Legendary Sentence Examples
Legendary history goes back much further.
Her temper was legendary in her household.
Their history is largely legendary, and there exists no trace of it earlier than the 8th century.
It is inlaid with designs in colour and black and white, representing Biblical and legendary subjects, and is supposed to have been begun by Duccio della Buoninsegna.
Legendary Shells makes their own engraving with a process called sand carved engraving.
Other than legendary country music careers, Hank Williams Jr. and Willie Nelson are both known for their bad boy ways, but you would think age would have mellowed them by now-not!
Upon first loading the game, you are engulfed in the beauty of this beautiful, legendary world.
Denver is surrounded by legendary ski resorts, and an hour outside of the city, you can hike, fish, bird watch or hunt, as well as ski downhill or cross-country.
Ulster (Uladh) was one of the early provincial kingdoms of Ireland, formed, according to the legendary chronicles, at the Milesian conquest of the island ten centuries before Christ, and given to the descendants of Ir, one of the sons of Mileadh.
His severity has remained legendary.
AdvertisementIn spite of legendary accretions we can still discern the true outlines and significance of his life.
The legendary tradition which even Philo accepts gives it a formal nativity, a royal patron and inspired authors.
He seems to have been guilty of various offences and to have got off with short terms of imprisonment by bribery; but the monstrous cruelty which popular tradition has attributed to him is purely legendary.
If we are to follow von Sybel rather than Kugler, this saga of the First Crusade found one of its earliest expressions (c. 1120) in the prose work of Albert of Aix (Historia Hierosolymitana) - genuine saga in its 1 His somewhat legendary treatise, De liberatione civitatum Orientis, was only composed about 1155.
The Life by his disciple Sulpicius Severus is practically the only source for his biography, but it is full of legendary matter and chronological errors.
AdvertisementAll the accounts that have come down to us are of a purely legendary character, and it is impossible to find any single incident confirmed historically.
The Areois travelled about, devoting their whole time to feasting, dancing (the chief dance of the women being the grossly indecent Timorodeementionedby Captain Cook), and debauchery, varied by elaborate realistic stage presentments of the lives and loves of gods and legendary heroes.
He is also said to have been the father of several legendary kings, and more than one princely family claimed descent from him.
Poland, as has been said before, is not rich in national songs and legendary poetry, in which respect it cannot compare with its sister Slavonic countries Russia and Servia.
Two comedies drawn from medieval subjects, Gillets hemlighet (" The Secret of the Guild," 1880) and herr Bengt's Hustru (" Bengt's Wife," 1882), were followed by the legendary drama of Lycko Pers resa (" The Journal of Lucky Peter "), written in 1882 and produced with great success on the stage a year later.
AdvertisementIt is necessary to distinguish between the John of Nepomuk of history and the legendary one.
If you want to experience the legendary outback, you can do that here.
Described as a potent amalgamation of hard rock, psychedelia, jangle pop and grunge, the distinctive crunch of DeLeo's guitar licks serve as the engine that will drive STP into the legendary annals of American music.
They studied Chinese Kenpo under the legendary Gen, who took care of the boys after their parents died.
It was well known during the middle ages, and was largely used by William, archbishop of Tyre, for the first six books of his Belli sacri historic. In modern times its historical value has been seriously impugned, but the verdict of the best scholarship seems to be that in general it forms a true record of the events of the first crusade, although containing some legendary matter.
AdvertisementInto the legendary overgrowth of the First Crusade we cannot here enter any further 2; but it is perhaps worth while to mention that the French legend of the Third Crusade equally perverted the truth, making Richard I.
The Riesengebirge is the legendary home of Number Nip (Ri bezahl), a halfmischievous, half-friendly goblin of German folklore, and various localities in the group are more or less directly associated with his name.
It is evidently this Marcomeres, the chief of these tribes, who is regarded by later historians as the father of the legendary Faramund (Pharamund) although in fact Marcomeres has nothing to do with the Salian Franks.
The author of the Liber also claims that Chlodio was the son of Pharamund, but this personage is quite legendary.
Beginning with the earliest versions of the Bible, which seem to date from the 2nd century A.D., the series comprises a great mass of translations from Greek originals - theological, philosophical, legendary, historical and scientific. In a fair number of cases the Syriac version has preserved to us the substance of a lost original text.
For instance, there are no bilinf or legendary poems, such as are found among the Russians, although many passages in the ancient chroniclers from their poetical colouring seem to be borrowed from old songs or legends, and the first verses of some of these compositions have been preserved.
This is one of the most beautifully shot films I have seen, thanks to the legendary cinematographer Nestor Almendros.
Gloriously overwritten and utterly deranged, this is legendary stuff, without a doubt the most truly bizarre film in the history of cinema.
The legendary diva told the Daily Mail " He didn't ask my permission to have me singing on his song.
Damian Burrin had been busy sorting out his RAF traffic cone (now somewhat legendary ), complete with 38mm MMT and video downlink.
For the most part, the game has remained faithful to the legendary movie.
Keith Lindsay recently worked with legendary BBC comedy writer John Sullivan on Green Green Grass, the long-awaited follow-up to Only Fools And Horses.
In Scotland, a similar legendary spirit normally takes the form of a drummer boy or piper and likewise often foretells death or misfortune.
When you catch your breath, dare to ride the fearsome gauntlet or spin 360 degrees on King Arthurâs Legendary Sword Excalibur II.
Guide to Irish genealogy The legendary Fianna of Ireland were a band of mighty noble warriors.
Head to the center of Winchester and see legendary King Arthur's Round Table.
Whatever mode you're playing tho, the gameplay more or less remains legendary all the way through.
He is the legendary lumberman, who supposedly stood at 42 ax handles tall!
Gleneagles is a byword for unashamed luxury, unrivaled golf and leisure facilities and legendary hospitality.
We asked 12 artists, from a legendary lyricist to a freelance hit-making team, how they created one of their classic tracks.
The legendary Courtyard was electro heaven with the Swedish house Mafia in charge.
This album was produced by the legendary Clarence Reid, who turned out, in this case, a soul masterpiece.
A lost masterwork from the legendary director of Andrei Rublev, Solaris, and The Mirror.
Its amazing story involves legendary teams and footballing minnows, classic finals and forgotten friendlies, and celebrated players and unsung heroes.
Bar snacks are available - our huge bowls of steaming mussels are legendary!
You know, when I lived in India, I heard many stories of the Legendary Afghan tribesman.
Violent dreams of missing students and bloodthirsty monsters haunt his nights, as Shiraki learns of the legendary vampires that infest the region.
Hear about our legendary haunted vaults, home of the notorious, violent and misogynistic South Bridge Poltergeist.
The stories of his cruelty and oppression in the Swiss cantons first appear in the 16th century, and are now regarded as legendary.
The prediction in question was doubtless added by Ezekiel after the event; the code belongs precisely in his time, and the constitution was natural for a priest; Noah, Daniel and Job are old legendary Hebrew figures; and it is not probable that the prophet's " Paras " is our " Persia."
In spirit a child, in character a man of classic mould, Garibaldi had remained the nations idol, an almost legendary hero whose place none could aspire to fill.
Leaving Italy in the summer preceding the year 1000, when it was popularly believed that the end of the world was to come, Otto made a pilgrimage to the tomb of his old friend Adalbert, bishop of Prague, at Gnesen, and raised the city to the dignity of an archbishopric. He then went to Aix, and opened the tomb of Charlemagne, where, according to a legendary tale, he found the body of the great emperor sitting upright upon a throne, wearing the crown and holding the sceptre.
Powell's is Portland, Oregon's "legendary independent bookstore."
Fans of history, movies and sports know the satisfaction that can be gained from purchasing and owning a historic letter or document, or a legendary player's jersey.
Also find items from legendary games and matches.
Cryptids are legendary creatures that may or may not exist, such as Bigfoot, Nessie, and the chupacabra.
Legendary swords reminiscent of Excalibur will make magnificent accessories.
Legendary beauty Farrah Fawcett, with her sun-kissed beauty and youthful glow, helped to define the beauty of this decade.
Thanks to Tinkerbell's increased popularity after branching off into her own big screen performances, Tinkerbell is even more popular today than she was since making her debut in the now legendary cartoon.
Mikimoto is legendary for identically matching every pearl on any given strand, a feat not easily achieved when, by their very nature, every pearl is unique.
A stone with such a legendary history would appeal to a person searching for symbolic jewelry.
Moonstone was common because of its otherworldly glow and legendary history.
Find out more about the powerful Chalice Well symbol and the beautiful jewelry inspired by the legendary design.
If you are looking for something more formal or professional, invest in the legendary trench coat.
As the only child of legendary African American model, Beverly Johnson, the first Black model to make the cover of American Vogue in 1974, Anansa struggled to lose 40 pounds before moving to New York to launch a modeling career.
To that end, Dragon enlisted the help of legendary graffiti artist, CAP.
As you'd expect with such a legendary sunglass brand, Ray-Bans have attracted some famous fans throughout their distinguished history.
A griffon is a legendary creature reputed to have the heart of a lion and the soul of an eagle, thereby capturing the most majestic essences of both the king of beasts and the king of birds.
There are a number of different Lego Star Wars 2 Cheats for DS that either expand upon the gameplay found in the legendary portable video game or reward you for a job well done.
Remember the Legendary Edition of Halo 3?
Microsoft didn't issue a recall on the Legendary Edition and at first left it up to retailers to just to a basic exchange.
Legendary quarterback Brett Favre is on the cover of Madden NFL 09.
Designed by Will Wright, Maxis Spore is a game that comes from the same creators as the legendary Sims franchise.
To the bottom-left corner of the picture is a depiction of legendary boxer Muhammad Ali.
Once a member of the White Lotus Society alongside the legendary Kung Lao, Liu Kang enters the tournament representing the Shaolin order.
Stories of a captured Chupacabra abound on the Internet, but has this legendary beast finally been caught?
To date, animals believed to be the legendary goat sucker have all had dog or coyote DNA.
Texas News Report - This news report from Coleman, Texas covers the story of a farmer who believes he has captured the legendary beast.
Does that mean that the legendary Chup can be ruled out as merely a myth or urban legend?
Most of the legendary stories of disappearing ships and aircraft come from events that took place from the early 1900s through the 1970s.
Her commitment to protecting the environment is legendary at Degrassi, as are her other issues.
Soap Opera Digest is a legendary in the field of daytime drama publications.
Aaron Spelling, the legendary television producer behind multiple successful series including Charlie's Angels, Dynasty, 90210, Charmed and more, created the series.
Their battles became legendary as they struggled to make room for each other in their lives.
Francis is one-half of the legendary power couple, Luke and Laura.
The series featured many notable storylines and actors and was written by the legendary Agnes Nixon.
The tattoos that this history has engendered are legendary.
One legendary piece is Sailor Jerry's portrayal of a ship at sea with the word "Homeward" beneath it accompanied by splashes of vibrant red in the background as though devotion and fury fueled the ship's progress.
The road to Hana is legendary for its 617 hairpin turns.
Las Vegas is a legendary city and the vacation will certainly be memorable for every member of the family.
Wyoming - Enjoy Wyoming's hospitality while skiing and snowboarding at the legendary Jackson Hole.
In addition to aiding during World War II and in Vietnam, the legendary vessel served as the recovery ship for the Apollo 8 space mission.
With a combination of legendary Swiss watchmaking expertise and exquisite design, a Lucien Piccard watch is an item to be worn with pride.
Swiss made Mickey Mouse collectible watches are a marriage of the legendary Swiss watchmaking skills and the cheerful American icon.
The watches in this collection are named for the legendary curves on England's Silverstone racing track.
In 2009, the company received high accolades with the release of 32 new timepieces, as well as several legendary Patek models with a stylish makeover of 18 karat rose gold.
Tissot ladies' watches combine elegant quality with legendary horologist workmanship.
The car was a favorite on the race tracks of the 1950s and 1960s, and legendary film star James Dean was also a fan.
Just like the legendary leprechaun, they're small!
Champion is a legendary name in the sporting goods industry, so you might also want to investigate their online site to see what they have to offer.
The idea is to convince passersby that you are not the daughter of a mere library clerk, but indeed the offspring of a legendary merchant family.
Britney Spears made a name for herself as a young pop star, but became a legendary household name after her breakup with her husband and her eventual bizarre behavior.
Ian Curtis formed Warsaw with Bernard Summer, Terry Mason and Peter Hook after witnessing one of the legendary Sex Pistols gigs at the Lesser Free Trade Hall in the summer of 1976.
They recorded one demo, never played a gig, and somehow achieved legendary status.
The band's t-shirt slogan "Everything is Brilliant in Leeds" has surely become a legendary statement.
Following the album, the band played three legendary gigs at the Blackpool Empress Ballroom, Alexandra Palace and Spike Island.
Following the release of the album, NIN toured with such legendary artists as Skinny Puppy and The Jesus and Mary Chain.
In 1979, a music reviewer described the band as playing "gothic dance music" and their owner of their label - the legendary Tony Wilson of Factory Records - also described the band as "gothic."
He was a founding member of one of hip hop's first and most legendary groups, N.W.A., along with Dr. Dre, Eazy-E, The D.O.C., and MC Ren.
The music of legendary rock band Pink Floyd lives on thanks to the popularity of so called Pink Floyd light shows, and no Pink Floyd light show is more highly regarded than the Austrialian Pink Floyd show.
Follow this link, and you will be rewarded with not one, but eleven tunes by this gritty voiced, legendary star of outlaw country and silver screen.
Followed by a film crew, he toured the South, hooking up and playing with legendary blues artists along the way.
Although the first things that come to mind are probably the innovative animation and hilarious sight gags offered by the classic Warner Bros. series, the soundscape that the artists created was just as legendary and just as fantastic!
Originally released as a double album, the Grease soundtrack featured 24 songs performed by a cast of popular and legendary artists such as Sha Na Na, Frankie Avalon, and Frankie Valli.
Finally, Barry Gibb of the legendary band The Bee Gees wrote and produced the soundtrack's title song Grease.
Sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson of legendary rock music group Heart got their start in Seattle, Washington.
In true legendary fashion, Clapton holds the record for most inductions (three) into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
A Chicago-blues-style tune that includes some heavy improvisations, Have You Ever Loved A Woman is legendary Clapton material.
Despite failing to wow his music teachers, Elvis became more and more engrossed in music, especially Memphis' thriving blues scene centered on the now legendary Beale Street.
Hound Dog was written by legendary songwriting team Lieber and Stoller and was a blues hit for Big Mama Thornton before Presley remade it in rock style and took it to the top of the charts in 1956.
The legendary Grand Ole Opry helped bring country music out of the south and to national - and then international - audiences.
There, in 1927, Ralph Peer of Victor Records made a recording of The Carter Family, who had traveled from their legendary Virginia mountain homestead to play a show in Bristol.
Ironically, their label, the legendary Factory Records, lost money on every copy sold, since the production costs for the blue vinyl on which it was pressed was so high.
Kayley says she needs to uphold her image as "Hollywood royalty" because she's legendary actor Clark Gable's granddaughter.
He has also been very active in the BattleBots competitions, designing and creating the legendary Blendo robot.
The series follows Simmons -- the legendary, face-painted, blood spitting, tongue wagging hellion of the rock band KISS -- and his family, including his life partner, actress/model Shannon Tweed, and their kids, Nick and Sophie.
That dream came true when she got an opportunity to work at True Tattoo in Hollywood alongside legendary tattoo artists Chris Garver and Clay Decker.
Haunted History takes the paranormal scene to the past by narrating some weird visions and appearances of famous people and legendary characters in American History.
Together with his friends Ron and Hermione, Harry must uncover the truth about the stone and find a way to stop the wizard who is after its legendary powers.
The message, written in red, declares that the Heir of Slytherian has returned and that the legendary Chamber of Secrets has been reopened.
Unlike her previous novels about the legendary boy wizard, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is not so much an adventure or mystery as it is a story of discovery.
While Luke flies his fighter to Dagobah to find legendary Jedi Master Yoda, Han and Leia escape in the Millenium Falcon to Cloud City, where Lando (Billy Dee Williams), a smuggler friend of Han rules a community of smugglers.
Many of her novels are set in this kingdom and surrounding kingdoms, and detail the exploits of the kingdom's peace-keepers, the legendary Heralds.
A later addition to the cast is Methos (Peter Wingfield), the legendary Oldest Immortal whom most Immortals believe to be a myth.
When Duncan finds him, the legendary Methos turns out to be a scholarly looking young man, hiding out among the Watchers under the name Adam Pierson, apparently doing research to find Methos.
A child-hood enemy lurks around the corner, hungry for the power offered by the legendary "Sorcerer's Stone", and Harry Potter and his new friends are not about to let evil triumph over good.
But Anderson Cooper, even as a Q, would never be a malicious omnipotent being - no, his legendary compassion would be stirred by the crew's sad fashion plight.
This small fleet sets out into unexplored space with hopes of finding the legendary 13th Colony of Man.
With the release of each new book or film, the legendary story of the boy who lived spawns Harry Potter facts, rumors and misinformation.
Created in 1961 by the legendary Stan Lee himself, Sue Storm (later Richards) was the heart and soul of Marvel's signature title The Fantastic Four.
The top ten list above only scratches the surface when it comes to the amazing content that you'll find online, created both by and for the many fans of this legendary novel and film trilogy.
Monmouth allegedly combined historical and legendary figures of Myrrddin Wylt and Ambrosius Aurelianus.
Whenever I am not working, I have a one woman show called Reflections in which I actually become 12 legendary black women entertainers, Lena Horn, Eartha Kitt, Mahalia Jackson and so on.
Axe - The firefighter's axe is one of the most common ceremonial displayed item whose purpose as a work tool is legendary.
I never got to see Hardee's legendary genitalia in the flesh, but the same no longer applies to his colleagues.
Twitch, one half of the legendary Dynamic DJ Duo that is Optimo, took the parts and made a mean gumbo.
The slithery reptile has been rubbing shoulders, quite literally, with legendary snake-charming hell-raiser, Alice Cooper.
What nationality was the legendary hero William Tell, who shot an apple from his son's head?
In 1404 the legendary Welsh folk hero Owain Glyndwr convened a parliament here during his military campaign for Welsh autonomy.
It offers our customary legendary superb hospitality plus many other extra high profile benefits.
The videos featured either live music from the events or music from our now legendary album the First Taste.
The real Huo Yuanjia was a truly legendary martial arts master who defended China's national honor by defeating foreign fighters in the arena.
In fact, the design is so legendary, an example is displayed at New York's Museum of Modern Art.
His solo tours, which usually included tricky rough stuff routes, were the subject of many slide shows, which became legendary.
It's a volatile time, and you'll face off against both the samurai and legendary ninja.
The largest legendary sort of fierce sea monsters down to the smallest marine organism, all made in one day.
Nick is the son of legendary outlaw Bruce Richard Reynolds, mastermind of the Great Train Robbery in 1963.
Learn about the legendary pirates by visiting the museum exhibit.
Legendary actor Roger Moore stars as debonair playboy Simon Templar in the series that made him an international star.
Read the preface... Miss England II, the legendary British powerboat, was the first speedboat to cross the 100mph barrier.
The legendary TV producer was laid to rest at the Hillside Memorial Park in west Los Angeles.
Then, legendary stripper Tempest Storm offers herself as bait to catch a psychopath that is terrorizing a health club.
At the moment little has been released regarding the single player modes of the latest installment of Ridge racer, the legendary drift racer.
His after-show parties went on for days and were legendary among those who retained any recollection of them.
Lesley Blanch vividly recounts the epic story of their heroic and bloody struggle and the life of a man still legendary in the Caucasus.
The legendary rockers hope to sing about their gripes with life at retirement age.
Reservoir Dogs actor Michael Madsen wants to play the legendary singer in Irvine based Director Joey Martin's £ 2million film.
He could be seen playing skiffle in pubs around town and even made several appearances at the legendary 2I's coffee bar in Soho.
To top it all, the legendary spitfire was designed in the heart of the city of Southampton, by R J Mitchell.
The legendary ghost tower is once more transformed into a chilling live-action spook experience.
No doubt, they've earned their legendary stature.
In a weekend themed on the legendary superhero, Coulthard found his own superpowers to clinch his first top-three finish in three years.
Live Baby Live, by legendary Australian rock superstars INXS, is one of the most electrifying concerts ever filmed.
He was widely considered to be the best living swordsman in Japan after the passing of the legendary Miyamoto Musashi.
Nor was he (apart from his reception of legendary elements into his narrative) unworthy of the honour in which he was held; for he is really a great historian, in the form of his matter and in his conception of his subject - diligent, impartial, well-informed and interesting, if somewhat rhetorical in style and vague in chronology.
One of the most striking of the passages in the Cid's legendary history is that wherein he is represented as forcing the new king to swear that he had no part in his brother's death; but there was cause enough without this for Alphonso's animosity against the man who had helped to despoil him of his patrimony.
Their compilation was, when completed, read to 1 There is no historical foundation for the legendary laws of a prince Dymal (or Dyvnwal) Moel Mud, nor for the Laws of Marsia, which are said to belong to a period before the Roman invasion, even so early as 400 years before Christ.
That omnivorous universally credulous stage, which may be called the " legendary," was succeeded by the age of collectors and travellers, when many of the strange stories believed in were actually demonstrated as true by the living or preserved trophies brought to Europe.
The Elbe cannot rival the Rhine in the picturesqueness of the scenery it travels through, nor in the glamour which its romantic"end legendary associations exercise over the imagination.
They attribute two Kiani, two Qnumi and one Parsopa in 1 The legendary founders of the Syrian Church.
Briefly speaking, the NO was a dance of the most stately character, adapted to the incidents of dramas which embrace within their scope a world of legendary lore, of quaint fancies and of religious sentiment.
To the wider national sympathies which stimulated the researches of the old censor into the legendary history of the Italian towns we owe some of the most truly national parts of Virgil's Aeneid.
They find that the documents are of composite origin, partly notes from Mary to Darnley, partly a diary of Mary's, and so on; all combined and edited by some one who played the part of the legendary editorial committee of Peisistratus (see Homer), which compiled the Iliad and Odyssey out of fragmentary lays !
He could be seen playing skiffle in pubs around town and even made several appearances at the legendary 2I 's coffee bar in Soho.
To top it all, the legendary Spitfire was designed in the heart of the city of Southampton, by R J Mitchell.
No doubt, they 've earned their legendary stature.
Having attracted the attention of Franz Liszt, Sherwood spent his last three years in Weimar under the tutelage of the legendary master.
Dozen oil companies legendary two-time world every time we the guy who.
Near the unsaddling enclosure is a bronze of the legendary Blast of Storm.
However, if you are instead striving to make a comfortable and welcoming environment for your baby, allow yourself to understand the fact your infant simply will not care about designer furniture or legendary nursery wall tapestries.
His black and white photographs of California's Yosemite Valley are legendary, and prove how masterful he was at technical photography.
Her exploits are numerous and legendary.
This is the case with legendary female photographer Gertrude Kasebier.
The cartridge contains the legendary Walt Disney alphabet that is seen throughout the parks and on all licensed apparel.
This legendary retailer offers several Versace looks, some in surprising colors, like the Draped Halter Dress ($1500.00) in Clementine.
Legendary horns have a brass mouthpiece and a unique yacht line lanyard with an engravable nameplate.
Legendary Shells are the worlds only makers of shell trophy wedding horns, with over 30 years experience!
Created by the legendary team of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, Tom and Jerry is a cartoon series that focuses on the rivalry between Tom, the cat and Jerry, the mouse.
However, these legendary stars led exciting and surprising lives too, so it's no wonder their deaths came as such shocks to their fans and supporters.
In a stroke of luck, legendary racer Price Cobb spotted Brad and was impressed with his kart handling.
His father was an anchorman in Cincinnati, his aunt is the legendary singer and actress, Rosemary Clooney and his cousin is actor Miguel Ferrer.
The legendary section of the tabloid features a different girl each day - posing topless.
Farrah Fawcett became part of pop culture history with her legendary poster, famous hairstyle, and role on the 1970s series Charlie's Angels.
In the mid-70s, the now legendary Farrah Fawcett poster graced many a young man's bedroom wall.
That 70's Show uses Fawcett's legendary hairstyle for one of the show's characters.
News. Seacrest also took over from the legendary radio host Casey Kasem as the voice behind the syndicated radio show American Top 40.
The jaw-dropping, shriek-inducing audience reaction when she gives away gifts has become almost legendary.
At the age of two, he played against legendary comedian Bob Hope during a television appearance.
In the six years serving as co-host of Live with Regis and Kelly with the legendary Regis Philbin, she has become a household name because of her humor, quirkiness and downright likeability.
Kate Hudson was born to legendary actors Goldie Hawn and Bill Hudson in 1979.
Though he is often mocked for his legendary comb-over, Trump has proven that his financial savvy and public persona are a winning combination.
Legendary actor Danny DeVito was always one to cook his meals in his trailer during television and movie productions.
Not only did she play the lead character, but she also starred opposite of legendary award-winning stage and screen actress, Julie Andrews.
Nick Bollea, son of legendary wrestler Hulk Hogan, was involved in a car crash August 26, 2007 in Clearwater, Florida, that left him and his passenger injured.
Gene Simmons - The legendary KISS front man actually has been in the business world for many years.
Being compared to someone who is believed to be solely responsible for breaking up the legendary Beatles is a serious accusation and deserves a little more investigating.
Cowell was so impressed by Lewis' talents that he gave legendary music producer Clive Davis a call.
This didn't cause too much of a problem for her role as legendary singer Etta James in Cadillac Records.
Kristen has many projects on the go including the third installment of the Twilight series, Eclipse, as well as the highly anticipated Joan Jett biopic, The Runaways, where she will play the legendary rocker.
From young tomboys to romantic leading ladies to legendary rockers, Kristen Stewart's acting roles have shown that she has incredible range.
In 1987, after graduation, he began to take roles in Shakespearean plays with the Young Vic Theatre Company, a London Theater located near the legendary Old Vic.
The legendary starlet is no longer in show business, but she is still quite active with a number of personal projects.
It wasn't long before he scored his first acting role, as the Captain of the Guard in the legendary film The Ten Commandments.
Proving he was more than just a funny guy, Jamie Foxx earned the Best Actor Oscar in 2004 for his spot-on portrayal of legendary songwriter and singer Ray Charles in the box office hit Ray.
Conspiracy theories abound, and these cases become legendary because of the mystery and intrigue.
Lady Gaga - Her outfit made entirely of meat, which she donned for the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards, is just as legendary as Bjork's swan outfit.
Aretha Franklin - The legendary songstress is said to have a fear of flying, a phobia she shares with fellow artist Cher.
Michael Jackson - The legendary artist had aviophobia, a fear of flying, and some speculate that his fear of germs drove him to wear masks in public.
The athletic style T shirt features a bold screen-print of the legendary basketball star on the front.
The urban location is well known for its legendary attractions, world-class sports and restaurants.
Carnival encourages its passengers to experience all New Orleans has to offer, from its legendary jazz lounges to its world-class shopping, and everything in between.
Being able to spend the Christmas holiday touring this legendary landmark is a dream come true for many.
This 30-day all-encompassing voyage from Switzerland to Romania via the legendary Rhine, Main and Danube rivers is not for the faint of heart.
For history buffs, traveling down one of the most legendary waterways in the world on one of the most elegant riverboats in North America is a dream come true.
If you are looking to sail off into the sunset as man and wife, then consider cruising down the legendary Nile River.
If you don't have a compost pile, they're easy to start and maintain, and the benefits of adding compost to the soil are legendary.
After all, the man's talent is legendary, and while a tab can give you basic notes and chords, it can't infuse you this artist's feel for the music.
The Grateful Dead are one of the most legendary guitar bands of all time, and have had hit album after hit album, including Grateful Dead, American Beauty and Europe '72, to name but a few.
However, the song transcended its original popularity and truly became a legendary, canonical rock-n-roll song after it proved it was able to stand the test of time despite its contentious origins.
A single pickup is responsible for the legendary tone of the Red Baron, and the Kluson tuners help ensure the guitar stays in tune through all the bending.
Their third album was their first to be produced by Rick Rubin, the legendary producer who has worked with such iconic artists as Top Petty, Slayer, Beastie Boys, Red Hot Chili Peppers and even Johnny Cash.
Other attractions include a live music amphitheater, shows, restaurants, cafes, rides, and retail stores, all adorned with various pieces of legendary rock memorabilia.
Making a splash is what most visitors to Niagara Falls want to do, but you don't have to tempt the legendary waterfalls to enjoy the water.
The legendary killer whale is the jewel of the aquatic theme park's line-up, though she's not the only draw.
Age of Mythology is a PC strategy game where heroes battle legendary monsters and the Gods have a big role in the lives of men and women.
Batman Begins gives you a chance to race in the legendary vehicle.
The Final Fantasy series is possibly one of the most legendary role-playing game franchises of all time.
He may not be the most legendary Disney character, but Buzz Lightyear is quickly becoming one of the most popular.
The special Halo 3 ending is shown when you finish the game on Legendary mode.
Because Death on the Nile comes with backing of the legendary Agatha Christie, you can be sure that the tale is compelling, intriguing, enrapturing, and occasionally enlightening.
This is a very common question asked by prospective PlayStation 3 buyers, because they want to know if they'll be able to enjoy the massive library of games that are offered through the legendary PS2.
Legendary video game publisher Electronic Arts (EA) was founded in 1982.
This game is the latest work of the legendary designer Peter Molyneux.
Looking for the locations of Legendary Weapons?
Take on the persona of legendary pugilists like Muhammad Ali and Smokin' Joe Frazier, and work your way through to ranks until you find yourself across the ring from a bitter rival at Madison Square Gardens.
It introduced many gamers to the genre, and quickly became legendary thanks to a strong cast of characters and a plotline that still stands head and shoulders above most typical RPG drivel today.
From Russia With Love puts you in the fancy shoes of the original James Bond, complete with Sean Connery providing the legendary spies' voice.
It was once the pet project of legendary developer John Romero before he left, and at one time it was reported that this would be the game to take the franchise into a bold new direction.
In order to unlock a special ending to the Halo story arc, you need to complete Legendary mode.
Interestingly, it is not necessarily to complete the entire game in Legendary mode in order to access the special ending; you just have to finish the final stage on that setting.
Finish Highway with 4-players on Legendary LIVE co-op using Iron and no Hogs or Scorpions. 25 points.
You will unlock a firefight characters when you finish Kizingo Boulevard on Normal, Heroic or Legendary.
You will unlock a firefight characters when you finish this level on Normal, Heroic or Legendary.
You will unlock a firefight characters when you finish ONI Alpha Site on Normal, Heroic or Legendary.
You will unlock a firefight characters when you finish Uplift Reserve on Normal, Heroic or Legendary.
You will unlock a firefight characters when you finish Coastal Highway on Normal, Heroic or Legendary. 50 points.
You will unlock a firefight characters when you finish this level on Normal, Heroic or Legendary. 50 points.
Receive 100 points each when you beat the Campaign portion of the game on Normal, Heroic and Legendary.
To some, Animal Crossing is vastly superior to even the legendary Sims series.
Legendary mode is the reason players wish there is an invincibility cheat.
Legendary mode in Halo requires more skill and quickness than the easier three levels because the enemies are smarter and gang up on you.
Just to make things as confusing as possible, Midway decided that this Kung Lao is a descendent of "Great Kung Lao", bearing a striking resemblance to the legendary figure.
In turn, the life simulating world of the Sims is an extension of the legendary SimCity series of video games.
Based on the legendary mystery book series, the Nancy Drew computer mystery games have become immediate bestsellers.
We're introduced to fantastic combat sequences in the now legendary God of War.
The assortment of real life vehicles is absolutely astounding, from the legendary Subaru WRX STi to lesser known cars like the Lotus Elise.
In Adventure Mode, you search for the legendary Tower of Maximus and reveal its mysteries.
For those of you who aren't familiar with Soul Caliber, the Soul Caliber is a legendary weapon, so this fighting game is strongly based around bludgeoning your opponents with actual objects.
The legendary Street Fighter series hit the arcades for the first time in the early 80s, providing players with a choice of only two characters.
Brawl characters from so many legendary video game franchises, there really is no shortage of possible fighting scenarios.
The tradition for boys his age is to don a green tunic, just as the legendary hero once wore when he vanquished a dark evil from the land.
Considering how beloved those games were among fans and how legendary they are considered these days, it's hard to knock Yukes for going in this direction.
Mortal Kombat is probably the second most recognizable fighting game franchise of all-time, trailing only behind the legendary Street Fighter.
With the legendary Helen Turley as the consulting winemaker and UC Davis grade Brian Kvamme as the winemaker, you can't go wrong.
His beginnings were as a Brother at Napa Valley's Christian Brothers, learning his craft as assistant winemaker to the legendary Brother Timothy.
The hiking trails are fantastic, with many leading into the legendary Appalachian trail.
The features of the Legend make this particular model live up to its "legendary" name.
It has all of the features of the Legend, but with many more amenities to make your camping trip into one of "legendary" luxury and comfort.
Who can forget the "awesome" Nokia phones of old, where we were first introduced the now legendary "Snake" game.
From the simplest, lightest cakes to the most elaborate edible centerpieces, French desserts are legendary and rightly so.
Season Two crowned Benji Schwimmer the winner, a West Coast swing dancer from California with a $100,000 prize and a contract to be a dancer in Celine Dion's legendary Vegas show.
With Dancing with the Stars continuing to garner outstanding ratings, and her other professional endeavors meeting great success, it is only a matter of time before Burke goes down in history as a legendary dancer.
While the life of Baryshnikov has filled many books, a short Mikhail Baryshnikov biography can give ballet lovers a glimpse into the life of this legendary dancer.
From amateurs having fun to professional competitors and talented performers, the list of dancers is full of legendary names.
This legendary, 1.024-seat beaux arts theater was built in 1910, and has been home to the A.C.T. acting company since former director Bill Ball moved the company here from Pittsburgh, PA. in 1965.
This legendary San Francisco performance space has been in almost continuous operation since opening its doors in 1920, and has seen the likes of Frank Sinatra, The Marx Brothers, and Carmen Miranda dazzle its audiences.
The hotel's gilded guest list includes United States Presidents, world leaders, legendary entertainers and sports figures.
The first legendary Anika bikini had a big lobster silk-screened right on the front of the bottoms with big claws coming out on both sides.
Many women tell legendary tales of embarrassing swimming stories when a perfect dive was greeted by applause for a bikini top that rode all the way up or fell off completely.
Now all of us are welcome on the beach, whether we're Marilyn Monroe curvy or voluptuous like legendary beauty Elizabeth Taylor.
Featured on Oprah, creator and founder Sara Blakely tells of how she came up with the idea for the now legendary body shaper.
Dr. Norman Walker, a legendary health pioneer, opened the Norwalk Laboratories of Health Research in 1910.
Several infomercials debuted and are practically legendary, spouting Foreman's key phrase, "it's so good, I put my name on it".
The company is legendary for its inventiveness and the limitless dedication it has towards getting this right.
Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Mr. C. -- there are many different names for this legendary jolly figure that is said to distribute a Christmas present to each good boy and girl on Christmas.
When it comes to bringing the legendary rabbit to life for Easter festivities, there are a variety of styles to choose from.
Add bright red lipstick and black, false eyelashes to complete this legendary look.
Vampires are a legendary creature which can be found in folklore around the world.
That means you can dress up as the legendary Dr. Seuss character for Halloween and again at Christmas for parties, parades and other festivities.
Kelly Bag (1960s) - Was inspired by legendary screen actress Grace Kelly.
The legendary bag that solidified Bulga's name in the industry (and the same bag Jessica Simpson helped make famous), the Butterfly boasts an easy, grab-and-go shape that makes it perfect for work or weekend wear.
Always on the forefront of fashion, Bloomindales's handbags are legendary.
Of course, it's not always a practical one, but if you're in the market for a high-end bag, it's worth considering something from this legendary fashion house.
Known for their legendary canvas tote bags, Lands' End has also made a name for itself in the beach accessory world.
Made of a "dobby" nylon material, you'll be happy to see that the legendary "swoosh" logo is very prominently displayed on this bag.
Swiss Army backpacks are the latest products from the company to embody that legendary craftsmanship.
Relishing a challenge, their emotions are easily aroused, and they need to be careful when acting in haste because that legendary temper is sure to flare!
The men are usually on the hunt for the ideal woman and are legendary for their skirt-chasing.
His ability to plan defensive strategies is legendary.
This woman may find it quite difficult to talk about her feelings, particularly when she feels jealous, and it's in instances like these that you'll see that legendary temper erupt.
Comic Book Closet-Featured on the comic book aspect of this legendary super hero, this site offers many printables that look like the pages of a comic book before they've been colored.
If you have a dino fan in your house, take advantage of the opportunity to encourage his growth and interest in a topic that is truly legendary.
It seemed almost inevitable that characters with such unique features and discernable personalities would eventually become legendary figures in the annals of children's television.
The difficulty with labeling the phenomenon of Bigfoot sightings as a cultural myth is that even ancient tribes handed down tales through the generations detailing their own sightings of legendary creatures.
It is a pseudoscientific discipline that searches for evidence of legendary creatures or extinct creatures.
In England, Ireland, France and Germany, there are literally thousands of legendary ghost stories.
Among paranormal seekers and aficionados, the name TAPS Ghost Hunters is legendary.
However, in 1966 a strange newbeing joined the ranks of legendary creatures.
Whatever you believe, the Mothman is another fascinating, legendary creature.
The makers of famous brands such as Dr Scholls and Naturalizer, and the company behind leading internet shoe store Shoes.com, Brown Shoe's most famous character was the legendary Buster Brown.
Run (formerly known as DJ Run, one of the founders of legendary hip-hop group Run DMC), Pastry athletic-inspired and casual shoes are quickly developing a strong fan base.
Sperry Topsiders is a legendary brand of boat shoes that has evolved into a trendy footwear manufacturer catering to men, women and kids.
Their legendary styles are coveted by many women who want to feel glamorous and sophisticated.
Dan Post Boots have become legendary in the western world.
The rivalry between these women was legendary and tied by tragedy and despair when Jill's son Phillip Chancellor III.
More recently, spoilers revealed that Josh and Reva would return to Cross Creek, the site of their legendary wedding in the 80s.
Clearly, there is plenty to research when it comes to this legendary program!
The return of Leslie Grantham as legendary character Den Watts in 2003, for instance, could hardly be kept under wraps for all the media attention it attracted.
However, in November 2008 NBC announced that due to the economic downturn both legendary actors were being dismissed from the popular soap opera.
Created by the legendary Agnes Nixon, One Life to Live soap opera defied wasp conventions of soap operas of the time by featuring more social, economic and racial diversity in the town.
Prytanis was also the name of a legendary king of Sparta of the Eurypontid or Proclid line.
The principal events of the later history of Cyrus are in the main correctly stated by Herodotus, although his account contains many legendary traditions.
Taking the Western authorities for the First Crusade separately, one may divide them, in the light of von Sybel's work, into four kinds - the accounts of eye-witnesses; later compilations based on these accounts; semi-legendary and legendary narratives; and lastly, in a class by itself, the "History" of William of Tyre, who is rather a scientific historian than a chronicler.
This conclusion is not yet universally accepted, but it seems difficult on the evidence to avoid the conclusion that Prof. Hrozny is right, and if so the curious resemblances of some of the externals of Roman and Hittite religion, and the legendary and other connexions between the Etruscans and Asia Minor, are seen in a new light.
The 13th section, or Spend Nask, which was mainly consecrated to the description of his life, has perished; while the biographies founded upon it in the 7th book of the Dinkard (9th century A.D.), the Shah-Nama, and the Zardusht-Nama (13th century), are thoroughly legendary - full of wonders, fabulous histories and miraculous deliverances.
It cannot be denied that in the later Avesta, and still more in writings of more recent date, he is presented in a legendary light and endowed with superhuman powers.
The real dawn of zoology after the legendary period of the middle ages is connected with the name of an Englishman, Edward Wotton, born at Oxford in 1492, who practised Wotton.
One result of this and later persecutions of the same kind has been to enrich Syriac literature with a long series of Acts of Persian Martyrs, which, although in their existing form intermixed with much legendary matter, nevertheless throw valuable light on the history and geography of western Persia under Sasanian rule.
A work rather legendary than historical is the Book of the Bee, by Solomon of al-Basrah, who lived early in.
Arabian literature has its own version of prehistoric times, but it is entirely legendary and apocryphal.
Damiri) is not zoological but legendary, and the works on minerals are practical and not scientific. See ARABIAN PHIaOSOPHY and historical sections of such scientific articles as ASTRONOMY, &c. (G.
Vienna extends along the right bank of the Danube from the historic and legendary Kahlenberg to the point where the Danube Canal rejoins the main stream, being surrounded on the other side by a considerable stretch of land which is rather rural than suburban in character.
In the epic of Firdousi Khazar is the representative name for all the northern foes of Persia, and legendary invasions long before the Christian era are vaguely attributed to them.
In addition to persons of high rank, poets, legendary and others (Linus, Orpheus, Homer, Aeschylus and Sophocles), legislators and physicians (Lycurgus, Hippocrates), the patrons of various trades or handicrafts (artists, cooks, bakers, potters), the heads of philosophical schools (Plato, Democritus, Epicurus) received the honours of a cult.
This story is probably an attempt to conceal a great disaster and to soothe the vanity of the Romans by accounts of legendary exploits.
Such legends often arise to connect towns bearing identical or similar names (such as are common in Greece) and to justify political events or ambitions by legendary precedents; and this certainly happened during the successive political rivalries of Dorian Sparta with non-Dorian Athens and Thebes.
The Eildons have been the subject of much legendary lore.
In the year 1000 his tomb was opened by the emperor Otto III., but the account that Otto found the body upright upon a throne with a golden crown on the head and holding a golden sceptre in the hands, is generally regarded as legendary.
The legendary element crept even into the Latin panegyrics produced by the court poets.
This episode, which bears the marks of popular heroic poetry, may well be the substance of a lost Carolingian cantilena.1 The legendary Charlemagne and his warriors were endowed with the great deeds of earlier kings and heroes of the Frankish kingdom, for the romancers were not troubled by considerations of chronology.
L' Entree en Espagne, preserved in a 14th-century Italian compilation, relates the beginning of the Spanish War, the siege of Pampeluna, and the legendary combat of Roland with Ferragus.
This forms a consecutive legendary history of Charles, and is apparently based on earlier versions of the French Charlemagne poems than those which we possess.
Latinus was a shadowy personality, invented to explain the origin of Rome and its relations with Latium, and only obtained importance in later times through his legendary connexion with Aeneas and the foundation of Rome.
According to Diogenes Laertius, who credits him with an undoubtedly spurious letter to Croesus (with whom his connexion was probably legendary), Pittacus was a writer of elegiac poems, from which he quotes five lines.
But the Greenland colony was obscure, the country was believed to form part of Europe, and the records of the farther explorations were contained in sagas which were only rediscovered by modern scholarship. Throughout the middle ages, legendary tales of mythical lands lying in the western ocean - the Isle of St Brandan, of Brazil and Antilia - had been handed down.
He is frequently introduced in legendary sagas, generally in disguise, imparting secret instructions to his favourites or presenting them with weapons by which victory is assured.
That his exploits made an exceptional impression on the popular mind is certain from the mass of legendary history that clustered round his name; he became, says Mr Davis, "in popular eyes the champion of the English national cause."
Unlike the people of other Slavonic countries, the Poles are comparatively poor in popular and legendary poetry, but such compositions undoubtedly existed in early times, as may be seen by the writings of their chroniclers; thus Gallus translated into Latin a poem written on Boleslaus the Brave, and a few old Polish songs are included in Wojcicki's Library of Ancient Writers.
Leaving aside the legendary and uncertain portion of their history, we find the Provinces in some districts dependent allies of Navarre, in others of Castile.
His real character and history are, however, widely different from the legendary account which was popularized by Byron.
His family was of patrician rank and traced a legendary descent from lulus, the founder of Alba g Y, Longa, son of Aeneas and grandson of Venus and Anchises.
As in the Guatemala traditions, we hear of ancient migration from the Mexican legendary region of Tula; and here the leaders are four famous chiefs or ancestors who bear the Aztec name of the Tutul-Xiu, which means " Bird-Tree."
It appears in the legendary history of Rome as captured by Tarquinius Priscus.
In the garden of the château are two ancient towers, probably the remains of the Benedictine convent, but ascribed by local tradition to the knight Kolostuj, the legendary discoverer of the springs.
The early history is mainly legendary.
The inhabitants appear to have accepted as their legendary founder Anthes, mentioned by Strabo, and were proud of the title of Antheadae.
The name Buddha (Buddas) which occurs in the legendary account of Mani, and perhaps in the latter's own writings, indicates further that he had occupied his attention with Buddhism when engaged in the work of founding his new religion.
Snorri's sources were partly succinct histories of the realm, as the chronological sketch of Ari; partly more voluminous early collections of traditions, as the Noregs Konungatal (Fagrskinna) and the Jarlasaga; partly legendary biographies of the two Olafs; and, in addition to these, studies and collections which he himself made during his journeys in Norway.
These digressions at times interrupt the symmetry of his plan; but Strabo had all the Greek love of legendary lore, and he discusses the journeyings of Heracles as earnestly as if they were events within recent history.
Stans was the home of the Winkelried family (q.v.) and has a modern monument to the memory of Arnold von Winkelried, the legendary hero of the battle of Sempach (1386).
If the name means "fivebeacons," only three of these are high, with a carnedd (stone-pile, probably a military or other landmark, rather than the legendary barrow or tomb) on each of the three.
Though the chronicle is more legendary than historical, it is not unlikely that some good and even ancient sources were used by the first compiler, the Josippon known to us having passed through the hands of many interpolators.
His earliest teacher (omitting the legendary Scotchman Menzies) was the dyak, or clerk of the council, Nikita Zotov, subsequently the court fool, who taught his pupil to spell out the liturgical and devotional books on which the children of the tsar were generally brought up. After Zotov's departure on a diplomatic mission, in 1680, the lad had no regular tutor.
Amid much that is uncertain and even legendary about his work in Britain, this is plain, that he fixed on the line of Hadrian's wall as his substantive frontier.
A special form of funeral rite peculiar to the North was that of cremation on a ship. Generally the ship was drawn up on land; but occasionally we hear, in legendary sagas, of the burning ship being sent out to sea.
Indeed, several legendary kings are described as sons of the latter.
To these must be added a large number of Old Norse writings including the older Edda and the prose Edda (the chief authorities for Northern mythology), Islands Landnamabok and many sagas dealing with the history of families in Iceland (such as Eyrbyggia Saga) or with the lives of Norwegian and other kings, both historical and legendary (in Heimskringla, Fornmanna Sogur and Rafn's Fornaldar Sogur Norr landa).
Through the exertions of Prinsep, Csoma de Koros, Emil Schlag intweit, Chandra Das, Rockhill, Huth, Waddell and others, we possess many copies of lists of kings, forming the dynasties of Tibet from the legendary beginnings between the 5th and 2nd century B.C. down to the end of the monarchy in 914.
One on the history of Oleg, the more or less legendary Varangian, who was guardian to the son of Rurik, was described by her as an "imitation of Shakespeare."
There are references to the legendary escape of Nero to Parthia (119-124) and the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D.
It is most likely that this story, whether legendary or not (and Hsiian Tsang heard the story at Kanchipura nearly two centuries after the date of Dhammapala), referred to this author.
Laurentum and Lavinium, names so conspicuous in the legendary history of Aeneas, were situated in the sandy strip near the sea-coast - the former only 8 m.
King Olaf is one of the same company as Charlemagne, King Arthur and Sebastian of Portugal - the legendary heroic figures in whose death the people would not believe, and whose return was looked for.
The Golden Legend, one of the most popular religious works of the middle ages, is a collection of the legendary lives of the greater saints of the medieval church.
Before that time there were only legendary accounts like that of Sindbad's " Valley of the Diamonds," or the tale of the stones found in the brains of serpents.
There are also a large number of lives of saints and churchmen, in which the legendary element is still more conspicuous.
Our earlier notices of Sicily, of Sicels and Sicans, in the Homeric poems and elsewhere, are vague and legendary.
The Godiva procession, a commemoration of the legendary ride instituted on the 31st of May 1678 as part of Coventry fair, was celebrated at intervals until 1826.
Many of the alterations are found in the legendary anecdotes of the Jewish Haggada and the New Testament Testaments.
It is certain, from documents, that Douglas was always in the royal entourage from June 1451 to January 1452, so that stories of insults and crimes committed by him at this period seem legendary.
The interior of the town hall (1869-1875) is adorned with legendary and historical frescoes by Kampfer and Peter Janssen.
The ruins still extant are very remarkable, and, with the noble Roman theatre, the finest in the world, have earned for the place (as is the case with certain other great monuments) a legendary connexion with Solomon's Sheban queen.
The principal account of his life is contained in a narrative of the 10th century, much of which is obviously legendary.
The action was so unexpected that his contemporaries felt bound to give all manner of explanations which have been woven into accounts which are legendary.
But the historians give them a legendary descent from Zohak, which is no Afghan genealogy.
The Liber contains much information about papal affairs in general, and about endowments, martyrdoms and the like, but a considerable part of it is obviously legendary.
In Sanskrit, it would be called " Bharata-varsha," from Bharata, a legendary monarch of the Lunar line; but Sanskrit is no more the vernacular of India than Latin is of Europe.
The Dorians followed the custom of other Greek tribes in claiming as ancestor for their ruling families one of the legendary heroes, but the traditions must not on that account be regarded as entirely mythical.
It consists of two parts, the "Legendary" and the "Historical" Greece.
This tale is now regarded as legendary, and the same remark also applies to the tradition that the cries Hi Welfen, hi Wibelinen, were first raised at this siege.
Combats and legendary episodes are often depicted; floral decoration is reserved chiefly for borders, mouldings and capitals.
Such, too, in the Cypria are the new legendary figures - Palamedes, Iphigenia, Telephus, Laocoon.
They were only inspired by these popular songs; they only borrowed from them the traditional and legendary elements.
Seeing that the epic poems, as repeated by professional reciters, either in their original Sanskrit text, or in their vernacular versions, as well as dramatic compositions based on them, form to this day the chief source of intellectual enjoyment for most Hindus, the legendary matter contained in these heroic poems, however marvellous and incredible it may appear, still enters largely into the religious convictions of the people."
As regards Vishnu, the epic poems, including the supplement to the Mahabharata, the Harivamsa, supply practically the entire framework of legendary matter on which the later Vaishnava creeds are based.
Even greater was the support it received later on from the Puranas, a class of poetical works of a partly legendary, partly discursive and controversial character, mainly composed in the interest of special deities, of which eighteen principal (maha-purana) and as many secondary ones (upa-purana) are recognized, the oldest of which may go back to about the 4th century of our era.
This episode in the legendary life of Krishna has every appearance of being a later accretion.
No fault, in this respect, can assuredly be found with the legendary Rama, a very paragon of knightly honour and virtue, even as his consort Sita is the very model of a noble and faithful wife; and yet this cult has perhaps retained even more of the character of mere hero-worship than that of Krishna.
The stories of his expulsion by the Franks; of his stay of eight years in Thuringia with King Basin and his wife Basine; of his return when a faithful servant advised him that he could safely do so by sending to him half of a piece of gold which he had broken with him; and of the arrival at Tournai of Queen Basine, whom he married, are entirely legendary.
They generally draw from a common source, the Roman legendary, and the lives of the local saints, i.e.
Kamrup, the Pragjotishpur of the ancient Hindus, was the capital of a legendary king Narak, whose son Bhagadatta distinguished himself in the great war of the Mahabharata.
The whole legend of Peter is an excellent instance of the legendary amplification of the first crusade - an amplification which, beginning during the crusade itself, in the idolizations " of the different camps (idola castrorum, if one may pervert Bacon), soon developed into a regular saga.
A long minority weakened the royal influence in both countries, and Magnus lost both his 1 A legendary list of kings gives to this Charles six predecessors of the same name.
Its contents, even if they go back to lost parts of the Avesta, are merely a late patch- oroas Cf work, based on the legendary tradition and devoid of historica foundation.
This gradual Iranianization of the Parthian Empire is shown by the fact that the subsequent Iranian traditions, and Firdousi in particular, apply the name of the Parthian magnates (Pahiavan) to the glorious heroes of the legendary epoch.
Therefore the native tradition carries the Sassanid line back to the Achaemenids and, still further, to the kings of the legendary period.
Jenghiz Khan died in 1272, and the Mongol it was this prince who destroyed the Ghorid dynasty, which claimed descent from the legendary Persian monarch Zohak.
The rocks of Crete are full of winding caves, which gave the first idea of the legendary labyrinth.
The fact that its legendary material is drawn from Arabic sources, as well as from Talmud, Midrash and later Jewish works, would seem to show that the writer lived in Spain, or, according to others, in south Italy.
The story, legendary or historical, adds that Malik had refused to go to the caliph, saying that it was for the student to come to his teacher.
There seems to have been originally only one Tarquinius; later, when a connected story of the legendary period was constructed, two (distinguished as the "Elder" and the "Proud") were introduced, separated by the reign of Servius Tullius, and the name of both was connected with the same events.
The former is legendary work, partly in verse, on the life of Gotama, the historical Buddha; and the latter, also partly in verse, is devoted to proving the essential identity of the Great and the Little Vehicles, and the equal authenticity of both as doctrines enunciated by the master himself.
After this they are said to have wandered through regions which cannot now be identified, apparently between the Elbe and the Oder, under legendary kings, the first of whom was Agilmund, the son of Aio.
The legendary character of the earliest traditions he frankly admits.
It cannot but seem probable that these are legendary additions which had arisen through the desire to commend the Gospel to the Romans.
Society may have at one time been matrilinear in the communities that become the historic Hellenes; but of this there is no trace in the worship of Zeus and Hera.18 In fact, the whole of the family morality in Hellas centred in Zeus, whose altar in the courtyard was the bond of the kinsmen; and sins against the family, such as unnatural vice and the exposure of children, are sometimes spoken of as offences against the High God.I" He was also the tutelary deity of the larger organization of the phratria; and the altar of Zeus c Pparpcos was the meetingpoint of the phrateres, when they were assembled to consider the legitimacy of the new applicants for admission into their circle.20 His religion also came to assist the development of certain legal ideas, for instance, the rights of private or family property in land; he guarded the allotments as Zein KAdpcos,2' and the Greek commandment " thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark " was maintained by Zeus " Opcos, the god of boundaries, a more personal power than the Latin Jupiter Terminus.22 His highest political functions were summed up in the title IIoXtfin, a cult-name of legendary antiquity in Athens, and frequent in the Hellenic world.23 His consort in his political life was not Hera, but his daughter Athena Polias.
The results were published in a classic volume The Isle of Man; its History, Physical, Ecclesiastical, Civil and Legendary (1848).
They are a rich source of mythology and legendary history.
Kara Khitai Empire in the early part of the 13th century (the legendary Prester John) was a member of a Christian tribe called Naiman, which is one of the four chief tribal divisions mentioned by Ney Elias.
Her cult was first established in Cythera, probably in connexion with the purple trade, and at Athens it is associated with the legendary Porphyrion, the purple king.
During the latter years of his college life he contributed to the United States Literary Gazette some half-dozen poems, which are interesting for two reasons - (I) as showing the poet's early, book-mediated sympathy with nature and legendary heroisms, and (2) as being almost entirely free from that supernatural view of nature which his subsequent residence in Europe imparted to him.
These legendary accounts seem to show that the Moldavian voivodate was founded, like that of Walachia, by Vlach immigrants from Hungary, during the first half of the 14th century.
The origin of Prague goes back to a very early date, though, as is the case with most very ancient cities, the tales connected with its origin are no doubt legendary.
It is, however, entirely legendary, being rather the crystallization of earlier Roland legends than the source of later ones, and its popularity seems to date from the latter part of the 12th century.
They lived in settled communities, cultivated the soil to some extent, and ascribed their progress toward civilization to a legendary cause remarkably similar to those of the Aztecs of Mexico and the Incas of Peru.
We are accustomed to find the legendary and the miraculous gathering, like a halo, around the early history of religious leaders, until the sober truth runs the risk of being altogether neglected for the glittering and edifying falsehood.
The account of the manner in which the Buddha is said to have overcome the wicked devices of this apostate cousin and his parricide protector is quite legendary; but the general fact of Ajatasattu's opposition to the new sect and of his subsequent conversion may be accepted.
The confused and legendary notices of the journeyings of 1 These were at first simple huts, built for the mendicants in some grove of palm-trees as a retreat during the rainy season; but they gradually increased in splendour and magnificence till the decay of Buddhism set in.
The fact remains that no other poet has sounded more native notes, or covered so much of the American legendary, and that Whittier's name, among the patriotic, clean and true, was one with which to conjure.
In most of these it is accompanied by the smaller and equally legendary islands of Royllo, St Atanagio, and Tanmar, the whole group being classified as insulae de novo repertae, " newly discovered islands."
But while the summer is thus relatively ungenial on the top of the Harz, the usual summer heat of the lower-lying valleys is greatly tempered and cooled; so that, adding this to the natural attractions of the scenery, the deep forests, and the legendary and romantic associations attaching to every fantastic rock and ruined castle, the Harz is a favourite summer resort of the German people.
Medieval theology has an appearance of keeping in touch with the Apostles' Creed when it divides the substance of doctrine into (usually) twelve " articles " - not always the same twelve - a reminiscence of the legendary composition of the Creed in twelve sections by the twelve apostles.
In 1756 he published a book entitled Razgovor Ugodni Naroda Slovinskoga (" The Popular Talk of the Slavonic People "), in which in 261 songs he described - in the manner and in the spirit of the national bards - the more important historic or legendary events and heroes of the " Slavonic people."
Although innumerable histories of Ireland have appeared in print since the publication of Roderick O'Flaherty's Ogygia (London, 1677), the authors have in almost every case been content to reproduce the legendary accounts without bringing any serious criticism to bear on the sources.
It is only in recent years that the Irish legendary origins have been subjected to serious criticism.
The legendary account attributes the subjugation of the various peoples inhabiting Munster to Mog Nuadat, and the pedigrees are invariably traced up to ` his son Ailill Aulom.
The names of their leaders Garci Jeminez and Inigo Arista are altogether legendary.
His superiors rechristened him Vitalis (after a member of the legendary Theban legion) because they found a difficulty in pronouncing his baptismal name.
The legendary kings are but faint echoes of the kings of Biainas; the story of Semiramis and Ara is but another form of the myth of Venus and Adonis; and tradition has clothed Tigranes, the reputed friend of Cyrus, with the transient glory of the opponent of Lucullus.
On the other hand the genealogy of Ardashir has of course been connected with the Achaemenids, on whose behalf he exacts vengeance from the Parthians, and with the legendary kings of old Iran.
The details are variously related, and have undergone legendary embellishment, but the murder of Papinian, which took place under Caracalla's own eyes, was one of the most disgraceful crimes of that tyrant.
It occupies the site of the ancient city of Zacynthus, said to have been founded by Zacynthus, son of a legendary Arcadian chief, Dardanus, to whom was also attributed the neighbouring citadel of Psophis.
The Edessan martyrs Sharbel and Barsamya, whose " Acts " in legendary form have come down to us, may have perished in the Decian persecution.
Her gaze was unusually steady and clear, as if she were already a legendary Oracle capable of seeing through whatever was before her.
Dusty's skills were legendary, but Damian had held off on what he considered a reign of terror for his seasoned Guardians.
He.d expected some towering monstrosity from the legendary demon who challenged the Dark One.
His legendary sporting ability carried on into College where he started a new passion - drinking.
And, for millennia, real legendary lovers have pledged adoration in the sun and shade of these slopes.
These include 10 programs created by legendary bassist Stu Hamm.
Linford Christie sporting the now legendary Puma contact lenses prior to his Olympic bid - the ultimate in cool sportswear items.
Henry V is a celebration of Hal's almost legendary exploits in France, culminating in the great reversal of the odds at Agincourt.
It was most probably written during the Greek period towards the end of the 3rd century B.C. The book of Esther, which describes, with many legendary traits, how the beautiful Jewess succeeded in rescuing her people from the destruction which Haman had prepared for them, will not be earlier than the closing years of the 4th century B.C., and is thought by many scholars to be even later.
In the garden of the château are two ancient towers, probably the remains of the Benedictine convent, but ascribed by local tradition to the knight Kolostuj, the legendary discoverer of the springs.
There is no doubt that Midas was the name of one or more real persons around whom religious legends have grown up. The name "Midas the king" occurs on a very ancient tomb in the valley of the Sangarius, the legendary seat of the Phrygian kingdom.
We seem through him to obtain a glimpse of an early post-Homeric age in Ionia, when the immediate disciples and successors of Homer were distinct figures in a trustworthy tradition - when they had not yet merged their individuality in the legendary " Homer " of the Epic Cycle.
But the confusion of the Leleges with the Carians (immigrant conquerors akin to Lydians and Mysians, and probably to Phrygians) which first appears in a Cretan legend (quoted by Herodotus, but repudiated, as he says, by the Carians themselves) and is repeated by Callisthenes, Apollodorus and other later writers, led easily to the suggestion of Callisthenes, that Leleges joined the Carians in their (half legendary) raids on the coasts of Greece.
Parthenope, as well as Dikearchia, was formed as a new colony from Cumae, and was so called from a legendary connexion of the locality with the siren of that name, whose tomb was still shown in the time of Strabo.
Pelayo, whom they chose for king, and his victory of Covadonga, are well nigh as legendary, and are quite as obscure as Garci Jimenes and Inigo Arista.
According to the universal Greek tradition, the cities of Ionia were founded by emigrants from the other side of the Aegean (see Ionians), and their settlement was connected with the legendary history of the Ionic race in Attica, by the statement that the colonists were led by Neleus and Androclus, sons of Codrus, the last king of Athens.
Nilsson achieved legendary status thanks to her unshakeable technique, purity of tone and enormous stamina.
At the moment little has been released regarding the single player modes of the latest installment of Ridge Racer, the legendary drift racer.
That does not preclude redaction of the tradition or even legendary accretions in the circumstantial features of the narratives.
Rumor abound that the legendary 7 th Book of Nagash had been uncovered by a relic hunter from Bretonnia.
Good for strolling, shopping and scoffing cream cakes at the legendary Betty 's Tea Shop.
It is also the legendary birthplace of Quetzalcóatl, the Aztec serpent god.
Traditionally some of the best bargains of the holiday shopping season, these deals are legendary for drawing huge crowds at the crack of dawn the Friday after turkey day.
View each video and decide for yourself if the people behind these tapes genuinely believe they have evidence of the legendary "goat sucker" or if they are just more hoaxers looking to pull a fast one on the public.
His legendary presentation as the " Friend of God," like Abraham, to whom as to Cretan Moses the law was revealed on the holy mountain, calls myths.
At first court jealousies and intrigues preventied Firdousi from being noticed by the sultan; but at length one of his friends, Mahek, undertook to present to Mahmud his poetic version of one of the well-known episodes of the legendary history.
The laborious John Garay in his Szent Ldszlo shows considerable ability as an epic poet, but his greatestmerit was rather as a romancist and ballad writer, as shown by the, " Pen Sketches " or Tollrajzok (1845), and his legendary series Arpddok (1847).
In this march he was much harassed by the nomads, with whom he could not come to close quarters, but no mention is made of his having any difficulty with the rivers (he gets his water from wells), and no reason for his proceedings is advanced except a desire to avenge legendary attacks of Scyths upon Asia.
It was Wotton's merit that he rejected the legendary and fantastic accretions, and returned to Aristotle and the observation of nature.
It is probably impossible to recover the whole truth either as to Crichton's death or as to the extent of his attainments, which were so quickly elevated into legendary magnitude.
His view of the value of Albert of Aix, and his account of the First Crusade, have been generally followed (Kugler alone having attempted, to some extent, to rehabilitate Albert of Aix); and thus von Sybel's work may be said to mark a revolution in the history of the First Crusade, when its legendary features were stripped away, and its real progress was first properly discovered.
The basis of this growth is partly the story-telling instinct innate in all men, which loves to heighten an effect, sharpen a point or increase a contrast - the instinct which breathes in Icelandic sagas like that of Burnt Njal; partly the instinct of idolization, if it may be so called, which leads to the perversion into impossible greatness of an approved character, and has created, in this instance, the legendary figures of Peter the Hermit and Godfrey of Bouillon (qq.v.); partly the religious impulse, which counted nothing wonderful in a holy war, and imported miraculous elements even into the sober pages of the Gesta.