Left-out Sentence Examples
Then he said, 'you guys have this history when you were kids,' as if he was left out.
Men, you don't have to feel left out either!
One-piece swimsuits haven't been left out of the fray either.
The flowers are then left out until they reach room temperature.
Wonder Time is trying to see to it that they won't be left out of the fun.
Additionally, those who enjoy team water sports don't have to feel left out of the mix, as there are sites that will help you tailor your swimsuit to reflect your team's name and/or logo.
Women no longer need to feel left out when it comes to swim shorts.
Best of all, the mixes are gluten-free, so no child is left out of the fun.
Presto griddles can be tucked away when not in use, or left out on a surface for easy access if used frequently.
The Play-Doh will dry up over time if left out.
AdvertisementDo you think Jonathan might feel left out when the new baby comes?
He wasn't happy to be left out of the loop but at least he believed me and came around.
We now know, however, that the Antarctic circle runs so close to the coast of Antarctica that the Antarctic Ocean may be left out of account.
But he hathe cutt off 4 of my figures throughout; and hathe left out my dedication, and to the reader, and two chapters the 12 and 13, in the rest he hath not varied from me at all."
Just so that men don't feel left out of the scent craze, Scentsy also provides a special collection for men that specifies in more masculine-pleasing fragrances like, "Rustic Lodge", "Hemingway", "Oxford", "Bourbon", and "African Mahogany".
AdvertisementFind out how to get on the Angel Tree list so that no one is left out this Christmas season.
This program makes sure that no one feels left out during the holiday season and provides the opportunity for gifts to those who may not get one any other way.
But that does not mean everyone else is left out in the cold.
This a fantastic game to get your entire family involved that won't have the little ones feeling left out.
Your single friends will also appreciate the chance to see you without feeling left out.
AdvertisementLarger women of course, those who are tired of feeling left out or discriminated against on other websites.
Conservative guests may be offended by gag gifts, and any gift in poor taste should also be left out of the festivities.
A formal announcement, however, ensures that everyone is informed and no one is left out.
Sometimes an event may be predicted that doesn't happen in reality or important information is left out of a general romance horoscope.
Sometimes kids with disabilities are unable to compete and may feel left out at traditional camps.
AdvertisementMade for Me-Electronics certainly hasn't left out preschoolers, and the Made for Me series of toys allows parents to upload their own music from the Internet as well.
Females need not feel left out of the loafer scene.
Recaps are not always specific and many nuances or subtle plotlines may be left out.
Girls often love pink watches and boys needn't be left out as camouflage colored watches are very fashionable and are popular with this young age set.
However, when that need for extra time and attention becomes a permanent issue, as often happens with autism, siblings can feel left out and resentment can build.
This will allow them to split the responsibilities and help the school mascot feel less left out.
On New Year's Eve, children are often left out of the festivities.
The body should be in perfect alignment according to the pose that is being accomplished, and no part of a pose or sequence should be left out in order to achieve balance.
Not to be left out of a comprehensive definition of physical fitness is muscle strength.
While this may sound too good to be true, the reason why speaking proficiency can be gained so quickly with the Pimsleur Approach is because all other facets of language (reading, writing) are left out.
Property and casualty insurance are separate from life, health, and home insurance policies in that they protect against liability for the things left out of other insurance policies.
The guys aren't left out of the animal print fun.
Novelty pajamas are available for men, women, and children, so no one is left out.
Men, you don't have to feel left out when it comes to Fig Leaves lingerie.
You Could Be Mine performed by Guns N' Roses, Bad To The Bone performed by George Thorogood & The Destroyers, and Guitars, Cadillacs performed by Dwight Yoakam, were all left out of the soundtrack.
Because the meal is a focal point of the event, a guest will feel left out if he cannot participate in several dishes because of his diet.
Once everyone is finished eating, it's best to wrap food up and put it away -- bacteria can quickly grow on food that's left out.
This will ensure that nobody is left out during the exchange.
Coworkers and friends may not appreciate being left out of the inner circle if a funny card relates back to a secret joke.
You can build bonds between generations while making sure that kids with beginning language skills don't feel left out.
Purchasing equipment can make the party budget spin out of control, while asking kids to bring their own could make some feel left out if they do not have the right gear.
If a rental comes with specific instructions to not be left outside, then make sure you bring it inside before the sun goes down so it's not left out overnight.
Be sure that no one is being left out of the games and that the sleep over is a night filled with fun and friendship.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that everyone at the party feels included and no one is being left out.
It is considerate to make sure that no one feels isolated or left out of the games.
Viewers saw Barney deal with being caught in the middle between her husband and her first son, who felt left out of his mom's new family.
When it comes to gluten- and wheat-free eating, no one is left out in the rain.
It is a sad truth that many fantastic styles only come in standard sizes, which can leave shoe lovers distressed and feeling left out.
She gathered up her things and left out the back door to avoid the small group of people gathered in the dining room for brunch.
She left out the shirt bearing Logan's initials as he requested then glared at it.
Darian was left out of whatever secret knowledge they shared.
In fact, the two most important people had been left out of their confidence.
Within a few years several methods had been proposed by different inventors, but none was at first very successful, not from any fault in the principle, but because the effect of electrostatic capacity of the line was left out of account in the early arrangements.
It is perhaps less wonderful that this characteristic should have been left out in a picture of the Normans in Apulia and Sicily than if it had been left out in a picture of the Normans in Normandy and England.
Probably no general agreement could now be reached on a statement more definite than this; the last result may be left out of consideration, and the value of the solar parallax is probably contained between the limits 8.77" and 8.80."
Suppose, for instance, that we wish to know how much will be left out of ios.
Owing to his vices and incapacity he was left out of account in the division of the empire which took place in 305.
It should be added that Coverdale's Bible was the first in which the non-canonical books were left out of the body of the Old Testament and placed by themselves at the end of it under the title Apocripha.
But those whom the English called knights the Normans called chevaliers, by which term the nature of their services was defined, while their social status was left out of consideration.
The same prayer shall also be said as for a bishop, the name of the bishop only being left out.
If the grooves be left out of account, the large faces which have replaced each tetrahedron corner then make up a figure which has the aspect of a simple octahedron.
It has nearly the same length as width, namely about 170 m., if its northern gulf (Kichkineh-denghiz) is left out of account.
As regards the situations which presuppose the ruin of Jerusalem and a return of exiles, the obscure events after the time of Zerubbabel cannot be left out of account.
In 1808 he was again sent on a mission to Persia, but circumstances prevented him from getting beyond Bushire; on his reappointment in 1810, he was successful indeed in procuring a favourable reception at court, but otherwise his embassy, if the information which he afterwards incorporated in his works on Persia be left out of account, was (through no fault of his) without any substantial result.
Only a few animals are common to the entire country, such as the hare (Lepus timidus) and the weasel; although certain others may be added if the high mountain region be left out of consideration, such as the squirrel, fox and various shrews.
Let us conceive an infinitely long circular cylinder of liquid, at rest (a motion common to every part of the fluid is necessarily without influence upon the stability, and may therefore be left out of account for convenience of conception and expression), and inquire under what circumstances it is stable or unstable, for small displacements, symmetrical about the axis of figure.
Ireland was left out of the Navigation Act of 1663 and in the same year was prohibited from exporting cattle to England in any month previous to July.
There was a paragraph in the original draft which would have protected the property of the great majority of Roman Catholics, but this was left out in the articles actually signed.
The support of Sagasta did not last long, and he managed with skill to elbow the Dynastic Left out of office, and to convince all dissentients and free lances that there was neither room nor prospect for third parties in the state between the two great coalitions of Liberals and Conservatives under Sagasta and Canovas.
Thus ended a struggle which only left Spain the Carolines and a few other islands in the Pacific, which she sold to Germany in 1899 for 800,000, and a couple of islands which were left out in the delimitation made by the Paris peace treaty of the 12th of December 1898, and for which America paid 20,000 in 1900.
Sometimes, but usually not - except that I feel left out because he didn't tell me.
I've just heard the announcer saying I've been left out so I'm very upset.
Even then, the offending cartoon was left out for reasons of ' good taste ' rather than anything political.
Children with disabilities who are not in Catholic schools because they attend State special schools are often left out of parish catechesis.
Keeps your shredder chipper clean and dry when left out of doors.
I usually facilitate, which means keeping the conversation flowing, making sure nobody gets left out.
They had felt a bit left out of things so had come along to join the party.
As a matter of implementation pragmatism, this should be left out of the first prototype, and made a goal for later.
Move up and immediately step left out onto the front face of the summit prow.
Turn left out of the church into Via Della Paglia, which is a quiet residential street.
Did Ruud have a strop at being left out?
Here then we have the basis of a view in which there are not two media to be considered, but one medium, homogeneous in essence and differentiated as regards its parts only by the presence of nuclei of intrinsic strain or motion - in which the physical activities of matter are identified with those arising from the atmospheres of modified aether which thus belong to its atoms. As regards laws of general physical interactions, the atom is fully represented by the constitution of this atmosphere, and its nucleus may be left out of our discussions; but in the problems of biology great tracts of invariable correlations have to be dealt with, which seem hopelessly more complex than any known or humanly possible physical scheme.
In Order To Adapt It To The Gregorian Calendar, We Must First Add The To Days That Were Left Out Of The Year 1582; In The Second Place We Must Add One Day For Every Century That Has Elapsed Since 1600, In Consequence Of The Secular Suppression Of The Intercalary Day; And Lastly We Must Deduct The Units Contained In A Fourth Of The Same Number, Because Every Fourth Centesimal Year Is Still A Leap Year.Q Denoting, Therefore, The Number Of The Century (Or The Date After The Two Right Hand Digits Have Been Struck Out) By C, The Value Of L Must Be Increased By 10 (C 16) (6 C L = 7M 3 X (4 X) W Io (C 16) (C 4 16) W; That Is, Since 3 To =13 Or 6 (The 7 Days Being Rejected, As They Do Not Affect The Value Of L), L=7M 6 X () W _ 16) (_ L _ 6)W; This Formula Is Perfectly General, And Easily Calculated.
The crucial point, tho, is that the repulsive interactions between electrons have been left out in the one-electron view.
If you are on a restricted diet do n't feel left out.
Joe 's friends joined in his sign language lessons to stop him feeling left out - and now he is talking back.
It is what is left out or skimmed over that causes major concern.
Children may become unsettled at school or nursery and feel left out of some activities.
Scatter a few inexpensive gifts for her in with the baby gifts, so she doesn't feel left out.
Daddy's -Dad doesn't have to feel left out.
Make certain you have all of the ingredients before you begin to mix this drink because it just won't taste authentic if anything is left out.
Everyone has a few they remember from childhood; the cookies their mother used to make, the cake grandma always brought over, or the special something that you always left out for Santa.
As you cook with your kids, explain to them that bacteria love food that has been left out at room temperature for hours.
Guys will not be left out of the camouflage fun, with tuxedo embellishments available in Mossy Oak patterns as well.
Once parents are told, it's best to tell close family members such as sisters and grandparents so that no one is left out.
Even if children are attending, you can hand out sparkling grape juice in bottles as an alternative so they are not left out of the themed favor.
They are brought in the morning of the wedding, to avoid getting dew on them if they are left out all night.
While there wasn't a lot of gossip surrounding her ordeal, there is one website, Truth or Fiction that clarifies a rumor that Crow got cancer after drinking out of water bottles that were left out in the sun.
Only hours after the announcement was made by TLC, Jon Gosselin apparently felt left out of things and issued his own statement.
Naturally, Ralph Lauren's polo shirt line for girls cannot be left out of this equation.
This robe is also available in sizes that will fit toddlers, so your young Batman fan won't be left out of the fun.
Hairstyles should be laid-back in order to complete the look, and fashion jewelry is also generally best left out.
Or, maybe you have a dog like my Lab, who just last week ate a full box of donuts that had been left out.
In favourable localities it may even left out all the winter.
Sometimes, bass players feel left out of the tablature world.
Additionally, Mirror of Time also has small sizes (36-38), so women won't feel left out of the mix;, now they don't have to sport abnormally large sizes, unless they wish too.
Most camp shirts are designed to be worn left out and not tucked into your pants.
Oftentimes, curvy women are left out of the loop when it comes to trends, but you can still take what's new for the season and make it work for you.
As you determine how to prank your parents, consider first and foremost what types of pranks will be safe and which ones are best left out of your plans.
They may eat an apple right out of the grocery bag, have a slice of pizza that was left out all night or grill and eat a hamburger that is cooked very rare.
The guys are not left out at ICU Eyewear as they have a wide selection to choose from.
Luckily, prescription sunglass wearers need not be left out of this fold.
Female athletes are everywhere, and they don't want to be left out.
Finally, if your sport of choice consists of swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling, or a combination of all three, you won't be left out of the fun either.
The music isn't about to be left out either.
The ESRB then receives the materials and three independent reviewers rate the content and come to a consensus on a final rating.The ESRB also allows its in-house employees play the games to ensure no major details were left out.
As the great rift of gamers vs. non-gamers grows and the middle ground becomes fertile, Sony could be left out.
Note that the DRC was left out of the official ranking because it was very, very different and also obvious as to what it was.
Anyway, I use the rack for wines that I don't mind being left out and drink as a "weeknight" wine where I may open a bottle of zinfandel or a cab and cork it until the next evening.
This recipe can be made larger or smaller depending on the size of your camping group and ingredients can be added or left out depending on preference.
In this way, it has been quite the success and so people in countries where it is not available feel left out.
Unlike Last.fm, however, Pandora Radio is largely restricted to the United States and, as such, Canadians and Europeans are largely left out in the cold for this Internet radio possibility.
Sometimes these problems are short-lived and for some children the effects of being left out or teased by classmates are transitory.
The first three half-beats of music could be listed as "1&2", followed by a description of the move that goes with it, "Rock left out to left side", for example.
Although it may seem to be common sense, these tips are often left out of packaged instructions, yet are major players when it comes to using the tool correctly.
Take the section that you left out and wrap it around the elastic.
While making a paper gun can be a fun project for a child interested in origami, it's important to remember that paper guns should be left out of the classroom.
No one has to be left out when it comes to patriotic swimwear.
Big or petite sized people often find themselves nearly left out of the mix because they account for less sales than those who fit average size standards.
Liners are either made of mesh or left out completely, so these suits dry quickly once you're out of the water.