Leave-behind Sentence Examples
Whatever she couldn't get into it, she would simply have to leave behind.
Isn't there anything you'll be sorry to leave behind?
There was little of that in the life he chose to leave behind.
Graduating seniors love collecting autographs from the friends they'll soon leave behind.
If you want to leave behind a legacy, you must work hard to make a change.
People that do great things often leave behind a legacy.
They leave behind large holes and a trail of slime.
Still, they had a right to know about the life he had decided to leave behind.
Some of the most frequent problems storms leave behind are broken windows and doors in need of repair.
He did not, however, leave behind him many scholars of superior faculty.
AdvertisementIn addition, each would leave behind depot troops to form the nucleus on which the 2nd ban Landwehr and the Landsturm would eventually be built up. The total number of units of the three arms in all branches may be stated approximately at 2200 battalions, 780 squadrons and 950 batteries.
Conflicts leave behind debris which can include unexploded artillery shells, anti-vehicle mines, grenades, mortars, rockets and air-delivered bombs.
But can he leave behind his life of crime, or will he be sucked back into the corrupting Parisian underworld?
Council taxpayers should not be paying for clearing up the mess these unsociable people leave behind.
I hope that I can leave behind a legacy that my grandchildren will carry on.
AdvertisementThe best eye makeup removers are formulated to wipe away the mess and leave behind smooth, refreshed, soft skin.
Sadly, even those celebrities who routinely spend hundreds on a gourmet meal and receive top-notch service don't always leave behind a tip.
Fortunately for fans, these stars leave behind legacies in their movies, television shows, musical recordings, and other works.
Electric nail grinders are also available that will use a grinding stone to wear away your dog's nail tips, and they do not leave behind the sharp edges that the previous two trimmers may leave.
A pet deposit is different from the previous types of fees because it is meant to defray the cost of any wear and tear your pet may leave behind.
AdvertisementTicks are little blood sucking pests that can pinch a free meal from you or your pet and leave behind a nasty infection or disease for your tip.
They leave behind a tiny red welt no bigger than the head of a pin, but that bite causes a very intense itch that drives dogs and their human companions crazy.
They leave behind even nails that are short and snag-free without causing your pet to feel any pain.
While they leave behind a messy trail of half eaten leaves, the cabbage plants are for the most part left alone.
Unfortunately, the Celts didn't leave behind very many clues to help us understand what the symbols in their knot designs might represent.
AdvertisementIt also means that you'll have an opportunity to browse the latest fashions, and decide which will look best on you and those that you'd rather leave behind.
If blood flow is hindered for longer than a few seconds, brain cells may die and leave behind permanent damage.
Freeze's family is kidnapped, forcing him right back into the life he is trying to leave behind him.
Throw turtle shells, drop banana peels, and even leave behind a bo-bomb for your opponents.
The sand can be accumulated by defeating enemies and picking up the residue they leave behind.
Many vintage ports also leave behind a sediment.
Sharp cat teeth typically leave behind a deep puncture wound that can reach muscles, tendons, and bones, which are vulnerable to infection because of their comparatively poor blood supply.
Also, look around your seat before exiting the van, so you don't leave behind any personal items.
By paying attention to the details that will easily translate into women's clothing in everyday life, you'll know what to pick up and what to leave behind if you want to be fashion-forward.
While sweeping always seems to leave behind small particles that end up being pushed around by the mop, that wasn't the case with the Shark 2-in-1 model floor cleaner.
To begin, the company claims that this rolling duffle will allow you to bring along all the other things you'd otherwise be forced to leave behind.
There are clues that the Mayans took the findings of Votan very seriously and went to great lengths to leave behind evidence of their beliefs about 2012 for future generations, so that mankind could begin to prepare for the date.
Unfortunately, the Mayans didn't leave behind the most important information, what it all means.
Don't forget to bring a trinket to leave behind you when you find the treasure.
As kids grow and leave behind their preschool years, they also leave behind many of their old toy preferences.
Occasionally, fellow game players will also leave behind small tokens as gifts.
Work with a company to create customized, logo-printed magnets, cups or napkins to leave behind in the offices you do clean in.
If you come to a doctor's office for a visit, leave behind your professional card.
When they do this, they leave behind what is known as a changeling.
Evil fairies are said to steal souls and leave behind a creature known as a changeling.
If you squeeze or pick at a pimple, it can leave behind a red or brownish mark on your skin.
Do not use cleansers that leave behind a tight, dry feeling.
Besides being annoying and sometimes painful, acne can also leave behind scars.
After the battle of Bull Run Jackson spent some time in the further training of his brigade which, to his infinite regret, he was compelled to leave behind him when, in October, he was assigned as a major-general to command in the Shenandoah Valley.
It is chiefly in the " flying " flocks and not in the breeding flocks that the disease is rife, and it is so easily communicable that a drove of scab-infested sheep passing along a road may leave behind them traces sufficient to set up the disorder in a drove of healthy sheep that may follow.
Not every graduate is anxious to leave behind high school.
A small whitehead or blackhead may leave behind a red or brown mark which will diminish over time, but inflamed and pus-filled pimples often result in longer-lasting scars or a pitted appearance.