Left Sentence Examples
All the sun's warmth left the air.
Princess Mary was left alone.
And he left the room, followed by the low but ringing laughter of the sister with the mole.
She patted Carmen on the shoulder and left the room.
Then there was the money he left to Carmen.
You haven't many teeth left, Jim, but the few you have are sharp enough to make me shudder.
Dulce remained in a sour mood, and left the group as soon as possible.
Brave men left their homes and hurried toward Boston.
Almost everyone else had already left, so Katie and Mary volunteered to help.
She was the only one left now.
AdvertisementNext day the Emperor left Moscow.
Alex didn't answer and it went to his voice mail, so she left a message.
And each visitor, though politeness prevented his showing impatience, left the old woman with a sense of relief at having performed a vexatious duty and did not return to her the whole evening.
After she left the room, Carmen glanced down at her dress and then at Alex.
He left his room for his office.
AdvertisementIt left her calm.
The fact is that I left my little pet in my dressing-room lying asleep upon the table; and you must have stolen in without my knowing it.
She was slicing some left over pork roast for a recipe tomorrow when Alex walked in and announced that Destiny and Jonathan were asleep.
She turned and left the room.
Not one of the bees so much as looked at those in her left hand.
AdvertisementTrue, but her answer left Carmen's stomach tied in a knot.
It still rained, but it wasn't cold that made her hands tremble as she left the car.
Jake was so quiet, she thought he left until he spoke again.
The cook was afraid of him and left everything in one corner.
Then four of the sailors rowed him to the shore and left him there.
AdvertisementEarly one morning, however, the fever left me as suddenly and mysteriously as it had come.
All the affectation of interest she had assumed had left her kindly and tear-worn face and it now expressed only anxiety and fear.
Au revoir!-- and she left the hall.
And flourishing his whip he rode off at a gallop for the first time during the whole campaign, and left the broken ranks of the soldiers laughing joyfully and shouting "Hurrah!"
Yet Señor Medena never left the house.
Felipa left them to their family outing and returned to the house.
It was nearly midnight by the time they left.
The snow started shortly after they left and the wind blew it horizontal.
You left it in the car all night?
The twinkle left his eyes and he shifted uncomfortably in the seat.
An older man with dementia left to rot and finally die in an old folks' home.
She pulled her arm from his grip and stared at it, twisting it left and right before lowering it.
Darkyn left her silently.
She glanced back over her shoulder to see Darkyn standing where she left him, hands clasped behind his back, watching her with the cold smile that told her there was more going on than she suspected.
Crack! crash! bang! went his iron-shod hoofs against the wooden bodies of the Gargoyles, and they were battered right and left with such force that they scattered like straws in the wind.
And then we come to Greece, the home of Hippocrates, the "Father of Modern Medicine," who left us not just the oath that bears his name but also a corpus of roughly sixty medical texts based on his teaching.
We'll look at their lives, and the social aspects of this change, in a coming chapter called "Left Behind."
So let's say your parents bought Coca Cola stock their entire life, left it all to you, and you are able to live off the dividend payments of the stock.
And yet, we know of no cases of mass "left behind-ness," of people unable to learn how to function in this environment.
But as soon as he had left the room the old prince, looking uneasily round, threw down his napkin and went himself.
He was lying on his back propped up high, and his small bony hands with their knotted purple veins were lying on the quilt; his left eye gazed straight before him, his right eye was awry, and his brows and lips motionless.
When Princess Mary had left Prince Andrew she fully understood what Natasha's face had told her.
I told Morino last night that I would look at them before we left.
Felipa left the room five minutes before Tessa left.
Morino came in after Tessa left and Señor Medena left.
This wasn't about what he had hidden from her or the fact that he had left her alone for two weeks to go to Columbia.
Destiny was still asleep when Carmen and Katie left the hospital.
After they left, Carmen sank into the chair and picked up a horse magazine.
They went through their evening routine and then left for the hospital.
When I left the room, she was sweating until even her hair was wet.
Alex was gone four days and was as solemn on his return as he was when he left.
You've been quiet for weeks - since we left Texas.
Maybe that was the real reason Tessa left him.
Unless... it was after Tessa left him.
Carmen left her chair in one quick movement and circled his neck with her arms, kissing him on the temple.
All that was left was to clean the blood.
So she ran along over their heads until she had left them far behind and below and had come to the city and the House of the Sorcerer.
You simply had to make better use of what was left.
It merely confirmed that she had left childhood behind... quite gracefully.
Giddon put his daughter to bed and then left the house.
Finally she achieved some semblance of order and left the room.
They left the main road on a narrow trail consisting of two ruts.
Exhaustion left her feeling cold and weak, which was probably why her foot slipped on the edge of a rock.
Five days a week Giddon left the house before anyone was up.
What the Giddons did on their own land was their business, yet it left her feeling uncomfortable.
On these occasions she took Tammy with her, and Lisa was left to enjoy her precious solitude.
He dumped the rest of his coffee in the sink and left the room.
She placed the brush on the table and left the room.
Sarah made an excuse of putting Tammy down for a nap and left them alone.
Finally, his intent gaze left the glass and found hers.
Blood left her head so fast that for a moment she thought she would faint.
Afterward he left, shutting the door with force.
Giddon had barely left the yard on Diablo and Lisa instantly recognized it as a chance to investigate the building.
She didn't look at Yancey when they left.
His warm lips left hers and started down her neck, forcing a moan from hers.
After he left the room, she opened the envelope.
I kept seeing little Nick's face in the window when they left the house.
Again she left no message.
Exploring would be left for another day.
Reason said if she left now, there would never be a solid relationship.
After he left the room, Tammy came in, rubbing her eyes.
If he hadn't come along, she'd probably be dead, and yet, he had done nothing to assist after Allen left.
After he left, she went to her room and crouched beside the bed to pray.
After Len left, she was feeling better.
Len was the only one left she could trust, and she couldn't tell him anything without implicating Yancey.
She waited until Yancey came back in, but he only locked the door to the office and left, closing the door to the building.
He's going to take me to where we left my car last night.
She could have left then, and might have if curiosity hadn't gotten the best of her.
Later, when everyone had left, Yancey took Lisa's hands in his.
Their lives were now entwined with the two people they left alone in that building.
To his left, her brother, Howard walked in reflective silence.
Each still held the final pieces to the puzzle they left behind.
By the time he got in his car and left, Lisa was recovering.
The blood left her head in a race to her feet and her knees melted to follow.
That still left her a good five inches short of his six-foot-two.
A lock of mousy blonde hair covered her left eye.
Of course, a little make-up and the right clothes could do wonders - which was a good way to wind up straying off the path she had mapped before she left home.
An idea flashed through her brain and left a frown on her face.
She couldn't have been more awake before she left the house.
They both left the lounge and started down the hall toward the desk.
She left him standing there looking after her.
At five o'clock sharp, Adrienne left the hospital.
I've been trying to catch you since you left the lounge.
Tugging on her socks and sneakers, she made the bed and left the room.
This side when you want him to go right, that side when you want him to go left.
Why didn't you say something before you left?
After they left, Adrienne gave Brandon a stern look.
If you had left when Brandon wanted you to, you still couldn't have done anything.
She stood in the road after he left, watching until he turned a corner and drove out of sight.
She's been moping around every since you left.
I heard you left the territory.
If she left from Ashley, she would arrive in time to plant a garden at the ranch.
He left us kids to fend for ourselves and now he thinks he can come back and pick up where he left off.
Royce and Fritz left the fire together.
The Indians were stealing the mules left outside the wagons.
Fourteen left - two of those wounded.
That left only a dozen mules and the bay.
They packed as much as they could on six mules and left the other six for riding.
Everyone was supposed to ride out in a different direction, but Bordeaux never left her side.
By dawn they had left the wagons far behind.
If they left the reservation because they were hungry, why would they be out here?
When the ache had left her legs numb, and her breath was no longer coming in gasps, they started out again - across sand dunes - up and down.
Bordeaux wouldn't have left her unless he felt she was safe, she was sure of that.
He led the horse around and they left the ravine, traveling at right angles to the path the Indians had taken.
Pulling on his half-dry socks and tugging into his boots, he picked up his shirt and left the area.
He swung the bay around and left her to the townspeople.
Wear this above your left ear if the answer is no - right if the answer is yes.
The decision made, she left the room to find Bordeaux.
That's why I left.
She picked the flower up and poked it over her left ear.
Fritz and Royce left this morning.
He spun on one heal and left the hotel.
Tossing her worn clothing into the brown paper, she tied it up and left the room.
There was only one thing left to do.
As far as that went, Mom did seem mighty upset for a while after Dad left.
With that he turned and left the diner.
She left the post office feeling better about Russell Cade than she did about herself.
To the left was a tall narrow window, bare to the coldness of the room.
He turned abruptly and left the room.
The furniture - it was handed down to my mother and she left it to me.
I recently put a new inner spring mattress on the bed, but the rest of it is exactly as she left it.
He turned and left the room, his boots clicking across the tile floor and then fading as he moved across the hardwood family room floor and down the hall.
And then he left the house.
The master bath was tidy, so she left the room and pulled the door shut, breathing a long sigh.
She closed the doors when she left the room, anticipation increasing her pulse.
She rubbed her arms and left the room.
She sighed and left the room, carefully pulling the door shut.
She stared into the flames, wondering why none of the windows had curtains, and why so many things were left to gather dust in the attic.
He strode to the door, clamped on his hat, shrugged into his coat and left the house without so much as a good-bye.
She kept her face averted until the warmth left her cheeks.
Yet it left her wondering if Mary was still romantically interested in him.
Little did he know that she wouldn't have left the ranch if her truck had been available.
Mary stood by, unusually quiet, but when Cade left she found her voice.
The next morning, after Cade left, she threw a roast in the oven and eagerly set to work on the family room.
When Dad died, he left this Ranch to his wife and stepson and his fortune went to the rest of us kids.
His jaw muscles worked as he spun on one heel and marched to the outside door, slamming it as he left.
She turned to the stove to prepare supper and Claudette left the room.
She doesn't want it, but it irks her to think that it was left to me - the weirdo.
She brushed past Cade, giving him a stern look as she left the room.
I left supper half done.
He followed her to the family room and made sure she was safely lying down before he left.
After he left the room she opened the sack to get her things and smiled.
And then he left the room, pulling the door snugly closed behind him.
With that, she left them alone.
They talked for several hours and when Mary left, Cade was nowhere in sight.
Wasting no time, she jabbed her left foot in the stirrup and lifted her hand to be swallowed in his.
She had set it in the oven to stay warm before she left the house.
Cade finally left the fire and sat down beside her on the couch.
Only this time his lips left hers and wandered to her neck, sending her heartbeat into frenzy.
Cade still slept peacefully - not that he would have cared if she left at this point anyway.
She stared at the door after he left.
That left only one thing.
She swung around and left the kitchen.
After Cade left the next morning she phoned Mary.
That left a choice between raising the child on her own or adopting it out.
And that left only adoption.
The left side of Howie's head was absent hair and a series of three dark scars were visible.
I looked left and right and everything was there.
Betsy rose and left the room, returning with a tray full of warm scones and strawberry preserves.
He turned and left.
I was left sitting on my hands until the appointed hour of Howie's nap before Betsy assigned me the chore of remaining in the small room while he slept.
I asked my mother about visiting the country or a farm and she insisted I'd never travelled anywhere but here in New Hampshire until I left for the seminary.
Betsy's red-eye flight for Chicago left at seven and I kissed her as she stepped into her cab at the curb.
I missed Betsy already and her plane hadn't left the ground.
It was the weekend before he left for the seminary.
Neither of us mentioned the subject since we left New Hampshire.
Betsy left the key to her sumptuous room, in the city's finest hotel, allowing me to drop off my duds before meeting him in the hotel lobby.
Betsy left the room and I heard a click.
Howie left for his apartment shortly after we'd agreed to conduct his proposed test.
Martha handed out paper and pens before we left the house.
I then left the building and waited outside for the others who arrived moments later.
That left Quinn and I watching but not seeing Stanford struggling against Oregon.
It described how Timothy's mother had left her son in their enclosed yard to answer a phone call.
I grabbed my wife's hand and the tape recorder and left before anyone could object.
There are far too many monsters left on the loose.
It was some distance from the farm house and he thought he might not get to it before it left.
Then he said, 'you guys have this history when you were kids,' as if he was left out.
He reached a dark van and left, without lights before Howie could make out a plate number.
I prefer not to cross state lines with my prizes, but Delaware is such a small state I'd left its boundary before I realized.
Before Betsy and I left for the airport, we received incredible news!
Perhaps, Daniel Brennan could get out of the kitchen but the five of us would be left sitting on the stove.
We knew the young girl was in trouble shortly after she left her house, with Howie following closely behind her.
He stayed with them and was shocked when the car left the road, bumping into a secluded copse, frightening the girl.
Betsy asked after once more, he'd left early.
He left his phone there.
We left the building to Betsy as the three Leblanc's were yet to arrive.
She left work on a Thursday and no one heard word one.
Betsy replied, then added, "Molly's babysitting comment left no doubt she and Julie are moving to town."
This killer left the scene of an aborted breaking where he was seeking more information on the tipster after he was wounded.
He left me his car when he flew out to him mom's place.
We discussed neither Julie nor Howie over breakfast but Betsy joined me when I left for our office.
That was left solely in my hands.
She simply shrugged and left.
The three left for the school office; Betsy, with a slight smile on her face, Molly looking excited and Julie wondering if she was dead man walking.
He left the wallet with the body so no one knew the card and papers even existed, much less were stolen.
She kissed and hugged her daughter until I thought I'd have to pull them apart, but finally left in Howie's car for Boston and her flight.
Molly smiled and the pair and dog left.
He turned and left the office.
He's been a total pain in the ass since Howie left.
After Martha and her baby left, I called Betsy with the news.
I thanked her and closed up shop for the day and left for home.
No stone left unturned until I see the blood of my tipster-nemesis flood the ground beneath her panicked body.
As soon as the two left, I turned to Betsy.
He then left for Boston and a flight that would arrive a few hours after Julie's.
I turned and left the room with my friend weeping on the bed.
Naw. I just wanted to know how much I left on the table.
I didn't learn about it until Julie came up here and Quinn had left for California.
I cleaned up a few paper details and left the office for home, driving around town the long way, just to clear my head.
Yes. He tried to commit suicide after he killed her; he left a note but he didn't cut his wrists deeply enough to be fatal.
The key Howie had left fit the door in the rear so I couldn't rely on my headlights to see.
I'd left it home!
I left the phone off the hook, retreated back to the bedroom and with my heart racing, I closed the door behind me.
I passed out again but gradually, the pain in my left side and my throat brought me to a state of half-wakefulness.
I must have slept immediately after she left.
The nurse interrupted him with a series of questions about my well-being and left after telling me a doctor would visit and breakfast was on the way.
I went around back because Howie said the key he left with us fit the back door.
Oh, I left the phone off the hook.
That happened after Howie left town.
Martha and Claire have already left for Santa Barbara and the funeral so she'll fill Howie and Julie when she gets to California.
The best I can figure, he never left California before his arrest so that's where I'm concentration.
I'm more used to country property where doors and windows are left open, making my life oh so easy.
I just want to see if Martha left me a note or if there's any hint to what's going on.
Martha left a note.
According to Betsy, on the note Martha left, she said Quinn was coming back east to meet up with his wife and daughter and leave from here.
See if he left a note for Howie.
Maybe he left the machine things...
I left a message, from Tommy, his so called fishing buddy, saying I had a fish story for him and requesting him to call as soon as possible.
I'm sure Brennen was confused by my sharp response and background noise but once girls and dog had left we settled down to business.
I agreed and mentioned the timing of the power shut off at Howie's house after he'd left town.
No they... left town.
When I'd given him the information he left his office.
If you think he's after you, what makes you think he's left the area?
Suddenly I remember Betsy and Molly were out walking Bumpus when I left the house!
I left the building for home.
Let's hope he's left the area.
He wasn't happy to be left out of the loop but at least he believed me and came around.
After somewhat blackened hot dogs and some canned beans simmered nearby, we returned to the house and left the backyard to the emerging mosquitos.
I left word where we were going and why.
I left the station, not sure what to do next.
I had opted not to call ahead but according to Daniel Brennan, Humphries lived at his mission and almost never left.
I left word I'd call from the airport in the morning and set my phone alarm in time for my early departure.
I'm so thankful he's apparently left the area.
But he skipped out and left all the stuff.
I've left vestiges of my activities along the roadsides of America and yet, they don't know I exist!
We assumed all three had left together and gone into hiding.
That's why he packed up his motor home and left town.
I turned and left the room with Pual behind me as I searched left and right until I saw a policeman by the door.
Glancing through the open door of the adjoining room where I'd left Howie, I found it not only empty, but absent of Quinn's equipment as well!
I turned off the recorder and left to drive to police headquarters.
I replaced the beam securing the door on my side and without a word, left the cellar.
It seemed hours I was left alone until shouting voices announced the end of our ordeal.
Unfortunately, there is no one left alive to salute the LeBlanc and Betsy and I want our adopted daughter Claire to know she is fully a part of our lives.
Satisfied, the nurse swept up the linens she'd changed and left.
I wish you'd told me he died when you left last year.
She gave his teenage temper the benefit of the doubt and patted him on the shoulder as she left the car.
The devil left, and an angry Talon hauled her up, sinking his teeth into her arm again.
After millennia dealing with the dark side of humanity, he didn't think there was anyone else pure left.
It left him more hands-on with the western front than he'd been in hundreds of years.
He rose and left Darian's room for the foyer, where Toni was waiting for him.
She said nothing, and he left.
He squeezed her back and left.
Sasha thought of everything before he left.
She felt ill the moment the words left her mouth.
Anxious never, ever to run into Talon or his men again, she left the garage and drove through the streets.
I left you completely exposed.
He rose and left.
Healing left her weakened, and she leaned against the counter.
He knew without asking she'd left him dinner again.
His gaze strayed towards the barracks, where he'd left Bianca.
He grabbed a handful of cookies and left.
He left, and she gazed at the plates full of cookies around the kitchen.
She left in a huff, and Dusty crossed his arms against Ohio's fall breeze.
Dusty was prepared for the worst, but Darian's story left him speechless.
You left Sofi and Bianca to fend for themselves!
She sneaked a peek at her phone, agitated that Darian hadn't been at all concerned with the situation he left her in.
Run to the end of this hall, then go out the double doors to the left.
I just wanted to say hi before you left.
I left you a mess to clean up in Ohio, he said.
Fat raindrops soaked his clothing and left him chilled.
He rose and gave her a kiss on the forehead and then left her in the safety of her room.
An arc of lightning left her father's hand and slammed the stranger into the wall.
Unable to find her voice, she hurried around him to the table where she'd left her coat.
She drove to the bed and breakfast instead, where the friendly woman who rented rooms had left the back door open for her.
Despite his cold words, he'd left a present for her on the nightstand near her bed.
Her resolve lasted until her father left for dinner with their wealthy neighbors.
The sense that Jule was in the house hadn't left her.
Glancing at the clock on her nightstand, she waited until certain her father had left then rose.
She left before he could upset her more.
But this man, an enemy who had—up until now—wanted to kill her, left her feeling a little less alone.
Jule sat where she left him.
His gaze went to the wine cellar door, which she'd left cracked.
He left the room and ascended to the main floor.
When she'd touched him in the alley, she'd left a piece of herself within him.
Jule sighed, hoping she left this time.
I could've left you!
She eased into the carport but left the car running.
She finally gripped what was left of the arrow shaft with the pliers.
The fever had left him, and while he looked pale beneath his cocoa skin, he was alert and his speech coherent.
She tucked the number away and left the bed and breakfast.
Jenn left without saying anything, once again unable to get a read on the kid.
Satisfied it was getting what it wanted, the Watcher left him alone.
She left the room assigned her by Jonny, two doors down from his in his private wing.
Their souls already linked, all that was left was for their bodies to become one as well.
He'd sensed the arrival of his brother just before Yully left the cottage.
He left to the kitchen, and her smile faded.
You got twenty-five days left.
Her eyes returned to Jonny, who was lapping up what was left of the dead woman's blood.
It looked untouched, but a quick search revealed the only weapons remaining were those she'd taken when she left her room, and the beacon was gone.
She rose and stretched then left the small house on a hill for a quick walk.
He'd left the front door open, and she saw the car was running, waiting.
Lightning no longer left her for the clouds.
Twist your hip more when you hit with the left.
Jenn bit back a retort and left, unable to shake the sense he'd told her something he didn't mean for her to know.
He kissed her hand and left her alone.
She wore a soft nightgown and changed into the clothing left for her.
Yully left the gym, feeling as if she'd entered a new world.
The moment the words left her mouth, she knew her mistake.
You left a message with my receptionist?
She left the door cracked until she heard Jake greet Damian as the leader passed her room.
The kind of creature that could do such things to other men left her no doubt he'd do the same to her if she didn't obey.
It was a death sentence, and Damian saw the realization in Jake's eyes before the newbie left for the weapons room.
The man in the executioner's hood left while Jilian, the man with midnight hair and eyes, approached.
He left the corner and approached her, stopping when she took a step back.
Claire apparently had left.
He left, as pissed as she was.
Two obeyed and left the room filled with lights and computers.
She stared at the embroidered tablecloth, tormented by the scent of food she couldn't eat and the visions of death and betrayal that left an acrid taste in her mouth.
With a squeeze of her arm, he left her.
He waited in the library until he'd composed himself and left for his suite.
The town car left as she stepped inside the gate.
The doctor left, and Linda joined her.
She left the library to return Damian's phone.
What was left of Darian went up in the second funeral pile in his honor.
She left them alone and returned to the group, deep in thought.
Two mechanically dressed and left his room.
She didn't know if he'd welcome the gift or if his recent ordeal left him more jaded toward his past.
She rarely left the house and lived in the library.
He left the library and Traveled to one of the remaining, undiscovered safe houses at the base of one of the mountains.
The door was open as she left it, the keys in the steering column.
Two left, the necklace dangling in his hand.
The being left, but the peace remained.
You'll not face anyone willing to challenge you for him, ikir, I assure you, though there may be some left who might help him.
She cleaned up and left the bathroom, freezing.
The distinction left her feeling torn.
They left her beyond confused, terrified and certain she didn't want anything to do with Darkyn right now.
Deidre shook her head in frustration and left her room.
The damage done to half her face caused horrible scarring that left her features lopsided and her skin knotted.
Deidre left, troubled, as she returned to her room.
It left her on the covered landing where Darkyn first brought her.
She glanced around her, wondering what would happen if she just … left.
She absently reached for the hourglass and realized she'd left it on her nightstand.
Otherwise, it looked the way she left it, except that the air conditioning was off.
The pile of mail she left on her desk was still there, the living room neat and quiet.
She had a ton left and began sifting through her drawers for jeans.
Deidre released her breath as the knife left.
The death dealer snatched his shirt and left quickly.
The reminder of what her mate was left her trembling harder.
Today, she had left, because the idea of eternity in the red desert with a creature incapable of caring for her was too much for her to bear.
A portal appeared behind him, and he left without another word.
Five minutes after you left, he called off the attacks.
She smiled at Selyn and left the room.
This one left her saddened and frustrated.
Rather than incite her, it left her sleepy.
Darkyn stripped my power when I left Hell.
Selyn hurried across the room to a pad of paper and pen that Wynn had clearly left behind, if his tight writing on the back cover was any indication.
Suddenly, Deidre wished she'd left Selyn in Hell.
She's missing her friend Caleb since he and his parents left.
She told him the news and all the sunshine left the old man's smile.
Nope. There's lots of 'em left.
The smile never left Maria's face.
It was a beautiful smile that caused Dean to wonder what life the young girl had left behind.
The second floor contained six quarters, five rooms for guests and the rear left corner occupied by Fred O'Connor.
Caleb and me sort of got in trouble just before he left.
Dean left the group for the kitchen and found Paulette Dawkins had beaten him there.
Pumpkin Green returned while Dean was killing the few minutes before he left.
With a wave, he left to meet with Jake Weller.
Yeah. There's things that happened a hundred years ago and are best left be.
When Murf, my deputy, left, I saw her application come through and signed her on.
No, she didn't remember who'd called or even if they left a name.
Later, after the guests left, the three-person management team was cleaning up when the front door bell rang.
If someone tampered with the real bones, we don't want to give them a chance to clean up whatever they might have left behind.
After locating a missing sneaker, Pumpkin left without a word and, shockingly, without breakfast.
The topless Jeep offered an unfettered view of the spectacular scenery they entered as soon as they left the highway.
Returning to their vehicle, they cautiously left the roadway on the newly discovered track.
They began the arduous climb, puffing in the high elevation for ten minutes until the trail leveled and opened to their left.
But this stuff was left here recently.
The stuff may have been left since Martha was here.
He could have left and come back again.
The vehicle rambled over a large boulder, skidding off to the left before Westlake wrenched the wheel and righted it.
Hopefully, Cynthia thought as she left, not 'third bottle' pork chops—meat doused with a shake from every third container on the spice rack.
To get away from the temptation and bring Cynthia up to date, he left the festive group of plunderers and joined his wife in their room.
As he left, Dean rolled his eyes in frustration.
While Bird Song waited, Mrs. Worthington, prompted by Fred's phone call, went to the campground to see if she might catch the couple left before they left.
She turned away from Dawkins, and with a forced smile at Pumpkin and Westlake, left the porch.
Or, sweet Edith wasn't so sweet and bashed Josh's head in and left him in the mine.
Both left me everything, not that it was a fortune, but a good investment counselor did a nice job.
Let the boys fight over the few stocks and bonds Paul left, but I want to keep his fantasy.
My mother left when I was nine days old.
As they left, they bumped into Brandon Westlake as he made his way toward the boys.
The look Dean gave him left no doubt they knew where he'd been.
Dawkins mumbled and apology and left the building.
While the brief conversation was welcome, it left a party's-over void when it ended.
The group left the Jeep and spent more than an hour on foot with Cynthia taking infinite care with each of her photos.
He gave a wave but no further comment as he hurried to his Jeep and left.
She can't find her camera and wants to know if she left it in the Jeep.
Dean's lack of proficiency at mountain climbing left him to make do instead of utilizing a more effective and safer method of descent.
After the first several feet, the angle of the slope dropped more sharply and he was forced to move to his left to avoid falling.
The trail left by the falling vehicle reappeared, a tear in the earth, and a piece of unrecognizable metal.
She'd not spoken a word since they'd left the road.
The next eruption, and the one after it, gave insufficient light to help, but then a multiple display hung in the sky like a full moon, giving time for his eyes to search left and right.
His heart raced as he rose and began to claw his way up and to his left.
Her trousers were black with mud front and back, her pant leg torn, and her left knee bloody.
As he left the building, he glanced at his watch.
He left the scene of the accident before he gave me a statement.
The combatants left the room together, with Fitzgerald not even acknowledging Dean's presence.
He left it at the desk, as he wasn't up to the small talk a personal delivery would entail.
Fred lost and muttered something about the unfairness of life as he left to do his duty.
They all left about the same time—Ed and his family and this Josh fella.
Do you remember what year they all left?
After Maria left to return to her duties, the pair lingered at the kitchen table.
And while he isn't sure exactly where it was staged, there's a possibility he might have been in the same theatrical company that played Ouray, went broke and left their gear in storage.
God, did that ever come out of left field!
I saw you—when he left your place The fire in Lydia Larkin's eyes cooled appreciably.
While sleep was only partially suspended and Dean's fantasy returned, morning brought the news that the noise had been real—Pumpkin Green had left in the night, bumping his shopping cart down the stairs to a clandestine exit.
The departure left husband Joseph in an even surlier mood than usual, and he growled his way through breakfast.
When the old man tried to engage him in further conversation—this time about Pumpkin Green and the general irresponsibility of today's youth—he excused himself on an important errand and left Westlake standing in the hall.
The old man looked defeated, with all his natural feistiness absent, left outside in the sunshine.
Dean left the cell confident that the old man was coping, but he was beginning to mirror Fred's concern with his past.
He pocketed it, turned and left the building.
Cynthia was waiting for Dean at Bird Song—a message left at the library had alerted her to Fred's arrest.
She turned and left before either Dean could respond, lighting her cigarette as she went.
Dean left Bird Song on foot, passing up the temptation to drive his Jeep the short distance to the Main Street delicatessen.
There wasn't any liquor at the accident site when I left and you said a bottle had been found.
He claimed that he had left Ouray "for business reasons" and had no idea Edith was pregnant.
As Dean left the building, the jailer sauntered back to Fred's cell.
He's probably needed for something he was working on before he left.
Martha, dressed exactly as she had been when she'd left, clutched her new suitcase while the barest hint of a smile graced her pretty face.
All hints of hesitation left the young girl in the wake of the smother of love that enveloped her.
Mrs. Lincoln slipped into the room amid throaty sounds of welcome and hopped onto Martha's lap as calmly as if she'd never left.
She gave me a couple of hundred bucks and left me at this bus station in this little town in Illinois—I don't remember the name.
Your mother just left you there?
It's been a busy time for Fred since you left.
He was alive when he left my place.
I put the knife right against the left cheek of his butt and dug it in.
The Dawkins Four had apparently left and the newcomer guests were out seeing the town.
The tourists were left below and Dean was alone save the sounds of nature on the rocky rutted path as his Jeep's tires clawed upward.
I haven't been near a computer since before I left.
The voice echoed from somewhere to the left, or was it the right?
She left the day before, to visit her sister in Denver.
Ralph warned me, but when I insisted, he figured if we stuck together Blackie wouldn't get away with doing anything—wouldn't have a chance before we left the next day.
We left an empty bottle by his car and tent and drove back in the Ford.
They figured he'd left to go fishing by himself just after we returned to Kansas.
Lydia left Cynthia standing by the sink and walked into the parlor with Dean.
Without ever facing him, she turned and left.
Wynn didn't want to imagine what Darkyn did to the sweet girl he left behind in Hell.
His own interactions with deities left him more than willing to shun them, if at all possible.
They'd been there when she originally selected the apartment, of course, but the sight of the sunrise left her breathless.
The Gabriel she remembered would've dropped it and left.
Back and forth, back and forth, in a way that left her skin tingling and her feeling as if she was falling under some sort of spell.
The night before, he'd left his dying mate, praying he was able to save her life.
This morning, he left a perfectly healthy woman – who looked like his mate and wore the Immortal mating tattoo – and yet was distinctly different.
He noticed something … missing the night before, soon after he left her.
When you left, the demons were pouring in, the Lake of Souls was bubbling and everything else was falling apart.
I mean, I couldn't leave Hell with any deity powers and um, basically only one of us left.
The urge almost seemed stronger with her today than when he left her last night.
A mate lying to him and death dealers deserting right and left.
She tasted sweet and saucy, like the woman herself, her heat, scent and silky skin filling his senses in a way that left him wanting more of her.
He released her and left.
Landon took the hint and left.
Gabriel left for the Caribbean Sanctuary, where the book possessed by a long dead Oracle was busy scribbling notes about the Present.
Those huge hands had started to explore her body in a way that left her feeling feminine, delicate, and willing to let him take control in a way she never permitted him before.
The underworld was cracked when she left; that much she remembered.
The only thing I didn't count on was Darkyn giving me the choice of my power or Gabriel when I left Hell.
She didn't want to think about the human she'd left in the hands of the demon lord.
Andre didn't deny she was lying to him, which left Gabriel even less certain what to do about his mate.