Lessened Sentence Examples
His influence seemed scarcely lessened in his retirement.
Molly offered her a food and water cube, both of which lessened the pain throbbing through her.
This gave rise to extensive alterations in their construction and decoration, which has much lessened their value as authentic memorials of the religious art of the 2nd and 3rd centuries.
In dry and dusty mines the danger may be greatly lessened by sprinkling the working places and passages, and the removal of the accumulated dust and fine coal.
In primitive religions inclusive of almost every serious offence even in fields now regarded as merely social or political, its scope is gradually lessened to a single part of one section of ecclesiastical criminology, following inversely the development of the idea of holiness from the concrete to the abstract, from fetishism to mysticism.
The "Monitor" had the advantage of being able to out-manoeuvre her heavier and more unwieldy adversary; but the revolving turret made firing difficult and communications were none too good with the pilot house, the position of which on the forward deck lessened the range of the two turret-guns.
Age lessened the unattractiveness of his exterior.
Ideally, you learn to sleep on your side and your snoring problem is solved or at least lessened.
Dean's multiplication table of 44, the number of rented apartments, wasn't perfect, but that number times even a reasonable monthly rental lessened any sympathy he might have felt for the woman's financial plight.
The prices charged for dispensing are lower in countries where the number of pharmacies is limited by law, the larger returns enabling the profit to be lessened.
AdvertisementThe low price of agriculturalproduce, beneficial though it might be to the general community, had lessened the ability of the land to bear the proportion of taxation which had heretofore been imposed upon it.
The most notable feature in connexion with the cropping of the land of the United Kingdom between 1875 and 1905 was the lessened cultivation of the cereal crops associated with an expansion in the area of grass land.
The wet seasons that set in at the end of the 'seventies led to so much hindrance in the work on the land that the aid of steam was further called for, and it seemed probable that there would be a lessened demand for horse power.
As the building of steam railways lessened, the building of suburban and interurban electric railways was begun, and systems of these railways have been rapidly extended until all the more populous districts are connected by them.
While he did not reject any approved learning, he abhorred any intellectual culture that destroyed or lessened piety.
AdvertisementThe latter was received with great enthusiasm both in England (where it reached its 19th edition) and in America, but recent criticism has lessened its popularity and it is now almost forgotten.
In general, the small cotton farmer was at the mercy of the commission merchant, to whom he mortgaged his crops in advance; but this evil has lessened, and in some districts the system of advancing is either nonexistent or very slightly developed.
The unsuitability of the harbour for modern steamers, the bad anchorage outside and the extension of railways from Smyrna have greatly lessened its former importance as an emporium for west central Anatolia.
If, on the other hand, any pathogenic organisms be present the results are disastrous because the tissue, deprived of its nervous trophic supply, has greatly lessened resistance.
Whenever these conditions are infringed his powers of resistance to disease are lessened, and certain tendencies begin to show themselves, which are generally termed constitutional.
AdvertisementThe shrinkage of the rock-filling and the settlement of the workings /, Yan be greatly lessened by the use of hard rock with a minimum of fine stuff; but even so the advantage lies with the American system of timbering.
The cost of underground haulage is lessened by the use of cars of large capacity.
To guard against explosions from this cause it is necessary to use explosives in moderate quantities and to see that the blast-holes are properly placed, so that the danger of blown-out shots may be lessened.
By the new line the distance between Salzburg, for instance, and Trieste, is lessened by 160 m.
This resulted in a pestilence which not only lessened the population, but threatened to give the death-blow to the great annual fairs; and at the close of the war it was found that it had cost the city no less than 228,93, gulden.
AdvertisementHis chance for securing the nomination, however, was materially lessened by persistent charges which were brought against him by the Democrats that as a member of Congress he had been guilty of corruption in his relations with the Little Rock & Fort Smith and the Northern Pacific railways.'
This interruption, due to the practical prohibition of the industry by the United States courts, on the ground that it was injuring, through the deposit of tailings, agricultural lands and navigable streams, was lessened, though not entirely removed, by compromises and regulations which permit, under certain restrictions, the renewed exploitation of the ancient river-beds by the hydraulic method.
He considered that the changes were due to wear, which would be much lessened if the screws were protected from dust.
Johnston's inferiority in numbers was now becoming lessened as Sherman had to detach more and more troops to his ever-lengthening communications with Chattanooga.
Meanwhile the district of Khiva, previously subject to Bokhara, was made an independent khanate by Abdul-Gazi Bahadur Khan; and in the reign of Subhankuli, who ascended the throne in 1680, the political power of Bokhara was still further lessened, though it continued to enjoy the unbounded respect of the Sunnite Mahommedans.
The absolute excess of males rn the aggregate population has been progressively greater at every successive census since 1820, save that of 1870Which followed the Civil War, and closed a decade of lessened immigration.
All differences are lessened if the comparison be limited to children, and still further lessened if also limited to cities.
In recent years its use for industrial purposes has lessened, and for domestic pdr-Naturaj Gas poses increased.
Since then the increase of manufactures, and to a slight degree that of minerals, has lessened much the share of agricultural products, which in 1906 was 56.43%, that of manufactures beiIig 35.11% and of minerals 3.09%.
The decay of the wooden shipbuilding industry has lessened the comparative importance of the mercantile marine, but there has been a great increase in the tonnage employed in the coasting trade and upon inland waters.
If this exhalation is stopped or lessened the digestion in its turn is also stopped, the leaf remains longer than usual in the intestines, the microbes multiply, invading the whole body, and this brings about the sudden death which surprises the rearers.
The export became important just at the time when disease in Europe had lessened the production on the continent.
West Africa has taken heavy toll not only in money but in life, but the lesson has now been learned, and a system of frequent furloughs combined with a better understanding of the climatic requirements have appreciably lessened the peril.
This difficulty has, however, been lessened since the translation and publication of the papyrus Rhind by Eisenlohr; 1 and it is now generally admitted that, in the distinction made in the last passage quoted above from Proclus, reference is made to the two forms of his work - aL a - Tr Epov pointing to what he derived from Egypt or arrived at in an Egyptian manner, while indicates the discoveries which he made in accordance with the Greek spirit.
Neilson's invention in 1828 of heating the blast, which increased the production and lessened the fuel-consumption of the furnace wonderfully.
But beyond this are the very useful, because very fusible, cast irons with from 3 to 4% of carbon, the embrittling effect of which is much lessened by its being in the state of graphite.
Thus we have reasons enough why the blast-furnace has displaced all competing processes, without taking into account its further advantage in lending itself easily to working on an enormous scale and with trifling consumption of labour, still further lessened by the general practice of transferring the molten cast iron in enormous ladles into the vessels in which its conversion into steel takes place.
Second, though the brittleness should be lessened somewhat by the decrease in the extent to which the continuity of the strong matrix is broken up by the graphite skeleton, yet this effect is outweighed greatly by that of the rapid substitution in the matrix of the brittle cementite for the' very ductile copper-like ferrite, so that the brittleness increases continuously (RS), from that of the very grey graphitic cast irons, which, like that of soapstone, is so slight that the metal can endure severe shock and even indentation without breaking, to that of the pure white cast iron which is about as brittle as porcelain.
The permissible phosphorus-content is lessened by the presence of either much sulphur or much manganese, and by rapid cooling, as for instance in case of thin castings, because each of these three things, by leading to the formation of the brittle cementite, in itself creates brittleness which aggravates that caused by phosphorus.
Because this pipe is due to the difference in the rates of contraction of interior and exterior, it may be lessened by retarding the cooling of the mass as a whole, and it may be prevented from stretching down deep by retarding the solidification of the upper part of the ingot, as, for instance, by preheating the top of the mould, or by covering the ingot with a mass of burning fuel or of molten slag.
Blowholes may be lessened or even wholly prevented by adding to the molten metal shortly before it solidifies either silicon or aluminium, or both; even as little as 0.002% of aluminium is usually sufficient.
On the steep sides of valleys the plan is easily and cheaply carried out, and where the whole course of the - water is not long the peculiar properties which give it value, though lessened, are not exhausted when it reaches that part of the meadow which it irrigates last.
But the policy he pursued in turning the crusaders against Constantinople, in order to promote the interests of the republic, while serving to break up the Greek empire, created in its place a Latin state that was far too feeble to withstand the onslaught of Greek national feeling and Orthodox fanaticism; at the same time the Greeks were greatly weakened and their power of resisting the Turks consequently lessened.
Thus the tonus of the motor neurons of the spinal cord is much lessened by rupture of the great afferent root cells which normally play upon them.
But with the increasing luxury after Mansur, the thirst for money became universal, and the number of honest officials lessened fast.
A second drawback from the point of view of the landlords was called forth by the fact that commutation for fixed rents gradually lessened the value of the exactions to which they were entitled.
And finally, in the fourth place, except on the coast the disagreeableness of the heat of summer is greatly lessened by the dryness of the air and the consequent rapidity of evaporation.
The risk of importing plague from India has been materially lessened by medical inspection of outward-bound ships at the principal ports.
How far might disaster have been lessened or averted if the preparations for the Austro-German attack, and the actual conduct of the defence, had been different?
The diversion of the waters of the Arkansas led to the bringing of a suit against Colorado by Kansas in the United States Supreme Court in 1902, on the ground that such diversion seriously and illegally lessened the waters of the Arkansas in Kansas.
The period of the Commonwealth was filled with the strife between these two parties, its bitterness not lessened by the fact that the assembly dissolved in 1653 by Cromwell's soldiers was not allowed to meet again in his protectorate.
Irritation is lessened by lotions containing substances that will diminish irritability of the nerve-endings and skin, such as carbolic acid, hydrocyanic acid, morphine or opium, cocaine, belladonna or atropine.
The reason probably is that the application of cold causes contraction of the arteries leading to the inflamed part, while heat by dilating the vessels around forms a side channel through which the blood passes, the tension in the seat of inflammation being thus lessened in both cases.
There can be little doubt that the intensity of inflammation frequently depends very much on the condition of the blood, and that by altering the blood inflammation may be lessened.
The damage is often considerable, as the crop is greatly lessened by the interference with the functions of the leaf.
Similar spots are produced on potatoes in America by the fungus Oospora scabies, and in both cases, if affected "seed" potatoes are steeped in a solution of 2 pint formalin in 15 gallons of water for two hours before planting, the attack on the resulting crop is materially lessened.
Sometimes also the virulence of a bacterium for a particular kind of animal becomes lessened on passing it through the body of one of another species.
Pye, brought him under further suspicion, and his revival of the powers of convocation lessened his influence at court; but his unfailing tact and wide sympathies, his marvellous energy in church organization, the magnetism of his personality, and his eloquence both on the platform and in the pulpit, gradually won for him recognition as without a rival on the episcopal bench.
Its solubility in water is lessened by sodium or magnesium sulphate, but is increased by potassium nitrate, ammonium chloride, and most acids.
Late in the middle ages this tonsure was lessened for the clergy, but retained for monks and friars.
These dimensions are very slightly lessened in the choir.
That, in 1900, Rumania ranked third,' after the United States and Russia, among the grain-growing countries of the world, is due partly to the fertile soil, whose chemical constituents are the same as in the " black earth " region of Russia, though even 'The relative importance of Rumania was afterwards lessened by the development of wheat-culture in Canada, Argentina and elsewhere.
The lessened ravages of prairie fires have facilitated artificial afforesting, and many cities, in particular, are abundantly and beautifully shaded.
But Locke's hereditary sympathy with the Puritans was gradually lessened by the intolerance of the Presbyterians and the fanaticism of the Independents.
But the unpopularity of the king's marriage was not lessened.
The pain can be lessened by injections of morphia.
Far from having impressed its own direction on the orientation of the chain at large, this crest is merely the resultant of secondary agencies by which the primitive mass has been eroded and lessened in bulk, and though its importance from a hydrographic point of view is still considerable, its geological significance is practically nil.
The power of the nobility was lessened by restrictions which, without prohibiting private wars, made them practically impossible.
It declined in importance when the Signitura Justitiae was set above it as the court of appeal for Italy, and more so as the geographical jurisdiction of the pope was gradually lessened.
The injurious influence of the glass cover is substantially lessened if no air is admitted to the space between the glass cover and the FIG.
In this, the secondary spectrum is so much lessened that for all practical purposes it is unnoticeable.
Hence opportunities of observing it fall to the lot of few, and most persons know it only as a curtailed captive in a wicker cage, where its vivacity and natural beauty are lessened or wholly lost.
On the heart and circulation the effects are stimulant unless large doses are given, when the pulse becomes slow and blood-pressure much lessened.
The majority of people had no problems with surface water or storm drainage, flood alleviation seems to have lessened the previous problems.
The evil aura hasn't lessened at all, for a start.
Prolonged applications of cold water contract the tiny blood vessels and thus the amount of blood in the part is lessened.
The cumulative effects of episodic deep drainage events may be substantially lessened by inclusion of a perennial pasture phase.
The conquest of Canada, however, somewhat lessened the danger of its position.
While there is still residual misunderstanding in some people's minds, the misconceptions of many have lessened over the years.
Whilst this first application greatly lessened the severity of the scratch, it was still clearly visible.
This great emperor was now nearly seventy years old, yet age had not lessened his crusading zeal.
I sincerely profess it much lessened my reverence as to that great council for he was very much hearkened unto."
Hence, suppose genuine prayer to have come into being, it is exceedingly apt to degenerate into a mere piece of formalism; and yet, whereas its intrinsic meaning is dulled by repetition according to a well-known pyschological law, its virtue is thereby hardly lessened for the undeveloped religious consciousness, which holds the saving grace to lie mainly in the repetition itself.
The effect of each of these additions will be lessened by the future improvements in processes of manufacture, and more particularly by the progressive replacemerit of that ephemeral source of energy, coal, by the secular sources, the winds, waves, tides, sunshine, the earth's heat and, greatest of all, its momentum.
The circulation in the brain may be lessened by warmth to the feet, cold to the head, warm food in the stomach, warm poultices or compresses to the abdomen, antipyretics, which reduce the temperature and consequently slow the beats of the heart in fever, and cardiac or vascular tonics, which slow the heart and tend to restore tone to the blood-vessels, so that the circulation in the brain may be more efficiently regulated.
He did not know that the brick buildings, built to plan, were being built by serfs whose manorial labor was thus increased, though lessened on paper.
While there is still residual misunderstanding in some people 's minds, the misconceptions of many have lessened over the years.
And, don't assume because your dog is small that the danger is lessened.
Attachment issues may be lessened simply because there is only one parent that the child has to bond with.
Male cats also like to mark their territory (females sometimes do this too, though), but you mention your cat has been neutered, which should have lessened this type of behavior.
When the cat lands on all four feet first, the balance is even, and the parachute effect has lessened the cat's velocity.
Irritability will then be lessened as the pain associated with menstruation is reduced.
Dr. John Douglass found that alcohol and nicotine addiction lessened on a raw diet.
The good news is that these symptoms are temporary and may actually be lessened using various tactics including relaxation exercises or intentional distraction.
In some seasons several scores of blooms are borne by this tree, but during the winters of 1891 and 1982 many of the more exposed points were badly injured by frosts, and the bloom lessened in quality accordingly.
If, instead, the plants are marked when in flower and allowed to remain until August or September, when the tubers are matured, the risk of transplanting is lessened, provided the plant be taken up with a deep sod.
Environmental benefits are tougher to pinpoint, but there is some indication that the negative effects of pesticide and chemical runoffs could be lessened.
These are rectangular frames, but the severity of the shape is substantially lessened by the incredible snakeskin detailing.
When using 4-player split screen, even on a 27" TV, the detail lessened greatly, however.
Muscle upgrades come with increased damage, and are lessened by damage suffered.
Anxiety brought on by substance withdrawal is thought to be lessened by using other herbs, for example valerian, vervain, skullcap, and kava.
However, some of the secondary disabilities already mentioned may be avoided or lessened by early diagnosis and intervention.
Likelihood of infection can be lessened by avoiding contact with infected people or pets or contaminated objects and staying away from hot, damp places.
It is a state of lessened consciousness and decreased physical activity during which the organism slows down and repairs itself.
However, with treatment therapies, the problems previously encountered are lessened considerably.
Itching can be lessened by the use of calamine lotion or antihistamine medications.
These flat-fee loans grew in popularity because they lessened consumer concerns about hidden lending fees.
Some women may be advised to stay resting in bed for the remainder of a pregnancy, others simply until a risk factor has lessened or passed (like bleeding).
Quite often, a rock-bottom price reflects poor quality and lessened longevity.
Rimes believed as many purists do that if fans weren't wondering, hoping, dreaming, praying and crossing their fingers about what was going to happen, that they might not tune in or worse, the impact of the drama would be lessened.
The excess glucose buildup can be lessened with balanced nutrition.
Your own environmental impact is lessened each time you bike rather than drive.
Over the years, the font lessened in popularity because everyone jumped on the Helvetica bandwagon and it became so used that it was no longer different.
Somehow, they lessened her pain again, as if the strange figure before her wrapped them in magic before placing them in her head.
But internal dissension was not thereby lessened.
As the non-privileged order increased in numbers, while the privileged order, as every exclusive hereditary body must do, lessened, the larger body gradually put on the character of the nation at large, while the smaller body put on the character of a nobility.
It tended to make life easier and cheaper for large and numerous classes; it promised wholesale remissions of taxation; it lessened the charges on common processes of business, on locomotion, on postal communication, and on several articles of general consumption.
With the decline of the Roman Empire the demand for parrots in Europe lessened, and so the supply dwindled, yet all knowledge of them was not wholly lost, and they are occasionally mentioned by one writer or another until in the i 5th century began that career of geographical discovery which has since proceeded uninterruptedly.
Apparently no further French explorations were made from that direction, and the transfer of Canada from France to Great Britain (1763)(1763) was followed by lessened interest in exploration.
Perhaps the weekend respite from the jury box had lessened Fred's apprehension.
Mr Wood met this difficulty by the simple device of so shaping the cars that they completely protect both their own running gear and the track from all possible spattering, a device which, simple as it is, has materially lessened the cost of the steel and greatly increased the production.
The international position of the Ottoman empire was strengthened by the able, if Machiavellian, statecraft of the sultan; while the danger of disruption from within was lessened by the more effective central control made possible by railways, telegraphs, and the other mechanical improvements borrowed from western civilization.
His anger lessened without him understanding why.