Leaving Sentence Examples
We'll be leaving you now.
I waited ten minutes before leaving the room.
We're leaving tomorrow, aren't we?
Then my teacher went to visit some friends in Boston, leaving me for a short time.
When Eureka's captor had thrown the kitten after the others the last Gargoyle silently disappeared, leaving our friends to breathe freely once more.
Everybody laughed at her antics, and you would have thought they were leaving a place of amusement rather than a church.
The blood drained from her head, leaving her dizzy and disoriented.
I had a second drink and let my belly dilute the alcohol with pot roast before leaving for Howie's house.
The snow melted, leaving in its wake a harvest of spring flowers.
She watched him climb stiffly into his wagon and knew a moment of sadness when she remembered that before long she would be leaving and she would never see him again.
AdvertisementBad as the situation was, she still couldn't stand the thought of leaving the ranch.
I should be leaving for the police station in a few minutes.
She struggled against him, not caring what he did to her now that he'd taken away her only real hope of leaving.
You aren't leaving me again!
Adults would argue with her if she told them she wasn't leaving her brother, Jonny's, side until he was healed.
AdvertisementAnd I'm leaving my purse.
She looked unsettled at the idea of leaving her lab and looked around, as if trying to figure out what to take.
With nothing but her troubled thoughts, the cold rain, and a lonely room in the bed and breakfast down the road, she didn't feel like leaving just yet.
As she crept up the stairs of the wine cellar to the kitchen, she couldn't help feeling troubled at leaving the man in the basement.
She'll be armed, and I'm leaving her a distress beacon.
AdvertisementWe should have prevented her from leaving.
Half an hour after leaving her room, she was ready to break down.
I know leaving is upsetting, but something else is bothering her.
We don't want you leaving here with a problem on your mind.
I'm so distressed at her leaving, I don't even want to think about it.
AdvertisementJust as this kid's leaving town, she puts this story on you, huh?
However, the woman and her husband were leaving to continue a summer-long trip westward.
These are the terms of you leaving Hell.
She was terrified by the thought of him leaving her.
She felt awful leaving him out of the blue, without saying farewell or thanking him.
I'm not alone, and I'm leaving.
The thought of leaving him to die had never crossed her mind.
Unless you were considering leaving me?
You.re not leaving.
Okay, so why are you leaving her?
You're okay with just leaving?
You're okay with just leaving me?
But they know you're leaving.
Like, who would even consider leaving a great guy like him?
What time are you leaving?
Oh God, no, I want you here with me, don't even think about leaving, please.
I'm leaving now and I don't want to hear another word out of your mouth.
When no response was forthcoming, he continued, If she were to leave me, it would cause every bit as much pain as leaving my family did.
Leaving you hurts me, too.
She was just leaving.
I changed my flights and I'm leaving tomorrow.
I have a feeling leaving here is going to be a pain.
You got us into this mess. We're leaving, before anyone else gets hurt.
What do you mean you're leaving?
Considering what happened to him before – with his fiancé leaving him after he spent all that money...
If you keep leaving him sexually frustrated, he's likely to start looking for a substitute.
He groaned, his lips leaving her mouth and starting down her neck.
Leaving it was like leaving Mom and Dad behind.
He was leaving as I came in.
So, when are you leaving?
Her whole body hurt at the idea of leaving the little girl.
He suspected she was relieved he was leaving, even if he didn't understand why.
He disappeared, leaving her alone again in the desert.
No more leaving me behind.
I curse him daily for leaving you in such a position and ne'er warning you.
She was off again, leaving them at the table alone.
He hesitated, probably not liking the idea of leaving that chore to her.
He didn't say he was leaving forever.
She's not leaving because he expressed disapproval, is she?
I am so leaving that one alone.
You're not leaving my sight.
The intelligence was made known in April or May; and then began a rush of thousands, - men leaving their former employments in the bush or in the towns to search for the ore so greatly coveted in all ages.
In the meantime, she had to avoid Yancey while she thought up some excuse for leaving.
I drove the few miles to Howie's home feeling as guilty as a cheating husband for leaving Betsy alone and uninformed.
He probably thought we'd have talked her out of leaving, or at least into leaving their new identities with us.
He insisted on leaving the vehicle at my disposal in case I needed it.
She made a show of resting her coat across the table, as if to say she wasn't leaving, and crossed to the small hall that contained the restrooms.
Light and dark seemed to bend to avoid him, leaving a haze around his body.
She froze, the warmth of the magic leaving her as fear replaced it.
A few Naturals were found every year, and he didn't bother to remember their names in an organization his size, leaving that level of detail to his most trusted men, the two regional commanders, and dozens of sector commanders worldwide.
Since leaving college, she'd stayed in shape through the local gym, where she lifted weights and forced herself onto a cardio machine twice a week.
The drug wore off, leaving her in a dark fog, hot and sweating with a different kind of headache, the kind she got after taking a lot of Dr. Mallard's drugs.
He will be forever stuck between the two worlds, the good and the evil, without entering either or leaving either behind.
He goes poof and returns to one of his other bases, leaving everyone else to fry.
She gripped the hourglass, a symbol of her hope at leaving, even after learning that there was no real hope.
Deidre almost cringed at the thought of leaving the chamber after her first venture out that landed her not only in trouble but also in Darkyn's bed.
You won't be leaving here after your deal is up with Past-Death.
Those skills give me a small chance of leaving, he reminded her.
The wound healed, leaving the drops on his thumb.
She could summon Darkyn, though she feared his reaction to her leaving more than what these people would do to her.
Granted, she hadn't heard anything, but she knew Darkyn well enough to know he didn't plan on leaving anyone alive.
Darkyn said nothing about leaving Hell after they returned from her apartment.
A flare of interest was in Darkyn's black gaze, one that made her realize he wasn't leaving until he was finished with her.
Martha Boyd would be leaving, so the telephone informed them.
The sixty days came and went but Janet never returned, leaving jail, a few more bad checks, and Colorado for parts unknown.
Now, half a year later, came the feared phone call informing them that Martha too was leaving.
The Deans were devastated and knew when Fred O'Connor returned and learned the news, he too would be crushed that his young pal was leaving.
Cynthia excused herself and retreated to the kitchen, leaving well-meaning Brandon Westlake with a what-did-I-say-wrong look on his sun beaten face.
Martha scooted around them leaving Cynthia to try and hide her concern with a false smile as she led the quarrelsome foursome into the dining room with a plate of pastry.
Fred O'Connor was off to the post office, but before leaving, he ceremoniously presented Martha with thirty dollars and a smothering hug.
I just don't want Martha leaving here with something important hanging over her head.
You're leaving to see your mother—Patsy—and I know that's very upsetting.
Perhaps he's so upset over Martha's leaving that he can't concentrate on anything else.
Besides, you've got too much on your minds— running for sheriff, little Martha leaving and all—you don't need to hear about the ghosts in my closet.
When she finished, still attired in bathrobe and floppy slippers, and leaving a cloud of flour behind her, she crept upstairs to talk to Fred; a conversation that lasted thirty minutes.
After leaving the church, amid handshakes and greetings from town friends, the couple was surprised to meet Pumpkin Green.
He was off with a jog and a wave, leaving the Deans in front of Bird Song.
Now we have to wait until Joseph gets around to leaving and beg a ride down the mountain.
He popped out of the Jeep, leaving the Deans to unstick themselves from their seats and follow.
The cast skipped town leaving a peck of unpaid bills.
Before leaving the Beaumont, he looked at the recently published Ouray phone book.
Dean bumped into Pumpkin Green, who was leaving, a black cape and tuxedo over his arm.
Cynthia politely suggested leaving the smelly collection outside and no one objected.
The woman turned away and began walking down the street, leaving Faust with a disappointed look on his face.
Dean had a feeling the woman was the tall blonde he'd seen leaving the courthouse behind Fred O'Connor.
Leaving a young widow.
I'm leaving my black hose at home.
As they were leaving the building, the phone rang.
Lydia Larkin spun out of the meadow in a cloud of dust, leaving Dean to await its dissipation before following in his open vehicle.
She'd turned and retreated after unlocking the barred door, leaving it standing open as Dean entered the darkened enclosure.
Paul felt responsible for Josh's quick exit and when Ed talked about leaving Ouray with his family, Paul arranged for the Plotkes to come to California.
Before leaving, Jennifer Radisson explained that Josh had learned of Edith's new address in California—perhaps through some common friend—and had written his teenage sweetheart.
There was another phone call from the state authorities as Jennifer was leaving.
She stumbled back after leaving the door open barely enough for Dean to enter.
David Dean harbored serious doubts about leaving Lydia Larkin's apartment without either contacting the police or calling an ambulance—or maybe a lawyer.
Did you plan on leaving the real bones in the trunk?
Lydia staggered to her feet and joined them, leaving the grisly sight behind.
The Deans let the facts speak for themselves, explaining the situation truthfully while leaving speculation to others.
He was leaving conflicted after seeing the marking on her back, the one that identified her as Darkyn's mate.
Wynn pitied her but wasn't about to ask any favors of the demon lord that didn't involve Wynn leaving Hell – and Deidre – behind.
Did you plan on leaving today?
Cora was walking away already, leaving Deidre to her internal war.
She had to say something to keep him from leaving her, but she was too stunned.
The warning instinct faded, leaving her pleased to see him again.
The oppressiveness of the air around her faded, leaving her confused as to what they'd been talking about.
The needles were long and soft, their vibrant green coloring leaving her breathless.
Andre was serious about leaving her to tell him.
The demon lord strode into a portal, leaving her angry and no closer to alleviating her remorse.
She gazed at him fearfully, terrified he was leaving her.
She turned to look at him without leaving Darkyn's body.
Ten demons guarded this one, two of which he'd slaughtered before leaving his dealers to handle the rest to search for souls.
Rhyn asked Gabriel, his gaze never leaving Darkyn.
Then he exited the room as quietly as possible, leaving the door open so they would hear if she woke in the night.
By the time Bill arrived, Alex had stabilized to the point that she felt comfortable about leaving for a while.
Leaving Him on the porch with a bowl full of food, she climbed into the car and headed for the hospital.
His father visited for a few more minutes before saying goodbye and leaving.
She should have said something to Alex before leaving the house.
His father stood quietly watching them "I would speak to you before I go," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument.
The stern woman whirled away from the door, leaving it open for him to follow.
My dear half-brother Erik went into hiding and hasn't been seen in weeks, leaving his part of the world completely exposed.
The look he'd given her after she told him she was leaving made more sense.
He whipped off his belt and added it to the rest of his belongings, leaving a single knife strapped to his thigh.
A death-dealer outside her door – or better yet, on her couch – was all that would make him easier about leaving her alone.
The light flashed away, leaving her in blackness studded with dim bulbs.
The rocket had exploded as it landed on the floor, leaving a gaping hole.
I guess you wouldn't if you didn't plan on leaving Hell.
She shifted from her seat in the cave to stand at the edge of the cave, furious at him for leaving her in a small
She rolled her eyes at him and snatched her stuff before leaving her apartment for the sidewalk in front of her building.
I'm leaving now so I can find a safe place for you.
The next time I visit the human world, I.ll be leaving with two souls.
She trailed with a shiver, wanting to make sure her sister was truly safe before leaving.
He walked back into the castle, leaving her with burning cheeks.
The next time I visit the human world, I'll be leaving with two souls.
Three pairs of eyes went to Rhyn, who stood ready to take on any of them that mentioned leaving the Council.
You.re leaving her but staying here.
She feared leaving the injured woman, in case Jade lurked on the other side of the hill or there were animals that might drag her away.
Sasha and Jade will soon be out of the way, leaving just us.
The couple gave each other another heated look, and she wolfed down her food before leaving them in peace.
He'd left her door broken and postponed leaving the ship until she calmed.
Kiera grimaced and rose, changing slowly before leaving her room for the training area.
Leaving the command center for his quarters, he glanced out the windows as he strode through the compound.
He folded it in fourths, rose, and strode away, leaving her alone.
A'Ran was gone indefinitely for a surge operation in his war, leaving her alone with her thoughts.
She felt like panicking and running to her room and never leaving!
Instead, she cried, feeling more alone than she had since leaving earth.
Food had become an overlooked stranger, and she'd found herself leaving her studio only for the bathroom and the bedroom.
Donnie and I will be leaving in the morning.
Edith said she was leaving in the morning.
He gave no indication he and his mother were leaving and joined Fred at the table when the old man offered him a bowl of cereal.
She ate the last of her muffin, leaving Dean to wonder if she even heard him.
The warm sun had eaten most of the snow from the roadway, leaving a contrasting black ribbon, in places still snow-patched from last night's covering.
She turned, leaving the room, the notebook in hand.
Before leaving, Martha whispered something to Donnie and gave him a friendly pat on the back.
But when I met her, the boy wasn't even with her and she laid this soap opera story on me about leaving Shipton and being pregnant.
The ice climbers smiled politely but one by one began to make excuses about leaving for dinner.
She retired to the rear quarters, leaving the two chefs to battle it out.
After leaving the ice park, Dean had gone on to Duckett's Market for groceries.
Some of our guests are apparently leaving early.
How come you guys are leaving?
I have no intention of leaving and, if you'll check your law, you have no legal right to toss me out.
Ryland grumbled as he wasted no time leaving the room.
But their wayward helper finally arrived, stomping off snow and apologizing profusely as the others began gathering their mountain of gear and leaving.
The others beat a hasty retreat as soon as they learned there were no fatalities, finally leaving Dean and his wife alone, with only Janet obliviously scrubbing away somewhere above.
He continued to trudge forward, leaving the river and crowds behind.
Claire had informed Fred she and Effie would be leaving Tuesday.
First off, all the ice climbers are leaving so there's no hurry cleaning up what's going to be empty rooms, probably until the weekend.
He laid back down, leaving a space between them.
Corday wanted Shipton to hang around but couldn't stop him from leaving.
She brushed away a tear, leaving a streak of smeared rouge and mascara.
They rotated through the various properties, leaving when the townspeople started to realize they were not aging.
Marie and Frederick consumed two vials each, leaving the majority, which Sarah and Jackson greedily consumed.
Then off the newborn goes to start a life of vampirism, just like a bird leaving the nest.
Jackson felt a jolt go straight through to his core, leaving him breathless.
We are not leaving this room until you sing.
He cursed himself for not packing provisions or even remembering to feed before leaving Fairhaven.
I hate to admit it, but I'm kind of bummed that you're leaving me on my birthday.
As they were leaving the room, Jackson stopped at his dresser and retrieved the ring from the top drawer.
When the phone went straight to voice mail, he hung up without leaving a message.
So when are you leaving?
The warm wind assisted the sun in melting the snow and most of it was already gone, leaving a trail of sloppy mud to the barn.
And then the bitterness was gone from his eyes, leaving only the sweetness... and a touch of something else.
She stepped into the dairy, leaving him pondering over one of the goats.
A car crossed the bridge behind them, leaving a wake of squeaking and groaning metal and wood.
Stop leaving grain out for her.
Nor did she find anything particularly unusual about the fact that Alex stayed all day Sunday and took a plane back to Houston, leaving his truck for Carmen to drive.
He insisted that he would rather lease a car for a month than have to drive back, and he didn't like the idea of leaving her with only her old truck to drive.
Carmen helped them move the last of their things into the house, and as she was leaving Katie took her aside.
The dogs scattered, leaving Brutus wounded on the ground.
When dinner was over, Alex escorted her out the door, leaving the rest of the party talking in low tones.
They're leaving a fool named Arnie in charge here.
Her only regret in leaving everything behind was not bringing Jack with her.
It was not likely for the paths of a soldier and a member of the political elite to cross paths, but he was the closest thing she had ever had to a friend since leaving her home at the age of four.
Lana typed a message to Mr. Tim, telling him she was leaving and heading to the Peace Command Center, which was the first center beyond the Mississippi River.
His instinct told him there was something else going on aside from the insurgents and Lana leaving.
Lana scrambled and fought, tears on her face as she realized what she'd done in leaving the Peak.
We're leaving in forty-eight hours.
The door closed behind her, leaving her in near-complete darkness.
Instead of leaving like Rhyn wished he would, the angel lay down beside him.
For the first time since leaving Darkyn, Rhyn realized no one had tried to stop him yet. No demons stood in front of Kiki's door and Darkyn hadn't ordered the castle after him.
Kiki nodded without leaving the tent.
Was that Kiki I saw leaving?
Toby darted into the jungle, knowing they had little time, and that he had to find his human before anything else bad happened to her. He didn't know where the demon with her wanted to take her, but he knew where anyone leaving the underworld would go to escape.
But I'm not leaving without Katie and Kiki.
I'm leaving now. Rhyn, you'll want to be gone before I cross through the portal, or Gabe won't be able to send you back. Gabe can't break that many Codes his first day on the job.
He feared the palace would go down with Death, what with the nonsense she was spouting about leaving. He took in his best friend's features, uncertain whether becoming Death was a good thing or not. Gabe looked the same, and hopefully, he wouldn't turn into the riddle-talking sociopath that preceded him.
Rhyn paced under the watchful gaze of the convent member, itching to leave Kiki to find Katie. Instead, he forced himself to wait. He'd lost one brother this night. He wanted to make sure Kiki was okay before leaving him.
Mayer's telephone rang and he excused himself to answer it, leaving Dean at Jeffrey Byrne's grey steel desk.
It was beginning to look more as if Jeffrey Byrne pulled a stupid stunt after a few too many drinks in a lonely motel, leaving a widow and a teenaged son to fend for themselves.
The late night storm had blown Wednesday's hazy whiteness east to New Jersey and the Atlantic beyond, leaving in its place a high pressure system, a sky painted deep blue and patched with just enough puffy clouds for contrast.
His only phone message sounded like the same person who had telephoned the house the night before—again leaving neither name nor number.
Hunter connected him to an outside line before leaving to get them both coffee.
Byrne's description was far too common to stand out but no one recalled a man hurriedly leaving the city in the middle of the night, Tuesday-Wednesday.
After leaving the room, Hunter stopped by a green Ford with Pennsylvania license plates.
Before leaving, Hunter showed Dean the beach across the road where it was presumed Jeffrey Byrne took his last steps on land.
After the young couple took their key and fairly skipped away, the old man retreated to the back room, leaving Dean alone with the stack of registration forms.
If I were planning on dumping Harry and leaving town, I'd work at it longer than that!
After leaving the building, when they were out on the street, she turned back to him.
Before leaving, he rapped on Fred's door and yelled the message, not waiting for a response.
There would be no chance of leaving Norfolk that evening.
They parked close to the building and, leaving the engine running, Dean made a dash for the office.
She pivoted and entered the room, taking baby steps and leaving him to close the door behind her.
Dean filled in to his lieutenant the details of the Norfolk trip, leaving out what he felt wasn't police business—a surprisingly large portion.
As he was leaving the station for the day on Thursday, she telephoned.
Randy suggested as he was leaving.
He didn't have the foggiest idea anyone was looking until after he spoke with Mrs. Glass—around Rollins, Kansas, and yet he keeps changing names, not leaving his signature and not even being seen unless he can't help it.
Before leaving, he pulled Dean aside.
I ain't leaving the house—maybe make a few phone calls from time to time.
As luck would have it, as he was leaving the place, he nearly knocked over Cora Abernathy, who had just left the dry cleaners next door.
Mayer responded he was leaving to play golf but would call again when he returned.
Leaving the dairy, she crossed the field and then the creek, hopping from one stone to another to avoid getting her boots wet.
He shook his head, his attention finally leaving her torso.
Such wonderful moments they had when he was leaving and no harm could be done.
Exhaustion winked and said goodbye, leaving only passion to direct her.
Alex must have put it there before leaving for work.
Slowly it descended, leaving a wake of tingling nerves.
Leaving the picture and her purse in the car, she decided to look around and see if there was a carcass.
When Alex finally announced they were leaving, she had mixed feelings.
Dropping to the ground, he headed for the house, leaving her behind.
The last thing she did before leaving town was go to the library.
He gently guided Carmen to the side, his gaze never leaving Josh.
He preferred the one in their bedroom, leaving her the privacy of her own bathroom.
I'm leaving tomorrow morning to see the longhorn.
I plan on leaving tomorrow morning and coming back on Sunday – just two days.
Leaving the food on the table, she decided to take a bath.
He strode to the door, leaving a trail of water.
He could simply turn the subject off, like a radio, leaving her in shamed silence.
Lori turned and ran into the house, leaving Carmen and Jonathan to face Josh.
Josh jumped out of the truck, leaving the door standing open in his haste.
He hadn't wanted to think about the blackouts when he'd told Damian he was leaving.
I'm not leaving my Bianca alone, Dusty said.
Sadness had long since waned, leaving only a hole that'd never be filled.
The wine cellar had been an addition to the sprawling house, accessible only by leaving the house and descending a set of stairs off the kitchen.
She'd never forgiven herself for leaving her family, and she'd never given herself permission to move on and be happy.
She stripped out of her long-sleeved shirt, leaving just her T-shirt on, then pulled out everything from her pockets she didn't need.
She touched her name, leaving bloodied streaks on the white marble.
Darian kissed her long and deep, his passion flying through her, leaving her breathless and aching for more than a kiss.
It bolted, leaving the woman exposed.
Then he gathered his weapons, intent on leaving before Sirian's men muddied up any tracks left behind by Rissa's captors.
More important, she wasn't going to gain experience by leaving it all to him.
Was he agonizing about leaving them behind?
She smiled and nudged Princess into a lope, leaving him to shut the gate and catch up.
She had been unable to make that decision, leaving it to Alex.
Gerald took a seat closest to Alex and Aaron sat down opposite her, leaving the last chair for Rob.
Did he regret leaving that lifestyle?
I wondered if he'd regret leaving his job and family, but he seems to have adjusted well.
She bounced down the stairs, leaving Carmen staring after her.
The pupils contracted in the sunlight, leaving large pools of blue iris.
Felipa would be leaving as well and things would get back to normal – whatever that was.
Why didn't he simply tell her that instead of leaving the impression that the clothes were improper?
I told them to … He swung around and walked out the door, leaving her to chase after him.
Without waiting for a response, he turned and walked away, leaving Carmen staring after him.
It wasn't the first time Alex had been gone for over a week, leaving her to manage the farm and the children.
Whether he was referring to the fact that they were leaving or that Alex had left her was unclear.
Leaving the children with Carmen, Felipa joined Sam and the men on the last ride.
Temper abandoned her then, leaving nothing but weakness and shame.
Alex was gone from their lives, leaving a void no one could fill.
Although he started this by leaving, the children would follow her lead in reacting to the situation.
He was leaving the country the next morning for a sales trip, so he didn't stay long and wasn't going to be there for the funeral.
Carmen stepped back into the corner, out of the way as people began leaving the room.
That was a strange thing for a man to say after leaving like he had.
As she pointed out, Sam would eventually be leaving for a better job anyway.
It was pretty bad when the only way to prevent her father from interfering in her life was leaving the state.
Memory of the land in Arkansas streaked across her mind like a comet, leaving a trail of questions in its wake.
I've leased the place for four weeks and I'm leaving tomorrow - with or without your consent.
No, Denton didn't know she was leaving the state.
It would be nice to try some of the camp recipes she had picked up before leaving California, but the kitchen was hot enough without adding cooking heat.
With that, he stepped off the porch and strode to his car, leaving her staring open mouthed at his retreating back.
In the morning, I'm leaving from there for the place I told you about.
Selecting the largest, she went to the pristine sink area, almost afraid to run water for fear of leaving water marks in the stainless steel.
There was no way in hell she wasn't packing up the kids and leaving.
She needed to figure out when he was leaving the house, so she could find the necklace and be done with the vampires.
You're welcome for not leaving you to face those three on your own.
He strode out of the kitchen, leaving her alone to try to regain her senses.
She caught them and spun away, leaving.
The blond moved with the same purpose and skill, leaving her confused.
With a pointed look over her shoulder, the fiery woman stalked off, leaving him with Toni.
Leaving the bedroom, she sent a couple of quick notes to them.
You're not leaving the Guardians.
They aren't leaving me!
He died in 934, leaving a son Anlaf (Olafr), Godfredsson or Godfreyson.
He died on the 26th of February 1608, leaving a large fortune from lead mines discovered in the Mendip Hills.
When a husband dies 'intestate leaving a widow and issue, the widow is entitled to the life use of one-third of the real estate and to one-third of the personal estate absolutely.
On the breach of this condition years afterwards Loherangrin departed, leaving sword, horn and ring behind him.
In 1802 he abdicated in favour of his brother Victor Emmanuel I., who in 1806 returned to Cagliari and remained there until 1814, when he retired, leaving his brother, Carlo Felice, as viceroy.
Leaving the service after the war, he studied jurisprudence at Heidelberg, Göttingen and Jena, and in 1819 went for a while to Geneva to complete his studies.
On the 25th of April 1650, he married Lady Frances Cecil, sister of the earl of Essex, his first wife having died in the previous year leaving no family.
Peter died in 1285, leaving Aragon to his eldest son Alphonso, and Sicily to his second son James.
Leaving the diet, he travelled to Wels in Upper Austria, where he died on the 12th of January 1519.
Having received his elementary education at the monastery of Monte Cassino, he studied for six years at the university of Naples, leaving it in his-sixteenth year.
Of these canals the best known, and probably the greatest, was the Nahrawan, which, leaving the Tigris, on its eastern side, above Samarra, over loo m.
On the west side, however, there are the remains of several canals or channels, some still carrying water, one of which, the Shattel-Hai, leaving the Tigris at Kut-el-Amara, and emptying into the Euphrates at Nasrieh, is still navigable.
His father, a Lutheran minister, died while he was yet a child, leaving a widow and three children.
It was a cavalry melee, in which the common code of honour caused Macedonian and Persian chieftains to engage hand to hand, and at the end of the day the relics of the Persian army were in flight, leaving the high-roads of Asia Minor clear for the invader.
He received the first elements of his artistic education from Cosimo Roselli; and after leaving him, devoted himself to the study of the great works of Leonardo da Vinci.
This railway has six radiating lines leaving the city of Winnipeg, and its main line connects Port Arthur on Lake Superior with Edmonton in the west.
The automatic inlet of cold water to the hot water system from the main house tank or other source is controlled by a ball valve, which is so fixed as to allow the water to rise no more than an inch above the bottom of the tank, thus leaving the remainder of the space clear for expansion.
About the end of the year 1579 his wife died, leaving him one son, Archibald (who in 1627 was raised to the peerage by the title of Lord Napier), and one daughter, Jane.
Leaving England, he travelled through Europe as far as Rome, where he was arrested in 1789.
The Celman administration, in violation of the trust, then sold the specie and squandered the proceeds, leaving the provincial bank notes without guarantee and value.
The latter is subdivided into general commerce, which includes all goods entering or leaving the country, and special commerce whirls includes imports for home use and exports of home produce.
They decide, as in England, on facts only, leaving the application of the law to the judges.
In fear lest he should be outflanked by Uluch Ali, he stood out to sea, leaving a gap between himself and the centre.
Omar behaved with great moderation, restraining his troops from pillage and leaving the Christians in possession of their churches.
A saturated solution of the gas, in water, is a colourless, oily, strongly fuming liquid which after a time decomposes, with separation of metaboric acid, leaving hydrofluoboric acid HF BF3 in solution.
She died, leaving one daughter, in 1850.
He died on the 15th of July 1472 at the age of about seventy-eight, leaving no children.
After leaving Botany Bay, Cook sailed northward.
Leaving the main body of his party at Menindie on the Darling under a man named Wright, Burke, with seven men, five horses and sixteen camels, pushed on for Cooper's Creek, the understanding being that Wright should follow him in easy stages to the depot proposed to be there established.
About 42% of the forests belong to the state and about 33% to public bodies and institutions, leaving only 25% for private owners.
At Nancy Charles was himself among the slain, leaving his only daughter Mary of Burgundy, then in her twentieth year, sole iheiress to his possessions.
On leaving school he determined to adopt the profession of engineering, and in the pursuance of this decision went to study in Munich in 1877.
Only an insignificant fraction of these forests has ever been visited by human beings, the Malays and even the aboriginal tribe having their homes on the banks of the rivers, and never, even when travelling from one part of the country to another, leaving the banks of a stream except for a short time when passing from one river-system to another.
In May he defeated a greatly superior royalist force at Grantham, proceeding afterwards to Nottingham in accordance with Essex's plan of penetrating into Yorkshire to relieve the Fairfaxes; where, however, difficulties, arising from jealousies between the officers, and the treachery of John Hotham, whose arrest Cromwell was instrumental in effecting, obliged him to retire again to the association, leaving the Fairfaxes to be defeated at Adwalton Moor.
Cromwell himself sailed a fortnight later, leaving the reduction of the island, which was completed in 1652, to his generals.
The new ship canal from Zeebrugge will not revive the ancient port, as it follows a different route, leaving Damme and Ecluse quite untouched.
He had a distinguished career at the gymnasium of his native town, and on leaving desired to devote himself to astronomy, but abandoned the idea in deference to his father's wishes.
On leaving Egypt he travelled by land to the Persian Gulf, disguised as a Mameluke, visiting Damascus, and entering the great mosque undetected.
Spain, the Gauls, Britain and Africa, leaving to Valens the eastern half of the Balkan Peninsula, Greece, Egypt, Syria and Asia Minor as far as Persia.
About three-fifths of Rajputana lies north-west of the range, leaving twofifths on the east and south.
The " Great Eastern " was again employed, and leaving the south-west coast of Ireland on the 13th of July she reached Trinity Bay a fortnight later, without serious mishap. She then steamed eastwards again, and on the 13th of August made her first attempt to recover the lost cable.
To the brass bottom of the case is attached 'a thin disk of polished hard carbon C, which is slightly less in diameter than the brass bottom, so that the carbon disk almost entirely covers this brass back, leaving only a slight annular space around its edge.
It compelled the companies to sell their trunk wires to the Post Office, leaving the local exchanges in the hands of the companies.
It is occupied by the branches and offshoots of the mountain ranges which separate it from the great plain to the north, and send down their lateral ridges close to the water's edge, leaving only in places a few square miles of level plains at the mouths of the rivers and openings of the valleys.
Besides these, and leaving out of account the islands, the Italian peninsula presents four distinct volcanic districts.
But on leaving the colors the men disperse to their homes, and thus a regiment has, on mobilization, to draw largely on the nearest reservists, irrespective of the corps to which they belong.
The revenue in the Italian financial year 1905-1906 (July I, 1905 to June 30, 1906) was 102,486,108, and the expenditure 99,945,253, or, subtracting the partite di giro, 99,684,121 and 97,143,266, leaving a surplus of 2,54o,855.f The surplus was made up by contributions from every branch of the effective revenue, except the contributions and repayments from local authorities.
He used the Lombards in his struggle with the Greeks, leaving to his successors the duty of checking these unnatural allies.
Three years afterwards he died, leaving a son, Frederick, to the care of Constance, who in her turn died in 1198, bequeathing the young prince, already crowned king of Germany, to the guardianship of Innocent III.
In the duchy of Modena an insurrection had broken out, and after Magenta Duke Francis joined the Austrian army in Lombardy, leaving a regency in charge.
The Garibaldians, mowed down by the new French chassept rifles, fought until their last cartridges were exhausted, and retreated the next day towards the Italian frontier, leaving 800 prisoners.
While leaving intact the general houses of the various confraternities (except that of the Jesuits), the bill abolished the Religious corporate personality of religious orders, handed over Bill, their schools and hospitals to civil administrators, placed their churches at the disposal of the secular clergy, and provided pensions for nuns and monks, those who had families being sent to reside with their relatives, and those who by reason of age or bereavement had no home but their monasteries being allowed to end their days in religious houses specially set apart for the purpose.
Thq latter retreated south of the river Mareb, leaving the whole of the cis-Mareb territory, including the provinces of Hamasen, Agameh, Sera and Okul-Kusai, in Italian hands.
Declining to appear, she was declared contumacious, and on the 23rd of May the archbishop gave judgment declaring the marriage null and void from the first, and so leaving the king free to marry whom he pleased.
The outer wall of the capsule is incomplete at one pole, leaving an aperture through which the thread is discharged.
Leaving his aunt, Matilda, abbess of Quedlinburg, as regent of Germany, Otto, in February 99 8, led Gregory back to Rome, took the castle of St Angelo by storm and put Crescentius to death.
Various solvents, such as benzene, alcohol and chloroform, will dissolve out the pigment, leaving the plastid colorless.
In the first, which are called ectotropic, the fungal filaments form a thick felt or sheath round the root, either completely enclosing it or leaving the apex free.
When this stage is reached the invading tubes and their ramifications frequently disappear, leaving the cells full of the bacterioids, as they have been called.
This was accompanied in Europe by a drastic weeding out of Miocene types, ultimately leaving the flora pretty much as it now exists.
Leaving Fort Churchill in July 1742, he discovered the Wager river and Repulse Bay.
Sulla, leaving things quiet at Rome, quitted Italy in 87, and for the next four years he was winning victory after victory against the armies of Mithradates and accumulating boundless plunder.
He took up his residence in Avila, where he had built a convent; and here he resumed the common life of a friar, leaving his cell in October 1497 to visit, at Salamanca, the dying infante, Don Juan, and to comfort the sovereigns in their parental distress.
The vertebrae are stereospondylous, the centrum or body and the arch being com pletely fused into one mass, leaving not even a neuro-central suture.
This and the third are much longer and fuse together at their upper and distal ends, leaving as a rule a space between the shafts.
By his first wife, Margaret, daughter and heir of Sir John Plays, Sir John Howard had a son who died before him, leaving a daughter through whom descended to her issue, the Veres, earls of Oxford, the ancient Norfolk estates of the Howards at East Winch and elsewhere, with the lands of the houses of Scales, Plays and Walton, brought in by the brides of her forefathers.
This royal bride died of consumption, leaving no living child, and her husband took in 1513, as his second wife, Elizabeth Stafford, daughter of that duke of Buckingham upon whom the old duke of Norfolk, the tears upon his cheeks, was forced to pass sentence of death.
Between Salahiya and Deir, on an old canal, known in Arabic times as Said, leaving the Euphrates a little below Deir and rejoining it above Salahiya, stand the almost more picturesque ruins of the once important Arabic fortress of Rahba.
Just above `Ana are rapids, and from this point to Hit the river is full of islands, while the bed is for the most part narrow, leaving little cultivable land between it and the bluffs.
The Nahr Malk or royal river, modern Radhwaniya, leaves the Euphrates five leagues below this and joins the Tigris three leagues below Ctesiphon; while the Kutha, modern Habl-Ibrahim, leaving the Euphrates three leagues below the Malk joins the Tigris ten leagues below Ctesiphon.
Land for farming purposes is expensive, and wages are high, leaving small profit, unless it happens that a man, with his family to assist him, works his own land.
It reacts most energetically with many organic compounds, removing the elements of water in many cases and leaving a carbonized mass.
On leaving the lyceum Gorchakov entered the foreign office under Count Nesselrode.
In this it remains until the completion of the transformation into the sexually mature insect, which then emerges from the case, leaving the pupal integument behind.
On leaving college he returned to the house of his foster-mother, where he continued to live for thirty years.
But the great lakes which covered the country during the Lacustrine period have disappeared, leaving behind them immense marshes like those of the Pripet and in the N.E.
That opportunity came when Basil died in 1533, leaving as successor a child only three years old, and the chances seemed all on the side of the nobles; but the result belied the current expectations, for the child came to be known in history as Ivan the Terrible, and died half a century later in the full enjoyment of unlimited autocratic power.
So large a part of the railway charge is of the nature of a tax, that there seem to be a priori reasons for leaving the taxing powers in the hands of the agents of the government.
The act of 1871 further renders it obligatory upon every railway company to send notice to the Board of Trade in the case of (1) any accident attended with loss of life or personal injury to any person whatsoever; (2) any collision where one of the trains is a passenger train; (3) any passenger train or part of such train leaving the rails; (4) any other accident likely to have caused loss of life or personal injury, and specified on that ground by any order made from time to time by the Board of Trade.
Passenger trains or parts of passenger trains leaving the rails 8.
Goods trains or parts of goods trains, lightengines, &c., leaving the rails 9.
He inaugurated new missionary enterprises from Hormuz to Japan and the Malay Archipelago, leaving an organized Christian community wherever he preached; he directed by correspondence the ecclesiastical policy of John III.
Her husband died after eleven years of wedlock, leaving her childless; and, since both her brothers were now dead, she was recalled to her father's court in order that she might be recognized as his successor in England and Normandy.
Henceforward she remained in the background, leaving her eldest son Henry to pursue the struggle with Stephen.
After leaving public life he resumed the practice of the law, and in 1898 was retained by the government of Venezuela as its leading counsel in the arbitration of its boundary dispute with Great Britain.
She was reported as saying that when the king gave opportunity by leaving England, she would put Mary to death even if she were burnt or flayed alive for it.
On the 1st of May following the king suddenly broke up a tournament at Greenwich, leaving the company in bewilderment and consternation.
He died at Putney in 1736, leaving the bulk of his property to his two daughters - nearly disinheriting his only son, the father of the historian, for having married against his wishes.
Strabo mentions a tradition that Ravenna was founded by Thessalians, who afterwards, finding themselves pressed by the Etrurians, called in their Umbrian neighbours and eventually departed, leaving the city to their allies.
The Federalist Party, which may be regarded as definitely organized practically from 1791, was led, leaving Washington aside, by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. A nationalization of the new central government to the full extent warranted by a broad construction of the powers granted to it by the constitution, and a correspondingly strict construction of the powers reserved to the states and the citizens, were the basic principles of Hamilton's policy.
He died in Paris on the 15th of June 1416, leaving vast treasures of jewelry, objects of art, and especially of illuminated MSS., many of which have been preserved.
On leaving Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, in 1681, he became an assistant master at the Birmingham grammarschool, and took holy orders.
But by the end of the first quarter of the 13th century B.C. Egypt had recovered its province (precise boundary uncertain), leaving its rivals in possession of Syria.
The result of this double-dealing was that his army was destroyed by Ptolemy, who advanced into Egypt leaving Palestine at the mercy of Cleopatra.
In the course of his retreat he was attacked by the Jews and fled to Antioch, leaving them his engines of war.
The " Solemn League and Covenant," which pledged both countries to the extirpation of prelacy, leaving further decision as to church government to be decided by the " example of the best reformed churches," after undergoing some slight alterations, passed the two Houses of Parliament and the Westminster Assembly, and thus became law for the two kingdoms. By means of it Henderson has had considerable influence on the history of Great Britain.
On the 28th Sir Harry Smith, with a view to clearing the left or British bank, attacked him, and after a desperate struggle thrice pierced the Sikh troops with his cavalry, and pushed them into the river, where large numbers perished, leaving 67 guns to the victors.
Leaving out of consideration all evidence of more ancient volcanic activity, each of the three regions, into which, as we have seen, the continent may be divided, has been, during or since the Cretaceous period, the seat of great volcanic eruptions.
Such tides as set towards the Himalaya broke against their farther buttresses, leaving an interesting ethnographical flotsam in the northern valleys; but they never overflowed the Himalayan barrier.
From about 1796 Ampere gave private lessons at Lyons in mathematics, chemistry and languages; and in 1801 he removed to Bourg, as professor of physics and chemistry, leaving his ailing wife and infant son at Lyons.
On leaving this school in 1767 he received a commission in a cavalry regiment which his grandfather had commanded years before.
In 1317 John de Lilleburn, who was holding the castle of Knaresburgh for Thomas duke of Lancaster against the king, surrendered under conditions to William de Ros of Hamelak, but before leaving the castle managed to destroy all the records of the liberties and privileges of the town which were kept in the castle.
She died in 1828, leaving two sons, Daniel Fletcher, killed in the second battle of Bull Run, and Edward, a major in the United States army, who died while serving in the Mexican War, and a daughter Julia, who married Samuel Appleton.
In Egypt, if not even before leaving Italy, he had become intimately acquainted with Melania, a wealthy and devout Roman widow; and when she removed to Palestine, taking with her a number of clergy and monks on whom the persecutions of the Arian Valens had borne heavily, Rufinus (about 378) followed her.
The ultimate result was that in 1454 an embassy of the League offered Prussia to the Polish king, and that, after many years of war, the Peace of Thorn (1466) gave to Poland West Prussia, with Marienburg, Thorn, Danzig and other towns, in full possession, and, while leaving East Prussia to the Order, made the Order the vassals of Poland for the territory which it retained.
In 1690 he became president of the bailliage of Rouen, a post which he retained almost until his death, leaving it to his son.
With one symbol for an unknown, it will easily be understood what scope there is foradroit assumptions, for the required numbers, of expressions in the one unknown which are at once seen to satisfy some of the conditions, leaving only one or two to be satisfied by the particular value of x to be determined.
But this was followed, during the next fourteen years, by the wholesale emigration of thousands upon thousands of Circassians, who sought an asylum in Turkish territory, leaving their native region almost uninhabited and desolate, a condition from which it has not recovered even at the present day.
A more rational system of cropping now began to take the place of the thriftless and barbarous practice of sowing successive crops of corn until the land was utterly exhausted, and then leaving it foul with weeds to recover its power by an indefinite period of rest.
Labour difficulties, low prices of produce, bad seasons and similar causes provided inducements for leaving the land in grass for two years, or over three years or more, before breaking it up for wheat.
The general theory which we require should be sketched in firm and clear outline, leaving the detailed qualifications of broad principles to special studies, where they can be dealt with if it is necessary or desirable, and examined by statistical and other tests.
After wasting the critical moment of the war in the diversions of court life, the new English king, Edward II., made an inglorious march to Cumnock and back without striking a blow; and then returned south, leaving the war to a succession of generals.
Leaving Edward, now his only brother in blood and almost his equal in arms, in Galloway, he suddenly transferred his own operations to Aberdeenshire.
But as the camels bearing the treasure reached one of the gates of the city, Firdousi's funeral was leaving it by another.
In some forms the coiling disappears in the adult, leaving the shell simply conical as in Patellidae, Fissurellidae, &c., and in some cases the shell is coiled in one plane, e.g.
Then the large cells recommence the process of division and sink into the hollow of the sphere, leaving an elongated groove, the blastopore, on the surface.
Leaving Paris for the time to its own resources, he struck eastwards in the hope of terrifying that potentate and of detaching him from the coalition.
The countess Granville died on the 7th of October 1745, leaving one daughter Sophia, who married Lord Shelburne, 1st marquis of Lansdowne.
His education was undertaken by his uncle, John de Willoughby, and after leaving the grammar school of his native place he was sent to Oxford, where he is said to have distinguished himself in philosophy and theology.
It is now, in fact, generally admitted that metamorphosis has been acquired comparatively recently, and Scudder in his review of the earliest fossil insects states that " their metamorphoses were simple and incomplete, the young leaving the egg with the form of the parent, but without wings, the assumption of which required no quiescent stage before maturity."
These flew away, leaving their cup at the water's edge, and singing "If that glass either break or fall, Farewell to the luck of Eden Hall."
The facades presented continuous colonnades on each floor with semicircular high stilted arches, leaving a very small amount of wall space.
Special notes of the style are the central grouping of the windows, leaving comparatively solid spaces on each side, which gives the effect of FIG.
There is a tendency to reduce the rate on real property, leaving it as a basis for local taxation.
During the four years that followed he was collector of internal revenue for Iowa, leaving that post in 1869 to become secretary of war.
During the great migrations many nationalities passed through this territory, or settled within it for some time, leaving traces in numerous archaeological remains.
The total tonnage in foreign trade entering and leaving in 1907 was 5,148,429 tons; and in the same year 9616 coasting vessels (tonnage, 10, 261,474) arrived in Boston.
Quite commonly the burrow has a second passage running obliquely upwards from the main passage to the surface of the soil, and this subsidiary track may itself be shut off from the main branch by an inner door, so that when an enemy has forced an entrance through the main door, the spider retreats behind the second, leaving the intruder to explore the seemingly empty burrow.
A grant or reservation of mines in general terms confers, or reserves, a right to work the mines, subject to the obligation of leaving a reasonable support to the surface as it exists at the time of the grant or reservation.
After leaving Wadham College, Oxford, in 1866, he visited the United States.
Of the miracles of Jesus, Bushnell says, " The character of Jesus is ever shining with and through them, in clear self-evidence leaving them never to stand as raw wonders only of might, but covering them with glory as tokens of a heavenly love, and acts that only suit the proportions of His personal greatness and majesty " (Nature and the Supernatural, p. 364).
After leaving Rome he again lived a wandering life, often visiting Florence, to which he was drawn by his friends Politian and Marsilius Ficinus, and where also he came under the influence of Savonarola.
Leaving business in 1870 he devoted his time entirely to politics.
She died in 1870, leaving two sons and one daughter.
None the less the emperor sailed on his Crusade in the summer of 1228, affording to astonished Europe the spectacle of an excommunicated crusader, and leaving his territories to be invaded by papal soldiers, whom Gregory IX.
He stayed in the Holy Land little more than a month after his coronation; and leaving in May he soon overcame the papal armies in Italy, and secured absolution from Gregory IX.
The Franks evacuated Syria altogether, leaving behind them only the ruins of their castles to bear witness, to this very day, of the Crusades they had waged and the kingdom they had founded and lost.
Mary of Antioch, who died 1277, leaving her claims to Charles of Anjou (king of Sicily).
Maecenas died in 8 B.C., leaving the emperor heir to his wealth.
Leaving the conduct of affairs in the hands of his most capable general, Julius Severus, in the spring of 134 Hadrian returned to Rome.
This coat is open in front, leaving the chest bare.
The typical fighting costume of the Malay is a sleeveless jacket with texts from the Koran written upon it, short tight drawers reaching to the middle of the thigh, and the sarong is then bound tightly around the waist, leaving the hilt of the dagger worn in the girdle exposed to view.
These features are especially marked when the river, after leaving the Basses-Alpes, soon bends N.W.
Commercial warfare failed, the Embargo was repealed, and Jefferson, having entangled foreign relations and brought the country to the verge of civil war, retired to private life, leaving to his successor Madison, and to Gallatin, the task of extricating the nation from its difficulties.
Pippin died on the 24th of September 768 at St Denis, leaving two sons, Charles (Charlemagne) and Carloman.
The north wall, leaving the city circuit at a point near the modern Observatory, ran from north-east to south-west near the present road to the Peiraeus, until it reached the Peiraeus walls a little to the east of their northernmost bend.
Leaving his mule to the abbey, and giving away his worldly clothes to a beggar, he kept his watch in the church during the night of the 24th-25th of March, and placed on the Lady altar his sword and dagger.
He decided upon Paris for the present, and before leaving Salamanca he agreed with his companions that they should wait where they were until he returned; for he only meant to see whether he could find any means by which they all might give themselves to study.
He left Paris for Spain in the autumn of 1535, leaving Faber in charge of his companions to finish their studies.
But before leaving Paris Ignatius heard once more that complaints had been lodged against him at the Inquisition; but these like the others were found to be without any foundation.
A reaction in his favour was beginning in his later days, but he died defeated and deserted at Seville, leaving a will by which he endeavoured to exclude Sancho and a heritage of civil war.
Before leaving this phase of inorganic chemistry, we may mention other historical examples of allotropy.
He speedily became the object of distrust among the friends of the American cause, and it was considered prudent that he should seek an early opportunity of leaving the country.
She attracted the notice of Edward IV., and soon after 1470, leaving her husband, she became the king's mistress.
Gold had fallen still further from the diffusion of the Persian treasure, and Alexander struck in both metals on the Attic standard, leaving their relation to adjust itself by the state of the market.
These two survivors of the forty years' conflict soon entered upon the crowning fight, and in 281 Lysimachus fell in the battle of Corupedion (in Lydia), leaving Seleucus virtually master of the empire.
In some strains the coloured portion extends in front of the fore legs, leaving only a ring of white round the neck.
Leaving the war in Judaea to his son Titus, he arrived at Rome in 70.
He married a daughter of Henry, earl of Lancaster, and was appointed lieutenant of Ireland in 1331, but was murdered in his 21st year, leaving a daughter, the sole heiress, not only of the de Burgh possessions, but of vast Clare estates.
India thus passed again from the Afghans to the Moguls, but six months afterwards Humayun was killed by a fall from the parapet of his palace (1556), leaving his kingdom to Akbar.
With unflinching pertinacity he struggled till he had completed a likeness, of the king upon which he `was engaged at the time, and then started for his beloved Italy, leaving behind him a series of fifty royal portraits to be completed by his assistant Reinagle.
To these stormy periods we may safely assign the alterations which may be traced in the staircases, which a.re sometimes abruptly cut off, leaving a gap requiring a ladder, and the formation of secret passages communicating with the arenariae, and through them with the open country.
In 1800, when a frost-bitten thumb gave him great pain and much fear for his life, his friend, Rev. Philip Oliver of Chester, died, leaving him director and one of three trustees over his chapel at Boughton; and this added much to his anxiety.
The policy of leaving things alone only led from bad to worse, and "the case for intervention is overwhelming."
With the establishment of the belief in ethical immortality this phase of scepticism vanished from the Jewish world, not, however, without leaving behind it works of enduring value.
Schools and levees absorb about half of all revenues, leaving half for the payment of interest on the state debt (bonded debt on 1st of April 1908, $11,108,300) and for expenses of government.
A few shallow salt lakes are filled by rain water, but they dry up on the setting in of the hot weather, leaving a thick crust of salt on their beds, which is used for commercial and domestic purposes.
In the sandy part of the desert beyond this strip of fertility both men and beasts, leaving the beaten path, sink as if in loose snow.
Rosecrans, who on the 3/4 of October 1862 was fiercely attacked here by General Earl von Dorn, whom he repulsed, both sides suffering considerable losses in killed and wounded, and the Confederates leaving many prisoners behind.
Freed from the danger of his brother's attacks, the sultan gave himself up to devotion, leaving to his ministers the conduct of affairs in peace and war.
The new grand vizier, Cicala, by his severity to the soldiers, mainly Asiatics, who had shown cowardice in the battle, drove thousands to desert; and the sultan, who had himself little stomach for the perils of campaigning, returned to Constantinople, leaving the conduct of the war to his generals.
Peace was made in 1639,- leaving the Turco-Persian frontier practically as it now stands.
At this difficult moment the army was obliged to march to the Danube, leaving the government in the hands of men hostile to reform.
By his action during Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion, and later when the British fleet after leaving Constantinople in 1807 proceeded to Egypt, he had to some extent acquired the goodwill of the Turkish government.
Scarcely leaving his troops time to restore their worn-out footgear, or for the cavalry to replace their jaded horses from captured Prussian resources, he set Davout in motion towards Warsaw on the 2nd of November, and the remainder of the army followed in successive echelons as rapidly as they could be despatched.
Meanwhile Bennigsen had prepared for a fresh undertaking, and leaving Lestocq with 20,000 Prussians and Russians to contain Bernadotte, who lay between Braunsberg and Spandau on the Passarge, he moved southwards on the 2nd, and on the 3rd and 4th of June he fell upon Ney, driving him back towards Guttstadt, whilst with the bulk of his force he moved towards Heilsberg, where he threw up an entrenched position.