Less Sentence Examples
Go find a less annoying way to earn some money.
Now the world has one less fool!
Finding the most effective sources remained less than satisfactory.
But you have less than a month to go.
The Gargoyles were very small of stature, being less than three feet in height.
In less than a month in early spring our lives were totally changed and we loved it.
It might make him feel less threatened.
The rain seems less heavy.
And the more he desired it the less he allowed himself to believe it.
He named a figure that surprised us by being far less than we'd guessed.
AdvertisementI was less critical than my wife on the slow workings of the law.
Those things were never necessary for prosperity and even less so in the Internet age.
All Len wants out of me is information about Allen, and Howard couldn't care less where I am.
His tone was less than convinced.
Well, I don't esteem you the less for it.
AdvertisementIf you are in a desert dying of thirst, you value the first glass of water very highly, the second glass a bit less, and the 802nd not at all.
The more closely a man was engaged in the events then taking place in Russia the less did he realize their significance.
He was staying in less splendid quarters a few blocks away.
Or, perhaps they will be less interested.
Soon the carriage turned into another street--a street less carefully guarded.
AdvertisementAnd we got them all, more or less, by trade and the wealth generated by our work doing some function for which we are trained.
Operating at basically 5 percent efficiency, they are less than half as efficient as solar panels now on the market.
He seldom offered an opinion, much less began a conversation.
Within less than two minutes, Billy saw Mary Green whispering, and she had to take his place.
There was within him a deep unexpressed conviction that all would be well, but that one must not trust to this and still less speak about it, but must only attend to one's own work.
AdvertisementI couldn't care less what Claudette thinks, but let me take the question out of your mind.
Now there is one less hunter to compete with me for the precious little ones.
This is less than one-half of 1 percent of world GNP.
He wrote the words L'Empereur Alexandre, La nation russe and added up their numbers, but the sums were either more or less than 666.
Maybe it would hurt Sarah's feelings less if she simply told the truth.
That was why Pete chose the route - less risk of being robbed.
It was either that or start from scratch but he's not even sure he's a catholic, much less committed to anything.
He spoke even less than normal.
There is a certain limit of time in less than which no amount of heat can melt the snow.
Alex spoke from behind her, his tone less than friendly.
Only that he had repeatedly saved her life - at risk of his own, no less.
Apparently he found the idea of jail less frightening than the huge dog.
I didn't know he was in the area, much less knew Alex was in the hospital.
His eyes wandered over her face, but he gave no indication that he understood her, much less that he wanted to respond.
Surely he's seen you in a lot less than that.
Leave it to a man to avoid expressing how he felt, but it had to make him feel less of a man.
That he'd grown a little more thoughtful and a little less reactive in how he handled adversity impressed Gabe.
Deidre drank more of the brandy, until it stopped burning her throat, and the world grew a little less sharp around the edges.
The new world seemed less scary in daylight.
As sweet as she is, I almost wish I'd given her something a little less lethal.
She hadn't intended not to return to Wynn's, but the idea of keeping him safe, too, made her feel a little less guilty about sneaking out on him.
The death-dealer before him was newer, with less than a few decades in the service of Death.
After rejecting then pining for him for a few days, she wasn't ready for him to be less confused than she was.
Shaking and terrified, Deidre nonetheless held his gaze as she closed the distance between them, until she stood less than a foot away.
Deidre suddenly liked her even less.
This response was more guarded, less amused, enough to tip off Deidre that there was more to the story.
With the living shadow staring at her, the winter wind sucking the air from her lungs, and the prescriptions clenched in her hand, she'd never felt less a part of her world.
True to his word, they drove less than two blocks before he entered a public parking garage and drove to the bottommost floor and parked in a dark corner with yellow no- parking lines.
Katie could think of nothing she wanted less, but she nodded.
This had been Sasha.s study less than a few days ago.
Hannah looked again to the host, who pretended not to hear despite being less than two feet away.
His eldest brother appeared less frustrated than normal.
You have to be less … you know.
If what Jetr suspected were true, Ne'Rin would do less damage if he didn't know what A'Ran did while away.
They have no means to control me, which makes them less lazy than they have been for a millennium.
She had looked less than happy about staying, but she would do her duty, as would he.
While the Ouray winters were far less severe that one might think, they did have a way of wearing out their welcome, like company that won't go home.
She just shrugged her shoulders as if she could care less about his lack of vocalization and moseyed over to near where Fred and the boy were sitting, the notebook between them.
Dean hoped that wouldn't be the case, but he was less than sure.
And maybe keep his own life less complicated in the process.
Less frivolous than someone I know.
Both agreed the less said, the better.
I ain't even gonna point her in the right direction to the library, much less do her work for her.
The distance between Ouray and Telluride was less than twenty miles, on a map, or as the eagle soars, when he feels like a thrill.
Now, mostly bound to its banks by ice, the river looked much less menacing as it wound its way downward.
While the snow was deeper here and the path less traveled, the walking was not difficult.
Here, my duties are light, even less than our Emma back in Boston.
It was if Annie bade him turn his thoughts beyond her long forgotten cares to the no less pressing concerns of today.
I've been married less than a year.
I care even less if your brother writes Saint Among the Sinners or Sinner Among the Saints.
Fred seemed less than satisfied with Dean's answer but didn't push it.
She looked at Dean as if he were less than the top of his class.
However, he was even less inclined to leave Cynthia, perhaps alone, if Shipton were to come by for the stored belongings.
Jackson knew he had his work cut out for him in order to be back in less than three hours.
She seemed much less guarded than when they met.
At this rate we'll have twelve pints in less than two hours.
They would entertain Connor and Sarah occasionally, yet, when doing so, always chose less personal music.
His nearness was comforting, his body warmth making her feel a little less cold.
The hen is much less brightly tinted.
So when people have excess goods, they are able to trade those goods away for things they want and suffer less of a decrease in utility than the amount they are increasing in their trading partners.
And advances in drip irrigation, which itself isn't exactly new but is becoming far more widespread and ever more efficient, allows crops to be grown with massively less water.
If NATO is responsible for the bulk of the world's military spending and NATO no longer has the stomach for full-on war with modern states, then large-scale war seems less likely.
My accounts, which I can swear to have kept faithfully, I have, indeed, never got audited, still less accepted, still less paid and settled.
Then with no less fear and delight they saw how the young count, red in the face and with bloodshot eyes, dragged Mitenka out by the scruff of the neck and applied his foot and knee to his behind with great agility at convenient moments between the words, shouting, Be off!
It made the clothing unit much less intimidating than Romas's lecture on matter and antimatter and how to store the two successfully without blowing up something.
She had many more questions, but the more she asked, the less she could deny the world around her was real.
Less than an hour after she'd started playing the game, the communicator lit up and beeped.
He'd see her in less than a day, if the Council didn't absorb all his time.
Only now was he beginning to understand that her staying depended less on duty and honor and more on him.
Ice seems a whole lot less permanent.
Lack of a full night's sleep had put both Deans in less than top form as they readied breakfast.
She didn't seem surprised to find others in the living room and took a seat next to Effie, looking less a nighttime specter than an exhausted victim.
When they reached the airport it was snowing heavily, but the accumulation here was far less than in Ouray.
That would be less risky and make more sense.
I like you best in casual clothes, you seem less arrogant.
But every dime spent on the house meant that much less she could invest in the dairy - and the dairy was the one thing that stood a chance of stimulating her anemic savings account.
I'd be less than honest if I said the security Josh can offer wasn't tempting - that and the idea of having an instant family.
In less than an hour she would be out in the barn again.
She eagerly latched on to his comment, hoping to divert her own mind to something less disturbing.
After all, he had less than two weeks to convince her to move back to Houston.
In any case, Katie managed to get the car stuck less than a hundred yards from the gate.
He's been here less than two days.
Would winter be less miserable if the house was warm?
She tried the foot again and found that it was less painful this time.
He doesn't how we know about nothing, much less how we know.
We're only six days behind him, maybe less.
Ethel, less than attractive in the best of times, looked horrible.
The whole maneuver took less than a minute and Dean was out the door.
The scales showed seven pounds less, he was eating baskets of fruit and goody-goody health food, plus he'd laid off the booze completely.
The two bikers had started down a slight but long downhill, less than a bike length apart, picking up speed as they rolled along.
It took less than ten minutes.
But never, never, never in his entire life had David Dean felt less like crawling out of his sleeping bag and mounting his bicycle than on the misty Colorado morning of June fifteenth.
Dean only had a brief glance at the rider, not enough to even tell if the helmeted figure was a man or a woman, much less recognize the person.
The wait lasted less than an hour before Dean heard the metallic sound of a key in the lock.
Winston's smile was a tad less casual.
And you could care less who gets hurt in the process.
He and his pals have half the dough and could care less about me.
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds had three girls, Joan, Mary and Alice – in that order and each born two years after the other, more or less.
That's less than five months away.
I'm not used to having a phone in the house, much less carrying a cell phone.
Considering the fact that he makes such an effort at protecting you, I don't think he'd take your concerns lightly or think any less of you because you had them.
In less than a week they would be man and wife.
Maybe if she would focus on assisting him in that, it would be less intimidating.
His mouth twisted into a wry smile and the dark eyes glinted with something less than humor.
It was difficult to imagine how a veterinarian could be so unconcerned about the pain of any animal, much less Princess.
Still, it didn't make her any less guilty.
You're the one who wouldn't settle for less than your own blood.
It took him less than a week to work his way into their hearts.
Less than fifteen minutes later, a state trooper car pulled into the yard.
Josh and Lori somehow managed to keep their marriage together, but Carmen was having less luck with her problem.
Is it because he isn't flesh and blood, or because he is less than perfect?
He wouldn't have thought he was capable of doing that to anyone, much less the woman he loved more than life itself.
She deserved nothing less than to die broken and alone after what she'd done to her baby.
In less than two weeks, he'd aged, transforming from the lost youth she'd tried to take care of into a young immortal exploring his dark powers.
Less than two weeks 'til I can come home, ikir, Jenn said, looking away.
You're happy about being surrounded by one less vamp?
I know if you all stay with us, we will have less of a chance than if we're separated.
His resolve to keep away from her began to make less and less sense.
With a sinking stomach, Jenn admitted she had less than a day of influence left on the Black God.
But I thought you'd fall for someone less … wild.
Her eyes glowed with both delight and mischief while Jule's mate, Yully, appeared less certain.
If there is any part of you that thinks I'd do anything less than ask you what he wanted to know, take it back.
I'll love you no less because of what you are.
The king he addressed appeared less than convinced.
The beast was less forgiving.
Taran bit his tongue, wishing he'd paid more attention to his words and less to the memories.
Unfortunately, the more independent she became, the less she listened to his advice.
Less than a half hour later he was out the door.
That was less than two weeks away.
It wasn't the first time he had made a remark that indicated he was less than pleased about the way she dressed.
I don't know why he'd be less concerned if you were out here with three men.
That kind of praise was reserved for the less attractive, it seemed.
It wasn't her intent to solicit sympathy from anyone, much less her paying guests.
Katie has been helping me crawl out of yesteryear and Alex is trying to make me less dependent.
It took her less than ten minutes to saddle Ed and ride him out of the corral.
He would tell her about his problem in his own timeframe – and maybe that would be when he felt she was less of a burden.
As she suspected he would, Alex presented her with a fluffy white kitten with bright green eyes less than two weeks after Sam gave her the puppy.
My father would know less than Gerald about what it took to make a woman happy.
It seems a waste of time to hang these for less than a month.
Thinking of Denton made it much less attractive.
About you... that he's not supposed to... that you're coming back here - home, in a few weeks, or less.
She dropped back to her pillow and yawned The sound caught her by surprise - a blood-curdling scream that could be nothing less than a woman in agonizing pain.
A retaliating slap would have been less painful.
Denton disappeared into the room, and she glanced up at her father, acutely aware that Justin was less than twenty feet away.
Or that what she did was to make him less of a threat to their enemies.
If you spent less time manipulating me and more time teaching me, I might!
His attention shifted to her, their bodies separated by less than two feet of space.
The blonde came down the stretch of beach, wearing even less than usual.
The teens' texts were far less calm.
Back at the quiet Texas compound, where the early evening and open space made her feel a little less trapped by her situation.
Jonny stared at her, no less stunned than Darian.
He killed many people for far less.
Language has crystallized them into certain definite notions and expressions, without which we cannot proceed a single step, but which we have accepted without knowing their exact meaning, much less their origin.
Nothing was stated as to the probability of an increase in the stature of the French Congo animal as it grows older; but even if we allow another foot, its height would be considerably less than half that of a large Central African bull of the ordinary elephant.
Further, the skin is stated to be much less rough, with fewer cracks, while a more important difference occurs in the trunk, which lacks the transverse ridges so distinctive of the ordinary African elephant, and thereby approximates to the Asiatic species.
Although new-born fawns are spotted, the adults are in the main uniformly coloured; the general tint of the coat at all seasons being reddish tawny with a more or less marked tendency to grey.
But among archaeologists the word is usually restricted in its technical modern application to a sepulchral mound of greater or less magnitude.
But some phenomena are difficult to reconcile with pressed into less than one five-hundredth of a cubic foot, or, if allowed to expand, the air originally occupying the cubic foot can be made to fill, apparently uniformly, a space of a million cubic feet or more.
Landolt and others, made it at first appear that the change in weight, if there is any, consequent on a chemical change can rarely exceed one-millionth of the weight of the reacting substances, and that it must often be much less.
Owing to these natural "locks," the Senegal never discharges less than 1700 or 1800 cubic ft.
From that time he resided in Italy; he refused to follow the other Hungarian patriots, who, under the lead of Deak, accepted the composition of 1867; for him there could be no reconciliation with the house of Habsburg, nor would he accept less than full independence and a republic. He would not avail himself of the amnesty, and, though elected to the Diet of 1867, never took his seat.
He founded no less than three colleges, two at Oxford, one at Higham Ferrers, while there is reason to believe that he suggested and inspired the foundation of Eton and of King's College.
Hence the Mediterranean region is characteristically one of winter rains, the distinctive feature becoming less sharply defined from south to north, and the amount of total annual fall increasing in the same direction.
But in the end they became less fanatical than the Murabtis, and Ya`kub el Mansur was a highly accomplished man, who wrote a good Arabic style and who protected the philosopher Averroes.
The massive and elaborately ornamented cathedral was built in the Renaissance style between 1746 and 1774; a Dominican church in Subtiaba is little less striking.
The ovary consists of numerous carpels united together and free, or more or less embedded in the top of the flower-stalk.
Amongst hardy species of Nymphaea now much grown are candida, nitida, odorata, pygmaea and tuberosa, all with white, more or less sweet-scented flowers; flava, yellow, and sphaerocarpa, rose-carmine.
Musset, though he depended on her exertions, was first bored and then irritated at the sight of this terrible vache a ecrire, whose pen was going for eight hours a day, and sought diversion in the cafés and other less reputable resorts of pleasure.
She had got to know the heart of the peasant - his superstitions, his suspiciousness and low cunning, no less than his shrewdness, his sturdy independence and his strong domestic attachments.
Both passed through phases of faith, but while even Positivism did not cool George Eliot's innate religious fervour, with George Sand religion was a passing experience, no deeper than her republicanism and less lasting than her socialism, and she lived and died a gentle savage.
It is evident that the normal blue is more or less diluted with extraneous white light, having its origin in reflections from the grosser particles of foreign matter with which the air is usually charged.
In other directions the polarization becomes less and less complete as we approach the vertical.
This process is, however, less fully developed than in elephants, and as many as three teeth may be in place in each jaw at one time.
Mastodons have fewer ridges on their molar teeth than elephants; the ridges are also less elevated, wider apart, with a thicker enamel covering, and scarcely any cement filling the space between them.
It is no less remarkable for its bright carmine attire, and an elongated crest of the same colour, than for its fine song.
It is decidedly less at Perpignan and Lisbon than at Potsdam, Kew and Greenwich, but nowhere is the seasonal difference more conspicuous than at Tokyo, which is south of Lisbon.
The 12-hour term is much less variable, especially as regards its phase angle; its amplitude shows distinct maxima near the equinoxes.
In general, a + and a_ both tend to be less on cloudy than on bright days.
Between 1500 and 4000 metres the charge inside the unit tube is much less, only 0.000040.
The number of thunderstorm days is probably a less exact measure of the relative intensity of thunderstorms than statistics as to the number of persons killed annually by lightning per million of the population.
Less manure is used in these cellars than we generally see in the mushroom-houses of England, and the surface of each bed is covered with about an inch of fine white stony soil.
A new election must be called to fill the vacancy unless the unexpired term is less than one year.
The state furnished about 36,000 soldiers to the Federal armies and somewhat less than io,000 to the Confederate.
No less, indeed, than twenty buildings of ecclesiastical or monastic character have been enumerated in the three islands.
Though less mountainous than the other islands, its aspect is barren.
The general construction of wooden screens is close panelling beneath, on which stands screen-work composed of slender turned balusters or regular wooden mullions, supporting tracery more or less rich with cornices, crestings, &c., and often painted in brilliant colours and gilded.
The Oudh business was managed with less risk.
Consequently corporal and even capital punishment occupy a far less prominent position, and tend everywhere to disappear.
As a title, however, it was much less common and also less dignified than that of avoue.
Archimedes concluded from his measurements that the sun's diameter was greater than 27' and less than 32'; and even Tycho Brahe was so misled by his measures of the apparent diameters of the sun and moon as to conclude that a total eclipse of the sun was impossible.'
Few persons can see with the naked eye - much less measure - more than six stars of the Pleiades, although all the stars measured by Maestlin have been seen with the naked eye by a few individuals of exceptional powers of eyesight.
They are placed at a distance apart less than the focal length of a, so that the wires of the micrometer, which must be distinctly seen, are beyond b.
The method of counting the total number of revolutions gives more friction and is less convenient than Repsolds', and no provision seems to be made for illuminating the micrometer head in the practical and convenient plan adopted by Repsolds.
It was also the view universally taken by the German governments which supported the Kulturkampf in a greater or less degree.
When the storm had blown over he returned to London, and employed his leisure in works which were less political in their tone.
Pietro, forms a more or less protected basin, upon the shores of which are several small harbours (the most important being Carloforte), which are centres of the export of minerals and of the tunny fishery.
The lower districts are hot and often unhealthy in the summer, while the climate of the mountainous portion of the island is less oppressive, and would be still cooler if it possessed more forest.
Of these 41,661 cultivate their own land, 15,408 are fixed tenants, 24,031 are regular labourers, and no less than 72,753 day labourers; while there are 35,056 shepherds.
Sardinia has less convictions for serious crimes than any other compartimento of south Italy.
Yet these two societies are none the less in inevitable relation.
The numerous concordats concluded towards the middle of the 19th century with several of the South American republics either have not come into force or have been denounced and replaced by a more or less pacific modus vivendi.
Less resolute and reliable than his brother Guillaume, the cardinal had brilliant qualities, and an open and free mind.
But he had many qualities less desirable.
Instead of these are cats with more or less abbreviated tails, showing in greater or less degree a decided kink or bend near the tip. In other cases the tail is of the short curling type of that of a bulldog; sometimes it starts quite straight, but divides in a fork-like manner near the tip; and in yet other instances it is altogether wanting, as in the typical Manx cats.
Other Indian cats with a tawny or fulvous type of colouring are probably the more or less modified descendants of the jungle-cat.
The last visit in 1648 was less fortunate.
The expression is anthropomorphic, no less than the dogma of material creation; but it is an attempt to affirm the unity of the intellectual and the material world.
Against this work and the Ethics of Spinoza the orthodox Cartesians (who were in the majority), no less than sceptical hangers-on like Bayle, raised an all but universal howl of reprobation, scarcely broken for about a century.
In 1677 the university of Caen adopted not less stringent measures against Cartesianism.
No bowl must have less than No.
It is also a rule that the diameter of the bowl shall not be less than 411n.
At Bagdad the Tigris and Euphrates are less than 35 m.
The word itself represents the Mongol Khan-Balik, "the city of the khan," or emperor, the title by which Peking continues, more or less, to be known to the Mongols and other northern Asiatics.
After that, most of Europe will be corresponding more or less to international borders, so I'll wait for further comment from Engels before going further.
The books give a number of their "cities" reduced by Alexander - walled mountain villages which can in some cases be identified more or less certainly with places where the clans are established to-day.
The Alexander cycle was no less popular in Great Britain.
But with all these often opposed conditions, we find less variation than might be expected, the main and really important divergence being due to the necessity of transposition, which added a very high pitch to the primarily convenient low one.
There would then have been less disturbance owing to the breath of the players and heat of the theatres or concert-rooms. It would be a great advantage to get this higher grade generally adopted.
He was, however, less successful in another direction.
Albania is perhaps the least-known region in Europe; and though more than a hundred years have passed since Gibbon described it as "a country within sight of Italy, which is less known than the interior of America," but little progress has yet been made towards a scientific knowledge of this interesting land and its inhabitants.
Central Albania differs from the northern and southern regions in the more undulating and less rugged character of its surface; it contains considerable lowland tracts, such as the wide and fertile plain of Musseki, traversed by the river Simen.
Not less noticeable is the tenacity with which isolated fragments of the nation have preserved theirpeculiar characteristics, language, customs and traditions.
The natural antipathy between the two sections of the race, though less evident than in former times, is far from extinct.
The extent of overflow has thus on each occasion been less.
The Saskatchewan, though not in the province, empties into Lake Winnipeg less than half a degree from the northern boundary.
It was devised by the Hudson's Bay Company for carrying freight, as a substitute for the less serviceable canoe, and was named after their York factory, the centre to which the traders brought down the furs for shipment to England and from which they took back merchandise and supplies to the interior of Rupert's Land.
Therefore in a room with an open fire the air is, as a rule, less heated than the walls.
With closed stoves much less heat is wasted, and consequ;ntly less fuel is burned, than with open grates, but they often cause an unpleasant sensation of dryness in the air, and the products of combustion also escape to some extent, rendering this method of heating not only unpleasant but sometimes even dangerous.
The tank should be of a size to hold not less than a twentieth part of the total amount of water held in the system.
Compared with heating by hot water, steam-heating requires less piping, which, further, may be of much smaller diameter to attain a similar result, because of the higher temperature of the heat yielding surface.
To regulate the heat it is necessary either to instal a number of small radiators or to divide the radiators into sections, each section controlled by distinct valves; steam may then be admitted to all the sections of the radiator or to any less number of sections as desired.
Suitable proportions of materials to form a rust joint are 90 parts by weight of iron borings well mixed with 2 parts of flowers of sulphur, and I part of powdered sal-ammoniac. Another joint, less rigid but sound and durable, is made with yarn and white and red lead.
In the rubber ring joint an india-rubber ring is used; slightly less in diameter than the pipe.
The tank system is of much earlier date than this cylinder system, and although the two resemble each other in many respects, the tank system is in practice the less effective.
Wesley and his helpers, finding the Anglican churches closed against them, took to preaching in the open air; and this method is still followed, more or less, in the aggressive evangelistic work of all the Methodist Churches.
Napier may thus have been the first to use the expression "quantity less than nothing."
Of course two sets of rods may be used, and by their means we may multiply every number less than 111,111,111 and so on.
There are two sorts - the common, and the Jersey or Russian, the latter being much larger and less pungent.
His influence in the university was less assured.
The value of the factory product for 1905, however, was 3.3% less than that for 1900, though it represented 36.6% of the product of the state as a whole.
In the pig-footed bandicoot (Choeropus castanotis) the dentition generally resembles that of Perameles, but the canines are less developed, and in the upper jaw two-rooted.
The great navigator's second voyage, undertaken in 1772, with the " Resolution " and the " Adventure," is of less importance.
There is less stone carving on the exterior walls, door jambs and pillars of the buildings than on those of the Yucatan Peninsula; this is due to the harder and more uneven character of the limestone.
Probably owing to the same cause, there is less cut stone in the walls, the Palenque builders using plaster to obtain smooth surfaces.
When the Liberals returned to power in 1880 he was raised to the peerage as Viscount Sherbrooke, but from 1875 till his death at Warlingham, Surrey, on the 27th of July 1892, his health was constantly failing, and by degrees he figured less and less in public life.
Few distinguished men, indeed, have had a less eventful life.
But the growth and development of the northern communal movement, though strong and instinct with life, was slower and less tempestuous than the Flemish.
In the presence of the rising storm the duchess was bewildered, seeing clearly the folly of the policy she was obliged to carry out no less than its difficulty.
To the " Malcontents " (as the Catholic party was styled) the domination of heretical sectaries appeared less tolerable than the evils attendant upon alien rule.
In his attitude towards Arabi, the would-be saviour of Egypt, Abd-ul-Hamid showed less than his usual astuteness, and the resulting consolidation of England's hold over the country contributed still further to his estrangement from Turkey's old ally.
The reforms became more or less a dead letter.
The descent from the summits of the range into the plain is somewhat less abrupt on the western than it is on the eastern side, and between the foot of the mountains and the Strait of Malacca the largest known alluvial deposits of tin are situated.
It is noticed that labourers employed in deep mines worked by shafts suffer less from fever than do those who are engaged in stripping the alluvial deposits.
The fauna of the peninsula is varied and no less profuse than is the vegetable life.
But during his administration the influence of the church over the schools was really much less than, by the theory of the concordat, it would have appeared to be.
Among deciduous trees the state is noted for its sugar maples; birch and beech are common on the hills, and oaks, elm, hickory, ash, poplar, basswood, willow, chestnut and butternut on the less elevated areas.
The principal supply is in West Rutland, Proctor and Pittsford; this, the "Rutland marble," is a duller, less lustrous white, and of a greater durability than the Carrara marble, and is used largely for monuments and statuary.
Only less important and only less early to be established in Vermont was the quarrying of granite, which began in 1812, but which has been developed chiefly since 1880, largely by means of the building of "granite railroads" which connect each quarry with a main railway line - a means of transportation as important as the logging railways of the Western states and of Canada.
Some Gnostics sprinkled the heads of the dying with oil and water to render them invisible to the powers of darkness; but in the East generally, where the need to compete with the Cathar sacrament of Consolatio was less acutely felt, extreme unction is unknown.
The heterogeneous elements of the new organization could not be made to unite on a man who for so many years had devoted his energies to purely Whig measures, and he was considered less "available" than Fremont in 1856 and than Lincoln in 1860.
Monoecious, and bearing their male flowers in catkins, they are readily distinguished from the rest of the catkin-bearing trees by their peculiar fruit, an acorn or nut, enclosed at the base in a woody cup, formed by the consolidation of numerous involucral bracts developed beneath the fertile flower, simultaneously with a cup-like expansion of the thalamus, to which the bracteal scales are more or less adherent.
The alternate leaves are more or less deeply sinuated or cut in many species, but in some of the deciduous and many of the evergreen kinds are nearly or quite entire on the margin.
According to Neubauer, the bark of young oaks contains from 7 to Io% of this principle; in old trees the proportion is much less.
Robur than any other species, forming a thick trunk with spreading base and, when growing in glades or other open places, huge spreading boughs, less twisted and gnarled than those of the English oak, and covered with a whitish bark that gives a marked character to the tree.
The wood is variable in quality and, though hard in texture, is less durable than the best oak of British growth; the heart-wood is of a light reddish brown varying to an olive tint; a Canadian specimen weighs 524 lb the cubic foot.
Ilex, usually a smaller tree, frequently of rather shrub-like appearance, with abundant glossy dark-green leaves, generally ovate in shape and more or less prickly at the margin, but sometimes with the edges entire; the under surface is hoary; the acorns are oblong on short stalks.
He supported stoutly the extreme party of opposition to the king, but did not take the lead except on a few less important occasions, and was apparently silent in the debates on the Petition of Right, the Grand Remonstrance and the Militia.
The contention brought to a crisis the struggle between the moderate Presbyterians and the Scots on the one side, who decided to maintain the monarchy and fought for an accommodation and to establish Presbyterianism in England, and on the other the republicans who would be satisfied with nothing less than the complete overthrow of the king, and the Independents who regarded the establishment of Presbyterianism as an evil almost as great as that of the Church of England.
Peace hath her victories No less renowned than war."
In less than two years he had taken his rank as one of the great cavalry leaders of history.
And this result he achieved with men of less than two years' service, men, too, more heavily equipped and worse mounted than the veterans of the Grande Armee.
The professional soldiers of the Continent could rarely be brought to force a decision; but the English, contending for a cause, were imbued with the spirit of the modern "nation in arms"; and having taken up arms wished to decide the quarrel by arms. This feeling was not less conspicuous in the far-ranging rides, or raids, of the Cromwellian cavalry.
Cromwell's strategic manoeuvres, if less adroit than those of Turenne or Montecucculi, were, in accordance with his own genius and the temper of his army, directed always to forcing a decisive battle.
In these troughs the depth is seldom much less than 3000 fathoms, and this is exceeded in a series of patches to which Murray has given the name of "Deeps."
In the equatorial region between these belts the salinity is markedly less, especially in the eastern part.
Bonaparte, with whom Tone had several interviews about this time, was much less disposed than Hoche had been to undertake in earnest an Irish expedition; and when the rebellion broke out in Ireland in 17 9 8 he had started for Egypt.
Where a debtor has committed any act of bankruptcy a creditor or creditors whose aggregate claims are not less than £50 may proceed against him in bankruptcy.
Towards the Black Sea, the less elevated Istranja Dagh stretches from north-west to south-east; and the entire south coast, which includes the promontory of Gallipoli and the western shore of the Dardanelles, is everywhere hilly or mountainous, except near the estuaries of the Maritza, and of the Mesta, a western frontier stream.
The important silk industry, however, began to revive about 18go, and dairy farming is prosperous; but the condition of the vilayet is far less unsettled than that of Macedonia, owing partly to the preponderance of Moslems among the peasantry, and partly to the nearness of Constantinople, with its Western influences.
But as a translator Plautus is nothing less than masterly.
In the south Bela was less successful.
Less favourable is the view taken by non-Catholic historians, which seems in some measure to be confirmed by St Francis himself.
The biography of St Francis de Sales was written immediately after his death by the celebrated P. de La Riviere and Dom John de St Francois (Goulu), as well as by two other authors of less importance.
It is very common on the coasts of Europe and eastern North America, but its flesh is much less esteemed than that of the true Gadi.
The cups are placed symmetrically on the end of the arms, and it is easy to see that the wind always has the hollow of one cup presented to it; the back of the cup on the opposite end of the cross also faces the wind, but the pressure on it is naturally less, and hence a continual rotation is produced; each cup in turn as it comes round providing the necessary force.
Hence he inferred that the amount of heat given up to the condenser of an engine when the engine is doing work must be less than when the same amount of steam is blown through the engine without doing any work.
Rowland and others, necessitated by modern requirements, have shown that it is in error, but by less than 1%.
An intelligent creature, or "demon," possessed of unlimited powers of vision, is placed in charge of each door, with instructions to open the door whenever a particle in A comes towards it with more than a certain velocity V, and to keep it closed against all particles in A moving with less than this velocity, but, on the other hand, to open the door whenever a particle in B approaches it with less than a certain velocity v, which is not greater than V, and to keep it closed against all particles in B moving with a greater velocity than this.
The availability of the energy of electrical separation in a charged Leyden jar is also limited only by the resistance of conductors, in virtue of which an amount of heat is necessarily produced, which is greater the less the time occupied in discharging the jar.
Handel's orchestra is less detailed.
This migration is usually accompanied by a more or less complete metamorphosis.
In first cost the hydraulic crane has the advantage, but the power mains are much less expensive and more convenient to arrange in the electric crane.
The lifting speed of electric travellers is generally less, because the lift is generally much shorter, and may in ordinary cases be taken as V=3+85/T.
Geologically considered, the country may be divided into three regions - a central, and the largest, comprising the whole width of the Aravalli system, formed of very old sub-metamorphic and gneissic rocks; an eastern region, with sharply defined boundary, along which the most ancient formations are abruptly replaced by the great basin of the Vindhyan strata, or are overlaid by the still more extensive spread of the Deccan trap, forming the plateau of Malwa; and a western region, of very ill-defined margin, in which, besides some rocks of undetermined age, it is more or less known or suspected that Tertiary and Secondary strata stretch across from Sind, beneath the sands of the desert, towards the flanks of the Aravallis.
He was free, but had to accept monetary compensation for corporal injuries, paid smaller fees and fines, even paid less offerings to the gods.
The corvee was less regular.
This telegraph required six wires, and was shortly afterwards displaced by the single-needle system, still to a large extent used on railway and other less important circuits.
The advantage of the high conducting power which copper possesses Over- is of especial value in moist climates (like that of the United Kingdom), since the effect of leakage over the surface of the damp insulators is much less noticeable when the conducting power of the wire is high than when it is low, especially when the line is a long one.
If, however, there is leakage, the current received on the galvanometer will be less than the current sent out, and the result will be a deflection of the needle proportional to the amount of leakage.
Thomson (Lord Kelvin) at a meeting of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow in 1854, because its greater flexibility renders it less likely to damage the insulating envelope during the manipulation of the cable.
The grappling of the cable and raising it to the surface from a depth of 2000 fathoms seldom occupy less than twenty-four hours, and since any extra strain due to the pitching of the vessel must be avoided, it is clear that the state of the sea and weather is the predominating factor in the time necessary for effecting the long series of operations which, in the most favourable circumstances, are required for a repair.
This method has the advantage of distinctness, and so is writer less trying to the eyes of the operators.
In Hughes's instrument almost perfect accuracy and certainty have been attained; and in actual practice it has proved to be decidedly superior to all previous type-printing telegraphs, not only in speed and accuracy, but in less liability to mechanical derangement from wear and tear and from accident.
This allowed a shorter train and stronger wheelwork to be used, securing more certain action, and involving less risk of derangement.
As it uses the Baudot telegraph alphabet it has an advantage in theory over the Wheatstone using the Morse alphabet in regard to the speed that can be obtained on a long telegraph line in the ratio of eight to five, and this theoretical advantage is more or less realized in practice.
These coils are drawn down, by the magnetic action of the field on the currents in the coils, into the annular spaces, against the pull of the springs, more or less strongly, according to the strengths of the two line currents.
With regard to the statement that the companies had installed competitive systems and had expended capital needlessly, it was found by the Post Office authorities that in 1865 less than 2000 m.
He proved that when so syntonized the circuits are inductively respondent to each other with a much less power expenditure in the primary circuit than without the syntony.
Many other more or less imperfect devices - such as those of Mahlon Loomis, put forward in 1872 and 1877, and Kitsee in 1895 - for wireless telegraphy were not within the region of practically realizable schemes.
In both cases the amplitude of the oscillations decreases more or less rapidly.
The ancient town is chiefly celebrated for the famous Iguvine (less correctly Eugubine) Tables, which were discovered there in 1444, bought by the municipality in 1456, and are still preserved in the town hall.
To the brass bottom of the case is attached 'a thin disk of polished hard carbon C, which is slightly less in diameter than the brass bottom, so that the carbon disk almost entirely covers this brass back, leaving only a slight annular space around its edge.
Pupin showed that by placing inductance coils in circuit, at distances apart of less than half the length of the shortest component wave to be transmitted, a non-uniform conductor could be made approximately equal to a uniform conductor.
The Postmaster-General on the other hand agreed to provide underground wires for the company on a rental, and agreed to buy in 1911 the company's plant in London at the cost of construction less allowance for repairs and depreciation.
In 1885 there were only 3800 telephone subscribers in London and less than io,000 in the rest of the United Kingdom, and telephonic services were available in only about 75 towns, while in the same year the American Bell Telephone Company had over 134,000 subscribers.
There are about seven species, herbs with clusters of radical leaves some or all of which are more or less trumpetor pitcher-shaped.