Leave Sentence Examples
What time are we going to leave tomorrow?
If one of us has to leave, I'll go.
I was just getting ready to leave the house.
Standing, she turned to leave the room.
Why should she leave it now?
Leave the tripod in my care until we get an answer.
He was given four weeks' leave of absence.
Oh, do not leave me here.
If you want to wait until I get off work, I'll try to leave a little early so we won't get back so late.
He might leave again.
AdvertisementWhatever she couldn't get into it, she would simply have to leave behind.
Surely he knew she wouldn't leave him over something that happened before they met.
About thirty minutes later it would return and leave the way it had come.
Leave me alone, then, for a while.
You can't spend your life terrified to leave the house alone.
AdvertisementHe was ill and did not leave his study.
They who come rarely to the woods take some little piece of the forest into their hands to play with by the way, which they leave, either intentionally or accidentally.
I never was so glad to get out of a place as I was to leave that church!
Let's just leave it at that.
Of course, even a greenhorn could follow the wagon tracks they would leave in the sand.
AdvertisementShe was spoiling the men, but her decision to start home from Ashley was going to leave them in the lurch.
Indeed, I am often obliged to coax her to leave an example or a composition.
It would have been easier to run off and leave them.
Brandon still wasn't sure when he would be able to leave the ranch.
Unable to locate him, Cassie had finally agreed to leave the twins with Mr. & Mrs. Hertz, their neighbors.
AdvertisementWe'll leave after the wedding, so you have a couple of days.
She smiled and blushed as he added, "You know, you really could spend the night and leave early tomorrow."
Then turned to leave.
It rang several times and then switched over for her to leave a message.
What makes you think he won.t leave you alone?
You want me to help you leave.
She turned to leave the room and briefly dropped the robe off one side to flash a bare shoulder.
You better leave now.
Sarah and Connor sat in the drawing room when Elisabeth was ready to leave.
Because he was trying to dig up dirt on me so she'd leave.
Friday was usually a hectic day, with people being released, so she was unable to leave early.
We can finish the pumpkins after you leave.
We will have to leave in ten years or so anyway.
Consuelo and her family were the last to leave after offering to help clean up.
I can't bear to leave him now.
You'll need to take a leave of absence.
All right, I'll leave you to it then.
Then maybe you should do the right thing and leave her.
When he arrived, Elisabeth was just about ready to leave for Fairhaven.
Leave me out of this.
I've got to leave them sometime.
Well, I hate to leave, but I'd better get going or I'll miss my plane.
Leave it to Josh to be so callused.
Tell me you don't feel anything for me at all, and I'll leave - and never come back.
But she couldn't leave the farm.
I'm going to leave my truck here so you'll have something to drive.
So where does that leave us in our quest to end disease?
Oh, would that men would leave the city, its splendour and its tumult and its gold, and return to wood and field and simple, honest living!
But to judge what is best--conscription or the militia--we can leave to the supreme authority....
Let's go do the chores one last time before we leave.
We're going to eat before we leave, and you're going to act grateful.
We leave the gateway between the two open, so she can access Hell's magic.
Or did he leave that part out?
Katie hesitated again, afraid to leave her sister after the demons invaded the castle.
I can leave you in there!
Said he.d done what they told him and given them you and the castle so they.d leave him alone.
Jade opened the door to leave when Kris.s voice stopped him.
Tears rose as she realized she was about to leave for good.
He.d left her defenseless when he meant to leave her in peace.
You couldn.t have known Rhyn would leave me.
Evelyn made it sound permanent, as though Kiera would just pick up and leave for another country.
And if you do this, the Council will leave you alone.
Evelyn-- or Romas-- never intended for her to leave.
And I won't leave your side tonight.
You want to leave.
Quiet, woman, if you want to leave.
If Shipton did kill Edith as you say, how did he get her to leave a suicide note?
He wanted to stay home in case the human got out of line, yet Sarah had insisted he leave for the night.
If you decide to leave, I will respect that, but be a gentleman about it.
I have to leave now.
So I've got two choices, take it or leave it, huh?
He didn't press her to leave again.
How did you leave things with her?
You thought I would leave you in my bed and hunt?
She chuckled, "Sarah and Connor would have to leave."
I didn't leave you today.
Please, call me Miriam, and I leave the day after tomorrow.
So when do you plan to leave?
I leave for a few days and you blow up Florida.
If you can help him get to Kris, he.ll call it even and leave you alone.
There had to be somewhere she could go where they.d leave her alone, at least until Gabriel came for her.
Despite telling her he wouldn.t, he dropped into her thoughts to feel a little closer to her and was surprised to find she was packing to leave.
And with Hannah here, I can.t leave the Immortal world with her still in it.
He started to leave, and she stood.
I didn.t want to leave you because of the Immortals or any of that.
Maybe there was a chance he could leave Hell and come back to Kris.
His gaze burned into her, and she held her breath, awaiting his decision of whether or not to leave her alive.
Rhyn watched, not wanting to leave for fear of being alone.
I.m not going to leave her there to the demons!
Leave me here for the demons to guard, if you want.
That time passed with the suffering of his people and the ability of the Council to coerce all his allies but one to leave his side.
She went about her business and was about to leave when the door opened and two beautiful, tall women entered.
What did it matter if she decided to leave and went about doing it her own way?
I get that, but you have my word you will leave this room unscathed within the next day or two.
I don't know why they just can't leave me alone.
You're just going to leave me here?
Shake my hand, introduce yourself and I'll leave you alone if that's what you want.
As she twirled to leave Jackson asked, "Hey, where were you last night?"
Connor said to leave you be.
He almost protested, but thought she might want control of when to leave, so let it be.
Deciding to leave her be and sneak out, he checked over the room one last time, and thought, Not bad.
I decided to leave before doing something to upset you.
He whispered into her hair, "It hurts me to leave you."
Turning to leave, her hands clasped to her face in horror upon noticing the painting.
Will you keep an eye on him for a while and call me if he tries to leave.
I pulled myself together enough to leave, yet I couldn't let you go.
Sarah sat in the drawing room sipping coffee when Jackson and Elisabeth were ready to leave.
Ha, I think I'll leave the piano to you.
She stopped upon seeing Jackson's eyes narrowed in warning to leave this alone.
Connor wants to leave at the crack of dawn.
He didn't leave a single detail out, hoping she would understand how obvious it was that she would not hurt him.
We'll leave the singing to you.
Jackson held Sarah's arm as she turned to leave.
He understood her anxiety stemmed mostly from worrying Connor would leave like Standish had.
The three sat in the kitchenette of the holding cell since Sarah refused to leave Connor, even for a minute.
Do you think I would leave her alone with him if he could hurt her?
Can I get you two anything before I leave?
When no response was forthcoming, he continued, If she were to leave me, it would cause every bit as much pain as leaving my family did.
I'm prepared to leave the pack if that's what they decide.
Why don't I leave you two alone so you can catch up?
You can't leave me, you can't, please!
As Carmen expected, when Alex was ready to leave, he invited Katie to go back with him.
When did he leave?
We're all going to be glad to see you leave.
Not only because it would be a lie, but also because she didn't want him to leave and never come back.
She hated to leave the little doe for them, but maybe their interest in the goat would keep them occupied long enough to get Brutus into the barn.
I wouldn't leave you alone with him for a minute.
So the prisoners resolved to leave their prison at once.
The bully will now be more inclined to leave the kid alone.
On reaching home Pierre gave orders to Evstafey--his head coachman who knew everything, could do anything, and was known to all Moscow--that he would leave that night for the army at Mozhaysk, and that his saddle horses should be sent there.
He waved as he turned it around to leave.
In which case, she needed to get her things and leave.
No wonder he didn't ask her to leave.
I don't want you to leave.
I said I didn't plan to let you leave.
All right, I'll throw a few things together and stow them in your car before I leave.
But he asked me to leave.
Then you don't know if he was merely giving you an opportunity to leave.
One and a half or two if you leave the wagons - and leave tonight.
In an hour or so the storm would abate and they could leave.
Don't you want to eat before we leave?
And here I am, ready to leave.
The stage to Springtown wouldn't leave until the next day.
Cassie had the stage driver leave her things at the station.
I never would have believed he would run off and leave us like that.
They leave them for breeding purposes.
It would be nice to know she could leave the ranch at will without leaving Cade afoot, but she doubted if she would be driving to town soon.
She turned away from the beauty of the ranch, reminding herself that she had made the decision to leave.
It was bad enough that his actions warranted her decision to leave, but now she actually feared him.
If you decide you want to go, you can leave with us tomorrow morning.
I'll leave this here for you.
She could leave and he would never know the difference.
That would leave him free to go alone.
The smartest thing for her to do was to pack up and leave.
She had to leave - the sooner the better.
Loving him was no excuse, because even knowing he didn't love her, she still couldn't find the decency to leave.
If you want me to leave you alone, it's done.
After breakfast tomorrow she would leave.
The ugly feeling was beginning to leave, but there was still that other thing.
If that wasn't an option, it was time to leave.
I should have moved away, but I couldn't stand to leave the ranch.
He made no move to leave.
Today, we leave this rustic life and move to the city.
Betsy wants to leave by seven tomorrow morning so we won't get back too late.
We decided to leave the house and reconnoiter at a local restaurant, one that served wine.
Can we do one more before you leave?
It's after hours but you can leave word.
If you want to speak to an agent, you best leave your number.
After a brief discussion we decided to telephone first and leave the visit option on the table, at least for now.
Defense attorneys alone will leave no stone unturned to find you.
We haven't discussed giving it up; only taking a short leave to have our baby.
He remained content to leave such criminal havoc in the hands of the police.
Can Howard have an hour off to show me around Keene before I leave?
I'm sure some trusting farm folk will leave a door unlocked or a window open for my pleasure, for my endless possibilities.
Let's leave it this way; I'll not pry if you're forthcoming.
Don't leave me here alone with that mad man on the loose!
She'll drive Howie's car back to Boston and leave the car at the airport and fly out this evening.
Leave it until morning; late morning.
Over their shoulder I saw Martha leave, with little Claire in her arms.
I must be sure before I strike and not leave the psychic one behind to torment me.
Stick to your crystal ball and leave the detective work to me.
Leave the guy alone until we get him to the hospital.
He turned to leave.
I'd leave that up to his cousin Martha.
Quinn is coming back east from Santa Barbara so they can leave together as a family.
She says she hates to leave what she has here in Keene.
Why did they leave us; they were his friends?
According to Betsy, on the note Martha left, she said Quinn was coming back east to meet up with his wife and daughter and leave from here.
Quinn must have insisted they leave the way they did.
We wouldn't leave like that, would we; without telling the others?
Did he leave you a note?
I'll dispense with her immediately and find a roadside grave once I leave the area.
I said as I moved to leave.
I'd never stop crying if I had to leave.
I can't get Howie to leave and I miss Molly.
I keep asking him to get the plane tickets so we could leave but he wants to talk to some distant relatives who don't want to talk to him.
Howie refuses to leave without taking all those machines with him.
He swears he won't leave them behind.
No way will I leave it.
She won't leave Howie alone.
While I followed them shopping I never imagined I'd be allotted the opportunity accomplish a daring strike so successfully and leave without a trace!
He was annoying, and she wanted him to leave her alone.
I'd use the wrong towel or leave a dish out, and then you'd be threatening to kill me again.
He should walk away, leave her to figure things out, and finish what he needed to this morning.
Dusty said I have to leave the cat with you.
I'll check with him to see if I can leave you my number.
He faced her when she said nothing in response and didn't leave his bedroom.
Next time, it'll cost you to leave my bed.
Of all the places he had to be, this wasn't one of them, and yet, he couldn't leave this time.
He didn't have time for this, but he still couldn't find the will to leave her.
I can't leave all my equipment!
It makes no sense, but I couldn't ever leave that night behind.
He sensed he'd upset her, but she didn't leave, just squeezed him tighter.
I'll leave dinner in the oven.
He hung up and lifted his chin at Speck, who obeyed the silent command to leave.
None of us can leave without the others.
I told you not to leave Sofi, came the chiding reply.
You need to leave, Darian.
Jonny, we can't leave him!
She knew she'd have to leave him.
She knew she needed to leave him but couldn't find it in her to abandon the only place she'd ever felt safe.
Come with me for just a moment, and I'll leave you to the rest of the evening.
But there was another reason she dared not leave her father, one she feared voicing even to the man before her.
Yully rose and dressed herself, preparing herself mentally to tell Jule she had to leave him.
Spirits dampened, Jule watched Rourk leave for the pub before Transporting himself to the forest side of the Other's property.
Tell Dusty not to blow everything up, and leave the vamp alone, Damian said.
Leave me alone, Xander.
Go forth and leave me be, The Jake.
Until you can prove you've got some damn disease, you're on leave without pay.
Why don't you leave me your name, and if Mr. Bylun believes it in his best interest, he'll return your call.
Then leave me alone.
We'll leave it at that for now.
Please don't leave me.
The man in her head just wouldn't leave her alone.
Angry, she turned to leave when Damian's door opened.
Darian wouldn't leave her alone.
Dusty caught his arm and motioned for those in the library to leave.
So, if Lon said something stupid to you, you could toss him into the air and leave him there until he agreed to treat you with an ounce of respect.
And if he didn't, you could leave him there and do whatever the hell you wanted for the day?
Rainy would have come, but he won't leave her side.
I promise not to leave.
Leave her out of this, Claire.
Jule, we'll leave for the European front tomorrow.
Good. Leave him here with me.
She shivered, not wanting to imagine what Darkyn was capable of or how hard it might be to outmaneuver him to leave Hell.
As long as we leave some for him.
He'd said she had a chance not only to leave, but also to help save Gabriel's life, if she did exactly as Darkyn said.
That slim chance you leave here becomes no chance.
Now you want to make sure I never leave!
Tell me what you want or just leave me alone!
Will you leave me alone now?
If you leave, you won't stay away long or go far.
She sought a safer topic, one that wouldn't leave her ready to scream.
Or I'll never leave Hell.
He motioned for the Immortal behind her to leave.
If you are pleased enough about your victory, you will grant me leave to show you.
She expected Darkyn to have severed her ability to leave.
And leave you in Hell with him?
I'll leave it at that.
What if the silly, innocent, clueless little girl you spent years lying to actually had something that you need to leave here?
What's it worth for you to be able to leave here?
You don't think you'll ever leave Hell.
Are you allowed to leave Hell?
Her heart beat rapidly at what it meant to surrender what had been her one hope to leave Hell.
Deidre watched him leave.
If I'm going to be your campaign manager, leave the business to me.
I guess I can leave the same way.
Dean grabbed the near-empty plate, salvaging the few remaining morsels while Pumpkin was searching for more empty pockets to fill as he rose to leave.
I was sorry to see Caleb leave.
Your bosom buddy Jake's on a short leave.
As he was about to leave, Brandon Westlake returned with Cynthia and, being sympathetic to his labors, volunteered to ferry the returning swimmers back to Bird Song.
I didn't leave SB the Owl behind because I didn't love him.
While you guys straighten the business end, I'll just leave this junk here.
He turned to leave, grabbing a protesting Ginger by the arm.
While the Deans didn't like to leave Bird Song unattended, occasionally it was unavoidable.
By the time they were ready to leave, all of Bird Song was up and about, scurrying around like mice in a cheese shop.
When their breath returned to a more normal cadence and they were no longer perspiring, they rose to leave.
They'd delayed in Ouray just long enough to attend the auction and planned to leave immediately afterward for their next stop, the Grand Canyon.
It wouldn't be very smart to leave the body in your own mine property.
Once again they lapsed into silence, but again Jennifer Radisson made no move to leave.
She patted his arm as she rose to leave.
It was blocked by other vehicles and would require considerable maneuvering before she could leave.
Dean's Jeep was at the uphill end of the line of cluttered vehicles and Lydia Larkin was long gone by the time he was free to leave.
He had no alternative but to leave.
Dean took that as his clue to leave and did so.
Groucho couldn't wait to leave and after a call-us-if-you-hear-anything speech, he handed out a business card to each of the Deans.
He rose to leave and then added, Whatever the age of that skeleton, the facts still remain that someone swapped the bones, someone stole the finger and 'metalman29' was offering an inflated price for the mine.
He had neither authority nor right to ignore her emphatic command that he leave her place and remain silent about what he'd seen.
You might want to leave this alone for now.
Kathleen and Fred were finishing the paper work and Dean readied to leave.
I knew we couldn't get away for long but Patsy needed to leave and wanted me to go with her.
Fitzgerald still had not reported to Denver but it was now thought he'd taken a few days of leave to sort things out.
But leave your damned radio on!
He didn't leave a note.
Somewhat, but I had to take the chance that they would be accepted as props and leave it at that.
The next day we were supposed to leave to go back home, so we just did.
It was safer to leave him in the mine.
The demon would leave nothing to chance, especially not the claiming of his mate.
You leave Hell a human in every way.
Then you don't leave.
Then you may leave.
How badly do you want to leave Hell?
If you succeed, you leave.
Either way, she will not leave Hell.
Deidre stayed for a moment then decided to leave, more interested in exploring the world than waiting long enough to see what happened.
Leave, before I take matters into my own hands.
The pain faded then stopped suddenly, but she wasn't able to leave the in-between place.
She waited her whole life for this moment, and all she was able to do was watch him leave her.
I mean, I couldn't leave Hell with any deity powers and um, basically only one of us left.
He expected her to push him away and slap him, and he was prepared to leave and remain furious at her for the next week or two.
You may not want to leave the fortress.
She turned to leave, suspecting she didn't have much time before Cora returned and raised the alarm about her being gone.
There was little of that in the life he chose to leave behind.
He always eats the grain I leave for him.
You said he knew you planned to leave after the baby was born.
Alex usually insisted they leave the mare alone, only checking on her now and then.
But then, Lori surely wouldn't be interested in him now, in his condition... unless she thought he might die and leave her something.
I'm on leave right now.
The crisp cotton material moved around smoothly as she turned to leave the room.
When they were getting ready to leave, Alex took Destiny from Carmen's arms and opened the door for her.
Leave it to a man to avoid expressing how he felt, but it had to make him feel less of a man.
I'll check before I leave you and the kids alone to make a trip.
I can't tell you how many times I've had a hen set until the last few days and then leave the nest, spoiling the eggs.
I think he feels guilty for wanting to leave his dying girlfriend.
Leave out the one you got me for my birthday.
Maybe you all can go with me to the beach and we'll leave him at home.
It wasn't like past-Death to leave something a mess.
Fate wasn't going to leave him alone, but this door … Gabriel stepped back.
By Saturday morning, Deidre was certain she never wanted to leave the ocean.
Deidre stood to leave.
This was a good opportunity to leave.
I was granted leave.
He'd probably storm out and leave her.
He should leave you alone, Gabriel agreed.
Gabe waited a few more minutes then forced himself to leave.
She'd broken down for weeks, sobbing and refusing to leave her house.
I want to get my stuff and leave.
She changed into her own clothes and gathered the most important of her belongings before bracing herself to leave the room.
I'll leave the coffee for you and check in later to make sure you haven't decided to act prematurely.
Nothing can get you here, which is why I'm not allowed to leave.
Okay. You probably won't consider taking me with you when you leave here?
Maybe when he's stabilized, he can leave Hell.
The death dealer shifted but didn't leave, and Rhyn looked again at the corner.
Second, find out when the general manager of the fast food joint where she worked was returning from maternity leave.
How could you leave him on the train?
You probably did something stupid like leave Toby on the train.