Ledge Sentence Examples
The ledge was just wide enough for her foot to fit fully.
Her fall was brutally interrupted by a rock ledge about five feet down.
Horses were moving around on the ledge above, their hooves clicking against the rocks.
The chief are Aysgarth Force, on the main stream, Mill Gill Force on a tributary near Askrigg, and Hardraw Scaur beyond Hawes, the finest of all, which shoots forth over a projecting ledge of limestone so as to leave a clear passage behind it.
Dazed and pained, she couldn't help but wish she'd just jumped off the ledge instead.
She swung the boulder up, ducking as it slapped the side of the cliff just short of the ledge and fell back to her.
He gave no thought to how he'd reverse the process and return to the ledge above.
As he spoke, he strode from the commo room to the ledge outside.
Dr Jackson in 1903 climbed to the ledge of the rock and was able to collate the lower part of the four large Persian columns; he thus convinced himself that Foy's conjecture of arstam (" righteousness") for Rawlinson's abistam or abastam was correct.
If we can talk Rhyn off the ledge, maybe she won't crush us all, Kiki said.
AdvertisementIt was a good 15 feet to the bottom from the ledge she was on.
Not wanting to be around to hear Claire get her way, Sofia climbed onto the edge of Damian's balcony and stretched upward toward the ledge running around the mansion.
As she did every day, she wriggled out onto it and crept the length of the ledge to the neighboring window.
Opening her eyes, she saw Alex standing on the ledge below her.
In this position Sam can jump to a higher ledge.
AdvertisementTwo lambs followed their mother as the ewe leaped from one ledge to another.
On the other side of the rocks, water sprang from the ground and spilled off a ledge into a large blue pool.
On a ledge below the crest of the Palisades is the famous duelling ground, where New York citizens and others once settled their quarrels.
As regards the teeth, canines are wanting, and the penultimate upper premolar is short, from before backwards, with a distinct ledge on the inner side.
The natural arch that admits one to Mammoth Cave has a span of 70 ft., and from a ledge above it a cascade leaps 59 ft.
AdvertisementThe nest, contrary to the habits of most Limicolae, is generally placed under a ledge of rock which shelters the bird from observation,' and therein are laid four eggs, of a light olive-green, closely blotched with brown, and hardly to be mistaken for those of any other bird.
The descent to the lower district is marked by the Barraconda rapids, formed by a ledge of rock stretching across the river.
She knocked the snow off the ledge.
He posed for their cameras and finally leaped from one ledge to another along the face of the cliff until he disappeared over the lip and into the forest above them.
Favoured with a dark and foggy night the party of 150 men and a guide reached the first ledge of rock undiscovered.
AdvertisementAn armadillo stared at them from a rocky ledge as they passed, and a doe and her fawn darted across the trail not more than a hundred yards ahead, disappearing into the brush.
If the ledge hadn't been there, Carmen would have been killed.
Sculptured slabs form balustrades to the steps leading up to the temple, and its exterior is ornamented with figures in stucco, the outer faces of the four pillars in front having life-size figures of women with children in their arms. The small Temple of Beau Relief stands on a narrow ledge of rock against the steep slope of the mountain.
The shelves should be of slate a, a, supported by iron uprights b, b, each half having a front ledge of bricks set on edge in cement c, c. The slabs of slate forming the shelves should not be too closely fitted, as a small interval will prevent the accumulation of moisture at the bottom of the bed.
Heading back from the waterfall, a sloping ledge zigzagged up to a hole in the roof.
Drop down onto the ledge and smash the picture.
She tiptoed through the glass and leaned out the window, eyeing the wide ledge.
She looked back toward Andre's apartment, surprised to see two dark forms on the ledge following her.
Glancing around, she spotted it, poised at the edge of the ledge.
Prince Andrew leaned his elbows on the window ledge and his eyes rested on that sky.
America. Grows in any soil, but prefers a moist border or ledge.
It has a fine effect in rich deep soil in the rock garden, where its trailing stems can droop over the ledge of a block of stone.
S. oppositifolia and its varieties succeed in deep, open, rich, loamy soil, and are finest in a fissure or on a ledge of the rock garden, where the roots can ramble backwards or down to any depth.
Wait for the guard to get even farther away then jump on to the ledge and use the higher ledge to pull yourself on top of the doorway arch and drop to the other side.
To access the secret room locate the ledge on the left side of the screen when you first start playing the game.
She lit with one foot underneath her body, and the momentum of her fall threw her forward - over the ledge.
Stepping onto the ledge outside, Lana heard the sounds of gun and laser fire too close for her comfort, along with the beat of helicopters in the dark skies.
The last thing she saw before she lost consciousness was a rock ledge coming at her.
Her grip tightened on the phone involuntarily and it shot out of her wet hand, bouncing once on the ledge before plunging over the bluff.
Reaching the ledge, Alex released the rope and knelt beside Carmen, frowning.
The first ledge rising from the ocean floor has depth averaging 8000 ft.
The outer edge of this ledge is roughly parallel to the coast of Western Australia, and more than 150 m.
Two A young boy made his way along a narrow ledge no wider than his foot.
Gain two small crimps from a large ledge then pull up right to gain a sloping break.
Above, a sloping ledge is gained and looking up the true enormity of Titan is revealed.
At the end of the ledge, the path narrows where a steel handrail aids further progress down to river level.
The cave is entered by a narrow ledge of columns leading into the darkness.
The middle tier is divided by a diagonal heather ledge, running from bottom left to top right.
I stamp on my belay ledge to keep cozy and climbing cautiously above my last piece of gear I feel absorbed.
Water had risen to window ledge height in parts of the resort.
While the hammer is still depressed the intermediate lever comes to rest on a small leather-covered ledge near the top of the hopper.
The water in different mood falls over a rocky ledge, divides round a tiny island, home to a pair of wild mallard.
Click for larger image The figure of the boy on the ledge is hanging up the oval medallion displaying the profile of the Duke.
These gave access to a sort of sloping ledge covered in sticky mud.
Visually Warrior Within is also quite murky, making it all the more difficult to see that all-important ledge or pole.
The ledge was traversed to gain a short high-level oxbow on the left.
The main rift continues from the entrance passageway and is reached by a climb up the right hand wall and onto a ledge.
This image was derived from an unstained cellulose lacquer peel, from the Jurassic, Kimmeridge Clay, Maple Ledge Shales.
Start on a flat boulder at the base of the slab, step left off this and climb a shallow runnel to a ledge.
From the ledge on Jurassic scarp the traverse was continued at the same level around the corner under the prow into The Night Watch.
About halfway up the ladder route a human skull was noticed on a ledge.
The terminal sump is in the pool, which contains a muddy ledge on the right hand side.
Climb Hutch to the bulge, then make a delicate rising traverse to reach a white ledge.
Move up right and ascend slanting ledges to the ledge on the girdle traverse (peg runner ).
The cause of the new development of Extension Scholasticism in the 13th century was the acquisition for of know- the first time of the complete works of Aristotle (see ledge of Classics and Arabian Philosophy).
Adams, got ashore, and dropping on to the ledge below the parapet made their way toward the lighthouse.
The primitive philosophy to which these conceptions belong has to a great degree been discredited by modern science; yet the clear survivals of such ancient and savage rites may still be seen in Europe, where the Bretons leave the remains of the All Souls' supper on the table for the ghosts of the dead kinsfolk to partake of, and Russian peasants set out cakes for the ancestral manes on the ledge which supports the holy pictures, and make dough ladders to assist the ghosts of the dead to ascend out of their graves and start on their journey for the future world; while other provision for the same spiritual journey is made when the coin is still put in the hand of the corpse at an Irish wake.
Climb the initial undercut wall via a thin crack to gain a ledge.
Consider how she may go on in life to inspire others who have suffered personal tragedies and eventually use her compassion and inspirational words to talk a suicidal man off the ledge of a high-rise.
She stared at the broken glass before her and then at the men nearing on the ledge.
He dived off the ledge, and she scampered forward.
Alhama is finely situated on a ledge of rock which overlooks a deep gorge traversed by the river Marchan or Alhama; while the rugged peaks of the Sierra de Alhama rise behind it to a height of 6800 ft.
In such places agriculture is made possible by irrigation, and the Mormon villages, both here and farther south along the base of the Hurricane Ledge, depend largely on this industry.
Driven along a narrow ledge of rock to the edge of the sea, they preferred capture to escape by swimming, while if thrown into the water they immediately returned to the point from which they started.
They proffered peace to King Henry, ledge and offered to recognize his preposterous claim to the French throne, on condition that he should marry France.
All that is strictly know ledge is reached in these two ways.
We have, strictly speaking, no know- of the ledge " of real beings beyond our own self-conscious exist- external ence, the existence of God, and the existence of objects world.
She stood on a ledge, considering a swan dive into the depths of the universe.
He'd talked Rhyn off the ledge a million times then defied past-Death to protect Katie.
Half drunk, shoeless, scared shitless, she had no option for escape except to crawl from her balcony onto the ledge.
In the center was a massive console surrounded by a circular bench beneath the shade of a ledge.
He glanced back once more at the void beyond the ledge and then looped the line around his body and stomped the few feet toward the cliff, trying to step without tripping in the cumbersome and unfamiliar foot wear.
Perched on a ledge, its gray-brown coat camouflaged against the bluff, stood a bighorn sheep.
Above her, water shot over the edge of the bluff, falling maybe ten feet before bouncing off her legs and onto a rock ledge.
What happened was an accident, and as Carmen had pointed out, it could have happened regardless of who was with her, but she wouldn't have been trapped for hours on a ledge.
Broken rocks then lead to a good grass ledge with nut belay overlooking the gully.
At the top, a cornice of poised boulders can be passed to a hanging ledge beneath a vast hanging choke.
Plant some carrot seeds in egg cartons set in plastic gutter on window ledge.
And the ledge has a corbel depicting the head of a green man; yet there is no bowl.
The pitch lands on a large (5m x 3m) wet ledge with a pool; a useful carbide fettling spot.
Follow the thin vertical crack above until forced left into a wider crack, which leads to a vegetated ledge.
Continue up through a groove to an overhung ledge.
Traverse right from the sloping gray ledge for 3m to a blunt arete.
Pull onto the grassy ledge then climb the clean corner pulling out left at the top.
Our final campsite, a raised rocky ledge just North of Owen Point, is the most stunning of all.
Anatole kept on refilling Pierre's glass while explaining that Dolokhov was betting with Stevens, an English naval officer, that he would drink a bottle of rum sitting on the outer ledge of the third floor window with his legs hanging out.
Fifty imperials... that I will drink a whole bottle of rum without taking it from my mouth, sitting outside the window on this spot" (he stooped and pointed to the sloping ledge outside the window) "and without holding on to anything.
Suddenly Dolokhov made a backward movement with his spine, and his arm trembled nervously; this was sufficient to cause his whole body to slip as he sat on the sloping ledge.
Climb the wide crack in the left wall to a grass ledge and rejoin the chimney proper to finish.
From the ledge on Jurassic Scarp the traverse was continued at the same level around the corner under the prow into The Night Watch.
Using the larger of the two squarish blocks as an anchor, abseil down the groove to a good ledge at a deep corner.
Follow this easily until it steepens when more thought-provoking climbing leads to a belay on a grass ledge.
Move up right and ascend slanting ledges to the ledge on the girdle traverse (peg runner).
The cave had already been pushed to a large ledge at the base of a 150 foot pitch, with further undescended pitches below.
If you don't own one, then find a surface that will resist vibrations, such as a stone ledge.
Some, therefore, recommend an over-hanging ledge, but if such protection be not removed during summer, it causes too much shade and dryness.
You don't have to have a sill or ledge already in place by your windows to install a window seat.
You can build a ledge and build the seat on top of it.
When you reach the top, you'll see a picture you can smash on the ledge across from you.
You may have to get up on the ledge or building, then use your jetpack to fly higher to get the probe.
Jump on it, and it will lead to a ledge that goes to some turrets and another structure.
You will see the skull at the end of the ledge.
Use the Cane of Pacci to jump up a ledge in Eastern Hills.
Horror struck the group when Tom, attempting to peer out over a ledge to see how far they'd climbed, became dizzy, slipped and tumbled over the edge to his death on the rocks far below.
The lights usually rest on the window ledge, though you can also get strings of electric candles to hang.
The base is thin to fit the ledge, and the price is very affordable.
A snap case has some kind of tiny ledge or groove on the edge that you can snap open and shut, hence the name.
The harbour, the largest in Spain after that of Vigo, and the finest on the east coast, is a spacious bay, deep, except near its centre, where there is a ledge of rock barely 5 ft.
It was in 1882 while Marcus Daly was sinking a shaft at Anaconda in preparation for milling gold and silver ores that he discovered the first rich copper ledge.
It only visits the land to deposit its single white egg, which is laid on a rocky ledge, where a shallow nest is made in the turf and lined with a little dried grass.
A hot-water pipe f should run along both sides of the pathway, close to the front ledge of the lowest beds.
Gilbert Walmesley, registrar of the ecclesiastical court of the diocese, a man of distinguished parts, learning and know ledge of the world, did himself honour by patronizing the young adventurer, whose repulsive person, unpolished manners and squalid garb moved many of the petty aristocracy of the neighbourhood to laughter or disgust.
The nest is of large size, built of sticks, lined with soft material and placed on a ledge of rock - a spot being chosen, and often occupied for many years, which is nearly always difficult of access.
Cattaro occupies a narrow ledge between the Montenegrin Mountains and the Bocche di Cattaro, a winding and beautiful inlet of the Adriatic Sea.
One of the fault scarps is known as the Hurricane Ledge, and continues as a prominent landmark from a point south of the Grand Canyon in Arizona to the central part of Utah, where it is replaced by other scarps farther east.
She wiped the glass shards from the ledge and carefully stepped out, standing against the outside wall.
She pressed the front of her body against the building, dug her fingertips into indents in the stone, and slid her foot along the roughened ledge to the right, stepping slowly and forcing her head up.
This was worse than ledge walking in the hotel; there was no balcony to catch her!