Left-and-right Sentence Examples
I looked left and right and everything was there.
Alternate left and right on the d-pad while skidding.
The rest required some good left and right dodging moves.
Do you want a ball to move left and right?
When these little circles appear, you have to hit the left and right analog sticks in the correct directions that match the colors.
Free wedding dress catalogs are a good resource for any bride, as you will be spending money left and right on more substantial wedding expenses.
The prescriptions are slightly different between the left and right contacts; they don't work like bifocal glasses where your distance and reading prescriptions are in each lens.
If you're traveling, a pretty case can house your contact lens holder (the plastic screw-top piece with wells for left and right lenses) and a small bottle of solution.
Instead of using a directional pad or an analog stick to control your speedy truck, you hold the Wii Remote (affectionately known as the Wii-mote in some circles) on its side, tilting it to the left and right to turn.
Utilizing a non-conventional "controller", you step on one of four arrows -- up, down, left and right -- on the step pad, timing these steps with the music.
AdvertisementHe enters a room similar to the White Room at the beginning but with only clickable surfaces to the left and right.
Juking and stiff arming is done with the left and right shoulder buttons, but your player's reaction is a bit slow.
The left and right ring fingers may not be the same size.
To this was added later a vertical orphrey (titulus), usually from the centre of the front of the circulus to that of the back, partly in order to hide the seam, partly to emphasize the horns when those were to left and right.
Just facing it, on the crest of the opposite hill, the village of Schon Grabern could be seen, and in three places to left and right the French troops amid the smoke of their campfires, the greater part of whom were evidently in the village itself and behind the hill.
AdvertisementThe scat linkages are left and right hand threaded bars which makes balancing easier and more accurate.
It 's a shortish par 5 but with imposing bunkers all the way along the fairway left and right.
Movie content has to be modified to fit the wide-screen format, which is why you may see solid black bars at the left and right or top and bottom positions of the image.
Then I applied the powder underneath the browbones of my left and right eyes.
Each fantasy team has the same number of players, consisting of centers, left and right wings, defensemen and goalies.
AdvertisementLay down with the mask on, turning left and right to simulate your sleep patterns.
It should also be noted that you no longer need to toggle the analog stick to the left and right during a drift to achieve a mini-boost.
Since they're in the shape of a diamond, the top and bottom buttons moved your forward and backwards and the left and right buttons strafed you left and right.
The ambience meters have a left and right gauges and to experience the true stereo sound of this game, you need to play with headphones.
Keep in mind that you don't need to drastically swing the remote to get your paddle to move left and right.
AdvertisementThis made my son angry of course, since he knew that the left and right arrows should have moved Elmo in that direction!
You can then move the top half of the screen left and right.
You steer by tilting the Wii Remote to the left and right.
In this event, you point the Wii Remote at the screen and twist the controller left and right to turn.
Before you know it, you'll be pulling in awards left and right for things that took absolutely no effort.
There is enough room on the left and right that Sony could have made the buttons larger because big fingers may have a hard time pushing the buttons without pushing two at a time.
Patent foramen ovale (PFO)-A congenital heart defect characterized by an open flap that remains between the two upper chambers of the heart (the left and right atria).
Often refers to the muscular wall dividing the left and right heart chambers or the partition in the nose that separates the two nostrils.
By the fourth or fifth month, babies' brains have finished learning how to blend the images coming in from both their left and right eyes into a single image, with strong depth perception.
An atrial septal defect (ASD) is an abnormal opening in the muscular wall separating the left and right upper chambers (atria) of the heart.
During normal development of the fetal heart, there is an opening in the wall (septum) separating the left and right upper chambers of the heart.
Normally, the opening closes before birth, but if it does not, the child is born with a hole between the left and right atria.
The trachea then splits into two branches, the left and right bronchi (bronchial tubes).
Temporal bones-The compound bones that form the left and right sides of the skull and contain various cavities associated with the ear.
This dance consists of left and right grapevine steps followed by a march backwards and two rock steps before changing direction one quarter turn to the left.
The left and right foot are usually indicated either by the shape of the foot, by one being black and the other white, by a small "L" or "R" in the diagram, or by any combination of these three.
Following the example of Bill Bader, for example, lets you figure out how to use just the right amount of abbreviation (usually for left and right as L and R), while at the same time using words like "vine" to indicate a "grapevine step".
One foot is light, one is dark, denoting left and right.
In particular, the corpus callosum, the part of the brain that joins the left and right sides, may be abnormally small or even missing.
At the same time you must use the control knob to allow the fan to move the ball left and right.
It operates by wireless remote and not only moves forward and backward, but shimmies up and down, spins and has independent left and right rear-wheel drive for quick pivoting.
When Snap is done right, some of the board disappears on the left and right side of the window.
Moving the "graphics quality" slider left and right changes how the game looks.
Susan LEFT her vehicles lights on to warn cars coming from the LEFT and RIGHT that she had a breakdown.
Much to her surprise, Santa had LEFT presents in the LEFT and RIGHT seats!
Continue this with the bottom point of the skewer and then the left and right points of the other skewer.
If your luggage has combination locks, reset the factory combinations with different ones for the left and right locks.
You'll want to spend equal time stretching your left and right leg, even though one side will probably feel more natural than the other side.
Continue "bicycling" your legs as you twist your torso to the left and right.
Press the "Home" button on the PSP, and navigate to "Settings" using the left and right buttons.
Once all the children have arrived, have them pass their baskets around the circle to the left and right according to the words of an Easter story, similar to Christmas party gift exchange games.
I turned and left the room with Pual behind me as I searched left and right until I saw a policeman by the door.
She pulled her arm from his grip and stared at it, twisting it left and right before lowering it.
The next eruption, and the one after it, gave insufficient light to help, but then a multiple display hung in the sky like a full moon, giving time for his eyes to search left and right.
Occasionally both left and right tusks are developed, in which case the direction of the grooves is the same in both.
This under-current flows towards Cape Tarhangut,where it divides into a left and right branch.
Thus, at the outset, the most heterogeneous elements were to be found both on the Left and Right.
Marshal Soult was appointed chief of the staff, a post for which he possessed very few qualifications; and, when the campaign began, command of the left and right wings had perforce to be given to the only two marshals available, Ney and Grouchy, who did not possess the ability or strategic skill necessary for such positions.
The allies, feeling there the weight of the French attack, gradually drew upon the reserves of their left and right to sustain the shock.
He decided to move his eyes left and right eight times in succession whenever he became lucid.
A distributive quasigroup is a quasigroup that is both left and right distributive.
Click on left and right arrows to shift the multiplicand 's position.
Amount may be a list of two values to specify padding for left and right separately.
The gain for left and right inputs can be individually adjusted by using the preset potentiometers on the front panel.
Also try using the left and right strafe key to guide yourself in the air.
To play the game on your computer you will need to use the left and right arrow keys.
Use the arrow keys to move and hit both the left and right keys together with the down arrow to roll.
Controlling Pac Man is simple; up, down, left and right are all you need.
Take the next tallest subjects and arrange them to the left and right of the center subject, facing them towards the subject and standing slightly forward, so the line forms a "C" shape.
Then, the group, which contains the next tallest subjects, is placed to the left and right of the center subjects.
Put the front speakers at the left and right side of the center speaker and television.
Two straps start on the left and right side of the chest and wrap around the back of your neck where they are either tied or clipped to hold the dress in place.
Frames from the Ralph Lauren Collection should have a stylized, polished metal RL logo on the temple, or stylized cutout RL logos at the left and right bows.
You shift your weight left and right to move the piece left and right, and you shift your weight forward and backward to drop it.
Not to mention that there are attacks that can be assigned to the up, down, left and right positions on the directional pad.
This condition may cause a hole in the wall between the left and right atrium, called an atrial septal defect.
Use the left and right arrow keys to move.