Leisurely Sentence Examples
He slapped the team into action and they headed for town at a more leisurely pace.
Next to a leisurely walk I enjoy a "spin" on my tandem bicycle.
In this same leisurely manner I studied zoology and botany.
A slow smile began in his eyes and leisurely turned up the corners of his mouth.
Evelyn followed leisurely, unconcerned with being lost on the massive ship.
One of them is the precious science of patience, which teaches us that we should take our education as we would take a walk in the country, leisurely, our minds hospitably open to impressions of every sort.
She was leisurely sorting through everything.
Finding, however, that his colleagues in the administration favoured a much more leisurely rate of progress than he himself advocated, he once more retired into private life (1876) and renewed his liberal propagandism.
He had taken advantage of his leisurely journey home to pacify the turbulent Gascony, and to visit Paris and make a treaty with King Philip III.
They left, and she sat and ate leisurely.
AdvertisementTall and stout, holding high her fifty-year-old head with its gray curls, she stood surveying the guests, and leisurely arranged her wide sleeves as if rolling them up.
She walked over to him leisurely and put her arms around his neck.
Ultimately on the 18th of May the march was renewed, but the allies had continued their retreat in leisurely fashion, picking up reinforcements by the way.
No entrenchments were made; HalIeck, the Union commanding general in the West, was equally over-confident, and allowed Buell to march in leisurely fashion.
As a pet owner, this leisurely inspection is your opportunity to preview the park's rules as well as gauge its safety for your pet in relation to other dog breeds present.
AdvertisementWhether you want to make a fashion statement with your jacket, or need the best protective garment for leisurely road trips, there is a wide variety of styles and fabrics from which to choose.
These were worn for business and other important daytime activity, whereas the shorter, looser sack coat was worn for a leisurely day.
Seniors and their guests, along with local business owners, their employees and the general public, are welcome to sit and enjoy their morning coffee and a leisurely chat or stop in for a quick coffee break.
If you still have trouble, replace your naps with other leisurely activities, such as reading or reflecting.
Not getting into the high impact sports in favor of more leisurely activities like fishing?
AdvertisementGuests can leisurely float along the winding three-foot deep river on inflatable tubes.
You take it with you everywhere you go, whether you're making your way to the office or you're enjoying a leisurely brunch with your mother-in-law.
Take in a leisurely boat ride on Stow Lake.
The verb is se promener and the connotation is that this is a leisurely walk around the neighborhood.
The same goes for choosing leisurely trips instead of active vacations.
AdvertisementIf your favorite sport is walking, leisurely biking, or another low-impact activity, you may think that wearing a special sports bra is overkill.
Pale pink adds an innocent touch to a set that can carry you through a leisurely morning into a day spent comfortably at home.
Savvy shoppers can enjoy a good deal, while others meet up with friends for a leisurely afternoon or simply enjoy some peace and quiet.
Along this part of the coast are some of the best areas for water sports, bike riding, leisurely walking and shopping.
Those looking for a leisurely activity can drive along winding country roads to enjoy the beauty of the mountainous landscape.
After enjoying a leisurely lunch at a restaurant on the water, they walked barefoot on the beach holding hands.
The lunchtime pastrami more than eliminated the need for an early dinner, so he drove home, changed into shorts and set out at a leisurely pace on his 18-speed touring bike.
When once fairly reseated at his task, he proceeded in this delightful retreat leisurely, yet rapidly, to its completion.
Blucher followed by parallel and inferior roads on their northern flank, but Schwarzenberg knowing that the Bavarians also had forsaken the emperor and were marching under Wrede, 50,000 strong, to intercept his retreat, followed in a most leisurely fashion.
In this leisurely journey Pallas went by Kasan to the Caspian, spent some time among the Kalmucks, crossed the Urals to Tobolsk, visited the Altai mountains, traced the Irtish to Kolyvan, went on to Tomsk and the Yenisei, crossed Lake Baikal, and extended his journey to the frontiers of China.
Bazaine, however, withdrew entirely under cover of the forts, and set about the reorganization of his troops in the most leisurely manner.
He takes a backswing less than half that of most pros, and there's nothing leisurely about it.
Friday This morning you will have a leisurely breakfast at a famous local bakery.
Where foreign powers once drilled their troops, there is now a leisurely parade, serenaded by the music from the central bandstand.
Do you rush to join them or content yourself with a leisurely breakfast followed by a ride along the beautiful wild coast roads.
No need to rush down today as a leisurely brunch will be served all morning.
A leisurely expedition in a Canadian style canoe is an ideal way to spend a summer day.
Not a canal for those looking for a leisurely cruise!
Unlike the al-Ma'il, the Mashq was horizontal in form and can be distinguished by its somewhat cursive and leisurely style.
These sessions provide an opportunity for both lane swimmers and a leisurely dip.
To get there, take a leisurely walk on a shaded path through tall coconuts and flowering hibiscus.
Walks to suit everybody From leisurely strolls in the valley to energetic hikes along mountain paths, there are walks to suit everybody.
Tension comes to a head during the leisurely Labor Day picnic, a marathon event that begins with games and ends with booze-fuelled hysterics.
The Eastern Curlew was the 200 th bird of the trip, not bad for 8 days birding at a fairly leisurely pace.
First, academia is accustomed to conducting its business on a rather leisurely timetable.
Next followed a very leisurely trip up the river.
At the eastern end of Europe, our first Turkish bike trip will make a relatively leisurely exploration of the outrageous landscapes of Cappadocia.
Meander over to the Annie Jane monument and reflect on days gone by when life was not so leisurely.
The absence of wind meant a leisurely lunch till the sea breeze finally made its way to Bewl Reservoir.
With the rain easing, the 22 cars set off at a leisurely pace behind the safety car for three laps.
If you arrive after a leisurely breakfast, expect to park in the car park on the hill that overlooks the pier.
This leisurely ramble takes over mainly field paths within the boro of Knowsley.
The 16-day event boasts 160 guided walks to suit all ages and abilities, whether you are an experienced rambler or more leisurely walker.
Aqua Cat Cruises offers a leisurely liveaboard scuba diving and snorkeling adventure in the Bahamas.
Sanjay and I followed at a more leisurely pace, and he spotted a sea snake, with yellow spots.
The adjoining forest is ideal for leisurely strolls, walks along the trails or just merely enjoying the scenery.
Take a leisurely dip in the crystal blue sea and then stop for lunch at a beachside taverna.
I liked '100 Years from Today ' because it was played at a more leisurely tempo.
Instead of having a leisurely mooch round the garden centers, n then having a whack at Golf, wev been cleaning!
Leisurely rides by the Cambridge Cycling Campaign are slower than most of the purely CTC ones.
While you may not use a stroller everyday, there will be plenty of opportunities to stroll your baby, whether it is for a leisurely walk or a power shopping trip in the mall.
Do you love to exercise, or do you enjoy leisurely strolls around your neighborhood or in the local park?
Cadogan travel guides are geared towards leisurely travels and high-end shopping.
One of the most leisurely and relaxing recreational activities you can take up is fishing.
Do you want to take leisurely tours in calm water or do you want to battle the rapids for a thrill ride?
If dinner and entertainment are what you need, enjoy a leisurely evening at the Fireside Dinner Theatre.
Since many cat breeds tend to be leisurely by nature, you may not notice anything unusual right away.
Out of all of a cat's favorite activities, curling up for a nice leisurely nap seems to be at the top of the list.
A nice dining spot in which to entertain or just have a leisurely conversation can be a welcome addition to your living space.
You'll need outdoor furniture for the porch so you can watch the waves roll in and enjoy long leisurely chats.
Are you planning a leisurely breakfast, a visit to the hair salon, then a light lunch before you head to your ceremony?
An Internet search for "celebrity photos" will turn up hundreds of thousands of results, and not many people have enough time to leisurely browse through them all!
In contrast, along the mighty Mississippi passengers may pass close by alligators, turtles, snakes, and a wide range of beautiful birds as the ship sails leisurely along the river.
Because of the more leisurely pace of the cruise and the cultural focus, many river cruise passengers are over the age of 50, and few children's programs are available, if any.
The cruise ship will take a leisurely course out to sea and then bring you back to your initial point of departure without stopping at any other ports.
Enjoy a leisurely stroll through a garden enjoying the beautiful sights and scents of the flowers at a local botanical garden, conservatory or other public garden.
For all those occasions in between, like hanging out with friends by the pool or taking a leisurely stroll across the sand, you can try tunics or caftans.
For taking leisurely strolls down beach area sidewalks, you can wear a comfortable T-shirt if you don't want to walk around shirtless.
Just slip on a coordinating swim skirt and you're ready to head up to the snack shack, or take a nice leisurely walk.
At the Marc Jacobs website, one can leisurely browse through the eclectic designer's handbag collection by season or "ready to wear"".
Kans are sensual and romantic natives, and they tend to operate in a rather leisurely manner.
Waiting in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles, strolling leisurely around the shopping mall and patiently waiting to check out groceries are all activities that have the potential to raise this sign's ire.
Throw on your favorite beach cover-up, slide these on and enjoy a leisurely stroll on the boardwalk.
If boating doesn't interest you that day, pick up a shave ice, and take a leisurely stroll down main street.
Whether you choose adventure travel in China or a more leisurely vacation, the advent of the Internet has opened up even more opportunities for you to save on the cost of travel and vacationing in this unique country.
Whether you are looking for high art, boutique shopping, a memorable night out, or just want to enjoy a leisurely bicycle ride along the city's historic canals, you can not go wrong in Amsterdam.
This is perfect for people who need short periods of snooze during the week, but perhaps enjoy a more leisurely waking up routine at the weekend.
Higher intensity workouts will burn more fat than slow, leisurely activities.
Some choose to rest entirely, but most settle for low-intensity exercise, such as jogging at a leisurely pace between the sprints rather than sitting down altogether.
For a 140 lb female, a one-hour jog at a leisurely six mph may burn about 600 calories.
Biking at a leisurely pace on level ground can clear your mind even if the physical health benefits are not as impressive.
Spinning workouts can be as leisurely or as intensive as you make them.
Leisurely watch television and burn 100 calories while you're at it, or purchase a spinning workout DVD and burn four to five times the calories.
An average 150 pound woman will burn about 270 calories with one hour of leisurely biking.
Your running workout should begin with some gentle stretching followed by walking at a leisurely pace for a few minutes.
A 160-pound person walking a leisurely 2 mph will burn about 183 calories an hour, according to Mayo Clinic.
Even leisurely strolls count as exercise.
He slowed the pace of their kiss until it was deep, leisurely.
The last-named place he reached (after a leisurely journey and many honours at the little courts just mentioned) at the beginning of October, and here he proposed to stay the winter, finish his Annals of and look about him.
The sorghum is hardier than the sugar-cane; it comes to maturity in a season; and it retains its maximum sugar content a considerable time, giving opportunity for leisurely harvesting.
Acceleration is quite leisurely, with 11 seconds needed to reach 60mph.
Law school in been in the passed leisurely by.
The old prince dressed leisurely in his study, frowning and considering what he was to do.
Such a leisurely fashion of transacting business soon grew intolerable, and in 1635 a system of relays was instituted which enabled the journey between the two cities to be accomplished in three days, the charge for a letter being 8d.
These disasters compelled the retreat of the whole Silesian army, and Napoleon, leaving Mortier and Marmont to deal with them, hurried back to Troyes with his main body to strike the flank of Schwarzenberg's army, which had meanwhile begun its leisurely advance, and again at Mormant on the 17th of February, Montereau the 38th and Mery the he inflicted such heavy punishment upon his adversaries that they fell back precipitately to Bar-sur-Aube.
Education is more widely diffused, but is less thorough, less leisurely in its method, derived less than before from the purer sources of culture.
Cornwallis marched leisurely into North Carolina, but before meeting Greene some months later he suffered the loss of two detachments sent at intervals to disperse various partisan corps of the Americans.
He leisurely began to trace a finger along the elastic waistband in search of a telltale imperfection he could locate on a later date, giving identifying confirmation to his theory.
The cardinal de Retz in his leisurely age at Commercy found amusement in presiding at disputations between the more moderate Cartesians and Don Robert Desgabets, who interpreted Descartes in an original way of his own.
Livingstone was no hurried traveller; he did his journeying leisurely, carefully observing and recording all that was worthy of note, with rare geographical instinct and the eye of a trained scientific observer, studying the ways of the people, eating their food, living in their huts, and sympathizing with their joys and sorrows.
The Emperor Francis, a rosy, long faced young man, sat very erect on his handsome black horse, looking about him in a leisurely and preoccupied manner.