
Zasulich's medieval generalship had been modified so far that he intended to retreat when he had taught the Japanese a lesson, and therefore Kuropatkin's original arrangements were not sensibly modified.
That was my first lesson in real politics.
That the compiler is always unwilling to speak of the misfortunes of good rulers is not necessarily to be ascribed to a deliberate suppression of truth, but shows that the book was throughout composed not in purely historical interests, but with a view to inculcating a single practical lesson.
Her whole life, public and private, was an abiding lesson in the paramount importance of character.
Sherman acted thus in order to teach his own men and the enemy that he was not "afraid," and the lesson was not valueless.
The homiletic Midrashim are characterized by (a) a proem, an introduction based upon some biblical text (not from the lesson itself), which led up to (b) the exposition of the lesson, the first verse of which is more fully discussed than the rest.
By the rubric of the Prayer Book and by the 59th canon of 2603 the clergy are enjoined to teach the catechism in church on Sundays and holidays after the second lesson at Evening Prayer.
In England the political schemings of Parsons were no small factors in the odium which fell on the Society at large; and his determination to capture the English Catholics as an apanage of the Society, to the exclusion of all else, was an object lesson to the rest of Europe of a restless ambition and lust of domination which were to find many imitators.
For the great festival of Tezcatlipoca, the handsomest and noblest of the captives of the year had been chosen as the incarnate representative of the god, and paraded the streets for public adoration dressed in an embroidered mantle with feathers and garlands on his head and a retinue like a king; for the last month they married him to four girls representing four goddesses; on the last day wives and pages escorted him to the little temple of Tlacochcalco, where he mounted the stairs, breaking an earthenware flute against each step; this was a symbolic farewell to the joys of the world, for as he reached the top he was seized by the priests, his heart torn out and held up to the sun, his head spitted on the tzompantli, and his body eaten as sacred food, the people drawing from his fate the moral lesson that riches and pleasure may turn into poverty and sorrow.
Seeley's Expansion of England, and in the preface he laid great emphasis on the enormous increase of power brought to England by the possession of her colonies, seeing in this a lesson for France.
Manlius Vulso, who taught them a severe lesson.
Australia has not learnt the lesson of Canada in vain.
P. Lesson, who had previously (loc. cit.) made some blunders about it, placed it (Traite d'Ornithologie, p. 12), though only, as he says, "par analogie et a priori," in his first division of birds, "Oiseaux Anomaux," which is equivalent to what we now call Ratitae, making of it a separate family "Nullipennes."
A lesson of loyalty was thus impressed on aspirants to renown by the last objects which met their eyes as they passed from the sacred enclosure to the scene of their trial.
One lesson only, instead of many, has to be learnt; and once learnt at the expense of a few individuals of one or two species it will thereafter be applied indiscriminately to all.
Finn came to the conclusion that young birds have no instinctive knowledge of the unpalatability of distasteful insects, but that experimental tasting soon teaches them to recognize and avoid species they have previously rejected with dislike, and that having once learnt the lesson they long remember it.
West Africa has taken heavy toll not only in money but in life, but the lesson has now been learned, and a system of frequent furloughs combined with a better understanding of the climatic requirements have appreciably lessened the peril.
The ceremony begins with the singing by the choir of the anthem Hosanna Filio David; the collect follows; then the singing of a lesson from Exodus xv.
Taught by the lesson of Poland, he had, in fact, long since abandoned his former policy of weakening Sweden.
So striking an object lesson was not lost on the Prussian regent, and he entered on a vigorous policy of reforming and strengthen ing the army, General von Roon being appointed minister of war for this purpose.
Meanwhile, among the German people the object lesson of the Italian war had greatly stimulated the sentiment of national unity.
This rejection of the advances of the Uitlandersby whose aid he could have built up a free and stable republic - led to his downfall, though the failure of the Jameson Raid in the first days of 1896 gave him a signal opportunity to secure the safety of his country by the grant of real reforms. But the Raid taught him no lesson of this kind, and despite the intervention of the British government the Uitlanders' grievances were not remedied.
This, however, was not the lesson which was drawn from it by Goethe's contemporaries; they shed tears of sympathy over the lovelorn youth whose burden becomes too great for him to bear.
The teaching was not necessarily presented in the form of an over-elaborated moral lesson, but was associated with conceptions familiar to the land; and when these conceptions are examined from the anthropological standpoint, they are found to contain much that is strange and even abhorrent to modern convictions of a purely spiritual deity.
In short, Hamilton took from recent years the lesson of the evils of lax government; whereas Jefferson clung to the other lesson, which crumbling colonial governments had illustrated, that governments derived their strength (and the Declaration had proclaimed that they derived their just rights) from the will of the governed.
If, as has been claimed, Louis owed to them any of his tendency to prefer the society of the poor, or rather of the bourgeois, to that of the nobility, their example was his best lesson in the craft of kingship. In June 1436, when scarcely thirteen, he was married to Margaret (c. 1425-1445), daughter of James I.
Kant's lesson was variously understood.
God himself gives short-sighted man a lesson.
The chivalry of Germany pouring through Alpine passes for an Italian campaign, or a coronation, left little trace in history except the lesson of their futility.
It had been a sharp lesson, but things seemed to go on smoothly after it, and Bacon's affairs prospered.
His first success was obtained in 1844, when his "Milkwoman" and "Lesson in Riding" (pastel) attracted notice at the Salon, and friendly artists presented themselves at his lodgings only to learn that his wife had just died, and that he himself had disappeared.
In 1852 he produced "Girls Sewing," "Man Spreading Manure"; 1853, "The Reapers"; 1854, "Church at Greville"; 1855 - the year of the International Exhibition, at which he received a medal of second class - "Peasant Grafting a Tree"; 1857, "The Gleaners"; 1859, "The Angelus," "The Woodcutter and Death"; 1860, "Sheep Shearing"; 1861, "Woman Shearing Sheep," "Woman Feeding Child"; 1862, "Potato Planters," "Winter and the Crows"; 1863, "Man with Hoe," "Woman Carding"; 1864, "Shepherds and Flock, Peasants Bringing Home a Calf Born in the Fields"; 1869, "Knitting Lesson"; 1870, "Buttermaking"; 1871, "November - recollection of Gruchy."
That the direct objects of knowledge, the realities of experience, were after all only our ideas or from perceptions was the lesson of every thinker from Descartes to Hume.
In one he aimed at being brilliant; and becoming merely laboured and pedantic, he was covered with ridicule by Sheridan, from whom he received a lesson which he did not fail to turn to account.
The same lesson emerges when we note that one such apostolic "pillar" stood outside the Twelve altogether, viz.
To appreciate them we must take them for what they are, pieces of declamation, intended either to enliven the course of the narrative, to place vividly before the reader the feelings and aims of the chief actors, or more frequently still to enforce some lesson which the author himself has at heart.
Notwithstanding the lesson thus taught, the cultivation is being extended every year, especially in Ispahan, which abounds in streams and rivers, an advantage in which Yezd is deficient.
But the lesson of his dismissal was not altogether lost on him.
Its tactical lesson was the efficacy of combining two arms against one.
William remained unconvinced and Swift's vanity received a useful lesson.
In spite, however, of all mitigations the Franciscans have nearly always presented to the world an object lesson in evangelical poverty by the poorness and simplicity of their lives and surroundings.
The general lesson to be learned from these facts is, that if the purity of the water of any well not far removed from the sea is to be maintained, that water must not be pumped down much below the sea-level.
To Laromiguiere he attributes the lesson of decomposing thought, even though the reduction of it to sensation was inadequate.
It was tiot till this severe lesson had been inflicted on the faction of disorder that the pacification of England could he considered complete.
He had not fought through the civil wars of 126366 without learning his lesson.
His master turned the lesson to account a few years later; but Henrys wholesale destruction of religious houses was carried out not in the interests of learning, but mainly in those of the royal exchequer.
The mutiny, however, had impressed its lesson on the British people, and, as the first consequence, it was decided to, transfer the government from the old East India Company to the crown.
Lord Elgin determined on teaching the rulers of China a lesson by the destruction of the summer palace; and the Chinese government was compelled to submit to the terms of the Allies, and to ratify the treaty of Tientsin.
When he was made Irish secretary, Burke accompanied him to Dublin, and there learnt Oxenstiern's eternal lesson, that awaits all who penetrate behind the scenes of government, quam parva sapientia mundus regitur.
The Enchiridion ad Laurentium is a slight but interesting sketch of a system, while the De Doctrina Christiana is another lesson in the imparting of Christian instruction, as is also, naturally, the De Catechizandis Rudibus.
The attitude of the emperor showed that he had taken the lesson to heart.
The passage of the Mississippi was forced on the 24th of April 1862, and New Orleans surrendered on the 26th; this was immediately followed by the operations against Vicksburg, from which, however, Farragut was compelled to withdraw, having relearnt the old lesson that against heavy earthworks, crowning hills of sufficient height, a purely naval attack is unavailing; it was not till the following summer, and after a long siege, that Vicksburg surrendered to a land force under General Grant.
Champagne; while the treaty of May 20th, 1186, was his first rough lesson to the feudal leagues, which he had reduced to powerlessness, and to the subjugated duke of Burgundy and count of Flanders.
A lesson in geometry, given by Ostilio Ricci to the pages of the grand-ducal court, chanced, tradition avers, to have Galileo for an unseen listener; his attention was riveted, his dormant genius was roused, and he threw all his energies into the new pursuit thus unexpectedly presented to him.
The lesson produced a good result, as no trace of revolutionary work revealed itself among the non-commissioned officers after 1886.
In 1655 the British admiral, Robert Blake, was sent to teach them a lesson, and he gave the Tunisians a severe beating.
The lesson terrified the pirates both of that city and of Tunis into giving up over 3000 prisoners and making fresh.
The royal pupils spent their lesson hours, as Nicholas afterwards confessed, " partly in dreaming, partly in drawing all sorts of nonsense," in the end " cramming " just enough to scrape through their examinations without discredit.
I know they learned a lesson to refrain from touting their operation.
That was his way—his responsibility— teaching me a very important lesson.
Fate's lesson was a good one.
It was a reminder of what they once shared and lost — a lesson that for some things, there is only one chance.
The station chief almost lost a second Guardian Xander drained close to death and learned the hard lesson that the near-dead should never Travel.
I was extremely nervous for my first lesson; but, Anne's calm demeanor immediately put me at ease.
Start your lesson by emptying the letterbox and have the addressees read their letters aloud.
It is also a lesson to people who have an affliction.
Technicians ' Information Assuming 15 working groups Per working group First lesson 3 malt extract agar ' lawn ' cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Wagner A wise man finds agreeable, A dog that's learned its lesson well.
They should produce a written report covering the aspects specified at the end of the lesson plan.
In the last lesson we saw that atoms can lose or gain electrons to form ionic bonds.
The cost is £ 25 for a two hour lesson including bubbly!
Existing CPGB comrades have also been given a very bad lesson in democratic centralism which promises further difficulties in the future.
However, with a lesson learned, a more positive attitude was adopted, and we regained our usual composure.
Alongside this moral lesson, there is also a long disquisition on the natural history of the ass.
Throughout the CD, chord diagrams in each chord lesson display the fingerings and play the sounds of the chords.
A lesson where they managed to become geographers rather than just learn the subject.
The kit has got everything you need to make gorgeously gooey drippy bouncing slimes and at the same time gives a valuable science lesson.
Use slate and slate pencils to practice handwriting and have a lesson in arithmetic using pounds, shillings and pence.
After coming through his lesson unscathed, Arthur gave a big high-five to longboarding and to Dave's Australian adventure.
The frequency histogram for the lesson preparation task was similar.
I don't intend that this be a lesson in biblical historicity.
It was thought improper for a teacher to sit at her desk during a lesson.