Leopards Sentence Examples
Wild cats, cheetahs and leopards are found, but they are now rare, especially the latter.
Leopards are numerous, and have even been shot within the walls of Seoul.
The principal wild animals are elephants, rhinoceros, tigers, leopards, black bears and wild hog.
The wild animals are tigers, elephants, rhinoceros, leopards and deer.
Leopards still haunt the cane-brakes and thickets along the banks of the rivers; and nilgai and antelopes abound.
The lion is now only found in the northern parts of Futa Jallon; panthers, leopards, hyenas and wild cats are more common and the civet is found.
A few elephants, giraffes and zebras (equus burchelli - the true zebra is extinct) are still found in the north and north-eastern districts and in the same regions lions and leopards survive in fair numbers.
In the south of the district, along the coast of the Bay of Bengal, lie the forest tracts of the Sundarbans, the habitation of tigers, leopards and other wild beasts.
Both the leopards and cheetahs are commonly spoken of in South Africa as tigers.
Help protect the snow leopards in Nepal's Sacred Himalayan Landscape by taking part in the WWF Walk for Wildlife!
AdvertisementJaguars and leopards both can be solid black, and both are called black panthers.
The so-called lynxes of Bacchus were generally represented as resembling leopards rather than any of the species now known by the name.
Leopards, both spotted and black, are numerous and often of great size; hyaenas are found everywhere and are hardy and fierce; the lynx, wolf, wild dog and jackal are also common.
The fauna includes lions, leopards, several kinds of deer, monkeys, bush-cow and wild boar.
These were called florins or double leopards, half florins or leopards, quarter florins or helms.
AdvertisementThey hunt at dusk and at night, filling a similar niche to the clouded leopards of Southeast Asia.
One of the leopards licked her hands, and the man in charge of the giraffes lifted her up in his arms so that she could feel their ears and see how tall they were.
Although wild leopards are quite solitary in nature, in captivity they seem to appreciate company.
This animal eats both meat and plants, and has to watch out for leopards, their top predator.
However, other cats have been heard to purr as well including those of the Panthera genus that includes lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars.
AdvertisementSome experts claim that it is not found in larger wildcat species such as tigers, lions, leopards and cheetahs.
Presto Change Decor includes wall stickers for teenage bedrooms, include sports silhouettes, surfers, skull and crossbones, and patterns like leopards and circles.
Some giraffe print borders that feature realistic looking giraffes also display other animals such as zebras, elephants, lions, leopards and cheetahs.
Popular animal print bedding patterns and designs typically include cheetahs, leopards, tigers, and zebras.
The spotted coats of animals like cheetahs, leopards and giraffes are quite stunning with their contrasting colors and complex patterns.
AdvertisementWhether it's the two leopards canoodling, the family of whales serenely swimming, or the flamingo proudly preening, you'll definitely get notice with a towel from this category!
You'll find cropped cardigans, kimono sleeve cardigans and the most basic cardi, all with patterns representing animals like zebras and leopards.
Upon entering the African Savannah, guests are greeted by the many species of animals, including mandrills, leopards, antelope, and lizards.
The wild animals found in the district comprise a few tigers, leopards and wild elephants, deer, wild pig, porcupines, jackals, foxes, hares, otters, &c. The green monkey is very common; porpoises abound in the large rivers.
Hippopotami are still found in the Umgeni river and crocodiles in several of the coast streams. Leopards and panthers are found in thickly wooded kloofs.
The more important wild animals are a large wild sheep (Ovis poli), foxes, wolves, jackals, bears, boars, deer and leopards; amongst birds, there are partridges, pheasants, ravens, jays, sparrows, larks, a famous breed of hawks, &c.
Leopards of large size are still found in the north-west of central Tunisia.
Leopards abound in the Hah valley; deer everywhere, some of them of a very large species.
Lions and leopards are found throughout the country.
Bears, leopards and musk deer are found on the higher mountains, deer on the lower ranges, and a few elephants and tigers on the slopes nearest to the plains.
The ancient Greeks and Romans kept in captivity large numbers of such animals as leopards, lions, bears, elephants, antelopes, giraffes, camels, rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses, as well as ostriches and crocodiles, but these were destined for slaughter at the gladiatorial shows.
Lions, formerly plentiful, have disappeared, and leopards and panthers are rare; but jackals, hyenas and Algerian apes are not uncommon.
The size of leopards varies greatly, the head and body usually measuring from 31 to 42 ft.
Perfectly black leopards, which in certain lights show the characteristic markings on the fur, are not uncommon, and are examples of melanism, occurring as individual variations, sometimes in one cub out of a litter of which the rest are normally coloured, and therefore not indicating a distinct race, much less a species.
Fossil bones and teeth, indistinguishable from those of existing leopards, have been found in cave-deposits of Pleistocene age in Spain, France, Germany and England.
Here are to be found yak, wild asses (kyang), several varieties of deer, musk deer and Tibetan antelope (Pantholops); also wild sheep (the bharal of the Himalaya), Ovis hodgsoni and possibly Ovis poli, together with wild goats, bears (in large numbers in the north-eastern districts), leopards, otter, wolves, wild cats, foxes, marmots, squirrels, monkeys and wild dogs.
The badge is a white cross surmounted by the royal crown, in the centre the initial F surrounded by a crimson fillet on which is the motto Furchtlos and Treu; in the angles of the cross are four golden leopards; the ribbon is crimson with two black stripes.
Elephants, tigers, bears, leopards and other wild animals are found.
The Carnivora include bears, wolverines, wolves, raccoons, foxes, sables, martens, skunks, kolinskis, fitch, fishers, ermines, cats, sea otters, fur seals, hair seals, lions, tigers, leopards, lynxes, jackals, &c. The Rodentia include beavers, nutrias, musk-rats or musquash, marmots, hamsters, chinchillas, hares, rabbits, squirrels, &c. The Ungulata include Persian, Astrachan, Crimean, Chinese and Tibet lambs, mouflon, guanaco, goats, ponies, &c. The Marsupialia include opossums, wallabies and kangaroos.
Leopards have rings only and cheetahs solid spots.
In England, for instance, the dressing of sables, martens, foxes, otters, seals, bears, lions, tigers and leopards is first rate; while with skunk, mink, musquash, chinchillas, beavers, lambs and squirrels, the Germans show better results, particularly in the last.
Lions, leopards, lynxes, panthers and bears are also specially mentioned among the large game; sometimes they were taken in pitfalls, sometimes speared by mounted horsemen.
Elephants are numerous, and tigers, leopards, bears, bison and various kinds of deer abound in the forests.
Leopards and bears are numerous; and the sand-badger, the Arctonyx collaris of Cuvier, a small animal somewhat resembling a bear, but having the snout, eyes and tail of a hog, is found.
Leopards are common, and the tiger wanders to a considerable elevation, but can hardly be considered a permanent inhabitant, except in the lower valleys.
Lynxes are found in the northern and temperate regions of both the Old and New World; they are smaller than leopards, and larger than true wild cats, with long limbs, short stumpy tail, ears tufted at the tip, and pupil of the eye linear when contracted.
The nobles hunt antelopes with leopards, and giraffes and ostriches with horse and greyhound.
The large Carnivora, lions, tigers, jaguars and leopards are the first favourites; then follow monkeys, then the large ungulates, elephants, rhinoceroses and hippopotamuses, camels and giraffes, deer and antelopes and equine animals, whilst birds are appreciated chiefly for plumage and song.
He says that they 're swifter than leopards or panthers.
Within these settings you will find animals of all description from elephants, rhinos, leopards, buffaloes and lions - Africa's "Big Five" game animals - to zebras, giraffes, an amazing diversity of birds and insects.