Leaping Sentence Examples
She whirled, heart leaping at the sound.
Semper, pursued as food by the leaping fish Periophthalmus, and the dorsal eyes are of especial value to them in aiding them to escape from this enemy.
Through these gorges dash magnificent cascades, others leaping the escarpments of the plateaus in waterfalls of great volume and depth.
Elise shouted, leaping atop the nearest boulder with her laser aimed at him.
She whirled, her heart leaping.
He could think of nothing more appealing than kicking his mate's ass, as much for leaping off the building as for making him feel what he did when he saw her jump.
If these spark balls are set at the right distance, then when the potential difference accumulates the antenna will be charged and at some stage suddenly discharged by the discharge leaping across the spark gap. This was Marconi's original method, and the plan is still used under the name of the direct method of excitation or the plain antenna.
At the left bank of the river is the Eastern Cataract, a millrace resembling the Leaping Water.
Semnopithecus schistaceus was found by Captain Hutton at an elevation of 11,000 feet in the Himalayas, leaping actively among fir-trees whose branches were laden with snow-wreaths.
They show, for example, that his extraordinary exuberances were unforced, leaping by natural impulse from an overcharged source.
AdvertisementJenn shifted her weight and rolled into a somersault, leaping up before he could pin her.
Puma's hats all feature their cat logo leaping from the left-hand corner at the brim, making for a striking look.
She turned and gasped, heart leaping to see the death dealer lingering like the shadow he was in the middle of her living room.
She picked her way through the first few steps, startled when he launched himself at a tree, clawed his way up, and bypassed the muddy section by leaping to the next tree.
She grabbed her purse and followed him to the truck, leaping in quickly so he could close the door and get around to his side.
AdvertisementThen she joined the fun, leaping and lashing her feet into the air as she twisted her belly toward the sun.
Plunging through drifts, leaping hollows, swooping down upon the lake, we would shoot across its gleaming surface to the opposite bank.
Some one balances the toboggan on the very crest of the hill, while we get on, and when we are ready, off we dash down the side of the hill in a headlong rush, and, leaping a projection, plunge into a snow-drift and go swimming far across the pond at a tremendous rate!...
Rapidly leaping the furrows, he fled across the field with the impetuosity he used to show at catchplay, now and then turning his good-natured, pale, young face to look back.
The advantage of position being thus lost, the Spanish infantry rose and flung itself on the attackers; the landsknechts and the French bands were disordered by the fury of the counterstroke, being unaccustomed to deal with the swift, leaping, and crouching attack of swordsmen with bucklers.
AdvertisementThey associate in parties and are mainly arboreal, leaping from bough to bough with an agility that suggests flying through the air.
The rider's body must be always clOse to the saddle in leaping, for if he were jerked up, the weight of say only a 10stone man coming down on the horse a couple of seconds after he has negotiated a large fence is sufficient to throw the animal down.
There are generally nineteen dorso-lumbar vertebrae (thirteen thoracic and six lumbar), the form of which varies in different genera; in the cursorial and leaping species the lumbar transverse processes are generally very long, and in the hares there are large compressed inferior spines, or hypapophyses.
The Dipodinae, on the other hand, are leaping rodents, with the metatarsals elongated, a small upper premolar present or absent, and the crowns of the molars tall.
They are small longsnouted gerbil-like animals, mainly nocturnal, feeding on insects, and characterized by the great length of the metatarsal bones, which have been modified in accordance with their leaping mode of progression.
AdvertisementDr Warton, in his observations upon Pope's line, "Unthought-of frailties cheat us in the wise," says, "Who could imagine that Locke was fond of romances; that Newton once studied astrology; that Dr Clarke valued himself on his agility, and frequently amused himself in a private room of his house in leaping over the tables and chairs ?"
The marked curvature of the vertebral column, by breaking the shock to the neck and head in running and leaping, likewise favours the erect position.
The meagre accounts of his life which we possess have been supplemented by numerous popular legends, which represent him as a continuous worker of miracles, and describe his marvellous eloquence by pictures of fishes leaping out of the water to hear him.
They carry the head and neck low and the hind-quarters high, their action in running being peculiar and not elegant, somewhat resembling the pace of a sheep. Though with no power of sustained speed or extensive leaping, they are remarkable fOr flexibility of body and facility of creeping through tangled underwood.
Once repeated, the horse came to a halt in a cloud of dust, Alex leaping off before it settled.
They really got the crowd moving with their onstage antics, leaping into the air at every chance.
The aim is to reach the extreme right as quickly as possible by leaping from one political bandwagon to the next.
A devastating corner by Kavanagh found Thorne leaping above his markers to nod the ball into Delaney's bottom left-hand corner from six yards.
She was leaping for them, when Van Helsing sprang forward and held between them his little golden crucifix.
He described preparing for Escamillo as getting ready for a 70s disco, donning the gold pants and leaping as high as you can.
Increasingly, too, more and more unexpected kinds of people are leaping the footlights and taking to the stage themselves.
The leaping bronze frog perfectly set off this garden - it was a nice touch.
They were leaping quite high out of the water at times and many gannets were diving in the area.
She often thinks back nostalgically to carefree days, leaping through the Suffolk grasslands like a young gazelle.
By results, ' truth flashing on the soul like a flame kindled by a leaping spark ' .
Powell slashed him with his bowie knife before leaping onto Seward's bed and repeatedly stabbed him.
One could hear the swift, soft, bounding steps coming along the corridor, like the pads of a fleeing and leaping panther.
For example leaping onto an aerial runway, riding a bike on parapet, balancing on a high beam.
He talked of trout and Tweed, Tay and Teviot, Highland lochs and leaping salmon.
They were then arboreal; but they speedily entered upon a rapid, although short-lived, course of evolution, during which leaping terrestrial forms like the kangaroos were developed.
Examples of Selenops (Clubionidae) lie flat and absolutely still on the bark of trees, to which their coloration assimilates, and spring like a flash of light upon any insect that touches their legs; the Lycosidae dart swiftly upon their prey; and the Salticidae, which compared with other spiders have keen powers of vision, stealthily stalk it to within leaping distance, then, gathering their legs together, cover the intervening space with a spring and with unerring aim seize it and bury their fangs in its body.
Other features reminiscent of the original barbarous rites in the primitive caverns of the East, no doubt also occupied a place in the cult; bandaging of eyes, binding of hands with the intestines of a fowl, leaping over a ditch filled with water, witnessing a simulated murder, are mentioned by the Pseudo-Augustine; and the manipulation of lights in the crypt, the administration of oaths, and the repetition of the sacred formulae, all contributed toward inducing a state of ecstatic exaltation.
I see them leaping from the stage, all hair extensions and spandex suits, off to do battle with demons.
Observe the seals sunbathing on the rocks and the dolphins leaping !
Although most times these cat videos are less gripping than a cat leaping before an eighteen-wheeler, the truth is that many individuals are captivated by the sight of a kitten merely chasing a butterfly.
As we greeted our guests, several told us that dolphins had been leaping in the water behind our ocean view altar, making the occasion even more perfect.
The typical engaged couple doesn't want a fondant dolphin leaping over the top of their cake or a jagged crab crawling along its edges.
First, Cruise's outrageous behavior over the past year, like leaping on Oprah's couch to proclaim his love of Katie Holmes and his criticism of psychiatry and medications, has dropped him from the Hollywood darlings list.
So, the "Dive of Death" was basically Blaine leaping off a platform, attached to a harness.
Puma's leaping cat is on the left side thigh.
By getting a running start, leaping and wagging his tail, Mario could fly for a short amount of time.
The meat of any Prince of Persia game has the prince leaping across pits, climbing walls and swinging from poles to reach his goal.
Personalized characters - Seed has a deep character creating engine that allows players to fine-tune appearance and starting skills before leaping into the game.
Thanks to the effects of the Twilight Realm, Link can also turn into a wolf and use abilities such as digging, leaping across great distances, and a wonderful group attack that swats enemies in a small radius.
Paso Robles has more of a cowboy town edge to it but makes a convenient leaping point into the local wine area.
Since most guys love to grill, it has something to do with the leaping flames, finding a grill master shouldn't be a problem.
Danced by men, this is a vigorous, leaping dance, with complex patterns and rhythms played both on their own "armor" and each others bodies!
Drag your left foot in behind it so it "kicks" the right, leaping up into the air as the feet touch.
Before leaping onto the interest only ARM bandwagon, however, you should first consider if this mortgage product is really the best fit for your needs.
A leaping frog origami design is one of the most creative and enjoyable origami projects.
Several ways exist to make the leaping frog.
The steps to creating this leaping frog are available at the website.
To make a leaping frog origami creation, consider the following steps listed below.
When creating a jumping or leaping origami frog, remember that the stiffer the paper you use is, the more elevation and distance the frog will get when jumping.
Origami frogs are fun to make, and the leaping origami frogs make a great group toy.
It adds Star Wars characters like Yoda and Darth Vader and abilities like leaping, slashing and jumping to the basic Stratego game.
This theme is best for a large party, as there can be upwards of 78 separate assignments (12 lords leaping, etc).
A woman driving near Delavan, WI (about 35 miles from the site of the 1936 Shackelman sighting) reported seeing a dark, hairy creature running towards her and leaping onto her trunk.
Bloch is a well-known name in the world of fancy footwork and the company outfits some of the busiest feet on the planet with a full line of quality shoes that keeps wearers leaping high and tapping in rhythm.
Those with rheumatoid arthritis often begin with breathing and relaxation exercises before leaping into simple Hatha poses.
The University logo - the leaping dolphin - was introduced in November 1990.
Their job is to ensure that the number of young people leaping the hurdle increases year on year.
Leaping on the bed, which was now in her room at the Giddon home, she bounced up to the window.
Now, he could deliver what he'd always promised-- a life together-- yet she didn't feel like leaping for joy like she would've a year ago.
He shook his head and turned back to Carmen, leaping the fence again in a single bound.
Leaping, quoitthrowing, javelin-throwing, running and wrestling were combined in the pentathlon.
Apobates was the name given to the companion of the charioteer, who showed his skill by leaping out of the chariot and up again while the horses were going at full speed.
In physics you wisely note, and therein I agree with you, that after the notions of the first class and the axioms concerning them have been by induction well made out and defined, syllogism may be applied safely; only it must be restrained from leaping at once to the most general notions, and progress must be made through a fit succession of steps."
A similar instance is that of Lycurgus, a Thracian king, from whose attack Dionysus saved himself by leaping into the sea, where he was kindly received by Thetis.
When disturbed, they start off with enormous bounds of eight or ten feet in length, which soon diminish to three or four; and in leaping the feet scarcely seem to touch the ground.
Finally, in the night, she killed Atli himself and burned his hall; then, leaping into the sea, she was carried by the waves to new scenes, where she had adventures not connected with those recorded in the Nibelungenlied.
They decide to try leaping through a flaming hoop.
Permission was given for dancing, archery, leaping, vaulting and other harmless recreations, and of "having of May games, Whitsun ales and morris dances, and the setting up of May-poles and other sports therewith used, so as the same may be had in due and convenient time without impediment or neglect of divine service, and that women shall have leave to carry rushes to church for the decorating of it."
Three frolicsome little streams ran through it from springs in the rocks above, leaping here and tumbling there in laughing cascades wherever the rocks tried to bar their way.
Croatia is leaping ahead with plans for touristic development.
He was exceedingly fond of horses and hunting, leaping ditches prudently avoided by the foreign ambassadors.
On the 12th of July 1789 Camille, leaping upon a table outside one of the cafes in the garden of the_ Palais Royal, announced to the crowd the dismissal of their favourite.
As a result, the isotherms of July are strongly convex poleward as they cross the United States, the isotherm of 70 Sweeping up to the northern boundary in the north-west, and the heat equator leaping to the overheated deserts of the south-west, where the July mean is over 90.