Leasehold Sentence Examples
In Latium leasehold and farming by landlords prevail, but cases of, nezzadria and of improvement farms exist.
Wherever corn is cultivated, leasehold predominates.
In the Abruzzi and in Apulia leasehold is predominant.
Leasehold, varying from four to six years for arable land and from six to eighteen years for forest-land, prevails also in Campania, Basilicata and Calabria.
In Sicily leasehold prevails under special conditions.
In pure leasehold the landlord demands at least six months rent as guarantee, and the forfeiture of any fortuitous advantages.
The greater part of the land in this section was comprised in vast estates such as Rensselaerwyck, Livingston, Scarsdale, Phillipse, Pelham and Van Cortlandt manors, and on these the leasehold system with perpetual leases, leases for 99 years or leases for one to three lives had become general.
The legislature passed several measures for the destruction of the leasehold system, and under the pressure of public opinion the great landlords rapidly sold their farms.'
Sixteen million acres were in 1907 already held in freehold, as against about six million acres rented from the state on permanent leasehold.
In 1894 was passed the Advances to Settlers Act, under which state money-lending to farmers on mortgage of freehold or leasehold land was at once begun.
AdvertisementElectors of the council must be natural-born or naturalized subjects of the king, twenty-one years of age, resident in Tasmania for twelve months, and possessing a freehold of the annual value of £ro or a leasehold of the annual value of 30 within the electoral district; the property qualification being waived in the case of persons with university degrees or belonging to certain professions.
None of these plans were realized fully until Warner acquired the long leasehold of the building in 1994.
All flats are sold leasehold with a lease of 125 years.
A final question - Should I buy a leasehold flat?
A tenant or a small farmer might have a leasehold or a freehold worth several hundred pounds.
AdvertisementAppointing the Official Custodian for Charities Land holding Service to hold a leasehold or freehold property.
Back up ^^ 2 We define real estate as property, including leasehold and freehold interest, and its improvements.
The tenure of the property is declared, which will usually be either freehold, leasehold or commonhold.
A long leasehold or share of freehold interest would be offered.
We are experienced in selling all types of businesses, both large & small, leasehold & freehold.
AdvertisementTip - Look to buy somewhere with over 85 years leasehold Legal This is the legal work required for buying and selling a property.
I've been caught up in one of those nightmare leasehold situations.
Owner for this purpose includes mortgagee or a person having a leasehold interest or tenancy with 7 or more years to run.
In England and Wales tenants of commercial leasehold property have various statutory protections.
The Halifax College site to the south of the Heslington West campus has a leasehold tenure.
AdvertisementJeff is also a professional member of the Residential Property tribunal Service (RPTS) and sits on leasehold valuation tribunals.
Jeff is also a professional member of the Residential Property Tribunal Service (RPTS) and sits on leasehold valuation tribunals.
In the provinces of Foggia and Lecce long leases (up to twenty-nine years) are granted, but in them it is explicitly declared that they do not imply enfiteusi (perpetual leasehold), nor any other form of contract equivalent to co-proprietorship. Mezzadria is rarely resorted to.
A - The purchase of a freehold or leasehold is almost certainly out of the question.
Funds may be used for land acquisition, or to buy a leasehold interest in a site.
You may be required to buy land or a building, or lease, pay security deposits, and be responsible for leasehold improvements performed by the building owner who will factor these additional costs into rent.
The franchisor may reimburse you for leasehold improvements about $5,000 to $30,000 as a set fee.
The Grove is a private retirement scheme built in 1990 offering leasehold flats for people aged 60 and over.