Leave-home Sentence Examples
This is a great way to browse for a wide range of styles and types without having to leave home!
A child with separation anxiety is not afraid to go to school but is afraid to leave home.
Remember, wearing a hat will do a lot to protect you from the cold, so don't leave home without it.
A person may leave home for medical treatment or short, infrequent absences for non-medical reasons, such as a trip to attend religious services.
Cyber predators who meet young people in Internet chat rooms and convince them to leave home to meet or live with them constitutes a relatively new, but growing, problem.
The children did not understand the magnitude of the fires, so an adult had to explain how important it was to be prepared to leave home quickly.
There are lots of places to shop, and you don't even have to leave home to do it!
Diaper bag-Never leave home without this well-stocked essential.
Students will need a longer battery life while other people who only occasionally leave home with their computer can get by with batteries with a shorter life.
Giving your cat toys is one way to generate some excitement in his life without him having to leave home to find it.
AdvertisementWhether you're a student starting a research project or a professional looking for information for work, you don't have to leave home to find the information you need.
The Hills - This spin-off of Laguna Beach follows characters from the original series as they leave home for the first time and try to make it on their own.
While in most states and cases the legal age for teenagers leaving home is eighteen, some teens leave home when they are as young as sixteen.
While not all teens want to leave home at such a young age, those with family problems, drug addictions, or those who want to go into the military at a younger age than eighteen often will want to escape their parent's home.
The Hills is a spin-off of MTV's Laguna Beach, following the lives of Lauren Conrad and her friends after they leave home and begin their post-high school lives.
AdvertisementA number of different stores and swimwear styles can be browsed from the comfort of your arm chair without having to leave home!
Just where do they find footwear that will keep them cool but not leave them too embarrassed to leave home?
If you travel much for business, then you know how important it is to do your homework before you ever leave home.
Who says you need to leave home to get in a good heart-pumping cardiovascular workout?
A policy may provide coverage from the moment you leave home until you walk back through the door, or it may cover you from the time you leave your home airport until the time you return to the airport.
AdvertisementWomen who wear these shouldn't worry about adjusting their seams all day long; a quick glance in the mirror before you leave home to make sure that line is straight is smart.
Downloading music is a great way to find new music, especially if you want to get your selected music quickly and without having to leave home.
In all of their tuxedo and suit sections, you can mix and match colors of different types of ensembles before you leave home.
The "Turkish" women have in some districts abandoned the veil; but in others they even cover the eyes when they leave home.
The decision to leave home felt momentous, and the drive to California took a week.
AdvertisementPlan your route before you leave home and carry road maps with you.
Fill in with the pencil, add lipstick or lip gloss and you are done!While some consider lip liner as simply a superfluous makeup product, others won't leave home without it.
You should never leave home with out a food treat and some kind of bag to pick up your dog's poop.
You must be homebound, or normally unable to leave home or it takes considerable effort.
Homeschooling cuts time-wasting "filler" activities - For students who leave home each day to attend school, the trip to and from takes time that isn't spent learning.
You also need to consider the size of your family and if you expect it to grow or downsize as kids leave home.