Lemon yellow Sentence Examples
It is used as a pigment (cadmium yellow), for it retains its colour in an atmosphere containing sulphuretted hydrogen; it melts at a white heat, and on cooling solidifies to a lemon-yellow micaceous mass.
In Caswell county, North Carolina, " lemon yellow " tobacco was first produced in 1852, and the demand for this " bright " variety became so great that except during the interruption of the Civil War its culture spread rapidly.
It is obtained as fine lemon yellow deliquescent prisms by evaporating a solution of any of the oxides in nitric acid.
The caliche has often a granular structure, and is yellowishwhite, bright lemon-yellow, brownish or violet in colour.
The dioxychloride, WO 2 C12, is obtained as a light lemon-yellow sublimate on passing chlorine over the brown oxide.
This fabulous 1960s bangle is made from seven lemon yellow celluloid disks strung together.
This fabulous 1960s bangle is made from semi-opaque sherbet lemon yellow Lucite with an opaque white inside.
Group 11 Changing Colors pure white perianth with pale lemon-yellow shades & white then pale pink corona.
If the incrustation be white and readily volatile, arsenic is present, if more difficultly volatile and beads are present, antimony; zinc gives an incrustation yellow whilst hot, white on cooling, and volatilized with difficulty; tin gives a pale yellow incrustation, which becomes white on cooling, and does not volatilize in either the reducing or oxidizing flames; lead gives a lemon-yellow incrustation turning sulphur-yellow on cooling, together with metallic malleable beads; bismuth gives metallic globules and a dark orange-yellow incrustation, which becomes lemon-yellow on cooling; cadmium gives a reddish-brown incrustation, which is removed without leaving a gleam by heating in the reducing flame; silver gives white metallic globules and a dark-red incrustation.
The flower heads are made up of lemon-yellow ray florets.
AdvertisementPear green and lemon yellow are bright, but also reminiscent of the autumn season.
P. alpina differs from all other kinds in having white flowers, marked more or less with lemon-yellow on the lip, but sometimes tinted with pale pink.
Globe-flower (Trollius Europaeus) - Grows about 15 inches high, has lemon-yellow flowers, and is an extremely variable plant, so much so that almost every locality has its particular form.
L. hispida is pretty, growing about 18 inches high, with deeply-cut foliage and short stinging hairs, the flowers 1 inch across, of a bright lemon-yellow, the centre prettily marked with green and white.
The flowers are axillary, 3 inches across, with from eight to twelve ray florets colored pale pink or sometimes white with pink tips; the disc is lemon-yellow.
AdvertisementIn the London district many of the varieties die from disease, or are short-lived as regards bloom, but the handsome C. amplexicaulis, with its bold habit and lemon-yellow flowers, is always a favourite.
Calceolaria Amplexicaulis - A fine kind with soft green leaves clasping the stem and many lemon-yellow flowers.
Calceolaria Hyssopifolia - One of the best of the dwarf kinds, bearing loose clusters of lemon-yellow blossoms from early summer till autumn, the foliage resembling that of Hyssop.
E. chrysanthum, with lemon-yellow flowers, and E. guttatum, these being mostly fitted for the warmer parts of the rock garden.
Europe, of dwarf tufted growth, with large heads of lemon-yellow blossoms.