Lengthened Sentence Examples
His fangs lengthened, and she stared at them, the reality of her situation beginning to sink in.
As he spoke, his fangs lengthened.
In 1788 she set out on a lengthened tour through Italy, accompanied by Goethe.
In Egypt the cubit lengthened 1/170 in some thousands of years (25, 44) The Italian mile has lengthened 1/170 since Roman times (2); the English mile lengthened about 1/300 in four centuries (31).
According as it is too great or too small, the stroke of the pendulum is shortened or lengthened by a screw.
It lengthened the term of service of executive and legislative officials from two to four years, made that of the
When, however, the time of discharge is lengthened, the conditions of the arc are more nearly approached.
During the years following the destruction of the Carolingian empire the borders of Bavaria were continually changing, and for a lengthened period after 955 this process was one of expansion.
As the ingot is reduced in section, it is of course lengthened proportionally.
The rapier (63) or lengthened dagger is rarely found, and is prisbably of prehistoric Greek origin.
AdvertisementA schism now produced lengthened civil war and alienated Egypt from the empire.
Each valley is consequently lengthened at the expense of the mountain from which it descends.
In most countries a lengthened sojourn is a condition precedent to naturalization.
In 1888 the gates of Wellington dock were widened to admit a larger type of Channel steamers; new coal stores were erected on the Northampton quay; the slipway was lengthened 40 ft., and widened for the reception of vessels up to 800 tons.
A lengthened analysis of them would be out of place here, and all that is possible is a brief mention of the more important.
AdvertisementAt length Story settled down as a shopkeeper at Goa, Leedes entered the service of the Great Mogul, Newbery died on his way home overland, and Fitch, after a lengthened peregrination in Bengal, Pegu, Siam and other parts of the East Indies, returned to England.
But consignment to a prison for lengthened periods was, as a penalty, of more recent introduction, and of still later date is the recognition of the duties incumbent upon the authority to use its powers mercifully by humane endeavours to reform and improve those on whom it laid hands.
In 1803 the Schopenhauers and their son set out on a lengthened tour, of which Johanna has given an account, to Holland, England, France and Austria.
He had made it a condition of his joining any administration that Newcastle should be excluded from it, thus showing a resentment which, though natural enough, proved fatal to the lengthened existence of his government.
This measure, passed with great difficulty and by bringing considerable pressure to bear upon the nominated council, was the outcome of a lengthened agitation throughout the Australian colonies, and was followed by similar legislation in all of them.
AdvertisementHe said that if his life were lengthened he would give fifty years to the study of the Yi, and might then be without great faults.
The " Chrisom " or " chrysom," a variant of " chrism," lengthened through pronunciation, is a white cloth with which the head of a newly baptized child was covered to prevent the holy oil from being rubbed off.
Of the five teeth between the incisors and molars the most anterior, or the one usually situated close behind the premaxillary suture, very generally assumes a lengthened and pointed form, and constitutes the " canine " of the Carnivora, the tusk of the boar, &c. It is customary, therefore, to call this tooth, whatever its size or form, the " canine."
From Braila to Sulina, a distance of about loo m., the river falls under - the jurisdiction of the European commission of the Danube, an institution of such importance as to merit the lengthened notice.
There are usually nine tarsal elements in the Caudata; this number is reduced in the Ecaudata, in which the two bones of the proximal row (sometimes coalesced) are much elongated and form an additional segment to the greatly lengthened hind-limb, a sort of crus secundarium.
AdvertisementWhen a large body of fuel is required, the cylinder can be lengthened by an iron hoop which fits over the top ring.
Known as the Kittyhawk IV in RAF service the aircraft also featured a lengthened fuselage and redesigned canopy.
As the shadows lengthened, they settled down to sleep after a long day's running.
The fifth movement is a jig or waltz where the phrase lengths are, unlike the first movement, gradually lengthened.
First of all, the wording has been significantly lengthened, in order to remove ambiguities.
This has greatly lengthened the time required to identify issues within draft policies.
In the colonies of more than one European country, after the prohibition of the slave trade, attempts were made to replace it by a system of importing labourers of the inferior races under contracts for a somewhat lengthened term; and this was in several instances found to degenerate into a sort of legalized slave traffic. About 1867 we began to hear of a system of this kind which was in operation between the South Sea Islands and New Caledonia and the white settlements in Fiji.
Grant, as he pushed Pemberton before him to Granada, lengthened day by day his line of communication, and when Van Dorn, ever enterprising, raided the great Federal depot of Holly Springs the game was up. Grant retired hastily, for starvation was imminent, and Pemberton, thus freed, turned upon Sherman, and inflicted a severe defeat on that general at Chickasaw Bayou near Vicksburg (December 29).
Schelling was prematurely thrust into the position of a foremost productive thinker; and when the lengthened period of quiet meditation was at last forced upon him there unfortunately lay before him a system which achieved what had dimly been involved in his ardent and impetuous desires.
He found corpuscles in Japanese cocoons and in many specimens which had been preserved for lengthened periods in public collections.
He afterwards served on board the "Washington" (74) carrying the broad pennant of Commodore Chauncey in the Mediterranean, and pursued his professional and other studies under the instruction of the chaplain, Charles Folsom, with whom he contracted a lifelong friendship. Folsom was appointed from the "Washington" as U.S. consul at Tunis, and obtained leave for his pupil to pay him a lengthened visit, during which he studied not only mathematics, but also French and Italian, and acquired a familiar knowledge of Arabic and Turkish.
Shabana lengthened the rallies and pegged it back, and went on the edge the game 11/8.
The itinerary can be lengthened or shortened according to your own preferences.
This lead can be lengthened or shortened as needed, to help keep it nearby and off of unwashed surfaces.
For those seeking a very gradual glow, products like Glow Fusion are developed to apply regularly, creating a gorgeous faux tan over a lengthened period of time.
Some parents feel the dolls wear too much makeup and need their skirts lengthened.
There are codes that mean to lengthen or shorten a note, like brackets around a number that mean to hold it until a dot appears on the screen, or the number eight or nine signaling a shortened or lengthened note respectively.
The height of the lower face also can be shortened or lengthened.
In addition, try wearing a longer bang rather than a super short bang to ensure the already long oval shape isn't unnecessarily lengthened.
Because the ornamentation is suspended from rather than attached to the chain, the jewelry can easily be shortened or lengthened as desired, and any damage to the chain is more easily repaired than with an elaborate necklace.
These bags typically have a handle that can be lengthened or shortened depending on the situation and they also have wheels, so that they are easy to transport.
Corsets were lengthened to cover the hips until 1914, when developments in elastic changed undergarments and phased out the corsets.
Deidre watched in growing horror as his teeth turned from normal to sharpened, and two long canines half the size of her index finger lengthened from his gum.
The two ends of the planula become greatly lengthened and give rise to the two primary tentacles of the actinula, of which the mouth arises from one side of the planula.
There is nothing more striking in geography than the perfection of the adjustment of a great river system to its valleys when the land has remained stable for a very lengthened period.
In some of those birds which have a peculiarly harsh or trumpeting voice, the trachea is lengthened, forming loops which lie subcutaneously (capercally, curassow), or it enters and dilates the symphysis of the furcula (crested guineafowl); or, e.g.
It will be seen that (1) the increase in equivalent volume is about 6.6; (2) all the topic parameters are increased; (3) the greatest increase is effected in the parameters x and tG, which are equally lengthened.
The choir was lengthened and the beautiful eastern rose window added by Bishop Stewart in 1511, and the porch and the western end of the nave were finished in 1540 by Bishop Robert Reid.
This splendid plumage, however, belongs only to the adult males, the females being exceedingly plain birds of a nearly uniform dusky brown colour, and possessing neither plumes nor lengthened tail feathers.
If the first fork alone vibrates, the point on the screen appears lengthened out into a vertical line through the changes in inclination of the first mirror, while if the second fork alone vibrates, the point appears lengthened out into a horizontal line.
Any error of this kind will merely affect the form of the frame; if, however, another member be introduced between A and D, then if BC be shortened AD will be strained so as to extend it, and the four other members will be compressed; if G CB is lengthened AD will thereby be compressed, and the four other members extended; if the workman does not make CB and AD of exactly the right length they and all the members will be permanently strained.
His Geometric gave rise in England also to a lengthened discussion on the difficult question of the treatment of the theory of parallels.
We may also call attention to the greatly lengthened choir, commenced by Abbot John of York, 1203-1211, and carried on by his successor, terminating, like Durham Cathedral, in an eastern transept, the work of Abbot John of Kent, 1220-1247, and to the tower (D), added not long before the dissolution by Abbot Huby, 1494-1526, in a very unusual position at the northern end of the north transept.
Not unlike the runner, though growing in a very different way, are the bud-plants formed on the fronds of several kinds of ferns belonging to the genera Asplenium, Woodwardia, Polystichum, Lastrea, Adiantum, Cystopteris, &c. In some of these (Adiantum caudatusn, Polystichum lepidocaulon) the rachis of the frond is lengthened out much like the string of the strawberry runner, and bears a plant at its apex.
Lengthened negotiations took place but they led to no satisfactory result, while the kings enemies in Germany, taking advantage of the deadlock, showed signs of revolt.
After lengthened suffering from a terrible disease, said to have been cancer in the face, he died in 1773, leaving to his son Timur the kingdom he had founded.
With the handle lengthened (86) and turned forward, this became the plough (87 is the hieroglyph, 88 the drawing, of a plough); this was always sloping, and never the upright post of the Italic type.
They are crowded together and therefore rendered shorter and more frequent by the advance of their source, but drawn apart and lengthened by its recession.
The storing of such tobacco for a lengthened period matures and deprives it of harshness, and the same result may be artificially hastened by macerating the leaves in water acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and washing them out with pure water.
The retort may be replaced by a distilling flask, which is a round-bottomed flask (generally with a lengthened neck) provided with an inclined side tube.
For instance, Lepsius (3) supposed two primitive cubits of 13.2 and 20.63, to account for 28 digits being only 20.4 when free from the cubit of 20.63--the first 24 digits being in some cases made shorter on the cubits to agree with the true digit standard, while the remaining 4 are lengthened to fill up to 20.6.